aaliyah gross

Post on 12-Nov-2014






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AthleteI 've been

cheerleading since I was 5 years old. I really enjoy this sport because its very challenging and it gives me something to work for. It makes me have better sportsmanship and it helps me understand to work with my team mates. I also like cheerleading because its basically just a way of life for me. I hope I cant continue to cheer for a long time.

Best friends!

I love my best friends. Their names are Jacee, Tatum, Monique and, Chantelle. I can trust them with my life & they never let me down. I'm talking to them everyday all day & I'm not sure what I would do without them. We are all different & all have our own ways of doing things , but that’s good cause we get along so much better than if we were all alike because opposites attract. At the end of the day I love each and every one of them.

Chantelle I don’t even know where to start. I don’t consider chantelle my best friend I consider her my sister. She's always there for me when I'm sad , happy and , mad. She's hilarious and very sweet too! She's beautiful but she can be kind of self-conscious sometimes. Chantelle is a big part of my life and I honestly hope that we stay this close forever.

Daddy Daughter Dance

This daddy daughter dance was very special to me. It was in fifth grade and my baby brother was born right around this special event. It was my last one & I couldn’t wait to arrive with my dad. But he couldn't make it cause my baby brother had just been born. I had nobody to go with but luckily my moms boyfriend was willing to go with me. Larry not even my real dad took me to this special event & ill always love him for that. This made me realize that I actually meant something to him.


Family. Everybody needs it. Family cares & loves for you no matter what. My family has gone threw a lot but no matter what we will always be there for each other threw thick & thin. I love my family to the moon & back! We have our funny moments, are sad moments ,but most of all we have those moments that I could never forget. I love my family and would do anything for them. Even though they can get a bit aggravating I just have to deal with it because no family is perfect.

Grossman• This slide is very different. It is

about my amazing sixth grade teacher Mr. Grossman. He made my first year in sky view unforgettable! With all the ways that he has taught me new things & made things that I already knew 10 times easier. He was not only my teacher but he was my friend. Some people think that that’s bad but in reality it is very important to have. I hope every student that has him realizes how much this one teacher will greatly impact their lives. Its sad to say I left sixth grade two years ago. But one thing ill never do is forget Mr. Grossman.

Khalifa Concert This is the time that I went to

a concert to go see one of my favorite rappers. Wiz Khalifa. As you can see I went with my two best friends Brianna & Monique. This was a day I will never forget ! I was so close to him & it was literally one of the best days of my life! I got so many pictures & it wasn’t only Wiz Khalifa! Mac Miller & Chiddy bang were there to. Even though I don’t really listen to the other two it was still fun cause I couldn’t wait till wiz khalifa came out. When he did come on the stage I couldn’t even move! I was so shocked that I was actually at his concert! Wiz khalifa might not Do to many good things but I enjoy listening to many of his songs & I will never forget the time I went to a wiz khalifa concert!

Monique– Monique, there's nobody

else out there like her. I call her when I need a laugh or even somebody to just talk to. She helps me with everything. She's beautiful & hilarious! She has really made a big impact on my life and honestly I'm not sure what I would do without her. A best friend is somebody who's always there for you no matter what & Monique exceeds that to the limit. She's not my friend . Not even my best friend. She is my sister.

Oh! Its Brianna

– Oh. Brianna! See that girl to the right? Yeah that’s my best friend. She gets on my nerves. Maybe she even makes me think twice about why I'm her friend but I always look past that. Brianna & I have been threw a lot good and bad. But I always forgive her because I've known her since 1st grade ! Even better than that she's my cousin. I love her and wouldn’t trade her for anything or anybody. This girl is literally irreplaceable.

Pool Party!

– This slide is basically about one of the times that me and all my friends were hanging out! We had a pool party at my friends Chantelle’s house and it was so much fun! It brought a lot of us closer to each other and now I'm really good friends with some of the people that went to the party. It was the last day of 7 th grade and we all just wanted to have some fun even though it was too sunny out we still made the best of it and ill always remember the last day of 7th grade!

Home There's no place like home. Home is where I can just be myself and not be judged for anything I do! I love my home its just right for my family and I. its warm and cozy and I just love it! I love my room because its colorful and it perfectly describes me. My kitchen is always clean and organized except the floor just isn't that nice! my bathroom is just a regular bathroom. My living room has a long couch and I go there when I just want to relax with my family. I love my home and I hope It stays the way that it does!

Trip To Cape Cod

This is about the time that I went to Cape Cod with one of my best friends over the summer. This was the first time I went on vacation with just my friend and her family so I got a bit homesick. Even though I was homesick I still made the best of it. We went to the beach everyday and took so many pictures I could make a book! I really enjoyed going with her cause she is my best friend and we were going to Cape Cod for a week! This trip brought us so much closer and it was so much fun going to the beaches and the restaurants and all that stuff. I hope that we can do this again next summer.

QuoteWhy did I pick this

quote you may ask? What does a 13 year old know about this type of stuff. Well its not what I know its what I feel. I picked this quote because it makes me realize that not all things have to be seen in order to love them. Its what the heart feels and wants not what the eyes do. I can think of so many things when I read this quote and I thought I should just share it with you.

Rayshawn Link This is my dad. We've been threw a lot. Just at 10 months old he stopped seeing me and calling my mom to check up on me so than I started getting use to calling my brother’s dad my dad. But just recently he has come back into my life. I'm with him a lot more than I use to be and he's really starting to own up to the job. Since I was born when my parents were in high school he might of just been overwhelmed but no matter what he's my dad and I love him. He does a lot he takes care of me helps me and something cool is he plays football! He's great at what he does and I'm happy that he Is starting to realize that he needs to be a father. I love my dad and everything about him.

Leominster High School

Its that time. When the middle school students are growing up and the eighth graders go to high school. Next year I will be attending Leominster High School and I am very nervous. It’s a new environment new people new learning and new teachers! Its going to be a lot different than what I’m use to but I hope its not to challenging. I hope Leominster high school will help me get to where I need to be when I graduate and I have a feeling that it will.

Uncle Jake

This is about my uncle. He is 18 and is currently a senior at Athol high school. He's not like the typical 18 year old . He's one of those country kids. He likes to dirt bike, he wears cowboy hats. He even wears the boots and the plaid shirts! He drives a real old car but since he works on type of things like that now it looks really nice! But one sad thing is he had started to get head aches a couple months ago they started to become really bad so my Grammy had taken him to the hospital. They found out he had a brain tumor. It was really sad but they are working to get him better. I love my uncle Jake. He's funny and nobody could be as great of an uncle as he is.

Wittle Brother

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