ab psychology

Post on 18-Nov-2014






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Nina Carmela V. Almeda

AB Psychology

Nins is a people-person who is able to endear herself to all whom she meets. Not only that, I think some of her best features are being able to speak out, express herself and stand for what she believes in. When you need a delicious meal, Nina’s cooking must never be missed out for she is a culinary expert. Saying ‘no’ may be the hardest word she can utter because Nins would never hesitate to help a friend in any way she can. When your days get gloomy and hopeless, hearing her laughter or even just her voice is already an assurance that everything’s going to be all right. More than that, however, is Nina’s deep concern for other people especially the poor. She has established rapport with the marginalized in her area in AtSCA, with the patients at TMC. All these cannot explain who Nins really is, but if there’s one thing, she is a model to look up to…and a friend one can always rely on. Certainly, she is Magis personified.


Selena Angelica P. Angtuaco

AB Psychology

Along these 15 linesI try to paint a personWith infinite wordsTo color the portraitOf her lifeFrom others’ eyes.As I write thisKnowing very muchThat my wordsWon’t do her justiceI realized thatI haven’t done enoughAnd I have done just enoughBy not confining through my wordsSelange.


Maria Roberta Assumpta D. Anonas

AB Psychology

How does one begin to describe Roberta? It is not an easy task, believe me. Perhaps it is because Roberta is not your average everyday girl. In a way, she defies description. She is a walking contradiction of sorts. She is a fantastic ballerina, and yet she has had her share of moments of clumsiness (which, exhibiting her healthy sense of humor, she laughs off heartily). She is what one might call a “health buff”, and a yoga enthusiast, yet one never sees her without also seeing a bag of sweets in her hand.

Roberta is someone whose strong personality matches her drive to do exceptionally well in all her endeavors. Certainly, a good conversation or argument will be enough to keep this lady on her toes. Roberta is a force to be reckoned with, but she does not take herself too seriously. A truly unique person of substance, grace, and intelligence, Roberta definitely leaves a mark in the hearts of all whom she meets.


Maria Naomi E. Antonio

AB Psychology

Niña…truly an exceptional character: 1. One of the few you can talk sense with. Shy & reserved but never runs out of things to talk about. 2. An artist. She was born w/ a knack for creativity. 3. Resilient. She’s encountered many trials but hurdled past them. Still standing & stronger than ever, she’s been through hell & back. I’m proud to say that she endured. 4. A multi-tasker. She can work, study but find time for her family & friends. Works hard & plays harder! 5. Beauty & brains all rolled into one. 6. Goal-oriented. She has many accomplishments under her belt. She even has a checklist of what she wants to achieve. 7. The early one. If you think she’s always late, you’re wrong, she’s just on time…in her own time! 8. A loyal friend & shoulder you can lean on. Many value her opinion. 9. The adventurous one. Always ready to take risks. 10. An excellent companion in any “girly” activity. 11. The list can go on & on but only one word can describe her...sublime. Niña is absolutely, perfectly and completely sublime.


Marjorie V. Balderas

AB Psychology

Just about everyone would describe her as someone quiet and sweet. She is a woman of few words but when she speaks though, she talks a lot of sense. People like going to her when they have problems because she listens and advises well. She shows people the true meaning of friendship, as she would stick by you whatever happens. She’ll even laugh and cry with you.

In school, her grades reflect how hardworking she is. At home, I’d say she’s more than responsible. Her love for her family is unquestionable. As a woman of great determination and perseverance Marj makes her dreams come true. Probably, everyone interested in losing weight would want to know the secret behind her now-slim body.

Marj is a good daughter, a good friend, and most of all a good follower of Christ. Her fear of and faith in God have equipped her in dealing with life. She is God’s gift to people. Marj inspires and touches lives. She is kind, compassionate and constantly finds ways to serve others.


Trisha Anne Marie R. Banaag

AB Psychology

When Tami enters a room, you just know that there is something about her that captures your heart. She may look quite intimidating but everyone who faces the challenge to get to know her will sure see a very friendly, down to earth and sweet person. Once you’re her pal, she makes it a point to actually greet you whether you’re just a classmate or her best friend. Tami has all the attributes everyone looks for in a friend. She’ll go out of her way just to help you without expecting anything in return. She is always full of laughter and enthusiasm but she also knows when its time to be serious. She fights for her convictions but humbles herself when necessary. She is very responsible when it comes to her studies. The fact that she makes it in the dean’s list every other semester makes everyone agree that she’ll make it great someday. With her loving hunk boyfriend Arvin, she couldn’t ask for anything more. There are so many things to say about this girl but to sum it all—she’s all that and more.


Bituin G. Biglang-awa

AB Psychology

Her appearance is intimidating. She stands out from the crowd literally and figuratively. Her features command respect and obedience; but after she smiles, the fear fades away and turns into something quirky. She smiles a lot, so having her by your side will definitely brighten up your day no matter how bad it may be. Don’t let her smile and her carefree nature fool you; she is truly a deep person, concerned about everyone and everything. Her determined heart will definitely take her places. At times she is also sensitive, and is easily hurt if not included in your daily plans (if you are her friend). She has the attention span of a five year old, the wisdom of 80. Her thoughts flow with a hint of wisdom and experience, which is shown through wit and commentary. She may have difficulties in expressing herself at times, but Bituin is an individual who is able to leave an indelible print in your mind, heart and in your soul. And not everyone possesses this gift.


Richard Ryan M. Blaylock

AB Psychology

A jack-of-all-trades, Richard is a well-rounded person, having a sound mind, body, heart & soul. His talent & potential is seen in his ability to excel in any endeavor. A soccer & basketball virtuoso since youth, a singer, music critic, gym fitness specialist and psychoanalyst—this guy can do it all. And you’d think this guy must be some sort of square perfectionist dork, right? Well, according to his friends who just love being around him, you’d be very mistaken. So there you have it. An intellectual, jock, artist and party animal—it is clear why this guy is quite the ladies man. Besides his already evident talents, present achievements, and active social life, it is inspiring to see that someone so gifted is still so down to earth, spiritual & altruistic. He’s an active member in his Church, leading many into a closer relationship with God. And apart from his own dreams and ambitions, he also hopes for a better society. One excellent individual, this king of the coño bench is just waiting to astound us in the real world.


Ana Katrina T. Buñag

AB Psychology

Dear Kat, you may be reading this many years from now and you’ll be trying to remember what college was like, so let me remind you. You used to wear your hair short until you and Teddi discovered the wonders of Fix hair wax, chinked your eyes and pretended to be Chinese because although you wouldn’t admit it, you loved F4. You set the standards for “triangle”, said “I’m Sorry!” in the most sarcastic way possible and spent most of college days in flip-flops. You were the perfect example of a childlike adult; no matter how serious life can get, you were always the adorable girl who would just want to smile and seize the day. You had lots of great friends and they want you to know that you were genuine & sweet & kind, but most of all good. You were beautiful, amazing and one of the most wonderful persons one can ever meet. All in all, it was a real blast, and while you’re still waiting for karma to kick for all those people you and Teddi insulted in passing, you’d still say college was some of your best years ever.


Darren Ronald B. Calleja

AB Psychology

If you really think about it, college seemed like a big mistake for Dah. Before he entered Ateneo, he had his eyes set on Comm. But until now, he never shifted out and, well, suffered four devastating years of Freud, Piaget, prefrontal cortex and dissociative disorders. And joining the Blue Babble Battalion was just another history of Dah’s blunders. All along, Dah thought he was trying out as lifter, only to find out later on that he actually joined the Battalion! But despite all these mishaps, Dah proves to be no mistake, especially when it comes to his striking macho, mestizo appeal, and gwapo singing voice. And he even has this extraordinary knack for creating a whole new lingo of his own (anymore?). But more than the humor and charm, Dah is a man of ambition, optimism and faith. He believes in God’s wonderful plan in his life, and that there’s no such thing as a mistake. Everything is part of the bigger picture… who knows, the next Philippine president might just be a Comm, errr, Psych major!


Carmela Marie T. Cambaliza

AB Psychology

A child of the sun. Like that of the sun, she exudes a glistening gold aura—a lively blend of happiness, energy, spirituality, sensitivity, beauty, independence, playfulness, and generosity. This woman never fails to brighten up every dark moment. Her energy is an inspiration to everyone and her drive enriches minds. Armed with such qualities, plus an expression of love that is genuine, she shimmers, she shines, and her exuberance is bewitching. Born and made strong, in the midst of rainy days, Mea is an invincible summer.


Diane Renee P. Carasig

AB Psychology

Diane is the living proof that size does not matter. Being in her company will teach you one thing: that her 4’11” height is the only thing small about her. Mismatching her 23-inch waist, she has the loudest voice, the brightest eyes, and the widest smile imaginable. Hugely energetic, she can out-talk any talk-show host or out-stalk any private investigator any day. Gigantically responsible, she juggles her involvements in everything from the student council to her church group plus academics like a pro. Mightily hopeful, she will see the positive in the worst situations and remind you that there is, at the very least, something to smile about. Despite all the stress of academics and work, she never fails to make the world colorful and exciting, filled with moments of chismis, stalking, and 80’s love songs. For this busybody, life’s never too busy to share joy—in this tiniest frame lives the most sincere heart. No matter what happens, you can be sure that this tiny girl is destined for big things.


Patricia Joan F. Casaje

AB Psychology

Patricia Joan F. Casaje? She danced her way through college.People who know her would associate Tricia with the phrase “astig sumayaw.” Well, she really did know how to move to the beat—CADS members would attest to this. Pat, Streetdancer Extraordinaire.Obviously, college life wasn’t exactly as simple to perform as a dance routine. Indeed, we could all say that we sometimes got the worse end of the various dealings we’ve had in college. Nevertheless, Tricia danced through the whole thing the way she would during a streetdance number—straight to the point, no questions asked, and with each movement brilliant and significant.During the four-year dance routine that was college, Tricia performed the way she had chosen to. And every person who danced next to her fed off the energy, the groove that she exuded.We all danced through college, actually. And Tricia—well, she truly was something.


Dominique Therese J. Cid

AB Psychology

“We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams.”

—Roald Dahl, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

A mere being who can’t seem to fully describe herself, as she has learned from Philosophy that man cannot be fully circumscribed. Failed attempts to accomplish such a task has resulted in this mere and somewhat inadequate description: A Speple™ and Spalumni™. A writer driven to overpower J.K. Rowling’s present literary domination. A Passive activist. A domestic goddess in training. A hopeful romantic. A Woodland Elf Queen who does not resemble one at all. An acerbic criticizer. Self-proclaimed obsessive-compulsive. A social hermit. Aspiring criminalist. F.R.I.E.N.D.S’ Monica Gellar and proud of it!

“Words were not given to man in order to conceal his thoughts.”

—Jose Saramago


Kriseline Jean D. Co

AB Psychology

Only a few people are lucky enough to sift through so many people in college and find a friend who will last you a lifetime. Some say Kris looks more innocent than she really is, but as far as I’m concerned, her most defining feature is that she doesn’t walk, she slides. But when she’s not sliding, she’s searching the world for TV shows, specifically Smallville and Everwood. Kris dreams of traveling the world and owning a Jaguar. She is a hopeless romantic in search of her dream guy. The most sentimental and thoughtful person who has a knack for taking care of people, such as her siblings and peers. She aspires to succeed in Psychology as she enjoys cooking, baking and trying out different strange and squishy dishes. Kriseline has transformed from a shy and timid girl to a vibrant young lady whose willingness to grow in a wonderful journey of self-discovery and transformation of her strengths, weaknesses and dreams to become a very comfortable person and friend to be with.


Girlie S. Costales

AB Psychology

There are some things that would never change for Gilay. One, family, friends and most especially God would always have the biggest place in her heart. Two, passion, commitment and devotion would always be her motivation to work relentlessly, determinedly and sometimes almost single-mindedly. Three, Disney and Harry Potter films would always be her number one choice given a list of movies. And four, JK Rowling, Julie Garwood and Judith McNaught would always be her favorite writers.

But then, this girl has certainly come a long way off. From being the bunso of her high school classmates to trying to become the lady she can be and from being a self-confessed pessimist to a person who now draws her strength from finding positive things in dire situations. She even believes that happiness is a choice and so she frequently chants “I choose to be happy.” Thus, her friends find her company delightful and often says that she’s makulit but also sweet.


Kathleen Lizette C. Crisostomo

AB Psychology

Neither a lofty degree of intelligence nor imagination nor both together go to the making of genius. Love, love, love, that is the soul of genius. - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart


Isabelle Victoria S. dela Cruz

AB Psychology

There are two types of beautiful people. 1. Those who at first glance, leave jaws dropping or heads turning and that’s all there is to it. 2. Those who are equally gifted with such physical beauty. Yet, they seem to become more and more beautiful as they grow on you. Iselle is blessed to be categorized as the latter. There is something about the way she just brings out the extraordinary in life’s normality that people can’t avoid being drawn to her charisma. She exemplifies life’s most wonderful ironies. She can play with humor but at the same time exude sense. She walks with confidence yet carries the humblest heart. She knows when to be strong and when to be gentle, when to use words; or use silence as her greatest ally.

A thousand words could describe her and million more may come into mind. But for her, it doesn’t really matter. She knows who she is, and she knows where she is going. A woman of character, a lady of exquisite beauty and more importantly, the daughter of God.


Samantha S. Delgado

AB Psychology

Sam is like a girl scout because of her “laging-handa” trait. She’s always ready to be a friend—equipped with good listening skills, innate helpfulness and remarkable genuineness. She’s always ready for the high grade. Yes, she might not be prepared for an exam but she manages to obtain a mark well above average. (The As and B+s seem to like her so much.) She’s also always ready to be a personal adviser, an animated storyteller, or simply ready to laugh with you, talk the whole day, or eat almost endlessly!

Sam’s drive to perform exemplary—may it be in sports, academics or other things—is simply noteworthy and stirring. Sam elevates. She knows how to work her way to the top on any situation. She not only is able to handle everything, but she handles everything with grace! She juggles her academics, varsity training, org life and social life with excellence and a smile. Thus, our dear Sammie possesses an inner greatness that is reflected in every thing she does.


Izelle Iamly P. Deloso

AB Psychology

Isa itong malugod na pasasalamat sa lahat ng taong bahagi ng aking buhay: mga magulang at mga kapatid, mga kaibigan, mga kasama sa organisasyon, mga kamag-aral, mga guro, mga tagapamahala sa kalinisan, kariktan, kaayusan at seguridad ng pamantasan at para sa mga mag-aaral, at mga tagapamahala ng pamantasan.

Kayo po ang aking mga tagapagturo at ang aking mga inspirasyon.


Lyn Madonna L. Dimayuga

AB Psychology

Si Donna? Ahahahahahaha!!! Gagi, ok ‘yan!


Maria Teodora S. Dizon

AB Psychology

Dear Teddi: Someday, you’ll be pulling this yearbook out of storage because your Italian husband and your kids will want to know what you were like in college. I want you to remember you once said to yourself that these are years you never wanted to forget.

You, like Nina Banana, loved caf rice & siomai. You & Kat used to chink your eyes and—though you’ll never admit it—you learned Chinese because you wanted to marry Jerry Yan. You were a SpeEd officer for 4 straight years and you learned French, Italian, Mandarin and Spanish because you had nothing better to do. Methinks you’ve had a crush on ¼ the graduating class this year, including—I’m sure you still remember—some rather hunky professors you’ll never forget.

This was the era of The OC & beaded flats, but what you always loved about college, is that you had the greatest friends. Benchmates, Speeples, blockmates, Butt—more than anything else, you wanted to never forget them. I just wanted you to remember that. Love, Teddi


Mirel Jan L. Domingo

AB Psychology

It’s 7:30am. In the hustle and bustle of the RSF, Mirel coolly sits before one of the computers and begins typing. While most students are applying their final touches on their paper, Mirel’s just starting to write hers. Known as the perfectionist crammer, she averages 1pg/hr for she meticulously reviews her work. Still, she emerges victorious as she gets high grades. After subduing relentless waves of schoolwork, Mirel takes on her taxing duty as leader of her org. More than just the quintessential worker, Mirel is the classic good old friend you’ve always wanted to hang out with. She is without contention the wittiest person around, and her jokes drop out as if they can never be funnier. She has her moments of wackiness and can be seen exchanging stories and insights with friends and inviting them to eat out or watch a movie (beware:she hates missing the trailers!). Mirel possesses an admirable will to keep her family and friends together and let them in to her circle of trust—a testament that Mirel will always keep us in her heart.


Carisse Diana A. Drilon

AB Psychology

Carisse Diana Drilon. Candy. Once you finish reading this, you should realize the importance of both names. She is one crazy, spontaneous, big-hearted, committed young woman who will rest at nothing until she achieves her goal. Very professional and stern with her co-workers, and completely loose and up-to-date with everyday things. She never seems to get stressed and yet manages to fulfill all her responsibilities. This fantabulous girl definitely knows how to party. If you were a private detective and studied her from afar you would think she has a bipolar disorder or even disassociative identity disorder. Despite her stature, she truly is one of the boys. She may look razor-sharp but she’s the most gentle, thoughtful, and kind person you’ll ever know (except if you’re her or friends’ enemy then you better run and hide from her wrath). She appreciates the littlest things in life. Carisse by day, Candy all the time. A person of great character and sincerity. A soul that best fits a woman.


Tristan John T. Dulu

AB Psychology

Once you see Dulu’s physique you simply cannot control yourself from talking to him, spending most of your breaks and waiting hours conversing with him with just about anything that enters your head. He also helps you realize and learn things you would not pick up during an ordinary conversation. It does not take much time to get to know his bubbly and high-spirited persona. Dulu is seriously a very committed person, steadfast to who he is. Inevitable to his commitments is his passion for music. As a drummer and songwriter, he expresses his emotions in his lyrics and drumbeats. His mood is determined through the music he listens to. His fervors do not end in leisure; it includes his deeply rooted service for his spiritual devotion—a side of him that is rarely seen. It’s remarkable how Dulu can keep his dynamic character balanced. His passion, cheerful disposition and the companionship that definitely does not end in the SPG—Dulu is an inescapable personality, a friend that you would not leave behind.


Cherynn B. El-Khoury

AB Psychology

You and I met a million and a half years ago, in a car named Blacky: I must have told you that I loved your hair (because I really do adore curly hair like that), but I might have been too shy to say that (you should know because you have the memory of a large elephant). I remember thinking that you were cool (I still do), and older (not) and wiser than me (sometimes). We talked about funny little things, like Demi and Ashton and Alias and the traffic and whatnot, because it was a two-hour trip at best and we were trapped in the car together (we would eventually realize that we really are that good at talking about whatnot). Then you bobbed your head to Beyoncé (like you always do to all kinds of music) and we all laughed and I think you did too. When we finally got to school, everyone was light and a bit loopy even if it was the first day back because you have that effect on people: you rock our socks off the wall.


Philip Oliver M. Espedido

AB Psychology

An adventurous spirit restrained by human flesh, Oliver is the type of person who likes to ride on spontaneity. If economic means would allow him, he would most likely go out of town, even on impulse. A bit eccentric in his own right, he prefers his own company to crowds. And even with his friends, he likes to keep his distance—literally lagging behind as we walk. Although he may sometimes be described as a bit aloof, sentimentality resides deep within him and this is quite evident through his wish to document every special moment on film—so much so that a stereotypical image of Oliver would most likely include his camera hanging around his neck. Despite his individualistic tendency, his caring disposition towards his friends as well as his loyalty makes him an invaluable treasure to those who are wise enough to try and get to know him better. Oliver is a man of great potential, and although sometimes a bit stubborn, he would definitely go a long way not just in his career, but in life as well.


Anna Kristina B. Evangelista

AB Psychology

Yanna is a normal schoolgirl with big dreams. Having been under “eagle’s wings” almost all her life, she has definitely seen the countless different journeys of all those who went ahead of her. She has been a witness to a horizon of opportunities, constantly pushing her to leave her sheltered bubble, and welcome her battles with open arms. Hence, in her own pace, Yanna has been trekking the path she should have taken a long time ago.

Her innate wit charm is a threat to all. Though frail looking, she has the capacity to get what she wants when she wants it. Her demeanor is so beguiling, that one cannot easily resist when she asks for something. However, this also holds true even the other way around. Her big heart never fails others when they’re in need of her help. Without question, she’s one of those people you can trust with your life.

A complete package of essentials that matter, that’s Yanna for you.


Rosanna Irene B. Filart

AB Psychology

Maybe it is her eyes that invite that inevitable second look. Maybe it is her smile that prolongs the casual glimpse. But undoubtedly, it is her charm that binds you indefinitely. With Sansan, whatever you see is even overshadowed by her character. She is amply sweet. She is a passionate worker. She is an emphatic listener. She is an enduring companion. She is a loving friend. She is a friend who will fight for you. She is a friend who will fight a friend in order to help him or her shape up. And each passing day reveals something more.

Getting to know her, maybe it really is her eyes that initially catch your attention. Maybe it really is her smile that starts the conversation. Maybe it really is her charm that draws you nearer. But maybe it’s just really her.


Carla Joy L. Flores

AB Psychology

Stoic on the surface, don’t let that demeanor deceive you. It’s just that Carla prefers to get a good grasp of things before coming out with her own conclusions. She is not one to join the herd, instead choosing to assert her individuality despite the young’s predisposition to conform in today’s world. Indeed, Carla shows maturity beyond her years.

Carla is also one of the most obsessive-compulsive people I know. That, though, has given her not only the ability to work with great meticulousness but has also endowed her with the gift to work with great passion. She puts her heart into it, so that every work she turns out is just perfect and timely.

Not one to show emotions, she however is very perceptive. Oftentimes she surprises friends with unexpected but timely gestures of concern that all the more endear her to us. She’s discerning, devoted, sensitive and sweet. And that’s only the tip of the iceberg. Dig a little deeper and you are certain to find a gem of a friend.


Cherry E. Frondozo

AB Psychology

Her friends and block mates know her to be the happiest little girl around. Her colorful manner of telling tales never fails to brighten the day of those who are fortunate enough to hear her and see her smiles and exaggerated expressions. She loves her friends so much that often times, she compromises her needs in the process. Cherry’s a type two, orally-fixated, extraverted, with above average socio-cognitive functioning and aesthetically above average. No one doubts her cheer, academic prowess or charm, what can be questioned though is her ability to fulfill her basic needs. Her desire to be accepted often takes its toll on her own happiness. She is indeed happy when her friends are happy but sometimes, she needs more than that. Sometimes she just needs her friends to let her know that she is appreciated, to make her smile every now and then, to make her feel loved despite her little mistakes. Everyone needs some of these too, but I feel that Cherry needs it more than any other because Cherry is Cherry after all.


Nastassia N. Garcia

AB Psychology

A lot of people are amazed at how she is often called: “Nasty.” Quiet and reserved, yet it shows in the eyes. Nasty is a person with integrity. She knows her principles; and silent as she may be, her presence is amazingly strong when she speaks up. On another side, she is a very loving person towards her friends, and she is very generous with her efforts. Volunteerism is in her heart, as she will try to do what she can without waiting for others to do the task. Nasty is very strong-willed, determined and hardworking. She has a passion for dancing. Her grace and elegance are very admirable and it has brought countless of people to appreciate the art. She’s had wide endeavors in the world of dance. A part of the Blue Babble Battalion Cheerdancers during her first year, a lot of lifters took pleasure in lifting her up. She has also been a ballerina for quite some time. She started learning dance at the age of nine and has danced with Philippine Ballet Theatre, Ballet Manila, and Ballet Philippines.


Andrea Nicole U. Go

AB Psychology

If I could tell the world just one thingIt would be that we’re all OKAnd not to worry ‘cause worry is wastefulAnd useless in times like theseI won’t be made uselessI won’t be idle with despairI will gather myself around my faithFor light does the darkness most fearMy hands are small, I knowBut they’re not yours, they are my ownBut they’re not yours, they are my ownAnd I am never broken…In the end only kindness matters.

“Hands” by Jewel


Olivia Gail S. Go

AB Psychology

Olive is a very well rounded person. In her four years in the Ateneo, she has excelled in acads, sports, orgs, and community service. And while these achievements are all feats in themselves, Olive remains humble and always ready to do more (Magis personified). Those who know Olive describe her as a bubbly and cheerful person, almost like sunshine on a rainy day. To her closest friends though, Olive is more than just a friendly and pretty face. She has a sensitive and thoughtful side to her and is fiercely loyal to the important people in her life. She enjoys simple things like sharing meals and spending quality time with friends because for her, even the simplest things count. On a lighter note, Olive’s lethal charms and funny antics endear her to just about anyone she meets. If there’s one thing about Olive that will leave a legacy in her stay in the Ateneo, it is the impact she has left in the lives of the people she has touched. Ask her friends, her unit mates, or better yet, the kids in Payatas who have found an Ate in Olive.


Larissa T. Hao Chin

AB Psychology

She asks endless questions about life; brings you to a world where you feel safe and at peace. Larissa has this rare gift of making sense out of things when they go wrong. She knows how to deal with life itself, be it a hell week plus morning and nightly Pingpong training, or a 20-page Theo paper overnight. Somehow, she manages to work under pressure, yet still yield high-quality results. Being one who seldom gets frustrated with life, Laris simply faces reality and makes the most out of whatever’s left of it. She is constantly optimistic, helping friends see things in the right perspective during their most difficult times. Moreover, she easily discovers something amusing even in the most boring situations, brightening up people’s moods with her infectious laughter. Laris serves as an inspiration especially to the people who love her. Aside from being one of the top players of the Ateneo Table Tennis Team, she is also a gifted composer and pianist who has made it as far as being a national finalist in a worldwide competition.


Maria Carmela F. Hernandez

AB Psychology

Masuwerte si Carms. Lahat ng mga kaibigan niya’y sinasabing masarap siyang kasama, handang makinig sa lahat ng bagay tungkol sa iyo, kahit paulit-ulit mo nang nakukuwento, ok lang dahil gusto niya ito. Masuwerte si Carms. Cool siya lagi, malimit umiinit ang ulo, laging nakangiti, minsan lang siya kung magalit kaya mahiya ka kung galitin mo siya. Masuwerte si Carms. Marami siyang kaibigan, marami siyang kakilala. Wala siyang problema sa pagiging mahirap kasama. Masuwerte si Carms. Masarap siyang magluto kaya hindi nalalait ang kaniyang mga inihahain, puwera nalang kung hindi niya kinakain ang siyang niluluto niya. Magpaluto kayo sa kaniya ng Mongolian, wag lang itlog o mac salad. Masuwerte si Carms. Matalino, malikhain at responsable sa mga gawain. Hindi nahihiyang magkamali, hindi takot maging isa. Masuwerte si Carms. Marunong sa mga bagay, puwera lang kung iwanan mo siya sa gitna ng Espanya. Hindi nga eksperto sa pag-commute, pero handa namang matuto—o anong say mo?


Stefanie Marie E. Jacinto

AB Psychology

There was once a young sorceress named Stefanie, who was great but fearful of her powers. She shunned the moonlight that strengthened the magical energy within her. But one fateful day, an evil sorcerer cast a spell of darkness over all the land. There was little sun by day and almost no moon by night. Desperate people became thieves who plundered the villages. Stefanie sought refuge in the dying forests, losing hope. Then, a group of mysterious creatures called the Underwolves passed her by. They told her in hushed voices that they had discovered the only way to break the spell. One had to find a very rare flower called the scarlet pimpernel, and immerse it in the waterfall of the evergreen forest. And so it was that Stefanie joined the creatures in their quest to break the spell. She has since been scarcely heard from since.


Maria Margarita Elizabeth S. Javier

AB Psychology

A girl wearing loose shirt and pants and a pair of worn out slippers hurriedly walks to the library, her hair hanging loosely and a bit muddled…Yup, that’s Margot! She seems shy and quiet the first time you set eyes on her. But when you get to know her better, you will realize how cool and funny she is. She is very natural and not maarte. She wears whatever feels comfortable for her. She does whatever she feels like doing without minding what other people think. She is boyish in a way, but her girly side comes out only occasionally. She easily adjusts in the company of her guy and girl friends. This girl has a very pleasing personality for she is an obedient daughter, a generous sister, and a super wonderful friend. She won the hearts of her friends because she has always been nice, considerate, and patient to everyone.


Elysa Joy D. Justiniano

AB Psychology

Enchanting. Enchantingly smart. Charmingly enchantingly smart. Brave, too.|Reiner| Exceptional. She’s a real person who dislikes “plastic” people. A friend you could depend on. A person not afraid to speak her mind.|Vincent| Light, bubbly, adorable!|Mark| Elysa’s a boy magnet!|Aja| Joy is exactly what her name implies. She earns “joy” from giving “joy” to others who are in a fading state. She’s very supportive and appreciative in every sense of the word.|Jyel| Joy’s my idol. She just has to be one of my coolest classmates in the Ateneo. She studies like a geek but she’s not geeky at all—not exclusively booksmart but really creative. She’s great to talk with because she’s funny and sensible. She’s one great musician, and that’s 10,000 plus points. You could also play with her hair to avoid classroom boredom!|Pash| She’s my best friend, my guide, my confidant, my comforter. She’s so much in touch with her emotions, but still strong. Smart, too. In short, an all-in-one supergirl.|Almen|


Jeremy Jan B. Kho

AB Psychology

When Narcissus died, the goddesses of the forest appeared and found the lake, which had been fresh water, transformed into a lake of salty tears. “Why do you weep?” the goddesses asked. “I weep for Narcissus”, the lake replied. “Ah, it is no surprise that you weep for Narcissus”, they said, “For though we always pursued him in the forest, you alone could contemplate his beauty close at hand.” “But…was Narcissus beautiful?” the lake asked. “Who better than you to know that?” the goddesses said in wonder. “After all, it was by your banks that he knelt each day to contemplate himself!” The lake was silent for some time. Finally, it said: “I weep for Narcissus, but I never noticed that Narcissus was beautiful. I weep because, each time he knelt beside my banks, I could see, in the depths of his eyes, my own beauty reflected.”

—The Alchemist


Kevin Michael L. Leh

AB Psychology

Spiderman quoted that with great power comes great responsibility. This guy once wanted to be Spiderman to handle all the greatness of power and responsibility. However, when he entered the gates of the Ateneo, he needed to handle the pressures and anxiety from schoolwork and be responsible to achieve the power he wanted. It seems that Ateneo disproved Spiderman after all. But Kevin can be much more impressive than Spiderman. Kevin is one man that is not afraid to hide behind a mask. Homework and countless Research Papers have never kept him from going out and have a good time with his friends. His love for music keeps him sane and his obsession working out at the Moro Lorenzo Gym keeps him vain. Kevin has the weirdest attitude toward his studies. He can get a ton of zeroes from quizzes and not let it be a sign of failure. He actually needs it to serve as a wake up call to focus on the course. And even so, manages to be part of the honor roll. Definitely, not your ordinary guy.


Hazel Laverne Sehleng Lim

AB Psychology

As a friend: Hazel is very thoughtful. She is also gregarious, with a smile that reaches her earlobes. You surely can bet she would listen to all your problems.

As a psych major: Hazel is a very promising psychology student. She aces her favorite subjects, Psych of course, and can psychoanalyze you in an instant. You could even fall for her hypnotizing beauty. She also loves Theo and Philo; and is a consistent DL.

As an ACILista: Hazel devoted her entire four years with ACIL. She finds God in the children she teaches and this is where she is most fulfilled. With a simple shirt and big heart, she goes to the area weekly. Her mere presence and dedication gets the admiration of her fellow ACIListas.

Hazel as Hazel: Oh, this lady loves cheesecakes, or simply said, anything with creamy cheese. She is also a living emoticon and can surely lighten up your day.


Lorraine Anne L. Lumayag

AB Psychology

She is Lovely.The one with truth in her eyes,And innocence in her smile.See how lovingly she plays with her hair,As she gazes up the eternal sky.She whispers a secret to the wind,Before she slumbered to Nod.Almighty Zeus upon hearing from the wind,Plucks a star from the Heavens, and proclaims: “Beautiful sleeper, beautiful dreamerThou have a beautiful heart!Let this star’s golden dust cover all of thee,Upon thy wake thou shall find all thy dreams come true. Rise up now Lovely one;See now your dreams come true!”


Geoffrey Mari B. Macadaeg

AB Psychology

Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great. - Mark Twain


Vanessa Joy A. Macatangay

AB Psychology

Simple yet complicated. She may appear easygoing and carefree from the outside but beneath all these lie a very strong-willed, dauntless, and intrepid individual. A very straightforward person, she doesn’t care what others will think as long as she still understands herself. She is never contented with understanding just from the surface of things and makes an effort to search for the true meaning of things on a deeper level. As an effect, however, she has this tendency of coming up with weird and crazy principles she tries lives by. You can never tell what new ideas she has brewing in her head or even predict her next actions. Yet despite these, she doesn’t fail to crack up a joke in a middle of a serious class or laugh heartily at the corniest jokes. Her sense of resoluteness is balanced with her zests in life—watching Friends, chocolates, traveling and food tripping.


Christopher Jordan O. Machuca

AB Psychology

May pagka-tsismoso, may pagka-madrama, may pagka-tamad, at may pagka-suplado kung minsan. Pero interesanteng tao si Moks. Tulad na lang nitong palayaw niya.“Ang ibig sabihin ng palayaw ko, ‘mokong’.” At totoo nga; mokong na mokong! Pero isa siyang mokong na mahilig at malalim mag-isip. Kapag sinipag siya, A agad ang orals niya sa Pilosopiya at sa Teolohiya—mga kurso ng pagpapakatao. (Oo, pagpapakatao. Ako rin nagtataka.)Pero seryoso. Isa si Moks sa pinakamadaling pakisamahan, pinakamasayang kausapin, pinakamasarap asarin, at pinakamagandang panoorin (umarte) o pakinggan (kumanta) na taong makikilala mo. Nakatutuwang kaibigan si Moks sapagkat marunong siyang makinig, mag-alaga, magbigay ng sarili, makibagay, maging iba, at higit sa lahat, mangarap.


Eloisa A. Maglacas

AB Psychology

Isang makulit na bata—ang pinakamatingkad na katangian na mapapansin ng lahat sa kanya. Walang alinlangan si Loi na magpakita ng nararamdaman, mula sa magpa-cute sa harap ng maraming tao o magtaray sa tapat mo mismo at sasabayan pa niya ng isang matinding tila palengkerang halakhak. Bagama’t sa kakulitan ng batang ito, sa lahat ng pangangantyaw o kakulitan niya, hindi bumababa ang dignidad niya bilang isang babae.

Isang dalagang totoo—bihirang makikita sa isang taong dumaan sa kultura ng pagiging atenista ang prinsipyo ni Loi sa pamumuhay. Walang kinikilingang uso at kuntento sa anumang meron siya. Isa ring taong maka-Diyos at hindi lang dahil ito ang turo sa klase o ng pamilya. At higit sa lahat, may prinsipyo siyang mag-enjoy.

Isang celebrity—simple lang itong mga nakasaad ngayon, pero abangan niyo na lang balang araw dahil ang mga pangarap ni Loi ay hindi malilimitahan dahil sa kanyang determinasyon.


Karla Mae T. Magsanoc

AB Psychology

A strong person inside and out, Karla is one true person. Frank, brutally honest yet caring and solicitous—you can really say you can have the best of both worlds.

Karla knows her limits very well, and that is what makes up for her strong willed personality. She knows her options, what is true and what is not, and knows what needs to be done. She has the initiative for positive and productive change and service, be it in close or casual relationships with people.

A result of a summation of experiences, Karla, though, has changed a lot, adjusting smoothly through the winds of time. Dignity, respect and love should be awarded to this person for her enduring excellence in expressing true identity and maturity.


Patricia Ann T. Mallare

AB Psychology

Amidst the struggles of life we stumble upon a person that can truly inspire us, help us, and guide us when uncertainty fills our hearts. A person filled with the fullness of our Savior, a selfless person who gives her all in everything that she does. She has been there for everyone, a helpful classmate, a responsible sister, a loving daughter and a dear friend to us all. She has touched all of us in ways we can never really explain. There will never be enough words to describe her. She is also a talented young student. The verses of her poems are bound to make you cry, her drawings are a sight to see but most of all she has this talent of connecting with people, making them feel easy when times of despair clouds their hearts and minds. She brings out the best in all those around her not knowing that she makes every single one of us a better person. She is charming, smart, funny and her childish antics will surely make the stiffest person smile. She is we believe the complete package. 3cia, the brightest star in the night sky.


Matilde Claire T. Mancol

AB Psychology

A loyal friend who is always ready to help, you can count on her to get you out of that slump. You never stop laughing when you’re with her because she is funny without meaning to be. A slow but sure worker, she pays attention to detail. And although she may seem “lost” at times, GI is a generous friend, a thoughtful sister and a loving daughter—someone who comes only once in a lifetime.


Rochelle S. Marcelo

AB Psychology

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. – Mark Twain


Andrew Gordon P. Mier

AB Psychology

Every really new idea looks crazy at first.


Jose Ramon C. Navarro

AB Psychology

He’s a no-nonsense, “lalakeng-lalake!!!”, intelligent, sensitive, loyal, quiet(?), humble, generous, gentleman, polite and “studious” guy. Ramon is always ready to go wherever and whenever to whatever occasion. Every hour is happy hour, although he gets knocked out during drinking sessions. Don’t drink and drive! From life in DLSZ to life in AdMU, still passing subjects without studying, still a Deyn’s Lister. Ramon, the ultimate romantic...supposedly: “Hi I’m Ramon, what’s yours?, “So, what’s a pretty girl like you?”. WUW999 = datemobile. Dependable and trustworthy, all in all a good guy. Rambo, you can feel safe with him, “yun lang”. Ramon will go out of his way (literally) for a friend—all the way from South to North! First impressions of Ramon: serious, maangas, unapproachable. But these are all mere perceptions, and none of them are quite true. In fact, these are the exact opposites of how Ramon really is. Kalog, friendly, nice and very approachable! That’s all. Aim high? Nah, fly high.


Sherwin C. O

AB Psychology

Men are born in occasion. Men grow, discover one self and exemplify genuine character.Men wonder of life, of uniqueness because men care.Men are thanked for changing others and making a difference.Men have eyes for others to see the greater beauty that resides within.Men have friends, families, to know what one must value.Men are graced with personality to draw smile and touch faces. Men are fulfilled when success transcends that of monetary and financial.Men are immortalized when men stand up for ones belief to protect others.Yet men pray, weep in hardships, in silence, when men die in hope of remaining forever So that men may always celebrate and rise to the occasion when called for.Men, in the end, exist not for oneself but always for others.Men live, believe, arise.


Handrew D. Ochoa

AB Psychology

He walks around school projecting a tough aura: doesn’t care about what other people think. When speaking his mind, he does it easily, holds his ground & won’t bend the other direction. When he gives his word, one can be sure he would not break it. His friends are fortunate because he possesses extraordinary loyalty and honesty. He is so devoted that after only a few weeks of being his friend, one could already come up with a list of a hundred good traits he has and happy times with him. He would give evaluations that are strikingly accurate, advice in times of confusion and support in times of uncertainty. His sense of justice is firm; he would protect his friends from people who would try to hurt them. Rue is a sanctuary. He’s a place where you can feel safe: saved from everyday worries w/ his jokes & constant teasing and saved from people who would hurt, use or betray, because he surely would not do that. But though he is tough, he needs someone to come home to. He is, after all, a sanctuary in need of a sanctuary.


Elaine Florence Y. Ong

AB Psychology

Elaine, our beloved ICE president, has ice water running in her veins! Many people would hate to be called ice princess but this girl is different—she is the ICE princess and no one else does it the way she does. Confident, witty and super thoughtful are just some of the ways she is different from other icicles. It’s amazing how she handles problems with remarkable control and initiative. A very determined lady she does everything in her power to achieve what she has set out to do. Pressure never fazes her. When all is said and done, the problem is gone and all is back to normal. As a friend, she offers sound advice and can be one of the best confidantes. You can be assured that your secret is safe with her. Though she may not look the part, she is an avid fan of WWE. Don’t let the English-only facade intimidate you; Elaine is a pleasant box of surprise waiting to be opened!


Kassandra Iris C. Ong

AB Psychology

While taking a break at one of Ateneo’s benches, you see a girl in a backpack, clinging on to a water jug as she scurries to the doors of everyone’s ‘beloved’ library. And if you think she may be the typical OC, then I have to warn you; look beyond what you see. To know Kass is finding the true meaning of excellence, passion and drive. There will probably never be an Atenean who is always striving to achieve more than what she is, while remaining as humble as possible.

What she wants, she gets through determination and perseverance. Her distinct ability for self-control is just admirable. She wants things organized and perfect, and sees to it that everything is done in the right place, at the right time. She hates wasting time especially if people are wasting it for her.A person of integrity, she keeps her word at all times.


Renée Ann L. Ortega

AB Psychology

Renee’s not just another pretty face, but she has a beautiful soul that comes with it. This daddy’s little girl can charm her way out of anything. Certainly, her infectious laugh can cheer up your darkest day. Behind this bubbly personality is a person that could be your confidant. She’ll patiently hear your endless rants & raves and never fails to have the right words to make you feel better. She even applies psychology concepts & theories (Could this be a DL thing?). Truly, she is some masterpiece, a supergirl. She manages to ace her grades despite juggling academics, teaching, training and of course, partying. Did I mention she is a Taekwondo blackbelter? Not only that, she has proved she can kick-a**, having 35 medals under her belt and being the captain of the Taekwondo team. Renée—a trusting friend, hard-working student, patient teacher, persevering athlete, dependable cousin, responsible daughter, awesome sister and above of all, a fantabulous person. Beauty, brains and a good heart, could you ask for anything more?


Coleen Marie Abigael L. Paule

AB Psychology

At first glance you’d think she’s a snob and “mataray”, but don’t be deceived, for this girl is a girl of character and principle and is one of the few who would put a smile on your face. She effortlessly makes a difference in people’s lives that even a sudden encounter won’t make you forget her face. Someone you can count on for she won’t let you down, definitely true to her word. Can’t live without family and friends: jiggs, kyle, micks, kai and mau. A certified bookworm and poet, not to mention a shoppaholic, who loves the going out, purple and clueless. Coleen, cookie, cookay, cookikay, cooks, so many names but there’s only one cookie, our cookie!


Rinna Almira C. Platon

AB Psychology

Her face does not launch a thousand ships nor do her eyes twinkle much like the stars. But her smile contains a different beauty on its own. From the corridors to the ACLC room, she manages to radiate her own little rays of sunshine to the people around her. Somehow, that simple curl her lips make, coupled with a blissful giggle, refreshes an exhausting day. And we realize that it goes deeper within her smile and her affectionate manner.

She is a lover of life, cherishing every joy and blessing as well as every heartache and pain. Each experience equally contributes to her person. She gives selflessly out of passion for her endeavors. Most importantly, she strives to touch the lives of the people in her midst.

The corridors where Rinna walks would never be dull ones. Each step, each gaze, brings out a part of her. But, it is not happiness, nor bliss, and not even joy that she conveys. It is an inner glow one cannot find from anyone else. She is an inspiration.


Karen Anne L. Quijano

AB Psychology

Makakalimutin ‘tong si Karen. Sobra. Madalas siyang makalimot ng mga nangyari, minsan ng mga tao. May isang beses nakalimutan naman niyang bumaba sa tamang babaan, minsan naman sa pupuntahan. Pero ang maganda dito, madalas din siyang nakakalimot ng mga sinasabi sa kanya, kaya ayos na ayos itong sabihan ng mga sikreto e, hindi niya ipagsasabi, kasi makakalimutan na niya bago pa niya masabi sa iba. Ngunit kahit makakalimuting tao ito, may mga bagay pa rin siyang hinding hindi nakakaligtaan. Maaaring makalimutan niya kung gaano katagal na kayong magkasama, pero hindi ang inyong pinagsamahan. Maaaring makalimutan niya ang iyong pangalan, pero hindi ang inyong pagkakaibigan. Maaaring makalimutan niya ang mga sinasabi sa kanya, pero hindi niya makakalimutan kung gaano ka kahalaga. At kahit pa sabihing mas makakalimutin ka kaysa sa kanya, siguradong kapag naging kaibigan mo siya, hinding-hindi mo din siya makakalimutan.


Jeffrey Aloysius R. Ramos

AB Psychology

Jeff, a little boy with a gentleman’s charm. He lets you be yourself without being judgmental which probably makes him all the more appealing. A quirky person with eccentric traits, yet as you get to know him you’d realize that he’s as normal as you can get. Laugh all you may when you’re with him and just when you need him, there he is to make you smile. He’s your typical boy-next-door who can easily capture a girl’s heart with his irresistible smile and appealing charm. He also is an artist that imagines big, dreams high and achieves great. There’s never a dull moment with him because he never runs out of stories. This guy can also laugh—a lot. He laughs at almost everything including himself and his mishaps.


Kevin Conrad M. Ramos

AB Psychology

Genuine has never been embodied by anyone better than Kevin Conrad Ramos. There is nothing superficial or flashy about him: What you see is what you get, and what you get is the entire KC. In school, he is usually in pambahay look, effectively complemented by his carefree attitude. Around people, his psychological-philosophical way of reaching out comes into play, magically turning the world into a healthier place to live in. His all-out passion in everything manifests itself everywhere: his effort in academics, his dedication to Tugon, and his constant presence for his close relationships. Almost always, he selflessly offers so much more than what is required and expected of him, all for the unquestionable motive of simply wanting to give, of simply wanting to devote his best in each endeavor that he takes on. He does what he loves and loves what he does. This is what makes him genuine, what makes knowing and being with KC an undeniably priceless experience.


Celeste Amada C. Reyes

AB Psychology

Celeste can help you tackle and solve any problem in no time. With her analytical mind and sense of responsibility, you’ll have a friend who can help you accomplish anything you dare. If you need someone to listen to you (share stories about your crush), give you a helping hand, or give you advice—you can count on her. She’s also very cool, loyal, daring, and affectionate. Poetry and drama are her fields of excellence. Generosity, friendliness, and humor are some of her traits that draw friends to her. Undeniably, Celeste has her own way of making the hearts of people remember her. Together with her lovable quality and charming looks, Celeste is downright irresistible. She is also clever, and she can light up a whole room with her bright smile.


Reianna Pris L. Rivero

AB Psychology

Reianna seemed to be a reserved person; a pretty girl with a cute smile who’s afraid to take any chances. Many people would fall for the same trap: wondering who this shy and silent girl is, often going to class in her jogging pants. I soon realized that behind that smile is a special person treasured by everybody. A very emotional person who always tries to put other people ahead of her, friends do not hesitate to run to her in times of distress because they know she would never turn her back on anyone who asks for her help. But don’t let that façade of a sweet, feminine girl fool you. Beyond the curtains of first impressions is a fighter, a go-getter who’ll risk and work on anything just to uphold what she believes in. Now that I know her, I’ll stop thinking and just be thankful for experiencing a magnificent person in my life. So when things go rough and the world would just frown at me, I’ll always have the privilege of knowing that I know a person like Reianna and everything will be okay.


Tristan Joel T. San Jose

AB Psychology

To love long, silent walks around campus in the late afternoon. To find thrill in watching the shadows of trees lengthen around you, and watching the sky slowly changing color. To believe in love that was true and pure. To have faith in everything that was good. To make time to keep in touch with people one cared about. To believe that friends are people who are always, always there for each other. To cling to dreams, because dreams did come true if only you put your mind to them. To laugh heartily and to sing just because. To listen, and soak in the world, and have no qualms about letting yourself be awed by its beauty. One is constantly reminded of all of these because he or she had been one of the lucky few to get to know TJ. Because every moment spent with TJ is a visit to Neverland—a brief encounter with not growing old. Or a conversation with the Little Prince—a gentle reminder that yes, though we forget it with each year we grow older, what is essential has been, is, and will always be invisible to the eye.


Clarisse Jessica C. Si

AB Psychology

Her ability to make people feel special is what sets Jessica apart. She is a guilt-freak who worries too much about the feelings of her friends, family, and even her dogs; this just shows how much she care and treasures her loved ones. With her 1000 words per minute, she can cheer you up even in the dreariest day. A witty, funny, effervescent, crazy, but a true friend with a zest for life, Jess can take up any challenge, a challenge that has made her dream of being a Fear Factor contender. Hearing the lines: “Fear is ultimately not a factor for you” reminds us of how strong Jess is as a person. She’s a fighter who never gives up and an optimist who sees life as an adventure. She’s a person who you can easily get along with—no pretensions, what you see is what you get. Being with Jess is like having a dose of laughter everyday, making you feel like you are not alone, somewhere, anywhere.


Maria Beatriz S. Siojo

AB Psychology

No one can deny that Bea is one the sweetest girls they’ve ever met. From the way she moves to the way she speaks, she is the epitome of grace and simple femininity. Bea is also God’s angel sent down to earth to sing. Through song, she expresses the beautiful person that she is inside and out. This is her gift, and she is a gift to us. Seldom do you find someone who excels in both academics and the arts. Seldom can you find an extraordinary lady who can engage you in thought, capture you in poise, and enchant you with soothing melody. Bea is this. Her smile can be likened to the summer sun that gently warms the earth and breaks the dark; Bea is a glow in the lives she touches. She’ll make you laugh and smile with her intelligence and quirky antics; it’s always a fun riot around Bea. Also, imbedded in the core of her womanhood are true moral character and a deep passion for God and service. Her honesty and kindness are admirable. Some call it luck, but to have her around is nothing short of a blessing.


Denise Camille T. Siy

AB Psychology

“How can a friend begin to remember Chinky? First, imagine how she looks. Her tummy jiggles every time she laughs in loud spasms and her nostrils widen during those I-have-PMS-don’t-mess-with-me days. She wears slippers to school, and though she may not be aware of it, she’s Pong Pagong’s number one fan, what with her bursting backpack and squeezable cheeks! After seeing how she looks like, recall how it feels to listen to her. How she stresses day after day that she’s not your typical ICAn and how she wittily picks on you to pick you up—amusing you over the phone until you fall asleep. But beyond how she talks, reflect on how her soft spots reveal themselves to you whenever she dries her glasses (though not her moist nose) with her shirt when she’s sad, or how passionately she talks about God, ACIL, the people she loves, recycling, and star cut-outs. If after all these you still haven’t begun to remember Chinky, just remember what she’s always believed in, that love never fails.”

—Cha Villaluz


Jessamine Joyce S. Sun

AB Psychology

Running into Jess on campus never fails to bring smiles to people’s faces. Talking to Jess, with her bright, open personality, one can easily be caught up in her enthusiasm and passion about many different things. It just seems to come naturally when one spends time with her. More than that, Jess knows when to listen, and listen she does perfectly. Her advice are always practical and realistic, something that can be doable with regard to the person’s personality and situation. She is also straight to the point and is not afraid to speak her mind. A dependable and loyal friend, she would go out of her way to take care of her friends. A responsible student, she is not afraid to let her ideas be known. Whatever tasks are assigned to her, she will not fail to complete them with her best abilities. A wonderful friend, a dependable classmate, with a great sense of humor—Jess is an all-around friend that gives more sense to life!

Having Jess as a friend is truly an unforgettable experience.


Karen S. Talamayan

AB Psychology

She is small but terrible. Literally, Karen is short but in the academic and party department she’s “terrible”—terribly shocking. When you meet her, your first impression might be that she’s gentle, shy, and innocent about life and the reality, but you’ll definitely be surprised to learn that she knows how to go wild and crazy! She can spend the whole day in the library studying and make time to party all night. Of course, as the master-procrastinator, you’d see her doing projects in the nick of time, or cramming a comprehensive exam, but in the end still manage to be in the Dean’s List.

When it comes to the love department, she’s a “high-school-boy-magnet.a” She doesn’t like that, however, for the guys whom she really likes, unfortunately, turn out to like guys as well.


Maria Cecilia C. Tan-Biana

AB Psychology

Ateneo was a whole new world for me. The first time, I was lost at the seemingly vastness of it. It didn’t help that I knew only 1 person out of its thousands of students. I was definitely feeling the symptoms of ‘UN-itis’—undergraduate, unknown, unsociable, and unconfident. Fidgeting on my new U2 v-neck shirt and Old Navy jeans, I wondered whether I would ever fit in like everyone else. Over the years, I found a home in ACMG and PEERS and participated in school-wide activities like OrSem and ACP. I focused on getting good grades rather than on worrying about what to wear the next day. Boring lectures & teachers weren’t unusual, but there were also some inspiring ones who were my source of enlightenment. I gained friends who stuck with me from parties to orals, keeping me sane through the years. Yes, you can say that I did fit in just fine, and I was thankful that my college life turned out the way it did. I think all the events shaped me into who I am at this very moment, and I surely would not have it any other way. v


Ryan Christopher S. Teehankee

AB Psychology

Just talking to Ryan for five minutes you’ll already know that he’ll be a good lawyer someday. He articulates himself well and impressively to boot; you would think that he is the most poised guy in the whole wide world. But he’s not. He likes Dance Maniax and even wore pigtails in the mall like it was the most fashionable statement ever. He can walk inside a high-end store with no money but still has the ability to project himself as someone of real importance to the salespersons. He doesn’t care what other people think and he knows that if he wants something badly, he’ll get it eventually; and he really knows what he wants. He would really remind you of an owl: wise and big-eyed. Haha! He has the impression of someone who does a lot of things and only sleeps little to make most of his precious time on earth. Even when he doesn’t know what he’s talking about, he still speaks as though all his life he has studied and mastered the thing that he’s talking about. And that makes him a really astounding man.


Jan Janice G. Teng

AB Psychology

She’ll remind you of a pixie who still hasn’t figured out how to live with the complexities of earth life. This Chinese girl is perpetually lost, engrossed in more serious matters than knowing “B” stands for Berchmans and not Bellarmine in her senior year. You may talk about her surprise party within her oblivious earshot but she definitely knows how to listen to the important things in life. Despite her very “significant” flaws, she is one of the sweetest, smartest, most genuine person you’ll ever encounter. Her sudden bursts of giddiness are as infectious as her signature dance moves. This fun-loving girl may look frail but she’s not and she has scars to prove it. You can count on her honesty and frankness when you need it the most but watch out when she says the opposite of what she means to make things more interesting. She’s funny even if it’s unintentional. Her antics and anecdotes are unforgettable and will surely be passed on to your kids and grandkids.


Patrick P. Tetangco

AB Psychology

Patrick. Patpat. Tengc. Tetangcs. Arnold. Master Pugo. Whatever you may call him, this guy never ceases to amaze people with his Van Wilder personality. This person is one of the people you can totally trust with everything. A really good friend and drinking buddy, and never forgets his manners especially when it comes to women. Besides his social expertise, this guy is also one dedicated student. Always maintaining high grades, one will definitely see his name in the future as one of the top-lawyers in this country, and maybe even in the whole world. But the best thing about him is that he is really sweet and lovable. One will definitely regret not knowing this guy.



Stephanie Anne V. Tible

AB Psychology

In essence, Stephanie “Stepho/Teffy/Teptep/Kyut” Tible is a beautiful person inside and out. The girl values her principles—this is evident in her relentlessly chilled out, peaceful disposition, and her maintenance of healthy relationships with her family, friends, and peer groups.

Steph is basically an all around good girl who knows how to have fun. She is especially skillful in avoiding inconsequential issues, especially in the context of shallow situations (Kumbaga, ayaw niya ng drama!). However, there are times when it seems that Steph borders on the neurotic. She finds humor in the strangest (and often the most ordinary) situations; and engaging in a full-blown laugh trip with her can be quite an enlightening experience.

She is not only a great catch for the guys, but she’s also a very sensitive, independent, ambitious, and intelligent individual. It’s a given that in whatever path Steph chooses to take in life, she will surely excel and have fun while doing just that.


Liezl Grace M. Torrefiel

AB Psychology

Maganda si Liezl kapag nakatalikod. Bilang kaibigan ng isang kaibigan, ilang taon ko ring nakilala si Liezl sa kanyang likod. At hindi ako nag-iisa nang ikahon ko na si Liezl gamit ang isang perspektibo lamang: matalino, seryoso sa pag-aaral, at mataray. Ngunit humarap si Liezl sa akin nang nakaraang taon at nakita ko ang kanyang tunay na mukha. Kanya’y isang mukhang napapagod rin pala sa pag-aaral, mga matang lumuluha rin kapag siya’y nahihirapan, isang ngiting nawawala rin pala. Ito ang mukhang babasag sa larawan ng Liezl na kilala ng karamihan, at ito rin ang mukhang nagbukas sa isang tunay na pagkakaibigan. Hindi niya nais itago ang kanyang mukha, ngunit gaya ng kayamanan sa ilalim ng dagat ito’y kailangang sisirin. Gaya ng mahahalagang mithiin, ito’y kailangang paghirapan. Ngunit kapag nahanap mo na, tiyak tiba tiba ka sa galak at ligaya. Dahil masasabi mo, kahit humarap na si Liezl, maganda pala talaga siya.


Johann Vittorio N. Trinidad

AB Psychology

Tigas. If there were any word to describe Jovitt, it would be this. This wouldn’t be the first impression you’ll get though if you just met the guy. With his long eyelashes and peculiarly comic smirk, you’d be misled. His gigil fits; his funny quips, and his long hours of just sitting down on the SEC Beach laughing and eating probably don’t give much proof to the word either. But so what with first impressions? It is when you really get to know him that you see how rock solid this guy is. He has applied himself to positions of leadership and with his strong convictions and beliefs; he has come up on top. Everything is a step away for him. Whether it is adventuring to Dumaguete for a business prospect, juggling leadership roles, leaving a legacy with the ORSEM Tours Dept, being the only Psych major to win a nationwide marketing competition or simply just being there, Jov has shown that with belief and conviction, “banggain ka man, sila gigiba.” Sunburnt and steady, from The Beach.


Celeste Vanessa M. Valencia

AB Psychology

A loving daughter and a loyal friend, Cel is always generous in sharing her time with her loved ones. Staying up late on the phone for a troubled friend or having late night dinners with her kuyas is not unlikely with Cel. Her sweet and caring nature makes her truly special and is very much appreciated by her family and friends. Remaining to be the apple of her parents’ eyes, everyone thinks Cel is all sugar and spice. It’s probably the girl-next-door allure or the sweet and sincere smile she has ready for anyone. Cel may be charming, forever smiling kind of girl, but she’s definitely more than that. She’s the veritable siga yet the ultimate baby. She’s every bit the refined lady her mother raised her but once the door closes and the lights switched off, it’s party all the way! She’s a fun-loving person who tries to enjoy life to the fullest while touching many lives along the way.


Christa V. Valencia

AB Psychology

Going to malls, coffee shops and especially bookstores, even alone, gives Christa her high. A self-confessed bookworm and movie addict, Christa simply can’t get enough of them. Sleep is another thing she cannot do without. She’s always determined to get to her morning classes on time but is never able to because of this. Christa also loves making people laugh. Using her charm, she never ceases to cheer up even the gloomiest person with her high-pitched voice, memorable expressions, funny gestures and her deafening laughter. Sometimes, she also humors friends with singing at the top of her lungs just to elicit a smile. With her petite figure, many have mistaken Christa to be four years younger than her age. A year ago, a flight attendant actually gave her a coloring kit after mistaking her for a kid. But do not be fooled by how she looks. Christa is actually very much independent and strong, the quintessential modern woman. With Christa, through life’s ups and downs, everything is side-splitting fun.


Jennilyn L. Wong

AB Psychology

Things never go wrong when you are with our naturally smart Jenn. Among her traits we often take for granted, is the generosity of her heart, the unrelentless loyalty to her friends, and the sincerity to make the people around her happy, which set her far apart from all other. Jenn is genuine, compassionate and unselfish with love, which only reminds us of God’s intention of putting angels among us who often forget what it means to have a beautiful soul.


Lizsa Nina C. Wongchuking

AB Psychology

When you see Lizsa in the near future, people won’t be surprised to find how successful she has become. Probably becoming one of the top managers in prestigious international companies or better yet running her own business. Even at this moment, she already possesses the sophistication, brilliance, elegance and radiance required in becoming a successful leader. She is very dedicated to her work, offering nothing but herself. She is compassionate. To say that she shows genuine concern and makes time for you when you need her most is an understatement. She aspires for excellence. Even the minutest detail has to be perfect. She balances her time with her friends, family, love life and even her pets. You can always count on her in having a smile at the end of a long day. Perhaps amidst some complaints about her day but definitely all done with a big smile nonetheless.


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