about me video2

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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A Little About

Chelsea Dickson

Hello, my name is Chelsea Dickson.

Thank you for Checking out my website.

I would like to tell you a little about myself and my

adventures with my family.

Banff, Canada


Venice, Italy

Thanks to my awesome

parents, my siblings and I

have gotten to see many

famous places, architecture, art

and beautiful landscapes.

Art has always run in my family’s blood. My mom was a major role in cultivating mine

and my siblings interests in art.

She took us to M.J. Designs for arts and crafts several times a year. She’s the main planner of

most of our adventures.

From a very young age, my mother provided my siblings and I with crayons, markers, acrylic paint, clay, yarn, canvases and all

sorts of ways to play with them.

My father also was encouraging of our artistic interests.

He would take us to art museums, as small children, and have us draw the works we


This is my younger brother Christopher. He’s one of a kind.

He graduated from The University of Texas with a BFA in Studio Arts.

Most of the time the two of us go on vacation with my parents.

Madame Tussaud’s Wax Museum: LondonChristopher and Van Gogh

My sister Stephanie was an AP art student in high school. I always admired her art skills.

Some people say we look like twins!

My siblings and I in a sculpted ice castle in Canada.

Exploring the canals in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

I have been fortunate enough to have seen several Broadway and Off Broadway


My siblings and I on a waterfall hike in Hawaii

Gorgeous architecture in London.

I’ve seen some beautiful landscapes: The Swiss Alps

The country side in Germany.

Going on a walk in Rome, Italy

A red cliff side in Kauii.

The mountains in Canada

Heading to the Ponte Vecchio. A famous bridge in Florence, Italy

I even had the chance to tour The Colloseum in Italy. Super Cool!

I got to see the uncanny architectural flaw in person…and take a classic picture.

I drove past Big Ben, in London.

…and climbed the 259 steps to get to the top of St. Paul’s Cathedral

My mother, father, brother and I visited the Parthenon

I also, got to tour The Vatican and go inside of the Sistine Chapel!

When this building was being built, Michelangelo took some scrap marble and

made the famous David

We visited the beautiful Trevi Fountain, by Nicola Salvi, in Rome, Italy. My father told us

legend says if you throw a coin over your shoulder, into the fountain, you will visit the

fountain again. It was his second visit.

I’ve seen The Thinker, by Auguste Rodin, in person. Pretty cool!

I got the privilege of walking through the streets of Pompeii. This is a photo of some

pottery and frescos that survived the Volcanic eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in AD 79.

We took a tour at the Vatican and saw the marble statue of Laocoon and His Sons, by the

sculptors Agesander, Athenodoros and Polydorus.

I have also dabbled in

the arts myself.

Thank you for taking

the time to get to

know me. Please,

enjoy the rest of my


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