ace. catalogo productos 2010 [europe]

Post on 28-Mar-2016






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ACE. Catalogo Productos 2010 [Europe]




MAX COTTIS Braintree, EssexPB’s – UK 49lb 15oz Mirror / FRANCE – Mirror 68lb 08oz Common 65lb

I graduated to carp fishing in the mid 70’s having completed my angling apprenticeship fishing for Roach and Perch from the age of five through a brief spell match fishing followed by a longer spell of specialist fishing. During my carp fishing career, I’ve been fortunate enough to have enjoyed some great moments, becoming the first British angler to catch a carp over 60lb in 1985 at Lac Cassien and catching the Savay’s first 40lb+ carp just a couple. Throughout nearly 45 years of fishing, I’ve sampled just about every aspect possible, whether it was Tarpon fishing in the Florida Keys, trolling for Marlin in the Sea of Cortez, fishing for Alligator

Gar in Texas, scouring Lake Nasser in Egypt for its giant Nile Perch, being knee deep in mud on the Ebro landing huge catfish or sitting on the banks of Rainbow Lake in search of a World Record Carp! It is this diversity that I believe is one of my greatest strengths. Put simply, if it swims, I’ll want to try to find a way to catch it!

DAVE MOORE North YorkshirePB’s – UK 54lb / FRANCE – Mirror 64lb 08oz

Dave has fished for most of his life having been born into a fishing family. As he grew up surrounded by his brothers along with both his Father and Grandfather who were all accomplished anglers it was inevitable that Dave would follow in their footsteps. Dave admits that these people were certainly the greatest influence in his formative years. Following years of learning his skills, Dave started carp fishing in the hot summer of 1976 when he still remembers quite vividly his first ever capture like it was yesterday. Dave is not a full time angler and never will be, because fishing to him is a purely hedonistic pursuit that could never give him

the satisfaction of doing a real job. He fishes for pure enjoyment and the fun of the chase and classes himself as a hunter and that’s how he approaches his fishing... something his results would suggest he’s got very good at!

JASON GREEN Leamington SpaPB’s – UK 44.12 / FRANCE – Mirror 71.12

Like most of us, Jason started fishing when he was a young lad accompanying his father. Following a successful spell as a junior match angler where he won a number of competitions, Jason’s interest switched to carp by the age of 15 an within twelve months he had joined his first syndicate water. Now, with more than 21 years carp fishing under his belt Jason has become a very experienced angler who enjoys every aspect of the sport however he does hold a special passion for Stalking and Floater fishing where he can get ‘up close & personal’ with his quarry allowing him to observe the carp’s behaviour and adapt his approach to fool

them! In addition to these methods, Jason is also know as a ‘big caster’ capable of hitting distances in excess of 200yds and he also enjoys the occasional trip abroad which has seen him take carp to over 70lb!

TONY MAKEPEACE Rugby, WarksPB’s – UK - Common 48.08 & Mirror 41.10 / FRANCE – Mirror 54.08

Tony started fishing as a young lad, learning his craft up until his mid twenties when he started to dedicate all his time in the pursuit of carp. Since then, his travels have seen him fish a wide variety of waters ranging from the little one acre farm irrigation ponds right up to the overseas reservoirs in excess of three thousand acres If you were to look at Tony’s strengths, you would have to say that he is a genuine ‘all rounder’ having fished and been successful on such a wide variety of waters.

We realise It’s important to have a diverse team of anglers, ones who are in touch with the modern carp scene, anglers who are out on the bank doing it week in, week out, not only keeping in touch with the latest methods and trends – but setting them! We’re extremely

proud of all our anglers, whether or not there household names, all of our team have years of experience and are at the forefront of our companies testing and innovation.



CHRIS LOWE West Bromwich - MidlandsPB’s – UK – Common 56lb & Mirror 46lb

Chris started carp fishing seriously just over 10 years ago now and during time he has seen it go from a being a hobby to a way of life which now sees him spending as much time on the bank as possible! Chris likes to fish public access waters which means he has to stay one step ahead of the game to be consistently successful. This is undoubtedly one of his greatest strengths and it has provided him with a wealth of experience by fishing the Linear fisheries complex in Oxford over the last five years. In addition, Chris has also had enormous success at some other well known venues like Rob Hales ‘Acton’ syndicate in Shropshire where he holds the current lake

record Common known as ‘Bill’ which weighed 55.02. His current P.B is a 56lb Common, the sadly departed Benson from Bluebell lakes.

ANGIE LOWE West Bromwich - MidlandsPB’s – UK – Mirror 41.04 Common 41.04

Angie started fishing at around the age of 13 down the local canal however she only took up carp fishing seriously about 10 years ago when she met up with her partner Chris. Since then, they have travelled all over the country to fish different waters but her favourite venue remains the Linear Fisheries complex near Oxford. Angie says that Linear is a ‘home from home’ for us and whilst the fishing on the complex can often be difficult due to the amount of pressure the fish receive but when you get it right it can be very rewarding! Both Angie’s P.B’s have come from this complex, her Mirror being ‘Cut Tail’ at 41.04 from Manor Farm Lake

and the ‘Big Common’ from St John’s, also at 41.04 which has made it onto the cover of this year’s Linear Fisheries brochure.

JON COOPER Nuneaton – Warks.PB’s – UK – Mirror 59lb 2oz Common & 50lb 12oz Mirror / FRANCE - 62.12 Mirror & 46lb Common

Jon is one of the most methodical carp anglers I’ve ever seen, his attention to detail especially on his rigs is amongst the best I’ve ever seen. Starting fishing as a very young lad, Carp soon took his interest and have now played a huge part in his life since the age of 12. Nearly 37 years later, running his own bait company, Pyramid Baits, Jon remains as dedicated now as he’s ever been. His desire to target big fish across the country is unwavering. Over his career, Jon has been lucky enough to catch many of the UK’s very large ‘target’ carp from some fantastic venue including no less than 6 UK 50’s which at one time included the British record Common Carp.

ALEX BRANSBY NorthamptonPB’s – UK – Mirror 45.12

I have been angling for specimen sized fish of many species for well over twenty years now and I started specialising in Carp some fifteen years back. I relish the challenge of angling for large carp in highly pressured, low stocked waters. For me, totally committing yourself both physically and mentally in the pursuit of a certain fish from such a venue and then ultimately succeeding is just about the greatest reward I can think of! I believe that the key to successful carp fishing is a mix of sound watercraft and sensible bait application along with learning to trust your instincts. The last couple of years have also seen me put pen to paper having articles published in leading carp magazines like Total Carp, Advanced Carp fishing & Crafty Carper.

KEVIN GRIX Norwich - NorfolkPB’s – UK - Common 50.07 / FRANCE – Mirror 53.06

Having fished for most of his life, Kevin learnt his skills on the local broads and many gravel pits in Norfolk. One day, whilst out pleasure fishing he hooked and managed to land his first carp, a mid double on a 3lb line and a size 14 hook. It was the immense power and physical size of that fish that completely reshaped his fishing career and from that day in 1980, he has spent his time on the banks in pursuit of his passion... the carp. Carp fishing in Norfolk in those days was difficult to say the least with only a handful of waters holding good fish, however undeterred he went on to catch a number of fish over the then magical 30lb+ mark

before deciding it was time to start to travel in search of even bigger fish. The following years saw Kevin fishing all the now well known venues like Lac Cassien, Lac Du Der (Chantecoq), the Orient and Salagou to name just a few! He is a modest angler who never takes himself too seriously but don’t be fooled, he is an inventive angler whose attention to detail and meticulous approach to the construction of his terminal tackle and application of bait have seen him capture some amazing fish along the way. He says he’s ‘just lucky’... I say, ‘you make your own luck’!




The aim of ACE was simple, to produce a range of tackle, reliable, practical and designed to catch carp not anglers! Unlike many that had gone before, we decided to approach this differently and systematically review all the products that are used on an almost daily basis. Our focus though, was not to look at was good about each of them, I wanted to look at what was wrong then home in and start to put these often small but nonetheless annoying faults right..........for example, how many have us have spent ages trying to thread rig tubing, spend ages forming our shrink tube on a rig only to see it straighten out and useless after just one fish? I could go on, examples of camouflaged hooklink that when you strip back its pretty outer your confronted with a single coloured core, lead clips that don’t discard the lead when you have fish go steaming through the weed but dump it off when you cast with a PVA bag...........the list goes on!It was only after months of ongoing development and numerous samples that I realised why so many before had ‘settled’ with a product that was nearly right rather than sticking with it until they achieved their original objectives. At ACE we are proud to say that we went the extra mile, remaining true to our objectives until we arrived at what we believed to be the best product that was possible. Following more than 18 months extensive testing of ALL of our products, we are proud to say we believe we have produced the best range of terminal tackle available – throughout the development, no matter what problems we encountered we never said ‘that will do’ and I can assure you............we never will!

Max Cottis.



The ACE i3 alarm signifies the arrival of a new generation

in intelligent bite indictor systems. Dispensing with

conventional magnet/reed switches, this new alarm

incorporates our new patented dual sensing TGS

technology which can detect both line movement and

vibration making the i3 capable of identifying even the

slightest of movements.

Designed from scratch, ACE set out to create the

ultimate bite alarm based upon practical features,

adding  things like a mute control to allow you to set

your indicators without having to turn the alarm off, a

reliable radio system that will perform not matter what

trees or undergrowth feature on the bank your fishing!

Fully encapsulated electronics, radio range testing, low

battery warning, night light and high visibility LEDS which

allow you to select the colour of your choice all coupled

with unrivalled reliability to come together to produce the

most advanced bite alarm you could imagine!

Fully tested over nearly two years by some of the country’s

highest profile anglers, ACE are proud to say........

‘We’ve done the testing – so you don’t have to!’‘We’ve done the testing – so you don’t have to!’‘We’ve done the testing – so you don’t have to!’‘We’ve done the testing – so you don’t have to!’‘We’ve done the testing – so you don’t have to!’ * Betalights not included.




DUAL SENSING SYSTEM - TGS (TACHO GENERATOR SENSING)Using a miniature DC motor, TGS generates a voltage signal that’s proportional to the movement of the line. Interpreting these movements in two ways, by actual line movement (R) or vibration (VS) the level of sensitivity can be set to suit the most varied conditions.

ROLLER SENSITIVITY The ‘R’ control can be set anywhere between its minimum sensitivity setting of 3”/75mm, idea for flowing water to its maximum setting which will detect line movements as little as 1.5mm making it ideal for shy or wary feeding fish.

VIBRATION SENSITIVITY The ‘VS’ control overrides the roller setting allowing TGS to now detect vibration movements. This mode is perfect when fishing slack lines looking for ‘liners’ or for when fishing very tight lines ‘locked up’ where a take will often be preceded by one or two bleeps, even before any visible movement is detected on either the rod top or on the indicator – an incredible advantage when fishing tight to snags as this will often give you enough warning to be ready over your rod, providing you with that edge in extracting the fish before it dives into the snag!

FUNCTION BUTTON - MUTE Tired of listening to alarms going off up and down the bank while anglers set their indicators after casting out? ............Have you forgotten to turn your alarm on after resetting your indicator only to hear your spool going? The unique MUTE features allows you to put the alarm ‘to sleep’ while you set up your indicator without have to turn alarm off. Head automatically reverts to live mode ready to detect a take after 30 secs.

CHANGEABLE LED COLOUR Tastes change, want to switch indicator colours?.........Now you are no longer a stuck with one LED colour! Simply hold the function button, turn the tone control and select from six colours, RED, YELLOW, GREEN, BLUE, WHITE & PURPLE to match your new bobbins. Once chosen, simply release the button and push 3 times to set the new colour!

SUPER BRIGHT LEDS Extremely bright LEDS which are easily visible even in bright sunlight, they feature a wide viewing angle allowing you to see them even when sat to the side of your rods.




* Betalights not included.



RANGE TEST Often wondered if you receiver will work in your mates swim? Our range test facility allows you to check the signal strength on your receiver as you move away from the alarms. Signal strength is represented by 4 Green LEDS = Excellent, 4 x Yellow = Good, 4 x Red = Poor and when you go out of range the LEDS stop flashing.

NIGHT LIGHT Alternative to betalights, the night-lite produces a subtle green glow to help you position your rod centrally onto alarm during nightime..

BATTERY LIFE Always seem like your replacing your batteries? Low drain circuitry provides extended battery life over most alarms. By using a good quality alkaline battery you can expect to get in excess of 6 months from a bite alarm and up to 2 months from the receiver depending on usage.

LOW BATTERY WARNING Constantly monitors battery condition, its three stage warning system ensures you know when your battery is due for replacement.

FULLY ENCAPSULATED ELECTRONICSAfter a comprehensive series of quality control checks, each alarm has its circuit board fully encapsulated to protect against water ingress or condensation, the two major causes of alarm failure!

NON SLIP ROD SEAT Designed with a deep U to ensure your rod is held securely in position, it features soft touch rubber pads to prevent ‘rod slide’ when fishing with your rods angled downwards.

STAINLESS STEEL STUD Incorporates a 3/8” stainless steel stud for attaching alarm to your buzz bar or Bankstick.

IMPACT CASE Each alarm is supplied with its own hard protective case.

warning system ensures you know when your battery is due for replacement.




BETA LIGHTHigh power Trigalight isotopes supplied

in pairs and designed to push straight

into the soft rubber slots on to i3 alarm.


IARS (Intelligent Alarm Recognition System) – Fully intelligent - incorporating IARS, the receiver instantly replicates the LED colour and Tone settings from each individual head. Make any changes to your alarm and your receiver automatically updates the settings. Only the Volume remains independent allowing you to choose separate levels on both devices.

VIBRATION ALERT Turn the volume control fully counter clockwise to override the volume and activate the vibration alert. Ideal should you wish to receive indication of a ‘take’ discreetly!

LOW BATTERY WARNING Receiver relays a low battery warning from any individual alarm by flashing a blue LED on the corresponding LED that the alarm is programmed to. In the case that the receiver battery needs replacing ALL 4 LEDS flash blue.

EASY PAIRING Simply push the ‘Connect’ button to make the first LED flash then activate the alarm you wish to pair to that position, then push connect button twice to make the second LED flash, pair alarm, then repeat to add a third and forth alarm!

STANDS & BACKS CASES Each receiver comes complete with a choice of plain or belt clip backs which can be used in conjunction with the stand or magnetic bivvy holder.

battery needs replacing ALL 4 LEDS flash blue.




PERFORMANCE AND RELIABILITYbut don 't take our word for it. . . . . .

I have been using a set of ACE alarms since before there general release, and i have to be honest and say that I’ve been very impressed! Not only have they been reliable and robust throughout, both very important features in an alarm but these alarms are packed full of many great features. Two of these that stand out for me are the mute button and the dual sensing. The hard case is excellent too! Tony Makepeace.

The new ACE i-3 alarms have raised the bar in technological advancement and are now at the forefront of bite indication. I have used these alarms for a long while now and I’m really impressed with the whole package that ACE has put together. They have paid attention to every little detail and have also included some new innovative ideas. These alarms have now set a bench mark for others to follow.Jason Green.

Think of all the problems you have with your current alarms, no matter how insignificant and then think of the solution? ACE Alarms have already done that! Probably the best Alarms ever made.Dave Moore.

Having used the I3 Ace alarms for more than a year now I have to say that the reliability has been first class. The alarms many features are all there for good reason to help the angler with first class  bite-detection a must for me on the large windswept pits that I fish these days. Designed for anglers by anglers that know what is needed when you’re out there on the bank doing it week in week out.John Cooper.

When I was first asked to be involved in the testing of the ACE alarms, I have to say, I was very impressed with the features they offered, taking into consideration that a bite alarm is one of a carp anglers most important bits of kit, therefore, total reliability and performance is of the uppermost importance. Having been in the game for a long time however, I’m initially always very skeptical about new products, and more interested to know what their long term reliability is like!Packed with many impressive features, the i-3 alarms have not disappointed, and throughout the entire test period they have never ever let me down and their performance and reliability has never been questioned!Lee Jackson – Tackle Box.

Every now and then a new product comes on to the market that can vastly improve your fishing and significantly improve your catch rate. The Ace i-3 alarm is one such product with their dual sensing systems bite detection is now made far easier with false alarms now a thing of the past. Reliability, unique features, performance, ease of use, these alarms have it all. By far the most advanced alarms on the market. Tomorrow’s technology available today! Kevin Benham.

“The ACE alarms dual sensing system combines a roller movement with a vibration system which used correctly gives you a massive edge when it comes to bite indication. Undoubtedly these alarms have helped me put more fish on the bank since I’ve been using them.”Rob Hales.

“I’ve been carp fishing now for 32 years and I can honestly say the ACE i3 bite alarms are the best I’ve come across. The most important aspects of any bite alarm is build quality, reliability, and forward thinking indication features that offer a real advantage, I’m pleased to say I have found all three in the i3”Mick Kavanagh.  This new addition to the top end alarm market really did come as a breath of fresh air. The ACE i3 is packed with features, but rather than being an expensive toy this is a practical piece of kit, designed by anglers for anglers, and you’ll be left wondering why all alarms don’t boast the same functions.Steve Broad - UK Carp.

I have now been using the ACE alarms for nearly a year in torrential rain, baking heat, gale force winds and temperatures as low as minus -12 and throughout all of this time they have always performed perfectly! The dual sensing system has enabled me to detect and land many finicky feeding fish when I’m sure no other alarm I’d previously used would have registered a bleep. Packed with features, my favourite is the mute button. No more forgetting to turn the alarm back on after casting out a rod. In short, they are a great bit of kit which I’m sure will become a firm favourite with many anglers!Paul Hunt – Rainbow Carp Tours.

The Ace alarms represent a significant breakthrough in design offering features and functionality beyond anything has gone before. From the ultra modern appearance to the variable LED colours, the 1-3 is more than enough to please the tackle tart in me which when coupled with the impressive control over sensitivity and operation has definitely given me a level of indication that I have never previously had before, .........something that will surely result in me putting more fish on the bank in the future!Jamie Clossick.

“There’s a new kid on the top-end bite alarm block and it’s causing quite a stir. Why? Well, in a nutshell, you could pretty much draw up a list of all of the features you’d want on a bite alarm and they’d be present here, in bundles. Definitely one of the launches of 2009 and set to be an absolute winner”Marc Coulson – Total Carp.

I’ve used my ACE alarms exclusively at Rainbow for almost a year now, in heat of up to 35 degrees, the cold down to -8, and rainforest type monsoons. Reliability is the most important feature that I look for, and that’s exactly what I get.  Can’t fault them! Martin Locke – Solar Tackle.

for anglers, and you’ll be left wondering why all

sensing system has enabled me to detect and

no other alarm I’d previously used would have

Martin Locke – Solar Tackle.Martin Locke – Solar Tackle.

Martin has been involved in the testing of the ACE i-3 from the beginning and whilst we cannot claim his capture is the direct result of using our bite alarm we do like to feel we’ve played our part!









we do like to feel we’ve played our part!

Ace Alarms CT798_V3.indd 2

08/01/2010 13:32:35


CAMO CORECamo Core is a highly abrasion resistant hooklink

material ideal for making all ‘combi link’ rigs as well

as being used ‘un-stripped’ creating a semi rigid


Displaying superb knot strength, this fast sinking

coated hooklink can be easily knotted without

damaging the outer coating and features a multi

colour core which ‘breaks up’ it’s profile on the bottom

making it much harder to see! Camo Core outer

coating can be easily removed with your fingernail or

our Strip-Ease tool and is available in Silt, Weed and

Gravel in 15lb, 20lb and 25lb breaking strains.

WEED CODE15lb ACC00120lb ACC00225lb ACC00335lb ACC122GRAVEL15lb ACC00420lb ACC00525lb ACC00635lb ACC123SiLT15lb ACC00720lb ACC00825lb ACC00935lb ACC124





HARD-ON CAMOLEADCOREHard-On Camo Leadcore is extremely easy

to splice thanks to our ‘Easi-weave’ outer

sheath. Featuring a high density lead core

that lays ‘Hard-On’ the lake bed reducing

the chance of spooking any carp moving or

feeding in and around your rig. Displaying a

high abrasion resistance, its tri tone weave

provides excellent camouflage making it very

unobtrusive! Available in three colours to

match any lake bed – Silt, Gravel and Weed

and comes supplied with its own splicing

needle in a colour coded dispenser.

SPLICING LEADCORE1. Slide back the braided outer and trim off approx 3”/75mm of leadcore.

2. Find where the lead finishes inside the sheath and insert the splicing needle.

3. Thread the needle inside the sheath for approx 1”/25mm and then push it back out of the braid.

4. Thread your swivel onto to the braid.

5. Close the gate trapping approx 5mm of braided sheath under the hook.

6. General retract the needle back through the outer sheath.

7. Pull splice tight, then, just slide back, trim and pull tight again.

8. Gently ease the lead back ‘inside’ the splice and spot with rig glue to secure at the end.


3. Thread the needle inside the sheath for approx 1”/25mm and then push it back out of the braid.

the chance of spooking any carp moving or

feeding in and around your rig. Displaying a

1. Slide back the braided outer and trim off approx 3”/75mm of leadcore.

WEED CODE45lb x 5m ACC01045lb x 25m ACC013GRAVEL45lb x 5m ACC01145lb x 25m ACC014SiLT45lb x 5m ACC01245lb x 25m ACC015


HARD-ON CAMO SPLICEDLEADCORE LEADERSUniversal spliced leadcore leaders suitable for use with most

safety clip or in-line lead systems. Supplied with a choice of

Standard, QC or Flexi Ring swivels, all of which are easily fitted

via the spliced loops, the 36”/90cm length ensures the line directly

above your lead lays Hard-On the lake bed reducing the chance of spooking any

carp moving or feeding in the vicinity. Incorporating a tri tone

weave that provides excellent camouflage making

these leaders very unobtrusive, Hard-On Camo

Leadcore Leaders come in three colours

to match any lake bed – Silt, Gravel and



ATTACHING LEADERTO MAINLINE1. Tie a 1”/25mm loop in your mainline/braid.

2. Pass the mainline loop through the spliced loop.

3. Pass the leader back through the loop in the


4. Wet the loop, and gently pull down.

carp moving or feeding in the vicinity. Incorporating a tri tone

weave that provides excellent camouflage making

these leaders very unobtrusive, Hard-On Camo

Leadcore Leaders come in three colours

to match any lake bed – Silt, Gravel and


HARD-ON CAMO SPLICEDHARD-ON CAMO SPLICEDLEADCORE LEADERSLEADCORE LEADERSUniversal spliced leadcore leaders suitable for use with most

safety clip or in-line lead systems. Supplied with a choice of

Standard, QC or Flexi Ring swivels, all of which are easily fitted

via the spliced loops, the 36”/90cm length ensures the line directly

above your lead lays Hard-On the lake bed reducing the chance of spooking any

carp moving or feeding in the vicinity. Incorporating a tri tone

weave that provides excellent camouflage making

CARP LEADERS carp moving or feeding in the vicinity. Incorporating a tri tone

weave that provides excellent camouflage making


TIPIf you want to ditch the lead ‘instantly’ on

the take trim the lead clip arm as shown.

HARD-ON CAMOLEADCORE SAFETY CLIP LEADERSFitted with ACE Safety Lead Clips, these spliced leaders are

designed to discharge the lead should a fish run through weed,

snags or become tethered. Fitted with a Size 8 QC Swivel, each

pack includes additional Standard and Flexi Ring Swivels which

can be substituted easily with the spliced loop attachment.

Measuring 36”/90cm in length, it ensures the line directly

above your lead lays tight to the lake bed reducing the chance of

spooking any carp moving or feeding in the vicinity. Incorporating

a tri tone weave which provides excellent camouflage making

these leaders very unobtrusive, Hard-On Camo Leadcore

Helicopter/Chod Leaders come in three colours to match any

lake bed– Silt, Gravel and Weed.




designed to discharge the lead should a fish run through weed,

snags or become tethered. Fitted with a Size 8 QC Swivel, each







HARD-ON CAMO LEADCOREHELICOPTER/CHOD LEADERSSpecially designed for fishing helicopter/chod rigs, these spliced leaders

can be fished either as a conventional helicopter rig with the hooklink

semi-fixed just above the lead or by simply adding the additional bead, the

hooklink can be fished anywhere along the length of the leader creating

a chod rig. With safety of upmost importance, we incorporated a ‘soft’

bead which will easily pass over the loop allowing the hooklink to pull free

of the leadcore should a breakage occur or a fish become tethered.

Supplied with a choice of Size 8 Cyclops or QC Cyclops Helicopter swivels

and a size 11 Flexi Ring swivel, the 30”/75cm length ensures the line

directly above your lead lays tight to the lake bed reducing the chance

of spooking any carp moving or feeding in the vicinity. Incorporating a tri

tone weave which provides excellent camouflage making these leaders

very unobtrusive, Hard-On Camo Leadcore Helicopter/Chod Leaders

come in three colours to match any lake bed – Silt, Gravel and Weed.

ATTACHING LEADERTO MAINLINE1. Tie a 1”/25mm loop in your mainline/braid.

2. Pass the mainline loop through the spliced loop.

3. Pass the leader back through the loop in the


4. Wet the loop, and gently pull down.


2. Pass the mainline loop through the spliced loop.

3. Pass the leader back through the loop in the


4. Wet the loop, and gently pull down.



ANTI-TANGLE LEAD CLIP RIGSDesigned to eliminate tangles during the

cast these ‘ready to go’ anti tangle rigs

incorporating our safety lead clips fitted

with 18” of sinking rig tubing and are

supplied with a choice of standard, flexi ring

and QC swivels with AT sleeves. Easy to

thread, and featuring a non-reflective matt

finish these anti tangle rigs are available

in Silt, Gravel and Weed

options to allow your

end tackle to blend in

with the lake bed to

help avoid spooking

any fish feeding in the






in Silt, Gravel and Weed

options to allow your

end tackle to blend in





BAITING NEEDLECovering every possible angling situation, our range of baiting tools incorporates high quality stainless steel needles and features an ergonomically designed ‘comfort grip’ handle. Coded using high visibility coloured handles to provide easy recognition or in ‘Carpy’ green for the purist’s.coloured handles to provide easy recognition or in ‘Carpy’ green for the purist’s.

STRINGERDesigned for making PVA

stringers, its pointed ‘crook’

ensures the string or tape is

held securely whilst feeding

the baits off the needle.


HEAVY LIP CLOSEDesigned as a general ‘all round’ baiting needle,

suitable for most boilie and particle baits. The

hinged gate securely holds the hair as you pull it

back through the bait. It also acts as a very handy

tool to aid tying small loops in short hairs!


BRAID AND HARD BAITRecommended for use with braided hairs. The ‘open’

needle eye securely retains the finest of hairs whilst

reducing the chances of catching the fibres. In addition,

it’s hardened point makes it is ideal for use with very

hard baits such as air dried boilies or tiger nuts.


FINE LIP CLOSE/SPLICINGDesigned for use with small or soft baits such

as 10/12mm boilies or sweetcorn, the ultra fine

hook reduces the risk of splitting your baits whilst

threading. This needle can also be used to splice

leadcore or for threading very fine silicone tube onto

hooklinks when making rigs.

hook reduces the risk of splitting your baits whilst

leadcore or for threading very fine silicone tube onto


STICK AND STRINGDesigned primarily for threading hooklinks

through PVA mesh sticks. The hinged gate

closes as the needle is drawn back through

the stick ensuring that the hook doesn’t catch

and damage the mesh. Also doubles as a

stringer needle when required.

MAGGOT AND ULTRA FINE BAITRecommended for use with fine line or braided hairs, its ‘open’

style needle eye securely retains the finest of hairs whilst

reducing the chances of catching the fibres. Featuring a ultra

fine hardened stainless steel needle, this is ideal for use with

maggots and other small delicate baits that would normally

split by most conventional baiting needles. split by most conventional baiting needles.


STICK AND STRINGSTICK AND STRINGDesigned primarily for threading hooklinks

through PVA mesh sticks. The hinged gate

closes as the needle is drawn back through





TIGER NUT DRILLFeaturing our stubby drill with a specially shaped tip

to help prevent splitting Tigers. This nut drill is supplied

with cork sticks designed to plug into your drilled baits to

create perfectly popped up or balanced presentations!

Replacement cork sticks are available.

CORK STICKSDesigned to perfectly compliment our Tiger nut Drill, these

high quality cork sticks will perfectly plug the hole bored

using our Tiger Nut Drill to help you create perfectly

popped up or balanced presentations time after time!

BAIT DRILLIncorporating a 1.2mm stainless steel bit,

this bait drill is invaluable for drilling very

hard air dried baits and pellets allowing

you to thread them easily! Featuring our

‘comfort grip’ handle and supplied in high

visibility colours to help you avoid losing

it on the bank or in ‘Carpy’ green for the










Ergonomically designed to fit comfortably between

thumb and forefinger, the Strip-Ease has been

designed to safely and easily remove the outer

coating on Camo Core and similar hooklink

materials cleanly, without damaging the inner

braid. Available in high visibility fluorescent

Yellow, Green, Orange or ‘Carpy’ green for

the purist’s!

MULTI-PULL The ultimate 3 in 1 rig tool. The Multi-Pull features a loop

for tightening hooks, a hook to accommodate swivels and

rings and a stepped stainless point with two diameters which

is perfect for pulling loops in stiff booms or creating small loops

when splicing leadcore leaders. Ergonomically designed for comfort.

Available in fluoro Yellow, Green and Orange.


Ergonomically designed to fit comfortably between

thumb and forefinger, the Strip-Ease has been

materials cleanly, without damaging the inner

braid. Available in high visibility fluorescent

Yellow, Green, Orange or ‘Carpy’ green for

the purist’s!




coating on Camo Core and similar hooklink coating on Camo Core and similar hooklink

materials cleanly, without damaging the inner

braid. Available in high visibility fluorescent

Yellow, Green, Orange or ‘Carpy’ green for

The ultimate 3 in 1 rig tool. The Multi-Pull features a loop

for tightening hooks, a hook to accommodate swivels and

rings and a stepped stainless point with two diameters which

is perfect for pulling loops in stiff booms or creating small loops

when splicing leadcore leaders. Ergonomically designed for comfort.




BOILIE HAIREXTENDERSDesigned to allow you the flexibility to change your size of bait, create

snowman presentations or just increase the length of your hair in seconds

when the situation dictates rather than re-tie your rig! Supplied

on frames containing three different lengths 4mm, 8mm

and 12mm providing you maximum versatility, our Boilie

Hair Extenders are available in a range of fluorescent

colours to match today’s high visibility pop-ups

and plastic hook baits. Also available in Clear or

Brown which are ideal to use with most ‘natural’

boilies and particles.

BOILIE STOPSDesigned to fit snugly against the curved surface

of any size boilie, these discreet buoyant bait

stops will securely hold the hair

in place and are available

in a range of fluorescent

colours to match today’s

high visibility pop-ups

and plastic hook baits.

Also available in Clear

or Brown which are

ideal to use with most

‘natural’ boilies and





CYCLOPSHELICOPTER SWIVELSWhilst originally designed for use on helicopter rigs, these large eyed swivels have proved ideal for many other applications like creating resistance free running rigs or for attaching the bomb tail on marker float set ups! Supplied in a dull non reflective matt black finish.

QC CYCLOPSHELICOPTER SWIVELSQuick change versions of our Cyclops Helicopter swivels, they are designed for use with helicopter rigs. However, they can be very useful if you like to detach your lead link from your marker float set up during transit. Supplied in a dull, non reflective matt black finish with Mini Anti Tangle Sleeves.

QC FLEXI RING SWIVELSCombining all the benefits of our QC swivels by adding a hook to the original ring, these swivels can now be used to create a quick change rigs when using stiff Riga-mortis or fluorocarbon hooklink materials. In addition, they can also be used very effectively with coated braids inside PVA bags. Supplied with Mini Anti Tangle Sleeves, these dull, non reflective matt black QC swivels are available in sizes 8 and size 10.

KWIK CLIPSKwik Clips have been designed to make it quick and simple to change leads. Extremely versatile, these clips are perfect for use with leadcore/fused helicopter rigs or for running rigs by attaching them to a Cyclops swivel, creating the ultimate resistance free set up! Available in two sizes in our dull, non-reflective matt black finish.

SiZE CODE8 ACC04110 ACC042





Combining all the benefits of our QC swivels by adding a hook to the original ring, these swivels can now be used to create a quick change rigs when using stiff Riga-mortis or fluorocarbon hooklink materials. In



Quick change versions of our Cyclops Helicopter swivels, they are designed for use with helicopter

Whilst originally designed for use on helicopter rigs, these large eyed swivels have proved ideal for



SWIVELSHighest quality round eye rolling swivels, suitable for all carp rigs. Supplied in a dull, non reflective matt black finish.

MINI RIG SWIVELSHighest quality round eye rolling swivels, suitable for creating anti-eject carp rigs. Supplied in a dull, non reflective matt black finish.

FLEXI RING SWIVELSOriginally designed to create a flexible joint when using stiff hooklink materials, their use has now become popular in the construction of all carp rigs made from fluorocarbon, coated braids and even soft supple hooklink materials. Supplied in a dull, non reflective matt black finish.

QC SWIVELSOriginally created to allow a convenient way of removing the hooklink, making it easier to thread on small PVA sticks. Other benefits soon became apparent as they allowed you to change rigs quickly! In addition, it also allowed you to unclip the hooklink whilst a fish was still in the net in the water and move your rod away making it easier to transport the fish to your unhooking mat. Supplied with Anti Tangle Sleeves, these dull.

Highest quality round eye rolling swivels, suitable for all carp rigs. Supplied in a dull, non reflective

Highest quality round eye rolling swivels, suitable for

Originally created to allow a convenient way of removing the hooklink, making it easier to thread on small PVA

Originally designed to create a flexible joint when using stiff hooklink materials, their use has now become

SiZE CODE8 ACC03010 ACC03111 ACC032

SiZE CODE8 ACC03410 ACC03511 ACC036

SiZE CODE8 ACC03710 ACC038





ANTI TANGLE SLEEVESCreated for use with our QC swivels to slide back and protect

the hook after the hooklink had been attached, these anti tangle

sleeves serve another purpose by not only protecting the knot

which is vulnerable, especially when using in-line leads, but they

also help prevent tangles caused by the hooklink folding back

during the cast. Supplied in two sizes, Standard which are idea

for use with our carp safe lead clips and Mini which are perfect for

use with helicopter set ups. Available in Silt, Gravel, Weed and Clear.

SHRINK TUBESpecially developed for ACE to

provide superb ‘memory’, this

3:1 ratio shrink tube allows you

to create ‘extensions’ to the

hook significantly improving the

hooking efficiency by helping

turn the hook into the mouth

increasing its chances of

achieving a good hook hold.

Available in two sizes in Silt,

Gravel and Weed to blend in

with our range of hooklink

materials or Clear for those

who love fluorocarbon!

sleeves serve another purpose by not only protecting the knot

which is vulnerable, especially when using in-line leads, but they

also help prevent tangles caused by the hooklink folding back

during the cast. Supplied in two sizes, Standard which are idea

for use with our carp safe lead clips and Mini which are perfect for

turn the hook into the mouth

increasing its chances of

achieving a good hook hold.

Available in two sizes in Silt,

Gravel and Weed to blend in

with our range of hooklink

materials or Clear for those materials or Clear for those

who love fluorocarbon!

WEED CODE1.2 ACC0531.6 ACC054GRAVEL1.2 ACC0551.6 ACC056SiLT1.2 ACC0571.6 ACC058CLEAR1.2 ACC0591.6 ACC060



SINKING RIG TUBEDesigned to eliminate tangles during the cast, anti

tangle tubing also helps protect the flanks of the fish

by preventing the line from coming into contact during

the fight and possibly dislodging any scales! Easy to

thread, and featuring a non-reflective matt finish, this

sinking tube is available in Silt, Gravel and Weed options

that were created to blend in with the lake bed to avoid

spooking any fish in the vicinity of your rig & bait.

SILICONE TUBEEssential for holding the hair securely in place on the hook shank, silicone rig tube not only helps reduce

tangles and the hooking efficiency, but by slightly adjusting its position you can determine exactly how

your hook will sit with critically balanced baits providing another edge in presentation! Available in Silt,

Gravel and Weed.

Designed to eliminate tangles during the cast, anti

tangle tubing also helps protect the flanks of the fish

by preventing the line from coming into contact during

the fight and possibly dislodging any scales! Easy to








LEAD CLIPSProbably the most popular method for attaching a lead,

our clip system has been designed to safely eject the lead

without the need for trimming or modification should a fish

run through weed, snags or become tethered. The force

required to ‘ditch’ the lead is pre-determined by how far

you push on the tail rubber. Each clip incorporates

a pin which locks the swivel into the body. This is

essential for the clip to work effectively. Used in

conjunction with our size 8 swivels, our Carp Safe

Lead Clips are supplied with matching tail rubbers and

a tool to remove the pin when required. Available in Silt,

Gravel and Weed to allow you to disguise your end tackle

depending on the bottom you’re fishing over!

LEAD CLIP TAIL RUBBERSDesigned for use in conjunction with our lead clips when using our

sinking rig tube. Creating a neat and streamlined connection which

helps reduce tangles, they allow the tube to be easily inserted yet grip

it firmly enough during the cast. Supplied in three colours, Weed, Gravel

and Silt to match the lead clips.

1. Thread tail rubber onto mainline followed by

lead clip.

2. Tie on swivel and pull into clip body.

3. Insert pin into body to lock swivel in place.

4. TIP: if you wan’t to ditch the lead ‘instantly’ on

the take trim lead clip arm as shown.



without the need for trimming or modification should a fish

run through weed, snags or become tethered. The force

required to ‘ditch’ the lead is pre-determined by how far

you push on the tail rubber. Each clip incorporates

Lead Clips are supplied with matching tail rubbers and

a tool to remove the pin when required. Available in Silt,

Gravel and Weed to allow you to disguise your end tackle

depending on the bottom you’re fishing over!COLOURCOLOUR CODECODEWEED ACC067depending on the bottom you’re fishing over!

LEAD CLIP TAIL RUBBERSLEAD CLIP TAIL RUBBERSDesigned for use in conjunction with our lead clips when using our

sinking rig tube. Creating a neat and streamlined connection which

helps reduce tangles, they allow the tube to be easily inserted yet grip



HELICOPTERSLEEVES AND BEADSDesigned to create safe helicopter rigs on

leadcore and fused leaders, the Helicopter

sleeve is made from a slightly harder rubber to provide cushioning

and protect the lead link when playing a fish. The top bead is

made from a softer rubber and features a stepped inner bore

to ensure it can pass smoothly off the leader creating rigs which

are 100% fish friendly. Supplied in Weed, Gravel and Silt to match

your leadcore or leader, these slim components allow you to make

safe, neat helicopter rigs every time.

RUBBER BEADSDesigned for use with our Hard-On Leadcore

when making Helicopter/Chod rigs. These semi

soft 6mm beads feature a stepped internal bore

which holds the bead in place during a cast but

allows it to pass safely off the leader releasing

the hooklink should a breakage occur. Also ideal

for protecting knots when fishing with running

lead rigs, they are supplied in Silt, Gravel and

Weed to match our other rig components.

Designed to create safe helicopter rigs on

leadcore and fused leaders, the Helicopter






HARD-ON FLYING BACKLEADSDesigned to be easily added or removed from your mainline without the

need to break your tackle down, our sliding backleads include a plastic

inner which protects the mainline and feature a concave nose to ensure that these Flying

Backleads travel effortlessly up your line during the cast. Finished in non-reflective black,

they provide an invaluable edge by pinning your line down leading to your rig, reducing the

chance of spooking carp moving within the area!

LITTLE GRIPPAREAR RESTSmall, compact rear rest designed especially

for carp rods with abbreviated handles.

The semi flexible rubber rod rest grips

the butt stopping it from slipping

whilst allowing its easy removal when

you need to strike! Featuring an

overmoulded hi impact plastic body,

the rubber around its base creates

a compression washer allowing it to be

easily lined up correctly on your buzz bars

without the need for a locking nut.

BIG GRIPPAREAR RESTBased upon our Little Grippa’s these have been

designed especially for carp rods with full Duplon

or cork handles.





DISCOVERY MARKERMarker floats are essential for finding out what features lie in front of your swim. By carefully ‘feeling

around’ and drawing the marker back, you can identify patches of gravel, clay and silt as well as pinpointing

bars and gullies, often used by carp like underwater roads and are all good areas to intercept fish.

Remember.........consistently catching carp isn’t just ‘chuck & chance’’s the result of groundwork!

Featuring a high visibility changeable flight, these extremely buoyant marker floats are sold in pairs

allowing you to use two floats to mark the start and end of a feature for precise feature finding. Both

floats are fitted with the most popular Orange vanes however we’ve included a spare Yellow and Black

flight for days when light conditions require their use! Manufactured from a high impact resistant plastic

with the swivel moulded into the bottom to prevent it from ever pulling out. Whether you use a marker to

locate a feature or just as a target to bait to on a featureless lake, this is amongst the most important

items of tackle you can own!





FLAT PEARIN-LINE LEADDesigned to sit flat on the bottom making it difficult for fish to move it, the In-Line Flat Pear is very effective with most rigs and suitable for castings short to medium ranges. Fitted with rubber sleeve which accept size 8 swivels, each lead is covered with our camo hi impact plastic powder coating.

WEiGhT CODE2.0oz/56g LEA0312.5oz/70g LEA0323.0oz/85g LEA0333.5oz/100g LEA0344.0oz/112g LEA035

DUMPY PEARLEADIdeal for feeling the lead down, these dumpy shape leads transfer the full weight of the lead as soon as the carp tightens the hooklink. Suitable for most fishing situations. Fitted with matt black crane swivels each lead is covered with our camo hi impact plastic powder coating.

WEiGhT CODE1.5oz/42g LEA0172.0oz/56g LEA0182.5oz/70g LEA0193.0oz/85g LEA0203.5oz/100g LEA0214.0oz/112g LEA022

DISTANCELEADThe ultimate long range/distance lead for fishing trom medium to extreme ranges! Fitted with matt black crane swivels each lead is covered with our camo hi impact plastic powder coating.

CARP LEADSAll of our range of leads are produced in a specially modified injection moulding machines which not only ensure that you get unrivalled quality over ‘poured’ leads, they also allow us to guarantee consistency throughout the production! We then coat each lead in our specially blended camouflaged ‘armour coat’ plastic powder and bake on for maximum impact protection. Finally, pad print the weight on the coating so you can actually see what the lead weighs........ simple! So simple we wonder why other people haven’t done it!

WEiGhT CODE2.5oz/70g LEA0233.0oz/85g LEA0243.5oz/100g LEA0254.0oz/112g LEA026

DUMPY IN-LINEPEAR LEADIdeal foe feeling the lead down, these dumpy shape leads transfer the full weight of the lead as soon as the carp tightens the hooklink. Suitable for most fishing situations. Fitted with rubber sleeve which accepts size 8 swivels, each lead is covered with our camo hi impact plastic powder coating.

WEiGhT CODE2.0oz/56g LEA0362.5oz/70g LEA0373.0oz/85g LEA0383.5oz/100g LEA0394.0oz/112g LEA040

tightens the hooklink. Suitable for tightens the hooklink. Suitable for

STUBBYLEADSimilar to the traditional ‘bomb’ shape, the Stubby lead is an all round lead for fishing from margin to horizon! Fitted with matt black crane swivels each lead is covered with our camo hi impact plastic powder coating.

WEiGhT CODE1.5oz/42g LEA0012.0oz/56g LEA0022.5oz/70g LEA0033.0oz/85g LEA0043.5oz/100g LEA0054.0oz/112g LEA006

FLAT PEARLEADDesigned to sit flat on the bottom making it difficult for fish to move it, the Flat Pear is very effective with most rigs and suitable for castings short to medium ranges. Fitted with matt black crane swivels each lead is covered with our camo hi impact plastic powder coating.

WEiGhT CODE1.5oz/42g LEA0112.0oz/56g LEA0122.5oz/70g LEA0133.0oz/85g LEA0143.5oz/100g LEA0154.0oz/112g LEA016

is covered with our camo is covered with our camo

traditional ‘bomb’ shape, traditional ‘bomb’ shape, the Stubby lead is an all the Stubby lead is an all

from margin to horizon! from margin to horizon!

crane swivels each lead crane swivels each lead is covered with our camo is covered with our camo



Designed to be used with a cordless

drill, this brilliant device allows you

to strip spools effortlessly with

speed and overcomes the hassle

of ‘bedded in’ line or braid that can

cause conventional line strippers

to stop! The D-Spool features

an internal sprung loaded clutch

which will ‘slip’ should the line

you’re stripping become snagged

avoiding any breakage! Simply

D-Spool your line, remove the cap

and slide off the old line cleanly for

disposal – it’s that easy!

1. Following the direction of the arrows on the cap and remove the top of the spool.

2. Carefully trap the line betwenn the cap and the spool and re-fit the cap.

3. Fit the hexsagonal shaft into the chuck on a cordless drill ensuring that it is set to low speed.

4. Using you hand to carefully guide the line, start stripping the spool.

5. Once you’ve emptied the spool, simply remove the top cap and slide the line off.

6. Before discarding, take a pair of scissor and cut the old line into smaller sections.





VELOCITYTAPEREDLEADERLINEVelocity Leaderline is the first reel

line marketed for the carp angler

with built in shock leaders - finally

providing anglers with the ability to

cast big leads and heavy PVA bags

at range without fear of cracking off!

Featuring a ‘parallel leader’ at both

ends which allows you to easily

reverse the line from one spool to

another providing you with a fresh

leader should you damage the first

one or simply wish to reverse the line

after a few months. Featuring the

same characteristics of our carp line,

this Velocity Leaderline displays what

we believe is the perfect combination

of limpness, memory, stretch and

abrasion to produce a line which

casts superbly, features just enough

stretch to provide you with a safety

buffer to prevent breakages and

display enough abrasion resistance

to protect you when fishing over

bars and in snags! Available in a low

visibility brown to help minimize its

appearance underwater reducing

the chances of spooking fish it is

available in 10lb/25lb, 12lb/30lb &



TEST CODE10lb/25lb LIN00212lb/30lb LIN00315lb/30lb LIN004


VELOCITY CARP MONOVelocity has been developed to create what we believe to be the best

‘all round’ carp line ever marketed. During 12 months of extensive field

testing, we continually adjusted the monofilament properties to deliver

the perfect combination of limpness, memory, stretch and abrasion to end

up with a line which casts superbly, features just enough stretch to provide

you with a safety buffer to prevent breakages yet retain excellent abrasion

resistance to protect you when fishing over bars and in snags! Available in a

low visibility brown to help minimize its appearance underwater reducing the

chances of spooking fish it is available in 12lb, 15lb & 18lb.

It is important to load the line onto your spool correctly to ensure that you do not

create line twist. To do this, it helps to fit your reel to a rod butt and thread the line

through a butt ring. Then attach the line to your spool and start winding slowly until

you’ve got a few turns on the spool. Now stop and check to see if the line appears

twisted……….if so, simply turn the spool over and repeat the process. Again, stop

and check to ensure the line is now coming off the right side of the spool.

Alternatively, you can place the spool into a bucket of water and let it spin freely! When doing this, it is

useful to wind the line through a small section of wet sponge to create some tension.

VELOCITY CARP MONOVELOCITY CARP MONOVelocity has been developed to create what we believe to be the best

‘all round’ carp line ever marketed. During 12 months of extensive field

testing, we continually adjusted the monofilament properties to deliver

the perfect combination of limpness, memory, stretch and abrasion to end

up with a line which casts superbly, features just enough stretch to provide

you with a safety buffer to prevent breakages yet retain excellent abrasion

resistance to protect you when fishing over bars and in snags! Available in a

low visibility brown to help minimize its appearance underwater reducing the

chances of spooking fish it is available in 12lb, 15lb & 18lb.

It is important to load the line onto your spool correctly to ensure that you do not

create line twist. To do this, it helps to fit your reel to a rod butt and thread the line

through a butt ring. Then attach the line to your spool and start winding slowly until

up with a line which casts superbly, features just enough stretch to provide

TEST CODE12lb/0.34mm LIN00515lb/0.37mm LIN00618lb/0.40mm LIN007

VELOCITY CAMO CARP MONOVelocity has been developed to create what we believe to be the best ‘all round’

carp line ever marketed. During 12 months of extensive field testing, we

continually adjusted the monofilament properties to deliver the perfect

combination of limpness, memory, stretch and abrasion to end up with

a line which casts superbly, features just enough stretch to provide

you with a safety buffer to prevent breakages yet retain an excellent

abrasion resistance to protect you when fishing over bars and in

snags! Available in a low visibility camo brown which helps to break

up its appearance in the water helping to further

reduce the chances of spooking fish in your swim.

Available in 10lb, 12lb, 15lb & 18lb.

useful to wind the line through a small section of wet sponge to create some tension.


carp line ever marketed. During 12 months of extensive field testing, we

continually adjusted the monofilament properties to deliver the perfect

combination of limpness, memory, stretch and abrasion to end up with

TEST CODE10lb/0.30mm LIN00812lb/0.34mm LIN00915lb/0.37mm LIN01018lb/0.40mm LIN011

Unit 4, Felsted Business CentreCock Green, Felsted, Essex. CM6 3LY. UK

Tel: +44 (0)1371 822001 Fax: +44 (0)1371

Copyright © Advanced Carp Equipment Ltd 2010. All rights reserved. E &OE

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