acrbo december magazine

Post on 21-Mar-2016






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Magazine for Computer Repair Business Owners


The Owen Lea Foundation….

Let’s Make A Difference!

December is Preferred Vendor



WHAT’S INSIDE Computers, Networking, Websites, Advertising, Marketing & Sales

ISSUE 012 | Dec 2012

Read about what the ACRBO Preferred

Vendors have to offer and how they just

might be able to help your business grow.

















Association of Computer Repair Business Owners















Are you a writer? Do you enjoy writing down your


If so feel free to contribute to the magazine. Credit

is given to all writers in the form of links to your

website or any other way you would like.

Share your experiences!

Editor’s Note Welcome to the latest edition of the

Association Magazine. I'd like to welcome

our new contributors this month.

This month’s magazine is dedicated to our Preferred Vendors. Their support is much appreciated by all members of the Association. In this issue you can read all about what they have to offer and how they can benefit your business

A publication like this would not be possible

without the support of our valued Preferred

Vendors who are advertisers. Please visit

our Preferred Vendors as they know what

you need to help you with all your


I hope you enjoy this month's issue of the

magazine, and as always please email me

if you have any comments, contributions or


Dan ACRBO Keep your valuable feedback coming. I try to reply to every email, I appreciate your input as it helps to make the ACRBO magazine possible. Write to me at:

ACRBO Magazine Fredericksburg Virginia

Advertising enquires: Send an email to

Contribute articles: If you would like to be a contributing author for the magazine then send an email to and let us know what you would like to write about. Copyright 2012 ACRBO. All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission. No part of this publication may be reproduced, translated or converted into machine-readable form or language without the written consent of the publisher. Articles express the opinions of the authors and are not necessarily those of the publisher

ACRBO Magazine

Director: ACRBO

Contributors Various experts in their fields

The instructions and advice in the

Magazine is for entertainment purposes only. The creators, producers,

contributors and distributors of the ACRBO Mag disclaim any liability for

loss or lack of results from following the advice expressed herein

Do I need a ticketing system

for repairs?

Of course you don’t need on

you could always use those

carbonless word order forms

and run your business.

But, in reality the best thing

to do is start out right and use

a system that is developed for

computer repair businesses

so in the future you do not

have to try to migrate all your

customers’ information.

The time you put into

researching what program to

use will save you countless

hours in the future.



Should I offer phone


I assume what you mean are

things like screen

replacements and things like

that for iPhones and Android


I think it depends on a few

things. Are you doing this to

generate “more” business

than you already have? Or are

you doing this in order to just

generate revenue in general?

If you are already doing

rather well then adding

services like this are good but

there is always a cost

involved and a learning curve.

Very important to know what

you are getting into with this












ACRBO inbox

Have a question? If so email it do and we will be glad to

answer it.

It can be business related pertaiing to

marketing, setting up your business, growth of

your business or anything you can think of.


CompTIA: Building Success for

IT Solution Providers

When you hear about CompTIA, you probably automatically think certification. Yes, CompTIA is the world’s largest provider of vendor-neutral certifications. You may even be one of the 1.6 million IT pros who have a CompTIA certification. But certification is just one of the four main focuses of CompTIA. As the voice of the world's information technology (IT) industry, CompTIA builds programs in four main areas: education, certification, advocacy and philanthropy. Driven by IT channel company members and led by an elected board of industry professionals for 30 years, the association:

• Educates the IT channel: Its educational resources, comprising online guides, webinars, market research, business mentoring, open forums and networking events, help members grow their businesses and become “best in class.”

• Certifies the IT workforce: It provides technology-neutral and vendor-neutral IT certifications for the entry-level to expert IT pro.

• Advocates on behalf of the IT industry: On Capitol Hill, CompTIA brings the power of small- and medium-sized IT businesses to bear as a united voice.

• Gives back through philanthropy: Its foundation enables disadvantaged populations to gain the skills they need for employment in the IT industry.

With more than 2,000 members and 2,000 business partners, the association reinvests the dollars it marks from certification in programs that benefit its valued members and the industry as a whole. For example, CompTIA offers a full portfolio of channel training, including live workshops, printed and downloadable training guides and business credentials. Our training content and materials are the result of a collaborative, CompTIA community-led development effort. The association adheres to this industry-leading development process to offer the IT channel relevant, timely content presented in an interactive format that caters to the way adults learn best.

With coverage of 10 main market areas from mobility and cloud computing to providing IT services for government and legal firms, you get a quick lesson on how to expand your business. There’s even a quick-start session and guide on just how to enter a new market vertical. In the CompTIA session, learn 10 steps to help you build an effective plan to assist your company in becoming a dominant provider of IT solutions for your chosen vertical market. You’ll hear best practices on selecting a target vertical market and creating a profile for clients in that market, as well as identifying key influencers in the market and creating a positioning statement. For those looking to hone their current business practices, CompTIA offers a wealth of legal, HR, sales and marketing tools made especially for small IT businesses. There are 11 different legal templates offered. For example, the managed services legal template allows members to customize a contract template to meet their needs when their company is providing a managed service such as SaaS, cloud computing, data management, website development or network monitoring. Last fall CompTIA also debuted a business assessment tool designed to allow small businesses candidly assess their current position in a variety of business disciplines and define which areas would benefit most from improvement. The amount of resources located in the CompTIA member resource center can seem daunting at times. This tool helps solution provider members navigate through these resources in order to find which ones would be most beneficial to their company. Tools like these reinforce CompTIA’s commitment to providing technology-focused solution providers, vendors and distributors with the knowledge they need to address challenges they may face. To find out more about CompTIA, check out

This month’s winner will receive the

eBook “Computer Repair Business

Lessons Learned”.

We will randomly choose a winner and e-

mail the winner.

Just send an email to

and in the Subject line put: WinBook

Last Month’s winner is: Eric Metzner

from No Ware Computer Repair!



Antivirus shortens the life-time of

financial malware

Herbert Weustenenk

This sounds pretty obvious, but most financial malware or banking Trojans are actually designed by cyber criminals to avoid detection and hide for antivirus programs. The main goal of these digital bank robbers is to steal your money by manipulating online bank transactions.

Research by SurfRight shows that the average life-time of a banking Trojan on a computer is 81 days for computers that do not have an up-to-date antivirus program. And the average life-time of a banking Trojan on a fully protected computer, that has an up-to-date antivirus program, is 25 days.


These statistics are based on scan results from new users that run HitmanPro for the first time. And since it is based on a user’s decision to find a second opinion and download HitmanPro, these numbers should not be taken as exact science. Nonetheless, it is a clear indication that using an up-to-date antivirus program dramatically reduces the life-time of a banking Trojan.

Antivirus program catch rate

Many people will now ask “why didn’t the antivirus program catch the banking Trojan right away? 25 days is still a long time.”

That is a valid question. If the banking Trojan is stopped right away, HitmanPro will not detect one on that computer because it has never been there. Antivirus programs are the last line of defense and will stop the vast majority of malware attacks, but not 100%.

Similarly you can ask yourself:

� Does the police prevent all robberies? They should, but they don’t. � Does the coast guard stop all drug transports before entering the country? They should, but they don’t. � Is a doctor’s diagnosis correct every time? It should, but it isn’t.

In other words: Using an antivirus program on your computer will stop most malware attacks, and will reduce the life-time of malware that has slipped the defenses and silently installed itself on the computer.

BBC Click

BBC Click, a Britisch television program on technology, broadcasted an interesting episode earlier this year: How banking Trojans go undetected and steal your money. See for a recording of this episode.

How did we measure?

2,465,497 users scanned their computer with HitmanPro between October 2011 and October 2012 (1 year). The above mentioned statistics are not based on a laboratory research but are derived from real-world computers. The HitmanPro agent reported back the date the banking Trojan was installed on the computer, including which antivirus program the user was using (including its status) before HitmanPro removed the banking Trojan. The specific banking Trojans we counted for this statistic were Zeus, Citadel, SpyEye and Tinba.

Case: the Dorifel outbreak

Last August, our HitmanPro agent discovered Citadel Trojans within the Dutch government during the Dorifel outbreak. We also discovered that these Trojans were active on fully protected computers for roughly three to four weeks, without being detected. This period – shocking for most people – was clearly not an incident but is in line with our research results.

For more information on HitmanPro, and a free download:


CallThatGirl Lisa

In 2010 I happened across a website called for the whole year of 2010 I spoke highly of remote support and what my business did to offer to clients. Many of the members on technibble were doing remote support and many didn't see it as a value add to their services list. I was out there cheerleading remote support constantly and finally had enough people that said I should put together an e-book about the topic. In September 2010 I published a social media e-book that sold online very nicely, and then the fall of 2010 I started to also sell my manual operations. So it just made sense to offer remote support book to the members of technibble. While I was trying to put together some ideas on how to help the purchasers of the e-book learn my strategy for writing the book was to write out a how to list and my first version of the remote book was just that. It was just a how to do it list there was very little I have to admit that the first version of the remote e-book was quite then what the how to list was quite exact. The sales were great and people were giving me awesome feedback, I was thrilled to provide a product to help people add on a service to their list and make money within one or two calls. After a few months of people giving me feedback, I had realized that I could write a second edition and make it more robust and have it be a better sale. A better sale for me means that people are very happy with the product and send me more email saying that they learned from the product and they're making more money and they opened the doors to many more opportunities than what they could offer in the past.

In November 2011 I launched the remote support

second edition and sales were exceptional, I was

thrilled to see so many people being excited about

remote support as I truly have a passion for working

with people remotely. As things change though, I

have found in the past few months the need for a

third version and I will add more about sales and

marketing because remote support has changed

dramatically for us in the past year, dramatically

mostly in terms of what we can do with remote


It's not the remote support tools that we've changed so much is more what we’re doing with it and working in the unmanaged IT world. I have coined the term unmanaged IT to complement the managed IT companies out there. As well many of you know managed IT companies want monthly contracts to manage and maintain workstations of businesses. In unmanaged IT system includes cloud support cloud products and moving clients from a server to the new cloud systems, and getting them focused on doing everything online. If you have a computer shop or your home-based business and you're looking to add new revenue streams for your company the remote support book that is currently out that you can buy the three ebook bundle I offer right now through ACRBO for $75. In January 2013 I will be having a third edition come out and you will get this at no charge if you purchase are three book set now. Until the end of the year we are running in ACRBO special for all three books for $45. This is an unheard-of price especially since the remote book alone is priced at $89. So not only are you getting all three of these books for $45 you also get the updated versions this winter when they come out. This is a holiday special only for ACRBO bowl members. \The new addition will include sales cloud opportunities, new affiliate partnerships you can create, and all of the cloud services you can offer. The three ebook bundle includes: Call That Girl’s Guide to Remote Support Call That Girl’s Guide to Social Media Call That Girl’s Manual of Operations Visit:



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Thinking about

working on

laptops? Then The

Podnutz Latop

Repair Video

Collection is

exactly what you


This month we added a new

Preferred Vendor offering

her products:

Call That Girl Plublications;

Lisa from Call That Girl's


Call that girl's guide to social


Call that girl's operations


Call that girl's guide to

remote support.

Not only do you get a

discount on the entire

package, but $10 of each

sale will go directly to the

Owen Lea Foundation the

charity of the ACRBO!

You will receive the


Call That Girl's Guide to

Social Media

Call That Girl's Operations


Call That Girl's Guide to

Remote Support

URL: Click Here


In business time is one commodity that you do not ever have enough of. There will always be enough projects, meetings, loose ends, appointments and more, but never enough time. How to make time for things that you never found time for before.

How to not stress out at the end of each day because you did not finish what you started.

Start Today “Time Is Precious”…


Inside this article we are going to examine what

needs to be implemented to be successful

online. This system is really easy and one that

people don't bother about too much. By telling

you what to search for online, this is going to

be a smart way for you to master how to set up

a small online business.


When is Data Recovery Impossible? By Lee Sensenbrenner

Director of Product Marketing

Gillware Data Recovery

When someone confronts you with a failed hard drive or electronic storage device, one of the key questions is the possibility of data recovery. Apart from cost and timeline, the first question many want answered is: Is it even possible to get my stuff back? How likely are data recovery efforts to succeed?

For us at the Gillware data recovery lab, the answer depends mostly on whether the data still exists.

The data on a hard drive is stored on an extremely thin mirror-like coating of magnetic material that was applied over the platter substrate, which is either glass or aluminum. This surface has tiny individual areas each of which has two possible states. The state is changed by the hard drive’s read/write heads when a small electrical field is applied, creating an incredibly dense matrix of magnetized or unmagnetized spots — 1s and 0s. That, of course, is the data.

The magnetic material that holds the data on the platters is durable considering how thin it is, but in absolute terms it is delicate and will scratch if metal contacts it with any significant force. Under normal operation, the read/write heads are positioned over the platter by an arm on a swivel and they quickly move anywhere across the platter without contacting the platter surface. They float on an extremely thin — as in 10-20 nanometers — cushion of air. An oxygen molecule, to give a sense of scale, is about a third of a nanometer. When the hard drive spins up, the motion of the platters creates airflow. The read/write head assembly is like a small wing and the airflow generated inside the drive lifts the heads off the platter.

In some situations the read/write head loses its cushion of air and touches platter surface. This action is commonly referred to as a head crash. In most situations the head will briefly make contact, immediately lift back up, and the drive will go on working with no noticeable impact to the user. Unfortunately, sometimes a head crash damages the head. Instead of lifting back up, the heads may remain in contact with the delicate platter surface.

. The platter spins at some constant, high rotational speed, usually beyond the redline of an engine. A common rotational speed is 7,200 revolutions per minute, but drives range from 5,400 to 15,000 rpm. This rotational velocity combined with contact from the heads is what causes rotational scoring.

When that magnetic material gets scored, the magnetic coating is turned to dust. The data it carried is lost.

In extreme cases of rotational scoring, we have seen large portions of laptop hard drive platters exposed as bare glass.

Some minor rotational scoring can be overcome by advanced techniques to recover data elsewhere on the drive’s platters. But any significant scoring is very likely to remove key parts of meta data necessary to make sense of the remaining binary code. You never want to lose any of the magnetic coating, for not only does it mean the loss of data, but it also makes the surface uneven and affects the ability of read/write heads to fly over the surface.

Rotational scoring is a serious and often insurmountable obstacle to data recovery. That is why we are careful to recommend caution when dealing with a failed drive. If the drive does not detect in the BIOS, there is no sense in trying recovery software. Stop running the drive.

If the drive is making unusual clicking noises, grinding or other unpleasant sounds, do not run power to it. These are all strong signs of internal mechanical damage. Avoid any action that will increase the risk of the heads scraping the platter surface, which includes experimentation and the many tricks of data recovery (the freezer, for example) that may have once worked for some older drives some of the time, but have now persisted well past their relevance and their ability to help.

Lastly, do not be tempted to open the drive to look for rotational scoring. Drives should only be opened in a clean room. With care, the data recovery cases that come to you will avoid further platter damage, and the odds of data recovery can be optimized.

Email Lee at

ACRBO marketplace

PC Dice Contact: A great gift for that tech you know. Or even better take them on site with you and amaze your customers.

Linux For The Rest Of Us

- Do you want to stay ahead of the computer curve so that you don't feel left in the dust?

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- Do you want to learn an operating system so powerful and fun you'll wonder how you lived without it?

Your Ad here Contact Let Us Know

> Want to see your ad here? Drop us an email.

Let’s face it the computer repair industry is quite

competitive and maintaining a profitable business,

not to mention growing the business, can be a big

challenge. If you accept these assumptions; here

are some ideas to foster efficiencies and growth for

your company - sort of a list of business building

best practices.

Practice 1 - Make a commission plan for your

technicians. Why? Well, from our experience at the

Chicago Computer Club the average number of

repairs a single tech performed each day was 2.5

without a commission plan. When a commission

plan was implemented, though we slightly

decreased their hourly rate to encourage and offset

cost, what we found was that average increased to

5 repairs per day, and some techs even reached 7

repairs per day. Which improved the efficiency

dramatically, each tech actually made more money

which encouraged them to stay longer and be

proactive in performing more repairs and work more

quickly. By using a system to create and track

commissions and a tech’s work will improve

customer satisfaction, create more revenue while

improving the turn-around time, and speed up the

payment process on the repair.

Practice 2 - Sell refurbished computers! They are

low in cost purchase and provide a higher profit

margin when sold. There is a need for these

computers if you target-market your customers

appropriately, such as students or elderly, charity

organizations and non-profit business. Also, given

they are refurbished, the more computers you sell,

the more repair business you can potentially create.

Because if the customer bought the computer from

you, most likely they will go back to you for any

repair or accessory they need. And, you have the

opportunity to sell a warranty with the refurbished

computer. There is a huge market for off-leased

computers which usually are business models and

are of a better quality than consumer products.

Practice 3 - Sell compatible inks for printers or

any accessories for products you sell. But inks

cartridges for printers are used up fairly quickly

and therefore the need to purchase new ones.

The genuine brand ink usually costs 5 to 8

times more than compatible inks. So, sell a

printer for a low or zero profit, and make the

profit on ink cartridges. But what’s also

important is to get the customer back into the

store. If they need replacement items and stop

in the store it’s a great opportunity to build a

bond with the customer to assure they come

back, and besides give them a coupon when

they purchase, but most importantly get them

coming back to the store.

Practice 4 - Sell warranties. There is no cost to

create the warranty and they generate a good

cash flow for the company. And, if there is an

issue later on, it provides an opportunity for the

customer to come back to you; which offers the

repair shop the opportunity to make-up for the

issue and bond with them, but also consider

cross selling them items they need . Remember

selling is not a “bad” thing – it’s about meeting

needs, wants and solving problems. Think of

yourselves as problem solvers. Use a system

that helps create and track warranties.

Practice 5- Always ask for referral! It's the best

way to get new customers. How much do you

spend on yellow page or other advertisements?

By asking the customer if they are happy with

the service, suggest they refer a potential

customer to you. You can do this by offering a

(tracking) coupon to the current client. Ask the

client to give the coupon to friend or potential

customer. The coupon can be tracked (with a

bar code) to the current client, and to the new

client providing a benefit to both parties. The

coupon can be customized to be anything you

want to offer – a percentage discount, a dollar

amount off, or even a free accessory or a

drawing of some sort. Use your imagination to

create what you want to offer. Have a system

that tracks this process.

Practices for Computer Repair Shops


Practices For Computer

Repair Shops


Practice 6- Recycle computers. Create an image as an environmentally friendly company. This program brings the

potential of new customers who may not have ever come to your store if not for recycling. When in the store give them

a coupon and a business card. Get them to come back again is the key. And, some of the recycled computers are

fixable for resale or you can use it for parts in other refurbished computers. Find local recyclers for pickup on a weekly

basis and use this process to help clean up the repair and storage space.

Practice 7-Use a big sign for your retail company. You might not have the money for a good location, but if you can

afford it get a big sign so you can be seen. This is especially important if you promote locally or are located in an urban

environment. People need to see you to know that you exist so consider using a neon sign, it stands out better. It’s your

biggest piece of advertisement so make it noticeable.

Lastly, using these practices revolves around the mindset of being a business manager versus just a technician. To

grow and manage your company you need two important items: think like a business owner, and use business

management software as a tool to help make better decisions. The MaNova system by Future Star Software was

designed specifically for this purpose; to be the management tool to help grow your company.

If you would like to know more about how the Chicago Computer Club grew from a single store to eight stores using

these practices, give us a call or visit our website at and read “our story” under the

company tab.

Have an article you

would like to submit or

an advertisement?

Contact us today

The Industry


Who Is Technibble For?

Technibble is a free resource for Computer Technicians and Computer Business Owners.

Technibble helps computer technicians with information and how-to-articles published a few times

a week and has a strong community of Computer Technicians to help one another.

Technibble helps you by covering topics such as:

- How to start a Computer Business

- Advertising, how to get clients and keep them

- Business and legal issues

- Streamline your computer repair work

- Technician related product reviews and discounts

- New opportunities to look out for

- Stories from “the trenches” from your fellow Computer Techs

Technibble also has a large database of Computer Repair tools and adds a new on to its database

every week.

Be sure to check out the Archives, Computer Repair Tools section and the Computer

Technician forum. .


We don’t want to bore you with a bunch of

marketing hoopla or buzz words about the new

ScreenConnect release. First off, we’d like to

thank our loyal customers for your continued

support; we hope that you are enjoying

ScreenConnect 3.0. For those of you unfamiliar

with ScreenConnect, here is a run-down of the


Features—ScreenConnect supports an array of

features including reboot & reconnect, multiple

monitors, chat, file transfer, screen recording,

UAC , and much more! Additionally

ScreenConnect has unique features including a

custom toolbox repository that allows one click

access to support tools and advanced video

auditing. ScreenConnect has three use models

by which a host can interact with a guest:

Remote Support – For ad hoc remote

support sessions you have the option of

directing your customers to your

ScreenConnect web application or sending

them an email with a URL. Once they join the

session you can view and control their


Remote Access – A persistent client is

installed on the customer’s workstation so

you can connected to the machine at

anytime, even if no one is present on the

other end. Once connected you can perform

routine maintenance, updates or diagnose


Remote Meeting – This use model is NEW

to ScreenConnect. Remote Meetings

provide an online outlet for training,

meetings, and presentations. Meetings use

the same technology as the other

ScreenConnect remote applications but it

allows multiple guests on a session.

ScreenConnect Advantages

• A self-hosted solution with NO monthly

fees. Once you buy it you own it!

• Multi-platform, compatible with Mac,

Windows, and Linux.

• Android and iOS host clients included

with purchase.

• Branding allows you to aesthetically

change the colors and logos of your

installation to fit the look and feel of your


• Utilize the open architecture to create

integrations, plugins, and other

customizations. We have hundreds of

examples on our forum. Host the central

web application on your own computer,

server, VM, or VPS. Once configured,

access your install from any computer in

the world.

We hope the new additions to ScreenConnect

have excited our customers. We have huge

plans for 2013! If For new customers wanting to

get in on the fun now we have a 30-day fully

featured trial available at our website. If you

have any questions please contact our sales

team at Thank you

from the ScreenConnect Team

Hello and Happy Holidays from the

ScreenConnect Team!

At GFI MAX, we eat, drink and sleep

MSP software and we LOVE it.

At GFI MAX, we eat, drink and sleep MSP software and we LOVE it.

Everything we do is focused on helping busy IT support companies and MSPs to grow. Our customers tell us that our software isn’t a cost to their business - they see it as a revenue multiplier.

We offer IT support companies and MSPs an award-winning suite of Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM), Email Security, End Point Security and Managed Hosted Back Up software that’s designed for companies of any size, from the large ambitious MSP to small hungry start-ups.

Our way of thinking is simple. We give you something that fits your business and that is flexible to change as you grow. We’ve made it pay-as-you-go and only for what you use. No contracts, no money down, and no quotas. And because our systems are hosted, there’s no hardware or software to maintain and the systems are accessible anywhere you happen to be.

What sets us apart from other MSP software companies is that we are more than just software. We help you grow your business. Free to customers, our Building Blocks to Managed Services program helps all companies grow their Managed Services business.

GFI MAX solutions:

• GFI MAX RemoteManagement – Manage and monitor servers, workstations and networks, deliver remote support either attended or un-attended. Offer asset/inventory tracking and reporting, Managed Antivirus, Managed Online Backup and proactive maintenance with automated tasks, scripting, patch management

for Microsoft and non Microsoft applications and

client reports which can be branded as your

own. Integrates with PSA, help desk, ticketing

and other systems.

• GFI MAX MailProtection – Email security and continuity compatible with any email system. Cloud based protection with zero hour AV defense. GFI MAX MailArchive – Hosted email archiving solution - easily archive email messages to geographically distributed datacenters for subsequent search, reference and retrieval.

Intelligent, flexible MSP software used by over 6,500 IT support companies just like you:

• Comprehensive - but not complex

• Get up and running fast

• Pay as you go

• No contracts

• Never outgrow the system

• Local support

• Put us to the test, sign-up for a 30-day FREE trial @

GFI MAX Building Blocks™ help you build managed services revenue!

GFI MAX’s Building Blocks Program is all about making managed services easy and practical - and making the transition fast. We don’t believe that implementing and selling managed services should involve lengthy and time-consuming training, complex business models and/or complex software to implement. We do believe it can be easy - and with Building Blocks to Managed Services Program you’re able to get going TODAY! For FREE!


Lisa Hendrickson of Call That Girl Computer Repair and Support based out of Minneapolis Minnesota brings you an article on cloud support or “Unmanaged IT” as Lisa calls it.

What is unmanaged IT? It’s where the clients have responsibility for buying all of their own cloud software products and services, they retain ownership and you play the role of fulfilling administrative duties, implementation and ongoing support for such software. Of course, you can purchase the software and mark it up, or affiliate sell it (which is what we do, we prefer our clients to own everything). In the last 10 to 15 years there has been a difference between computer repair and managed IT support businesses. Until the past couple of years, there really was no middle ground. Either a client had a server that required a monthly support contract, or they needed less frequent break fix options. Both were nicely serviced by small computer shops or managed IT companies. With the explosion of the cloud, the ongoing recession and so many qualified technicians leaving the corporate world to go on their own, a whole new world of support has popped up and it’s putting a few of us in a great position to create, grow and win. Those of us that run smaller firms are finding new ways to make money and compete, and the cloud is the winning equation. Managed IT businesses usually only want to work in the cloud with their larger contracts. They have no interest in moving 20 people off an old server to hosted exchange and setting up online backup. Working with cloud applications and offering remote support fills that nice hole for those a bit bigger than a computer repair shop. If your company wants to get in the game, reading the list of services below of cloud support options your company can offer will help you get in. After you complete your game plan of services, you not only put yourself in a great position for new marketing, but you can start to talk to the Managed IT companies in your area and let them know you are servicing cloud-only support for smaller companies that they do not wish to support anymore.

I will start with some examples of cloud services that we resell here at Call That Girl.

1. Do a full interview and assessment for the company - What solutions do they have now, what they want changed and how you can save them money?

2. Hosted Exchange: First service that we offer is a hosted exchange. We happen to really like GoDaddy for their support, packaging and their pricing for the hosted exchange packages. The clients also get a copy of Outlook 2010, which is a nice benefit, and I usually recommend upgrading to the latest version anyway. This is a nice, one-time sale for you all because of all of the work involved. You can be an affiliate for the hosted exchange sale, support the end-users by backing up all of their current PST files off their old server, administrate the transition and of course, set up and import back in the PST files. All of this can be done remotely by the way; my company has done every single transition without going onsite. This service averages about 1.5 hours per end user and a1-3 hours to do the admin set up. Depends on what the company needs.

3. Online Backup: The next service that we sell is

Mozy Pro. What we do is determine how much data a company has to backup. This is usually done by going to each workstation and figuring out the data on each computer. We are an affiliate of Mozy, so we ask the client to purchase through our website which has the affiliate link. We then install Mozy on each computer and configure in the admin panel on Mozy enough space for each person. This typically can run about 30 minutes per computer.

File Sharing: The next online service that we offer is

Dropbox. For a smaller company under 10 employees,

we ask the owner of the company to pay the $99 fee to

get the 100 gig plan and then they will manage out the

shares on the Dropbox files to the employees. Many

owners will sometimes have one other person set up with

a 100 gig Dropbox account. This is a nice way to share

files in a manner that allows companies to move off file

servers. The clients can also view their files on

Smartphones. This set up is usually 15 minutes per


cloud support or

“Unmanaged IT”


5. Antivirus Protection Plans: We also offer our home grown antivirus protection plan and it sells for $69 a year. We install and setup for that price and it includes a lifetime license of Malwarebytes, installation of Microsoft Security Essentials and no virus removal fees if they get a virus and are on our plan. Every quarter we send these clients an email to remind them to update their java and flash and AV products. This is a yearly renewal of $39. 6. Communications: The fifth thing that we offer companies is Google chat. Google chat is a nice communication tool that can help businesses communicate and send files instantly. It’s taking away the extra emailing and phone calls going on. It allows employees to multi-task and be more productive because a Google chat window can be open while they do other things. Cost to install this depends on their Google set up; it can be up to 15 minutes per end user. 7. Ongoing Support: The fifth thing that we offer is a prepay ticket for ongoing support. Since we are not a managed IT company, these prepay tickets are quite nice and can be changed to fit each client’s needs. Our best seller is the $1000 package which includes onsite time, remote support and shop visits. Our other popular prepay is the $396 four hour remote support prepay.

To close, If you go onsite to do an assessment and offer all of these cloud services, you will find yourself with a nice invoice and a prepay ticket. Unlike Managed IT, it is not a rolling monthly fee, but if you want to roll the invoice into 12 months and ask your clients to pay a monthly average for that invoice, that’s your way of creating a nicely monthly invoice


This box could be an

article you write and

have published. If you

would like to have

something published

drop me an email

Software installation sucks. You click Next

Next Next through a bunch of meaningless

screens while staying just alert enough to

notice a toolbar. Then you try to decipher

any double or triple negatives in the fine print

before unchecking the proper box or clicking

the correct button. Then it’s back to Next

Next Next.

Assuming you have the latest installer.

Which might mean you have to track boring

release notices too.

Then you repeat for each program.

We made Ninite to rescue you from this


Ninite is a program that installs multiple

programs at once. Or it will update them if

they’re already installed and out-of-date.

Ninite runs installers in hidden offscreen

windows and simulates all the clicks to install

programs. We’re careful to have it uncheck

toolbars or other included junk, and we

watch for new versions of apps as they’re

released and update the configurations.

Ninite installs apps just like you would, but

fully automated. It makes a chore disappear.

There’s a free version for home use at Many technicians refer

customers to the site to make it easy for

them to install software. You can even add

app names in the url to skip the selection

step, like


For businesses we have Ninite Pro Pro starts at

$20/month for 100 machines and includes

extra features like a download cache that

lets Ninite Pro run 3 times faster, and

options to turn off desktop shortcuts or the

annoying built-in update notifications from

apps like Java, Flash, or Adobe Reader.

Those options are great for basic repair

work, but if you’re doing ongoing

maintenance Ninite Pro’s remote mode lets

you audit or update the software for a whole

network of computers at once. Or if you just

want a hassle-free way to keep machines

updated for a customer you can create a

startup script to run “Ninite.exe /silent

c:\ninite\log.txt /updateonly

/disableautoupdate” and the apps on the

machine will be checked and updated on

each reboot.

Check it out with a free trial from If you like it and sign

up, send me a note at and

I’ll give you a free month as an ACRBO




Exploring New Cloud Frontiers

In the 1960’s, renowned computer scientist John

McCarthy anticipated the advent of cloud

computing when he speculated that “computation

may someday be organized as a public utility”.

We’re seeing this happen today with more and

more businesses choosing to handle their IT

needs by shifting to the cloud, where they can pay

for the exact solutions and technological capacity

they need – the same way they do with metered

household water and electricity -- and avoid

making costly investments in new hardware and

the in-house staff to effectively run it.

Solutions in the cloud give businesses access to

more and better resources than they would

otherwise be able to afford, and offer the ability for

you to move your customers out of the break/fix

cycle while adding to your revenue stream. As a

trusted advisor to your customers, you can assess

their needs and map out the best solution for


Lift Off with Cloud Servers

Virtual server infrastructures that can be used to

host and run business applications, or for hosting

websites, Cloud Servers are built on secure and

redundant hardware. They are scaled for growth,

and include secure options for firewalls and VPNs.

CPU and memory upgrades can be done more

easily on Cloud Servers than on physical servers.

They are a good option for businesses that need

new servers, or whose server needs are short-

term and project-specific. Cloud Servers also

enable IT professionals to respond quickly and

flexibly to changing business needs, rather than

investing time, energy and capital into purchasing

and configuring new hardware themselves.

Cloud Servers also support the movement from

break/fix to managed services. Our customer

Ness & Campbell Crane, a large crane service

with offices across the Pacific Northwest, lost

access to their file server and all their critical

business applications and data, including

customer information, accounting and operations

software when their main server crashed. Even

when it had been working, the performance was

incredibly slow. Their managed service provider

operated on a break/fix paradigm and was

inaccessible when issues came up. Ness &

Campbell Crane’s server environment frequently

performed poorly because of long-neglected

network and hardware issues.

Instead of spending the $30,000 it would take to

purchase new server hardware, software, and the

IT resources and time to implement them, they

decided to run everything on Cloud Servers which

resulted in much faster, smoother application

performance than they had previously had with

their old hardware. The time it took to run a

monthly accounting report went from 15 minutes

to 15 seconds.

In addition to providing a stable monthly revenue

stream, Cloud Servers also provide a good

foundation on which to add additional applications

and services that can provide you with additional

recurring revenue. Not only was Ness Crane a

great candidate for Cloud Servers, they also

streamlined their entire IT infrastructure by adding

Online Backup, Hosted Exchange Email, and web

access. Ultimately, they benefited considerably by

increasing the overall reliability and speed of their

systems, and they gained the additional

reassurance of having business continuity should

something go wrong on premises because their

critical applications are regularly maintained and

managed off-site, and available in the cloud.

Managing Cloud Servers for your clients also

provides you with a great opportunity to

continuously engage with your customers and to

increase your profit margins. You can monitor,

update and patch the servers yourself, as well as

installing and managing applications and data on

the server, and performing routine system


As awareness of the advantages of cloud

solutions grows, more and more small and

medium business will be looking for ways to take

off for the Cloud. This is a great time to help them

get there.



Techinline: A Cost-Effective and Reliable

Remote Support Solution for IT Pros

In today’s ultra-competitive IT environment, a

simple Google search will turn up numerous

remote support applications that vary based on

price, functionality, performance, and ease of use.

Whether you’re a one-person shop or employed

by a large IT company, you’re able to select a tool

which best meets your needs, budget, and

preferences. One tool that deserves some

consideration regardless of the company’s size is


Techinline delivers an effective feature-set along

with reasonable and flexible pricing, thus making it

an attractive fit for an IT company of any size and

budget, as well as for those looking to use remote

assistance for personal matters.

Let’s briefly review some of the benefits of using


Simple Connection Process and Intuitive

Interface: Techinline is entirely browser-based,

which implies that users at both ends of the

remote session are not required to install or

download any software. The Client is simply

required to launch a webpage where a 6-digit

Client ID number is displayed. The tech uses this

number to connect to the Client’s computer. The

entire connection process is summarized in

Techinline’s Quick Start Guide.

The interface provides an intuitive and user-

friendly layout of available features and options.

Pricing: Techinline is a commercial-use product

which provides a number of payment options,

including a flexible “pay as you go” Per-Session

plan which is specifically designed for infrequent

or personal usage. Depending on the volume of

remote support cases, an IT professional is able to

use Techinline either on an unlimited subscription

basis or purchase a specific number of sessions

that may be used whenever the periodic need for

a remote connection arises. This freedom and

flexibility make Techinline an effective alternative

to some of the high-priced remote desktop

applications on the market today.

The pricing options are displayed on Techinline’s

Buy Now page.

Feature-Set & Performance: Techinline delivers

a wide range of valuable features such as file and

clipboard transfer, auto-reconnect upon reboot

(including safe-mode), extensive branding and

integration, reporting, video recording, and many

more. Another neat feature is the ability to not only

connect to and control a remote user’s computer,

but also share view and control of your own

computer with the remote party.

Security: All data exchanged between the

session participants is transmitted through secure

HTTPS protocol with 256-bit SSL encryption.

Furthermore, Techinline also provides 2-Factor

Authentication, making it fully compliant with PCI’s

Data Security Standards.


Techinline is a very capable application which

should meet the needs of both small tech

businesses and large IT companies alike. Its

simple connection process and intuitive interface

make it an effective solution even for users with

limited IT knowledge and skills. Register for a 15-

day fully featured free trial of Techinline and start

experiencing its benefits today.


US & Canada (1) 617 381 4349

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New Zealand +64 (04) 889 2151


Skype techinline

The pricing options are displayed on Techinline’s

Buy Now page.


Working for National IT Contractors and Service Platforms By Rick Savoia The Force Field

The typical IT technician starts a computer repair business by searching out those in need of their services on a local level, building a customer base primarily from referrals or word-of-mouth. However, many take a slightly different route and perform contract work for national IT service companies and web-based servie platforms, either as "filler" work between servicing their own customers or as a full-time operation. There are some obvious advantages to contracting yourself out to a national or platform, of course. First, it saves time and money on advertising and marketing campaigns in an effort to find your own customers. Second, it frees you from some of the responsibilities of managing your own customers, allowing you to concentrate on performing strictly as a tech. Overall, it is a quick and easy way to start a repair business from the ground up. However, there are also some disadvantages. Contracts are somewhat restrictive and usually one-sided (and not in your favor). Once committed to a contract job, you must fulfill it to the satisfaction of the contractor or you may not get paid in full or at all. Although you can often negotiate rates somewhat, you don't always get the rates you want or need. And most importantly, contract or no contract, sometimes collecting the payment for services rendered can be a very real problem. There are some very good nationals and service platforms out there. Unfortunately, there are also some very bad ones. There are also good and bad techs. This is an unregulated field that comes with some serious risks for players on both sides of the business. For this reason, the relationship between the nationals and the techs have become somewhat strained, especially in recent years with the advent of internet based platforms. This past summer, The Force Field conducted a survey of techs who work for nationals and platforms and asked them to rate these companies from best to worst. The purpose was to take the pulse of the IT service industry and provide a benchmark for techs who are trying to profit in the field. The results were published in a 20 page report that is believed to be the first of its kind in the industry. The report was released Thanksgiving Day 2012 in tandem with a special episode of The Force Field Podcast.

The report includes demographic data on the techs who work for these platforms, such as the types of businesses they have, where they are located and the total amount of revenue generated from contract work. The report also lists the ten best national contractors, the three best platforms, the seven worst national contractors and the five worst platforms in the industry. The Force Field Episode 62 features a detailed analysis of the report and comments from the host. In addition to the stats, the podcast also includes comments from survey respondents who contributed to the report. The comments provide insight why some of these companies were ranked best or worst and assess the state of the IT service industry in general. The comments were not included in the 20 page report. You will only hear them on the show. If you're an IT service technician who performs contract work for nationals and platforms, you will definitely want to read it. If you are new to the field or even thinking about performing contract work for nationals and service platforms either full or part time, you should read this report first before you sign up with any of the companies listed in the report. The National Contractor and Service Platform Survey Report is FREE and available for download at The Force Field Episode 62, which includes detailed analysis and comments from survey respondents, is available on demand at For a list of national IT service companies and

platforms, complete with comments and ratings

from service technicians, visit The Directory of

National Contractors at

Visit The Force Field Today

Rebit Inc.

Rebit’s time tested CDP (continuous data protection) technology eliminates the need to set up backup schedules by automatically backing up all changes that occur within the system every 30 seconds. Proprietary algorithms figure out when the system is idle to eliminate any impact on system performance as part of the CDP process. For those who prefer to manage their backups with a schedule Rebit Pro also includes an easy to use scheduling capability.

“When I moved from a break fix to a managed service offering, I needed something that was comprehensive but also affordable” says Dave Ross at Premier-Computers located in Boulder, CO. “If my clients have a hard drive or PC problem, they just want it back to its original state as soon as possible. Rebit allows me to do this with minimal effort allowing my company to service more clients on a monthly basis”.

Accelerate your business – join the Rebit partner program!

Rebit offers a competitive partner program for IT consultants and resellers. With a recurring revenue opportunity, margins at 20% and a comprehensive backup solution, the Rebit partner program can accelerate your business growth. With annual subscription prices ranging from $19.99 to $699.99, Rebit offers a range of products to meet the needs and requirements of many small offices. Become a Rebit reseller and receive a special ACRBO offer for a 5 user license. Learn more about our program at or contact us directly at 866-635-5784.

Rebit Fills Reseller Void with new Rebit Pro

Rebit Inc., founded in 2007 and based in Longmont, Colorado, develops backup software solutions for consumers, professionals and small offices. Well known for its award-winning Rebit5 software, Rebit has built a reputation for providing innovative, “ridiculously simple” backup solutions that are both comprehensive and cost effective. With the recent introduction of RebitPlus and RebitPro, Rebit has expanded its product offerings to meet the needs of small offices and professionals looking for a seamless hybrid backup solution that supports both Windows Servers and clients.

Why choose a hybrid backup solution?

Many small businesses need the speed and security of a local backup solution, but also want the redundancy offsite cloud backup offers. Current solutions require the user to run two separate systems, which means duplicate resources, costs, and unnecessary complexity. Rebit believes local and cloud are synergistic, not competing, technologies. Local backup delivers immediate access to files and the ability to do a full system restore if necessary. Online backup provides data redundancy in the event of a disaster plus the ability to access data from anywhere with any device. Combined, these two technologies deliver comprehensive data and system protection.

Why is Rebit unique?

Plus and Pro are based on Rebit’s innovative hybrid architecture that allows users to manage local and online backup for both Windows Servers and clients with a single backup engine and single user interface. This easy to implement and easy to use comprehensive backup solution meets the requirements for professionals and small businesses that don’t have the time or resources to manage multiple complex solutions. This means one service for local, cloud, clients and servers.

By nature, a remote support solution arrives at a client’s

computer bearing exactly that medal in its chest: it is the

solution. In the face of a computer problem, the remote

technician will bring the needed solution and all will be

fine once again (and “bring” it’s not definitely the correct

way to put it, since no one will actually need to get up

from their desks and physically carry anything).

The “solution” definition is not, by all means, wrong. But,

at least when looking at BeAnywhere’s Suport Express

features, it’s a definition that finds itself way too short. A

solution for clients? Yes, of course; but also a business

solution for managers, tech centers and IT companies

searching for income where many others are already

looking. So, anticipation – get there first – and branding –

be remembered over others – become key concepts.

Because, despite the economical crisis the world is

submerged to, and despite the domestic users migration

to mobile equipment, companies will always need their IT

structures up and running. The market is there, you only

need to grab it first.

So rather than expecting for a client to perceive a

problem and to later cry for help at a moment of choice, a

truly integrated remote support service – rather than just

a simple technical tool – should be able to keep a close

eye on a customer’s system and to raise a red flag up in

the air whenever a technical issue begins to surface. So

BeAnywhere inSight Lite Ed., a free remote monitoring

package that is included with Support Express, is for

itself a prospector of income... From the service provider

perspective, the ability to detect a technical glitch is the

ability to detect an income source – and to easily arrive

first than others sitting and waiting for support requests to

fall on their laps. That’s anticipation (and also a job well


Branding, on the other hand, is all about memory.

There’s a reason why everybody automatically relates

three sequential numbers with emergency calls – 911

stands for a particular service related to specific

situations. That’s the mindset you looking for when those

specific situations fit on the “computer technical problem”

marker. Your brand should be the first one popping up in

the “person in need” brain – and that’s achieved by

For instance, a company can ensure the placement of its

logo in the customer applet, right there for him to see

during the entire remote support intervention. Another

example: the Exclusive link feature, the one that allows

the insertion of your URL or any other set of words that

you find memorable, transforming this link for help in

something unique, easy to identify and, most of all, quick

to remember even during a moment of stress. And the

examples carry on. Providers can also raise their brand

awareness through Support Express Calling Cards, a

true business intelligence tool that enables the complete

takeover of their support service management: apply

different price ranges for different periods of the day,

week or month; charge customers up to the minute or fix

your fees regardless the time any problem takes solving;

pre-charge services until the expiration date is reached

or pre-sell a specific number of support minutes (or

hours) that can be used at any given moment – think of it

like a business card your clients can get out of their

wallets when a virus hits their folders, ready both as a

solution for their problems, but also as business solution

for your company.

Advanced Remote Solutions

Phone: +351 210 441 550 Ext. 210

Fax: +351 707 500 787

Official Site:

Support Online:


Remote Support

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