act three, scene three

Post on 29-Jan-2018






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SiMania Admods: The Musical!

Act Three, Scene Three – Greased LighteningWritten by: ilovereecee

Hello there and welcome back to SiMania Admods: The Musical! This is Act Three, Scene Three – Greased Lightening, the third and last chapter written by me, ilovereecee/Katie, for this turn. I want to thank you now for coming to read this chapter and I hope that you

enjoy what you see today. Just a quick reminder of what happened last time: Rolfe and Marsha married and had six lovely children. Sandy, Marty, Danny, Viola, Betty and Tom are all named after the 1978 musical Grease! We

said goodbye to previous heir Mark and his wife Kea last time, but welcomed three new additions to the family – puppies Doody,

Frenchy and Putzie.That is where we will pick up today...

We begin this chapter with Kea being quite the jerk,

again, as a ghost. She was such a loving mother and

grandmother when she was alive, but now she's just a

plain old meanie!

Rolfe is currently working toward his lifetime want to top the Entertainment career. He now holds the post of Knight of the Round


The first birthdays of the chapter are Betty and baby

Tom! Every time the family has a

birthday party, the cops get called to break it up, so I've kind of given up on that. Instead, just

the immediate family gathers around to show

their support. Betty aged into a cute

little girl and got a new hair do! Tom also aged into a

cutie with a personality of

The next evening, it's time for Marty to age into a

teenager. Once again, the family gathers around for


Wow, Marty is gorgeous! She aged into a stunning

teenager and rolled a romance/knowledge. She

has the same primary aspiration as her mother


Side note, see Kea in the background here? She's roaming around looking

for someone to scare!

If you remember from the last chapter, Marty is super fast when it comes to knocking out her skill points. She has now maxed them

all, and is the first child of the generation to do so. Now she is free to enjoy the rest of her teen years as she sees fit!

Poor Marsha, she and Rolfe can't even enjoy a date night without Kea busting in to scare someone. And if I were Marsha I'd have had

an accident all over myself right here! Can you imagine slow dancing with your husband, and all of a sudden a ghost pops out of

him!? No thanks!

Rolfe and Marsha don't let Kea ruin their date night, however. As usual, they both wanted to woohoo each other in the car. After their

backseat activities, Marsha is platinum and ready to take on the world!

Being a primary romance aspiration and having a husband plus six kids don't exactly go together. Thankfully, Marsha's secondary

aspiration is family and her occasional dates with Rolfe keep her a very happy woman.

On the weekends, all of the school aged children sit down in the study room to work on their skills. I like for my sims to have as many maxed skills as possible before going to college, that way

they can enjoy their university years.

Marty has already maxed her skills, so she is free to enjoy her weekends now. The first thing she wanted to do was to have her

first kiss, so the matchmaker was called to set her up on a date. I let Sandy join in the fun, even though her skills aren't maxed. I feel bad that she's the oldest and is missing out on her teen years all because she skills so slowly. The matchmaker set them both up with dates

that served as a 1st date for Rolfe when he was a teen lol!!

You can definitely tell a huge difference in Sandy

and Marty's personalities by looking at their first dates. Sandy (who has 10 playful points) had a very playful

date with Ricky. They shared a ton of jokes and had

a water balloon fight.Marty (who has 3 playful points) had a very serious, romantic date. They flirted,

admired each other and even shared a slow dance.

At the very end of her date, Marty even shared her very first kiss with Christian. This sent their date into the “dream date” category

and also boosted Marty's aspiration bar into platinum!

Marsha continues to be a great mother, despite the fact that she is a romance aspiration. She rolls various wants to interact with her

children throughout the day. Now that two of her girls are teenagers, she really has fun with them! She and Marty get along especially


Sweet Betty rushes out every night to give Rolfe a hug when he gets home from work. She only has one nice point, but is best friends

with her dad and shows him love despite her lack of niceness.

Kea seems to be on a rampage and Marsha is

her main target! Poor Marsha

has been scared so many times by Kea's ghost,

that she has begun to fear it. The encounters

happen so frequently that

Marsha dropped into aspiration failure and had to be visited by

the shrink!

While Marsha is having her life pulled back together by the shrink, what does Kea do? She goes outside and plays fetch with ghost

Cacaphony like she is all sweet and innocent!

Don't act like you haven't done anything wrong, Kea! We've got the proof that you're wreaking havoc left and right.

“Mom, you've been so stressed out lately. I think we should all take a big family vacation and just relax.”

I don't think Marty has a bad idea here. A family vacation would be nice, and it would give poor Marsha a break from all the ghost

scares Kea has been dishing out lately.

Lol, right after Marty and Marsha got done talking, they both rubbed their bellies and thought about food. Like mother, like


It's birthday time! Little Tom is growing into a child tonight. His immediate family surrounds him for support, and he grows into an

adorable, freckle faced little guy.

Later that evening when Rolfe returned home from work, he and Marsha intimately

celebrated Rolfe's elder birthday.

He aged into a handsome old man!

Sandy is such a painfully slow skiller! Another one of her younger siblings, this time Viola, has finished maxing all skills before she

did. Sandy only has three points left before she has maxed them all out, and it seems like she'll never finish!

Now that Vi is done with her skills, she gets to enjoy some freetime with big sis Marty. They play a lot of basketball and soccer

together. Not because they particularly like it, but because I can't stand when my sim children are obese. Is anyone else like this?

Yay for Rolfe! He has completed another lifetime want. He is now at the very tip top of the entertainment career as a prestidigitator.

His new lifetime want is to have 50 dream dates. I'll be honest with you, I'm not too terribly excited about this and since he's already

achieved quite a few LTW's, this might stay a want lol.

It's birthday time again in the Encore home! Isn't it always? I guess with six children in the home that's what you get! This time we're literally having a pajama party for Danny and Viola. Everyone but Marsha (and Kea who is floating around, no doubt wondering who

to scare next) showed up to the celebration in their nighties.

Danny aged into a handsome young buck, who actually rolled the want to use the guitar that's been sitting in his bedroom since he

aged into a child! Danny rolled the family/grilled cheese aspirations.

Viola also aged nicely. She grew into a very pretty young lady. She rolled a different aspiration combo than her twin brother. She got


The children that have maxed all of their skills continue to live leisurely. Marty, a romance aspiration, constantly has the want to meet someone new and ask someone out on a date. She usually

fulfills these wants with the help of the matchmaker and she stays pretty content with her teenage life. I love how Cha Cha supervised

her date with Forrest!

I decided that Danny and Rolfe need some more quality time together. It's very important for a father to have a good relationship with his sons. So since Danny is named after Danny Zuko, he and

Rolfe start working on restoring an old junker. Very true to his namesake, huh?

Danny has now also maxed all of his skills, thanks to his alone time playing guitar in his bedroom. Yay Danny!

It's time for another birthday! They roll around like there's no tomorrow in this house! This time little Betty is aging into a

teenager. She turned out wonderfully, too! Betty rolled romance/grilled cheese – an odd, but interesting combination.

Just like when Rolfe aged into an elder, Marsha

decided to have a private celebration with just the

two of them. She aged into a lovely elder, and it wasn't until I took this picture that

I realized her eyebrows stayed red! Oopsie, I need

to go fix that lol.

Tom has maxed all of his skills before his teenage birthday! Yay Tom! This means that all six of the children have maxed all of their

skills and are super prepared for college.

Viola, a popularity aspiration, has the want to make best friends with all of the family members (that she already isn't best friends

with). So she's having a blast getting to know her siblings more and running around the house being silly with them.

Rolfe and Danny are still working on their car together. It's come a long way since they first started! Rolfe finished fixing up the engine

and Danny is done with the body. Now all that's left is the paint! Danny decided on black for his car.

Poor Cha Cha, her time has come! The Grim Reaper came to collect her on Tom's teenage birthday. Look how sad she looks!!

Something odd happened too. When Cha Cha was taken, Leo went too. I never got the notification or a tombstone where he was, but he

is definitely gone! How strange...

Right after Cha Cha and Leo left the family forever, Danny finished painting his new car! What do you think? Pretty nice huh!?

Later that same afternoon, Tom was front and center to blow out his birthday candles! With the support from his parents and siblings,

Tom aged into a handsome young man! He rolled a family/romance aspiration – very opposing aspirations!

That wraps up my turn with this joint legacy for now! I hope that you enjoyed this chapter, I had fun playing the family during my first turn. Next Taube/Roxy will have the family and I know I am excited to see where they go from here. Thanks again and I'll see

you next time :)

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