action inquiry global leadership profile workshopdevelopmental action inquiry—the only approach...

Post on 10-Jul-2020






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Our Enhanced Workshop Experience At our events, you will benefit from the dynamic conversation and experience from other participants such as HR specialists, Leadership & Development experts and academics who will be together with you throughout.

Together you will learn practical ways to help yourself and others:• Assess current leadership action-logics—the centre-of-gravity,

emergent and fallback perspective that guide action and influence results

• Become conscious of and shift action/ mental/ emotional habits that are limiting effectiveness• Exercise personal power with greater flexibility and mutuality to generate personal and organisational transformation• Develop collaborative practices that increase mindful, relational and cultural intelligence in the wider organisation• Build capacity to lead from the inside out, confidently responding to the deepest calls of our human nature

and of the natural world that holds us

What is the relevant leadership logic for a given context?

What potential are we missing when we underplay the fluidity and imperfections in leadership development?

This enhanced, virtual workshop is ideal for business leaders, consultants, coaches, researchers and sustainability practitioners who wish to further their personal development and learn about the power and practice of Collaborative Developmental Action Inquiry—the only approach statistically confirmed as reliably generating both personal and organisational transformation. All workshop participants take the Global Leadership Profile (GLP) and receive

feedback on their centre-of-gravity, emergent and fallback leadership action-logics. Those who wish can become authorised to use and debrief the GLP with their clients.

Offered by Elaine Herdman-Barker and Richard Izard, with Bill Torbert joining by the virtual network, Action Inquiry is the only programme that comprehensively blends the what, why and how of transformational leadership development, including:

1) the theory of Collaborative Developmental Action Inquiry (CDAI)2) the assessment of leaders’ predominant action-logics (either using

the GLP or in-action diagnoses), and3) the ongoing practice of Action Inquiry at the personal, team and

organisational scales

Action Inquiry and the Global Leadership Profile Workshop19th - 23rd October 2020, covered over five virtual sessions

For more information on Action Inquiry and the Global Leadership Profile 1

Alongside Elaine, Richard and Bill, the wider GLA team - including our Senior Associates and members of the GLA coaching bench - will be on hand to answer any questions and to support your on-going inquiry through a number of additional, online 'developmental cafe' sessions.

Practical Details

Programme (all UK time):2pm - 6pm, Monday, October 19th 2pm - 6pm, Tuesday, October 20th 2pm - 6pm, Wednesday, October 21st 2pm - 6pm, Thursday, October 22nd

Cost: £2400 (corporate clients) £2100 (independent coaches/consultants & students) with an early bird booking discount of £200 applicable on all bookings made before 20th July 2020. Fees include taking the Global Leadership Profile and receiving a full report with personal commentary prior to the workshop, an individual de-brief session with one of our Senior Associates and programme workbook. Add £600 for post workshop personalised coaching if you are seeking to become an authorised GLP debriefer.

Pre-requisite to workshop: Read Action Inquiry: The Secret of Timely and Transforming Leadership by Bill Torbert and Associates (available at Amazon).

For further inquiries or to register for the workshop, please e-mail

Facilitation Team

Elaine Herdman-Barker – (Co-founder and President of Global Leadership Associates) is the co-creator of the Global Leadership Profile, leading authority on assessing and supporting change in leadership action-logics. Elaine is a Lecturer at DeBaak Management Centrum in the Netherlands and leads the Acton Inquiry and Certica on Workshops as well as Leadership Master classes across Europe, North Africa, and America. She consults across multiple sectors, with a worldwide coaching practice, specialising in the development of high potential leaders and senior executives.

Richard Izard – Richard (Co-founder and Managing Director of Global Leadership Associates) is a leadership development consultant who specialises in helping individuals, teams and organisations make lasting change in how they think and behave. Richard has the rare ability to fuse together the latest leadership thinking with very grounded, commercially orientated practise which is based on his fifteen years of board level leadership experience in multi national companies, including board and M.D. roles in subsidiaries of the Kingfisher plc retail group.

Bill Torbert – Co-founder of GLA, Yale/Harvard/Boston College Leadership Professor Emeritus, award-winning teacher, internationally renowned consultant, and author of many books including Action Inquiry: The Secret of Timely and Transforming Leadership, as well as of ‘Seven Transformations of Leadership’, selected as one of the top ten Harvard Business Review leadership articles of all time.

For more information on Action Inquiry and the Global Leadership Profile 2

Action Inquiry and the Global Leadership Profile Workshop

As part of this enhanced workshop, additional sessions are being offered between Monday 19th and Thursday 22nd October from 7pm (UK) with a number of GLA Associates over the virtual network. This extra time provides participants with the opportunity to reflect after each core session and to come back online with any questions. Workshop participants will also have the opportunity to map their developmental journey through our new online Transformations Cards game as part of their experience with us.2pm - 5pm, Friday, October 23rd

Action Inquiry and the Global Leadership Profile Workshop

GLA Awarded ICF (Continuing Coach Education) Accreditation

We are thrilled to announce our Action Inquiry (AI) & GLP Workshops and our Advanced Practitioner Programme have been accredited by the International Coach Federation (ICF). All delegates who attend our Workshops will now earn credits towards the renewal of their ICF credential.

GLA Workshops - Client Testimonials “I attended both the recent London accreditation Workshop and also the Advanced Practitioner Programme, which invites you to take a deeper dive and answers the ‘what next’ question, developing a wider community of practise and inquiry. The space was creative and inviting in anticipation for learning, exploration and living the theory. I was joined by a group of wonderful, like-minded people who were happy to share their rich experiences, both professionally and personally. Elaine in particular is a wonderful facilitator - She manages to create a perfect balance between academic rigour and skilful use of art, metaphor and story-telling for making complex concepts not only accessible, but also much easier to integrate by the audience.

Alis Anagnostakis, Consultant and Executive Coach

“I recently attended the Action Inquiry & Global Leadership Profile (GLP) Workshop in London and am a complete convert. The idea of Vertical Development through GLA’s specific lens and industry leading measurement tool, the GLP, has massive potential for both personal and professional development at all levels of an organisation.

I arrived at the Workshop steeped in various theories and models with which I was currently working at doctoral level; meaning that I was very curious and even more sceptical! However, Richard and Elaine patiently and expertly guided us through making sense of the action-logics and GLP, and importantly, were able to ground their claims in strong academic research.

Since the Workshop, I have engaged with the action-logics and theory in various settings all with great success. I have personally developed tremendously as a direct result of completing the GLP and having attended the event.”

Niel Stander, Sensibus Consulting

The Workshop helped me understand the different action-logics in more depth. Elaine’s very visual and creative presentation was extremely helpful and Veronica’s systemic viewpoint adds an interesting dimension to CDAI. The pedagogical approach of “teach to learn” is stimulating and enriching. Thank you!”

Roxane Loiseaux, Consultant Coach

“It was an outstanding program, it really stretched my thinking which was exactly what I wanted. I left with both a sore head and what feels like a much bigger perspective. Thanks!”

Nick Petrie, Senior Faculty, Center for Creative Leadership

“Thank you for creating such an inviting and safe space for personal learning, exploration and fun! What a wonderful group of people you attracted to the workshop – the openness and generosity of spirit was palpable! I have a heightened appreciation for how valuable being in a community of inquiry is to growth and development.”

Beth Massiano, Consultant and Executive Coach

3For more information on Action Inquiry and the Global Leadership Profile

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