actionable analytics triangle ama luncheon 08152013

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Triangle AMA Luncheon Companies using analytics are turning big data into actionable insights that gain a competitive advantage. Chuck Hemann (@chuckhemann), Group Director, Analytics for W2O Group and co-author of Digital Marketing Analytics: Making Sense of Consumer Data in a Digital World, shared how companies big and small are turning analytics into action. During this session Chuck offered specific examples of companies using analytics to fuel communications strategies, tactics and the ultimate development of content. Chuck Hemann is currently Director of Analytics for WCG, a fully integrated communications agency working with the world’s leading companies in healthcare, consumer products and technology. Over the last seven years, Chuck has provided strategic counsel to clients on a variety of topics including digital analytics, measurement, online reputation, social media, investor relations and crisis communications. Chuck’s past and present clients include Intel, Hershey’s, Michaels, Pfizer, Amgen, Merck, ConAgra, Dairy Management Institute, RIM, SAP and GSK.


Building Your Digital Analytics Capability: How to

Develop a Competitive Advantage For Your Business

Triangle AMA (@TriangleAMA)

August 15, 2013

Chuck Hemann, Group Director, Analytics at WCG


Contents are proprietary and confidential.

Contents are proprietary and confidential.

The communications landscape is changing…

Four Drivers of Change


• Blogs and twitter drive 2/3 of flow

• Five drivers of newsflow

• Mainstream media news cycles driven by average of 5 people

• Online content cycles driven by <50 people

Human Behavior

• We are only snowflakes to our parents

• We all follow patterns

• Influencers (top 50) typically source from no more than 4-5 people

• Who are the top sources?

Media Consumption Patterns

• I read what I want, where I want

• Social channels are becoming the new “third place”

The Social Footprint

• easy to see where content is shared and with whom

• Preferred words are clear

• Content needs are clear

Four Drivers of Change

@TriangleAMA // @chuckhemann on Twitter

What the C-Suite Realizes Today…


Customersshape reputations

with or without company help


50% of marketing budget is digital today for leading companies, 70%

in a few years


You can identify problems

days/weeks before the world

is fully aware


Recruitment and retention happens

365 days/year and includes

involvement in brand activities


Customersupport is integral

to brand reputation –

irrespective of channel


The best ideas are from crowds of smart people inside or outside your company

Money Words

Which words drive sales,

behavior and how am I leveraging them across my



If search is becoming a

decision engine, what decisions

am I helping with?

@TriangleAMA // @chuckhemann on Twitter

It is harder than ever to build a big, disruptive ad


Think like a publisher, focus on agile creative,

content curation and right engagement

@TriangleAMA // @chuckhemann on Twitter

Buying Big Blocks of Media lacks Market Agility

Media plans must be dynamic/able to shift in real-

time to market demand

@TriangleAMA // @chuckhemann on Twitter

A website is just ONE channel

Consumers are not “driven” somewhere. Brands must reach

customers exactly where they are, when they are there.

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Attention spans have changed forever

Consumers focus on the headline, image, and highlighted data

point only. Nobody reads anymore. It’s more important to tell

a fast and visual story than to get a full feature news article.

@TriangleAMA // @chuckhemann on Twitter

Building Share Building of Conversation is more

important than brief News Cycle

Popular conversations, videos, or images are spawned and

shared across the internet, have greater reach and influence

than the original news cycle.

@TriangleAMA // @chuckhemann on Twitter

Real Time research provides better information

We can get better information by observing and asking

consumers their opinion right now, based on the exact city

they live in, and the exact interests they have, and the places

they hangout online.

@TriangleAMA // @chuckhemann on Twitter

How is Research Changing to Meet the New

Communications Landscape?

10 Trends in Digital Analytics

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Social Channels = New Frontier for Research

• Open, unfiltered channels

• Real-time market-driven conversations

• Engaged customer and partner communities

• Early warning system for competitive intelligence

• Hard to make a move without some digital footprint

• Lots of noise to filter, but plenty of valuable signal

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#1 – (Tool) Buyer Beware

Social Media Listening

Social Media Engagement

Influencer Analysis

Audience Analysis

Content Analysis

Search Analytics

@TriangleAMA // @chuckhemann on Twitter

Hundreds of Available Tools with no Clear Link…


@TriangleAMA // @chuckhemann on Twitter

#2 – Two Clear Listening Models Emerging

Listening for program

planning and listening for

content development

@TriangleAMA // @chuckhemann on Twitter

• What are people saying about your brand

• Where people are talking about your brand

• When people are talking about your brand

• Who is talking about your brand

• Why people are talking about your brand

Taking a Step Back to Set Proper Goals

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Listening to Develop Content in Real-Time

Photo credit to:

@TriangleAMA // @chuckhemann on Twitter

#3 – HR, Sales, Product Development, Customer

Service Join the Digital Data Party

Digital data’s value extends

well beyond its applications

for public relations and


@TriangleAMA // @chuckhemann on Twitter

• Concept of building a dashboard

to listen for conversations

outside of PR/marketing

applications is easy

• Discover the data

• Analyze the data

• Segment

• Develop insights

• Execute based on those


• In practice, much more difficult

to execute at large companies

• Requires central source for

listening with organization

Making Social Data Work Outside of PR/Marketing

@TriangleAMA // @chuckhemann on Twitter

Social Customer Service is an Emerging Approach

• Shift in importance away from

traditional customer service

channels toward social media,

smartphones and internet sites

• 79% of respondents in the survey

cited the immediacy of interactive

channels in their preference

• 46% cited those interactive

channels as the most efficient

communication method

• Listening to conversations for

customer service requires

dedicated team, technologies,

measurement techniques and


@TriangleAMA // @chuckhemann on Twitter

Samsung and Delta are Two Strong Case Studies

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#4 – We Drop “Social” from Social CRM

CRM platforms evolve to

incorporate social data more

easily therefore eliminating

the need to keep using social

in front of CRM

@TriangleAMA // @chuckhemann on Twitter

The Good News is Current Systems are


@TriangleAMA // @chuckhemann on Twitter

#5 – Companies Begin to Hire Internal Resources

Digital analytics professionals

are becoming more prevalent

as organizations realize the

power of this data.

@TriangleAMA // @chuckhemann on Twitter

Four Components of an Internal Capability

#6 – Command Centers are Valuable… Kind of

Command centers are

valuable internal tools that

rally the organization around

the idea of social

media/listening to customers

@TriangleAMA // @chuckhemann on Twitter

Several Brands Have Built Command Centers

Do you need one of these if you are a brand or representing a brand? It depends

@TriangleAMA // @chuckhemann on Twitter

Intel Has Developed a Social Cockpit…

@TriangleAMA // @chuckhemann on Twitter

#7 – Measurement Finally Becomes Integrated

Communications has been

working to break down silos

for years. It’s time to do the

same in measurement

@TriangleAMA // @chuckhemann on Twitter

Timely Intelligence

Timely Decisions


Media flow, news synopses, topline opinions


KPI tracking, red flags, tactical decisions,

editorial planning, traffic/sales impact


KPI trends and insights, strategy evaluation,

program optimization, problem resolution


Competitive alerts and crisis management


KPI executive reviews, strategy shifts,

problem escalation, cross-discipline impact


Business and comms planning, long-range

strategy, KPI assessment and goal setting

@TriangleAMA // @chuckhemann on Twitter

The New ERA Measurement Approach

What we are Measuring Example Metrics

EngagementAre consumers taking action to indicate they are on board

and sharing with their personal networks?

• Likes

• Comments

• Inbound Links

• Retweets

• Shares

• Database registrations

ReachHow many consumers did we reach, multiplied by how

many times did we reach them, during the last 30 days?

• FB post impressions

• Tweets x Followers

• Paid digital impressions

• Video views

• Blog post UVMs

• Website visits

• Share of Attention

AudienceWhat is the size of our Audience that we are building to

communicate with in the future?

• Fans

• Followers

• Subscribers


AvoidanceHow is our social engagement allowing us to reach

people without buying paid media inventory?

• Media value of social

impressions and views

LearningsWhat did we learn that can be applied to future


• Social Poll results

• Qualitative feedback

@TriangleAMA // @chuckhemann on Twitter

Measurement Approach - Sample




Driving awareness

Building share of

conversation around topics

that the public cares about

Ensuring outbound messages

are receiving pickup


Market Share


@TriangleAMA // @chuckhemann on Twitter




100Twitter followers 500 550 500

News Center page views 20,000 20,000 20,000

News reach 500,000 500,000 500,000



Twitter retweets 130 90 155

Twitter replies 60 85 150

News Center tweets 100 125 100

News Center likes 500 400 500

News Center shares 200 150 250

YouTube likes 0 0 0

YouTube shares 0 0 0


100Twitter 92,000 86,000 100,000

News Center 16,092,042 15,250,004 26,841,569

YouTube 0 0 0


CONVERSATION20% 25% 30% 95


100 100


• Increase in Twitter Engagement over Q1

drove improvements in Twitter Reach

• News Center page views down over Q1,

although News Center sharing activity


• Although news coverage increased over Q1,

traffic to outlets covering GEHC news were

lower, thus decreasing Audience scores

Team Insights

• Focus on frequency and regularity of Twitter

posts, as well as retweeting, @-mentioning

and @-replying key influencers in order to

establish relationships on Twitter

• Utilize keyword research and integration to

drive improvements in findability and natural

search traffic to News Center stories# OF POSTS TOTAL

Twitter 200 200 200 600

News Center 30 40 40 110

sample performance scorecard

@TriangleAMA // @chuckhemann on Twitter

#8 – Analytics goes hyper-local

As marketing programs are

built to reach people in

specific geographies,

analytics tools will need to be

built to keep up

@TriangleAMA // @chuckhemann on Twitter

Track conversation by zip code, town, store

@TriangleAMA // @chuckhemann on Twitter

#9 – Forensic Analytics Becomes a Critical

Capability Within Companies

@TriangleAMA // @chuckhemann on Twitter

Decoding Audience Correlations

Universe of conversation the

brand cares about.

A. Mountain Biking

B. HipHopC. Men (18-24)

D. SkatingTop Attributes

(as many as



(Primary Attribute)

Correlated Attributes

(f/ brand Universe)

Topics Correlation to


Basketball 91.56

Skating 78.19

Rock Music 57.54

Urban Fashion 41.89

Surfing 11.34

3 Different Lunch Tables with

HipHop as the Primary AttributeHipHop







Rock Music


ALL online conversation

Brand Filters

@TriangleAMA // @chuckhemann on Twitter

Lunch Table Audience Segmentation (dummy data)

Primary Attribute: HipHop Music

Also Passionate About: NBA Basketball,

Skating, Nightlife, Video Games

Consumption Moments: Leisure, Partying

Demographic Attributes: M28-24

Additional Insights: B.O.B. + Drake are faves


Primary Attribute: Pick Me Up Junkies

Also Passionate About: Hiphop, Alternative

Rock, Snowboarding, Monster, 5-Hour

Consumption Moments: Studying, Leisure

Demographic Attributes: West coast

Additional Insights: <3 Free Music Downloads


Primary Attribute: Mountain Biking

Also Passionate About: Winter sports, NFL,

Pearl Jam

Consumption Moments: Driving, Working

Demographic Attributes: Men (all ages)

Additional Insights: Bike Brands Super Important


Primary Attribute: High Performance

Also Passionate About: Record-Setting

Performances, Motor Sports, Speed

Consumption Moments: Sports, Working

Demographic Attributes: NA

Additional Insights: Diss on Organized Racing


@TriangleAMA // @chuckhemann on Twitter

#10 – Influencer Analysis is not Synonymous with


The current suite of influencer

solutions do not fully capture

how influential a person is


@TriangleAMA // @chuckhemann on Twitter

The Current Influencer Tools are not the Devil,

but Don’t Accurately Gauge Influence Either

@TriangleAMA // @chuckhemann on Twitter

<50 People Drive Share of Conversation Online

• Have complete clarity

into who influences your world, and

how to reach them with your content.

Thousands of

key phrases.

Millions of

webpages. 100+ Metrics.

Hundreds of


50 Top


@TriangleAMA // @chuckhemann on Twitter

Where did this come from?

Currently available on -

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