actor adjustments

Post on 11-Jan-2017






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After sending my actors a call sheet and production schedule so to be sure all my actors would be available on my shoot days it was clear not everyone would be able to turn up due to prior commitments. Therefore my cast changed slightly. Due to my target audience research all my actors are still of the same age as my audience so to be more appealing and allow connections to form.

Toby Matthews, age 17, will play the role of ALEX. I have chosen him due to his previous acting experience therefore I know he can portray the character effectively. His age means he is within the age of my target audience but it is also believable to the audience that he can survive on his own. His appearance is messy perfect for the dystopian genre therefore it will be easy for him to fit in with the derelict surroundings.

Oscar Jenkinson, age 17, will play BOY. I have chosen him for his naturalistic acting ability and he doesn’t have any distracting features that may imply a certain personality trait. He has proven to be able to project his voice in past roles which will suit the nature of the character and the argument within the scene.

Max Silver, age 17, playing BOY2. He is of the same age as the other characters so will fit in well with the group. He has also proven to be committed to roles in the past and dedicated to learning lines.

Faegan White, age 17, will play BOY3. His clothing style and appearance is informal and dystopian and therefor will fit in with the surroundings. He possesses a relaxed personality that will fit the character description and has clear diction and loud vocals meaning he deliver lines effectively.

Ella Nicholas, age 18, will play the role of GIRL. I have chosen her as she is tall and so won’t look small against BOY in the argument so it will not appear dominant on Oscar’s side. She also doesn’t have any distinguishing features so can easily be made to look like she has been living in a derelict building for months. He acting ability is outstanding so I can assure she will create a believe character.

The voice over actors will remain the same.

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