adep basic sem

Post on 05-May-2017






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Ateneo Debate Education Program

*imagine a catchy opening tune playing in the background*

Why debate?

It deepens democracy.


What a British Parliamentary Debate

Looks Like

The Basics A point of

information lasts for a maximum of 15 seconds

Motions are given 15 minutes prior to the debate

There are 4 teams per round, with 2 teams per side (Government and Opposition)

Each team is composed of 2 speakers

Each speech lasts for about 7 minutes, with the first and last minute uninterrupted In the remaining 5 minutes,

members from the opposing teams can raise POINTS OF INFORMATION


Opening Gov’tPrime Minister

Deputy Prime Minister

Closing Gov’tMember of Gov’t

Gov’t Whip

Opening Opp’nLeader of Opp’n

Deputy Leader of Opp’n

Closing Opp’nMember of Opp’n

Opp’n Whip

Part Two:RULES

Technicalities*snort snort*

Motion• Motions must

be defined by the Prime Minister– More on this

later under Speaker Roles

• Policy-making or value-judgment?

• it is the proposition which the Government side is supposed to defend

• there are three types of motions:– Open motions– Semi-closed motions– Closed motions



Bad or illegal definitionsare usually challenged(more on this later)

– Truisims– “Squirrels”– Time/Place

Sets– Tautologies

Each definition MUST:– Have a direct link to the

motion– Be fair and debatable– Identify the issues to be

debated and the scope of the debate (criteria or standard)

– Include parameters when necessary

Points of Information

• Must be no more than 15 seconds long

• It is the discretion of the person speaking whether to recognize the point or not

• Each speaker must accept at least two points of information per speech

Team and Speaker Roles

“There are no small roles, only small


Opening Government

the Deputy PrimeMinister must:• rebut the points of

the LO• Support the

arguments of the PM

• Introduce substantive material to support his/her side of the split

• Recap (?)

the Prime Ministermust:• introduce the definition and

background or SQ (clamor)• Standards/goals• introduce the case of the OG

(proposal/policy/stand/theme)• split case/label arguments• introduce substantive material

to support his/her side of the split (substantive speech)

• Recap (?)

provide a clear and reasonable definitionestablish the issues and scope of the debateadvance a substantive case

Constructing your (super?)model. “spirit of the motion” context – where is the debate taking place avoid absolutes

E.g. “Everyone in US is completely against gay marriages.” naïve and simplistic

Instead, focus on sustainable trends (developments/agreements) don’t be afraid that the world does not completely agree with you E.g. “This house believes that GMOs are safe.

Wrong : safe means absolutely no harm Right: there are risks, but mitigated ones

(cont’n . . .) Troubleshoot contradictions/potential

tensions E.g. : “This house would fine company x.”

Wrong: The fines are okay because the companies can afford them. But these fines will be strong and can act as deterrents.

Identify the core debate (competing values) – what is the debate (not) about?

E.g. : THW legalize abortion. Do not be afraid to concede.

(cont’n . . .) Identify the stake holders.

How does a policy affect the behavior of x or change y?

On extreme policies . . .

Opening Opposition

the Deputy Leader of Opposition must:• rebut the points of

the DPM • Support the

arguments of the LO

• Introduce substantive material to support his/her side of the split

• Recap (?)

the Leader of Opposition must:• Accept or reject the

definition• Rebut the points of the PM• introduce the case of the

OO (counterproposal/stand)• split case/label arguments• Substantive speech• Recap (?)

Examine the definition of OGChallenge or accept the definitionRebut the arguments of OGAdvance a substantive case

United by the Desire to Rebut

Main goal of rebuttal = to prove that the other side is WRONG. Not adjudication

Take into account net benefit. Do not use phrases like:

“They do not solve the root cause of the problem, which is…”

“The model does not consider ____”

Why not?

A) There is almost never a root cause for a problem.

B) A model can’t be expected to solve everything.

C) Push debating/burden-pushing is cheap.

In other words, proving that a model does not change particular things does not negate the NET BENEFIT that it can create.


Don’t be a hypocrite! Debates are all about comparison. When you launch a rebuttal, make sure it doesn’t apply to you.

Don’t be afraid to concede certain arguments. If you can’t rebut an argument, just weigh its value against those of your arguments.

LO: Model Diagnosis

Step 1: Check for feasibility Step 2: Examine the parties that get

affected. Step 3: Based on your assessment

of the model’s strengths and weaknesses, formulate a line of CLASH.

State the clash explicitly.


Clash can either reject the gov’s model and defend the status quo.

OR it can reject both the SQ and model. In which case, a counter proposal must be forwarded.

A CP should be such that, if the opp defends it, opp continues to oppose the motion.


Setting up CPs requires the same rigor as setting up original props.

CPs are not there for decoration. They must be defended.

Question: How can someone set-up a CP, rebut, and construct fresh arguments in 7 minutes?

Cop-out answer: talk fast and use efficient language.

Example: ‘oil as basic necessity’

Instant Cases

Don’t force prep into a debate if it doesn’t match.

Come up with something entirely new if needed.

Just because you’re making an instant case, doesn’t mean you stop listening to the PM.

Make sure you’re able to rebut. You’ll probably be able to turn it into constructive.

The Deputies: The General Disposition

A good deputy…1. Actively participates in helping

his/her 1st speaker.2. Willingly gives up argument that

he/she thought of.3. Does not care about speaker tab. 4. Has faith in the inexhaustibility of

arguments for a given debate.

Deputies: General Strategies

Deputies are like the Spice Girls (You give them what they want, what they

really really want.) If a previous speaker spent a great deal of time

asking for something, GIVE IT TO THEM. Ex. “They never proved political will.”-previous

speaker THEN, prove political will Danger: make sure it doesn’t look like you’re

covering for the deficiencies of your first speaker. Make it seem as if you are giving the next, natural part of the case.

Deputies: General Strategies

Come up with relevant arguments Common sickness of 2nd speakers: just

coming up with peripheral arguments (“fringe benefits case”)

“But I did not shoot the deputy.” Deputies are oftentimes ignored by

other debaters. Prove the importance of anything you

say. Why are you relevant?

Closing Government

the GovernmentWhip must:• rebut the points of

the MO • Summarize the

debate • Reiterate and

support the points of the entire gov’t side

• Introduce fresh examples to support/rebut previously mentioned arguments

the Member of Governmentmust:• Rebut the points of the DLO• Provide an EXTENSION:

Develop a new case line (which must still be consistent with the original points of the OG)

• introduce substantive material to support CG’s new line

• Recap (?)

Rebut the arguments brought up by OOSupport the stand of the Opening GovernmentAdvance a substantive caseSummarize the debate for the Government

Closing Opposition

the Opposition Whip must:• rebut the points of

the GW• Summarize the

debate • Reiterate and

support the points of the entire opposition side

• Introduce fresh examples to support/rebut previously mentioned arguments

the Member of Opposition must:• Rebut the points of the MG• Provide an EXTENSION:

Develop a new case line (which must still be consistent with the original points of the OO)

• introduce substantive material to support the CO’s new line

• Recap (?)

Rebut the arguments brought up by CGSupport the stand of the Opening OppositionAdvance a substantive caseSummarize the debate for the Opposition

WHIPPING *wapak*

MSU-IIT Debate Varsity

I Will Survive…

“The role of the whip speaker is to summarize the debate”

Significant shifts in debate focus and dynamics (esp. between halves)

I have Issues

Live and die with structure: tool for analyzing arguments and bringing together different parts of the debate– 2-4 themes – each issue has a range of

arguments under it– usually self-contained (avoid repetition, but

remember and emphasize the bigger picture)

Many Issues…

When identifying issues: FOCUS on getting your team’s extension to win the debate– Not all arguments on your side belong to your

team– Do not get carried away: even if you KILL the

other side, you might still get a fourth ASIANS/AUSTRALS: machine gun; BP:

surgeon’s knife

“Support Act”

Make the member look good!– Stay consistent– Decide what to emphasize; plug the gaps in the

extension; nuance more– Carefully disguised expansion of points,



Link extension to other arguments or even previous POIs (lacking dimension? Important stakeholder? On-the-ground analysis?)

Member has to do both rebuttal and substantive and has to bring out as much substantive matter as possible

Whip should provide the detailed analysis about the importance of the extension

BIG PICTURE ANALYSIS: It has to seem “well-chosen”!


Each issue must have an aspect related to the extension!

Always ask ‘how does this issue relate to the extension?’

What if there is no link?Reframe the issue to make extension relevant

to the heading!

“Extension” as an issue

Do not say “our extension” Dangers:

– Sheer repetition of Member’s analysis– Reinforce the notion that the extension did not fit

into the debate

Benefits:– If framed as main issue, can swing debate to

closing half (extension is now the central issue of the debate)

– If Opp did not respond, portray other teams as weak for not considering a major stakeholder


Always conclude by reemphasizing the extension!

Rules for Challenging

• If a definition provided by the Prime Minister is judged to be a truism, squirrel, time/place set, or a tautology, a definitional challenge may be made

• ONLY the Leader of Opposition may initiate and issue a definitional challenge

• If the LO doesn’t challenge, NO ONE else in the debate may do so

• Both closing teams have the OPTION of choosing which definition to support (OG’s or OO’s)

• However, if the LO made a challenge but the CG found it wanting, only the MG may challenge the definition again

• Again, if the CO found all the definitions provided by OG, OO, and CG, only the MO may challenge the definition

Part Three:Matter, Manner,

MethodIt’s the meat in your sandwich, the heart

of the matter.




Matter: Definition

• The content of the speech. It is the arguments a debater uses to further his or her case and persuade the audience

• Includes arguments, reasoning, and examples

• Includes positive (substantive material) and rebuttal

• Includes points of information

Soon to follow:• What is an


• Rebuttal

• Points of Information

• Matterloading

What is an argument?

• the reason why you support or oppose a motion

• argument versus premise

Arguments mustbe backed by:• Analysis: go

beyond the label and ask the most important question: WHY?

• Examples: use relevant ones and DON’T argue by example

Rebuttal• All speakers, except the Prime

Minister, are expected to present rebuttal

• Types of rebuttal:– Error of fact– Irrelevancy– Illogical Argument– Unacceptable Implications– Little Weight– Contradictions and Inconsistencies

How muchrebuttal is too

much rebuttal?

POIs!• Keep it short: You just

have fifteen seconds!

• Types of POIs:– Clarification– Question– Direct rebuttal– Introducing your argument– Bringing back your


How often should I raise points of


How many points of information should I ask?

MatterloadingHow much am I

supposed to know?

• Knowing is half the battle

• Read, read, read

• Ask the right questions


It matters how you say it…

Manner: Definition

• The presentation of the speech. It is the style a member uses to further his or her case and persuade the audience

• Comprised of many separate elements.

• There is no correct style of debating

• Some things to keep in mind:– Eye contact– Voice

modulation– Hand gestures– Clear and

simple language

– Efficient notes


Individual MethodAnd Team Method

Method: Definition

• Can be divided into individual method and team method

• Individual method refers to the organization of your speech

• Team method refers to the flow and consistency of the arguments of the two speakers in a team

Two Kinds of Method

• Individual method:– Structure your speech– Sign-posting– Time management

• Team method:– Allocate your arguments

properly– If you are the first speaker,

give a team split– If you are the second

speaker, refer to your partner regularly

Other things toremember:




Part FOUR:Other Debate



Asians• Structure

– 2 teams:• Affirmative• Negative

– 3 members in each team:• The first two speakers of

each team fulfill the same roles as the first two speakers in BP (PM, DPM, LO and DLO)

• The third speakers acts as the Whips of the debate

• The Reply Speech

• Even-if


Same as AsiansNo Points of Information

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