adjustments (1)

Post on 18-Dec-2014






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Front Cover

This was my original layout for my magazine front cover.

I made the title bigger and deeper because I thought it looked too small. I then edited the cover lines, making them shorted and changing their place because I thought it was too busy. I also moved the banner at the bottom down so there was more room for the picture.

Front Cover

This is my front cover. I chose this picture because I liked the background on it, and how the girl is looking at the camera and smiling because it gives off a happy mood. I moved the cover lines to fit around the picture and also so you could easily read them against the colours of the background.

I added the date, price and issue number to the front cover and placed it above the barcode. The font is small so that it isn’t the first thing a buyer see’s.

I changed my front cover image because I didn’t like the background on the other one and the colours of it meant you couldn’t see the coverlines. I like the shadows in the new one because it creates a dramatic effect and the guitar she is holding shows it is a music magazine.

I added the white banner with the front cover image’s band so that it stood out from the others. I then changed the colour of the coverlines so it wasn’t just plain black.

I changed the size and layout of the coverlines so that they weren't all the same, and more space was filled up by them.

I changed my front cover image to one that has the guitar in it more and looks more musical. Also, it gets rid of the shadow in the background.

I adjusted the cover lines, changing the Tom Odell one to make it further down and I made the Jake Bugg’s one bigger so they weren’t all the same size. I also rubbed out the copy of the picture where her head is so that the S is behind her head.

I moved the coverlines in a bit of that they were not right on the edge. I also made the bar at the bottom narrower and made the date and price smaller and got rid of the issue number so that it all fit on one line.

Contents Page

This was the layout I made before inserting any text or pictures for my contents page.

I added the text first so that I could fit it all on. I made the page numbers bold and red so they were easier to see so the reader can find it quicker.

I then added the pictures to fit around the text and anchored them in with the page numbers.

Contents Page

Finally I shuffled the text and pictures around to made everything fit in better and look more aesthetically pleasing. I also made the page numbers 14pt font, and the text 12pt so that the numbers stood out even more from the text.

I edited the font size and made it 2pt smaller, then I made the page numbers bold and kept them the same font so that they stood out more. I then moved the numbers that link to the pictures so that they were on the actual picture and anchored them more.

I made the content of each page bold so it stood out and a reader can easily find what they’re looking to read.

I made the Vibes title bigger and put the ‘this week’ underneath it.

I didn’t like the layout so completely adjusted it and added a white box for the text on the Viola Beach photograph.

I got rid of the caption for the Viola Beach photo.

I changed the layout again because it looked too messy.

I made the title smaller again and added the contents title to the top.

I adjusted the layout of my contents page and changed the plus title to ‘in every issue’ and made it the same size as ‘this week’ which is 20pt. I then made the contents red and changed the contact us to use the email, twitter and Facebook and moved it up so that it wasn’t all the way across the bottom.

I moved the ‘This Week’ so that it was in line with the rest of the columns.I also got rid of the rumours part of the leeds and reading because it didn’t stay on one line. I then moved the number 17 on the viola beach photograph to the other corner so that you could see it more clearly.

I made the layout for my double page spread and added the title, page number, issue number and magazine title to the bottom corners.

I then added the pictures I wanted to use.

Then I added my article, ensuring the first letter was a bigger font than the rest of the writing.

I added the rest of the text into my double page spread.

I made the font smaller so that it could all fit on.

I added a quote box in the middle of the article and selected a quote from a band member to put in it.

I then changed the title and quote to red so that they stand out more.

I didn’t like the layout of my double page spread so decided to add an extra page and chose a different picture and made it fill two pages. I put the title in the blank space on the picture and made it bigger.

Then I used the third page to put my text on and added an extra column because magazines have 3 columns. I then added the other pictures in so the page wasn’t boring.

I made the name of the quote and the big letter and the date, issue number and page number red so they stand out.

I changed the layout of the first two pages on my double page spread, adding white boxes to make the text stand out and see what it looked like.

I didn’t like the white boxes so got rid of them. I made the title a lot bigger and changed the layout again.

I noticed that diary was spelt dairy so changed it.

I added an extra page to spread everything out a bit more. i also got rid of the quote because the first page was too busy.

I used a big picture and added the writing along the bottom of it. I then made a collage of pictures on the 5th page with the text down the side of it.

I changed the title of the double page spread because it was originally just the name of the band. I also made everything central and made the title bigger.

I added the final two pictures to the page and lined the rest of them up.

I made the text all the same size because the first paragraph was bigger. I also got rid of the word ‘ constant’ from the stand first.

I made the text even smaller, to 8pt, then cropped the big photograph on Photoshop then made it bigger on the double pages to get rid of the empty space.

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