adoption of roof gardening at mirpur-10 area …summary, conclution & recommendation 5.1 summary...

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Kamron Nahar Nira Reg. No.-23915/00412







Prof. Md. Shadat Ulla


Kamron NaharNira

Roll no. Reg. no.- 23915 / 00412

Semester: July-December 2004

Submitted to the Faculty of Agriculture,

Shcre-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka,

In partial fulfillment of the requirements For the degree of





Approved by:

Md. Rafiquel Islam Supervisor

Md. Sekender Ali Co-Supervisor

Chairman Examination Committee



Place: Dhaka, Bangladesh


This is lo certify that thesis entitled, "ADOPTION OF ROOF GARDENING

AT MIRPUR-10 AREA UNDER DHAKA CITY" submitted to Faculty of

Agriculture, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka in partial fulfillment of

the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN AGRICULTURAL

EXTENSION AND INFORMATION SYSTEM, embodies the result of a piece of

bona fide research work carried out by kamrun Nahar Nira, Reg. No. - 23915 /

00412 under my supervision and guidance. No part of the thesis has been submitted

for any other degree or diploma.

I further certify that such help or source of information, as has been availed of

during the course of this investigation has duly been acknowledged by him.

(Md. RafTqucI Is lam)




The best and cordially compliments and praises to the merciful Allah, who enabled the

author to complete this research work.

The author wishes to express his deep gratitude to her reverend research

supervisor Md. Rafuquel Islam, Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural

Extension and Information System, SAU, Dhaka, lie took keen interest, provided

scholastic guidance and constant inspiration from the beginning to the completion of

this research work.

The author expresses her proudfull and heart felt gratitude to her research co-

supervisor Md. Sekender Ali, Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural

Extension and Information System, SAU, Dhaka for his friendly untiring guidance,

innovative suggestions, constant help, timely instructions and inspirations throughout

the progress of the research work.

The author takes the opportunity to express her houndess gratitude and cordial

thanks to Professor Md. Shadat Ulla, Chairman, Department of Agricultural Extension

and Information System, SAU, Dhaka for his valuable advice, suggestions and

constructive criticism.

Special thanks to Md. Abdul Mannan Bhasani, Executive Director of SPS for the

co-operation of composing of the manuscript by the author at his Dhaka office.

The author expresses her gratitude to the building inhabitants of Mirpur-I() area

who gave their valuable time for interview during the collection of data.

The author wishes to special thanks to her beloved parents, elder sister for their

blessings and moral support.

The Author





2. REVIEW OF LITERATURE 11-15 2.1 Review of previous research findings 1 1 2.2 Conceptual framework 1 5

1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Statements of the problems 2 1.3 Justification of the study 2 1.4 Objectives of the study 3 1.5 Limitations 4 1.6 Assumptions 6 1.7 Definition of terms 7

METHODOLOGY 17-28 3.1 Location of the study 17 3.2 Population and sampling procedure 19 3.3 The research instrument 19 3.4 Measurement of variables 20-28 3.4.1 Independent variables 20 3.4.2 Dependent variables 25 3.5 Hypothesis 26 3.6 Collection of data 27 3.7 Compilation of data 28 3.8 Data processing and analysis 28


29-41 29

39 41

49-68 49 49 49 52 52 55

55 56 57

58 59




4. FINDINGS & DISCUSSION 4.1 Individual characteristics of the inhabitants 4.2 Dependent variables 4.3 Relationship between the selected characteristics of the

respondents with their adoption of roof gardening .

5. SUMMARY, CONCLUTION & RECOMMENDATION 5.1 Summary 5.1.1 Introduction 5.1.2 Methodology 5.1.3 Major findings Selected characteristics of the respondents Relationship between the adoption with selected

Independent variables of roof gardening of plants in roof garden. 5.2 Conclusion 5.3 Recommendation 5.3.1 Recommendation for policy implications 5.3.2 Recommendation for further study





TABLE 1 Descriptive statistics of the respondents

Selected characteristics

2 Distribution of respondents according to their age

3 Distribution of respondents according to their Family size

4 Distribution of respondents according to their Family education

5 Distribution of respondents according to their Family annual income

() Distribution of respondents according to their Roof Gardening experience

7 Distribution of respondents according to their use of information sources

8 ' Distribution of respondents according to their attitude towards roof gardening.

9 Distribution of respondents according to their knowledge on roof gardening

10 Distribution of respondents according to their adoption of Roof Gardening

11 Relationship of selected characteristics of respondents with their adoption of roof gardening



FIGURE 1 A simple conceptual Framework for the stucf)- 16 2 A Map of Dhaka city showing study area (Mirpur-10) 18

LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDICES 1 English Version of the Interview Schedule 63-68 2 Correlation Matrix of the dependent and

6Q Independent Variables (N=100)


The main purpose of the study was to determine the extent of adoption of roof gardening at Mirpur-10 area under Dhaka city. Attempts were also made to describe some selected characteristics of the building inhabitants of this area. The selected characteristics were: age, family size, family education, family annual income, roof gardening experience, use of information sources, attitude towards roof gardening and knowledge on roof gardening. One hundred respondents were randomly selected from Mirpur-10 area under Dhaka city. Data were collected by using a pretested personal interview schedule during May„2006. Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation “r was used to determine the relationship between the selected characteristics of the respondents with their extent of adoption of roof gardening. The findings revealed that majority (62 percent) of the respondents possessed no adoption compared to 15% and 23% had low and medium adoption of roof gardening respectively.

Out of nine selected characteristics of the respondents, family size ,roof gardening experience, use of information sources , attitude towards roof gardening and knowledge on roof gardening had positive significant relationship with their adoption of roof gardening. Other characteristics namely,: age, family education and family annual income did not show any significant relationship with the respondents adoption of roof gardening. The main problem of roof gardening was selected as lack of time .Most of the respondents were interested to flower plant for their roof garden.



1.1 Background:

Gardening is a great hobby. The garden situated on the roofs of the building

Is called roof garden and the activity is called roof gardening. Dhaka is the capital

of Bangladesh. Near about 10 million people live in this city. Buildings occupy

most of the lands of this city. Many of the buildings are used for residence.

There are a few lands to cultivate vegetables, fruits and flowers or

ornamental plants. But there is a great demand for vegetables, fruits flowers or

ornamental plants in this city. The building inhabitants can grow vegetables, fruits

and flowers or ornamental plants on their building’s roof. But in most cases they

do not grow these plants on their building’s roof. But it is very important to

conserve the Environment of the city as well as produce vegetables, fruits and

flowers or ornamental plants. By gardening the gardener can make his health as

well as his family member’s health better. On the other hand there is a lot of

problems for roof gardening. The citizens have lack of roof gardening knowledge

also. These facts indicate the need for conducting survey on roof gardening. l

1.2 Statement of the problems:

In view of the importance of roof gardening the investigators of this

survey were highly interested to find out the adoption and problems of roof

gardening in Dhaka city entitled 44 Adoption of Roof Gardening at Mirpur-10

area under Dhaka city.”

This study attempted to find out the answer of the following research


1. What are the respondents selected characteristics ?

2. What is the level of adoption of roof gardening of the respondents ?

3. Are there any relationship between the selected characteristics of the

respondents with their adoption on roof gardening?

1.3 Justification of the study

Many studies have so far been conducted on adoption of various aspects of

agriculture. But only a little research has been reported in home and aboard to

determine the adoption on roof garden of the respondents. However, it


is very much important to ascertain adoption on roof garden of the building

inhabitants of Mirpur-10 area under Dhaka city. It is about thirty lakh peoples

were live in Dhaka city. The population of Dhaka city increases day by day .On

the other hand the number of plants of this city were decrease day by day .For the

civilization, our children have to live without green environment that is plants.

We have to live just like machine with plants free environment in this city. So

avoiding this unfair situation, we have to build up garden on our house’s roof

In order to achieve this target it is essential to undertake a program to

motivate for the building inhabitants of Dhaka city. However before making

awareness of the respondents for roof gardening it is necessary to gain clear-cut

idea about the present status of adoption of roof gardening of the respondents. On

the above circumstances the researcher has undertaken the present study entitled

“Adoption of roof garden at Mirpur-10 area under Dhaka city.”

1.4 Specific Objectives:

In view of the problems stated above the following specific objectives were

formulated for giving the proper direction to the study:

i. To determine eight selected characteristics of the building Inhabitants of

Mirpur-10, Dhaka city. The characteristics were as: age, family size,

family education, family annual income, roof gardening

experience, use of information sources, attitude toward roof gardening and

knowledge on roof gardening.

ii. To determine and describe the extent of adoption of roof gardening by the

building inhabitants.

iii. To explore the relationships between the selected characteristics of the

respondents’ with their adoption of roof gardening iv. To identify the problem faced by the respondents.

v. To identify the categories of plants in the roof gardening.

1.5 Limitations

In order to conduct the research in a meaningful and manageable way, it

becomes necessary to impose some limitations in certain aspects of the study. Considering the time, money, labour and other necessary resources

available to the researcher, the following limitations have been observed

throughout the study:

1. The study was confined to small area namely Mirpur-10 under Dhaka city.

2. There were many respondents in the study area, but only the respondents

who were building inhabitants were considered for this study. 3. Characteristics of the respondents were many and varied but only eight

characteristics were selected for investigation in this study.

4. For collection of information, the researcher had to depend on the data

furnished by the respondents during their interview.

5. The present study highlights a new dimension of research in the field of

agricultural extension in Bangladesh and so the researcher could not

provide sufficient evidence in equipping his study report with relevant

literature reviews.

1.6 Assumptions

An assumption is the supposition that an apparent fact or principle is true in the

light of the available evidence (Goode and Malt, 1983). Following assumptions

were in the mind of the researcher during concluding the study:

i. The respondents included in the sample were capable of furnishing

proper responses to the questions in the interview schedule.

ii. Views and opinions furnished by the respondents were Unrepresentative

views and opinions of the study. iii. The responses furnished by the respondents were reliable.

iv. The researcher herself as the interviewer was able to coiled the responses

of the respondents with adequate precision.

v. The researcher who acted as an interviewer was well aware of the social

and cultural environment of the study area. Hence, the data collected by

the researcher were free from bias and the respondents furnished their

opinions without hesitations.


1.7 Definition of Terms

Certain terms used throughout the study are defined and interpreted below for

clarity of understanding.


Age of a respondent refers to the period from his birth to the time of


Family size

Family size refers to the total number of members including the respondent

himself, his wife, children and other permanent dependents who live and eat

together in a family unit.

Family education

Academic qualification refers to the development of desirable change in

knowledge, skills and attitude in an individual through reading, writing and

other related activities. It was measured in terms of years of schooling

completed by the respondents’ family members at the time of interview

Family annual income

Family annual income of a respondent refers to the total amount of money

(Taka) earned by him and other members of his family from services,

businesses, agriculture sources and other sources in a year for maintaining his


Roof gardening experience

It refers to the total number of years that a respondent participated roof

gardening and practiced the roof gardening as calculated till the time of

data collection.

Use of information sources

Use of information sources of an individual refers to his association in various

sources within a specified period of time with a view to serve the roof garden

toward development.


Attitude to roof gardening

Attitude is the mental predisposition of an individual to act in a particular way.

In other words, it refers to one’s favorable or unfavorable feelings, beliefs and

actions towards an object and concept.

Knowledge on roof gardening

Literally knowledge means knowing or what one knows about a subject, fact,

person etc. Knowledge, however, refers to the amount of facts or information

about an idea, object or person which a person knows.

Regarding technological aspect knowledge occurs when an individual is exposed

to a technology's existence and gains some understanding of how it functions

(Rogers, 1983).


According to Rogers (1995) adoption is a decision to make full use of an

innovation as the set course of action available. When an individual takes up a

new idea as the best course of action and practices it, the phenomenon is known

as adoption (Ray, 1991). In this study adoption was defined as the


phenomenon of taking up a new idea and put it into practices by the respondents.

Roof Garden

The garden that is situated on the building roof is called roof garden and the

activity is called roof gardening.



2.1 Review of the previous Research findings

Review was searched in Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC),

Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University Library and from Internet searching.

But there was no previous work on the present topics. Only a book reference

was found from BARC Library and two articles were found in Internet

searching. These are described below.

Krupka, B (1992) wrote a book named “Roof gardening: use of plants and

vegetation on buildings.” This book consists of 20 chapters covering the

history and importance of growing plants on buildings from the architectural

and town planning aspects, developments in techniques of roof gardening in

the last decade, the ecological value of growing plants on buildings, habitat

restrictions of vegetation on buildings, planning factors, prevention of

damage to buildings, preparation and protection of the habitat and different

forms of greening. Chapters 10 to 15 cover the choice of plants for intensive

and extensive' greening’ of roofs, walls and noise reduction screens. Chapter

16 to 17 deal with the qualitative requirement of seeds, plants and4ins-tant

vegetation’, and planting and vegetation stands in relation to decline criteria.

Forms of damage, care and maintenance, and performance of roof and fa9 ade

vegetation are covered in the last 3 chapters. The comprehensive coverage of

the theoretical and practical aspects of growing vegetation on buildings, the

clear diagrams and the extensive list of suitable plants make this book a

valuable source of information. It is to be hoped that an English translation

will be made so that the information will be made so that the information will

be more accessible to a wider readership.

Islam (2001) has published an article named “ Roof gardening as a strategy

of urban agriculture for food security' : the case of Dhaka city,

Bangladesh.”.He has reported that urban agriculture in the cities of

developing countries are growing rapidly which also means the number of

low-income consumers is increasing. Because of food insecurity in these

cities is increasing. Urban agriculture (UA) contributes to food security by

increasing the supply of food and by enhancing the quality of perishable

foods reaching urban consumers. The exploration of local socio-economic

and institutional


conditions that might promote and hinder urban agriculture is needed to

implement policies that effectively integrate agriculture into the urban

environment. This study aims to identify the potential for and barriers to UA with

reference to rooftop gardening(RTG) and to explore strategies to promote food

security in Dhaka

S. Brenneisen (2001) provided some important information on the topics "Green

roofs-How nature returns to the city” in the International Conference on Urban

Agriculture. He has reported that following a promotional campaign in

1996,green roofs have become an important factor in urban planning in the city

of Basil, Switzerland. An investigation based on an urban ecological assessment

proved the significance of green roofs for modem town-planning strategies. It

showed that the extent of the area with a high environmental load could be

reduced from 19% to2% of the total. Furthermore, bio-ecological surveys

underlined the need for the development of green roof concepts at the scale of the

town. The wide range of vegetation found on green roofs and the variety of

designs available



2.2 Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework of the study of Rosenbarg and Hovland (I960) was kept in

mind while framing the structural arrangement for the dependent and independent

variables. Adoption of roof gardening of the respondents as dependent variable which

is supposed to be influenced and through interacting forces of many characteristics in

his/her surroundings. It is therefore, necessary to limit the characteristics which

include age, family size, family education, family annual income, roof gardening

experience, use of information sources, altitude towards roof gardening and

knowledge on roof gardening. Based on this discussion and the review of literature

the conceptual framework of this study has been formulated as shown in figure 1.


Fig.l A simple conceptual framework for the study



Use of proper methodology is important in a scientific investigation. It requires a very

careful consideration on the part of the researcher to collect valid and reliable data and

to analyze the same properly to arrive to a meaningful conclusion. The methods and

procedures followed in conducting present study are discussed in this chapter.

3.1 Location of the study

There are 28 thanas in Dhaka City. Mirpur-10 is one of thana of Dhaka. It situated on

the northern side of the city of Dhaka. This area was selected as the locales of the

present study. Three thousand families live in this area. Mirpur-section 10 area was

suitable place to research to determine the adoption of roof gardening of the city

inhabitants as it is situated within the Dhaka city. A map of Dhaka district showing

Mirpur, section-10 has been presented in Figure 3.1

3.2 Population and sampling procedure

About 3,000 families lived in buildings in Mirpur, Section-10 area. The family

heads of building inhabitants were the population of the study. A list of total

inhabitants was collected from the ward commissioner’s office. To minimize the

sample size, the inhabitants were randomly selected which consisted of 100

inhabitants. A reserve list of nine inhabitants was also prepared so that the

inhabitants of this list could be used if any selected respondent was not available

during the interview.

3.3 The research instrument

For the purpose of data collection an interview schedule was prepared keeping

the objectives of the research in view. The schedule contained both open and

closed form questions. Most of the questions were simple and direct while some

scales were included in the schedule to collect data regarding the attitude

towards roof gardening, knowledge on roof gardening


and adoption on roof gardening. The draft schedule was pre-tested before using it

for collection of data. Based on the pre-test experience, necessary corrections,

additions, alterations and rearrangements were made in the schedule. Thus the

schedule was prepared for final use. The schedule was prepared in the English

version. because all the inhabitants are educated and they were capable of

understanding the questions. The interview schedule has been presented at


3.4 Variables and their Measurement

3.4.1 Measurement of independent variables

An independent variable is that factor manipulated by the experimenter in his

attempt to ascertain its relationship to an observed phenomenon (Townsent,

1953).Eight characteristics of inhabitants were selected as independent variables of

this study. Procedures followed in measuring the selected characteristics are

described in the sub sequent sections.

22 Age

Age of an individual was defined as the period of time from the birth to the time

of interview and was operationally measured in terms of years. It was located in

the serial no. l of the interview schedule. Family size

The term family size refers to the number of members of the respondents family.

This variable appears in the serial no.2 of the interview schedule. Family Education

Education of a respondent was measured by the highest grade of formal

schooling completed by him or her in any educational institute. If an

individual was found illiterate, he/she was given a score of “0” .A score of 1

was assigned for each class one formally completed or passed.

Family education refers to the total score of education of all the

member of the family. The question for this variable appears in the serial no.

3 of the interview schedule. Family Annual Income

Family annual income of a respondent was measured in terms of thousand taka.

Income from all sources by all the earning family members were added together

to obtain family annual income. A family annual income score was computed by

assigning one (1) point for each thousand Taka. It was located in the item

number 4 of the interview schedule. Roof Gardening Experience

Roof gardening experience of a respondent was measured by counting the

number of years a respondent actively involved in roof gardening. For each Year

of roof gardening experience the respondent was assigned by a score of 1 and so

on. It was located in the item number 8 of the interview schedule.

24 Use of Information sources

For measuring use of information sources, the respondents were asked lo choose

one answer among four nature of contact for each media, namely frequently,

occasionally, rarely and not at all. These four options for each media were

defined specially to each media considering the situation, rationality and result

of pre-test. Scores were assigned for all extension media in the following


The use of information sources of a respondent was determined by adding the

total responses against the 11 selected media. Thus the total score could range

from 0 to 33, where 0 indicating no use of information sources and 33 indicating

very high use of information sources.

Extent of contact Weighting system

Frequently o J

Occasionally 2

Rarely T 1

Not at all 0

25 Attitude towards roof gardening

Fifteen statements Expressing possible and negative feelings towards roof

gardening. A statement was considered positive if it indicated a favorable attitude

towards roof gardening. If it indicated a favourable attitude towards roof gardening.

If the case was reserse , it was considered as a negative statement. Out of these 15

statements 8 were positive and 7 negative. Scoring was done by assigning 4,3,2,1

and 0 scores to the five alternative responses as “Strongly agree”, “agree”,

“undecided”, “Not agree”, ’’Strongly disagree” respectively in case of a positive

statement. Reverses were assigned for a negative statement. However, attitude

toward roof gardening score for a respondent was obtained by summing up his

scores for all the 15 statements in item no 11 in the interview schedule. Attitude

score thus obtained for a respondent could range from to 60, where 0(zero)

indicated very unfavourable attitude and 60 indicated highest level of favourable

attitude towards roof gardening. Knowledge on roof gardening

This refer to ones knowledge about roof gardening. It was measured by asking

the inhabitant ten questions on different aspects of roof gardening.

The total marks for all the question was 20. An inhabitant answering a question

correctly obtained the full marks, while for a partial correct answer he/she was

given marks proportionately. Each question contain 2 marks. This score could

range from 0 to 20, o indicating no knowledge and 20 highest knowledge. This

variable appears in the serial no. 12 of the interview schedule.

3.5 Measurement of dependent variable Adoption of roof gardening

A dependent variable is that factor which appears, disappears or varies as the

experimenter introduces, removes, or varies the independent variables

(Townsent,1953)It is often called predictable variable. Adoption of roof

gardening was the main dependent variable of this research. The respondents

were asked to response on (1) the potential area of their house roof for roof


garden, and (2) the area covered by roof garden. Adoption of roof gardening of a

respondent was measured by using the following formula:

Area covered by roof garden (s.f) Adoption of roof garden = ---------------------------------- —— x l00

Potential area (total area of the roof (sf)

Thus adoption of roof gardening of a respondent could ranged from 0 - 100,

while 0 indicating no adoption and 100 indicating highest adoption of root' gardening.

3.5 Hypothesis

A null hypothesis states that there is no relationship between the concerned

variables. If a null hypothesis is rejected on the basis of statistical test, it is

concluded that, there is a relationship between the concerned variables. However,

following null hypothesis were formulated for the present study:

1. There was no relationship between the selected characteristics of the family

heads of building inhabitants of Mirpur-10 area under Dhaka and their adoption

of roof gardening.

The selected characteristics were: age, family size, family education, family annual

income, house ownership, roof gardening experience, useful information sources,

attitude towards roof gardening and knowledge on roof gardening.

3.6 Collection of data

Data were collected by the researcher herself during May 2006. To gel valid

pertinent information the researcher made all possible efforts to explain the

purpose of the study to the respondents. Interviews were conducted with the

respondents in their homes. While starting interview with respondent, the

researcher took all possible care to establish rapport with him/her so that he/she did

not feel hesitant or hesitate to furnish proper response to the questions and

statements in the schedule. The questions were clearly explained wherever any

respondent felt difficulty in understanding properly. As all of the inhabitants were

lived in city, they are educated that ensure the researcher to collect information

from them easily.


3.7 Compilation of data

After completion of field survey data from all the interview schedules were

compiled, tabulated and analyzed according to the objectives of the study. In this

process, all the responses in the interview schedule were given numerical coded

values. Local units were converted into standard units. The responses to the

questions in the interview schedules were transferred to a

master sheet to facilitate tabulation. Tabulations and cross tabulations were done

on the basis of categories developed by the investigator herself.

3.8 Data processing and analysis

The analysis was performed using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science)

Computer package. Descriptive analysis such as range, frequency count, number

and percentage, mean and standard deviation were used wherever possible.

Pearson’s Product Moment Coefficient of Correlation (r) was used in order to

explore the relationship between the concerned variables. Throughout the study,

five percent 0.05 level of probability with an accompanying 95 percent

confidence level was used as a basis of rejecting a null hypothesis.



The Findings of the study field survey and related interpretations have been

presented in three separate sections of this chapter. The first section deals

with the selected individual characteristics of the respondents while the second

section deals with the dependent variables i.e. adoption of roof gardening. The

third section deals with the relationships between the respondent's selected

characteristics with their adoption of roof gardening.

4.1 Individual characteristics of the respondents

In this section the findings of the respondent's individual characteristics have

been discussed. Descriptive statistics of eight selected characteristics of the

respondents have been presented 4.1.


Table 4.1 Descriptive statistics of the inhabitants selected characteristics

Observed age of the respondent ranged from 17-67 years with the average of

Characteristics Measuring Range Mean Standard unit Possible Observed deviation Age Years unknown 17- 67 41.36 13.24

Family size Number t! 2- 8 4.21 1.41

Family Education Score fl 21 - 100 46.54 15.243

Family Annual


Score II 100 - 700 354.04 155.28

Roof Gardening


Years u 0- 15 2.41 3.74

Use of information


Score 0-33 0- 10 1.82 2.63

Attitude towards roof


Score 0 - 60 8 - 48 24.59 13.39

Knowledge on roof gardening

Score 0-20 4- 17 10.58 3.32


41.36 years and standard deviation of 13.24. Based on their age, the categories

and distribution of the respondents have been presented in Table 4.2

From the table 4.2 it was indicated that the highest proportion (41%) of the

inhabitants were young aged. But, the proportions of middle aged and old aged

respondents were almost similar (31% and 28% respectively).

Table 4.2 Distribution of the respondents according to their age Categories Number and Percentage of the respondents

Young (up to 35 year) 41

Middle-aged( 36-50 year) 31

Old (>50 year) 28

Total 100


4.1.2 The Family Size

The family size of the respondent ranged from 2 to 8 with an average of 4.21 and

standard deviation of 1.41. On the basis of their family size, the respondents

were classified into three categories as shown in table 4.3. The highest

proportion (56 percent) of respondents felt under the medium category compared

to 7 percent large family and the remaining 37 percent with small family.

Table 4.3 Distribution of respondents according to their family size Categories Number Percentage

Small family (1 to 3 member family ) 37 37

Medium family (4 to 6 member family) 56 56

Large family (up to 7 member family) 7 7

Total 100 100


Education of a respondent’s family was measured by the level of his formal

education i.e. highest grade (class) passed by all member of his family. The

observed education score of the respondents ranged from 21 to 100 with the

average of 46.54 and standard deviation of 15.243. Based on their family

education, the categories and distribution of the respondents have been

presented in table 4.4

'Table 4.4 indicated that about 12 % respondents were low educated. The

highest percentage was medium educated (70%), the rest 18% of the

respondents were highly educated.

Table 4.4 Distribution of respondents according to their family education. Categories Percentage

Low educated ( Score below 32 ) 12

Medium educated (Score 32 to 61 ) 70

Highly educated (score up to 61) 18

Tota1 100

4.1.4 Family Annual Income

Family annual income of a respondent was determined by his family’s total i

income from business, service, agriculture and other sources during a year.

Family Annual income score of a respondent was expressed in thousand taka.

The observed range of family annual income score was 100 to 700 with an

average of 354.04 and standard deviation of 155.28. On the basis of their

family annual income, the respondents were classified into three categories as

shown in Table 4.5. Table: 4.5 Distribution of respondents according to their family annual income

Categories (Measured in ‘000 Tk.) Percentage

Low income (> 200) 27

Medium income( 200 to 500) 62

High income (up to 500) 1 1

Total 100

Table 4.5 indicated that majority (62%) of the respondents had medium family

annual income compared to 27% and 11% had low and high family income


4.1.5 Roof gardening Experience


Experience in roof gardening score of the respondents ranged from 0-15 years

with the average of 2.41 and standard deviation of 3.74. According to their roof

gardening experience the respondents were classified into three categories as

shown in table 4.6

Table 4.6 indicates that the highest proportion (65%) of the respondents had low'

experienced on roof gardening, compared to 21% and 14% had medium and high

experience of roof gardening.

Table 4.6 Distribution of respondents according to their experience in roof gardening.


Low experience (up to 2 years)



Medium experience (2 to 6 years) 21

High experience (up to 7 years) Total 14


4.1.6 Use of information sources





Observed score of use of information sources of the respondents ranged from 0

to 10 against the possible range of 0 of 33. The average and standard deviation

were 1.82 and 2.63 respectively. Based on their use of information sources, the

respondents were classified into two categories. This has been presented in

table 4.7.

Table 4.7 Distribution of respondent's according to their use of information Sources.


Low use of information sources (below 2 score)

Medium use of information sources (> to 6 score) 6


Table 4.7 indicates that the highest proportion (94%) of the respondents had

low use of information sources while only 6% had medium use of information

sources. Nobody of the respondents was found having high rate of use

information sources about roof gardening.

4.1.7 Attitude towards roof gardening


Attitude towards roof gardening score of all the respondents ranged from 8 Lo

48 against the possible range of 0 Lo 60. The average and standard deviation

were 24.59 and 13.39 respectively based on the attitude towards roof

gardening, the respondents were classified into three categories which have

been presented in Table 4.8.

Table 4.8 Distribution of respondents according to their attitude towards roof Gardening.

attitude were only 20%. The rest (25%) of the respondents had high favorable

attitude towards roof gardening.

Categories Percentage

Unfavorable attitude ( < 12 score, i.e. <mean - 1st1) 20

Moderately favorable attitude (13 to 37 score, i.e. mean I |S(I) 55

Highly favorable attitude (> to 37 score, i.e. >mean+ lsd) 25



Table 4.8 showed that most (55%) of the respondents had moderate favorable

attitude towards roof gardening. Respondents having unfavorable


4.1.8 Knowledge on roof gardening f-> f-*

The knowledge on roof gardening score of the respondents could range from

0-20, while that observed score ranged from 4 to 17. The mean was 10.58 and

the standard deviation was 3.32. Based on their knowledge on roof

gardening scores, the respondents were classified into three categories, which

have been presented in table 4.9. Table 4.9 Distribution of respondent according to their knowledge of roof Gardening.

Categories Percentage

Low knowledge (Below 7 score) Medium knowledge (7 to

13 score)



High knowledge (up to 13 score) 23

Total 100

Table 4.9 revealed that majority (60%) of the respondents possessed medium

knowledge on roof gardening. Compared to 17% and 23% had low and high

knowledge on roof gardening.



4.2. Adoption of roof gardening

The respondent's adoption of roof gardening in study area ranged from 0 to 67

against the possible range of 0 to 100 .The average adoption score was 14.60

and the standard deviation was 20.59. Based on the adoption score the

respondents were classified into three categories as shown in table 4.10. Table

4.10 Distribution of respondents according to their adoption

Data in table 4.10 revealed that the highest (62%) proportion of the

respondents had no adoption while 15% and 23% had low and medium

adoption of roof gardening. Nobody had high adoption of roof gardening.

Because of this fact, might be clue to the lack of time, lack of place, and

proper motivational work about roof gardening.

Categories Percentage

No adoption (0 score) 62

Low adoption (1-33 score) 15

Medium adoption (34 - 67 score) 23

Total 100

4.3 Relationship between the selected characteristics of the respondents with their adoption on roof gardening


This section deals with the relationship between the independent variables and

dependent variables of the study. The selected characteristics of the respondents

constituted the independent variables while the dependent variable was the

respondents adoption of roof gardening. Pearson's Product Moment Co-efficient

of Correlation (V) has been used to test the null hypotheses concerning the

relationships between the variables. At least 0.05 level of significance was used

as the basis for rejection of a null hypothesis.

The results of correlation test have been presented in table 4.11. However, a

correlation matrix for all independent and dependent variables has been included

in Appendix- 2

Tabic 4.11 Relationship of selected characteristics of respondents with their adoption on roof gardening. (N=100)

NS = Not Significant

df = 98

* = Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed)

** = Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed)

Selected characteristics (T n d ependen1 variables)

, , 1 _ Computed ‘r’

value ‘r’

Tabula toil value

5% level 1% level

Age .066Nb

Family size .240*

Family education . 171N ‘s

Family annual income .062NS 0.196 0.254

Roof gardening experience .764**

Use of information sources .777**

Attitude .827**

Knowledge .341**

4.3.1 Age and adoption of roof gardening

The relationship between age of the respondents with their adoption of roof

gardening was measured by testing the following null hypothesis: “There is no

relationship between age of the respondents and their adoption of roof

gardening.” The computed value of ‘r* (0.066) was smaller than that of the

tabulated value (0.196) with 98 degrees of freedom at 0.05 level of probability.

Hence, the concerned null hypothesis was accepted. It could be concluded from

the finding that there was no significant relationship between age of respondents

and their adoption of roof gardening.

4.3.2 Family size and adoption of roof gardening

The relationship between family size of the respondents and their adoption of

roof gardening was measured by testing the following null hypothesis: “There is

no relationship between family size of the respondents and their adoption of roof

gardening.” The computed value of V (0.240) was greater than that of the

tabulated value (0.196) with 98 degrees of freedom at 0.05 level of probability.

Hence the concerned null hypothesis was rejected. The finding indicated that the

family size of the respondents had a positive


significant relationship with their adoption of roof gardening. This implied

that the more large family size of a respondent, the more was the adoption of

selected roof gardening.

4.3.3 Family education and adoption of roof gardening

The relationship between family education of the respondents and adoption of

roof gardening was measured by testing the following null hypothesis: “There

is no relationship between family education of the respondents and their

adoption of roof gardening.” The computed value of V was (0.171) was

smaller than that of the tabulated value (0.196) with 98 degrees of

freedom at 0.05 level of probability. Hence, the concerned null hypothesis was

accepted. It could be concluded from the finding that there was no significant

relationship between family education of the respondents and their adoption of

roof gardening.

4.3.4 Family annual income and adoption of roof gardening

The relationship between family annual income of the respondents and their

adoption of roof gardening was measured by testing the following null


hypothesis: "There is no relationship between family annual income of the

respondents and their adoption of roof gardening." The computed value of Y

(0.062) was smaller than that of the tabulated value (0.196) with 98 degrees of

freedom at 0.05 level of probability. Hence, the concerned null hypothesis was

accepted. It could be concluded from the finding that there was no significant

relationship between family annual income of the respondents and their

adoption of roof gardening.

4.3.5 Roof gardening experience and adoption of roof gardening

The relationship between roof gardening experience of the respondents

and their adoption of roof gardening was measured by testing the following null

hypothesis: “There is no relationship between roof gardening experience of the

respondents and their adoption of roof gardening.” The computed value of V

(0.764) was greater than that of the tabulated value of V (0.254) with 98 degrees

of freedom at 0.01 level of probability. Hence, the concerned null hypothesis was


The findings implied that roof gardening experience of the respondents had a

positive significant relationship with their adoption of roof gardening. It

could, therefore, be concluded that the more roof gardening experience of a

respondent, the more was the adoption of roof gardening.

4.3.6 Use of information sources and adoption of roof gardening

The relationship between use of information sources of the respondents and

their adoption of roof gardening was examined by testing the following null

hypothesis:" There is no relationship between use of information sources of

the respondents and their adoption of roof gardening.” The computed value of

V (0.777) was greater than the tabulated value of V (0.254) with 98 degrees of

freedom at 0.01 levels of probability. This means that the concerned null

hypothesis was rejected. Thus the use of information sources of the

respondents had a positive significance relationship with their adoption of

roof gardening. The findings is quite logical because the more use of

information, the more was the adoption of the respondents.


4.3.7 Attitude towards roof gardening and adoption of roof gardening

The relationship between attitude towards roof gardening of the respondents

and their adoption of roof gardening was examined by testing the following

null hypothesis: “’There is no relationship between attitude towards roof

gardening of the respondents and their adoption of roof gardening." The

computed value of V (0.827) was greater than the tabulated value of V (0.254)

with 98 degrees of freedom at 0.01 levels of probability. This means that the

concerned null hypothesis was rejected. Thus the attitude towards roof

gardening of the respondents had a positive significance relationship with

their adoption of roof gardening. The finding is logical, because the more

attitudes toward roof gardening, the more was the adoption of roof gardening

of the respondents.

4.3.8 Knowledge on roof gardening and adoption of roof gardening

The relationship between knowledge on roof gardening and their adoption of

roof gardening was examined by testing the following null hypothesis: “There

is no relationship between knowledge on roof gardening and their adoption of

roof gardening.” The computed value of V (0.341) was greater


than the tabulated value of ‘r ‘(0.254) with 98 degrees of freedom at 0.01 levels

of probability. This means that the concerned null hypothesis was rejected. Thus

the knowledge on roof gardening of the respondents had a positive significance

relation with their adoption of roof gardening.

4.4 Problems Faced by the respondents

Ten problems which might be laced by the respondent were identified. In respect

of each problem, each respondent indicated to what extent that problem was

faced by him. His response was noted by putting a tick mark in any of the five

columns and was quantified by: very much (•!), much (3), some (2), little (1), not

at all. (0).

The roof gardening problem index (RGPI) of a particular practice was measured

by using following formula.

RGPI = 4xf1 + 3xf3 -I- 2xf2 + 1 xf! + oxf0

Where, RGPI =

f4= number of respondents who faced very much problems

f3 = number or respondents who faced much problems

f 2= number of respondents who faced some problems

f1 = number of respondents who faced little problems

f° = number of respondents who faced not at all


While 0 indicating not at all problem and 400 indicating very much problem

By this formula, the most important problem of the respondents’ was

identified as “lack of time”. Other problems were followed by “roof gardening

is laborious, lack of knowledge, difficult to manage necessary elements,

difficult to make roof garden for a tenant, seedling damaged, theft seedling,

flowers, fruits etc by thief no benefit in roof gardening, lack of irrigation

facilities and lack of sun shine due to side building respectively.

4.5 Categories of plants in the roof garden:

Most of the roof gardener of the research area planted flower and ornamental

plants. The next important plants were fruits, vegetables and medicine plants.

The rich people of the research area was choose Bonsai for their roof garden

and indoor decoration because of it’s high price. The most common

flower were Rose and Marigold , Besides these the most common fruits were

Mango and Guava. The respondents like to planted Chili as vegetables as the

need of their family.






The tittle of the thesis is “Adoption of roof gardening at Mirpur -10 area under

Dhaka city”. There is a great demand for vegetables, fruits and flowers or

ornamental plants at Mirpur,section-10 area under Dhaka city. The building

inhabitants of Dhaka city can grow vegetables, fruits and flowers or

ornamental plants on their building’s roofs. It is very important for conserving

the environment of the city as well as production vegetables, fruits and flowers

or ornamental plants. By gardening the gardener can make his health as well as

his family member’s health better. These facts indicate the need for conducting

the study to determine the adoption of roof gardening with the following

objectives :

i) To determine eight selected characteristics of the building inhabitants

of Mirpur-10, Dhaka city’, such as: age, family size, family education,


family annual income, roof gardening experience, use of information

sources, attitude toward roof gardening and knowledge on roof


ii. To determine and describe the extent of adoption of roof gardening by

the building inhabitants.

iii. To explore the relationships between the selected characteristics of the

respondents’ with their adoption of roof gardening

iv. To identify the problem faced by the respondents. v. To identify the categories of plants in the roof gardening.


Mirpur, section 10 areas under Dhaka city was the locale of this research.

Family heads of building inhabitants of this area were the population of this


One hundred (100) family heads of building inhabitants of Dhaka city of the

selected area were the sample of the research. An interview schedule was

made earlier and this interview schedule was the instrument for collection of

data from the building Family heads of inhabitants of Mirpur-10 of Dhaka

city. Data was collected in May 2006.

Adoption of roof gardening was the only dependent variable of this study,

Eight selected characteristics such as age, family size, family education,

family annual income, roof gardening experience, use of information

sources, attitude towards roof gardening and knowledge on roof gardening

were considered as independent variables for the study.

Statistical measures such as number, frequency distribution, percent, possible

range, observed range, mean, standard deviation etc were used in describing

the selected dependent and independent variables. Simple, correlation was

used for determining the relationship between the dependent and independent



Selected characteristics of the respondents


The range of age of the respondents was 17 lo 67 years .Data indicated that most

(41%) of the respondents was young aged 3) % was middle aged and the rest 28%

of the respondents were old aged.

Family size:

The observed range of family members of the respondents was found 2 to 8

persons. Most (56%) of the respondents had medium member family members

compared to 37% and 7% have small and large family members.

Family education:

Family education score of the respondents ranged from 21 to 100 with an average

being of 46.540 and standard deviation of 15.243. The highest proportion (70%)

of the respondents had medium family education.

Family annual income: Family annual income score of the respondents

ranged from 100 to 700, the average was 354.04 with a standard deviation of

155.28. The highest proportion (84%) of the respondents had medium family

annual income.

Roof gardening experience: Roof gardening experience of the respondents

ranged from 0 to 15 years, The average was 2.41 with a standard deviation of

3.74 .The highest proportion (65%) of the respondents had low experience in

roof gardening.

Use of information sources: The range of use of information sources of the

respondents ranged from 0 to 10. The average was 1.82 with the standard

deviation of 2.63.The highest proportion (94%) of the respondents had low

use of information sources.

Attitude towards roof gardening: Attitude towards roof gardening of the

respondents ranged from 8 to 48. The average was 24.59 with a standard


deviation of 13.39.The highest proportion ((55%) of the respondents had medium

attitude towards roof gardening.

Knowledge on roof gardening: The range of knowledge of the respondents was 4

to 17.The average was 10.58 with a standard deviation of 3.32. The highest

proportion (60%) of the respondents had medium knowledge about roof


Adoption of roof gardening: Adoption of roof gardening of the respondents

ranged from 0 to 67. The average was 14.60 with a standard deviation of 20.59.

The highest proportion (62%) of the respondents had -no adoption of roof



Relationship between adoptions of roof gardening of the building

inhabitants of Mirpur-10 area under Dhaka city with their selected


Simple correlation was used to examine the relationships between the eight

selected characteristics of the respondents with their adoption of roof gardening.

These eight selected characteristics were age, family size, family education,

family annual income, roof gardening experience, use of information sources,

attitude toward roof gardening and knowledge on roof gardening. Among the

selected characteristics age, family education and family annual income had no

significant relationship with adoption of roof gardening of the respondents. The

remaining five selected characteristics such as family size, roof gardening

experience, use of information sources, attitude toward roof gardening and

knowledge on roof gardening had significant positive relationship with adoption of

roof gardening.

Problems of roof gardening:

Ten problems were identified for roof gardening. Lack of time was the most

important problem. It was quite logical as because the inhabitants of Mirpur


Area under Dhaka city are very much busy with their work. The next important

problem was roof gardening was Laborious” and 3rd important problem was

lack of knowledge. The 4th to 10th problems were -Difficult to supply plant

essential nutrient elements, difficult to make roof garden for a tenant, seedling

damage, theft of seedling-flowers-fruits etc, no benefit in roof gardening, lack

of irrigation facilities and lack of sun shine due to side building.

Categories of plants in the roof garden:

The roof gardeners of Mirpur-10 area under Dhaka city grow flowers, fruits ,

vegetables, medicine plants and ornamental plants on their building roof

garden. Most of the roof gardener of these research area planted flower and

ornamental plants like herbs and shurbs. Cuctus as ornamental plant was most

favorable of the respondents. Fruits like guava (Kazi peara), Mango

(Amropalli)Xemon (Kagoji lebo) were the most favorable plants for roof

gardening.Medicine plants like Aloe vera (grito kumari),Mehedi, Tulsi etc were

the most favorable plants. The rich people of the research area had


chosen Bonsai for their roof garden and indoor decoration, because of it’s high

price. Fruits and vegetables were in 2nd and 3rd position respectively.


The researcher drown the following conclusions finally.

1. Family size, roof gardening experience, use of information sources, attitude

and knowledge had significant positive relationship with adoption of roof

gardening of the respondents. Among the respondents 76 % had low or

medium roof gardening knowledge.

2. Ten problems were identified for roof gardening. Lack of time was the most

important problem. The next important problem was “ Roof gardening is

laborious” and the 3rd important problem was lack of

knowledge about roof garden. The 4 to 10 problems were difficult to make

roof garden for a tenant, difficult to supply essential nutrient elements,

seedling damage, theft of seedling, flower, fruits etc by their zero benefit in

roof gardening, lack of irrigation, lack of sun shine due to side building



3. The majority portion of the respondents receive necessary information about

roof gardening from nursery owner. Friends and relatives were the next

highest important sources of information. Neighbours, Television,

agricultural books, tree fair, news paper were other source of information

about roof gardening.

4. Most of the roof gardener of Mirpur-10 area under Dhaka city planted flower

and ornamental plants like herbs and shrubs. Fruits and vegetables were in

2nd and 3rd position respectively.


Based on the findings of the study and practical consideration the following

recommendations were made :

1. Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University situated in the middle of Dhaka city.

So this university or other research organizations can organize training

courses on “Roof gardening” and supply essential materials to the

respondents. Then they will be able to make garden on their roof.


2. Steps should be taken to overcome the problems of roof gardening in

Mirpur-10 area under Dhaka city.

3. Steps should be taken to develop the technologies to grow flower and

ornamental plants like herbs and shrubs and vegetables and fruits on roof


4. Steps should be taken to provide necessary information by Sher-e- Bangla

Agricultural University, department agricultural extension or agricultural

research organizations.

5. Since time constrant for emerged as the main problem for roof gardening

following measures be taken to address this issue-

i) Researchers and planners need to come up with less laborious, less

time consuming and users friendly roof gardening design and


ii) Dhaka city corporation, DAE and other service provider should

encourage city people to put aside some spare of time for roof

gardening despite their busy life.

iii) A series of workshops entitled ‘Roof gardening for happy and healthy

living 4 could be organized for local communities, civil


societies and other stake holders organized/ sponsored by Dhaka city

corporation or other organization.


On the basis of scope and limitations of the present study and observation made

by the research work the following recommendations are made for further study:

1. The present study was conducted in only Mirpur-10 area of Dhaka District.

Such studies are required to conducted in other areas of the country.

2. During the research work , it was identify that no training about roof

gardening over 100 listed respondents was found. To find the reason of not

training about roof gardening another research would be done later.

3. The research had only include the roof garden but not the garden in

“Balkony” were counted here. But at the time of data collection there was found

that a large number of respondents had garden in balkonies. Based

on this subject a further research would be done.

4. Based on the information about roof gardening a research work would be

done on the topics of urban agriculture of Dhaka city.


Krupka, B.1992. Roof Gardening: Use of Plants and Vegetation on Buildings.

Genman p. 508.

Townsent, J.C. 1953. Introduction to Experimental Method. International

Student Edition. New York. McGraw Hill Book Company, Inc.p.52

Rahman, M.S.2002. Roof gardening in Dhaka city- a survey report.

(part III).Survey report, Department of Agricultural Extension and Information

System, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka.

Press, E.M. 1983. Diffusion of Innovation. 3rd ed.New York: The Free

Rosenburg, M and C.I. Plovland. 0960. Research on Communication and

ttitude coated in Trainds, H.C. 1971. Attitude and Attitude Change, John

Wiley Publisher, New York.

Goode, C.V. 1945. Dictionary of Education. New York : McGraw-Hill Book

Company, Inc. Ray, G.L. 1991. Extension Communication and Management.

Calcutta : Naya Prokash, Kolkata.

Rogers, E.M. 1995. Diffusion of Innovation. 4th Edn. New York. The Free Press



An English Version of the Interview Schedule

Department of Agricultural Extension and Information System Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka

Interview schedule for collection of data From the Building Inhabitants of Dhaka city on Roof Gardening

SI. No ..................

Name of the respondents ................................................................................................ Address: .....................................................................................................

(Please furnish the following information. Your information will be kept in confidential)

1. How old are you ? ......................... years. 2. Family size

Male ........... Female ........... Total .............

3. Give information about your family : SI. No Relation Age Education

4. Give information about your annual income:

5. Mention your house ownership. (Put marks where necessary)

House owner Tenant Government Quarters

6. Have you any garden on your building roof? (Put marks where necessary)

Yes No

7. Give information about your garden:

7. a Mention total area of your house's roof ........................... sf

7. b Mention different information about your roof garden:

SI. No Sources of income Amount of annual income (Tk.) 1 Business

2 Services

o J


4 Others

! SI. No Types of plants j Area covered 1 Flowers

1 2 Fruits

J Ornamental plants 1

4 Vegetables

5 Medicines

6 Bonsai i

8 .How many years you are performing this roof gardening? years

9. Mention your extent of use of information sources about roof gardening? SI. No


In formation Sources





Occasion ally






Neighbors 14 or more/ month

10-12/ month

8-10/ month

1-3/ month

0/ month

i |2 Friends / Relatives 14 or more/

month 10-12/ month

8-10/ month

1-3/ month

0/ month

n J


Agricultural Extension Workers

7 or more / month

5-6/ month 3-4/ month

1-2/ month

0/ J month

! 1

Agricultural Extension Officer

10 or more/ year

7-8/ year 3-4/ year 1 -2/ year 0/ year ; 1

5 Radio 6 or more / month

4-5/ month 2-3/ month

1/ month 0/ 1 month j



1 I ......

Television 20 or more/ year

15-19/ year 8-14/ year

1 -7/ year 0/ year 1 !

7 1

Agricultural Books 7 or more/ year 5-6/ year 3-4/' year 1 -2/ year 0/ year |

8 News Paper 15 or more / month

12-15/ month

10-12/ month

2-3/ month

0/ month |

9 Internet 5 or more/ year 4/ year 2-3/ year 1/ year 0/ year


Nursery owner 7 or more/ year 5-6/ year 3-4/ year 1 -2/ year 0/ year


Tree fair 7 or more/ year 5-6/ year 3 -4/ year I -2/ year 0/ year j

10. Attitude towards roof gardening :


Please indicate your agreement regarding the following statements. SI. No. Statements Extent of agreement

Strongly Agree

Agree Undecided Not agree

Strongly Disagree

1 +

Gardening is good for health. Sol am interested to make a roof garden.

2 Water used for roof garden help to increase the number of mosquito. So I avoid it.

3 +

Now-a days the most demanding event is flowers. So I am interested to make a roof garden for income.

4 | Roof gardening takes lack of - | time. So I avoid this.

5 +

Roof gardening increases the beautification of the house.

6 Roof gardening is labourious. So I avoid it.

7 +

Roof gardening helps to increase the environmental development.

8 Roof gardening damaged building roof.

9 +

Roof gardening helps to supply fresh Oxyzen to us.

10 I avoid to make a roof garden. Because it is difficult to supply essential plant nutrient element.

11 +

Roof gardening helps to fulfill my hobby. So I like to create a roof garden.

12 11 is difficult to make roof garden for lack of space. So I avoid it.

13 Roof gardening is time consuming habbit.

14 +

Roof gardening is helpful to make children’s mind fresh.

15 +

Roof gardening can help me to make famous.

11. Please answer the following questions.

12.Mention the problems of roof gardening (Mention Rank Order)

Thank you Signature of the interviwer.


SI. No. Questions Full marks

Obtained Marks

1 Name two flowers which can be grown on roof 2

2 Name two fruits which can be grown on roof 2

3 Name two ornamental plants which can be grown on roof.


4 Mention two diseases of flowers 2

5 Name the propagating materials of rose. 2

6 Name one famous mango variety which can be grown on roof garden.


7 Mention the insect of flowers 2

8 Mention the amount of water for cactus 2

9 Name two flowers which bloom at night 2

10 What is the difference between cutting and budding?. 2

Total 20

SI. No Problems Rank Order 1 Difficult to make roof garden for a tenant

2 Roof gardening is Laborious

3 Difficult to supply essential plant nutrient elements

4 Lack of time

5 Lack of roof gardening knowledge

6 Seedling damaged

7 Theft seedling, flower, fruits etc by thief

8 Zero benefit in roof gardening

9 Lack of irrigation facilities

10 Lack of sun shine due to side building



Correlation Matrix of the dependent and independent variables (N=100)

*= Correlat ion i s s ig ni f icant at 0 .01 leve l of

probabi l i ty . ** = Corre lat ion i s s ig ni f i cant a t 0 .05

level o f probabi l i ty .

Variables XI X2 j X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 | X9 XI 1.000 1 i X2 .092 1.000 | - X3 .040 .664** 1.000 i X4 -.060 .165 ** 1.000 - X5 .275** .359** 9 7 j * * .016 1.000 - X6 .137 .305** .254* .012 .737** 1.000 - X7 .113 .292** .145 -.047 .767** .871** 1.000

X8 .072 .086 - .102 -.182 .210* .398** .507** 1.000

X9 .066 .240* .171 .062 .764** .777** .827** .341** 1.000

X6 = Use of inf ormat ion

sources X7 = At t i tude X8 =

Knowledge X9 =Adopt i on XI = Age

X2 =Fami ly s i ze

X3 =Fami ly educat i on

X4 =Fami ly annua l i ncome

X5 =Roof gardening exper ience

top related