advanced nuclear technology (ant) program overview for cmbg ken barry, senior project manager...

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Advanced Nuclear Technology (ANT) Program

Overview for CMBG

Ken Barry, Senior Project Manager

Russell Adams, Dominion

June 23, 2010

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Nuclear Power EnvironmentPower Delivery &


Material Degradation/Aging

Fuel Reliability

High-Level Waste and Spent Fuel Management

Nondestructive Evaluation and Material Characterization

Equipment Reliability

Instrumentation and Control

Risk and Safety Management

Advanced Nuclear Technology

Low-Level Waste and Radiation Management

Air Quality

Global Climate Change

Land and Groundwater

Occupational Health and Safety

T&D Environmental Issues

Water and Ecosystems


Energy Utilization

Grid Operations and Planning

Substations and Asset Planning

Transmission and Increased Power Flow

Advanced Coal Plants, Carbon Capture and Storage

Combustion Turbines

Environmental Controls

Generation Planning

Major Component Reliability

Operations and Maintenance


EPRI Portfolio Spans the Entire Electricity Sector

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• New nuclear power plants must overcome a number of regulatory, economic, technical, and social challenges prior to becoming a reality

• Program efforts focused around:

– Facilitating standardization across the new fleet

– Transferring technology to new plant designs

– Ensuring top plant performance from start of operations

– Reduce overall deployment risk and uncertainty

– Supporting development of advanced nuclear plants and associated

strategic initiatives

Advanced Nuclear Technology Program Objectives

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EPRI’s Response …The ANT Program

Materials and Fuels Research Maintenance Optimization

Seismic/NDE/Cooling Technologies

NPP Cooling Water UtilizationFusion Energy AssessmentsIntegrated Spent Fuel Management

Next Generation Nuclear Plant (NGNP)Small Modular Reactors (SMRs)

Advanced Reactor Concepts

Technology Transfer/Lessons Learned Technology Assessment (URD)

New Plant MaterialsSeismic Issues Resolution

New Plant Equipment ReliabilityNon-Destructive Evaluation Initiatives

Strategic Initiatives

Current PlantTechnology

Advanced Nuclear Plants

Near-Term Deployment of ALWRs

Advanced Nuclear Technology (ANT)


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EPRI’s ANT Program Website

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2010 ANT Membership Breakdown

Current 2010 Membership…$4.225M

2010 Potential…

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2008 ANT Projects

Project ID# Project Title

EPRI Project Manager Executive Sponsor

2008-01 NDE Risk-Informed PSI & ISI Methodology

Pat O’Regan Joe Turnage (CEG)

2008-02* New Plant Procurement Specifications Marc Tannenbaum Gene Grecheck (DOM)

2008-03 New Plant Welding and Fabrication Guidelines

Steve McCracken Jack Bailey (TVA)

2008-04 CEUS Seismic Sources Characterization Project

Bob Kassawara Doug McComb (SNC)

2008-05 Materials Management Matrix (MMM) Jeffrey Hamel Steve Blossom (STP)

2008-06 NDE and Reduction of Repairs in Nuclear Construction (ASME Sect III)

Steve Swilley Dave Lewis (PSEG)

2008-07 Equipment Reliability for New Plants Leonard Loflin Scott Bond (AmerenUE)

2008-08* Margins and Monitoring Project Phase III

Tom Turek Bryan Dolan (Duke)

2008-09* URD Update, Revision 10 Jeffrey Hamel Marilyn Kray (Exelon)

* Projects completed

9© 2010 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.

2009 ANT Projects

Project ID# Project Title

EPRI Project Manager

Executive Sponsor

2009-01 Achieving New Nuclear Virtual Plant Configuration Management

Ken Barry Gene Grecheck (DOM)

2009-02* Modular Equipment Testing, Shipping and Storage - Benchmarking and Guidelines

Ken Barry Brad Stokes (SCE&G)

2009-04 Guidance on EMI Protection for Instrumentation and Control Systems

Ken Barry Doug McComb (Southern)

2009-05* EPRI Fuel Reliability Guidelines Assessment – Implications for New Plants

Kurt Edsinger Brad Stokes (SCE&G)

2009-07 Next-Generation Attenuation (NGA) Model Development for Central and Eastern United States (NGA-East)

Jeffrey Hamel Doug McComb (Southern)

2009-08 Safety Related Stationary Battery Qualification Wayne Johnson

Doug McComb (Southern)

2009-09 EUR/URD Comparison Project Jeffrey Hamel Pablo Lopez (ENDESA)

* Projects completed

10© 2010 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.

2010 ANT Projects

Project ID# Project Title

EPRI Project Manager

Executive Sponsor

2010-01 Alloys 690/52/152 PWSCC Research for New Plants Al Ahluwalia Joe Turnage(Constellation)

2010-02 Digital RT Steve Swilley David Lewis(PSE&G)

2010-03 New Plant Startup Program Guidelines Ken Barry Brad Stokes (SCE&G)

2010-04 Water Chemistry Guidelines Assessment for New Nuclear Power Plants

Keith Fruzetti Marilyn Kray (Exelon)

2010-05 NDE Digital Data Steve Swilley

2010-06 Ferritic Stainless Steel Testing Steve Swilley

2010-07 Digital I&C Training Ray Torok Doug McComb (Southern)

2010-08 HFE Training Joe Naser Doug McComb (Southern)

11© 2010 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.

2010 ANT Projects

Project ID# Project Title

EPRI Project Manager

Executive Sponsor

2010-09 Impaction of Radionuclide/Source Term Ken Barry

2010-10 Concrete Sensors Steve Swilley Curtis Warner(Arkansas)

2010-11 Methodology for Risk Informed Procurement Pat O’Regan

2010-12 Technical Basis for HDPE Above-Ground Use Doug Munson

2010-13 SACTI Update Jeffrey Hamel Gene Grecheck(Dominion)

12© 2010 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.

Project ID# Project Title

2010-15 BWRVIA Assessment for ABWR

2010-12 FME Guidelines for Nuclear Construction

2010-03 Cooling Tower Guidelines for New Plants

A Double-walled HDPE Piping Evaluation

B EPRI Groundwater Protection Guidelines for New Nuclear Power Plants

C Changes to IEEE 535 to support Passive Plant Stationary Battery Qualification

D Guidelines for crediting self testing to replace tech. spec. surveillances

E Methodology for set point determination on commercial instruments

F NDE Techniques for Concrete Void Detection and Sizing

2011 Candidate ANT Projects

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Project ID# Project Title

G Utility Requirements Document Update Project

H Site Specific Sampling Methods for Latent Debris

I Quality Assurance Program for 2D and 3D Design and Modeling Software and V&V for Quality Software

J Passive Heat Exchanger Thermal Performance

K Combinatorial Testing on new plant digital I&C designs

L Reduced Accident Source Term

M Reconciliation of International Codes for Procurement

N Seismic Base Isolation Guidelines for Critical Structures

2011 Candidate ANT Projects

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Project ID# Project Title

O Equipment Qualification (EQ) Review for New Plant Designs

P Environmental Fatigue for New Plant Designs

Q Design Reliability Assurance Program (D-RAP) Implementation

R High Strength Rebar use in Nuclear Power Plants

S Materials Management Matrix Projects for SMRs (NuScale and mPower Designs)

T PDI Evaluation of the Compatibility of New Plant Configurations with Existing Qualification Sample Sets

2011 Candidate ANT Projects

15© 2010 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.

2009-01 Achieving New Nuclear Virtual Plant Configuration Management

Project Goal

• We need a common data language and interoperability standard that will be used by the nuclear plant sub-tier suppliers through the suppliers, through the EPC and reactor vendors, and finally through to the owner and operator

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2009-01 Achieving New Nuclear Virtual Plant Configuration Management

ProgressStandard Configuration Management Reference Model• The Standard Configuration Management Reference Model draft is

undergoing a complete re-write. New Nuclear Plant XML Equipment Schemas• The Schema viewer is complete. The project is working with the

Hydraulic Institute, NIST and a pump vendor to conduct a pump procurement pilot to determine nuclear specific fields. Also planning pilots with valve operators and electric motors

• We are running into more issues with the standardization of XML schemas that anyone had anticipated. The original concern that a few “nuclear specific” fields may be missing has turned into an effort involving schema terminology, complexity, architecture refinement, document maturity validity, etc. Feedback to FIATECH

Information Handover Guide• The Handover Guide was published in December 2009 (1019221).• Developing Handover Life Cycle and data requirements.

17© 2010 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.

“What is actually there”

“What we say is there”

Facility Configuration Information

“What needs to be there”










Work Processes must assure that:Elements conform all the time

All changes are authorizedConformance can be verified



Nuclear Configuration Management

Design Requirements




The Must

18© 2010 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.




Knowledge Workers






nge Challenge



Quality Assurance


Nuclear Configuration Management

Lots of Tribal Knowledge , Semi-Connected and Disconnected Systems, Manual Processes

and yes……Paper

The Challenge

19© 2010 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.

Keeping the Ship Heading in the Right Direction - Sustainability


XML Schemas

Info Handover

2009 2010 2011

Developed Concept

Reviewed Existing XML


Published Info Handover


Publish SCMRM & Templates

Conduct XML schema pilots*

Publish Templates

Organize SCMRM UG?

EPC/Supplier Implement?

Organize Info Handover


* Also participate in POSC Caesar / FIATECH ISO 15926 project

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2009-04 Guidance on EMI Protection


Immunity, Φ1

Immunity, Φ2

Immunity = immunity of system, not of individual component

Φ2 > Φ1

E = allowable field strength (V/m)Pt = effective radiated power of emitter (source)Gt= gain of the source


Pt , Gt


Which variables will affect the E (electric field); reduce it?


Eliminating Exclusion Zones

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2009-04 Guidance on EMI Protection

Develop Base Linefrom Historical Dataof Emissions Datafor Nuclear Plants

Evaluate PresentEMC Performanceof I&C Equipment

Analyze FactorsCausing Change inthe Electromagnetic

Environment for ANPs

Conduct InterferenceAnalysis on Future

I&C Systems forANPs




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. 19











ANSI ASC C63Approved a Study ofNeed for New Stds


Develop New RFImmunity

Requirements forANPs

Develop SpectrumManagement Plan

for ANPs

Initiate Developmentof New Standards

(ANSI/IEEE) toAddress these Needs

Design a ConformityAssessment System

to Provide forRF Immunity for

ANP I&C Equipment

ConstituteAlpha & Beta TestRecommendations

in ANP Designs


In Process

In Process








s S





a fr






• Assures required level of RF immunity

• Encompasses process to assure I&C equipment complies with the installed environment with requirements

• Conformity assessment systems are ISO standardized

I&C EquipCertification


• New test protocols

• Testing & test reporting

• In-situ testing

• Test report review & system certification

New Layers ofEMC Protection



• Initiates required frequency protection margin

• Establishes frequency budget

• Defines transmitter spacing

• Reduces probability of transmitter causing EMI problems

New Layers ofEMC Protection






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• Establishes normative standards for:a) Recommended design practicesb) I&C product qualification & In-situ evaluation c) Refine & keep standards current

New Layers ofEMC Protection



• Develop staged process for deployment

• Initial testing in laboratory environments

• Alpha, then Beta testing in a staged process

SupportDeploymentof ImprovedI&C Systems




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2008-06 NDE and Reduction of Repairs in Nuclear Construction

Project Goals

• Eliminate unnecessary repairs during construction – Influence ASME Code Section III

• Establish UT qualification programs– Provide assurance of accurate and reliable weld inspections during the


• Regulatory acceptance of fitness-for-service philosophy– Cost savings and elimination of delays during construction

– Improved resistance to stress corrosion cracking during plant ops

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2008-06 NDE and Reduction of Repairs in Nuclear Construction

UT Images vs. RT film



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2009-08 Safety Related Stationary Battery Qualification

Project Description• EPRI Utility Requirements Document (URD) states that Advanced Light Water

Reactors (ALWRs) shall utilize passive safety systems to mitigate design basis events up to 72 hours in duration– Passive systems must rely upon stored energy, e.g., batteries

• Passive plants (AP1000, ESBWR) require batteries that are qualified to a 72 hour duty cycle

• IEEE 535 standard for battery qualification (endorsed by RG 1.158) did not cover duty cycles beyond 8 hours

• IEEE 535 only covers Vented Lead Acid (VLA or flooded) batteries – Valve Regulated Lead Acid (VRLA) batteries are not addressed

Value• Providing a industry solution to a first-of-a-kind technical challenge for passive

plants• Reducing risk through a collaborative approach

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80% Service Test, 4h to 1.81vpc showing normal duty cycle enveloped

960A for 1min




Load - Normal Duty CycleAmps

400 - 80% Service Test Duty Cycle

285.6A for 239min 80% Service Test

200 240A for 239min Normal Duty Cycle


1 60 120 180 240Discharge Time (minutes)

Nominal 8h Rating = 1800A-h

1 Min. Rtg to 1.81vpc = 1200A

4 hour rtg to 1.81vpc = 357A

A-h disch. by 80%ST = 1154 A-h

26© 2010 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.

2010-02 Digital RT

Summary of Issue• Currently, the industry is unable to address the evaluation and qualification of

filmless radiography systems to detect planar and volumetric fabrication flaws with selected digital detector panels (DR), phosphor plates (CR), and high energy electronic radiation sources capable of penetrating the material thicknesses typically encountered in plant applications

Potential Benefit of Project• Expedited ASME Section III volumetric examination of piping welds with CR

or DR• Volumetric option/complement to UT• Minimization of weld repairs with ASME Section III volumetric examination• Digital storage of images instead of processed film and associated chemical


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2010-05 NDE Digital Data

Summary of Issue

• Archival data is required by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to last for the plant's working lifetime

• Many utilities' document control departments will not accept digital non-destructive examination (NDE) data for archival storage and require it to be converted to a hard copy format

Potential Benefit of Project

• This guide will assist utilities in transferring, retrieving, and archiving their NDE data and allow them a path for any future digital NDE data needs

• A consistent and acceptable process is needed for archiving digital NDE records, versus converting them to paper records

28© 2010 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.

2010-10 Concrete Embedded Sensors

Summary of Issue

• Large concrete structures in nuclear power plants are typically not feasible to replace. These structures can show signs of concrete degradation by the time they go for license renewal

• There is a distinct need for frequent inspections of these types of concrete structures. One of the largest hindrances to concrete inspection is the lack of accessibility to many concrete structures

Potential Benefit of Project

• Optimize inspections

• Better positioned for long-term asset management

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2010-11 Technical Basis for HDPE Above-Ground Use

Summary of Issue• There is no ASME approved code case for above-ground HDPE pipe. One

has been developed for below-ground use only • Several new plant designs plan on using HDPE for above-ground applicationPotential Benefit of Project• Use of HDPE for above-ground applications will require development of

appropriate design and construction rules, along with determining the engineering and material properties needed to ensure safe and reliable design and operation 

• Critical technical issues that will be addressed include: – seismic qualification (including vents and drains) – large displacements and interactions during thermal expansion and

transients– fire– structural damping values– damage during operations

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2011 Project - Cooling Tower Sourcebook for New Nuclear Plants


• Create a sourcebook to support

– Design / Application

– Operation

– Maintenance

• Addressing

– Natural draft

– Mechanical

– Dry

– Hybrid

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Project A – Double-walled HDPE Piping Evaluation

Issue• 10 CFR 20.1406, “Minimization of Contamination,” requires licensees to

minimize contamination and radioactive waste generation • RG 1.143 states that plastic pipe should not be used.• Doubled walled HDPE is a desired optionDescription• Review the double walled HDPE piping options available to meet the current

regulations, including hardware and leak detection / monitoring options. • This work would include further understanding the HDPE materials

degradation properties and limitation for exposure to radioactive fluids. • Work to inform a revision to RG 1.143 to acknowledge the option of using

double walled plastic pipe (HDPE), with built-in leak detection capability, • Value

• HDPE is viewed as a superior material to steel in some applications and is preferred for buried systems

• Providing an alternative in the RG will provide greater flexibility

• Cost savings on materials, installation and long term operations

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Project B – EPRI Groundwater Protection Guidelines for New Nuclear Power Plants

Issue• The EPRI Groundwater Protection Guidelines for Nuclear Power Plants

(1015118) provides technical guidance for implementing a groundwater protection program that meets the requirements of NEI 07-07. However, it currently does not provide technical guidance for implementing groundwater protection programs, namely the evaluation of plant design and operational procedures, for new plants as outlined in NEI 08-08.

Description• EPRI will develop an extension to the EPRI Groundwater Protection

Guidelines that provides technical guidance for implementing a groundwater protection program per 10CFR20.1406, RG 4.21, and NEI 08-08.


• Understanding and preparing for any potential leaks or spills during construction will allow nuclear power plant operator to quickly identify and address any leaks or spills during operation.

• Timely leak detection and response will increase stakeholder confidence that utilities are protecting public and environmental health and safety.

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Project F – NDE Techniques for Concrete Void Detection and Sizing

Issue• The main types of degradation related to concrete are the existence of honeycombs

and voids due to lack of adequate concrete placement and vibration. • These types of problems are related to poor design and construction, which are the

leading causes of age-related degradation in concrete structures

Description• Voids (the focus will be on detection capabilities during the placement so that issues

can be corrected immediately before curing.)• Wall separation due to concrete shrinkage• Damage under loadings (internal cracks, excessive stress and strain, etc...)

Value• Voids in concrete severely reduce the structural and shielding capacity of the concrete

structure. The ability for early void detection in a nuclear construction environment will result in both financial and safety improvements.

• Long term asset management will also benefit from early detection and correction of construction issues with concrete structures.

34© 2010 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.

Project G - URD Update Project

Issue• No formal process exists to maintain the URD• No comprehensive listing of EPRI reports applicable to new plants exists Description• Review and disposition the “Margins and Monitoring” work to ensure those

recommendations are incorporated into the appropriate URD sections.• Establish EPRI report reference sections for each chapter of the URD• Establish a process for a) collecting input from URD users for review under

a specific schedule and b) review newly issued EPRI reports and industry references for inclusion into the URD where appropriate.

Value• The results of the Margins work will be visible and reflected in the URD.• Relevant EPRI nuclear sector reports on designing, procuring and

constructing new nuclear plants will be comprehensively identified in the URD

• URD users will benefit from a process to ensure that their input for changes to the URD are managed in a systematic and timely manner.

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Project I - QA for 2D and 3D Design and Modeling Software and V&V for Quality Software


• The 2D and 3D design and modeling software currently being used to design and ultimately construct the next generation of nuclear power plants do not have to meet NQA-1 requirements for software and data quality. Hence, in order for these systems to be used for the operation of the nuclear power plant – a qualification of the software and data will have to occur.


• Configuration Control of the Data in Engineering Applications that will have Plant Life Cycle use

• Quality Control of the 2D / 3D design and modeling software and other associated databases and software in a commercial grade dedication method prescribed by NQA-1


• An industry standard approach to software and data quality for the 2D and 3D design and modeling software and other associated databases and software.

36© 2010 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.

Project R – High Strength Rebar use in Nuclear Power Plants

Issue• The use of higher strength rebar in the design and construction of safety

related concrete structures and / or containment structures could result in cost savings for new nuclear power plants by reducing the quantity of rebar required. Cost savings would result from reduced rebar material purchase costs and reduced construction cost due to reduction in the quantity of rebar placed

Description• Develop and implement a concrete testing program to support adoption of

higher strength rebar use in ACI 349 and ACI 359. • Involve the NRC to facilitate endorsement of the higher strength rebar in a

future revision of Reg. Guide 1.142.Value• The use of High Strength Rebar in the general construction industry has

made high strength concrete in seismic zones cheaper and easier to construct due to the lower density of rebar in structures.

• High Strength Rebar has greater resistance to corrosion over convention rebar, providing a potential longer life in nuclear plant application.

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