advanced topics in developing arcgis apps with qt · 2016. 3. 21. · arcgis apps with qt. with ....

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Advanced Topics in Developing ArcGIS Apps with Qt

with Michael Tims and Lucas Danzinger – Esri

March 8–11, 2016 | Palm Springs, CA

Esri Developer Summit


• Security and authentication• Task handling• Disconnected mapping• Advanced visualization• Q & A

Authentication OptionsSecurity and Authentication

• Authentication methods - ArcGIS token authentication- OAuth 2 authentication- PKI security – Quartz

• Identity Manager simplifies authentication management

• More info- Developer's Authentication Page

ArcGIS Token authenticationSecurity and Authentication

• Works for ArcGIS services

• Every resource request includes a valid token

• Use UserCredentials with username and password to automatically generate token

• After successful authentication, UserCredentials is stored in the Identity Manager for reuse

OAuth 2 authenticationSecurity and Authentication

• OAuth 2.0 is a standard way to handle authentication

• OAuth modes- User-based authentication – user has a named-user organization account- App-based authentication – app manages authentication

• Register your app with to get Client ID and Client Secret- Client ID is needed for user-based and app-based authentication - Client secret is needed for app-based authentication, not user-based

OAuth 2 authentication objectsSecurity and Authentication

• UserCredentials- Represents user credentials for accessing secured ArcGIS services and tasks.

• OAuthClientInfo- Contains properties for configuring OAuth info used by UserCredentials

• Qt’s WebView or WebEngineView- Provides a way for your app to display the OAuth login web page

• IdentityManager- Successful authentication is cached here

Identity Manager Security and Authentication

Supports single sign-on:• Manages authentication challenges• Stores a credential cache• Credentials reused for subsequent requests

Identity Manager – credential challengeSecurity and Authentication


Connections:Used for singletons

Connect to the Identity ManagerHandle the

challenge request signal

Indentity Manager – credential challengeSecurity and Authentication


Provide credential information when challenged

Qt lambda connection syntax for connecting to the Identity Manager


Handling Asynchronous TasksTask Handling

• C++ API uses signals and slots to communicate when events occur

• QML API has signal handlers, based on signals and slots, for QML types that emit signals (events)

• ArcGIS Runtime SDK leverages these to implement task-based framework

Task-based FrameworkTask handling

1. Construct a task object

2. Provide parameters

3. Connect slots for completion signals

4. Execute task

5. Grab results in slot when task completes

Some Runtime tasks:o Locator (geocoding) o Routing o Geoprocessingo Geodatabase synco Findo Queryo Identify featureso Find closest facilityo Calculate service areao Tile cache generation

Task handlingQML

Declare task:GeodatabaseSyncTask



Hook up signal handler

Declare parameters with properties

Kick off the task with supplied parameters

Task handlingC++

Kick off the task with supplied parameters

Construct task:GeodatabaseSyncTask


LocatorTaskHook up lambda SLOT connection

Create task parameters

Components of Disconnected MappingDisconnected Mapping

• Basemap- ExportTileCacheTask- Offline data source is a tile cache for a specific extent and level of detail- Tile package consumed by ArcGISLocalTiledLayer

• Feature data- GeodatabaseSyncTask

• Network datasets and geocoding locators- LocalRouteTask- LocalLocator

GeodatabaseSyncTaskDisconnected Mapping

Declare Geodatabase Sync Task

Provide URL to Feature Service

Hook up signal handler

Declare parameters with properties

Kick off the task with supplied parameters


Disconnected mapping

Aggregated Query ResultsAdvanced Visualization

• Aggregated query results- Aggregate fields in query results using out statistics

• Out Statistics- Definitions for one or more field-based statistics to be

calculated- Types: count, sum, min, max, avg, stddev- Define the field to be calculated

Out Statistics example codeAdvanced Visualization

Query with an array of out statistics

Type of statistic

Calculate statistic on certain field Resulting

output field name

ChartsAdvanced Visualization

• Qt Charts - A set of easy to use chart components- May be used in C++ and QML apps- Great for displaying query results, especially aggregated results

• QChart.js- QML bindings for Charts.js

- HTML5 Charts JavaScript library using the canvas



• Security and authentication• Task handling• Disconnected mapping• Advanced visualization

Related sessions

• Cross-platform UI for C++ Apps using QML at Quartz- Thursday 10:30 – 11:30 am in Demo Theater 3 (Oasis 1)

• Cross-platform Native App Development with Qt/QML- Thursday 2:30 – 3:30 pm in Demo Theater 3 (Oasis 1)

• Implementing Offline Editing Workflows with the Runtime SDKs

- Thursday 2:30 – 3:30 pm in Primrose B

• The Road Ahead: ArcGIS Runtime- Thursday 5:30 – 6:30 pm in Primrose A


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