advent sunday - cgca€¦ · part of the night the thief was coming, he would have stayed awake and...

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Advent Sunday 1 December, 2019

Anglican Parish of Caloundra - Glasshouse Country

The Churches of: St Andrew’s, 46 Upper Gay Terrace, Caloundra, St Thomas’, 31 Bray Road, Mooloolah and

the Mary MacKillop Centre, 160 Peachester Road, Beerwah

The first candle on our Advent Wreath burns

to remind us of the HOPE

of which Christ’s coming assures us.


WELCOME TO WORSHIP We hope your time here will be a blessing for you. We would like to give you information about the various ministries of the Parish: please ask one of the Welcomers or Sidespersons for a Parish Information Pack.

ADVENT Advent is a season of expectation and preparation, as the Church prepares to celebrate the coming (adventus) of Christ in his incarnation, and also looks ahead to his final advent as judge at the end of time. The readings and liturgies not only direct us towards Christ’s birth, they also challenge the modern reluctance to confront the theme of divine judgement: Every eye shall now behold him robed in dreadful majesty. (Charles Wesley) THE FIRST ADVENT CANDLE Keep awake! Be watchful! The Son of Man is coming with great power and glory. He shall judge the nations; they shall beat their swords into plowshares, nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore. We light the first Advent candle reminding us that God’s promised Messiah will break into our time and space to teach us his ways that we may walk in his paths of righteousness and peace. May we stay alert for his coming. The first candle is lit Come, Lord Jesus. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Amen. PRAYER OF THE DAY Faithful God, whose promises stand unshaken through all generations: renew us in hope, that we may be awake and alert watching for the glorious return of Jesus Christ, our Judge and Saviour, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.


FIRST READING Isaiah 2:1-5 A reading from the book of the prophet Isaiah 1 The word that Isaiah son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem. 2 In days to come the mountain of the Lord ’s house shall be established as the highest of the mountains, and shall be raised above the hills; all the nations shall stream to it. 3 Many peoples shall come and say, ‘Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord , to the house of the God of Jacob; that he may teach us his ways and that we may walk in his paths.’ For out of Zion shall go forth instruction, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. 4 He shall judge between the nations, and shall arbitrate for many peoples; they shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruning-hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. 5 O house of Jacob, come, let us walk in the light of the Lord ! Hear the word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. Psalm 122

Response: How lovely is your dwelling place, O Lord of hosts. 1 I was glad when they said to me: ‘Let us go to the house of the Lord.’ 2 And now our feet are standing: within your gates, O Jerusalem; 3 Jerusalem which is built as a city: where the pilgrims gather in unity. 4 There the tribes go up, the tribes of the Lord: as he commanded Israel, to give thanks to the name of the Lord. 5 There are set thrones of judgement: …………………..Response the thrones of the house of David. 6 O pray for the peace of Jerusalem: may those who love you prosper.


7 Peace be within your walls: and prosperity in your palaces. 8 For the sake of my kindred and companions: I will pray that peace be with you. 9 For the sake of the house of the Lord our God: I will seek for your good.…………………..Response SECOND READING Romans 13:9-14

A reading from the letter of Paul to the Romans 9 The commandments, ‘You shall not commit adultery; You shall not murder; You shall not steal; You shall not covet’; and any other commandment, are summed up in this word, ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’ 10 Love does no wrong to a neighbour; therefore, love is the fulfilling of the law. 11 Besides this, you know what time it is, how it is now the moment for you to wake from sleep. For salvation is nearer to us now than when we became believers; 12 the night is far gone, the day is near. Let us then lay aside the works of darkness and put on the armour of light; 13 let us live honourably as in the day, not in revelling and drunkenness, not in debauchery and licentiousness, not in quarrelling and jealousy. 14 Instead, put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to gratify its desires.

Hear the Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. GOSPEL Matthew 24: 36-44

The Lord be with you. And also with you. Hear the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ according to Matthew. Glory to you Lord Jesus Christ. 36 ‘But about that day and hour no one knows, neither the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. 37 For as the days of Noah were, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. 38 For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day Noah entered the ark, 39 and they knew nothing until the flood came and swept them all away, so too will be the coming of the Son of Man. 40 Then two will be in the field; one will be taken and one will be left. 41 Two women will be grinding meal together; one will be taken and one will be left. 42 Keep awake therefore, for you do not know on what day your Lord is coming. 43 But understand this: if the owner of the house had known in what part of the night the thief was coming, he would have stayed awake and would not have let his house be broken into. 44 Therefore you also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an unexpected hour.

For the Gospel of the Lord, Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ.


Copyright: Scripture quotations are from the New Revised Standard Version BIBLE, copyright ©1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA. Used by permission. Liturgical resources are derived from “A Prayer Book for Australia” which is copyright ©1995, The Anglican Church of Australia Trust Corporation, and published under the imprint Broughton Books. Used by permission.


Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; that he may teach us his ways and that we may walk in his paths. Isaiah 2.3a

Freda Hayston

The Interment of Freda’s ashes will occur on Sunday 8 December, 2019, following the 7am Eucharist service. Her ashes will be placed in St Andrew’s Memorial Garden. All are welcome to join the family for Freda’s committal to her final resting place.

Thought for the day

Today is Advent Sunday, and the 1st of December and so officially we can start the count-down to Christmas! I remember the cardboard calendars I had as a child, with a chocolate behind each paper window, but today it seems that one can buy everything from a Lego Star Wars Advent Calendar, to ones with beauty products or rare teas. One website I saw even said you can have an Advent Calendar with biblical verses (!!).

The tradition of Advent Calendars to mark the progress through this season of anticipation dates back a long way and in church we traditionally light the four candles on the Advent Wreath Sunday by Sunday. There are many interpretations associated with these candles, with the two most common being Hope-Peace-Joy-Love or Patriarchs-Prophets-John-Mary. The liturgies we are using this year are based on the bible readings set for the four Sundays and highlight the anticipation of the coming of the Messiah.

There are also biblical based daily Advent Calendars. We will once again hang symbols on a Jesse Tree at St Andrew’s. Each of these tell part of the story of God’s great plan to bring salvation to humankind, which culminates in the incarnation – God becomes man in Jesus. June and I are going to read together ‘A Cat’s Advent Calendar’, which tell the same story, through the paws (so to speak) of the cats that perhaps witnessed the events of Moses, Isaiah, Mary and the Bethlehem stable.

Rev’d Timothy


Charity of the Month - Mercy Ships

The December “Charity of the Month” is Mercy Ships - a global charity that has operated hospital ships in developing nations for the past 40 years, bringing hope and healing to the forgotten poor by mobilising people and resources worldwide, serving all people without regard for race, gender or religion. Mercy Ships uses hospital ships to deliver free, world-class health care services, capacity building and sustainable aid in the developing world.

Their current ship, the Africa Mercy was deployed in 2007, and has five operating rooms, an 80-bed ward and can perform some 7,000 surgical procedures a year on-board including cataract removal/lens implants, tumour removal, cleft lip and palate reconstruction, orthopaedics and obstetric fistula repair. Mercy Ships recently reached the milestone of 100,000 surgical procedures, with a cleft-lip surgery performed by an Australian surgeon.

They also deploy land-based teams of volunteers to increase health and well-being using dental clinics, eye clinics, and medical capacity building programs that train local health care professionals in their fields of expertise to better serve their own people. The ship is crewed by volunteers including surgeons, dentists, nurses, health care trainers, teachers, cooks, seamen, engineers, and agriculturalists who donate their time and skills to the effort - over 1,200 volunteers from 40 nations each year. It is currently in Senegal where it will spend the next year. Mercy Ships is currently constructing a new ship which will join the African Mercy and more than double the charity’s capacity to make a positive impact in surgical health care delivery in areas around the world where access is limited—bringing hope and healing. For more information, visit their website

Parish Council Notes At their last meeting the following were discussed by the council: • Parish Office. It was agreed to close the office at 3pm daily to allow the administrator to

work un-interrupted for the last hour of the day to ensure that activities are completed. Our transition to NBN and a VOIP telephone system is completed.

• Finance. Offerings for October $12,546 (budget $12,947). Market day fundraising made a great addition. Year to date deficit is $18,631, much less than budgeted because of the concerted efforts of many. 2020 draft budget to be presented to next meeting.

• Buildings. It was agreed to investigate lighting for the toilet block at St Thomas’ and to seal the rattling windows at St Andrew’s. The repositioning of the shade cloth to the upper grassed area at St Andrew’s will also be considered.

• Water tanks. It was agreed to investigate the feasibility of installing water tanks at St Andrew’s.

• Parish concerns. A vigorous discussion about the concerns of the parish was held.


2019 CHRISTMAS LUNCH AT ST ANDREW’S Christmas Lunch is on this year at St Andrew’s on Wednesday, 25th December, and you’re invited to join us for this Christmas celebration. Not only a delicious lunch but there will be games !!

Traditional Christmas fare will be served, starting with nibbles, turkey, ham, chicken, salmon plus roast vegetables, salads, followed by pavlova, fruit salad and/or Christmas pudding, cream or custard.

Festive punch and a variety of drinks will be available.

If you wish to attend, it is imperative that you place your name on the Christmas Lunch Attendees list provided on the clipboard at the back of the church, and pay before Sunday, 22nd December.

The cost will be $15 per head, children under 10 will eat for free.

Place your $$ in an envelope with your name clearly printed on it.


If you would like to contribute towards the Christmas Lunch, please speak with or email Helene Baker-Daines – Ph: 5492 1131 or Mob: 0413 758 600 or Email: as all contributions of $$, food or other will be gratefully

Charities of the Month—2020 At their next meeting, the Parish Council will choose the charities to be supported month-by month next year. If you would like to nominate a charity to be considered, please send details to Rev’d Timothy by Sunday 8th December


EMPTY CHRISTMAS TREE: Attention GHC: The “Empty Christmas Tree” for gifts for women and children in the Women’s Refuge has been held on two Sundays—last Sunday and today. Please note whether the gifts are for women or children, and mark the average age of the child/children. Please wrap or place gifts in a coloured bag or similar. Please do not use sticky tape. For more information, please speak to Avis Matheson. MOTHERS’ UNION RETIRING COLLECTION: Mothers' Union will be conducting a Retiring Collection for Anglican Chaplaincy today, and would appreciate Parish support of this worthy cause. This MU fund- raising collection is the 2nd for the year and is normally conducted on the Sunday closest to Mary Sumner Day, however this didn't happen in August at St Andrew's, so we have scheduled it to occur today, in line with Diocesan requirements. Many Thanks Helene Baker-Daines.

ST ANDREW’S JAN/FEB ROSTERS: If you volunteer for any Sunday ministries at St Andrew’s and will be unavailable during January and February, please list this information on the sheet provided at the Welcome Desk. Information is needed by Tuesday December 10 to enable collation, typing and distribution of new rosters before the Office closes on Friday December 20. Thank you, Lorraine & Judy. ADVENT STUDIES It is not too late to join the Advent Study groups meeting Tuesday 7.30pm or Wednesday 11.30am at St Andrew’s or Friday 2pm at Mary MacKillop. We are following a course written by David Wilkinson, the Principal of St John’s College Durham, UK entitled “Who are we praying to?” Contact Rev’d Timothy for more information. MOTHERS UNION WORLD WIDE AWARENESS AND ACTION: 16 days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence—Monday 25th November – Tuesday 10th December. At our Eucharist on Tuesday, 12 November, 2019, the Caloundra branch of M.U. incorporated the Service launching the above initiative. Copies of Bible verses / Prayers for use during these 16 days were distributed to MU Members. If you would like a copy to use at home during the 16 days, please see Sue White or Helene Baker - Daines. A copy of the short service can also be made available. 2020 PARISH CALENDAR: ATTENTION all groups from the 3 worship centres: Could you please email to our Parish Administrator, Rowena, the dates and times of meetings and/ or events proposed for 2020, so that planning and collation of the Parish Calendar for next year can commence soon. Information is needed by Friday December 6, please. Thank you, the Wardens. CONSUMABLES FOR ST ANDREW’S CHURCH: We need to replenish a few pantry items currently used in large amounts in St Andrew’s kitchen by various ministry groups each week. There is a list of what is needed at the Welcome Desk. If you are able to help, please tick an item on the list provided. Donated items should be left in the basket on the back seat at the rear of the church. Thank you for your support. Rosie Day.

Parish Notices and Events


A big thank you to everyone who attended the Fish & Chip lunch on Sunday to celebrate St Andrew’s day. It was a joyous lunch, followed by Advent reflections and hymns thoughtfully chosen and presented by Timothy, June and the choir. Especial thanks to Paul who stepped in and accompanied the singers at short notice. It was a wonderful day of celebration and fellowship. The Wardens

Looking for a different gift for someone special? Choose a Maher-Watson Potted Gladiola....a gift that will go on giving for years to come. Stock is now limited, free local delivery can be arranged.....a bargain at just $10.

HELP NEEDED: In today’s world, a digital presence is essential. Our parish has a website and Facebook page and we are looking for someone who is willing to keep this up-to-date. Training is available if you are interested, but do not feel you have the skills. Please speak to Rev’d Timothy if you think you may be able to help. OTHER NOTICES: OUTREACH TO DIAMOND VALLEY: Diamond Valley Lodge was begun by a Christian family for adults with varying degrees of mental difficulties whose parents could no longer care for them. It was previously visited by someone from St. Andrews and Libbie Crossman asked Glasshouse Mothers Union to undertake this ministry. We visited twice a year taking food for morning or afternoon tea and at Christmas time, gifts for each resident. Our Mothers’ Union branch has now closed but we hope that the support will continue. Most are now Lone Members of Mothers Union and we hope for financial support to buy gifts for the 32 residents. If you can help please put your donation in a marked envelope in the collection plate. Thank you Pam Innes

RELIGIOUS INSTRUCTION IN SCHOOLS: Caloundra Primary School is in need of two instructors. If you are interested in becoming an RI instructor please contact Sue Morgan, RI Coordinator, Caloundra Primary School—email

The Parish Council would like to present an Alpha Course at St Andrew’s early next year, on Fridays 9.30am—11.30am, commencing 31 January and finishing 3 April (just before Easter). There will be ten weekly sessions plus Saturday 7 March, when we learn more about the Holy Spirit. The course is an overview of the Christian faith so it is great for those who have questions or want

to investigate Christianity as well as being a back to basics course for Christians. Into the bargain, it’s a chance to make new friends and have fun together.

Speak to Rev Timothy, Cathy Richards or Anne Bowyer for more information.


Remember in Your Prayers The World Continue to pray for those affected by the bushfires and all those

supporting them, especially our courageous emergency services personnel; for the healing of our land; and for the work of the Archbishop’s Emergency Relief Appeal.

The Church Anglican Communion: Pray for mission agencies and their work throughout the Anglican Communion. The Diocese of Duk and the ongoing work of peace-making in South Sudan: †Daniel Deng Abot. The Anglican Church of Australia: The Primate †Philip Freier; The General Secretary – Anne Hywood; The General Synod and the Standing Committee. Our Diocese: The Parish of Texas-Inglewood: Kay Hart - Locum.

Anglicare Australia: Kasy Chambers & staff. Anglican Schools Office, Church House: Executive Director – Sherril Molloy & staff. The Charity of the Month: Mercy Ships. Our Parish: For the Busy Bees families as they meet for their last session, and that they will be able to join us at our Christmas services.

Those in hospital or recovering

Maureen Glover

Those in need: Caloundra

Brian Ashley-Cooper Shirley Barker Muriel Bates Raymond Bates Elizabeth Bell Barry Bonner Shirley Bourne

Terry Curran Margaret Macey Robert Macey Eileen Mann Bob Muller Francis Nickelson Randall family

Marguerite Ross Beverly Stuart Bevan & Grace Thiele Alan & Jane Wood Julie & Peter Worrall Hannah

Those in need: Glasshouse Country

Ross Anderson David Barrett Kevin Barrett Adell Broadbridge Barbara Broadbridge Adam Gough Eric Gough Rosemary Halstead Dean Lewis Avis Matheson Rod Matheson

Nathan Meredith Sonja Morris Nathan Joe Parris Esma Rigby Lorraine Rigby Alan Short Sandra Short Darren Sims Robin Slattery

Ashleigh Smith Imogen Pay Smith Stephen Smith Anne Taplin Cherry Tyler-Wood John Watters Marj Wilcock Bev Wild Ivan Wild Julie & Peter Worrall

Rest in Peace

Anniversary of Death

1 December: Jovidia Olsen-Skovlund; 2 December: Lindsay Holland; Ella Kolberg; Timothy Jones; 3 December: Reg Woodrow; Marion (Molly) Ramsay; 4 December: Ida Gough; Jessie Bailey; 5 December: Gloria Tapper; 6 December: Denis Lofthouse; George Wightman; Clare Steel; 7 December: John Cameron; Phyllis Patterson-Pierce

If you know someone who would like prayer, please speak with one of the clergy or add their name to the Prayer Book at Mary MacKillop or St Andrew’s.

Please keep us updated with news and requests for thanksgiving.


St Andrew’s Roster Date 1 December 8 December

Feast Day Advent Sunday Advent 2

Time 7am 9am 7am 9am

Val Phillips Peter Ansett Gai Crabtree Valda Langenhoven WELCOMERS

Marg Liley - - -

SIDEPERSONS Gai Crabtree Rod Bottomer Ian Watson Peter Ansett

Peter Kendal Mary Bottomer Bruce Lees Dianne Ansett

PRESIDENT Stephen Redhead Tony Halstead Timothy Nicholson Timothy Nicholson

DEACON Timothy Nicholson - - Diana Ware

READERS R1 Sandra Thompson Helene Baker-Daines Ian Watson Wendy O’Brien

Ps Gai Crabtree Helene Baker-Daines Ian Watson Sandie Nicholls

R2 Gai Crabtree Helene Baker-Daines Judy Sperling Sandie Nicholls

PREACHER Timothy Nicholson Tony Halstead Timothy Nicholson Timothy Nicholson


Judy Sperling Carol Spence Lorraine Conolly Sue White

Lorraine Conolly Zeph Palmer Judy Sperling Norman Maher

SERVERS William Hayston - William Hayston -

MUSIC Anne Bowyer & 7am Music Team

Anne Bowyer & 9am Music Team

Anne Bowyer & 7am Music Team

Anne Bowyer & 9am Music Team

HYMNS M182; T289; M619; M119; T290; M75

M493; T289; M619; M182; M435; M75

M102; T289; M379; T283; M449; M424

M102; T289; M88; T283; M187; M679

SOUND Rowena Rayner Dianne Ansett Rowena Rayner Gordon Smith

DATA PROJECTOR Ken Mewburn Sue Chilman Ken Mewburn Zeph Palmer

SACRISTANS Sandra Thompson Carol Spence

FLOWERS No flowers in advent No flowers in advent

MORNING TEA Gai Crabtree

Lyn Murdoch Robin Sverdloff

Judy Sperling Helen Wilson

Noelene Winton

CLEANERS Gordon & Gai Crabtree Joan Ferris & Judy Sperling

Mary MacKillop Roster Date 1 December 8 December

Feast Day Advent Sunday Advent 2

Time 9am 9am

SACRISTAN Joyce Carr Marion Taplin


SIDEPERSON Jim Rigby Ted Prickett

PRESIDENT Timothy Nicholson Tony Halstead

READERS R1 Kathy Seib Liz Little

R2 Volunteer please Sheila Williams

PREACHER Timothy Nicholson Tony Halstead

INTERCESSIONS Volunteer please Heather Setch

MUSIC Kathy Seib Liz Little

HYMNS M493; M619; M182; M435; M75 M102; M88; M379; M449; M679

FLOWERS No flowers in advent No flowers in advent

TELLERS Ted Prickett & Peter Setch Peter Setch & Volunteer please

MORNING TEA Heather Setch & Lesley Gosper Hazel Gough & Elaine Chapman

Parish Calendar DECEMBER Sun 1 First Sunday of Advent 7.00am Eucharist (St Andrew’s) 9.00am Eucharist (St Andrew’s) 9.00am Eucharist (Mary MacKillop) Readings: Isaiah 2:1-5; Psalm 122; Romans 13:9-14; Matthew 24:36-44 5.30pm Healing Service (St Andrew’s)

Mon 2 9.30am Eucharist (Currimundi Gardens) 1.30pm Prayers for the Parish (St Andrew’s) Tues 3 8.00am Morning Prayer (St Andrew’s) 10.30am Eucharist (Southern Cross NH) 1.00pm Prayers & Squares (St Andrew’s) 7.30pm Advent Study (St Andrew’s) Wed 4 9.00am Eucharist (St Thomas’)

Readings: Isaiah 25:6-10; Psalm 23; Matthew 15:29-37

9.45am Christian Meditation (St Andrew’s) 10.30am Eucharist (St Andrew’s) 11.30am Advent Study (St Andrew’s) 2.00pm Executive Team Mtg (St Andrew’s) Thu 5 8.00am Morning Prayer (St Andrew’s) 9.30am Busy Bees (St Andrew’s) Fri 6 8.00am Morning Prayer (St Andrew’s) 10.30am Eucharist (St Mary’s Aged Care NH) 2.00pm Advent Study (Mary MacKillop) 4.00pm Choir Practice (St Andrew’s) Sun 8 Second Sunday of Advent 7.00am Eucharist (St Andrew’s) 9.00am Eucharist (St Andrew’s) 9.00am Eucharist (Mary MacKillop)

(Bring & Buy, Mary Mackillop)

Readings: Isaiah 11:1-10; Psalm 72:1-7,18-21; Romans 15:4-13; Matthew 3:1-12

Mon 9 9.30am Eucharist, (Currimundi Gardens) 1.30pm Prayers for the Parish (St Andrew’s) Tues 10 8.00am Morning Prayer (St Andrew’s) 9.00am MU Eucharist & Mtg (St Andrew’s) Wed 11 9.00am Eucharist (St Thomas’)

Readings: Isaiah 40:25-31; Psalm 103:1-5; Matthew 11:28-30

9.45am Christian Meditation (St Andrew’s) 10.30am Eucharist (St Andrew’s) 11.30am Advent Study (St Andrew’s) 2.00pm Social Committee Mtg (St Andrew’s) 7.00pm Parish Council Mtg (Mary MacKillop) Thu 12 8.00am Morning Prayer (St Andrew’s) 9.00am Busy Bees (St Andrew’s) Fri 13 8.00am Morning Prayer (St Andrew’s) 10.30am Eucharist, (St Mary’s NH) 2.00pm Advent Study (Mary MacKillop) 4.00pm Choir Practice (St Andrew’s) Sat 14 Mooloolah Summer Market Day

Parish Directory

Rector Archdeacon Julie Worrall

(on extended leave)

Assistant Priest The Rev’d Dr Timothy Nicholson 0439 090 827 Day off: Monday

Office Administrator 07 5491 1866 Rowena Rayner (Mon-Fri 9am-3pm) PO Box 52, Caloundra, 4551

Associate Clergy The Rev’d Dr Ray Barraclough 5499 6893 The Rev’d David Curry 5492 5888 The Rev’d Tony Halstead 0455 554 930 The Rev’d Michael Martin 5493 6985 The Rev’d Clarry White 5439 7922 The Rev’d Diana Ware 0417 784 384


Church Wardens: Miriam Hargreave, Cathy Richards & Judy Sperling

Treasurer Linda Snitch District Warden (Glasshouse Country) Peter Setch


Building Advisory Committee Eric Nickelson 07 5493 9035 Communications Committee Timothy Nicholson 07 5491 1866 Safety Committee Kay Turner (Caloundra) Miriam Hargreave (Glasshouse Country) Social Committee Cathy Richards


Facebook Coordinator David Buckland The Anglican Parish

of Caloundra and Glasshouse Country

Website Coordinator c/- 5491 1866

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