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Unit 3 Advices and Making Suggestions

รูปภาพที่ 3.1 : Workplace plus 4 page 58

Unit 3 Asking and Making Suggestions

ในชีวิตประจําวันอาจพบปญหา ส่ิงที่ตัดสินใจไมได อาจตองขอความเหน็หรือขอเสนอแนะจากผูอ่ืน ในทางกลับกันอาจตองเปนฝายใหความเห็น คาํแนะนําผูอ่ืน ผูเรียนควรไดมีการศึกษาการพูดขอความเห็น การเสนอแนะอยางเหมาะสม จุดประสงคการเรียนรู ความรู

1. ฟงและเขาใจคาํถามและคําตอบเกี่ยวกับการเสนอแนะ 2. ฟงและจับใจความสําคัญเกี่ยวกับคําถาม คําตอบเกี่ยวกับการเสนอแนะ

ทักษะ 3. ปฏิบัติการพูดบทสนทนาเพือ่สอบถามขอเสนอแนะไดถูกตอง 4. ปฏิบัติการอานและเลือกใชขอความสนทนาแสดงความเห็นวาเหน็ดวยหรือไมเห็นดวยไดอยาง

เหมาะสม คุณธรรม

5. สงเสริมลักษณะนิสัยของความรวมมือทีด่ีในการสอบถามขอมูลหรือขอเสนอแนะจากผูอ่ืนไดอยางถูกตองและเหมาสมตามสถานการณ

เนื้อหาสาระ 1. Language Focus

1.1 Asking and Making Suggestions 1.2 Accepting or Refusing Suggestions

2. Worksheet 2.1 ใบงานที่ 1: Warm up: Speaking ทําแบบฝกหัดจับคูประโยคคําแนะนําที่เหมาะสมกับ

รูปภาพ 2.2 ใบงานที่ 2: Listening: ทําแบบฝกหัดฟงและจับใจความเกี่ยวกบัการตอบรับหรือการปฏิเสธ 2.3 .ใบงานที่ 3: Speaking: ทําแบบฝกหัดอานบทสนทนา จับใจความสําคัญและตอบคําถาม 2.4 ใบงานที่ 4: Writing: ฝกการเขียนประโยคเกี่ยวกับคาํแนะนําที่สอบถามได ขอมูลจากเพื่อนและนํามาเขียนเปนคําตอบ

Asking and Making Suggestions Asking for Suggestion Making suggestions

- Can (Could) you open the door, please? - What‘s the matter? - Will you let me do that job - Is it all right if I leave one hour early? - I wonder if I can smoke here. - Can I hand my report tomorrow? - May I use your phone? - Do you mind if I open the window? - Would it possible for me to do that job? - Do you think you could lend me 100 baht? - May I borrow your pen? - How do I start the computer?

- Yes, sure. - Yes, is that all right? - Go ahead. - Certainly you can. - No, I afraid you can’t. - Yes, but don’t be too late. - I’ m afraid not. - Of course. - I’m sorry ............................................................ - I’m afraid I can’t. - Yes, here you are. - I don’ know. Let’s read the directions.

1. Asking and Making Suggestions

1. ∗ How about eating out this evening?

∗ What about going to see the doctor?

2. ∗ Shall we go shopping?

∗ Shall we take a trip to Hua Hin this weekend?

3. ∗ Why don’t we go shopping?

∗ Why don’t we take a trip to Hua Hin this weekend?

4. ∗ Why don’t you go to see the doctor? ∗ Let’s go shopping?

∗ Let’s take a trip to Hua Hin this weekend.

∗ Let’s go to see the doctor.

5 ∗ Let’s go to the cinema, shall we?

∗ Let’s go to the party, shall we?

6. ∗ Can you open the door, please?

∗ Could you take your umbrella?

∗ Can I have these postcards, please?

2. Accepting and Refusing Suggestions

2.1. Accepting Suggestions

∗ Good idea. ∗ That’s a good idea.

∗ Great. ∗ That’s great.

∗ Yes, that’s marvelous. ∗ O.K. Let’s go.

2.2 Refusing Suggestions

∗ No, I don’t think so.

∗ Well, I don’t really want to.

∗ I’m sorry. I can’t do it.

Practice Conversation 1 A: Excuse me; could you give me some change for the machine? (Asking for suggestions) B: Yes, is that all right. (Making suggestions) A: That‘s fine. Thank you very much.

Conversation 2.

A: Oh, no!

B: What’s wrong? (Asking for suggestions)

A: The cash register is out of order.

B: Let’s call Ms. Rivas. (Making suggestions)

A: Good idea.

Conversation 3 A: We’re free this evening. Let’s have a swim, shall we? = Asking for suggestions B: I’m sorry. I’ve got a headache. = Making suggestions

ท่ีมาของรูปภาพที่ 3.2: Ready To Go 1 (สํานักพิมพ Longman) Page 38

Language Points: Present Continuous Tense

1. Imperatives: Pattern: Verb / Do + not + Verb

- Take a pill every hour. - Don’t work hard.

- Drink lots of juice. - Don’t stay up late.

2. Giving Advices

Activities for actions: Pattern: Verb to be + Verb ---ing

driving running swimming reading dancing studying

playing tennis going to the movies watching TV. shopping walking

Pattern: What + doing

2.1 A: What are you doing?

B: I am sleeping.

2.2 A: What’s Debbie doing right now?

B: She is driving.

Example 2.3:

A: What are James and Anne doing?

B: They are having lunch.

3. Making Suggestions: การใหคําแนะนําหรือขอเสนอแนะมีรูปแบบหลายรูปแบบ เชน

Pattern 1: 1.1 What about + Verb+ ing?

1.2 How about + Verb+ ing?

Pattern 2: Shall / Should / we + Verb ชองที่1?

Pattern 3: Why don’t we/ you + Verb ชองที่ 1?

Pattern 4: Let’s + Verbชองที่ 1

Pattern 5: Let’s + V1 ……, shall we? เรียกวา Invitation คือ การกลาวเชิญหรือชวนใหผูอ่ืนมารวมกิจกรรม

ใบความรูท่ี 3

Warp up

Conversation 4

A: I have a stomachache. (Problem health)

B: Don’t eat any heavy food today. (Giving advice)

* If you use “verbs of activities”, it is about telling the time*

Conversation 5

A: What time is it in Los Angles? (About the time)

B: It’s four o’clock in the morning. (About the time)

A: What are people doing here? (Asking for action)

B: They‘re sleeping. (Answering for action)

Conversation 6 A: We’re late. What shall we do? (Asking for suggestion) B: Let’s hurry! (Making suggestion)

Conversation 7 A: What shall we do this evening? (Asking for suggestion) B: Let’s stay at home. (Making suggestion) A: I don’t think so. I would rather eat out. (Refusing suggestion)

Conversation 8 A: What shall we do this weekend? (Asking for suggestion) B: Shall we take a trip to Hua Hin? (Making suggestion) A: That’s a good idea. (Accepting suggestion) * Answering by using “Sure. / OK. / I’m sorry. /* - Sure. = to express willingness - OK. = to express willingness - I’m sorry = to apologize.

ใบงานที่ 3.1 Warm up. Speaking Exercise 1: Match each picture with the appropriate suggestions.

Suggestions: a) You could read the directions. b) You can call Mr. Tom; please His number is 555-2144. c) You should turn the key. d) You can press the button e) You could unplug the machine, please.

ท่ีมาของรูปภาพที่ 3.3 : Ready To Go 1 (สํานักพิมพ Longman) Page 37

ใบงานที่ 3.2 Listening

Exercise 2: Choose the best accepting or refusing suggestions from listening.

Asking for Suggestions Accepting or Refusing Suggestions 1. What could you do if I go to the canteen? 2. What should you do if I have more detail? 3. May you write me a letter? 4. May you copy it for me? 5. Would you mind if I smoke here? 6. Can I get me a bottle of water? 7. Would you mind lending me your computer? 8. Can I speak slowly? 9. Would you mind going shopping with us? 10. Can you fill in the form?

1.................................................................................... 2................................................................................... 3................................................................................... 4................................................................................... 5.................................................................................... 6.....................................................................................7.................................................................................... 8.................................................................................... 9.................................................................................... 10..................................................................................

ใบงานที่ 3.3 Reading Conversations Exercise 3: Read the following conversation and write 5 things that are suggested.

Conversation 9 A: Excuse me; could you give me some change for the machine? B: Yes, is that all right. A: That’s fine. Thank you very much. Conversation 10 A: Excuse me. B: Yes. A: Can I have a knife, please? B: Oh, sure. Can I get you anything else? A: Can I some water, please? B: Sure. A: Thanks. Conversation 11 A: May I have a bottle of wine, please? B: Red wine or White wine, please? A: I prefer White wine. B: Do you want French wine, German wine or Italian wine? A: French wine, please. B: This is a very good one, sir. A: Thank you. Answer: 1............................2..............................3...............................4............................5..............................

Exercise 4: Read this conversation and answer the questions.

Conversation 12 Henry: Can I have permission to leave the office early today, sir? Boss: Well, it would be rather convenience. Is it something important? Henry: Yes, it’s important. Boss: Do you mind if I ask what is it? Henry: I want to get a good seat for dinner tonight. It is my first date. Boss: I’m sorry but I can’t allow you to leave early. It wouldn’t be fair. (Five minutes later) Henry: Excuse me, sir. I wonder if I could leave early because I’ve been suddenly ill. Boss: ................................................................................................................................................................. Questions

1. What permission does Henry ask? .................................................................................................................................................................. 2. Why does Henry want to leave the office early? .................................................................................................................................................................. 3. What question does the boss ask? .................................................................................................................................................................. 4. Why does Henry come to see the boss again? .................................................................................................................................................................. 5. What do you think the boss will say to Henry at the end of the conversation? .................................................................................................................................................................

ใบงานที่ 3.4 Writing Exercise 5: Make suggestions about what your friends say.

1. You are carrying a lot of things. You want me to open the door for you. What should you say? ..............................................................................................................................................................

2. We are having dinner. You want me to pass the salt. What should you say? ..............................................................................................................................................................

3. You want me to turn off the computer? What should you say? ...............................................................................................................................................................

4. You want to borrow my flash drive. What should you say? ............................................................................................................................................................

5. You are in my house. You want to use my telephone. What should you say? ...........................................................................................................................................................

6. Your friend says “It’s raining hard outside” What should you say? ............................................................................................................................................................

7. Your friend says “I’m hungry.” What should you say? .........................................................................................................................................................

8. Your friend says “I’ve got a headache.” What should you say? ........................................................................................................................................................

9. Your friend says “My hammer is broken.” What should you say? ........................................................................................................................................................

10. Your friend says “Today is my birthday.” What should you say? ........................................................................................................................................................

ใบงานที่ 3.5 แบบทดสอบประจําหนวยท่ี 3 Choose the best answer for situation 1 – 4

a. You’d better take a road map in case you get lost. b. You‘d better stay at home and relax. c. You’d better take my address in case you need something. d. You’d better take food and water in case you can’t find any.

Situation 1. Jennifer, an Australian teacher is traveling by car in Bangkok. She doesn’t know the road very well. / Answer = .......... Situation 2. Your friends are going to the seaside in Pattaya. The weather report says it’s going to have a storm soon. / Answer = ....... Situation 3. On a train to Suratthani, you make friends with a man from New Zealand. Before you depart, you give him your name card. / Answer = Situation 4. Your friends are going camping to Kao Yai which is far from the city. / Answer = ..........

Choose the best answer for the question 5 – 8 a. Pour it into a glass and mix some ice. b. Put it in a microwave oven for 20 minutes. c. Put in a cone. d. Cook it in a saucepan with water and then drain it.

Question 5. What should I do with this ice cream? Answer: ..... Question 6. What should I do with this frozen dinner? Answer....... Question 7. What should I do with this frozen broccoli? Answer....... Question 8. What should I do with this orange juice? Answer.......

Choose the best answer for the question 9 -10 a. How about eating out this evening? b. What about going to see the doctor? c. Let’s hurry. d. I’m sorry. I don’t like it.

Question 9. A: We’re late. What shall we do? B: What should you say?.......................... Question 10. A: Let’s go dancing. B: What should you say? ........................

รูปภาพที่ 3.4 ชุดการเรียนภาษาอังกฤษเพือ่การสื่อสาร 1 ของสํานักมาตรฐานการอาชีวศึกษาและวิชาชพี

What should I do with this ice cream?

What should I do with this frozen dinner?

What should I do with this frozen broccoli?

What should I do with this orange juice?

Answer Exercice 1 1. = e 2 = d 3 = b 4 = a 5 = c Exercise 2 Typescripts Asking for suggestions Accepting or refusal 1. What could you do if I go to the canteen? Yes, of course. 2. What should you do if I have more detail? Yes, of course. 3. May you write me a letter? No, I ‘m sorry. I don’t have it. 4. May you copy it for me? Yes, of course. 5. Would you mind if I smoke here? No, I’m sorry. I don’t have it. 6. Can I get me a bottle of water? Yes, of course. 7. Would you mind lending me your computer? Yes, of course. 8. Can I speak slowly? No, I’m sorry. I don’t have it. 9. Would you mind going shopping with us? Yes, of course. 10. Can you fill in the form? Yes, of course. Exercise 3 1 my change 2. knife 3. water 4. wine 5. French wine Exercise 4 1. To leave the office early. 2. To get a good seat for dinner tonight.

3. I’m sorry but I can’t allow you to leave early. 4. Because he has been suddenly ill 5. Thank you. Exercise 5 แนวคําตอบ 1. Would you mind opening the door, please? 2. Excuse me. Could you pass the salt? 3. Can you turn off the computer? 4. Would you mind borrowing your flash drive? 5. I’m sorry. Can I use your telephone? 6. You should bring the umbrella to go outside. 7. You should eat some soft drink before. 8. You should eat one tablet of aspirin. 9. Can I give your advice? 10. You should say “Happy birthday.” แบบทดสอบ

Situation 1. = a Situation 2. = b Situation 3. = c Situation 4 = d Question 5. = b Question 6. = c Question 7. = d Question 8. = a Question 9. = c Question 10 = d

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