advising the government: creating sound science policy kelvin k. droegemeier university of oklahoma...

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Advising the Government: Advising the Government: Creating Sound Science Creating Sound Science


Kelvin K. DroegemeierUniversity of Oklahoma

Meteorology Public Policy Class13 March 2013

The Elusive Concept of The Elusive Concept of “Policy”“Policy”

What is it?What is it?Who/what determine it?Who/what determine it?Who enforces it?Who enforces it?How is it changed?How is it changed?How do we avoid bad policy?How do we avoid bad policy?

According to Webster…According to Webster…

Policy is…Policy is…– Any plan or course of action designed to Any plan or course of action designed to

influence and determine decisions or influence and determine decisions or actionsactions

– A guiding principle or procedureA guiding principle or procedure

Some OU ExamplesSome OU Examples Doctoral qualifying examDoctoral qualifying exam Private use of University InternetPrivate use of University Internet Use of cell phonesUse of cell phones Make-up exams and tardy submission of Make-up exams and tardy submission of

homeworkhomework Sexual harassmentSexual harassment NepotismNepotism Ethical conduct of researchEthical conduct of research Private consultingPrivate consulting

““Public” PolicyPublic” Policy

Is a process that draws out the Is a process that draws out the collective wisdom of a diverse group to collective wisdom of a diverse group to reach a common public goalreach a common public goal

Does not involve the generation of Does not involve the generation of knowledge, but the (wise) use of itknowledge, but the (wise) use of it

National ExamplesNational Examples ImmigrationImmigration Gun controlGun control Carbon Dioxide omissionsCarbon Dioxide omissions Education standardsEducation standards WelfareWelfare Land conservationLand conservation Foreign policy – assistance to other nationsForeign policy – assistance to other nations Rates of industrial emission of toxic materialsRates of industrial emission of toxic materials Stem cells/cloningStem cells/cloning UAV integration into national airspace system/privacy issuesUAV integration into national airspace system/privacy issues

Development of Science Development of Science PolicyPolicy

ScientistsScientists discover and communicate facts and discover and communicate facts and uncertaintiesuncertainties

Policy analystsPolicy analysts consider the above in light of values held consider the above in light of values held by various sectors and frame the problems as well as by various sectors and frame the problems as well as propose courses of actionpropose courses of action

PolicymakersPolicymakers assess the significance by making value assess the significance by making value judgments to determine how research outcomes will be judgments to determine how research outcomes will be appliedapplied

CommunicatorsCommunicators (media, government) facilitate (media, government) facilitate understanding by the public understanding by the public

Some Challenging Policy Some Challenging Policy IssuesIssues

Global climate changeGlobal climate changeGenetic engineering/cloningGenetic engineering/cloningStem cell researchStem cell researchHydraulic fracturing (fracking) and deep Hydraulic fracturing (fracking) and deep

injection wellsinjection wellsOthers…Others…

An “Iron Triangle”An “Iron Triangle”

Policy Makers/Legislators

Advocates/Lobbyists Scientists

An “Iron Triangle”An “Iron Triangle”

Policy Makers/Legislators

Advocates/Lobbyists Scientists

Don’t want to makedecisions that upsettheir constituency; pass the buck to thescientist funding!

An “Iron Triangle”An “Iron Triangle”

Policy Makers/Legislators

Advocates/Lobbyists Scientists

Get $$ to expandknowledge and helpresolve policy issues(IPCC)

An “Iron Triangle”An “Iron Triangle”

Policy Makers/Legislators

Advocates/Lobbyists Scientists

Looking for scientificdata to support theirposition

An “Iron Triangle”An “Iron Triangle”

Policy Makers/Legislators

Advocates/Lobbyists Scientists

Looking for scientificdata to support theirposition

Looking for scientific data to support theirposition

An “Iron Triangle”An “Iron Triangle”

Policy Makers/Legislators

Advocates/Lobbyists Scientists

Looking for scientificdata to support theirposition

Looking for scientific data to support theirposition

Provided the outcomesupports their position!

Science Becomes the Battle Science Becomes the Battle GroundGround

Legitimate debate about values and Legitimate debate about values and interests is being replaced by tactics of interests is being replaced by tactics of professional character assassination, spinprofessional character assassination, spin

The war zone: policy analysis versus The war zone: policy analysis versus political advocacypolitical advocacy

The War ZoneThe War Zone

Policy analysis Policy analysis increasesincreases the range the range of alternatives available to decision of alternatives available to decision makers by associating scientific makers by associating scientific results with a range of choices and results with a range of choices and outcomesoutcomes

The War ZoneThe War Zone

Political advocacy Political advocacy decreasesdecreases the the range of alternatives, often down to range of alternatives, often down to a single result that supports the view a single result that supports the view of a party or legislatorof a party or legislator

Example: Global WarmingExample: Global Warming

The IPCC does not assess scientific results The IPCC does not assess scientific results in the context of policyin the context of policy

Leads to interpretation by advocates, Leads to interpretation by advocates, lobbyists, industry, interest groupslobbyists, industry, interest groups

The objective research outcomes fit The objective research outcomes fit everyone’s need but are entirely politicizedeveryone’s need but are entirely politicized

So Who Advises the So Who Advises the Government? Government? FORMALLYFORMALLY

Office of Science and Technology Policy (in the Office of the Office of Science and Technology Policy (in the Office of the White House – President’s Science Advisor) (OSTP)White House – President’s Science Advisor) (OSTP)

President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST)(PCAST)

National Academies (via the National Research Council, the National Academies (via the National Research Council, the NAS operating arm)NAS operating arm)

National Science Board (NSB)National Science Board (NSB) National Science and Technology Council (NSTC)National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) Professionals (via formal Congressional hearings)Professionals (via formal Congressional hearings) Others (e.g., Council on Environmental Quality)Others (e.g., Council on Environmental Quality)

So Who Advises the So Who Advises the Government? Government? INFORMALLYINFORMALLY

LobbyistsLobbyistsUCAR, professional societies (AMS), trade UCAR, professional societies (AMS), trade

organizations (AWCIA)organizations (AWCIA)Political action committeesPolitical action committeesCivic organizations, Chambers of CommerceCivic organizations, Chambers of CommerceNon-profits and think tanksNon-profits and think tanksFor-profit companiesFor-profit companiesIndividual citizensIndividual citizens

Political appointees (reflect Admin views)Loaners from other agencies



National AcademiesNational Academies Chartered by President Lincoln Advises the nation on issues of science, technology and

medicine Enlists the nation’s most eminent scientists and


Coordinates federal environmental efforts and works closely with agencies and other White House offices in the development of environmental policies and initiatives.

Reports annually to the President on the state of the environment– oversees federal agency implementation of the environmental

impact assessment process– acts as a referee when agencies disagree over the adequacy of

such assessments.

The National Science BoardThe National Science Board

Origin of the National Science Origin of the National Science Foundation: The Manhattan ProjectFoundation: The Manhattan Project

Intensive 2-year, $2B (in 1940 dollars) effort to Intensive 2-year, $2B (in 1940 dollars) effort to build a fission weapon to end World War IIbuild a fission weapon to end World War II

Involved hundreds of academic scientists and Involved hundreds of academic scientists and technicians – universities were raidedtechnicians – universities were raided

Los Alamos was created to bring everyone Los Alamos was created to bring everyone together in a secure locationtogether in a secure location

At end of war, scientists were heroes (penicillin, At end of war, scientists were heroes (penicillin, radar, the bomb)radar, the bomb)

Office of Scientific Research and Development Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD) was created to fund research projects in (OSRD) was created to fund research projects in university and industrial laboratories – university and industrial laboratories – precursor to the NSFprecursor to the NSF

Vannevar Bush – President Roosevelt’s Vannevar Bush – President Roosevelt’s science advisorscience advisor

Directed the OSRDDirected the OSRD Convinced President Roosevelt that the Convinced President Roosevelt that the

best way to continue using US researchers best way to continue using US researchers was to keep them on their campuses and was to keep them on their campuses and fund them with Federal dollarsfund them with Federal dollars

This was a bold new ideaThis was a bold new idea– $20 M in research at universities in 1930s– $90 M by mid 1940s

Key IndividualKey Individual

Manifesto that Created NSFManifesto that Created NSF

V. Bush (1945)Available at

The NSF Act of 1950The NSF Act of 1950 So-called “Organic Act” that established the NSFSo-called “Organic Act” that established the NSF Signed into law by President Truman on May 10, 1950Signed into law by President Truman on May 10, 1950 Mission: To promote the progress of science; to advance the national Mission: To promote the progress of science; to advance the national

health, prosperity, and welfare; to secure the national defense; and for health, prosperity, and welfare; to secure the national defense; and for other purposes.other purposes.

““The NSF Shall Consist of a National Science Board … and a The NSF Shall Consist of a National Science Board … and a Director”Director”

Unlike ALL other agencies that have science components (NASA, Unlike ALL other agencies that have science components (NASA, NOAA, DOE, DOD, EPA, USGS, etc), the NSF does not reside within NOAA, DOE, DOD, EPA, USGS, etc), the NSF does not reside within a Cabinet Department – it is completely independenta Cabinet Department – it is completely independent

NSF thus is not a traditional “mission agency” though it has a clear mission!

One of the best run agencies in Government

Total Federal S upport:Basic Research at Academic Institutions





Federal Basic Research Support at Federal Basic Research Support at Academic InstitutionsAcademic Institutions

The NSF TodayThe NSF Today

Annual budget of $7BAnnual budget of $7B The NSF is unique – it funds all The NSF is unique – it funds all

areas of science and engineering areas of science and engineering (exclusive of medicine)(exclusive of medicine)

National Science Board Roles and National Science Board Roles and ResponsibilitiesResponsibilities

The NSB is part of the NSFThe NSB is part of the NSF The NSBThe NSB

– Establishes PoliciesEstablishes Policies of the National of the National Science FoundationScience Foundation

– Oversees and guidesOversees and guides the activities of the activities of the National Science Foundationthe National Science Foundation

– Serves as an independent national Serves as an independent national science policy body that science policy body that provides provides advice to the President and the advice to the President and the CongressCongress on matters of national on matters of national science and engineering policyscience and engineering policy

National Science Board National Science Board MembershipMembership

24 members with the NSF Director an 24 members with the NSF Director an ex-officioex-officio

• Every 2 years, 8 people are nominated by the President, Every 2 years, 8 people are nominated by the President, confirmed by the Senate for 6-year termsconfirmed by the Senate for 6-year terms

• Nomination based upon distinguished service and Nomination based upon distinguished service and preeminence in research, education, or public servicepreeminence in research, education, or public service

• Represent academia, industry, and a range of science and Represent academia, industry, and a range of science and engineering disciplines and geographic areasengineering disciplines and geographic areas

Meet 5-6 times per year in person including a retreat, Meet 5-6 times per year in person including a retreat, supplemented with teleconferencessupplemented with teleconferences

Most work done in committeesMost work done in committees

National Science BoardNational Science BoardPublications and AwardsPublications and Awards

Respond to Congressional RequestsRespond to Congressional Requests– Budgetary and Programmatic ExpansionBudgetary and Programmatic Expansion

Initiate and Conduct StudiesInitiate and Conduct Studies– Workforce Workforce – InfrastructureInfrastructure– EnvironmentEnvironment– InternationalInternational– Federal Research PrioritiesFederal Research Priorities– EducationEducation

Publish S&E IndicatorsPublish S&E Indicators Administer Honorary AwardsAdminister Honorary Awards

Advising the President and Advising the President and CongressCongress

Responding to Congressional InquiriesResponding to Congressional InquiriesInitiating its own activitiesInitiating its own activitiesThe NSB is very unique and valuable as an The NSB is very unique and valuable as an

advisory body because itadvisory body because it– Answers to no Cabinet department– Can be fully candid and not fear political


Advising the President and Advising the President and CongressCongress

Responding to Congressional InquiriesResponding to Congressional InquiriesInitiating its own activitiesInitiating its own activitiesThe NSB is very unique and valuable as an The NSB is very unique and valuable as an

advisory body because itadvisory body because it– Answers to no Cabinet department– Can be fully candid and not fear political


Important ExampleImportant Example

Advising the President and Advising the President and CongressCongress

Responding to Congressional InquiriesResponding to Congressional InquiriesInitiating its own activitiesInitiating its own activitiesThe NSB is very unique and valuable as an The NSB is very unique and valuable as an

advisory body because itadvisory body because it– Answers to no Cabinet department– Can be fully candid and not fear political


Available at at

Gathering Community InputGathering Community Input

Who Protects Us From Bad Who Protects Us From Bad Policy? Policy?

Today, COGR's primary function is to provide advice and information to its membership and to make certain that federal agencies understand academic operations and the impact of proposed regulations on colleges and universities. COGR helps to develop policies and practices that fairly reflect the mutual interests and separate obligations of federal agencies and universities in research and graduate education.

An independent, nonpartisan agency that works for Congress.

Often called the "congressional watchdog," GAO investigates how the federal government spends taxpayer dollars.

Seat of the Pants or Informed Seat of the Pants or Informed Strategy?Strategy?

Ways to Become InvolvedWays to Become Involved

As individual citizens: meeting with Members As individual citizens: meeting with Members of Congress (each has local offices)of Congress (each has local offices)

Serving as a AAAS Fellow in Federal Serving as a AAAS Fellow in Federal agenciesagencies

Serving on Agency boards and committeesServing on Agency boards and committees NOAA Science Advisory BoardNOAA Science Advisory Board NSF Directorate Advisory CommitteesNSF Directorate Advisory Committees

Being invited to testify at Congressional Being invited to testify at Congressional hearingshearings

Joining advocacy groups and contributing to Joining advocacy groups and contributing to campaignscampaigns

Don’t Just Wing It!!!Don’t Just Wing It!!!

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