aegis concertation certh

Post on 26-Jan-2015






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AEGIS Workshop and International Conference, Brussels

Concertation event on Accessibility

Maria Gemou CERTH/HIT

AEGIS Workshop and International Conference, Brussels

Focus-Objectives of this concertation

• To verify the presented identified synergies.

• To discuss issues raised (identified or not) in the context of these synergies (i.e. restrictions, problems,

resources, …).

• To define specific actions that will fulfill a minimum level of synergies between all projects represented.

• To identify synergies that could but cannot be fulfilled

and justify (technical, economic, other reasons, …).

• To come up, finally, with a specific roadmap to follow

and present to the EC…

AEGIS Workshop and International Conference, Brussels

Identified Synergies From, To and With AEGIS

In which aspect? With which project?

Issues to be discussed

•How personas and end user categories (beneficiaries) can be used in the accessibility evaluation and assessment of applications? • How a large scale assessment infrastructure could be defined? • How an internationally harmonized methodology for evaluating the conformance of applications to Standards should be adopted?

ACCESSIBLE •Personas: ACCESSIBLE and AEGIS Personas have been exchanged •Ontologies: AEGIS ontology encompasses parts of ACCESSIBLE ontologies •Development: Developer tools: ACCESSIBLE assessment simulation and assessment tools complement the AEGIS OAF with a further step (evaluation). Specifically for the demonstration purposes, a Netbeans plug-ins of DIAS and WAAT were implemented and integrated in the context of AEGIS SP3 IDE.

TBD (most already done)


AEGIS Workshop and International Conference, Brussels

•Development • Setting up a fast Open

Street Map (OSM) server: to be used by both projects and in order to solve some issues with the license agreement of the OSM and also provide a faster alternative for supporting the applications of both projects (done).

• Source code: Exchange of the source code of the two applications (done).

•Pilots: Exchange applications for pilots (done). •Integration: Perhaps functionalities could be combined…

Haptimap •Does it really make sense to combine functionalities? •How many resources would that require (on behalf of both projects)?

Identified Synergies From, To and With AEGIS

In which aspect? With which project?

Issues to be discussed

TBD (some already done)


AEGIS Workshop and International Conference, Brussels


Identified Synergies From, To and With AEGIS

In which aspect? With which project?

Roadmap Issues to be discussed


Portals Specifically, integration of AEGIS OAEG (online portal and blog aggregator focusing on open source, and “EASTIN 2.0” portal (online portal providing a seamless access to ETNA and ATIS4All repositories on ICT-based AT products, accessibility solutions and related services.

•Different focus: OAEG covers only open source and wishes to stay as such. •Also, AEGIS provides more than repository of solutions and services (i.e. blog aggregator, standards, OAF implementation linked to ontologies, mobility schemes, ….)

• Could all resources of EASTIN 2.0 and OAEG be combined in 2 levels?

• Open Source • Proprietory

•Level of detail: EASTIN 2.0 gives more advanced search and level of info in comparison to OAEG. Also most probably different classification is being followed. OAEG already encompasses Oatsoft…

AEGIS Workshop and International Conference, Brussels

•Personas, Ontologies and User Models (but note that VICON focuses on h/w and AEGIS on s/w) •Development: Developer tools: Integration of VICON simulation models/tools into developer tools of AEGIS in 2 respects:

• In recommendations phase, before design (Accessibility Advisor Tool in AEGIS).

• In assessment phase, after development.

VICON •What type of user models in each case? How to combine?

• VICON uses Datatype Properties, AEGIS uses Object Properties

• VICON reasoning contains information about user model classification etc., AEGIS has no reasoning

•Different focus...(AEGIS on ICT products and VICON on consumer products and interfaces for e-services)

Identified Synergies From, To and With AEGIS

In which aspect? With which project?

Issues to be discussed



AEGIS Workshop and International Conference, Brussels

Identified Synergies From, To and With AEGIS

•Personas, Ontologies and Interaction Models (but note the different focus; common field the ICT based apps and services) •Developer tools: Integration of VERITAS simulation models/tools into developer tools of AEGIS in assessment phase, after development (only in common fields).

VERITAS •How can Personas be described in a common way?

• Large Persona population of AEGIS

• VERITAS can provide quantifiable personas with specific characteristics

•Discussion on the properties of the developer tools in AEGIS:

• Check whether simulated accessibility evaluation is possible

• Under which assumptions

Identified Synergies From, To and With AEGIS

In which aspect? With which project?

Issues to be discussed



AEGIS Workshop and International Conference, Brussels

•UCD: AEGIS public UCD approach as a paradigm for Cloud4All •Interaction models and Ontologies: Cloud4All virtual models will be fed from AEGIS user models and Personas among other sources. •Development: To select AEGIS apps to apply auto-configuration in AEGIS (from desktop, mobile, web) •Portals: OAEG into Cloud4All GPII Marketplace?

Cloud4All •Different focus in user clustering. Cloud4All will apply the “one-size-fits-one”, approach. AEGIS follows typical disability clustering (though not really ICF).

• Thus, Personas and user models use should be very careful.

•AEGIS is slightly demonstrating Cloud extension, whenever possible. Could be a good start. •Other?

Identified Synergies From, To and With AEGIS

In which aspect? With which project?

Issues to be discussed



AEGIS Workshop and International Conference, Brussels

•Roadmaps: AEGIS and CARDIAC should exchange roadmaps.

Cardiac •Perhaps AEGIS roadmap to be formatted as part of one of the CARDIAC roadmaps (needs also to be standalone however)?

• At first sight, it seems that AEGIS could be contributing to all more or less CARDIAC Structured Dialogic Design Process maps.

Identified Synergies From, To and With AEGIS

In which aspect? With which project?

Issues to be discussed



AEGIS Workshop and International Conference, Brussels

•Pilots: AsTeRICS could serve as a demonstrator how people with severe motor disabilities can interact with AEGIS-based GUIs. •Standards: To combine and synchronize (verified) know-how for contribution to standards (especially on interoperability).

AsTeRICS •AsTeRICS focuses on unconventional peripherals (out of scope of AEGIS)… •What type of AEGIS apps could serve as a case study for AsTeRICS and in which sense?

Identified Synergies From, To and With AEGIS

In which aspect? With which project?

Issues to be discussed



AEGIS Workshop and International Conference, Brussels

•Portals: The semantically enriched guide and link to eAccess-ibility resources could be integrated with OAEG (?)

eAccess+ •eAccess encompasses a lot that are out of scope of AEGIS (i.e. digital TV, self-service terminals); however, web a11y is common… •Other?

Identified Synergies From, To and With AEGIS

In which aspect? With which project?

Issues to be discussed



AEGIS Workshop and International Conference, Brussels

•User models: Exchange •Development:

• Interfaces: AEGIS widgets could be of use in GUIDE (?)

• Developer tools: To integrate GUIDE simulation tools in assessment phase (?)

•Portals (integration) •Pilots: Exchange selected projects apps and test them. •Roadmaps:Synchronisation •Standards: On user models?

GUIDE •GUIDE seems to be more related to Cloud4All?

• Connected TV out of AEGIS scope

• User profiles are to be worked out in Cloud4All

Identified Synergies From, To and With AEGIS

In which aspect? With which project?

Issues to be discussed



AEGIS Workshop and International Conference, Brussels

•Development: Work on WAI-ARIA from AEGIS and ACCESSIBLE could be useful to WAI-ACT •Standards: Review of relevant AEGIS contributions to standards •Roadmaps: Exchange of research agendas (on web accessibility)

WAI-ACT •Synchronisation and in depth review of recommendation to standards and roadmaps. • Which items of AEGIS and ACCESSIBLE would be useful to WAI-ACT?

Identified Synergies From, To and With AEGIS

In which aspect? With which project?

Issues to be discussed



AEGIS Workshop and International Conference, Brussels

•Support for designers and developers of accessible applications and services •Development: Integration of the tools�into AEGIS developers tools in recommendations phase before design (Accessibility advisor tool in AEGIS)

MyUI •Adaptive user interfaces for interactive TV is out of scope of AEGIS… •Other?

Identified Synergies From, To and With AEGIS

In which aspect? With which project?

Issues to be discussed



AEGIS Workshop and International Conference, Brussels

Grouping Synergies

Identified synergies on:

• UCD: Cloud4All (1)

• Personas, Ontologies, User Models: ACCESSIBLE, VICON,

VERITAS, Cloud4All, GUIDE (5)

• Portals: ETNA, ATIS4All, Cloud4All, AsTeRICS, eAccess+, GUIDE (6)

• Pilots: GUIDE, Haptimap, AsTeRICS (3)

• Development: ACCESSIBLE, Haptimap, VICON, VERITAS,

Cloud4All, GUIDE, WAI-ACT (7)

• Integration: Haptimap (1)

• Roadmaps: Cardiac, GUIDE, WAI-ACT (3)

• Standards: AsTeRICS, GUIDE, WAI-ACT (3)

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