afc1-functional english questionbank

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Functional English

© Emile Woolf International ii The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan

Second edition published by The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan Chartered Accountants Avenue Clifton Karachi-75600 Email: © The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan, January 2015 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise, without the prior permission in writing of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan, or as expressly permitted by law, or under the terms agreed with the appropriate reprographics rights organisation. You must not circulate this book in any other binding or cover and you must impose the same condition on any acquirer. Notice The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan has made every effort to ensure that at the time of writing the contents of this study text are accurate, but neither The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan nor its directors or employees shall be under any liability whatsoever for any inaccurate or misleading information this work could contain.

© Emile Woolf International iii The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan

Assessment of Fundamental Competencies Functional English






1 Introduction to English 2

2 The verbs 7

3 The nouns 22

4 Other parts of speech 35

5 Vocabulary 60

6 Phrases and idioms 74

7 Sentences 79

8 Writing 98



1 Introduction to English 106

2 The verbs 109

3 The nouns 115

4 Other parts of speech 122

5 Vocabulary 136

6 Phrases and idioms 141

7 Sentences 143

8 Writing 150

Functional English

© Emile Woolf International iv The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan

© Emile Woolf International 1 The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan

Assessment of Fundamental Competencies Functional English



Functional English

© Emile Woolf International 2 The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan


1.1 (i) Identify the abstract noun(s).

(a) Mountain (b) Man (c) Love (d) Air

(ii) Identify the adverb(s).

(a) Fast (b) Quickly (c) Quick (d) Quicker

1.2 Complete the following sentences using an appropriate form of the word given in the brackets.

(i) Oil accounts for about ten percent of our total energy ___________. (consume)

(ii) The ___________ of a country depends on the readiness of its people to work hard. (prosper)

(iii) The culprit gave ___________ statements to confuse the police. (contradict)

(iv) The people of the world were shocked to hear about the _________________ lifestyles of some of the communist leaders of Eastern Europe.(extravagance)

(v) People must take the __________ to solve the problems arising out of the flood situation. (initiate)

(vi) Liaquat Ali Khan’s _____________ shocked the world. (assassinate)

(vii) How can you _____________ the mistakes you have made? (just)

(viii) My grandmother had to be taken from room to room in a wheel chair because of her _____________ (frail)

1.3 Test your understanding of transitive and intransitive verb forms.

Each question is followed by two suggested answers. Choose the most appropriate one.

(i) Woodcutters ____________ trees

a) fall b) fell

(ii) ____________still.

a) lie b) lay

(iii) _____________ the basket there.

a) lay b) lie

(iv) ____________ early with the lark.

a) rise b) raise


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(v) ____________ your hands.

a) rise b) raise

(vi) ____________there.

a) sit b) set

(vii) ____________ the lamp on the table

a) sit b) set

1.4 State whether the verbs in the following sentences are used transitively or intransitively.

(i) Heat expands metals.

(ii) Metals expand on heating.

(iii) The driver stopped the car.

(iv) The car stopped abruptly.

(v) You must speak the truth.

(vi) You must speak loudly.

(vii) The boy is flying the kite.

(viii) The birds are flying in the sky.

(ix) The rider fell off the horse and broke his arm.

(x) The woodcutter felled a huge tree.

(xi) The explosion sank the ship.

(xii) The ship sank suddenly.

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1.5 State which of the following sentences are compound and which are complex. In the case of a compound sentence, separate the coordinate clauses and mention the conjunction. If the sentence is complex, divide it into its clauses and state the principal clause and the subordinate clause.

(i) Shariq took out his pen and started writing.

(ii) The town in which I live is very large.

(iii) This is the house that Ahmed built.

(iv) My heart leaps up when I behold a rainbow in the sky.

(v) God made the country and man made the town.

(vi) She must weep or she will die.

(vii) He must have done his duty, for he is a conscientious man.

(viii) Where ignorance is bliss, it is folly to be wise.

(ix) I went because I was invited.

1.6 Words in English belong to different parts of speech. In each of the following sentences, there is a bolded word. Can you identify what part of speech it is?

1. I want to go now.

a) Adjective

b) Adverb

c) Preposition

d) Conjunction

2. What are you doing there?

a) Preposition

b) Adjective

c) Adverb

d) Verb

3. He left ten minutes ago.

a) Noun

b) Adjective

c) Conjunction

d) Adverb

4. There is a mistake in line 9.

a) Adverb

b) Conjunction

c) Preposition

d) Noun


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5. Masons build houses.

a) Verb

b) Adverb

c) Adjective

d) Preposition

6. Though she was unwell, she went to work.

a) Conjunction

b) Preposition

c) Adverb

d) Adjective

7. I have been reading since morning.

a) Adjective

b) Noun

c) Verb

d) Adverb

8. He died two years ago.

a) Verb

b) Adverb

c) Adjective

d) Preposition

9. As she was late, we went without her.

a) Preposition

b) Conjunction

c) Adverb

d) Verb

10. The Nile is the longest river in the world.

a) Pronoun

b) Proper noun

c) Preposition

d) Adjective

11. What happened to you?

a) Noun

b) Pronoun

c) Conjunction

d) Preposition

Functional English

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1.7 What part of speech is each of the words in italics?

(i) Muslims fast in the month of Ramzan.

(ii) He is the right man in the right place.

(iii) There is not much truth in what he says.

(iv) His theories are hard to understand.

(v) A little learning is a dangerous thing.

(vi) Still waters run deep.

(vii) What annoys me most is his obstinacy.

(viii) As he was ambitious, I felt that I shouldn’t trust him.

(iv) He is like his father.

(x) Do not talk like that.

(xi) The next moment he was dead.

(xii) He has been ill since yesterday.

(xiii) They are all waiting for you.

(xiv) It has been raining since yesterday.

(xv) Age brings wisdom.


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2.1 Select the appropriate form of the helping verb in each of the following sentences:

(i) My collection of 500 books on different scientific subjects, which (was/were) recently valued at Rupees three hundred thousand (has/have) been destroyed.

(ii) The star player along with the coach (has/have) disappeared and the rest of the team (is/are) flying home without them.

(iii) Every one of them (is/are) coming to lunch; not one of them (has/have) declined the invitation.

(iv) Guitar (is/are) my favourite music and fish and chips (is/are) my favourite food.

2.2 Rewrite these sentences by replacing the words in brackets with the appropriate tense of the verb.

(i) The people (flee) from their villages as the volcano erupted.

(ii) The river (flow) through a number of lovely small villages nestling in the valley.

(iii) The football match will be (broadcast) to eighty countries around the world.

(iv) Heavy rain has been (forecast) for tomorrow.

(v) Have you (read) my report yet?

(vi) Since it was founded in 1979, the company has (undergo) several changes of ownership.

2.3 Read the first sentence. Complete the second sentence so that it follows logically from the first sentence. Use the tense specified at the right side of the sentence.

(i) The front door was open. Someone ________ it.

(ii) The glass door was broken. Shahid ________ it.

(iii) There is no water in the jug. We ________ all the water.

(iv) How long did you live in this house? We________ in this house for twelve years.

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2.4 Write the past participle of the following:

(i) to eat

(ii) to understand

(iii) to swim

(iv) to dig

(v) to build

(vi) to stand

2.5 Insert the correct tense of verb in the following:

(i) Wherever he (find) a job, there was someone who (know) that he had been to prison.

(ii) Recent research (show) that Columbus (not) discover America.

2.6 Put in the past participle of the verbs in brackets.

(i) Who’s _________(break) this glass?

(ii) I can ride a bike but I haven’t_______(ride) one for years.

(iii) Haven’t you________(sell) your flat yet?

(iv) It’s warm because the heating has_________(be) on.

2.7 Choose the correct answer.

(i) I can’t stand people to ask/asking me questions all the time.

(ii) They stopped the car to have/having a chat with their friends.

(iii) Their house really needs to paint/painting.

(iv) He stopped to drive/driving because he was sleepy.

2.8 Correct the following:

(i) Abdul Jabbar looked at me and tells me to sign the contract.

(ii) We have met your agent and we gave her our answer.

(iii) Amir received the crates on Monday but doesn’t open them until today.


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2.9 Indicate which form of boldfaced verb is correct:

(i) Tuesday we were busy. We had interviews and the telephones rang/rung all morning.

(ii) When the manual arrived, the cover was all tore/torn up.

(iii) Last week our senior accountant quitted/quit his job.

(iv) Stock prices have sunk/ have sank to a new low this quarter.

2.10 Choose the correct form:

(i) The remains of the body was/were thrown into the sea.

(ii) Everyone was watching the football match/the match of football.

(iii) Three hours is/are long enough to look round the museum.

(iv) E-mail is a relatively new mean/means of communication.

2.11 Complete the sentences by filling the blanks with the appropriate phrasal verbs given below:

(Sort out, fell through, put forward, take over, stepped down, left over, carried out)

(i) The company’s boss has ______ after ten years.

(ii) The two sides were close to an agreement but it ______.

(iii) Large companies sometimes ______ smaller ones.

(iv) The consultants ______ a proposal to re-organize the company.

2.12 Fill in the blanks in the following sentence by selecting any one of the given options:

(i) He could not cut the grass today because the handle of the machine __________ a few days before.

(a) broke (b) break (c) had broken (d) has broken

(ii) He promised that he__________ the goods in a week's time.

(a) will deliver (b) would deliver

(c) had delivered (d) was delivering

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© Emile Woolf International 10 The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan

(iii) He would have passed the examination if only he__________ a little harder.

(a) worked (b) had worked (c) would work (d) could work

(iv) By the time the police arrived, the thief __________ over the wall.

(a) had bolted (b) bolted (c) would bolt (d) would have bolted

(v) The chemist claims __________ a new element.

(a) discovered (b) to discover

(c) to have discovered (d) to be discovered

(vi) Don't leave the room until you __________ to do so.

(a) ask (b) will ask (c) were asked (d) are asked

(vii) I know that he __________ karate for the past five years, but he has not won any medal so far.

(a) has been practicing (b) practice (c) is practicing (d) had practiced

(viii) By the time the football season ends this year, he __________ ten important matches.

(a) will play (b) has played

(c) would have played (d) will have played

(ix) As soon as he reached home yesterday, he __________ the trophy on the wall.

(a) hung (b) hanged (c) was hung (d) had hung

(x) You may sleep now; I promise you __________ disturbed.

(a) cannot be (b) shall not be (b) will not be (d) may not be

(xi) You __________ ring the bell as I have a key to the door.

(a) need not (b) shall not (c) must not (d) cannot


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(xii) I know him well. He __________ my classmate since we were at school.

(a) was (b) has been (c) would have been (d) had to be

(xiii) Would you mind __________ the bag for me?

(a) hold (b) to hold (c) holding (d) the hold of

2.13 Fill in the blanks in the following sentence by selecting any one of the given options:

(i) What colour are you going to have your house painted? We will __________.

(a) paint it white (b) paint white

(c) have it white painted (d) have it painted white

(ii) Who is the new secretary of the club? The members __________ recently.

(a) elected Rimsha secretary (b) elected Rimsha as secretary

(c) elected secretary to Rimsha (d) elected secretary Rimsha

(iii) Will Raza drive to Karachi? No his father persuaded him __________.

(a) for not driving (b) not for driving

(c) not to drive (d) to not drive

(iv) Do you speak Persian? Yes, I learned __________ In Iran.

(a) it how it speaks (b) how to speak it

(c) speaking to it (d) it to speak

(v) Fatima talks a lot; doesn't she? Yes she does although there is no reason for _________.

(a) so much her talking (b) her so much talking

(c) her talking so much (d) what the reason can

(vi) Why is Murtaza so late? I do not know __________ be.

(a) what can the reason (b) can what the reason

(c) what the reason (d) what the reason can

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(vii) Everyone wonders why you took such a risk. I wish they would __________.

(a) stop to guess (b) stop in their guessing

(c) stop guessing (d) stop from guessing

(viii) Can he swim? I don't think he knows __________.

(a) to swim (b) how to swim

(c) how can he swim (d) the swimming

(ix) He ______from his long tour and so he doesn't want to be disturbed at this odd hour.

(a) has lately returned (b) has returned late

(c) has returned latest (d) lately has returned

(x) You have done very well, __________

(a) haven't you? (b) have you ever? (c) isn't it? (d) is it?

(xi) It is better not __________such silly questions.

(a) raising (b) to rise (c) to raise (d) to lift

(xii) As I looked down the height my head began to __________.

(a) swim (b) turn (c) circle (d) wheel

(xiii) Please get out of my way, you are __________me in my way.

(a) stopping (b) preventing (c) hindering (d) Interfering

2.14 Fill in the blanks with appropriate auxiliary verbs. Choose your answers from the options given in the brackets.

(i) When I was young, I __________ run four miles at a stretch. (could / can / might)

(ii) Why __________ you not attend the meeting yesterday. (could / can / will)

(iii) The doctor said he __________ operate on the patient. (will / would / shall)


© Emile Woolf International 13 The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan

(iv) Behave towards others as you __________ like them to behave towards you. (would / will / could)

(v) If I were a king, I __________ make all my dreams come true. (will / can /would)

(vi) You __________ take one of those books if you like. (can / must / should)

(vii) I __________rather read a book than watch that ridiculous movie. (would / should / must)

(viii) If I __________ interrupt you for a moment, Sir, how is this new scheme going to improve the situation? (would / should / might)

(ix) Farmers use fertilizers so that they __________ have a rich harvest. (may / should /would)

(x) She says she __________ have her own way in the matter. (can /must / might)

2.15 Use appropriate modal auxiliary verbs in the blanks to express the idea indicated in the brackets.

(i) We __________ visit our friend in the hospital tomorrow. (Futurity)

(ii) I __________ do this job myself. (Ability)

(iii) It __________ rain tonight. (Possibility)

(iv) The exams __________ be postponed. (Remote possibility)

(v) __________ I get you a gift for your birthday? (Offer)

(vi) We __________ be truthful. (Compulsion)

(vii) You __________ give them a costly gift. (Absence of obligation or necessity)

(viii) When I was younger, I __________ run four miles in 20 minutes. (Past ability)

(ix) My grandmother __________ tell me many stories. (A habitual activity in the past)

(x) We __________ walk around the hill every day. (A practice in the past)

(xi) I __________ rather listen than talk. (Preference)

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(xii) The cashier __________ meet the Manager. (Absence of courage)

(xiii) Children __________ be given healthy food. (Advice)

(xiv) Candidates __________ produce their identity cards. (Compulsion)

(xv) __________ you get me some tea, please? (Polite request)

(xvi) __________ you mind moving a bit? (Polite request)

(xvii) You __________ have done that. (Absence of obligation)

(xviii) She __________ to mend her ways. (Strong obligation/necessity)

(xix) She __________ read when she was three. (Past ability)

(xx) Glass __________ be blown. (Theoretical possibility)

2.16 Complete the following sentences using the simple past or present perfect tense form of the verb.

(i) I __________ the admission card. I __________ it two days ago.

a) have received, received

b) received, have received

c) received, received

d) have received, have received

(ii) I __________ the fee. I __________ it only yesterday.

a) paid, paid

b) have paid, paid

c) have paid, have paid

d) paid, have paid

(iii) My uncle __________ from the States. He __________ on Friday.

a) came, arrived

b) came, has arrived

c) has come, arrived

d) has come, has arrived


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(iv) I don’t think I will pass the test. I __________ only nine questions.

a) answered

b) have answered

c) had answered

(v) I __________ non-vegetarian food.

a) never tasted

b) have never tasted

c) had never tasted

(vi) I __________ my aunt two months ago. I __________ her since then.

a) have visited, have not seen

b) visited, did not see

c) visited, have not seen

d) have visited, have not seen

(vii) They __________ the construction two months ago, but we __________ in only two weeks ago.

a) completed, moved

b) have completed, have moved in

c) completed, have moved in

d) have complete, moved in

(viii) When Rizwan __________ to the forest, Sara and Shazia __________ him.

a) has gone, accompanied

b) went, accompanied

c) has gone, has accompanied

d) went, has accompanied

(ix) He __________ ill last month. He __________ as yet.

a) fell, has not recovered

b) has fallen, has not recovered

c) fell, did not recover

d) has fallen, did not recover

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(x) I __________ my aunt only once.

a) saw

b) have seen

c) have been seeing

d) did not see

2.17 Complete the following sentences using an appropriate verb form and a time expression.

(i) __________ this town __________ 1990. (not visit)

(ii) He __________ with us __________ over five years. (work)

(iii) They __________ each other __________ two years. (know)

(iv) We __________ not __________ on friendly terms __________ nearly two years. (be)

(v) What __________ (do) since 10 o’clock this morning?

(vi) I __________ not __________ to my native place __________ last January. (be)

(vii) He __________ (not pay) his monthly subscription __________ a year now.

(viii) We __________ (be) in touch with each other __________ one year.

(ix) His son __________ (undergo) treatment __________ two months.

(x) __________ when __________ you __________ music? (learn)

2.18 Complete the following sentences using an appropriate verb form that indicates the idea given in the brackets.

(i) My mother __________ (get) up at 5 am. (Habitual action in the past)

(ii) Worldly pleasures __________ (be) temporary. (General truth)

(iii) They __________ (rehearse) for the program. (Action in progress)

(iv) None of us __________ (see) Shakespeare. (Completed action)

(v) His father __________ (die) last month. (Completed action)


© Emile Woolf International 17 The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan

(vi) I __________ (get) ready. (Action going on at the moment of speaking)

(vii) When I was young, I __________ (play) football every day. (Habitual action in the past)

(viii) When we __________ (sleep) a thief __________ (break) into our house.

(ix) If I __________ (work) hard, I __________ (pass) (Unfulfilled condition)

2.19 Fill in the blanks with the appropriate tense forms indicating future.

(i) __________ we __________ tomorrow?

a) Would, meet b) Will, meet c) Do, meet

(ii) I think it __________ tomorrow.

a) rains b) will rain c) would rain

(iii) Members __________ all the books immediately for verification.

a) return b) are to return c) would return

(iv) We __________ a blood donation camp tomorrow in our college.

a) will organize b) are organizing c) organize

(v) They __________ the Minister at 4 o’clock.

a) will be meeting b) are meeting c) Either ‘will be meeting’ or ‘are meeting’

(vi) The chief guest __________

a) is about to arrive b) arrives c) would arrive

(vii) The members of the opposition __________ the bill.

a) are opposing b) are going to oppose

c) Either ‘are opposing’ or ‘are going to oppose’

(viii) By the time you come back, I __________ the dinner.

a) will prepare b) will be preparing c) will have prepared

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(ix) He __________ half the distance before afternoon.

a) will cover b) will have covered c) will be covering

(x) We __________ Karachi by 3 p.m. tomorrow.

a) will reach b) will be reaching c) will have reached

2.20 Complete the following sentences using an appropriate auxiliary verb form.

(i) You have been riding non-stop for hours. You __________ be very tired.

a) must b) can c) ought

(ii) She __________ be about forty.

a) must b) can c) will

(iii) I know I left my phone on this table and it is not here now. Somebody __________ it.

a) must take b) must have taken c) can have taken

(iv) That __________ be true. She will never do something like that.

a) can’t b) shouldn’t c) shall

(v) You __________ him a fool. It really upset him.

a) shouldn’t call b) shouldn’t have called c) can’t have called

(vi) The doctor said I __________ give up smoking.

a) must b) can c) ought

(vii) __________ you mind standing up for a moment?

a) Should b) Would c) Either could be used here

(viii) That was a bad place to go hiking. You __________ your back.

a) could have broken b) should have broken c) would have broken

(ix) ‘Who is at the door?’ ‘It __________ be the postman.’

a) must b) could c) Either could be used here


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2.21 Complete the following sentences using an appropriate form of the verb.

(i) Suddenly she gave a loud scream and __________ to the ground. (fell / had

fallen / has fallen)

(ii) After questioning he __________ to go home. (allowed / was allowed /had allowed)

(iii) They would have won if they __________ a bit harder. (played / had played / play)

(iv) She __________ to say that she disagreed. (heard / was heard / had heard)

(v) Although they __________ defeated, they did not lose heart. (were / are / have been)

(vi) Our teacher taught us that virtue __________ its own reward. (is / are / will be)

(vii) The teacher asked the boys whether they __________ the problems. (had solved / have solved / will solve)

(viii) He declared that he would not believe it even if he __________ it with his own eyes. (see / saw / would see)

(ix) The room __________ but the police failed to find anything suspicious.

(searched / was searched / had searched)

(x) The government has announced that taxes __________ (would be raised / will be raised / will raise)

2.22 Complete the following sentences.

(i) We __________ in this house for the past three years .

a) are staying

b) have been staying

c) have stayed

d) Either ‘have stayed’ or ‘have been staying’

(ii) The students __________ on an educational tour.

a) went

b) have gone

c) Either ‘went’ or ‘have gone’.

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(iii) Only those students who __________ ‘A’ grades will be considered for admission.

a) have secured

b) have been securing

c) are secured

(iv) Sorry I am late. __________ you __________ long?

a) Have, been waiting

b) Have, waited

c) Are, waiting

(v) If you __________ that book, you should return it to the library.

a) have been reading

b) have read

c) are reading

(vi) Sorry about the mess – I __________ the walls.

a) have painted

b) have been painting

c) am painting

(vii) You __________ ten candies since lunchtime.

a) have been eating

b) have eaten

c) are eating

(viii) I __________ six letters since morning.

a) have been writing

b) have written

c) am writing

(ix) I __________ a lot of films recently.

a) have watched

b) have been watching

c) am watching

(x) I __________ three films this week.

a) have watched

b) have been watching

c) watched

d) Either ‘watched’ or ‘have watched’


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2.23 Complete the following sentences.

(i) The prize was __________ away by Manchester United.

a) born b) borne c) bore

(ii) The arches have __________ the weight quite satisfactorily.

a) born b) borne c) bored

(iii) He was __________ to poor parents.

a) born b) borne

(iv) She has __________ four children in five years.

a) born b) borne

(v) He __________ Rs. 2000 for the picture.

a) bid b) bade c) bode

(vi) He __________ them farewell.

a) bid b) bade

(vii) After I had __________ him farewell, I hurried away.

a) bid b) bade c) bidden

(viii) I __________ him go away at once.

a) bid b) bade c) bidden

(ix) The Minister __________ the foundation stone of the new hospital.

a) lied b) laid c) lay

(x) The farmer killed the goose that had __________ a golden egg.

a) laid b) lain c) lied

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3.1 Write the plurals of the following words:

(i) medium

(ii) spoonful

(iii) father-in-law

(iv) enemy

(v) mouse

(vi) foot

3.2 Change the gender of the underlined nouns in the following sentences.

(i) The manager is still a bachelor.

(ii) Their queen is a widow.

(iii) The author is writing a book about the emperor.

(iv) The manservant has worked many years for the duke.

(v) The landlord owns a stallion and a peacock.

3.3 Choose the correct word from each pair in the brackets to fill in the blank spaces in the following passage:

One ___________ (womans’/woman’s) work has changed __________ (peoples’/

people’s) ideas about ______________(chimpanzee/chimpanzees). Jane Goodall

lived in a forest in Tanzania for ___________ (years / year’s) to learn about them.

____________ (Goodall/Goodall’s) notes tell about the __________ (chimp’s /

chimps’) forest habitat and the animals themselves. She watched a chimp use a piece

of grass to get ___________ (termites / Termites) from their mound. Goodall’s

research proved that chimps use __________ (tools / tool’s) to get food.


© Emile Woolf International 23 The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan

3.4 Combine the following sentences into a single sentence by using a relative pronoun.

(i) Manufacturers can offer lower prices. Their costs are lower because of mass production.

(ii) The candidate lost the election. I voted for the candidate.

(iii) The position of accountant had already been filled. He had applied for the position of accountant.

(iv) The artist had painted several award winning paintings. I can’t remember his name.

3.5 Fill in the blanks using the appropriate pronouns given below:

her hers his His my our ours their

Last week, we had a party at (i) ______ house. Many guests were invited, and there were lots of cars parked outside. At the end of the party, only three persons were left: Arshad, Fauzia and I. However, there were four cars. One of them was a Volkswagon. I didn’t remember seeing it before, so I asked whose car it was.

Arshad said it wasn’t (ii) ______ car. (iii______) is a Toyota pick-up. When I asked Fauzia if it was (iv) ______, she said no, (v) ______ car is a Honda City. I knew it wasn’t (vi) ______ car, of course. Finally, I called the police, and they came and examined it. They said it belonged to a family on the next street. Someone stole it from (vii) ______ driveway and left it on (viii) ______.

3.6 Select most suitable word given against each sentence to fill in the blank.

(i) He rolls in __________.

a) rich b) the rich c) riches d) the riches

(ii) __________ is a good exercise.

a) walking b) to walk c) the walking d) having walked

(iii) Ali and __________ are fast friends.

a) me b) I c) myself d) yourself

(iv) They are more intelligent persons than __________.

a) us b) ourselves c) we d) ourself

(v) He acquitted __________ of the charge honourably.

a) him b) his c) himself d) none of these

(vi) Between you and __________ I have no faith in his honesty.

a) I b) myself c) mine d) Me

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3.7 Select most suitable word given against each sentence to fill in the blank.

(i) This book is mine and that is __________.

a) your b) your's c) yours d) you

(ii) We seldom see __________ as others see us.

a) us b) ourselves c) ourself d) ours

(iii) In a democratic country one must be regardful of __________ duties.

a) his b) your c) oneself d) one's

(iv) Did he get a new shirt? Yes, he bought __________ one.

a) himself b) him c) for himself d) his

(v) He left for Lahore by the __________ train.

a) half past eight b) eight thirty

c) eight thirty O'clock d) thirty minutes past eight

(vi) Who is the __________boy to enter the hall?

a) latest b) least c) last d) Lately

3.8 Fill in each blank with the correct reflexive pronoun:

(i) Why can’t you guys do it ________________?

(ii) I hurt ________________ while I was skiing.

(iii) He never took any classes. He taught ________________.

(iv) Did they write that essay ________________?

(v) I live by ________________.

(vi) Why doesn’t she do it ________________?

(vii) He saw ________________ in the mirror.

(viii) She likes to think of ________________ as a good person.

(ix) I can’t see ________________ doing that.

(x) You don’t respect ________________.


© Emile Woolf International 25 The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan

3.9 Write the correct plural form for each noun (ex. THESIS � THESES):

1. WOLF: __________________

2. THESIS: __________________

3. CRISIS: __________________

4. ANTENNA: __________________

5. SHEEP: __________________

6. DEER: __________________

7. MOUSE: __________________

8 CHILD: ____________________

9. SCARF: _________________

10. ECHO: ________________

11. CHERRY: _____________

12. KNIFE: ______________

13. ENEMY: ________________

14. BABY: ______________

15. APOLOGY: _____________________

3.10 Choose the correct response (singular or plural):

1. Tell your ______________ (brother/brothers) to pick up his car.

2. Maria is the only ______________ (people/person) that I can trust.

3. Many of my ______________ (friend/friends) live in this neighborhood.

4. That’s her... The ______________ (girl/girls) I told you about!

5. Tell your ______________ (cousin/cousins) to show us their photos.

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3.11 Choose whether each noun requires MUCH or MANY:

1. How _________________ coffee do you drink per day?

2. How _________________ cups of coffee do you drink per day?

3. How _________________ progress has he made?

4. How _________________ gas do we have left?

5. How _________________ cake did you eat?

6. How ________________ pieces of cake did you eat?

7. How _________________ people live in this city?

8. How _________________ time do we have?

9. How _________________ times have you been to Spain?

10. How _________________ furniture are you going to buy?

3.12 Choose the correct PLURAL form of each word.

1. She wears a lot of gold _________________ (necklace/necklaces).

2. I used to have long _________________ (hair/hairs).

3. I ate a lot of _________________. (rice/rices)

4. I want to sell a lot of my _________________ (stuff/stuffs).

5. They lost my _________________ (luggage/luggages).

3.13 Complete the following sentences using appropriate relative pronouns.

1. The thief __________ stole the bicycle has been caught.

a) that

b) which

c) who

d) that or who


© Emile Woolf International 27 The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan

2. Show me the road __________ leads to the railway station.

a) that

b) which

c) who

d) that or which

3. He __________ does his best should be rewarded.

a) who

b) that

c) which

d) who or that


4. My grandfather, __________ I loved, is dead.

a) who

b) that

c) which

d) whom

5. That boy __________ you see there sings very well.

a) whom

b) that

c) which

d) whom or that

6. Coal, __________ is a very useful mineral, is found in many parts of India.

a) that

b) which

c) who

d) who or that

7. We bought some apples from __________ we extracted the juice.

a) who

b) whom

c) which

d) whose

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3.14 Fill in the blanks with suitable pronouns.

1. Jehangir and Shehzad are brothers. I know __________ very well and my

father likes __________ very much.

2. This book has many interesting pictures and stories. I like __________ very


3. The woman gave sweets to the children, but __________ did not thank


4. The teacher said, ‘Hamza, you’re a naughty boy. __________ don’t obey

__________ ’

5. The boys were late so the teacher scolded __________

6. We have a good teacher. __________ advised __________ to work harder.

7. My father told my mother, ‘I want __________ to take these jewels and put

__________ in a box. When__________ have done that come and see

__________ and __________ will tell __________ don’t want __________

to keep __________ in that box.

3.15 Complete the following sentences using appropriate relative pronouns.

1. I talked to the man __________ bag was stolen.

a) whose

b) who’s

c) which

2. I don’t know __________ he wants.

a) that

b) what

c) which

3. It is an ill wind __________ blows nobody good.

a) that

b) what

c) Either could be used here


© Emile Woolf International 29 The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan

4. God helps those __________ help themselves.

a) who

b) which

c) whom

5. Please try to understand __________ I mean.

a) that

b) what

c) which

6. The flowers __________ grow on the mountains are very beautiful.

a) which

b) that

c) Either could be used here

7. This is the only chapter in the book __________ is worth reading.

a) that

b) which

c) Either could be used here

8. All __________ you say is certainly true.

a) that

b) what

c) Either could be used here

9. He __________ dies for a noble cause lives forever.

a) who

b) whom

c) Either could be used here

10. I hope the little __________ I have done has been useful.

a) which

b) that

c) Either could be used here

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3.16 Combine each of the following pairs of sentences using appropriate relative pronouns.

1. He is a cheerful boy. Everybody loves him.

2. This is the house. Salim built it.

3. He is the person. I want to see him.

4. He is the offender. The police have arrested him.

5. My father hardly received any formal education. He went on to become a

great leader.

6. He was my teacher. I will never forget him.

7. This is the player. The committee selected him captain.

8. That is the road. It leads to the railway station.

9. My uncle died last week. He had been ailing for a while.

10. The car dashed against a tree. It was going at over 100 mph.

3.17 Complete the following sentences using a demonstrative or interrogative pronoun.

1. __________ is that boy sitting next to Daniyal?

2. __________ was a horrible experience.

3. __________ are our children.

4. __________ is the road that leads to the railway station?

5. __________ told you this story?

6. __________ do you mean?

7. __________ shall we invite to preside over the function?

8. __________ is your phone?

9. Are the people living in a village happier than __________ living in a town ?

10. __________ is your father?


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11. __________ is the house that belongs to my grandfather.

12. __________ shall we contact?

13. __________ can answer this question?

14. __________ bag is this?

3.18 Combine the following pairs of sentences using a relative pronoun.

1. The parcel reached me this morning. My brother sent it.

2. The boy didn’t do his homework. The teacher punished him.

3. He tells lies. He deserves to be punished.

4. I know a man. He wears a prosthetic leg.

5. Bring me the file. The file is on the table.

6. We met a girl. The girl had lost her way.

7. I saw a soldier. He had lost an arm.

8. Once upon a time there lived a giant. The giant was very powerful and cruel.

9. The dog bit the burglar. He was trying to break into the house.

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3.19 Say whether the italicized nouns are common, proper, collective or abstract. Put a tick mark against your answer.

1. The jury has announced its verdict.

a) Common

b) Proper

c) Abstract

d) Collective

2. Shazia makes models from clay.

a) Common

b) Proper

c) Abstract

d) Collective

3. Safvan took out his pen and began to make notes.

a) Common

b) Proper

c) Abstract

d) Collective

4. The crocodiles in the river snapped angrily at the boat.

a) Common

b) Proper

c) Abstract

d) Collective

5. The boys on bicycles delivered pamphlets.

e) Common

f) Proper

g) Abstract

h) Collective

6. Cleopatra was known for her beauty.

a) Common

b) Proper

c) Abstract

d) Collective


© Emile Woolf International 33 The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan

7. Always speak the truth.

a) Common

b) Proper

c) Abstract

d) Collective

8. The Nile overflows its banks every year.

a) Common

b) Proper

c) Abstract

d) Collective

9. I believe in his innocence.

a) Common

b) Proper

c) Abstract

d) Collective

10. The elephant has great strength.

a) Common

b) Proper

c) Abstract

d) Collective

3.20 Form abstract nouns from the following adjectives.

1. Long ————————–

2. Strong ————————–

3. Wide ————————–

4. Young ————————–

5. Humble ————————–

6. Decent ————————–

7. Cruel ————————–

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8. Bitter ————————–

9. Prudent ————————–

10. Dark ————————–

11. Wise ————————–

12. Good ————————–

13. Vacant ————————–

14. Sweet ————————–

15. Human ————————–

16. Free ————————–

17. Proud ————————–

18. Brave ————————–

19. Novel ————————–

20. Poor ————————–

21. Just ————————–

22. Vain ————————–

23. Sane ————————–

24. Ignorant ————————–

3.21 Complete the following sentences using appropriate collective nouns.

1. A __________ of locusts attacked a __________ of cattle.

2. A __________ of birds is always a beautiful sight.

3. They welcomed the chief guest with a __________ of flowers.

4. As we drove down the country side, we saw a__________ of sheep grazing in the fields.

5. The __________ of thieves has been arrested by the police.

6. There we saw a man carrying a __________ of clothes on his head.

7. A __________ of musicians was hired to perform at the party.

8. My friend has a fine __________ of old stamps.


© Emile Woolf International 35 The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan


4.1 Insert the appropriate articles in each of the following sentences:

There was (i) programme on television about dangers to (ii) environment. There was also (iii) article about pollution in the paper. (iv) ozone layer will continue to disappear if we don’t find a way to stop it.Last year, (v) oil tanker spilled oil into (vi) sea, damaging wild life. If (vii) Earth was (viii) human being, it would be in hospital.

4.2 Use appropriate article or preposition, if necessary

(i) _______ Man is mortal.

(ii) _______only chance you are left with is to reappear next year.

(iii) _______ apple _____ day keeps ______ doctor away.

(iv) Doctor Ali will operate_____ my mother tomorrow.

(v) The principal has assured me that he will look _____ my application sympathetically.

(vi) I usually go ______ my office _____ 8:30 am. ______ the morning.

4.3 Use appropriate article against the numbers, if necessary

This is a true story about (1) man who chose (2) worst possible time for his crime. It happened in Karachi in (3) winter of 2012. He stole a car in Karachi. (4) owner of (5) car soon discovered that it was missing and immediately informed (6) police so that they could look for it. Normally, Karachi is quite (7) busy place and it would be difficult to find what you were looking for. On this day, however, there was (8) strike and so there were only few cars moving around in the city. Luckily (9) thief was quickly found and arrested for (10) illegal act.

4. 4 From the adverbs given below, make the right selection and insert it in its correct position in the appropriate sentence.

hard safely fluently very often increasingly (i) Shahid loved to read books on literature and would walk for miles to borrow a


(ii) A number of people in Pakistan speak two or three languages.

(iii) It was a very steep path to the mountain peak but all the climbers reached the top.

(iv) The local Sunday bazar is becoming crowded and dirty.

(v) If you practice, you might become a star cricketer one day.

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4.5 Complete the sentences with adjectives ending in –able, or –ible, derived from the verbs given in brackets.

(i) Many currencies are now (convert).

(ii) His moods are very (change).

(iii) He is in an (envy) position of ruling over the whole empire.

(iv) Only a limited number of mushrooms are (eat).

(v) Children’s minds are (impress).

4.6 Insert the correct preposition in each of the following sentences:

(i) As responsible citizens, it is our obligation to abide ________ the decisions of the courts.

(ii) Please place the director’s mail ________ the outward-tray.

(iii) The new financial year begins ________ July 1, 2015.

(iv) He continues to spend money ________ luxuries in spite of his meagre income.

(v) Are you aware ________ your friend’s wedding next month?

(vi) What was she looking ________ in this room?

4.7 Insert the correct preposition in each of the following sentences:

(i) Though the employee knew every detail of what was done ________ the closed doors, he decided not to disclose it.

(ii) The fire destroyed everything and she had to re-build her business ________ scratch.

(iii) The officers often came ________fire for mismanagement.

(iv) Most military bases are totally ________ of bounds for reporters.

(v) If you can find a use for this old computer, ________ all means keep it.

(vi) We are running out of time so let’s get over ________ the shopping.

(vii) The terms of this agreement are not acceptable to me so I will not be a party ________ it.

(viii) The heiress will claim her property when she comes ________ age.

(ix) We should never look down ________ the poor.


© Emile Woolf International 37 The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan

4.8 Insert appropriate prepositions into the following sentences:

(i) The thieves entered the house ________ the broken window.

(ii) I must complete this assignment ________ my supervisor returns from his


(iii) We are familiar and satisfied ________ your company’s products.

(iv) ________ the beginning of a book, there is often a table of contents.

(v) The dinner served at the wedding was fit ________ a king.

(vi) I can’t put ________ with his aggressive attitude anymore.

(vii) In the past few years there has been a marked increase ________ the cost

________ living in the country.

4.9 Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions:

(i) Corn is roasted __________ fire.

(ii) Wheat, cotton and sugarcane are three ______ the most important crops.

(iii) Both men and women help ______ the planting of seeds.

(iv) Cooking is usually done ________ clay pots.

4.10 Complete each of the following sentences with the positive, comparative or superlative form of the adverb given in brackets:

(i) The ______ you study, the poorer your marks will be. (little)

(ii) Seagulls fly ______ than ducks do. (well)

(iii) The ______ you exercise, the stronger you will become. (more)

(iv) He explains the subject the ______ of all the teachers in the school. (well)

(v) The ______ I walk, the more refreshed I feel. (far)

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4.11 Insert prepositions in the following:

(i) These terms are very harsh; I doubt that CEO will agree ______ them.

(ii) I’m afraid that I have to agree ________ your opinion about the new actuary.

(iii) The trainees are not yet conversant ________ our mode of operation.

(iv) The new aircraft that your firm purchased are identical ______ ours.

(v) Before long a prospective buyer will walk _____ the office.

(vi) The fireplace is a reminiscent ______ those found in Victorian architecture.

(vii) The paper weight fell _____ his desk.

(viii) The president was accompanied ________ the firm’s chief counsel.

4.12 Fill in the following blanks with suitable prepositions:

(i) I am not familiar ______ your style of working.

(ii) Amir is fond______ music.

(iii) Your pencil is lying______ the table.

(iv) I prefer juice______ tea.

(v) He purposely refrained ______ saying more.

(vi) I exchanged my calculator ______ him ______ a camera.

4.13 Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition:

(i) He lives ______ 19, Tower Road.

(ii) Dani and his friend will divide the money ______ themselves.

(iii) He has been away ______ Friday.

(iv) Imran, Nawaz and Raheel will discuss the matter ______ themselves.

(v) I have known her______ last year.

(vi) There are many possibilities ______ the one I have mentioned.


© Emile Woolf International 39 The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan

4.14 Fill in the blank spaces in the following sentence by selecting any one of the given answers.

1. He avenged himself __________ his enemy.

(a) to (b) from (c) of (d) upon

2. We must have complete trust __________ God.

(a) on (b) at (c) in (d) of

3. He died __________ cholera.

(a) of (b) from (c) with (d) to

4. I am unable to understand __________ You expect of me.

(a) what (b) where (c) who (d) whom

5. No sooner did he meet me__________ He started narrating that tale to me.

(a) when (b) then (c) than (d) before

6. She is __________ finest of all the singers I have met so far.

(a) a (b) the (c) an (d) no article

7. He is __________ Weak to carry this heavy box.

(a) very (b) much (c) so (d) Too

4.15 Select the most suitable option given against each sentence to fill in the blank.

1. Please introduce me __________ your friend.

(a) with (b) to (c) from (d) of

2. It is very difficult for anyone to part__________ his belongings.

(a) from (b) off (c) with (d) of

3. Kindly look __________ this word in the dictionary.

(a) at (b) upon (c) out (d) for

4. Professor Ali will take __________ as a new principal tomorrow.

(a) over (b) upon

(c) to (d) no preposition

5. We all have to adjust ourselves __________ new circumstances.

(a) with (b) to (c) from (d) in

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6. His behavior borders__________ lunacy.

(a) over (b) at (c) upon (d) Into

7. Your experience counts__________ nothing in this job.

(a) upon (b) for (c) as (d) to

8. You had better not count__________ an increase in your salary this year.

(a) upon (b) for (c) to (d) about

9. He had reached__________ the station before the train started.

(a) at (b) on

(c) to (d) no preposition

10. Young fans clustered__________ the film star.

(a) about (b) round (c) on (d) Upon

4.16 Select the most suitable option given against each sentence to fill in the blank.

1. She is __________ accomplished girl.

(a) a (b) the (c) an (d) no article

2. Do not be in such __________ hurry.

(a) the (b) an (c) a (d) no article

3. What sort of __________ man is he.

(a) an (b) a (c) the (d) no article

4. I have not heard the __________ news.

(a) last (b) latest (c) lasting (d) none of these

5. His smile was always __________ and never forced.

(a) full (b) complete (c) spontaneous (d) ready

6. The new weapons were not __________

(a) enough effective (b) effective enough

(c) effectively enough (d) enough of effective

7. His arguments are as__________

(a) follows (b) follow (c) following (d) none of these

8. I stared at him __________ he spoke.

(a) while (b) when (c) whenever (d) none of these


© Emile Woolf International 41 The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan

9. Scarcely had he gone to bed __________someone knocked at the door.

(a) than (b) when (c) then (d) while

10. Walk quickly __________you should miss the bus.

(a) so that (b) so as (c) unless (d) lest

11. He walks __________he were lame.

(a) as though (b) as (c) because (d) last

12. The boss is __________ pleased with you now-a-days.

(a) too (b) very (c) much (d) enough

4.17 Fill in each blank with the proper article (more than one may be acceptable). If no article is required, write “no article”:

I don't usually watch ______________ (1) action movies, but this one was really

interesting. It was about ______________(2) man who tried to rescue his family from

______________ (3) hostages. ______________(4) hostages kidnap his family and

ask the man to give them_______________ (5) Rs.1,000,000 to set them free. He

tells them that he will deliver _______________ (6) money, but he actually ends up

rescuing his family without paying anything. ______________ (7) movie was well

made, with a lot of ______________ (8) interesting scenes. _________________ (9)

acting was so-so, but the special effects were amazing! It wasn't the best film that I've

ever seen, but, like I said, it was _______________ (10) pretty good one.

4.18 Fill in each blank with the proper article (more than one may be acceptable). If no article is required, write “no article”:

After seeing that there was no milk in ______________ (1) refrigerator, Sher Khan

decided to go to ______________ (2) supermarket to buy some. It took him

______________ (3) long time to get there because there was ______________(4)

lot of traffic on ______________ (5) way. As he got to ______________(6)

supermarket, he realized that he had left his wallet at ____________ (7) home. So, he

got back in ______________ (8) car and drove home. Once he got home, he decided

that he was too tired to go out again. "I don't feel like driving all ______________(9)

way to the supermarket", he thought. "Too bad there isn't ______________(10)

convenience store around here."

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4.19 Choose whether each sentence requires THE or NO ARTICLE.

1. I work at ______________ home.

2. My sister works in ______________ center of the city.

3. My friend works at ______________ New York Times.

4. I work for ______________ IBM.

5. I work for ______________ government.

6. I work in ______________ same building as my brother.

7. Three of my friends work in ______________ New York City.

8. My cousin got a job at ______________ Microsoft.

9. My wife and I used to work together, but now we work in ______________

different places.

4.20 Choose whether each geographical place requires a definite article (THE), or NO ARTICLE.

1. ________ Dominican Republic

2. ________ Atlantic Ocean

3. ________ Paris

4. ________ Rocky Mountains

5. ________ Tokyo

6. ________ China

7. ________ Mediterranean Sea

8. ________ Caribbean

9. ________ Europe

10. ________ Mexico

11. ________ United States


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12. ________ Canada

13. ________ Pacific Ocean

14. ________ South Africa

15. ________ New York City

16. ________ Netherlands

17. ________ Alps

18. ________ Los Angeles

19. ________ Sea of Japan

20. ________ Argentina

4.21 Change each irregular adverb into either its comparative or superlative form, depending on the context (EX. well --> better or well --> best)

1. Amna speaks Japanese ________________ (badly) than I do.

2. I smile ________________ (much) than my sister.

3. His uncle lives ________________ (far) from you than I thought.

4. I sleep ________________ (little) than 8 hours a day.

5. He reads the ________________ (much) out of all the students.

6. I ate the ________________ (little) out of all my brothers.

7. Saira's son behaved the ________________ (well) out of all the children.

8. Nabiha sang the ________________ (badly) out of all the girls in the choir.

9. Out of all the students, Maria lives the ________________ (far) from the


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4.22 Choose whether the missing word should be an adverb or an adjective. REMEMBER: Adjectives often answer the question what kind? and adverbs often answer the question how?

1. I was ________ with my test results.

a) happy

b) happily

2. Maryam is the most ________ person I know.

a) honestly

b) honest

3. The test was very ________.

a) simple

b) simply

4. They explained it to me ________.

a) clearly

b) clear

5. It was ________ of him to buy his mother flowers.

a) thoughtfully

b) thoughtful

6. I ________ don't know.

a) honestly

b) honest

7. The band was ________.

a) loudly

b) loud

8. I'm glad that you're ________.

a) safely

b) safe

9. He goes to this bar ________.

a) regularly

b) regular


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4.23 Choose the response that sounds more natural:

1. Hans is a ________ architect.

a) successful German

b) German successful

2. The sculpture has an ________ shape.

a) square interesting

b) interesting square

3. She only wears ________ clothes.

a) expensive designer

b) designer expensive

4. The ________ sweater is very warm.

a) wool Italian

b) Italian wool

5. It's close to the ________ building.

a) big blue

b) blue big

6. He wore his ________ hat to the party.

a) black big

b) big black

7. This is ________ development!

a) a new exciting

b) an exciting new

8. She sold the ________ chairs at a yard sale.

a) old wooden

b) wooden old  

9. He called me ________ man!

a) an old fat

b) a fat old

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4.24 Choose the correct response for each sentence:

1. Our customers are almost always ________ with their purchases.

a) satisfying b) satisfied

2. I couldn’t drive to work because of the ________ rain.

a) freezing b) frozen 

3. I was ________ to find out she was younger than me.

a) shocking b) shocked

4. Why did the cat run away? Because it was ________.

a) frightened b) frightening

5. I don’t find his jokes particularly ________.

a) amused b) amusing

6. You forgot her name? That is so ________!

a) embarrassed b) embarrassing

7. I heard that movie is really ________.

a) depressed b) depressing

8. His alibi wasn’t very ________.

a) convincing b) convinced

9. Our apartment building was ________ during the storm.

a) damaged b) damaging

4.25 Change the following adjectives into adverbs:

1. EASY ________

2. ANNUAL ________

3. FAST ________

4. CHEERFUL ________


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6. HARD ________

7. TERRIBLE ________

8. EQUAL ________

9. LAZY ________

10. SIMPLE ________

4.26 Rewrite each sentence, changing the adjective in (brackets) to an adverb:

1. We walked very ___________. (quick)

2. He spoke very ___________. (eloquent)

3. We agreed ___________. (enthusiastic)

4. They were screaming ___________. (loud)

5. I ___________ declined. (polite)

6. My brother did ___________ on his exam. (poor)

7. Do it ___________. (careful)

8. I ___________ accepted his invitation. (happy)

4.27 Rewrite each sentence, placing the adverb in brackets in the correct position:

1. Sana watches scary movies. (never)

_______________________________________________ .

2. I eat cereal in the morning. (sometimes)

_______________________________________________ .

3. My team wins. (never)

_______________________________________________ .

4. My sister is very generous. (usually)

_______________________________________________ .

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5. Hamza is upset. (always)

_______________________________________________ .

6. He is so annoying! (sometimes)

_______________________________________________ .

7. I see him. (rarely)

_______________________________________________ .

8. I have done that. (never)

_______________________________________________ .

4.28 Write the opposite of each adjective or adverb (EX. happy: sad ):

1. skinny: _________

2. loudly: _________

3. open: _________

4. quickly: _________

5. hot: _________

6. better: _________

7. wrong: _________

8. worst: _________

9. late: _________

10. near: _________

4.29 Write the opposite of each adjective or adverb (EX. happy: sad ):

1. big: __________

2. expensive: __________

3. good: __________

4. well: __________


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5. boring: __________

6. rich: __________

7. long: __________

8. asleep: __________

9. stupid: __________

10. clean: __________

4.30 Choose whether each sentence requires a comparative form or a superlative form:

EX: He tried to speak more carefully than the other students. OR He spoke the most loudly out of the group.

1. He ran ___________ (faster/the fastest) out of all the runners.

2. We got here ___________ (later/the latest) than the other people.

3. Maryam and her sister were laughing ___________ (harder/the hardest) than

the other students.

4. We did ___________ (better/the best) out of all the contestants.

5. Ayaz speaks ___________ (more slowly/the most slowly) than his brother.

6. That woman looked at us ___________ (more suspiciously/the most

suspiciously) out of all the people there.

7. I finished my project ___________ (faster/the fastest) than all of my co-workers.

8. This glass broke ___________ (more easily/the most easily) than the others.

9. Farooq did ___________ (worse/the worst) out of all the students.

10. She played the accordion ___________ (more enthusiastically/the most

enthusiastically) out of all the potential candidates.

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4.31 Write the correct comparative form for each of the adverbs (in parentheses):

1. He ran ________ than the other runners. (fast)

2. We got here ________ than the other people. (soon)

3. Mr. Sabir checks our tests ________ than the other teachers. (carefully)

4. She was able to finish the exam ________ than me. (quickly)

5. He got up ________ than his wife did. (early)

6. Taimur explained the problem ________ than his friend. (clearly)

7. San Francisco is ________ from Los Angeles than San Diego is. (far)

8. Mary speaks ________ than her sister. (softly)

9. Could you speak ________? (slowly)

4.32 Choose the correct, most natural-sounding option to complete each of the following sentences:

1. I have ________ to see one of those animals.

a) yet b) already c) both can be used

2. Maria ________ left.

a) yet b) already c) both can be used

3. I can't see the mountains ________.

a) yet b) already c) both can be used

4. Has Maria called her mother ________?

a) yet b) already c) both can be used

5. No, she hasn't called her mother ________.

a) yet b) already c) both can be used

6. Yes, she has ________ called her.

a) yet b) already c) both can be used


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4.33 Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions. Choose your answers from the options given in the brackets.

1. This material is different _________ that. (from / to / with)

2. You should explain this _________ them. (to / at / with)

3. He has been absent _________ Monday. (since /for / from)

4. I haven’t been to the theatre _________ a long time. (since / for /from)

5. He goes _________ school by car. (to / at / on)

6. This is a comfortable house to live _________ (on / at / in)

7. They are called _________ different names. (by / with / for)

8. We should not spend money _________ luxuries. (for / on / with)

9. I gave him a chair to sit _________ (on / at / in)

10. The new term begins _________ June 1st. (on / in / from)

11. He poured the tea _________ the mug. (into / on / in)

12. He said that he was very pleased _________ my work. (with / on / at)

4.34 Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions of place.

1. Can you see a woman _________ the picture? (in / on / at)

2. London is _________ the river Thames. (on / at / in)

3. The man is sitting _________ a table. (in front of / in / to)

4. The mother sat _________ her children. (beside / besides / across)

5. There are a laptop and a few books _________ the table. (on / at / with)

6. He put the money _________ the box. (in / on / under)

7. The cat was hiding _________ the door. (behind / on / under)

8. Why do you wear that ring _________ your first finger? (in / on / at)

9. Can you see the helicopter _________ the palace? (above / under / on)

10. The plane was flying _________ Scotland. (along / across / above)

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4.35 Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

1. The villagers are steeped _________ ignorance and superstition.

2. Their customs are similar _________ ours.

3. I am suspicious _________ his true intentions.

4. He tampered _________ the office files.

5. I can testify _________ his honesty.

6. I am tired _________ reminding him about this.

7. He touched _________ unemployment and allied problems in his speech.

8. Be always true _________ your conscience.

9. He is wanting _________ sympathy and understanding.

10. Do not yield _________ such temptations.

11. Don’t run _________ others.

4.36 Complete the following sentences using appropriate prepositions.

1. A dog suddenly ran _________ the road. It was caught _________ the wheels

of a speeding truck.

2. I stood _________ the bridge and watched the sky _________

3. When she heard the news she burst _________ tears.

4. The boy was born _________ six o’clock _________ 3rd May.

5. I am staying _________ my friend _________ a lodge not far _________ here.

6. My father goes _________ bed _________ 10 o’clock _________ the night.

7. I would like to stay _________ you _________ two or three days.

8. I will be coming _________ your house _________ four o’clock _________ my



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4.37 Choose the best response for each question:

1. We tried to cross the river, but we couldn’t get _________.

a) along b) across c) above

2. She hung the painting _________ the table.

a) along b) across c) above

3. We passed _________ a lot of beautiful towns on the way to the resort.

a) along b) across c) through

4. Did you cross the river? No, we just walked _________ the shore.

a) along b) across c) through

5. We saw a deer when we were walking _________ in mountains.

a) at b) on c) in

6. Who was the first man _________ the moon?

a) at b) on c) in

7. Do it _________ the right time.

a) at b) on c) in

8. I’m _________ my way!

a) at b) on c) in

9. I bought our tickets _________ the ticket counter at the railway station.

a) at b) on c) in

10. She’s the most beautiful girl _________ the world.

a) at b) on c) in

4.38 Complete the following sentences using appropriate conjunctions. In some cases more than one conjunction may be possible.

1. Will you wait here _________ I come back?

a) until

b) unless

c) up to

2. I visit my grandparents _________ I have time.

a) when

b) whenever

c) Either could be used here

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3. The car is parked _________ the post office.

a) before

b) in front of

c) Either could be used here

4. He worked at a market _________ he went to university.

a) before

b) as

c) Either could be used here

5. I will make a cake _________ I have time.

a) if

b) unless

c) Either could be used here

6. _________ he received the message, he escaped from the city.

a) as soon as

b) as long as

c) Either could be used here

7. I don’t care what job you do _________ you are happy.

a) as long as

b) so long as

c) as far as

8. We must stay united _________ happens.

a) what

b) whatever

c) Either could be used here

9. You must finish it _________ you leave.

a) before

b) when

c) Either could be used here

10. He injured his toes _________ he was working in the garden.

a) while

b) whenever

c) before


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4.39 Complete the following sentences using appropriate conjunctions.

1. _________ he is honest, nobody trusts him.

2. _________ you tell me the truth, I will call the police.

3. He is not as clever _________ his younger brother.

4. He must be punished _________ he is guilty.

5. He will be punished _________ he is found guilty.

6. Give every man thy ear, _________ few thy voice.

7. He will die someday _________ all men are mortal.

8. He worked hard, _________ he might pass the examination.

9. I waited for him _________ 11 pm, but he didn’t come.

10. You will not get the prize _________ you deserve it.

11. It has been an year _________ I saw him.

12. No sooner did he see the tiger _________ he fainted.

13. Hardly had we reached the platform _________ the train arrived.

4.40 Combine each of the following pairs of sentences into a complex sentence, using an appropriate conjunction.

1. Many members have expressed concerns regarding the viability of the project. What will happen to it?

2. My child falls ill. There may be a slight change in the weather.

3. You don’t have to wait. You may be in a hurry.

4. I will buy the car. They have to reduce their asking price.

5. There may be an emergency. Ring 100.

6. The bank will make the loan. We should pledge our jewels.

7. I may not be able to sleep. I take the tablet.

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8. I don’t care what job you do. You have to be happy.

9. She read the telegram. She started crying.

10. You can go out to play. You have to finish your homework first.

4.41 Combine each of the following pairs of sentences, using conjunctions.

1. He was tired. He completed the work.

2. He may try hard. He will not succeed.

3. He talked about the Prime Minister. He gave the impression that he had known

him for years.

4. Some people speak in a certain manner. They create the impression that they

know everything.

5. You may or may not like it. We are going ahead with the plan.

6. You should give the respect due to others. Only then you will get respect.

4.42 Combine the following sentences using an appropriate conjunction.

1. Her clothes caught fire. She was cooking in the kitchen.

2. His sons are employed. He has no financial worries.

3. He knows only Urdu. He does not speak any other language.

4. I invited them. They did not come.

5. The weather was bad. Still he went out.

6. Julius Caesar came to Britain in 55 BC. He was a powerful Roman General.

7. The clock struck twelve. I went to bed.

8. This is the new computer. My father bought it yesterday.

9. We live in a village. It is infested with rats.


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4.43 Complete the following sentences using an appropriate conjunction.

1. Give me something to drink, or _________ I will die of thirst.

a) else b) otherwise c) Either could be used here

2. _________ you are mistaken or I am.

a) Either b) Neither c) If

3. He asked _________ he might have something to eat.

a) whether b) weather c) that

4. _________ you are called, you must come in at once.

a) When b) While c) As

5. I cannot give you any money _________ I have none.

a) for b) so c) then

6. You will not succeed _________ you work harder.

a) unless b) if c) whether

7. He fled _________ he should be killed.

a) lest b) that c) so

8. We started early _________ we will not get stuck in the traffic.

a) so that b) such that c) so

9. He deserves to succeed _________ he works hard.

a) for b) because c) Either could be used here

10. I hear _________ your brother is in China.

a) that b) what c) Either could be used here

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4.44 Complete the following sentences using an appropriate conjunction.

1. I waited for him _________ 7 o’clock and then I went home.

a) until b) till c) Either could be used here

2. I will make a cake _________ I have time.

a) if b) when c) unless

3. They had left _________ the time I reached their place.

a) by b) before c) as soon as

4. _________ the teacher left the classroom, the students started chatting.

a) No sooner b) As soon as c) Hardly

5. I will call you _________ I leave.

a) till b) before c) Either could be used here

6. Take this bag with you _________ you leave.

a) when b) after c) Either could be used here

7. She was depressed _________ she didn’t know what to do.

a) because b) because of c) Either could be used here

8. We must reach there _________ he leaves.

a) before b) until c) Either could be used here

9. I cut myself _________ I was shaving.

a) while b) whenever c) Either could be used here

10. We cancelled the trip _________ it was raining.

a) because b) in case c) if


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4.45 Fill in each blank with on the following "either", "neither", "so", "too", as required by the sentence:

1. Q: Which cereal do you prefer? A: ________________ one is fine. I like both of


2. Q: Why didn't you choose an answer? A: Because ________________ one

seemed correct. They both seemed wrong.

3. I didn't hate that movie, but I didn't like it ________________.

4. Asia has a beautiful voice, and ________________ does her sister.

5. I don't want to sing, and ________________ does Shan.

6. We liked the performance, and my parents liked it ________________.

7. Humayun shouldn't have bought that car. He shouldn't have bought that house


8. Humayun should have bought ________________the house or the car, not both.

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5.1 Choose the most appropriate synonym of the word in bold.

1. It soon became clear that the scam carried out was an inside job.

(lucid, remove, obvious, transparent)

2. The family was soon known for their insolent children

(unruly, rude, obnoxious, impolite)

3. Ali was exonerated because the jury believed that it was an honest mistake and not a deliberate act. (genuine, truthful, sincere, just)

4. Tufail had very few friends owing to his habit of fabricating stories. (manufacturing, concocting, inventing, constructing)

5. Shayan loves to portray human emotions through art as a medium.

(paint, depict, represent, interpret)

6. Alishba hailing from an affluent family was considerate of less fortunate for which she operated a charity. (thoughtful, kind, aware, understanding)

7. As a child she was painfully shy, today she has successfully overcome her shyness. (bashfulness, reserve, introversion, quietness)

8. The scientist deduced that usage of contaminated water was the cause of the disease outbreak. (impure infected, unhygienic, grimy/ toxic )

9. While shopping he prefers shops offering discounts.

(bargains, reductions, concessions, mark downs)

10. He is getting new contracts due to his association with the steel king. (organization, friendship , alliance, connection)

5.2 Use the appropriate form of word in bracket

(i) Huma spoke _____ to the audience she was _____ that she had a good

chance of winning. (confidence)

(ii) The entrance examination is _____ challenging. Very few people make it into

the _____ medical school. (extreme, illustrious)


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(iii) Khizar lived in Spain for several years. He speaks Spanish _____ and knows

the culture very _____. ( fluent, good)

(iv) Although Uzma speaks _____ and seems quite _____ she is the leading

expert in her field. Don't underestimate her abilities. (soft, timid)

(v) Mr. Tanver _____ donated Rs1,000,000 to the law school's scholarship fund.

With this money, they will be able to help low-income students cope with the

_____ cost of education. (generous, increase)

(vi) The young girl sings _____ well for someone her age. Her performance was _____ to say the least. (amaze, spectacular)

5.3 Choose the appropriate words:

1. He renounced the throne for his younger brother. (relinquished, gave up, abandoned, refused)

2. The company suffered significant losses due to his impulsive decision making. (meaningful, serious, considerable, important).

3. Khalid sternly rebuked Lily warning her that inference will not be tolerated in his personal business. (commerce, trade, industry, dealing)

4. After he broke her favourite ornament, (adornment, embellishment, decoration, pattern) he silently hid the broken pieces.

5. She cursed her fate as she missed the last flight to Karachi by a minute. (luck, destiny, providence, chance)

6. Usually he is punctual but today he arrived late for the meeting. (normally, generally, typically, habitually)

7. The teacher even after repeated attempts failed to make the students understand the topic. (appreciate, comprehend, realize, know)

8. After the sudden demise of their father the Khans requested media to give them time to manage their grief. (administer, cope, deal, handle)

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5.4 Use appropriate words and where applicable apply the correct form

(i) The damage was controlled only by tightening the _____ ( rein/rain/ reign)

(ii) The success of the project could not be pinned on _____ member, it was

_____ due to the diligence and team putting in their _____ in the project

(sole/ soul)

(iii) She was bleeding profusely and her pallor was becoming _____ by the

second. (pail)

(iv) She was _____ to see that her favourite _____ was broken and no one

bothered to fix it. (pain)

5.5 Insert the most appropriate word to complete each of the following sentences:

(a) Aftab looked really weak and _______ after his long illness.

(b) The research student was given complete _______ to the confidential files.

(c) The _______ department is interviewing four candidates for recruitment in the


(d) All the children are coming _______ Faiza.

(e) The former _______ had made great efforts to induct and retain a cadre of

competent faculty in the school.

5.6 Convert the following words using appropriate prefixes and suffices and construct sentences.

(i) moral

(ii) drama

(iii) delight

(iv) judge


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5.7 Choose the most appropriate antonym of the bold faced word.

1. The management realized that Zehra is providing temporary solutions. (permanent, provisional, stable, impermanent)

2. They have taught their children the norms of acceptable behaviour. (suitable, unacceptable, offensive, apposite).

3. Aasia wanted to conceal the news of her aunt being hospitalized from her mother. (obscure, reveal, tell, uncover)

4. The robbers retreated towards the mountains as they sensed being cornered. (moved, recoiled, advanced, progressed)

5. Rida soon became tired as she ascended the mountain. (lowered , fell, dropped, went down)

6. Sometimes Ali feels he is too polite with his students. (uncivil, rude, cool, mean)

5.8 Select the most suitable word given below against each sentence to fill in the blank.

1. He bought a __________pen from the market yesterday.

(a) steal (b) still (c) steel (d) steels

2. We stayed in an __________for the night.

(a) house (b) inn (c) in (d) inning

3. He __________many examples in support of his viewpoint.

(a) sighted (b) sited (c) cited (d) set

4. Ashar, being a man of __________, will not accept it at any cost.

(a) principle (b) principal (c) principally (d) principled

5. __________makes a man perfect.

(a) Practise (b) Practice (c) Practising (d) Practitioner

6. My brother is an __________scholar.

(a) eminent (b) imminent (c) eminently (d) Immanent

7. He appealed to the president as a last __________.

(a) resort (b) report (c) resource (d) Retort

8. You are old enough to __________your shoelaces.

(a) bind (b) tie (c) knot (d) Knit

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5.9 Select the most suitable word given below against each sentence to fill in the blank.

1. He is suffering from __________.

(a) nimonia (b) pneumonia (c) neumonia (d) Pneumonia

2. The__________was unanimous on the main issue.

(a) comittee (b) commitee (c) committee (d) committy

3. __________is no longer an incurable disease.

(a) tuberclosis (b) tubarculosis (c) tuberculosis (d) tuberculosys

4. __________tastes bitter.

(a) Quenene (b) Quinine (c) Quenine (d) Quanine

5. His __________was felt by everyone present in the meeting.

(a) abcense (b) absense (c) abcence (d) absence

6. Please arrange some good __________for him.

(a) acomodation (b) accomodation

(c) accommodation (d) acommodation

7. Don't __________anyone.

(a) decive (b) deceive (c) decieve (d) diceive

8. His __________was not at all satisfactory.

(a) explanation (b) explaination (c) explannasion (d) explainasion

9. I think it will be quite __________for me.

(a) managable (b) manageable (c) managiable (d) manageabal

10. Luckily, he found a suitable __________to meet him.

(a) opportunitly (b) oportunity (c) opportunity (d) Opportuniety


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5.10 Insert the most appropriate word to complete each of the following sentences:

1 __________ youths disturb the tranquil atmosphere by indulging-in anti - social activities.

(a) Frustrated

(b) Anxious

(c) Agitated

(d) Quarrelsome

2. He was dismissed from the office, but when all the charges against him proved

to be false, he was __________ .

(a) Accepted

(b) Employed

(c) Recalled

(d) Reinstated

3. All her life she has been insulated from the harsh realities of the world but now

she is __________ all kinds of hardship.

(a) Exposed to

(b) Troubled by

(c) Used to

(d) Worried about

4. Such talks are absurd; you should indulge in __________ talks.

(a) Correct

(b) Fictional

(c) Proportional

(d) Rational

5. You shouldn’t be proud, but be __________ your conduct.

(a) Unsure of

(b) Worried about

(c) Ashamed of

(d) Concerned about

6. Sherlock Holmes is a fictitious character and not a __________ one.

(a) Authentic

(b) Concrete

(c) Proven

(d) Real

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7. This book seems rather complicated, I think this matter should be __________ and categorized.

(a) Smooth

(b) Simple

(c) Fragmented

(d) Straight

8. We should condemn social evils, and those who did a lot to eradicate them.

(a) Praise

(b) Prefer

(c) Accept

(d) Enamor

9. In these days of rising prices, you must be economical in your habits, don’t be so __________.

(a) Cheap

(b) Extravagant

(c) Miserly

(d) Expensive

10. Generally she is cautious, but. you can’t predict when she is __________

(a) Kind

(b) Fast

(c) Rash

(d) Hurtful

11. These spurious documents can never substitute the __________ ones.

(a) Obvious

(b) Authentic

(c) Fictitious

(d) Genuine

12. Absolute control of the firm is what he wanted, but he ended 'up with __________ powers.

(a) Little

(b) Few

(c) Complex

(d) Limited


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5.11 From the given list of words select the word closest in meaning to the underlined word.

1. There was one problem, though: the negotiations were all a charade.

a) Series

b) Charter

c) Absurd pretense

d) Spate

2. Her social activities are circumscribed by her work commitments.

a) Limited

b) Entangled

c) Destroyed

d) Eroded

3. Our politicians are a bit of a parochial bunch.

a) Generous

b) Narrow-minded

c) Brave

d) Kind

4. I was discomfited to find the boss in the disco.

a) Irritated

b) Uncomfortable

c) Embarrassed

d) Displeased

5. He spent most of his life debunking politicians and self-styled god men.

a) Exposing

b) Cheating

c) Pacifying

d) Threatening

6. He continued his tirade even after they asked him to shut up.

a) Denunciation

b) Eulogy

c) Discredit

d) Speech

7. He was neurotic, vindictive and insensitive as well as thoughtful and charismatic.

a) Forgiving

b) Vengeful

c) Uncomfortable

d) Eager

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5.12 Complete the following sentences.

1. A cock and bull story is __________.

a) a foolish, unbelievable story

b) a dead letter

c) an epic

d) none of the above

2. Training is __________ to a doctor.

a) irrefutable

b) indispensable

c) inseparable

d) in limitable

3. This is a website for students __________ mother language is not English.

a) that

b) whose

c) of whom

d) which

4. When I asked them who took the money, the boys __________ ignorance.

a) affected

b) effected

c) acted

d) displayed

5. A good manager should __________ from criticizing his subordinates.

a) abstain

b) refrain

c) avoid

d) stop

6. He was an __________ in the murder.

a) accomplice

b) accessory

c) accessary

d) associate

7. When people __________ ill, they consult their doctor hoping to get the best medical care.

a) go

b) get

c) turn

d) fall


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8. It is high time she __________ the dues.

a) paid

b) pay

c) pays

d) will pay

9. He tiptoed into the room lest he __________ the baby.

a) should wake up

b) wake up

c) would wake up

d) wakes up

5.13 Choose the most suitable word to complete the sentences.

1. Everyone on my ___________ of the family is really tall.

a) mother’s side b) mother’s c) mother’s relatives

2. Baldness is ___________. If both your grandfather and father are bald, chances are that you will be as well.

a) heresy b) heredity c) hereditary

3. I’m kind of the ___________ of my family. ( = outsider/outcast, most “different” member of a family)

a) black sheep b) black goat c) black goose

4. I take vitamin ___________ every day.

a) supplements b) medicine c) prescription

5. At first, the doctors ___________ him with ( = determined that he had) a rare disease. Later, they admitted that they had been wrong.

a) diagnosis b) diagramed c) diagnosed

6. This car gets great ___________! 70 miles to the gallon on the highway!

a) miles b) mileage c) milestones

7. Police often refer to cars as “___________”.

a) carriages b) vehicles c) rides

8. I’m looking for a big car - Something with ___________ 6 people.

a) big enough b) enough for c) enough space for

9. Do you want to __________ ( = eat at home) tonight? No, let’s go out.

a) eat in b) eat on c) eat away

10. Are you hungry? I’m __________! ( = very hungry/famished)

a) strutting b) starving c) striving

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5.14 Choose the most appropriate word to complete the sentences.

1. I ___________ smoking two years ago.

a) resigned b) quit c) threw

2. I love to play sports, but I hate getting ___________.

a) sweet b) sweat c) sweaty

3. They are one of the ___________ ( = best) teams in the league.

a) top b) topped c) tip-top

4. Are they ___________ this year? No, they’ve lost two games so far.

a) unvanquished b) undefeated c) losers

5. A ___________ person loves to compete against others.

a) competitive b) compatible c) competition

6. I’m so happy! My team ___________ ( = got into) the finals!

a) arrived in b) made up c) made it to

7. They were losing the game, but they ___________ and won!

a) came from behind b) came behind c) came wel

8. Do you want my old ice skates? No thanks - I don’t even know how to ___________.

a) skateboard b) skate c) ski

9. I’m not a fan of skiing. I prefer ___________.

a) snowboarding b) snowboard c) to snowboarding

5.15 Select the most appropriate word to complete the sentences.

1. I ___________ ( = it’s hard for me) memorizing new words.

a) have a hard time b) difficulty c) so diff

2. No, you ___________ that verb incorrectly.

a) conjured b) conjugated c) conquered

3. I’m ___________ in five languages = I speak five languages perfectly

a) flowing b) fluent c) fluid

4. I can ___________ in Arabic ( = I speak it, but not too well), but I’d like to speak it better.

a) get going b) get by c) get over


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5. I have ___________ speaking. ( = it’s difficult for me to speak)

a) trouble b) a problem c) a + b d) difficult

6. English is his ___________. ( = native language)

a) mother’s tongue b) mother tongue c) father tongue

7. A ___________ person is someone who speaks two languages.

a) bilingual b) trilingual c) smart

8. I don’t need to be able to speak fluently, I just want to be able to ___________.

a) commune b) commute c) communicate

9. The English ___________ starts with “A” and ends with “Z”.

a) letter collection b) word c) alphabet

10. She has lived in the United States for 10 years, but still has a strong ___________.

a) access b) accent c) assent

5.16 Choose the best possible response to complete the following sentences.

1. I’ve been ___________ ( = taking) these pills for six weeks. I feel much better.

a) with b) at c) on

2. Antibiotics can ___________ your immune system if you take them for too long.

a) feeble b) make weak c) weaken

3. He has to have surgery = He has to have ___________

a) an option b) an operation c) an operative

4. A ___________ disease is one that you can catch from someone.

a) contagious b) cantankerous c) catchy

5. I went in for my annual ___________. The doctor said I was very healthy.

a) check-out b) check-up c) verification

6. Ever since he ___________ smoking, He feels like he has a lot more energy.

a) threw out b) resigned c) quit

7. Don’t do anything too ___________. ( = requiring a lot of physical effort)

a) stressful b) strenuous c) strategic

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8. Have you been working? No, I’ve been on ___________ ( = leave of absence due to illness) for the past week.

a) sick leave b) ill leave c) illness vacation

9. He made a ___________ after his operation, and is now back to his normal healthy self.

a) complete recovery b) recovered completely c) complete u-turn

10. I don’t like to ___________ about my health.

a) complete b) complaint c) complain

11. I hate ___________ onions. It always makes me cry!

a) chopping b) cut c) chopped

12. You should cook the chicken on ___________ heat. Otherwise it’ll burn!

a) medium b) middle c) mid-range

13. Turn the heat ___________ a bit, otherwise the turkey won’t cook all the way through.

a) higher b) up c) more

14. You should never eat ___________ ( = uncooked) meat. You could get sick.

a) rare b) broiled c) raw

15. His mother is a great cook. Last Saturday, she prepared an amazing ___________ meal for us. ( = a meal consisting of three courses)

a) three-course b) three-courses c) triple-course

5.17 Choose the best possible response to complete the following sentences.

1. There’s a bit of an emergency at work this weekend. I’m going to have to __________ on Sunday.

a) go in b) appear c) show

2. I had so much fun! The birthday party was __________! ( = great)

a) a bomb b) best c) a blast

3. This Saturday is my grandmother’s __________ birthday.

a) 70 (seventy) b) 70s (seventies) c) 70th


4. I like to __________ on weekends. I usually don’t do anything crazy.

a) take it simple b) take it easy c) relaxation

5. Weekends just seem to _____________, ( = pass too quickly) don’t they?

a) fly b) fly away c) fly by


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5.18 Fill in the blanks with suitable answers.

1. It sure is cold today! Yes, it’s ___________ outside! ( = very cold)

a) freezing b) frozen c) frostbite d) b + c

2. Talking to someone about the weather (and other “light” topics) is commonly

referred to as “making ___________”.

a) light chat b) small talk c) sense

3. People who are sensitive to extreme heat should be careful in hot climates - If

they stay out too long they might get ___________.

a) heat wave b) heat strokes c) heat stroke

4. A ___________ is an extended period of time of very hot weather.

a) heat way b) heat wave c) heat stroke

5. It’s ___________ outside = It’s raining heavily

a) boring b) poring c) pouring

5.19 Choose the best possible response.

1. I’ve been looking for a ___________ to Egypt, but everything I’ve found so far is so expensive!

a) cheap return b) cheap fly c) cheap flight

2. I know an excellent travel agent who always has the ___________.

a) best deals b) good deals c) good price

3. Because of the ___________ dollar, it has become very expensive for Americans to travel to Europe.

a) week b) weak c) wig

4. I’ve been ___________ Europe. ( = everywhere in/ all around)

a) over b) to c) all over

5. My son and his friend went ___________ through Asia last year.

a) bag-packing b) back-packing c) back-pack

6. I’ll be able to take ___________ work this year. Let’s go to Brazil.

a) three weeks off b) three weeks from c) three weeks away

7. I’d like to ____________ ( = to reserve) a flight to Rome on November 20.

a) buck b) book c) bank

8. She has such high standards. She only stays in ___________ hotels.

a) five-star b) five-starred c) five-level

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6.1 Choose the most appropriate idiom that can be used in the sentence in place of underlined words.

1. The bankruptcy, death of his only son and now divorce is continuation of series of fateful events happening to him.

(a) another nail in his coffin

(b) seal the deal

(c) gone to the wall

(d) a wreak havoc

2. Asif has always been pampered by his father, as he is eldest and most loved by him.

(a) a pride of his eye

(b) an apple of his eye

(c) at beck and call

(d) look up to

3. Ali understood that children annoy Sadia, but he had to leave them with her, as he and wife went to attend the funeral out of city.

(a) run out of steam

(b) Not ones cup of tea

(c) make no bones about it

(d) get in hair

4. Instead of discussing the real reasons for losses, they kept talking about other things.

(a) taking bull by its horn

(b) nipping in bud

(c) getting off the track

(d) talking shop

5. She felt relieved when she finally shared the secret with her son. She had felt guilty for years for hiding it.

(a) got it off her chest

(b) straight up

(c) Putting two and two together

(d) Make a clean breast of it


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6. He was fired from his job when the company found him stealing office supplies.

(a) penny dropped

(b) lost ones bottle

(c) got the sack

(d) show someone the door

7. After the murder, the police eyed all the relatives with suspicion.

(a) Under the weather

(b) Under a cloud

(c) Ups and downs

(d) Separate the wheat from the chaff

8. Ahmed and Khan attended a boarding school together and since then have been each other’s shadow.

(a) Dickens to pay

(b) Jekyl and Hyde

(c) Hand in Hand

(d) thick as thieves

6.2 Choose the best option:

1. Ali never _________ and always sticks to his point of view.

(a) backs out of it (b) backs up (c) backs down (d) bawls out

2. The directors realised they need to _____________ the problem to find the solution.

(a) break down (b) break in (c) break out (d) break up

3. Don't believe anything she says. She always _______ stories .

(a) makes out (b) makes over (c) made up (d) makes up

4. I _________________ because we're going to a barbecue by the beach.

(a) dressed up (b) dressed down

(c) dressed quickly (d) none of above

5. He kept __________ how much money he makes.

(a) carrying on (b) carry for

(c) carrying on about (d) carrying on with

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6.3 Identify the figure of speech used in the following sentences.

1. The camel is the ship of the desert.

a) Metaphor

b) Simile

c) Oxymoron

d) Epigram

2. Life is as tedious as a twice-told tale.

a) Simile

b) Metaphor

c) Hyperbole

d) Apostrophe

3. Variety is the spice of life.

a) Metaphor

b) Simile

c) Hyperbole

d) Antithesis

6.4 Each sentence given below contains an idiom or a phrasal verb part of which has been omitted. Complete these sentences using the omitted part.

1. I have a __________ to pick with him. The other day he called me a liar.

a) bone b) account c) nail d) problem

2. I was almost blown __________ by the wind.

a) out b) over c) up d) in

3. Suddenly the barrel of gun powder blew __________

a) out b) away c) up d) in

4. He will never listen to us. Why should we waste our __________

a) breath b) heart c) mind d) words

5. They are __________ to defeat the enemy.

a) racing b) burning c) longing d) none of these

6. He was carried __________ by his enthusiasm.

a) out b) off c) away d) on


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7. You hit the __________ on the head when you said that politics is a dirty game.

a) gun b) nail c) man d) trunk

8. He never thought that I would hit him in a __________

a) flash b) jiffy c) breeze d) none of these

9. I held my __________ when I first saw a tiger in the wildness.

a) heart b) eyes c) breath d) voice

10. I was left __________ and dry when a pickpocket deprived me of all my money.

a) low b) high c) down d) out

6.5 Determine the meaning of the bolded expression. Choose the best answer.

1. Ayaz would have been playing ball until the cows came home if it hadn’t been for Sadia dragging him away to eat dinner.

a. Ayaz was just about to stop playing ball.

b. Ayaz didn’t even want to play ball to begin with.

c. Ayaz refers nature to athletics.

d. Ayaz would have continued playing ball for a long time.

2. Even though Sana already had a new job, she submitted her two week notice and conducted herself in a professional way at her old job because she didn’t want to burn bridges.

a. Sana didn’t want to ruin her positive relationship with her old employer.

b. Sana wasn’t ready to start her new job.

c. Sana was really going to miss her old job.

d. Sana was waiting until her last day to rub it in everyone’s face

that she was leaving.

3. Ayaz had a hard time comparing the iPhone to the Samsung phone because to him they were apples and oranges.

a. Ayaz can hardly tell the difference between the two phones

because they are so similar.

b. Ayaz believes that the phones are so different from one another that they cannot be compared.

c. Ayaz doesn’t know anything about phones so he may as well be

thinking about fruits.

d. Ayaz is too hungry to think about phones at this time.

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4. Behram felt pretty good about getting a pair of roller-skates for his birthday, until he saw his twin brother Ryan open up his GameBox X-9000, and then Brian felt like he got the short end of the stick.

a. Behram felt like Ryan received a better gift than he.

b. Behram was quite pleased with his roller skates.

c. Behram wanted a long stick that he could use to support himself on


d. Behram feels bad for Ryan because Ryan wanted roller-skates.


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7.1 Choose the appropriate option to fill in the blanks:

1. If I _______ early, I’ll go jogging.

(a) wake up

(b) will wake up

(c) would have woken up

(d) had woken up

2. He _______ his uncle, if he finishes early.

(a) will visit

(b) visits

(c) would visit

(d) would have visited

3. If she had taken care of her son, he_______ a criminal.

(a) would not become

(b) would not have become

(c) did not become

(d) will not become

4. If I were a star, I _______ the poor.

(a) would help

(b) would have helped

(c) helped

(d) will help

5. She would have been at the top of her class if she _______ hard.

(a) had worked

(b) would work

(c) will work

(d) would have worked

7.2 Choose best option:

(i) __________ she is beautiful, everybody hates her.

(Although, In spite, Despite, Since)

(ii) __________ we had planned everything carefully, a lot of things went wrong.

(Although, In spite, Because, Because of)

(iii) Ali rarely sees Tufail __________ they are neighbours.

(Although, In spite, Despite, Because)

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7.3 Arrange the jumbled up phrases in proper sequence to make correct sentences. Each sentence should begin with the underlined word/phrase:

(i) Little

e) that he had been let down

f) trusted during all these years

g) did he realize

h) by a colleague whom he had

(ii) People

a) at his dispensary

b) went to him

c) of all professions

d) for medicine and treatment

(iii) He was so kind and generous that

a) he not only

b) made others to do so

c) but also

d) helped them himself

(iv) The majestic mahogany table

a) belongs to an old prince

b) which had one leg missing

c) who is now impoverished

d) but not without some pride

7.4 Structure the following sentences in their logical sequence:

(a) Shahzeb/and/how/have/been/long/Shazia/married

(b) this/playing/she/has/Nadia/been/since/was/four/piano

(c) all/feeling /is/tired/Romana/been/had/because/day/she/working

(d) early/going/are/a/next/week/party/have/we/to


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7.5 Punctuate the following paragraph:

the crocodiles domain includes central and southern Africa the warmer parts of asia tropical islands and northern Australia they also inhabit the warmer parts of the americas but are far outnumbered by their cousins the alligators the difference between crocodiles and alligators are many and technical the most obvious one is that with jaws closed the alligators teeth are invisible while in case of the crocodile the long fourth tooth on each side of the lower jaw fits visibly into a notch on the outside of the upper jaw this gives the crocodile a deceptive grin

7.6 Change the following assertive sentences into exclamatory sentences:

(i) I wish I were young again

(ii) An elephant is a wonderful creature

(iii) It is a very beautiful night

(iv) Sindhri mangoes have a delicious flavour.

7.7 Frame appropriate questions to obtain the responses given in the following sentences:

(i) Yes. I am waiting here for my mother.

(ii) No. I do not know where the Grand Hotel is.

(iii) I do not know if it will rain tomorrow.

(iv) I did not work on Tuesday because I had a severe headache.

(v) The pharmacists will hold their next annual conference in Bhurban.

7.8 Change the speech of the following sentences:

(i) He said, “I am very happy now.”

(ii) Zafar said to me, “I went to Islamabad last week.”

(iii) He said to me, “Will you always live in this house?”

(iv) My father said, “I was given the wrong key.”

(v) He asked whether the people were not cheated by the scoundrel?

7.9 Change the following sentences into indirect speech:

(i) “We went to the new 3D cinema yesterday.” Sadia said to me.

(ii) “I am thinking of migrating to Canada next year.” Asif said to his brother.

(iii) The teacher said to the class, “We may go for a picnic at the end of this month.”

(iv) Maria said, “I was shopping in the Liberty Market when the downpour started.”

(v) Junaid asked his friend,” Do you think that the beggar was telling the truth?”

(vi) “I will take you to your friend’s house tomorrow.” Said my father.

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7.10 Change the following sentences from direct speech to indirect speech:

(a) “Do you know where Mrs. Ishrat would be staying in Karachi?” Samia asked me.

(b) “We have made major organisational changes and the company is now in a much stronger financial position.” Mr. Khoker told the reporters.

(c) “Our neighbours, Mr. and Mrs. Dilawar, have had an accident.” My mother said.

(d) “We may start a van service for our office staff very soon.” The supervisor told us.

(e) “I worked very hard to earn my master’s degree.” Adnan told Kashif.

(f) “Can you work on Saturdays?” the employer asked Shahid.

(g) Jamal said to me, “I went to London last month.”

7.11 Change the following sentences into indirect speech:

(a) “Mr. Sajid will join our office from tomorrow.” Mr. Sarwar told the marketing department.

(b) “We wish we didn’t have to take exams,” said the children.

(c) My teacher said, “Honesty is the best policy.”

(d) “I have been spending a lot more time with the children since you left.” Moin told his wife.

(e) The police officer said, “Five to ten persons are dying each day from target killing.”

(f) The director said, “My team is sitting late every day to complete this project in time”.

7.12 Change the voice of the following sentences:

(i) Nobody has lived in this house for ages.

(ii) The unemployed graduates urged the government to create more jobs.

(iii) I counted the money and found that it was correct.

(iv) Why did your supervisor take such a strong disciplinary action when you were innocent?

(v) You will have to demolish the entire structure as you have not complied with the city building regulations.


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7.13 Change the following sentences from passive voice to active voice:

(i) The house was searched by the police and the stolen goods recovered.

(ii) This alarm switch should not be touched by the children.

(iii) The new traffic arrangements were strongly resented by the residents.

(iv) The new austerity measures were authorised by the board of directors.

(v) The examination results were announced by the Board on July 25, 2011.

7.14 Each of the following sentences is divided into groups a, b, c, and d. Put a X against the group wherein you find a mistake. If there is no Mistake, put a X next to e.

1. The both friends failed in Mathematics last year.

(a) The both (b) friends failed

(c) in Mathematics (d) last year.

(e) No Error

2. The cattle is grazing in the field.

(a) The cattle (b) is

(c) grazing (d) in the field.

(e) No Error

3. He gave me a cheque for five thousands rupees

(a) He gave me (b) a cheque

(c) for five thousands (d) rupees.

(e) No Error

4. Each of the girls were present in the function.

(a) Each (b) of the girls

(c) were (d) present in the function.

(e) No Error

5. He answered more questions then me.

(a) He answered (b) more questions

(c) then (d) me.

(e) No Error

6. His foot slipped which caused him fall heavily.

(a) His foot slipped (b) which

(c) caused him (d) fall heavily.

(e) No Error

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7. Let you and I go to see a movie.

(a) Let you (b) and I

(c) go to see (d) a movie.

(e) No Error

8. It is me who has done this for the good of the poor.

(a) It is (b) me who has done

(c) this work for the good (d) of the poor.

(e) No Error

9. I have read Shakespeare’s play who is a great English dramatist.

(a) I have read (b) shakespeare's play

(c) who is (d) a great English dramatist.

(e) No Error

10. It is one of the best book on the subject available in Pakistan

(a) It is (b) one of the best book

(c) on the subject (d) available in Pakistan.

(e) No Error

7.15 Each of the following sentences is divided into groups a, b, c, and d. Put a X against the group wherein you find a mistake. If there is no Mistake, put a X next to e.

1. I don’t drink coffee because I prefer tea than coffee.

(a) I don't drink coffee (b) because

(c) I prefer (d) tea than coffee.

(e) No Error

2. They heard to the prime Minister's speech in perfect silence.

(a) They heard to (b) the prime Minister's speech

(c) in (d) perfect silence.

(e) No Error

3. All sort of people visit the coffee-house though the food is of poor quality.

(a) All sort of people (b) visit the coffee-house

(c) though (d) the food is of poor quality.

(e) No Error

4. I have not seen my parents for five years because I had gone foreign.

(a) I have not seen (b) my parents

(c) for five years (d) because I had gone foreign.

(e) No Error


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5. He behaves as if he is the president of our Union.

(a) He behaves (b) as if

(c) he is (d) the president of our Union.

(e) No Error

6. Ali as well as his friends Are coming here.

(a) Ali as well as (b) his friends

(c) are (d) coming here.

(e) No Error

7. He is a man whom I believe is trust-worthy.

(a) He is a man (b) whom

(c) I believe (d) is trust-worthy.

(e) No Error

8. I have heard the news an hour ago but I did not believe it.

(a) I have heard (b) the news

(c) an hour ago (d) but I did not believe it.

(e) No Error

9. Only graduates are eligible for this post in Pakistan.

(a) Only graduates (b) are eligible

(c) for this post (d) in Pakistan.

(e) No Error

10. I don't know why the teacher insisted upon him to go.

(a) I don't know (b) why

(c) the teacher insisted (d) upon him to go.

(e) No Error

7.16 Choose the correct response.

1. Don't think there are no crocodiles because the water is calm.

a) Simple Sentence

b) Compound sentence

c) Complex sentence

d) Mixed sentence

2. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.

a) Assertive sentence b) Interrogative sentence c) Imperative sentence d) Optative sentence

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3. Their front door was open but nobody was inside.

a) Simple sentence b) Complex sentence c) Compound sentence

4. The coffee machine that I bought for my wife was not expensive.

a) Simple sentence b) Complex sentence c) Compound sentence

5. She is the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen.

a) Simple sentence b) Complex sentence c) Compound sentence

6. I am tired of listening to advice.

a) Simple sentence b) Complex sentence

c) Compound sentence

7. She was punished for lying.

a) Simple sentence b) Complex sentence

c) Compound sentence

8. Jehangir’s mother asked me if I knew where he was.

a) Simple sentence b) Complex sentence

c) Compound sentence

9. I was pleasantly surprised when she told me that she was my fan.

a) Simple sentence

b) Complex sentence

c) Compound sentence

10. My mother has wealth, fame, rank and power.

a) Simple sentence

b) Complex sentence

c) Compound sentence


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11. She was not very beautiful yet she was the most popular girl in my class.

a) Simple sentence

b) Complex sentence

c) Compound sentence

12. My husband was working, so I went shopping.

a) Simple sentence

b) Complex sentence

d) Compound sentence

7.17 Complete the following sentences using an appropriate mixed conditional form. Choose your answers from the given options.

1. If you had arrived on time, this __________.

a) would not happen

b) will not happen

c) would not have happened

2. If I were you, I __________ a solicitor.

a) will hire

b) would hire

c) would have hired

3. If I won the jackpot, I __________ a yacht.

a) will buy

b) would buy

c) would have bought

4. If he should happen to be late, we __________ without him.

a) will go b) would go c) would have gone

5. If they win this match, they __________ it to the semifinals.

a) will make

b) would make

c) would have made

6. But for your help, I __________ to do it.

a) would not have managed

b) will not manage

c) would not manage

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7. If I tell you a secret, __________ you keep it to yourself?

a) will

b) would

8. If you take this medicine, you __________ better in a few days.

a) will be

b) would be

c) would have been

9. If I were you, I __________ .

a) will be celebrating

b) would be celebrating

c) would have been celebrating

7.18 Complete the following sentences using an appropriate conditional verb form.

1. If I were you, I __________ tolerate this.

a) will not

b) would not

c) wouldn’t have

2. If she asked more politely, he __________ her.

a) will help

b) would help

c) Either could be used here

3. If she __________ there, she wouldn’t have been killed.

a) didn’t go

b) hadn’t gone

c) doesn’t go

4. If I __________ about his predicament, I would have helped him.

a) know

b) knew

c) had known

5. Should he be late, we __________ to start without him.

a) will have

b) would have

c) Either could be used here

6. I __________ in bad trouble, if she hadn’t helped me.

a) would be

b) would have been

c) will be


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8. If you did that, you __________ probably be in trouble.

a) will

b) would

c) Either could be used here

9. If you like it, __________ you buy it?

a) will

b) would

c) Either could be used here

10. If you should happen to finish early, __________ you give me a ring?

a) will

b) would

c) Either could be used here

7.19 Complete the following sentences using an appropriate conditional verb form.

1. He will come if you __________ him.

a) invite

b) invited

c) would invite

d) had invited

2. If you __________ the function, he will be happy.

a) attend

b) attended

c) would attend

d) had attended

3. If you __________ the invitation, he would be happy.

a) accept

b) accepted

c) would accept

d) had accepted

4. She wouldn’t have died, if she __________ proper medical care.

a) received

b) receives

c) had received

d) would receive

5. He will not succeed unless he __________ hard.

a) work

b) works

c) worked

d) had worked

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6. If she __________ honest, she would not have lost her job.

a) was

b) is

c) has been

d) had been

7. He cannot go to work unless he __________ from his illness.

a) recovers

b) recovered

c) will recover

d) had recovered

7.20 Fill in the blanks using the appropriate form of the verb given in the brackets.

1. If she __________ (invite) me, I __________ (go)

2. If it __________ (rain), we __________ (cancel) the match.

3. If I __________ (get) a promotion, I __________ (buy) a car.

4. If she __________ (be late), we __________ (go) without her.

5. If you __________ (ask) more politely, I __________ (buy) you a drink.

6. If you __________ (not behave), I __________ (throw) you out.

7. If he __________ (win) the first prize, his mother __________ (be) happy.

8. If he __________ (get) proper medical care, he __________ (survive)

9. If the drought __________ (continue), plants and animals __________ (perish).

7.21 This exercise tests your understanding of tenses and conditional forms.

1. If I had a penny, I __________ some peanuts.

a) can buy

b) could buy

c) could have bought

2. If I __________ her address, I could have a written to her.

a) knew

b) know

c) had known


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3. He __________ if he had been more careful.

a) might not fall

b) may not fall

c) might not have fallen

4. I __________ you if I had enough money.

a) will help

b) would help

c) would have helped

5. If I were in your position, I __________ such a disgraceful act.

a) will not commit

b) would not commit

c) would not have committed

6. What would you do if you __________ the first prize in a bumper draw?

a) get

b) got

c) would have got

7. There might have been a great flood, if the rains __________

a) had not stopped

b) would not stop

c) did not stop

8. Had the driver been alert, the accident __________

a) could have been averted

b) could be averted

c) can be averted

9. I would not accept the offer, if I __________ you.

a) am

b) were

c) had been

10. If you were a little more careful, you __________

a) would not be cheated

b) would not have been cheated

c) will not be cheated

7.22 Identify the type of conditional clauses

1. If I see my enemy on the road, I turn my head away.

a) zero conditional

b) first conditional

c) second conditional

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2. If I had a lot of money, I would start a business.

a) first conditional

b) second conditional

c) third conditional

3. If I want to go to Lahore, I will book a ticket on the Kurakurum Express.

a) first conditional

b) second conditional

c) third conditional

4. If you had worked harder, you would have passed the test.

a) first conditional

b) second conditional

c) third conditional

5. If you got a job in Karachi, you could learn Urdu.

a) first conditional

b) second conditional

c) third conditional

7.23 Choose the correct answer.

1. If you had called the police in time, none of this would have happened.

a) This sentence is about something that happened in the past

b) This sentence is about something that is going to happen in the future.

2. If I were you, I would get that car repaired.

a) This is a piece of advice.

b) This is an order.

3. If I were you, I would consult a specialist.

a) This is about something that is going to happen in the future.

b) This sentence refers to the present.

4. If I become President, I will abolish taxes.

a) The speaker is a candidate in an election.

b) The speaker is a school boy who has absolutely no chances of winning or contesting the election.

5. It would be nice, if you helped me a bit with the housework.

a) This is a polite suggestion or request.

b) This is an order.

6. If you heat ice, it melts.

a) The situation is both real and possible.

b) The situation is both unreal and imaginary.


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7.24 Complete the following sentences using an active or passive verb form.

1. Most things __________ plastic these days.

a) made of

b) are made of

c) Either could be used here

2. The house __________

a) is built

b) is being built

c) Either could be used here

3. This bag __________ of leather.

a) is made

b) make

4. It __________ disappeared. I can’t see it now.

a) has

b) has been

c) Either could be used here

5. Their house __________ last week.

a) sold

b) was sold

c) is sold

6. Do you think that the work __________ by Friday?

a) is completed

c) will be completed

7. These tablets __________ with food.

a) need to take

b) need to be taken

8. The postman __________ this letter in the morning.

a) delivered

b) was delivered

9. You __________ the money last week.

a) should send

b) should have sent

c) send

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7.25 Sentences are given in the active voice. From the given options choose the one that correctly expresses the same idea in the passive voice.

1. The cat killed the mouse.

a) The mouse was killed by the cat.

b) The mouse killed by the cat.

c) The mouse has killed by the cat.

2. The man cut down the tree.

a) The tree cut down the man.

b) The tree was cut down by the man.

c) The tree has cut down by the man.

3. Columbus discovered America.

a) America has discovered Columbus.

b) America was discovered by Columbus.

c) America had discovered by Columbus.

4. The teacher praised the boy.

a) The boy praised by the teacher.

b) The boy had praised by the teacher.

c) The boy was praised by the teacher.

5. The dog bit the man.

a) The man was bitten by the dog.

b) The man was bit the dog.

c) The man had been bitten by the dog.

6. The syce feeds the horse every day.

a) The horse fed the syce every day.

b) The horse feeds by the syce every day.

c) The horse is fed by the syce every day.

7. The boys were flying kites.

a) Kites were flied by the boys.

b) Kites were being flown by the boys.

c) Kites were flown by the boys.

7.26 Complete the following sentences using appropriate passive verb forms.

1. The parcels __________ .

a) have sent

b) have been sent

c) have being sent

d) have been send


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2. The performance __________ by the spectators.

a) applauded

b) has applauded

c) was applauded

d) was applauding

3. The culprits __________ by the police.

a) have arrested

b) was arrested

c) have been arrested

d) have been arresting

4. The work __________ in a week.

a) will finish

b) will be finishing

c) will be finished

d) would finish

5. The boy __________ by the teacher.

a) praised

b) has praised

c) was praised

d) was praising

6. We __________ grammar by Mr. Arshad.

a) are teaching

b) have taught

c) are taught

d) have been teaching

7. My pen __________

a) has stolen

b) has been stolen

c) stole

8. The horse __________ by the sudden noise.

a) frightened

b) was frightened

c) has frightened

9. The boy __________ by their servant.

a) abducted

b) was abducted

c) had abducted

d) has been abducting

10. This portrait __________ by my grandmother.

a) painted

b) was painted

c) has painted

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7.27 Change the following sentences into passive voice.

1. The principal has forbidden smoking on the campus.

2. The principal has forbidden students to smoke on the campus.

3. I advise consulting a good doctor.

4. I advise you to consult a good doctor.

5. They don’t allow parking in front of their gate.

6. They don’t allow people to park in front of their gate.

7. We advise early booking.

8. We advise passengers to book their tickets early.

9. They made her repeat the whole story.

10. We don’t advise pregnant women to go on a diet.

7.28 Find the verbs in the following sentences and state whether they are in the active voice or the passive voice.

1. The tiger killed the deer.

2. The boy is learning his lessons.

3. This house was built by my grandfather.

4. Urooj has been waiting for a long time.

5. Mother was making a cake.

6. The postman was bitten by the dog.

7. The thief was caught.

8. The accused were sent to jail.

9. The loud noise frightened the baby.

10. The dog chased the cat.

11. The letter was posted yesterday.

12. The oldman takes snuff.

13. The cat drank all the milk.

14. That boy of yours has broken my window again.

15. These shoes of mine pinch me terribly.


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7.29 Rewrite the following sentences in the exclamatory and interrogative forms.

1. It is kind of you to invite us.

2. It was foolish of him to behave like that.

3. It was prudent of the boy to alert the policeman.

4. It was careless of him to leave the door unlocked.

7.30 Punctuate the following sentences

1. He is not really nice looking and yet he has enormous charm

2. When I was a child I could watch TV whenever I wanted to

3. It is a fine idea let us hope that it is going to work

4. Mrs Ayaz who was sitting behind the desk gave me a big smile

5. I don’t like this one bit said Alia

6. If you are ever in London come and see you

7. Looking straight at her he said I cant help you

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8.1 One of heaven's best gifts to man is humour, for it adds innocent pleasure to life both in health and in sickness, and helps to promote good feeling among people in their daily interaction with one another. Sydney Smith says, "man could direct his ways by plain reason, and support his life by tasteless food; but God has given us wit and humour, and brightness and laughter and perfumes to enliven the days of man's pilgrimage, and to charm his pained steps over the burning marl." Think for a moment what life would be if there was no humour or wit in the world, no laughter, no fun. Now humour is not the same thing as wit; wit is concerned chiefly with words, while humour deals rather with situations: a man may be witty and yet not possess much humour. Humour is something much larger and more profound than wit. Nearly all our great writers have the gift of humour. But like all the pleasurable things of life, wit and humour have their dangers, and three of the commonest are those of being vulgar, unkind and profane. In other words, those who use these gifts of wit and humour must avoid vulgarity, must see that they do not hurt the feelings of others, and must beware of jesting about sacred things. The only way in which you can acquire a right taste for what is good in the world of wit and humour is for you to read good examples, and fortunately we have many in our literature. Ghalib is a mine in himself, so is Zameer Jafri.

(a) Give a suitable title to the passage.

(b) What does humour do?

(c) Differentiate between wit and homour.

(d) What are the dangers of humour?

(e) Give one word substitute for: “Showing lack for respect for a god or a religion often through language.”

(f) Make a précis of the passage in about 90 to 100 words.

8.2 Most of us subscribe to the widely held belief – that “small” is synonymous with inconsequential or insignificant or immaterial or trivial. We believe that our small actions have little bearing on the achievements in our lives. We believe that it is only the big things, the big actions and the big decisions that really matter in our lives. But the lives of all great people show that they had achieved outstanding success through small decisions, small choices and small actions that they performed every day. They transformed their lives by working on their day-to-day behaviours - deliberately, steadfastly and consistently. Their transformation did not occur in one giant leap or in one single spectacular action but by adoption of a step-by-step approach. They inculcated and nurtured their good habits and overcame their weaknesses, one step at a time. It was their everyday endeavours and actions that added up to make tremendous difference in the long run. Indeed, in matters of personal growth and character building, there is no such thing as an overnight turnaround or success.

The founder of this country, Mohammad Ali Jinnah understood this and used it to his advantage. He ‘grew up’ in many small ways in his day-to-day affairs. He did not wake up one day to find himself to be the “Quaid-e-Azam”. He consciously and consistently attempted to change and reform himself and grow in some way, everyday.


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Day by day, he accepted risks, explored, experimented and learned from mistakes. In seemingly small and big situations alike, he accepted rather than shirked away from challenges. Mindful of the fact that “a journey of thousand miles begins with the first step”, he seized each day as a challenge and as an opportunity and made it count.

He exhibited a level of self-mastery and discipline that was indeed extraordinary. It would, however, be wrong to assume that these things came easily to him. Many people saw him exhibit his self-mastery, but did not see the years of practice and disciplined training that went into the achievement of such great successes. Very few of his peer group were able to see from close his trials and tribulations, fears and anxieties and his inner efforts to overcome them. They saw the achievements and the final victory, but not the struggles.

Commitment, perseverance and steadfastness are the hallmarks of the lives of all great people. By exercising their choices in small ways, they are able to influence and impact their circumstances and their environment. Each of their small seemingly insignificant decisions and actions accumulate to create profound impact in the long run. By understanding this principle, we can move forward and can achieve ultimate success.

(a) Give a suitable title to the passage.

(b) The author makes an impassionate appeal that small actions should be considered:

(i) Insignificant

(ii) of considerable consequence

(iii) Immaterial

(iv) none of the above

(c) Mention three distinctive qualities in the lives of all great people which set them apart from the ordinary people.

(d) According to the Author, Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah:

(i) never made any mistakes

(ii) was a risk averter

(iii) achieved success easily

(iv) all the above statements are false

(v) statements (i) and (iii) are false

(e) Mention the inner challenges which great leaders never show in public.

(f) All great leaders have achieved success:

(i) by taking big actions

(ii) by making big decisions

(iii) by doing big things

(iv) by overcoming weaknesses step-by-step

(g) Write a précis of 150 words.

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8.3 In its widest sense, government means the framework and rules by which decisions that affect a community as a whole are arrived at and carried out. In a narrower sense, however, government is a person or body of persons giving effect to the framework or rules. There are different forms of governments depending on the manner in which a government is run such as monarchies, military dictatorships, civilian dictatorships and democracies. Monarchs, military men and civilian dictators often wield unlimited power which might result into tyranny and despotism. A democratically elected government exercises power and authority granted by the constitution and traditions.

A government is good, if it aims for the good of the people. The primary objectives for which such a government comes into existence are to maintain the rule of law, look after its citizens without discrimination and fulfil their needs and work towards the establishment of welfare programmes for the people. Only a government that has come into existence as an expression of the will of the people and adopts policies for the welfare of the people will have popular support. For this reason, a democratically elected government is certainly preferable to a benevolent dictatorship.

In the real world there are three important qualities which citizens look for in their governments. The first is that the government should be representative; the second, that it should provide a reasonable degree of stability; and the third that it should look after the well being of its citizens.

The citizens of a country may sometimes demand policies that are short-sighted and disastrous in the long run. This is often seen in regard to economic policies. A good government is one that formulates and implements policies that are beneficial for the citizens and also ensure future prosperity of the country. That is to say, a good government should be expected to think for the future as well as act for the present requirements - about defence, economic development, education and employment.

A good government should rise above the narrow views of the people and take measures, however unpopular and repugnant they may be when they are taken, to solve present problems and ensure a bright future. It must be prepared to accept constructive criticism and enter into a dialogue with dissident groups with a view to making its policies and measures acceptable. It always aims at the good of the people. The men and women forming such a government are persons who have the support of the people with them in good or bad times.

To conclude, it may be said that a representative government i.e. a democratically elected government which is stable and which can act with circumspection and vision for the prosperity and welfare of its citizens as well as for the future of the nation as a whole is to be considered a good government. A good government should therefore take cognisance of what years ago Jean- Paul Rousseau wrote in his Du Contract Social about the ultimate source of authority of a good government. According to him the government is only an agent of the people in whom vests the ultimate source of authority and for whom the government is functioning.

(a) Give a suitable Title to the Passage.

(b) State the four objectives that a good government should achieve at all times.

(c) Identify three important qualities which citizens normally expect from their government.


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(d) What are the various forms of governments?

(e) State the present and future requirements of citizens which a good government should strive to meet.

(f) According to Rousseau, the ultimate source of authority vests in:

(i) a representative government

(ii) the people

(iii) a benevolent dictator

(iv) two of the above are true

(g) Write a précis of 200 words. (Word count carries mark)

8.4 Exercise is a powerful activity people can do regularly to improve health. Exercise plays an important part in reducing weight, improving pulse rate, increasing lung capacity and maintaining equilibrium in blood pressure.

Psychological benefits of exercise are impressive for mentally healthy individuals, but are even stronger for mentally-challenged persons. Although benefits of exercise towards good mental health are less recognized, recent research supports the existence of lasting relationship between regular exercise and mental health. Evidence shows that regular exercise can prevent dementia later in life.

Thirty minutes of exercise e.g. swimming, walking or jogging and other aerobic exercises, 3-5 times a week improves mood and can prevent depression in both mentally fit as well as mentally- challenged individuals. Persons doing 3 or more hours of sports a week are 30 percent less likely to experience depression than those who do not engage in sports activities. Benefits of exercise are more apparent if one pursues the program for four months and more.

Regular exercise by busy executives helps to:

divert attention from stress and worry;

improve self-esteem and induce a sense of mastery which overcomes depression;

elevate body temperature which reduces muscle stiffness similar to the effects of saunas and steam baths;

increase level of alertness and concentration.

Mentally-challenged persons have reported that exercise reduces anxiety, lifts their moods and increases their self-esteem.

Tiredness, busy work schedule and lack of motivation are usual reasons and laziness is often the cause for not exercising.

Group exercise activities are particularly useful for those who are socially isolated. Outdoor activity in pleasant settings enhances the beneficial effects of exercise.

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An exercise regime should be of an activity that one enjoys. Millions of people who jog regularly are aware of the physical and psychological benefits of running. Approximately 40,000 people a year run in each of the Marathons in London and New York and this is a fraction of those who apply to participate in these events.

(a) Give a suitable title to the Passage.

(b) Exercise can play a vital role in: (Select the appropriate option(s) given below)

(i) improving your pulse rate

(ii) increasing your blood pressure

(iii) reducing your weight

(iv) increasing your lung capacity

(c) Identify three advantages of exercise for mentally-challenged persons.

(d) A substantial number of persons who are interested in jogging participate in the annual Marathons in London and New York. True/ False.

(e) According to the author the advantages of exercise are more impressive for mentally healthy persons than for those who are mentally-challenged. True/False

(f) According to the author, a good regime of exercise should be:

(i) at the most for a period of four months

(ii) daily at least for 30 minutes

(iii) undertaken 12 - 20 times in a month

(iv) two of the above are correct

(v) one of the above is correct

(g) Give three reasons why people do not engage in exercise activities.

(h) Why is it important for busy executives to do exercise?

(i) Write a précis of 120-130 words

8.5 Write an essay of approximately 350 words on any ONE of the following topics. Word count carries marks.

(a) Tolerance and mutual understanding is vital for world peace

(b) My country-Pakistan

(c) Nothing was ever achieved without enthusiasm

(d) The influence of TV advertisements on our lives


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8.6 Write an essay of approximately 350 words on any ONE of the following topics. Word count carries marks.

(a) The brain drain has caused immense loss to Pakistan.

(b) Impact of high food prices on poor people.

(c) Conserve resources and preserve the environment – Reduce, Recycle and Reuse.

8.7 Write an essay of approximately 350 words on any ONE of the following topics. Word count carries marks.

(a) Role of media in creating political awareness.

(b) Economic impact of shortages of electric power in Pakistan.

(c) Problems of public transport in major cities of Pakistan.

(d) Accountants play an effective role in financial markets.

8.8 Write an essay of approximately 350 words on any ONE of the following topics. Word count carries marks.

(a) A friend in need is a friend indeed

(b) Helping the homeless: charity begins at home

(c) Mobilization of wealth is key to economic prosperity

8.9 Write an essay of approximately 350 words on any ONE of the following topics. Word count carries marks.

(a) Honesty is the best policy

(b) Value of discipline in a nation’s life

(c) Poverty is a better teacher than prosperity

(d) Good deeds speak louder than thousand nice words

8.10 Write an essay of approximately 350 words on any ONE of the following topics. Word count carries marks.

(a) Every man is the architect of his own fortune

(b) Education is an indivisible part of the prosperity of the nation

(c) The pen is mightier than the sword

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8.11 Write an essay of approximately 350 words on any ONE of the following topics. Word count carries marks.

(a) Technology – A blessing or a curse

(b) The Tuition Syndrome

(c) Wealth does not necessarily bring happiness

(d) Rising food prices and malnutrition among the poor segments of the population

8.12 Write an essay of approximately 350 words on any ONE of the following topics. Word count carries marks.

(a) What type of political system suits Pakistan best - Democracy or Dictatorship

(b) An incident/event that changed my life

(c) The role that religious scholars can play in creating a peaceful and harmonious civil society in Pakistan

(d) Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere

8.13 Write an essay of approximately 350 words on any ONE of the following topics.

(a) Environmental pollution in our main cities

(b) Importance of time management for nation building

(c) Mass advertising campaigns - their positive and negative implications

(d) Sound primary and secondary education - essential for a progressive country

8.14 Write an essay of approximately 350 words on any ONE of the following topics.

(a) Widespread use of cellular telephones – A blessing or a curse

(b) Unrestrained increase in population is responsible for our economic problems

(c) A strong democracy is essential for the prosperity of the country

(d) Measures to check the rising rates of traffic accidents in our major cities

(e) (Word count carries mark)

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Assessment of Fundamental Competencies Functional English



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1.1 (i) (c)

(ii) (a), (b)

1.2 (i) Consumption (noun)

(ii) Prosperity (noun)

(iii) Contradictory (adj)

(iv) Extravagant (adj)

(v) Initiative (noun)

(vi) Assassination (noun)

(vii) Justify (verb)

(viii) Frailty (noun)

1.3 (i) Woodcutters fell trees. (Transitive; fell = cause to fall)

(ii) Lie still. (Intransitive)

(iii) Lay the basket there. (Transitive; lay = cause to lie)

(iv) Rise early with the lark. (Intransitive)

(v) Raise your hands. (Transitive)

(vi) Sit there. (Intransitive)

(vii) Set the lamp on the table. (Transitive)

1.4 (i) Transitive verb – expands (object – metals)

(ii) Intransitive verb – expand

(iii) Transitive verb – stopped (object – car)

(iv) Intransitive verb – stopped

(v) Transitive verb – speak (object – truth)

(vi) Intransitive verb – speak

(vii) Transitive verb – is flying (object – kite)

(viii) Intransitive verb – are flying

(ix) Intransitive verb – fell off


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(x) Transitive verb – felled (object – tree)

(xi) Transitive verb – sank (object – ship)

(xii) Intransitive verb – sank

1.5 (i) Compound sentence; coordinate clauses – Shariq took out his pen; he started writing; conjunction – and

(ii) Complex sentence; principal clause – the town is very large; subordinate clause – in which I live

(iii) Complex sentence; principal clause – this is the house; subordinate clause – that Ahmed built

(iv) Complex sentence; principal clause – my heart leaps up; subordinate clause – when I behold a rainbow in the sky

(v) Compound sentence; coordinate clauses – God made the country; man made the town; conjunction – and

(vi) Compound sentence; coordinate clauses – she must weep; she will die; conjunction – or

(vii) Compound sentence; coordinate clauses – he must have done his duty; he is a conscientious man; conjunction– for

(viii) Complex sentence; principal clause – it is folly to be wise; subordinate clause – where ignorance is bliss

(ix) Complex sentence; principal clause – I went; subordinate clause – because I was invited

1.6 1. Adverb

2. Adverb

3. Adjective

4. Preposition

5. Verb

6. Conjunction

7. Noun

8. Adverb

9. Conjunction

10. Proper noun

11. Pronoun

12. Adjective (It modifies the noun parts.)

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1.7 (i) Fast: verb

(ii) Right: adjective (modifies the noun place)

(iii) Truth: abstract noun

(iv) Hard: adjective (complement of the noun theories)

(v) Dangerous: adjective (modifies the noun thing)

(vi) Waters: noun

(vii) Annoys: verb

(viii) Trust: verb

(ix) Like: preposition

(x) That: demonstrative pronoun

(xi) Next: adjective

(xii) Since: preposition

(xiii) Waiting: verb

(xiv) Since: preposition

(xv) Age: abstract noun


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2.1 (i) was has

(ii) has is

(iii) is has

(iv) is is

2.2 (i) fled

(ii) flowed/flows

(iii) broadcast

(iv) forecast

(v) read

(vi) undergone

2.3 (i) has opened (ii) had broken

(iii) drank (iv) have been living

2.4 (i) eaten (ii) understood (iii) swum

(iv) dug (v) built (vi) stood

2.5 (i) Wherever he found a job, there was someone who knew that he had been to prison.

(ii) Recent research showed that Columbus did not discover America.

2.6 (i) Who’s broken this glass?

(ii) I can ride a bike but I haven’t ridden one for years.

(iii) Haven’t you sold your flat yet?

(iv) It’s warm because the heating has been on.

2.7 (i) I can’t stand people asking me questions all the time.

(ii) They stopped the car to have a chat with their friends.

(iii) Their house really needs painting.

(iv) He stopped driving because he was sleepy.

2.8 (i) Abdul Jabbar looked at me and told me to sign the contract.

(ii) We have met your agent and we have given her our answer.

(iii) Amir received the crates on Monday but did not open them until today.

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2.9 i) Tuesday we were busy. We had interviews and the telephones rang all morning.

ii) When the manual arrived, the cover was all torn up.

iii) Last week our senior accountant quit his job.

iv) Stock prices have sunk to a new low this quarter.

2.10 (i) The remains of the body were thrown into the sea.

(ii) Everyone was watching the football match.

(iii) Three hours is long enough to look round the museum.

(iv) E-mail is a relatively new means of communication.

2.11 (i) The company’s boss has stepped down after ten years.

(ii) The two sides were close to an agreement but it fell through

(iii) Large companies sometimes take over smaller ones.

(iv) The consultants put forward a proposal to re-organize the company.

2.12 (i) (c)

(ii) (b)

(iii) (b)

(iv) (a)

(v) (c)

(vi) (d)

(vii) (a)

(viii) (d)

(ix) (a)

(x) (c)

(xi) (a)

(xii) (b)

(xiii) (c)

2.13 (i) (d)

(ii) (a)

(iii) (c)

(iv) (b)

(v) (c)

(vi) (d)

(vii) (c)

(viii) (b)

(ix) (b)

(x) (a)

(xi) (c)

(xii) (a)

(xiii) (c)


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2.14 (i) could

(ii) could

(iii) would

(iv) would

(v) would

(vi) can

(vii) would

(viii) might

(ix) may

(x) must

2.15 (i) We will visit our friend in the hospital tomorrow.

(ii) I can do this job myself.

(iii) It may rain tonight.

(iv) The exams might be postponed.

(v) Should I get you a gift for your birthday?

(vi) We must be truthful.

(vii) You need not give them a costly gift.

(viii) When I was younger, I could run four miles in 20 minutes.

(ix) My grandmother would tell me many stories.

(x) We would walk around the hill every day.

(xi) I would rather listen than talk. (Preference)

(xii) The cashier dared not meet the Manager. (Absence of courage)

(xiii) Children should be given healthy food. (Advice)

(xiv) Candidates must produce their identity cards. (Compulsion)

(xv) Would you get me some tea, please? (Polite request)

(xvi) Would you mind moving a bit? (Polite request)

(xvii) You need not have done that. (Absence of obligation)

(xviii) She ought to mend her ways. (Strong obligation/necessity)

. (xix) She could read when she was three. (Past ability)

(xx) Glass can be blown. (Theoretical possibility)

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2.16 (i) I have received the admission card. I received it two days ago.

(ii) I have paid the fee. I paid it only yesterday.

(iii) My uncle has come from the States. He arrived on Friday.

(iv) I don’t think I will pass the test. I answered only nine questions.

(v) I have never tasted non-vegetarian food.

(vi) I visited my aunt two months ago. I have not seen her since then.

(vii) They completed the construction two months ago, but we moved in only two weeks ago.

(viii) When Rizwan went to the forest, Sara and Shazia accompanied him.

(ix) He fell ill last month. He has not recovered as yet.

(x) I have seen my aunt only once.

2.17 (i) I have not visited this town since 1990.

(ii) He has been working with us for over five years.

(iii) They have known each other for two years.

(iv) We have not been on friendly terms for nearly two years.

(v) What have you been doing since 10 o’clock this morning?

(vi) I have not been to my native place since last January.

(vii) He has not paid his monthly subscription for a year now.

(viii) We have been in touch with each other for one year.

(ix) His son has been undergoing treatment for two months.

(x) Since when have you been learning music?

2.18 (i) My mother used to get up at 5 am.

(ii) Worldly pleasures are temporary.

(iii) They are rehearsing for the program.

(iv) None of us have seen Shakespeare.

(v) His father died last month.

(vi) I am getting ready.

(vii) When I was young, I used to play football every day.

(viii) When we were sleeping, a thief broke into our house.

(ix) If I had worked hard, I would have passed.


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2.19 (i) Will we meet tomorrow?

(ii) I think it will rain tomorrow.

(iii) Members are to return all the books immediately for verification.

(iv) We are organizing a blood donation camp tomorrow in our college.

(v) They will be meeting / are meeting the Minister at 4 o’clock.

(vi) The chief guest is about to arrive.

(vii) The members of the opposition are going to oppose the bill.

(viii) By the time you come back, I will have prepared the dinner.

(ix) He will have covered half the distance before afternoon.

(x) We will have reached Karachi by 3 p.m. tomorrow.

2.20 (i) You have been riding non-stop for hours. You must be very tired.

(ii) She must be about forty.

(iii) I know I left my phone on this table and it is not here now. Somebody must have taken it.

(iv) That can’t be true. She will never do something like that.

(v) You shouldn’t have called him a fool. It really upset him.

(vi) The doctor said I must give up smoking.

(vii) Would you mind standing up for a moment?

(viii) 8. That was a bad place to go hiking. You could have broken your back.

(ix) ‘Who is at the door?’ ‘It must / could be the postman.’ (Use must if you are certain that the person at the door is the postman. Use could to express possibility.)

2.21 (i) Suddenly she gave a loud scream and fell to the ground.

(ii) After questioning he was allowed to go home.

(iii) They would have won if they had played a bit harder.

(iv) She was heard to say that she disagreed.

(v) Although they were defeated, they did not lose heart.

(vi) Our teacher taught us that virtue is its own reward.

(vii) The teacher asked the boys whether they had solved the problems.

(viii) He declared that he would not believe it even if he saw it with his own eyes.

(ix) The room was searched but the police failed to find anything suspicious.

(x) The government has announced that taxes will be raised.

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2.22 (i) We have stayed/have been staying in this house for the past three years.

(ii) The students went/have gone on an educational tour.

(iii) Only those students who have secured ‘A’ grades will be considered for admission.

(iv) Sorry I am late. Have you been waiting long?

(v) If you have read that book, you should return it to the library.

(vi) Sorry about the mess – I have been painting the walls.

(vii) You have eaten ten candies since lunchtime.

(viii) I have written six letters since morning.

(ix) I have been watching a lot of films recently.

(x) I watched/have watched three films this week.

2.23 (i) The prize was borne away by Manchester United.

(ii) The arches have borne the weight quite satisfactorily.

(iii) He was born to poor parents.

(iv) She has borne four children in five years.

(v) He bid Rs. 2000 for the picture.

(vi) He bade them farewell.

(vii) After I had bidden him farewell, I hurried away.

(viii) I bade him go away at once.

(ix) The Minister laid the foundation stone of the new hospital.

(x) The farmer killed the goose that had laid a golden egg.


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3.1 (i) medium media

(ii) spoonful spoonfuls

(iii) father-in-law fathers-in-law

(iv) enemy enemies

(v) mouse mice

(vi) foot Feet

3.2 (i) manager spinster

(ii) king widower

(iii) authoress empress

(iv) maidservant duchess

(v) landlady mare Peahen

3.3 One woman’s work has changed people’s ideas about chimpanzees. Jane Goodall lived in a forest in Tanzania for years to learn about them. Goodall’s notes tell about the chimps’ forest habitat and the animals themselves. She watched a chimp use a piece of grass to get termites from their mound. Goodall’s research proved that chimps use tools to get food.

3.4 (i) Manufacturers whose costs are lower because of mass production can offer lower prices.

(ii) The candidate for whom I had voted, lost the election.

(iii) The position of accountant for which he had applied had already been filled.

(iv) I can’t remember the name of the artist who had painted several award winning paintings.

3.5 Last week, we had a party at my house. Many guests were invited, and there were lots of cars parked outside. At the end of the party, only three persons were left: Arshad, Fauzia and I. However, there were four cars. One of them was a Volkswagon. I didn’t remember seeing it before, so I asked whose car it was.

Arshad said it wasn’t his car. His is a Toyota pick-up. When I asked Fauzia if it was hers, she said no, her car is a Honda City. I knew it wasn’t my car, of course. Finally, I called the police, and they came and examined it. They said it belonged to a family on the next street. Someone stole it from their driveway and left it on ours.

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3.6 (i) (c)

(ii) (a)

(iii) (b)

(iv) (c)

(v) (c)

(vi) (d)

3.7 (i) (c)

(ii) (b)

(iii) (d)

(iv) (a)

(v) (b)

(vi) (c)

3.8 (i) yourselves

(ii) myself

(iii) himself

(iv) themselves

(v) myself

(vi) herself

(vii) himself

(viii) herself

(ix) myself

(x) yourself

3.9 1. wolves

2. theses

3. crises

4. antennae

5. sheep

6. deer

7. mice

8. children

9. scarves.

10. echoes

11. cherries

12. knives

13. enemies

14. babies

15. apologies


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3.10 1. brother

2. person

3. friends

4. girl

5. cousins

3.11 1. much

2. many

3. much

4. much

5. much

6. many

7. many

8. much

9. many

10. much

3.12 1. necklaces

2. hair

3. rice

4. stuff

5. luggage

3.13 1. The thief who / that stole the bicycle has been caught.

2. Show me the road that / which leads to the railway station.

3. He who / that does his best should be rewarded.

4. My grandfather whom I loved is dead.

5. That boy whom / that you see there sings well.

6. Coal which is a very useful mineral is found in many parts of India.

7. We bought some apples from which we extracted the juice.

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3.14 1. Jehangir and Shehzad are brothers. I know them very well and my father likes them very much.

2. This book has many interesting pictures and stories. I like it very much.

3. The woman gave sweets to the children, but they did not thank her.

4. The teacher said, ‘Hamza, you’re a naughty boy. You don’t obey me.’

5. The boys were late so the teacher scolded them.

6. We have a good teacher. He / she advised us to work harder.

7. My father told my mother, ‘I want you to take these jewels and put them in a box. When you have done that come and see me and I will tell you why I don’t want you to keep them in that box.

3.15 1. I talked to the man whose bag was stolen.

2. I don’t know what he wants.

3. It is an ill wind that blows nobody good.

4. God helps those who help themselves.

5. Please try to understand what I mean.

6. The flowers which/that grow on the mountains are very beautiful.

7. This is the only chapter in the book that is worth reading.

8. All that you say is certainly true.

9. He who dies for a noble cause lives forever.

10. I hope the little that I have done has been useful.

3.16 1. He is a cheerful boy whom everybody loves.

2. This is the house that Salim built.

3. He is the person whom I want to see.

4. He is the offender whom the police have arrested.

5. My father, who hardly received any formal education, went on to become a great leader.

6. He was my teacher whom I will never forget.

7. This is the player whom the committee selected captain.

8. That is the road which leads to the railway station.

9. My uncle, who had been ailing for a while, died last week.

10. The car which was going at over 100 mph dashed against a tree.


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3.17 1. Who is that boy sitting next to Daniyal?

2. That was a horrible experience.

3. These are our children.

4. Which is the road that leads to the railway station?

5. Who told you this story?

6. What do you mean?

7. Whom shall we invite to preside over the function?

8. Where is your phone?

9. Are the people living in a village happier than those living in a town?

10. Who is your father?

11. This is the house that belongs to my grandfather.

12. Whom shall we contact?

13. Who can answer this question?

14. Whose bag is this?

3.18 1. The parcel which my brother sent reached me this morning.

2. The teacher punished the boy who didn’t do his homework.

3. He who tells lies deserves to be punished.

4. I know a man who wears a prosthetic leg.

5. Bring me the file which is on the table.

6. We met a girl who had lost her way.

7. I saw a soldier who had lost an arm.

8. Once upon a time there lived a giant who was very powerful and cruel.

9. The dog bit the burglar who was trying to break into the house.

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3.19 1. Collective noun

2. Proper noun

3. Common noun

4. Common noun

5. Common noun

6. Abstract noun

7. Abstract noun

8. Proper noun

9. Abstract noun

10. Common noun

3.20 1. Long -> length

2. Strong -> strength

3. Wide -> width

4. Young -> youth

5. Humble -> humility

6. Decent -> decency

7. Cruel -> cruelty

8. Bitter -> bitterness

9. Prudent -> prudence

10. Dark -> darkness

11. Wise -> wisdom

12. Good -> goodness

13. Vacant -> vacancy

14. Sweet -> sweetness

15. Human -> humanity

16. Free -> freedom

17. Proud -> pride

18. Brave -> bravery

19. Novel -> novelty

20. Poor -> poverty

21. Just -> justice

22. Vain -> vanity

23. Sane -> sanity

24. Ignorant -> ignorance


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3.21 1. A swarm of locusts attacked a herd of cattle.

2. A flight of birds is always a beautiful sight.

3. They welcomed the chief guest with a bouquet of flowers.

4. As we drove down the country side, we saw a flock of sheep grazing in the fields.

5. The gang of thieves has been arrested by the police.

6. There we saw a man carrying a bundle of clothes on his head.

7. A band of musicians was hired to perform at the party.

8. My friend has a fine collection of old stamps.

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4.1 There was a programme on television about dangers to the environment. There was also an article about pollution in the paper. The ozone layer will continue to disappear if we don’t find a way to stop it. Last year, an oil tanker spilled oil into the sea, damaging wild life. If the Earth was a human being, it would be in hospital.

4.2 i. Man is mortal. (No article necessary)

ii. The only chance you are left with is to reappear next year.

iii. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

iv. Doctor Ali will operate on my mother tomorrow.

v. The principal has assured me that he will look on my application sympathetically.

vi. I usually go to my office at 8:30 am. in the morning.

4.3 This is a true story about a man who chose the worst possible time for his crime. It happened in Karachi in the winter of 2001. He stole a car in Karachi. the owner of the car soon discovered that it was missing and immediately informed the police so that they could look for it. Normally, Karachi is quite a busy place and it would be difficult to find what you were looking for. On this day, however, there was a strike and so there were only few cars moving around in the city. Luckily the thief was quickly found and arrested for an illegal act.

4.4 (i) Shahid loved to read books on literature and would very often walk for miles to borrow a book.

(ii) A number of people in Pakistan speak two or three languages fluently.

(iii) It was a very steep path to the mountain peak but all the climbers reached the top safely.

(iv) The local Sunday bazar is becoming increasingly crowded and dirty.

(v) If you practice hard, you might become a star cricketer one day.

4.5 (i) Many currencies are now convertible.

(ii) His moods are very changeable.

(iii) He is in an enviable position of ruling over the whole empire.

(iv) Only a limited number of mushrooms are edible.

(v) Children’s minds are impressionable.


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4.6 (i) by

(ii) in

(iii) from

(iv) on

(v) of

(vi) for

4.7 (i) behind

(ii) from

(iii) under

(iv) out

(v) by

(vi) with

(vii) to

(viii) of

(ix) upon

4.8 (i) through

(ii) before

(iii) with

(iv) at

(v) for

(vi) up

(vii) in, of

4.9 (i) Corn is roasted over fire.

(ii) Wheat, cotton and sugarcane are three of the most important crops.

(iii) Both men and women help in the planting of seeds.

(iv) Cooking is usually done in clay pots.

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4.10 (i) The less you study, the poorer your marks will be.

(ii) Seagulls fly better than ducks do. (well)

(iii) The more you exercise, the stronger you will become. (more)

(iv) He explains the subject the best of all the teachers in the school. (well)

(v) The farther I walk, the more refreshed I feel.

4.11 (i) These terms are very harsh; I doubt that CEO will agree to them.

(ii) I’m afraid that I have to agree with your opinion about the new actuary.

(iii) The trainees are not yet conversant with our mode of operation.

(iv) The new aircraft that your firm purchased are identical to ours.

(v) Before long a prospective buyer will walk into the office.

(vi) The fireplace is a reminiscent of those found in Victorian architecture.

(vii) The paperweight fell off his desk.

(viii) The president was accompanied by the firm’s chief counsel.

4.12 i. I am not familiar with your style of working.

ii. Amir is fond of music.

ii. Your pencil is lying on the table.

iv. I prefer juice to tea.

iii He purposely refrained from saying more.

vi I exchanged my calculator with him for a camera.

4.13 Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition:

(i) He lives at 19, Tower Road.

(ii) Dani and his friend will divide the money between themselves.

(iii) He has been away since Friday.

(iv) Imran, Nawaz and Raheel will discuss the matter among themselves.

(v) I have known her since last year.

(vi) There are many possibilities than the one I have mentioned.


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4.14 1. (d)

2. (c)

3. (a)

4. (a)

5. (c)

6. (b)

7. (d)

4.15 1. (b)

2. (c)

3. (d)

4. (a)

5. (b)

6. (c)

7. (d)

8. (a)

9. (d)

10. (b)

4.16 1. (c)

2. (c)

3. (d)

4. (b)

5. (c)

6. (b)

7. (a)

8. (b)

9. (b)

10. (d)

11. (a)

12. (c)

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4.17 1. no article

2. a

3. no article

4. The

5. no article

6. the

7. The

8. no article

9. The

10. a

4.18 1. the

2. the

3. a

4. a

5. the

6. the

7. no article

8. the

9. the

10. a

4.19 1. no article

2. The

3. The

4. no article

5. The

6. The

7. no article

8. no article

9. no article


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4.20 1. the

2. the

3. no article

4. the

5. no article

6. no article

7. the

8. the

9. no article

10. no article

11. The

12. no article

13. The

14. no article

15. no article

16. The

17. The

18. no article

19. The

20. no article

4.21 1. worse

2. more

3. farther

4. less

5. most

6. least

7. best

8. worst

9. farthest

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4.22 1. a

2. b

3. a

4. a

5. b

6. a

7. b

8. b

9. a

4.23 1. a

2. b

3. a

4. b

5. a

6. b

7. b

8. a

9. b

4.24 1. b

2. a

3. b

4. a

5. b

6. b

7. b

8. a

9. a


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4.25 1. easily

2. annually

3. fast

4. cheerfully

5. anticlimactically

6. hard

7. terribly

8. equally

9. lazily

10. simply

4.26 1. quickly

2. eloquently

3. enthusiastically

4. loudly

5. politely

6. poorly

7. carefully

8. happily

4.27 1. Sana never watches scary movies.

2. I sometimes eat cereal in the morning.

3. My team never wins.

4. My sister is usually very generous.

5. Hamza is always upset.

6. He is so annoying sometimes!

7. I rarely see him.

8. I have never done that.

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4.28 1. fat

2. quietly

3. closed

4. slowly

5. cold

6. worse

7. correct/right

8. best

9. early

10. far

4.29 1. small

2. inexpensive/cheap

3. bad

4. badly

5. interesting/exciting

6. poor

7. short

8. awake

9. smart

10. dirty

4.30 1. the fastest

2. later

3. harder

4. the best

5. more slowly

6. the most suspiciously

7. faster

8. more easily

9. the worst

10. the most enthusiastically


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4.31 1. faster

2. sooner

3. more carefully

4. more quickly

5. earlier

6. more clearly

7. farther

8. more softly

9. more slowly

4.32 1. a

2. b

3. a

4. c

5. a

6. b

4.33 1. This material is different from that.

2. You should explain this to them.

3. He has been absent since Monday.

4. I haven’t been to the theatre for a long time.

5. He goes to school by car.

6. This is a comfortable house to live in.

7. They are called by different names.

8. We should not spend money on luxuries.

9. I gave him a chair to sit on.

10. The new term begins on June 1st.

11. He poured the tea into the mug.

12. He said that he was very pleased with my work.

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4.34 1. Can you see a woman in the picture?

2. London is on the river Thames.

3. The man is sitting in front of a table.

4. The mother sat beside her children.

5. There are a laptop and a few books on the table.

6. He put the money in the box.

7. The cat was hiding behind the door.

8. Why do you wear that ring on your first finger?

9. Can you see the helicopter above the palace?

10. The plane was flying across Scotland.

4.35 1. The villagers are steeped in ignorance and superstition.

2. Their customs are similar to ours.

3. I am suspicious of his true intentions.

4. He tampered with the office files.

5. I can testify to his honesty.

6. I am tired of reminding him about this.

7. He touched upon unemployment and allied problems in his speech.

8. Be always true to your conscience.

9. He is wanting in sympathy and understanding.

10. Do not yield to such temptations.

11. Don’t run down others.

4.36 1. A dog suddenly ran across the road. It was caught under the wheels of a speeding truck.

2. I stood on the bridge and watched the sky above.

3. When she heard the news she burst into tears.

4. The boy was born at six o’clock on 3rd May.

5. I am staying with my friend at a lodge not far from here.

6. My father goes to bed at 10 o’clock in the night.

7. I would like to stay with you for two or three days.

8. I will be coming to your house at four o’clock with my sister.


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4.37 1. b

2. c

3. c

4. a

5. c

6. b

7. a

8. b

9. a

10. c

4.38 1. Will you wait here until I come back?

2. I visit my grandparents when / whenever I have time.

3. The car is parked in front of the post office.

4. He worked at a market before he went to university.

5. I will make a cake if I have time.

6. As soon as he received the message, he escaped from the city.

7. I don’t care what job you do as long as / so long as you are happy.

8. We must stay united whatever happens.

9. You must finish it before you leave.

10. He injured his toes while he was working in the garden.

4.39 1. Though he is honest, nobody trusts him.

2. Unless you tell me the truth, I will call the police.

3. He is not as clever as his younger brother.

4. He must be punished because he is guilty.

5. He will be punished if he is found guilty.

6. Give every man thy ear, but few thy voice.

7. He will die someday for all men are mortal.

8. He worked hard, so he might pass the examination.

9. I waited for him until 11 pm, but he didn’t come.

10. You will not get the prize unless you deserve it.

11. It has been a year since I saw him.

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12. No sooner did he see the tiger than he fainted. (No sooner is a comparative construction. It should be followed by than.)

13. Hardly had we reached the platform when the train arrived.

4.40 1. Now that many members have expressed concerns regarding the viability of the project, what will happen to it?

2. My child falls ill whenever there is a slight change in the weather.

3. You don’t have to wait if you are in a hurry.

4. I will buy the car if they reduce their asking price.

5. In case there is an emergency, ring 100.

6. The bank will make the loan provided that we pledge our jewels.

7. If I am not able to sleep, I take the tablet.

8. I don’t care what job you do as long as you are happy.

9. As soon as she read the telegram, she started crying.

10. You can go out to play provided that you finish your homework first.

4.41 1. Although he was tired, he completed the work.

2. However hard he may try, he will not succeed.

3. He talked about the Prime Minister as if he had known him for years.

4. Some people speak as if they knew everything.

5. Whether or not you like it, we are going ahead with the plan.

6. Unless you give the respect due to others, you will not get respect.

4.42 1. Her clothes caught fire while she was cooking in the kitchen.

2. Now that his sons are employed, he has no financial worries.

3. He does not know any language except Urdu.

4. Even though I invited them, they did not come.

5. Though the weather was bad, he went out.

6. Julius Caesar, who came to Britain in 55 BC, was a powerful Roman General.

7. When the clock struck twelve, I went to bed.

8. This is the new computer that my father bought yesterday.

9. The village where we live is infested with rats.


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4.43 1. Give me something to drink, or else I will die of thirst.

2. Either you are mistaken or I am.

3. He asked whether he might have something to eat.

4. When you are called, you must come in at once.

5. I cannot give you any money for I have none.

6. You will not succeed unless you work harder.

7. He fled lest he should be killed.

8. We started early so that we will not get stuck in the traffic.

9. He deserves to succeed because / for he works hard.

10. I hear that your brother is in China.

4.44 1. I waited for him until 7 o’clock and then I went home.

2. I will make a cake if/when I have time.

3. They had left by the time I reached their place.

4. As soon as the teacher left the classroom, the students started chatting.

5. I will call you before I leave.

6. Take this bag with you when you leave.

7. She was depressed because she didn’t know what to do.

8. We must reach there before he leaves.

9. I cut myself while I was shaving.

10. We cancelled the trip because it was raining.

4.45 1. Either

2. neither

3. either

4. so

5. neither

6. too

7. either

8. either

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5.1 1. obvious

2. rude

3. genuine

4. concocting

5. depict

6. aware

7. introversion

8. infected

9. concessions

10. connection

5.2 (i)


















5.3 (1) relinquished

(2) considerable

(3) dealing

(4) adornment

(5) luck

(6) normally

(7) comprehend

(8) cope

5.4 (i) rein, reign (ii) sole/solely/soul (iii) pale

(iv) pained/pane


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5.5 (a) pale

(b) access

(c) personnel

(d) except

(e) principal

5.6 (i) immoral

(ii) dramatic

(iii) delightful

(iv) judgment

5.7 (1) permanent

(2) unacceptable

(3) tell

(4) moved

(5) went down

(6) rude

5.8 (1) Steel

(2) inn

(3) cited

(4) principle

(5) Practice

(6) eminent

(7) resort

(8) tie

5.9 (1) (c)

(2) (c)

(3) (c)

(4) (d)

(5) (c)

(6) (b)

(7) (a)

(8) (a)

(9) (b)

(10) (c)

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5.10 (1) c

(2) d

(3) a

(4) d

(5) c

(6) d

(7) c

(8) a

(9) b

(10) c

(11) d

(12) d

5.11 (1) c) Absurd pretense

(2) a) Limited

(3) b) Narrow-minded

(4) c) Embarrassed

(5) a) Exposing

(6) a) Denunciation

(7) b) Vengeful

5.12 (1) A foolish, unbelievable story

(2) Training is indispensable to a doctor.

(3) This is a website for students whose mother language is not English.

(4) When I asked them who took the money, the boys affected ignorance.

(5) A good manager should refrain from criticizing his subordinates.

(6) He was an accomplice in the murder.

(7) When people fall ill, they consult their doctor hoping to get the best medical care.

(8) It is high time she paid the dues.

(9) He tiptoed into the room lest he wake up / should wake up the baby.

5.13 (1) a) mother’s side

(2) c) hereditary

(3) a) black sheep

(4) a) supplements

(5) c) diagnosed

(6) b) mileage


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(7) b) vehicles

(8) c) enough space for

(9) a) eat in

(10) b) starving

5.14 (1) b

(2) c

(3) a

(4) b

(5) a

(6) c

(7) a

(8) b

(9) a

5.15 (1) a

(2) b

(3) b

(4) b

(5) c

(6) b

(7) a

(8) c

(9) c

(10) b

5.16 (1) c

(2) c

(3) b

(4) a

(5) b

(6) c

(7) b

(8) a

(9) a

(10) c

(11) a

(12) a

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(13) b

(14) c

(15) a

5.17 (1) a

(2) c

(3) c

(4) b

(5) c

5.18 (1) a

(2) b

(3) c

(4) b

(5) c

5.19 (1) c

(2) a

(3) b

(4) c

(5) b

(6) a

(7) b

(8) a


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6.1 (1) (a)

(2) (b)

(3) (d)

(4) (c)

(5) (a)

(6) (c)

(7) (b)

(8) (d)

6.2 1. (c)

2. (a)

3. (d)

4. (b)

5. (c)

6.3 1. Metaphor

2. Simile

3. Metaphor

6.4 1. Bone

2. Over

3. Up

4. Breath

5. Burning

6. Away

7. Nail

8. Flash

9. Breath

10. high

6.5 1. d

2. d

3. b

4. a

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7.1 1. (a)

2. (a)

3. (b)

4. (a)

5. (a)

7.2 (i) Although

(ii) Although

(iii) although

7.3 (i) Little did he realize that he had been let down by a colleague whom he had trusted during all these years.

(ii) People of all professions went to him for medicine and treatment at his dispensary.

(iii) He was so kind and generous that he not only helped them himself but also made others do so.

(iv) The majestic mahogany table which had one leg missing belongs to an old prince who is now impoverished but not without some pride.

7.4 (a) How long have Shahzeb and Shazia been married?

(b) Nadia has been playing this piano since she was four.

(c) Romana is feeling tired because she had been working all day.

(d) We are going to have a party early next week.


The crocodile’s domain includes central and southern Africa, the warmer parts of Asia, tropical islands and northern Australia. They also inhabit the warmer parts of the Americas but are far outnumbered by their cousins, the alligators. The difference between crocodiles and alligators are many and technical. The most obvious one is that, with jaws closed, the alligator’s teeth are invisible, while in case of the crocodile the long fourth tooth on each side of the lower jaw fits visibly into a notch on the outside of the upper jaw. This gives the crocodile a deceptive grin.

7.6 (i) If only I were young again!

(ii) What a wonderful creature an elephant is!

(iii) What a beautiful night it is!

(iv) What a delicious flavour Sindhri mangoes have!

7.7 (i) Are you waiting for somebody here?

(ii) Do you know where is the Grand Hotel?

(iii) Will it)/(Is it going to) rain tomorrow?

(iv) Why did you not work on Tuesday?


Where/(Do you know where) will the pharmacists hold their next annual conference?


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7.8 (i) He said that he was very happy then.

(ii) Zafar told me that he had gone to Islamabad last/previous/preceding week.

(iii) He asked me whether I would always live in this house.

(iv) My father said that he was given the wrong key.

(v) He said, “were the people not cheated by the scoundrel?”

7.9 (i) Sadia told/(said to) me that they had gone to the new 3D cinema the day before.

(ii) Asif told/informed his brother that he was thinking of migrating to Canada next year/ following year.

(iii) The teacher told the class that they might go for a picnic at the end of that/the month.

(iv) Maria said that she had been shopping in the Liberty Market when the downpour started.

(v) Junaid asked his friend whether/if he thought that the beggar was telling the truth.

(vi) My father said that he would take me to my friend’s house the next day/day after.

7.10 (a) Samia inquired/(asked me) if I knew where Mrs. Ishrat would be staying in Karachi.

(b) Mr. Khoker told/informed the reporters that they had made major organisational changes and the company was in a much stronger financial position then.

(c) My mother told/informed me that our neighbours Mr. and Mrs. Dilawar had had an accident.

(d) The supervisor told us that they might start a van service for their office staff very soon.

(e) Adnan told Kashif that he had worked very hard to earn his master’s degree.

(f) The employer asked/(inquired from) Shahid if/whether he could work on Saturdays.

(g) Jamal told/(said to) me that he had gone to London last month.

7.11 (a) Mr. Sarwar (announced to)/told the marketing department that Mr. Sajid would join/ would be joining their office from the next day/the following day.

(b) The children said they wished they didn’t have to take exams.

(c) My teacher said that honesty is the best policy.

(d) Moin said to/told his wife that he had been spending a lot more time with the children since she left/had left.

(e) The police officer said/informed that five to ten people were dying each day from target killing.

(f) The director remarked/informed that his team was sitting late every day to complete that project in time.

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7.12 (i) This house has not been lived in for ages.

(ii) The government was urged to create more jobs by the unemployed graduates.

(iii) The money was counted by me and found to be correct.

(iv) Why was such a strong disciplinary action taken by the supervisor when you were innocent?

(v) The entire structure would have to be demolished as you have not complied with the city building regulations.

7.13 (i) The police searched the house and recovered the stolen goods.

(ii) The children should not touch this alarm switch.

(iii) The residents strongly resented the new traffic arrangements.

(iv) The board of directors authorized the new austerity measures.

(v) The Board announced the examination results on July 25, 2011.

7.14 1. (a) Both the

2. (b) are

3. (c) for five thousand

4. (c) was

5. (d) I

6. (b) and this

7. (b) and me

8. (b) I who have done

9. (b) The Plays of Shakespeare

10. (b) one of the best books

7.15 1. (d) tea to coffee

2. (a) They heard

3. (a) All sorts of people

4. (d) because I had gone abroad

5. (c) he were

6. (c) is

7. (b) who

8. (a) heard

9. (e)

10. (d) upon his going


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7.16 1. Compound Sentence

2. Imperative Sentence

3. Compound sentence

4. Complex sentence

5. Complex sentence

6. Simple sentence

7. Simple sentence

8. Complex sentence

9. Complex sentence

10. Simple sentence

11. Compound sentence

12. Compound sentence

7.17 1. If you had arrived on time, this would not have happened.

2. If I were you, I would hire a solicitor.

3. If I won the jackpot, I would buy a yacht.

4. If he should happen to be late, we will go without him.

5. If they win this match, they will make it to the semifinals.

6. But for your help, I would not have managed to do it.

7. If I tell you a secret, will you keep it to yourself?

8. If you take this medicine, you will be better in a few days.

9. If I were you, I would be celebrating.

7.18 1. If I were you, I would not tolerate this.

2. If she asked more politely, he would help her.

3. If she hadn’t gone there, she wouldn’t have been killed.

4. If I had known about his predicament, I would have helped him.

5. Should he be late, we will have to start without him.

6. I would have been in bad trouble, if she hadn’t helped me.

7. If I had another $500, I could buy a car.

8. If you did that, you would probably be in trouble.

9. If you like it, will you buy it?

10. If you should happen to finish early, will you give me a ring?

7.19 1. He will come if you invite him.

2. If you attend the function, he will be happy.

3. If you accepted the invitation, he would be happy.

4. She wouldn’t have died, if she had received proper medical care.

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5. He will not succeed unless he works hard.

6. If she had been honest, she would not have lost her job.

7. He cannot go to work unless he recovers from his illness.

7.20 1. If she invites me, I will go.

2. If it rains, we will cancel the match.

3. If I get a promotion, I will buy a car.

4. If she is late, we will go without her.

5. If you ask more politely, I will buy you a drink.

6. If you don’t behave, I will throw you out.

7. If he wins the first prize, his mother will be happy.

8. If he gets proper medical care, he will survive.

9. If the drought continues, plants and animals will perish.

7.21 1. If I had a penny, I could buy some peanuts.

2. If I had known her address, I could have written to her.

3. He might not have fallen if he had been more careful.

4. I would help you if I had enough money.

5. If I were in your position, I would not commit such a disgraceful act.

6. What would you do if you got the first prize in a draw?

7. There might have been a great flood if the rains had not stopped.

8. Had the driver been alert, the accident could have been averted.

9. I would not accept the offer if I were you.

10. If you were a little more careful you would not be cheated.

7.22 1. Zero conditional

2. Second conditional

3. First conditional

4. Third conditional

5. Second conditional

7.23 1. This sentence is about something that happened in the past

2. This is a piece of advice.

3. This sentence refers to the present.

4. The speaker is a candidate in an election.

5. This is a polite suggestion or request.

6. The situation is both real and possible.


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7.24 1. Most things are made of plastic these days.

2. The house is being built.

3. This bag is made of leather.

4. It has disappeared. I can’t see it now.

5. Their house was sold last week.

6. Do you think that the work will be completed by Friday?

7. These tablets need to be taken with food.

8. The postman delivered this letter in the morning.

9. You should have sent the money last week.

7.25 1. a) The mouse was killed by the cat.

2. b) The tree was cut down by the man.

3. b) America was discovered by Columbus.

4. c) The boy was praised by the teacher.

5. a) The man was bitten by the dog.

6. c) The horse is fed by the syce every day.

7. b) Kites were being flown by the boys.

7.26 1. The parcels have been sent.

2. The performance was applauded by the spectators.

3. The culprits have been arrested by the police.

4. The work will be finished in a week.

5. The boy was praised by the teacher.

6. We are taught grammar by Mr. Arshad.

7. My pen has been stolen.

8. The horse was frightened by the sudden noise.

9. The boy was abducted by their servant.

10. This portrait was painted by my grandmother.

7.27 1. Smoking has been forbidden on the campus.

2. Students have been forbidden to smoke on the campus.

3. Consulting a good doctor is advised.

4. You are advised to consult a good doctor.

5. Parking in front of their gate is not allowed.

6. People are not allowed to park in front of their gate.

7. Early booking is advised.

8. Passengers are advised to book their tickets early.

9. She was made to repeat the whole story.

10. Pregnant women are not advised to go on a diet.

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7.28 1. verb – killed (simple past); voice – active

2. verb – is learning (present continuous); voice – active

3. verb – was built (simple past); voice – passive

4. verb – has been waiting (present perfect continuous); voice – active

5. verb – was making (past continuous); voice – active

6. verb – was bitten (simple past); voice – passive

7. verb – was caught (simple past); voice – passive

8. verb – were sent (simple past); voice – passive

9. verb – frightened (simple past); voice – active

10. verb -chased (simple past); voice – active

11. verb – was posted (simple past); voice – passive

12. verb – takes (simple present); voice – active

13. verb – drank (simple past); voice – active

14. verb – has broken (present perfect); voice – active

15. verb – pinch (simple present); voice – active

7.29 1. How kind of you to invite us! / Isn’t it kind of you to invite us?

2. How foolish of him to behave like that! / Wasn’t it foolish of him to behave like that?

3. How prudent of the boy to alert the policeman! / Wasn’t it prudent of the boy to alert the policeman?

4. How careless of him to leave the door unlocked! / Wasn’t it careless of him to leave the door unlocked?

7.30 1. He is not really nice-looking, and yet he has enormous charm.

2. When I was a child, I could watch TV whenever I wanted to.

3. It is a fine idea; let us hope that it is going to work.

4. Mrs Ayaz, who was sitting behind the desk, gave me a big smile.

5. ‘I don’t like this one bit,’ said Alia.

6. If you are ever in London, come and see you.

7. Looking straight at her, he said, ‘I can’t help you.’


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CHAPTER 8 – WRITING 8.1 (a) Answers would vary

(b) Humour brings laughter and fun

(c) Wit is concerned with words while humour deals with situations. Humour is something larger and more profound than wit.

(d) Being vulgar, unkind and profane.

(e) Profanity

(f) Précis

8.2 (a) No suggestion

(b) (ii)

(c) All great leaders have distinctive qualities of:

(i) commitment

(ii) perseverance

(iii) steadfastness

(d) (iv)

(e) Three inner challenges which great leaders never show in public are:

(i) their trials and tribulations

(ii) their fears and anxieties

(iii) their efforts to overcome the challenges

(f) (iv)

(g) No suggestion can be given, as there can be many ways to write a précis of the given passage.

8.3 (a) No Suggestion

(b) A good government should achieve the following objectives at all times:

(i) it should maintain rule of law

(ii) it should look after its citizens without discrimination

(iii) it should fulfil their needs

(iv) it should work towards establishment of welfare programs for the people.

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(c) The important qualities which citizens normally expect from their government are:

(i) it should be representative

(ii) it should provide a reasonable degree of stability

(iii) it should look after the well-being of its citizens.

(d) The various forms of governments stated in the passage are:

(i) monarchies

(ii) military dictatorships

(iii) civilian dictators

(iv) democracies.

(e) A good government should strive to meet the following present and future requirements of its citizens:

(i) defence requirements

(ii) economic development requirements

(iii) education requirements

(iv) employment requirements.

(f) (ii) the people

(g) No suggestion can be given, as there can be many ways to write a précis of the given passage.

8.4 (a) No Suggestion

(b) (vi) only three of the above are correct

(c) Three advantages of exercise for mentally challenged persons are:

(i) reduces anxiety

(ii) increases self-esteem

(iii) lifts their moods

(d) False

(e) False

(f) (v) one of the above is correct


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(g) Three reasons for not doing any exercise are:

(i) tiredness

(ii) busy work schedule

(iii) lack of motivation

(h) (i) to divert attention from stress and worry

(ii) to improve self esteem and overcome depression

(iii) to elevate body temperature and reduce muscles stiffness

(iv) to increase level of alertness and concentration

(i) Précis

No suggestion can be given, as there can be many ways to write a précis of the given passage.

Questions 8.5 to 8.14 No suggestion provided as there are many ways to write an essay on a given title.

In each case marks are awarded in the following areas.


Text and organization of ideas



Tense consistency

Use of idioms and phrases



Word count




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