afdeling verloskunde en gynaecologie · 2014-12-01 · 1 visie met betrekking tot de zorg,...

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Visie met betrekking tot de zorg onderwijs en het wetenschappelijk onderzoek binnen het Moeder en Kind Centrum van het thema Sophia van het Erasmus MC

September 2013

Eric Steegers Alex Eggink en Reacutegine Steegers-Theunissen (Verloskunde en Gynaecologie) Irwin Reiss (Neonatologie) Rene Wijnen (Kinderchirurgie) Dick Tibboel (IC Kinderen) Erasmus MC

Embryonic Health and Fetal amp Neonatal Care

Nieuwe kennis binnen het vakgebied

Foetale groei en ontwikkeling blijken een directe relatie te hebben met de ontwikkeling van het kind na de geboorte en de gezondheid van dat individu op latere leeftijd Ook blijken er al verschillen in de groei en ontwikkeling van het embryo te bestaan in de eerste weken van de zwangerschap Zowel (epi) genetische- als omgevingsfactoren zoals bepaald door leefstijl- en voedingsgewoonten spelen daarbij een rol Naast het ontstaan van structurele congenitale afwijkingen in die periode blijkt embryonale groei medebepalend te zijn voor de foetale groei in de tweede helft van de zwangerschap het gewicht van het kind bij de geboorte en de postnatale ontwikkelings- en gezondheidsproblemen van het kind zoals obesitas Het scheppen van een zo optimaal mogelijke intra-uteriene omgeving van het kind ook wanneer de vrouw pas net zwanger is vormt dan ook een nieuwe uitdaging in zowel de zorg rondom de zwangerschap als het onderwijs en wetenschappelijk onderzoek De mogelijkheden om te intervenieumlren met als doel de intra-uteriene omgeving positief te beiumlnvloeden nemen snel toe Dit betreft zowel niet-invasieve (medicamenteuze eHealth) als foetaal chirurgische interventies Embryonale gezondheid en foetale geneeskunde zijn daarom twee nieuwe themarsquos die tot ontwikkeling komen Afstemming van de postnatale adaptatie en de neonatale zorg met een structureel follow up programma is essentieel in dit continuuumlm van ontwikkeling






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Embryonale groei en ontwikkeling

Foetale groei en ontwikkeling

Gezondheid pasgeborene

Groei ontwikkeling gezondheid kind en volwassene


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Nieuwe programmarsquos in de zorg en het wetenschappelijk onderzoek binnen het vakgebied

Centraal staat het continuuumlm in het leven van preconceptiezorg vruchtbaarheid embryonale ontwikkeling foetale ontwikkeling perinatale zorg postnatale behandeling en structurele follow-up Patieumlntenzorg en onderzoek zijn geiumlntegreerd zowel wat betreft de rekrutering van de onderzoekspopulatie als de implementatie van de verkregen kennis in de zorg

1Embryonale groei en ontwikkeling

Als men aandacht wil geven aan risicorsquos die van invloed kunnen zijn op de embryonale ontwikkeling in de eerste weken van de zwangerschap dan moet men die zorg al voorafgaand aan de zwangerschap geven preconceptiezorg Bovendien wordt de embryonale gezondheid waarschijnlijk ook al bepaald door (epi)genetische-constitutionele en omgevingsinteracties van zowel de vrouw als de man in relatie tot de ei- en zaadcellen voorafgaand aan en tijdens de bevruchting

De verloskunde en prenatale geneeskunde functioneert als een expertisecentrum op het gebied van geprotocolleerde intra- en extramurale algemene- en specialistische preconceptiezorg Een voorbeeld daarvan is een speciaal spreekuur binnen onze afdeling dat geheel is gericht op leefstijl en voeding (lsquoGezond Zwanger Wordenrsquo) Het digitale preconceptie-screeningsinstrument op internet acuteZwangerWijzeracute is bekend onder de bevolking en de zorgverleners Met steun van Stichting Coolsingel en Zilveren Kruis Achmea heeft de release plaatsgevonden van het persoonlijke e-health coachingsprogramma op de mobiele telefoon lsquoSlimmer Zwangerrsquo Door middel van een website op de mobiele telefoon en adviezen per SMS en e-mail worden paren met kinderwens bewust gemaakt en geholpen bij het veranderen van ongezonde voedings- en leefstijlgewoonten zowel voacuteoacuter als tijdens de zwangerschap Na de positieve resultaten van de survey start in 2014 een gerandomiseerd onderzoek met lsquoSlimmer Zwangerrsquo in de regio Rotterdam onder paren met kinderwens en een zelfde landelijk gerandomiseerd en implementatie onderzoek onder paren met kinderwens die een IVF indicatie hebben

Daarnaast is een lsquocentrum jonge zwangerschaprsquo geiumlnitieerd met thematische poliklinische spreekuren conform het model van de Engelse Association of Early Pregnancy Unit De studie van de jonge zwangerschap heeft een vlucht gekregen door de ontwikkelingen binnen de 3D en 4D echoscopie en de mogelijkheden van de virtuele beeldvorming binnen de I-Space van het Erasmus MC Dit maakt gedetailleerde beeldvorming van het embryo mogelijk (virtuele embryoscopie) met (semi) automatische lengte- en volume-metingen Ten behoeve hiervan is ook een Echoscopie Training Centrum gerealiseerd een echokamer met high-end echoapparatuur en een desktop 3D virtual reality applicatie Door inbedding in de afdelingsbrede patieumlntenzorg maakt dat ook het periconceptionele prospectieve cohort onderzoek mogelijk naar de invloed van (epi)genetische- en omgevingsdeterminanten zowel voorafgaand als tijdens de jonge zwangerschap (Rotterdam Predict Studie) Dit onderzoeksprogramma sluit aan bij de diverse innovatieve preconceptie programmaacutes het aandachtsgebied van de periconceptionele epidemiologie het onderzoek naar aangeboren structurele afwijkingen en de programmas van artificieumlle voortplantingstechnieken van de subafdeling voortplantingsgeneeskunde Er bestaat ook een hechte aansluiting met het onderzoek binnen Generation R Naast research kan de virtuele embryoscopie een diagnostische meerwaarde hebben bij die afwijkingen in het eerste trimester waarbij ruimtelijk inzicht vereist kan zijn zoals conjoined twin of afwijkingen aan de ledematen en in de toekomst meerdere aangeboren anatomische afwijkingen (grootte van het defect bij hernia diaphragmatica craniofasciale afwijkingen etc)

De moleculair genetische technieken binnen de prenatale screening en diagnostiek maken een snelle ontwikkeling door Gebruik makende van foetaal (placentair) DNA in maternaal bloed zal binnenkort tijdens de jonge zwangerschap een foetale trisomie


betrouwbaar kunnen worden vastgesteld Dit DNA kan ook worden gebruikt om testen te ontwikkelen met betrekking tot zwangerschapscomplicaties zoals foetale groeivertraging en preeumlclampsie In geval van een gediagnosticeerde foetale aangeboren structurele afwijking zal in de analyse van het foetale materiaal (zoals chorionvlokken en vruchtwater) naast conventionele karyotypering het onderzoek zich in samenwerking met de afdeling klinische genetica meer gaan richten op lsquofetal profilingrsquo gebruik makende van nieuwe (epi) genetische technieken zoals QF-PCR en array CGH waarbij onder andere de rol van microdeleties en inserties kan worden onderzocht De mogelijkheid zowel technisch als medisch ethisch van whole genome sequencing and analysis kan in het verlengde hiervan worden verkend

In 2008 is de Rotterdam Predict studie gestart (zie ook bijlage) Een periconceptioneel cohort onderzoek met als doel het bestuderen van interacties tussen maternale en paternale (epi)genetische- en omgevingsfactoren en mechanismen in de periconceptionele periode in relatie tot vruchtbaarheid embryonale- foetale en placentaire groeistoornissen en congenitale structurele afwijkingen De deelnemers worden gerekruteerd vanuit de preconceptie- voortplanting- en jonge zwangerschapspreekuren Ook de deelnemers aan de gerandomiseerde trials met lsquoSlimmer zwangerrsquo kunnen vanaf 2014 instromen in de Rotterdam Predict Studie Tussen 6 en 12 weken zwangerschap wordt wekelijks echoscopisch en virtual reality (VR I-Space) onderzoek verricht van het embryo Paren die later tijdens de zwangerschap worden gezien in verband met een foetale aangeboren structurele afwijking worden samen met het kind ook in de studie opgenomen zodat groei en ontwikkelingsafwijkingen bij aangeboren afwijkingen gerelateerd kunnen worden aan een grote controle groep Er wordt tijdens de intake gestandaardiseerd onderzoeksmateriaal verzameld dat bestaat uit (periconceptioneel) bloed en DNA van vrouw en man en vragenlijsten Bij de partus worden navelstreng navelstrengbloed (stamcellen) en placentabiopten verzameld In de toekomst zal ook resterend chorion villous materiaal vruchtwater en obductie materiaal worden verzameld Het lichaams(rest)materiaal wordt opgeslagen in een biobank Er wordt een pilotstudie gestart om dit initiatief onder te brengen in de Sophia Biobank De kinderen binnen de Rotterdam Predict studie zullen ook binnen een structureel follow-up programma worden gevolgd


Kansen binnen het thema Sophia en het Moeder en Kind Centrum in het bijzonder

Wetenschappelijk onderzoek

Embryonale en foetale groei en ontwikkeling in relatie tot postnatale zorg en de ontwikkeling van het kind met speciale aandacht voor (epi)genetische-omgevings interacties

a beschrijving van het continuuumlm van normale en pathologische groei en ontwikkeling (bijvoorbeeld wat betreft de cerebrale ontwikkeling beginnende bij het embryo met behulp van de I-Space en foetaal en neonataal met echoscopie en MRI)

b in relatie tot congenitale structurele afwijkingen (embryonale 3D en VR beeldvorming structureel echoscopisch onderzoek inclusief Doppler profielen moleculair genetisch materiaal verkregen via prenatale screening en diagnostiek foetale geneeskundige interventies stamcelonderzoek navelstrengbloed postnatale zorg zoals ECMO en follow up van postnatale ontwikkeling) Translationeel etiologisch en pathofysiologisch onderzoek vroegdiagnostiek van aangeboren structurele afwijkingen innovatieve foetale interventies antenatale predictie van postnatale uitkomst

c in relatie tot foetale groeistoornissen en vroeggeboorte (embryonale automatische volume metingen foetale echoscopische gewichtsschattingen Doppler profielen moleculair genetisch materiaal verkregen via prenatale screening en diagnostiek stamcelonderzoek navelstrengbloed studie van lichaamssamenstelling van de pasgeborene met dexametingen en follow up van postnatale groei) Translationeel etiologisch en pathofysiologisch onderzoek vroegdiagnostiek foetale groeivertraging vroeggeboorte en antenatale predictie van postnatale uitkomst

d Door de translationele benadering opgedane nieuwe kennis aanwenden voor de ontwikkeling van antenatale en postnatale therapeutische strategieeumln en follow-up

Ten behoeve van onderzoek is het wenselijk dat de reeds functionerende biobank van de Rotterdam Predict Studie wordt uitgebreid met foetaal en postnataal verkregen lichaamsmateriaal Een en ander kan ook als pilot worden opgenomen in de Sophia biobank zodat doublures worden voorkomen en eenduidigheid van opslag en gebruik geborgd zijn

Het dataware house van het Moeder en Kind Centrum moet beter toegankelijk worden gemaakt en worden aangepast aan bovengenoemde ambities



De introductie van het structureel echoscopisch onderzoek maakt dat steeds meer (ernstige) aangeboren structurele afwijkingen prenataal worden gediagnosticeerd Tussen de afdelingen Verloskunde en Prenatale Geneeskunde en Klinische Genetica en de diverse afdelingen van het Sophia kinderziekenhuis bestaat een goede samenwerking voor de begeleiding en opvang van toekomstige ouders van pasgeborenen met congenitale afwijkingen De afdeling Prenatale Geneeskunde heeft een regionale functie voor prenatale counseling diagnostiek en therapie Voor een aantal indicaties is er sprake van een landelijk verwijscentrum Prenatale counseling en diagnostiek wordt in de volle breedte uitgevoerd Door de aanwezigheid van nagenoeg alle kinder-deelspecialismen kan op elke indicatie worden verwezen en is op het gebied van aangeboren en erfelijke afwijkingen op alle orgaansystemen expertise aanwezig

Naast spreekuren voor geavanceerd ultrageluidonderzoek is er ook een speciaal 3D spreekuur waarbij gebruik wordt gemaakt van de specifieke 3D eigenschappen van de


echoscopie Meerwaarde hiervan vindt je vooral bij gelaatsafwijkingen gestoorde geslachtsontwikkeling en afwijkingen aan de ledematen

De zorg in de diverse fasen van prenatale diagnose counseling bevalling en postnatale behandeling zal toenemend worden geprotocolleerd in zorgpaden met daaraan gekoppeld een gestructureerd follow-up programma Dit geldt ook voor andere zwangerschapscomplicaties zoals foetale groeivertraging (in het bijzonder in het geval van ernstige preeclampsie) en vroeggeboorte


Vrouwen die een suboptimale zwangerschapsuitkomst hebben gehad komen in aanmerking voor algemene en gespecialiseerde preconceptiezorg (interconceptiezorg) in relatie tot een volgende zwangerschap In geval van een aangeboren structurele afwijking dient deze zorg multidisciplinair te worden gegeven Kinderen die geboren zijn met een aangeboren structurele afwijking komen ook in aanmerking voor preconceptiezorg wanneer zij de vruchtbare leeftijd bereiken

Center of excellence voor erfelijke en aangeboren afwijkingen Het Erasmus MC moet zich samen met het LUMC zowel prenataal als postnataal in Nederland en internationaal verder profileren als het Centre of excellencerdquo voor erfelijke en aangeboren afwijkingen zowel wat betreft de zorg als het wetenschappelijk onderzoek De afdeling Verloskunde en Prenatale Geneeskunde draagt daaraan bij in het gehele continuuumlm van preconceptiezorg jonge zwangerschap prenatale screening en diagnostiek tot en met de perinatale zorg De zorg moet zijn afgestemd en vastgelegd in zorgpaden met duidelijkheid over wie op welk moment hoofdbehandelaar is Naast diagnostiek moet ook de (intra-uteriene) behandeling van aangeboren afwijkingen toenemende aandacht krijgen De foetale geneeskunde zal daarmee verder worden ontwikkeld Ten aanzien van de invasieve foetale behandelingen zal intensief worden samen gewerkt met het LUMC Voor verwijzer en de patieumlnt moeten de afdelingen van het Erasmus MC en het LUMC eacuteeacuten gezicht naar buiten uitstralen zonder een verlies van eigen identiteit Het grootste deel van de invasieve interventies zal voornamelijk in het LUMC blijven plaatsvinden maar de kennis van (prenataal behandelbare) aangeboren aandoeningen moet ook in het Erasmus MC aanwezig zijn Naast het LUMC kan de samenwerking met het Leuven verder worden uitgebreid Gestructureerde follow-up programmarsquos vormen een nadrukkelijk onderdeel van de zorg Door vroegtijdige preconceptionele of prenatale inclusie te koppelen aan langdurige postnatale follow up oa van kinderen met aangeboren afwijkingen ontstaat er een continuuumlm in zorg en wetenschap

Wat betreft het wetenschappelijk onderzoek en het onderwijs zal dit centre of excellence zich ook moeten profileren zoals eerder in deze notitie aangegeven Daarin kan samenwerking worden gezocht met het LUMC en de TU Delft in het samenwerkingsverband Medical Delta De zich ontwikkelende samenwerking tussen de academische centra wat betreft de embryonale beeldvorming in de I-Space kan hier ook in worden ondergebracht Door het uitbreiden van het cohort van de Rotterdam Predict studie met de patieumlntenpopulatie van het LUMC kan de vraagstelling worden uitgebreid met ook die patieumlntengroepen die specifiek zijn voor het LUMC



1 Steegers EAP Embryonale gezondheid en preconceptiezorg belang voor huidige en toekomstige generaties Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2014 158 A7373

2 Steegers-Theunissen RPM Inaugural lecture New life in a changing environment Demmenie Grafimedia Alphen aan den Rijn 2010

3 Williams D Long-term complications of preeclampsia Semin Nephrol 2011 31111-122

4 Steegers-Theunissen RP Steegers EA Nutrient-gene interactions in early pregnancy a vascular hypothesis Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2003 106115-7

5 Gluckman PD Hanson MA Cooper C Thornburg KL Effect of in utero and early-life conditions on adult health and disease N Engl J Med 2008 359 61-73

6 Hammiche F Laven JS van Mil N de Cock M de Vries JH Lindemans J Steegers EAP Steegers-Theunissen RPM Tailored preconceptional dietary and lifestyle counselling in a tertiary outpatient clinic in the Netherlands Hum Reprod 2011 26 2432-41

7 Feunekes GI Van Staveren WA De Vries JH Burema J Hautvast JG Relative and biomarker-based validity of a food-frequency questionnaire estimating intake of fats and cholesterol Am J Clin Nutr 1993 58 489-96

8 Verkleij-Hagoort AC de Vries JH Stegers MP Lindemans J Ursem NT Steegers-Theunissen RP Validation of the assessment of folate and vitamin B(12) intake in women of reproductive age the method of triads Eur J Clin Nutr 2007 61 610-5

9 Verwoerd-Dikkeboom CM Koning AHJ Hop WC Rousian M van der Spek PJ Exalto N Steegers EA Reliability of early pregnancy measurements in 3D using virtual reality Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2008 32 910-16

10 Verwoerd-Dikkeboom CM Koning AH van der Spek PJ Exalto N Steegers EA Embryonic staging using a 3D virtual reality system Hum Reprod 2008 23 1479-84

11 Verwoerd-Dikkeboom CM Koning AH Hop WC van der Spek PJ Exalto N Steegers EA Innovative virtual reality measurements for embryonic growth and development Hum Reprod 2010 251404-10

12 Rousian M Koning AH Hop WC van der Spek PJ Exalto N Steegers EA Gestational sac fluid volume measurements in virtual reality Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2011 38 524-9

13 Rousian M Verwoerd-Dikkeboom CM Koning AH Hop WC van der Spek PJ Steegers EA Exalto N First trimester umbilical cord and vitelline duct measurements using virtual reality Early Hum Dev 2011 8777-82

14 Cruz-Neira C Sandin D DeFanti T Surround-screen projection-based virtual reality the design and implementation of the CAVE trade Proceedings of the 20th annual conference on computer graphics and interactive techniques 1993 135-42

15 Koning AH Rousian M Verwoerd-Dikkeboom CM Goedknegt L Steegers EA van der Spek PJ V-scope design and implementation of an immersive and desktop virtual reality volume visualization system Stud Health Technol Inform 2009 142 136-8

16 Rousian M Koning AHJ van Oppenraaij RHF Hop WC Verwoerd-Dikkeboom CM van der Spek PJ Exalto N Steegers EAP An innovative virtual reality technique for automated human embryonic volume measurements Hum Reprod 2010 25 2210-6

17 Steegers-Theunissen RPM Nieuw leven in een veranderende Omgeving Oratiereeks Erasmus MC 2010 ISBN 978-90-779-0672-9

18 Lucock MD Synergy of genes and nutrients the case of homocysteine Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care 2006 9 748-56

19 Smith AD Kim YI Refsum H Is folic acid good for everyone Am J Clin Nutr 2008 87 517-33



The Rotterdam Predict Study A periconceptional birth cohort

Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in collaboration with the Laboratory of Clinical Chemistry and departments of Bioinformatics Biostatistics Pediatrics Neonatology and

Internal Medicine Vascular Pharmacology of the Erasmus MC University Medical Center Rotterdam The Netherlands


Adverse reproductive performance pregnancy course and birth outcome largely originate in the periconceptional period a time window of 14 weeks before up to 10 weeks after conception Interactions between environmental exposures before and during pregnancy in combination with subtle genetic variations affect parental gametes and reproductive organs and (extra) embryonic- and fetal organs1 The underlying biological mechanisms however are not yet clarified Moreover most birth cohorts start with the enrolment and data collection after the first trimester of pregnancy thereby ignoring the periconceptional period (wwwbirthcohortsnetusr)

Accumulating data indicate increased risks of a range of vascular and metabolic diseases in women who experienced pregnancy complications such as preeclampsia pregnancy induced hypertension and gestational diabetes2 In this regard pregnancy can be considered as stress test of metabolic- endocrine- vascular- and psychological functions3 Furthermore especially children born with fetal growth restriction are at risk for developing cardiovascular- metabolic- endocrine- and psychiatric diseases in adulthood ie Developmental Origin Hypothesis of Health and Disease4

General aims

(i) To describe health normal and abnormal growth and development in the periconceptional period during pregnancy at birth to the first year of life

(ii) To identify in this window the parental biological nutritional lifestyle and environmental determinants of reproductive performance and pregnancy course and outcome

(iii) To relate the epigenome of DNA derived from gametes parental white blood cells (extra)embryonic and newborn white blood- and stem cells and tissues to the periconceptional health of the couple and reproductive performance pregnancy course and outcome

(iv) To provide periconceptional screening tests and intervention programs to optimize human reproduction

Study design


From 2008 onwards we initiated the Rotterdam Predict Study with a focus on the periconceptional period The study is designed as prospective birth cohort study of unselected high risk couples and a random selection of population based control couples at the Erasmus MC University Medical Center (Erasmus MC) in Rotterdam The Netherlands After a pilot phase of two years the main study embedded in routine patient care started in November 2010 and is ongoing Determinants of interest are parental health conditions eg age education (non) modifiable environmental exposures such as nutrition and lifestyle habits with a main focus in the periconceptional period in association with growth and development of gametes embryo fetus and infant to one year of age5 In future we will examine epigenetic mechanisms in human tissues underlying these associations and as early predictor of future health

Study population

The Rotterdam Predict Study has been designed as an open hospital-based and population-based prospective birth cohort study embedded in the infrastructure of the transmural Rotterdam Preconceptional Health Program In the pilot phase (2009-2010) we included 233 pregnancies before 8 weeks of gestation We adapted the protocol including the collection of validated nutritional intake data67 and began enrolling couples in the preconceptional period and before the13th week of gestation into the Predict Study from November 2010 onwards (Figure)

All couples scheduled for an appointment at the outpatient clinic of the department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology are invited to participate by means of a brochure The brochure contains information on the aims of the Predict study and is being sent along with the appointment confirmation During the appointment at the outpatient clinic the couple is being asked for willingness to participate If a couple is willing to take part eligibility is checked and an appointment for a standardized intake is scheduled Eligibility criteria are that the woman and her partner have to be at least 18 years of age are both willing to participate and are familiar with the Dutch language in speaking reading and writing In the preparation of the intake appointment the couple receives detailed information about the Predict Study informed consent forms and self-administered questionnaires to be filled out at home The


signed informed consent forms and completed questionnaires are taken to the intake appointment None of the participants is offered incentives for their contribution other than the newsletter of the study which includes information on the proceedings and research results and pictures of the serial ultrasound examinations during the first trimester of pregnancy

Approval of the study was obtained from the Central Committee on Research in The Hague and the local Medical Ethical Committee of the Erasmus MC in Rotterdam The Netherlands (2004 and 2009)

In the next Figure the periconceptionally included study population between 2010 and 2013 is depicted

Data collection

In the table details of data and material collection from periconceptional to 1 year after delivery

Preconceptional and first trimester

24 weeks of gestation 36 weeks of gestation to delivery

1 year after delivery

Mother and Father Intake questionnaire Constitutional determinants age marital status ethnicity education Health determinants diseases medicine reproduction obstetrical andrological

Mother and Fetus Follow up questionnaire Health determinants diseases medicine obstetrical psychological stress

Mother and Infant Follow up questionnaire Health determinants diseases medicine obstetrical psychological stress

Infant Follow up questionnaire Health determinants Growth development congenital malformations and


psychological stress Modifiable determinants lifestyle (smoking drugs alcohol) vitamins infections Nonpartially modifiable determinants environmental- and occupational exposures Family determinants diseases congenital malformations

Modifiable determinants lifestyle (smoking drugs alcohol) vitamins infections Nonpartially modifiable determinants environmental- and occupational exposures

Modifiable determinants lifestyle (smoking drugs alcohol) vitamins infections Nonpartially modifiable determinants environmental- and occupational exposures


Food frequency questionnaire

Venous blood sampling blood and leucocyte cell count and differentiation biomarkers (folate B12 homocysteine) biobanking

Umbilical cord blood blood and leucocyte cell count and differentiation biobanking

Measurements systolic- diastolic blood pressure height weight waist- hip circumference

Measurements Birth weight

Verification medical- pharmacy records

Verification medical- pharmacy records

Serial 2D3D ultrasound examination 7-13 weeks of gestation

Structural ultrasound scans at 20 weeks of gestation

Pregnant women participating before 8 weeks of gestation received weekly 2 and 3 dimensional (2 and 3D) ultrasound scans from 7 to 13 weeks of gestation From November 2012 this has been changed in every 2 weeks at 7 9 and 11 weeks of pregnancy The ultrasound scans are performed by experienced researchers using a 6-12 MHz transvaginal probe of the GE Voluson E8 Expert system (GE Zipf Austria) The ultrasound scans focus on the embryo including details as crown rump length embryonic volume and curvature brain structures and external Carnegie Stage characteristics8-10 and extraembryonic structures such as the gestational sac umbilical cord1112 placenta and yolk sac Uterine artery and placental flow is documented by standardized 3D Power Doppler sweeps for offline evaluation All 3D ultrasound scans are stored as Cartesian volumes using specialized 3D software (4D View version 91 GE Medical Systems) and visualized using our I-Space a so-called four-walled CAVEtrade-like13 (Automatic Virtual Environment) virtual reality system built by Barco NV (Kuurne Belgium) The V-Scope application is used to create an interactive 3D hologram of the ultrasound image that can be manipulated by means of a virtual pointer controlled by a wireless joystick14 The V-scope in our I-Space allows a more precise visualization of the embryonic crown rump length and innovative volume measurements of the embryo and brain structures1516 The V-Scope software used in the I-Space is reliable and reproducible810 4D view GE (Vocal) seems an accurate technique to measure volumetry of the cerebellum and trophoblast volume in the first 12 weeks of gestation on the ultrasound apparatus Power Doppler flow imaging is used to determine


placenta vascularization by measuring the volume of the blood vessels using the VR system in our I-Space

For the Predict Study the detailed measurements in the I-Space and on the ultrasound apparatus with 4D view are performed by researchers according to a standard protocol After introduction and a first training course the protocol to assess reproducibility of the measurements is followed A random subset of 5 patients with 6 serial datasets (30 datasets) is provided and triplo-measurements are carried out of the specific (extra)embryonic structures After achieving an inter- and intrameasurement variation of less than 5 and intraobserver and intraobserver agreement of gt090 and plt005 by calculating intraclass and interclass correlation coefficients and Bland Altman plots with a mean difference and 95 limits of agreement (mean difference lt5 en limits lt10) the researcher continues single measurements of the specific structure in the study dataset After finishing those measurements 30 datasets of the study dataset are randomly selected and the measurements are repeated and compared by calculating again intraclass correlation coefficients

At delivery always umbilical cord blood samples are obtained according to a protocol (supplementary materials) The umbilical venous cord blood is collected in 1 EDTA tube (10 mL) and 1 separator tube (10 ml) Immediately after delivery blood and leucocyte cell count and differentiation are and measurements are taken according to protocol (supplement) All blood samples are stored with barcodes in the biobank of the Predict Study situated at the laboratory of Clinical Chemistry of the Erasmus MC in Rotterdam for (epi)genetic epidemiological research

First Results The first periconceptional questionnaire and biomarker data has been obtained and stored in the database The cleaning of the data and the verification of the data based on medical records and of pharmacies has been started Serial 2D3D ultrasound scans are converted and stored We initiated the serial measurements of the different (extra) embryonic structures This data is available for first evaluations So far based on the pilot dataset of 2008-2010 we have been published 3 manuscripts with original data and 2 reviews (see page 6) and 6 manuscripts are in preparation issuing several associations between the periconceptional use of folic acid tablets IVFICSI treatment and growth trajectories of the embryo and placenta Furthermore sophisticated statistical methods are being developed by the department of Biostatistics to describe and analyse growth trajectories of the embryonic phenotype Strengths and future implications The main strength of the Rotterdam Predict Study is its unique periconceptional prospective study design embedding in clinical care high quality of unique first trimester exposure- biomarker and serial imaging data reduction of any potential bias due to changes in exposure during follow up homogenously defined phenotypes dichotomous and continuous birth outcomes (crown to rump length embryonic volume birth weight) quantitative data of c CpG methylation of genes biobanking DNA of both parents and infant at fixed study moments and the ability to study associations as well as underlying epigenetic mechanisms The multidisciplinary collaboration between recognized research groups dedicated to embryonic imaging (epi)genomics and nutrition is another strength Furthermore bioinformatics and novel statistics will be applied in order to perform the integrated analysis of imaging biochemical dietary and molecular genetic data Therefore the Predict Study will contribute to the further understanding of the epigenome of several reproductive and pregnancy outcomes the relationship with aging disease risks in current and future generations and the modification of risks using healthy dietary patterns (nutrient-gene interactions) from preconception onwards


The Rotterdam Predict Study will contribute in to the future primary and secondary prevention of the following problems (i) High perinatal mortality and morbidity rates (ii) Epidemic of aging diseases in current and next generations and (iii) Increase of poor nutrition and lifestyles Ad (i) The care and expenses for obstetrical and neonatal treatment due to the Big 4 (fetal growth restriction prematurity congenital malformations Apgar score below 7 after 5 minutes) are a burden for health care providers and givers and insurance companies as they require hospitalization during pregnancy NICU and or ECMO treatment Besides the pain and suffering of the affected infant the parents and families encounter emotional and psychological problems as well as high health care costs This severely affects their workload health and quality of life Ad (ii) Aging diseases in later life will be the epidemic of the 21st century Suffering from these diseases decreases the quality of life of the patient as well as of hisher family Moreover these diseases are accompanied with long-term medical and societal costs Considering the primary and secondary prevention of aging diseases with a healthy diet and lifestyle from preconception onwards it is important to note that the Predict Study addresses one of the best known mechanisms of being born with fetal growth restriction and having an increased risk of aging diseases Ad (iii) Poor dietary habits and their implications for pregnancy and aging diseases are being solved in several countries by food fortification programs and stimulation of the use of folic acid and multivitamin preparations However in those countries these strategies are introduced without knowing the lowest most effective and safest doses16 This emphasizes the need for a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms of possible harmful effects of folic acid fortification use and duration of high folic acid doses and one carbon-rich dietary patterns in relation to reproductive performance pregnancy course and outcome and aging disease risks1718 So far the Rotterdam Predict Study has continued with a minimum of funds thanks to the integration with patient care dedicated researchers and technical support staff Because the study is embedded in the infrastructure of transmural Rotterdam Preconceptional care it stimulates the development of innovative preconceptional care Therefore the results of the study will be easily disseminated to health care workers obstetrical care providers pediatricians and policymakers through newsletters presentations and (inter)national publications Funding

The Predict Study has been financially supported by the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Publications based on the Rotterdam Predict Study

1 Reus AD El-Harbachi H Rousian M Willemsen SP Steegers-Theunissen RP Steegers EA

Exalto N Early first trimester trophoblast volume in ongoing pregnancies and miscarriages

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2013 Aug 29 doi 101002uog13197

2 Steegers-Theunissen RPM Twigt J Pestinger V Sinclair KD The periconceptional period

reproduction and long-term health of offspring the importance of one-carbon metabolism Hum

Reprod Update 20131-16

3 van Uitert EM Exalto N Burton G Willemsen SP Koning AHJ Eilers PHC Laven JSE

Steegers EAP Steegers-Theuinissen RPM Hum embryonic growth trajectories and associations

with fetal growth and birthweight Hum Reprod 2013 Apr 7 (epub) 4 Herzog E Galvez J Roks A Stolk L Verbiest M Cornelissen J Steegers E Steegers-

Theunissen R Tissue-specific DNA methylation profiles in newborns Clin Epigenetics 2013 5(1) 8


5 van Uitert EM Steegers-Theunissen RP Influence of maternal folate status on human fetal

growth parameters Mol Nutr Food Res 2013 57(4)582-95


Nieuwe programmarsquos in de zorg en het wetenschappelijk onderzoek binnen het vakgebied

Centraal staat het continuuumlm in het leven van preconceptiezorg vruchtbaarheid embryonale ontwikkeling foetale ontwikkeling perinatale zorg postnatale behandeling en structurele follow-up Patieumlntenzorg en onderzoek zijn geiumlntegreerd zowel wat betreft de rekrutering van de onderzoekspopulatie als de implementatie van de verkregen kennis in de zorg

1Embryonale groei en ontwikkeling

Als men aandacht wil geven aan risicorsquos die van invloed kunnen zijn op de embryonale ontwikkeling in de eerste weken van de zwangerschap dan moet men die zorg al voorafgaand aan de zwangerschap geven preconceptiezorg Bovendien wordt de embryonale gezondheid waarschijnlijk ook al bepaald door (epi)genetische-constitutionele en omgevingsinteracties van zowel de vrouw als de man in relatie tot de ei- en zaadcellen voorafgaand aan en tijdens de bevruchting

De verloskunde en prenatale geneeskunde functioneert als een expertisecentrum op het gebied van geprotocolleerde intra- en extramurale algemene- en specialistische preconceptiezorg Een voorbeeld daarvan is een speciaal spreekuur binnen onze afdeling dat geheel is gericht op leefstijl en voeding (lsquoGezond Zwanger Wordenrsquo) Het digitale preconceptie-screeningsinstrument op internet acuteZwangerWijzeracute is bekend onder de bevolking en de zorgverleners Met steun van Stichting Coolsingel en Zilveren Kruis Achmea heeft de release plaatsgevonden van het persoonlijke e-health coachingsprogramma op de mobiele telefoon lsquoSlimmer Zwangerrsquo Door middel van een website op de mobiele telefoon en adviezen per SMS en e-mail worden paren met kinderwens bewust gemaakt en geholpen bij het veranderen van ongezonde voedings- en leefstijlgewoonten zowel voacuteoacuter als tijdens de zwangerschap Na de positieve resultaten van de survey start in 2014 een gerandomiseerd onderzoek met lsquoSlimmer Zwangerrsquo in de regio Rotterdam onder paren met kinderwens en een zelfde landelijk gerandomiseerd en implementatie onderzoek onder paren met kinderwens die een IVF indicatie hebben

Daarnaast is een lsquocentrum jonge zwangerschaprsquo geiumlnitieerd met thematische poliklinische spreekuren conform het model van de Engelse Association of Early Pregnancy Unit De studie van de jonge zwangerschap heeft een vlucht gekregen door de ontwikkelingen binnen de 3D en 4D echoscopie en de mogelijkheden van de virtuele beeldvorming binnen de I-Space van het Erasmus MC Dit maakt gedetailleerde beeldvorming van het embryo mogelijk (virtuele embryoscopie) met (semi) automatische lengte- en volume-metingen Ten behoeve hiervan is ook een Echoscopie Training Centrum gerealiseerd een echokamer met high-end echoapparatuur en een desktop 3D virtual reality applicatie Door inbedding in de afdelingsbrede patieumlntenzorg maakt dat ook het periconceptionele prospectieve cohort onderzoek mogelijk naar de invloed van (epi)genetische- en omgevingsdeterminanten zowel voorafgaand als tijdens de jonge zwangerschap (Rotterdam Predict Studie) Dit onderzoeksprogramma sluit aan bij de diverse innovatieve preconceptie programmaacutes het aandachtsgebied van de periconceptionele epidemiologie het onderzoek naar aangeboren structurele afwijkingen en de programmas van artificieumlle voortplantingstechnieken van de subafdeling voortplantingsgeneeskunde Er bestaat ook een hechte aansluiting met het onderzoek binnen Generation R Naast research kan de virtuele embryoscopie een diagnostische meerwaarde hebben bij die afwijkingen in het eerste trimester waarbij ruimtelijk inzicht vereist kan zijn zoals conjoined twin of afwijkingen aan de ledematen en in de toekomst meerdere aangeboren anatomische afwijkingen (grootte van het defect bij hernia diaphragmatica craniofasciale afwijkingen etc)

De moleculair genetische technieken binnen de prenatale screening en diagnostiek maken een snelle ontwikkeling door Gebruik makende van foetaal (placentair) DNA in maternaal bloed zal binnenkort tijdens de jonge zwangerschap een foetale trisomie


betrouwbaar kunnen worden vastgesteld Dit DNA kan ook worden gebruikt om testen te ontwikkelen met betrekking tot zwangerschapscomplicaties zoals foetale groeivertraging en preeumlclampsie In geval van een gediagnosticeerde foetale aangeboren structurele afwijking zal in de analyse van het foetale materiaal (zoals chorionvlokken en vruchtwater) naast conventionele karyotypering het onderzoek zich in samenwerking met de afdeling klinische genetica meer gaan richten op lsquofetal profilingrsquo gebruik makende van nieuwe (epi) genetische technieken zoals QF-PCR en array CGH waarbij onder andere de rol van microdeleties en inserties kan worden onderzocht De mogelijkheid zowel technisch als medisch ethisch van whole genome sequencing and analysis kan in het verlengde hiervan worden verkend

In 2008 is de Rotterdam Predict studie gestart (zie ook bijlage) Een periconceptioneel cohort onderzoek met als doel het bestuderen van interacties tussen maternale en paternale (epi)genetische- en omgevingsfactoren en mechanismen in de periconceptionele periode in relatie tot vruchtbaarheid embryonale- foetale en placentaire groeistoornissen en congenitale structurele afwijkingen De deelnemers worden gerekruteerd vanuit de preconceptie- voortplanting- en jonge zwangerschapspreekuren Ook de deelnemers aan de gerandomiseerde trials met lsquoSlimmer zwangerrsquo kunnen vanaf 2014 instromen in de Rotterdam Predict Studie Tussen 6 en 12 weken zwangerschap wordt wekelijks echoscopisch en virtual reality (VR I-Space) onderzoek verricht van het embryo Paren die later tijdens de zwangerschap worden gezien in verband met een foetale aangeboren structurele afwijking worden samen met het kind ook in de studie opgenomen zodat groei en ontwikkelingsafwijkingen bij aangeboren afwijkingen gerelateerd kunnen worden aan een grote controle groep Er wordt tijdens de intake gestandaardiseerd onderzoeksmateriaal verzameld dat bestaat uit (periconceptioneel) bloed en DNA van vrouw en man en vragenlijsten Bij de partus worden navelstreng navelstrengbloed (stamcellen) en placentabiopten verzameld In de toekomst zal ook resterend chorion villous materiaal vruchtwater en obductie materiaal worden verzameld Het lichaams(rest)materiaal wordt opgeslagen in een biobank Er wordt een pilotstudie gestart om dit initiatief onder te brengen in de Sophia Biobank De kinderen binnen de Rotterdam Predict studie zullen ook binnen een structureel follow-up programma worden gevolgd


Kansen binnen het thema Sophia en het Moeder en Kind Centrum in het bijzonder

Wetenschappelijk onderzoek

Embryonale en foetale groei en ontwikkeling in relatie tot postnatale zorg en de ontwikkeling van het kind met speciale aandacht voor (epi)genetische-omgevings interacties

a beschrijving van het continuuumlm van normale en pathologische groei en ontwikkeling (bijvoorbeeld wat betreft de cerebrale ontwikkeling beginnende bij het embryo met behulp van de I-Space en foetaal en neonataal met echoscopie en MRI)

b in relatie tot congenitale structurele afwijkingen (embryonale 3D en VR beeldvorming structureel echoscopisch onderzoek inclusief Doppler profielen moleculair genetisch materiaal verkregen via prenatale screening en diagnostiek foetale geneeskundige interventies stamcelonderzoek navelstrengbloed postnatale zorg zoals ECMO en follow up van postnatale ontwikkeling) Translationeel etiologisch en pathofysiologisch onderzoek vroegdiagnostiek van aangeboren structurele afwijkingen innovatieve foetale interventies antenatale predictie van postnatale uitkomst

c in relatie tot foetale groeistoornissen en vroeggeboorte (embryonale automatische volume metingen foetale echoscopische gewichtsschattingen Doppler profielen moleculair genetisch materiaal verkregen via prenatale screening en diagnostiek stamcelonderzoek navelstrengbloed studie van lichaamssamenstelling van de pasgeborene met dexametingen en follow up van postnatale groei) Translationeel etiologisch en pathofysiologisch onderzoek vroegdiagnostiek foetale groeivertraging vroeggeboorte en antenatale predictie van postnatale uitkomst

d Door de translationele benadering opgedane nieuwe kennis aanwenden voor de ontwikkeling van antenatale en postnatale therapeutische strategieeumln en follow-up

Ten behoeve van onderzoek is het wenselijk dat de reeds functionerende biobank van de Rotterdam Predict Studie wordt uitgebreid met foetaal en postnataal verkregen lichaamsmateriaal Een en ander kan ook als pilot worden opgenomen in de Sophia biobank zodat doublures worden voorkomen en eenduidigheid van opslag en gebruik geborgd zijn

Het dataware house van het Moeder en Kind Centrum moet beter toegankelijk worden gemaakt en worden aangepast aan bovengenoemde ambities



De introductie van het structureel echoscopisch onderzoek maakt dat steeds meer (ernstige) aangeboren structurele afwijkingen prenataal worden gediagnosticeerd Tussen de afdelingen Verloskunde en Prenatale Geneeskunde en Klinische Genetica en de diverse afdelingen van het Sophia kinderziekenhuis bestaat een goede samenwerking voor de begeleiding en opvang van toekomstige ouders van pasgeborenen met congenitale afwijkingen De afdeling Prenatale Geneeskunde heeft een regionale functie voor prenatale counseling diagnostiek en therapie Voor een aantal indicaties is er sprake van een landelijk verwijscentrum Prenatale counseling en diagnostiek wordt in de volle breedte uitgevoerd Door de aanwezigheid van nagenoeg alle kinder-deelspecialismen kan op elke indicatie worden verwezen en is op het gebied van aangeboren en erfelijke afwijkingen op alle orgaansystemen expertise aanwezig

Naast spreekuren voor geavanceerd ultrageluidonderzoek is er ook een speciaal 3D spreekuur waarbij gebruik wordt gemaakt van de specifieke 3D eigenschappen van de


echoscopie Meerwaarde hiervan vindt je vooral bij gelaatsafwijkingen gestoorde geslachtsontwikkeling en afwijkingen aan de ledematen

De zorg in de diverse fasen van prenatale diagnose counseling bevalling en postnatale behandeling zal toenemend worden geprotocolleerd in zorgpaden met daaraan gekoppeld een gestructureerd follow-up programma Dit geldt ook voor andere zwangerschapscomplicaties zoals foetale groeivertraging (in het bijzonder in het geval van ernstige preeclampsie) en vroeggeboorte


Vrouwen die een suboptimale zwangerschapsuitkomst hebben gehad komen in aanmerking voor algemene en gespecialiseerde preconceptiezorg (interconceptiezorg) in relatie tot een volgende zwangerschap In geval van een aangeboren structurele afwijking dient deze zorg multidisciplinair te worden gegeven Kinderen die geboren zijn met een aangeboren structurele afwijking komen ook in aanmerking voor preconceptiezorg wanneer zij de vruchtbare leeftijd bereiken

Center of excellence voor erfelijke en aangeboren afwijkingen Het Erasmus MC moet zich samen met het LUMC zowel prenataal als postnataal in Nederland en internationaal verder profileren als het Centre of excellencerdquo voor erfelijke en aangeboren afwijkingen zowel wat betreft de zorg als het wetenschappelijk onderzoek De afdeling Verloskunde en Prenatale Geneeskunde draagt daaraan bij in het gehele continuuumlm van preconceptiezorg jonge zwangerschap prenatale screening en diagnostiek tot en met de perinatale zorg De zorg moet zijn afgestemd en vastgelegd in zorgpaden met duidelijkheid over wie op welk moment hoofdbehandelaar is Naast diagnostiek moet ook de (intra-uteriene) behandeling van aangeboren afwijkingen toenemende aandacht krijgen De foetale geneeskunde zal daarmee verder worden ontwikkeld Ten aanzien van de invasieve foetale behandelingen zal intensief worden samen gewerkt met het LUMC Voor verwijzer en de patieumlnt moeten de afdelingen van het Erasmus MC en het LUMC eacuteeacuten gezicht naar buiten uitstralen zonder een verlies van eigen identiteit Het grootste deel van de invasieve interventies zal voornamelijk in het LUMC blijven plaatsvinden maar de kennis van (prenataal behandelbare) aangeboren aandoeningen moet ook in het Erasmus MC aanwezig zijn Naast het LUMC kan de samenwerking met het Leuven verder worden uitgebreid Gestructureerde follow-up programmarsquos vormen een nadrukkelijk onderdeel van de zorg Door vroegtijdige preconceptionele of prenatale inclusie te koppelen aan langdurige postnatale follow up oa van kinderen met aangeboren afwijkingen ontstaat er een continuuumlm in zorg en wetenschap

Wat betreft het wetenschappelijk onderzoek en het onderwijs zal dit centre of excellence zich ook moeten profileren zoals eerder in deze notitie aangegeven Daarin kan samenwerking worden gezocht met het LUMC en de TU Delft in het samenwerkingsverband Medical Delta De zich ontwikkelende samenwerking tussen de academische centra wat betreft de embryonale beeldvorming in de I-Space kan hier ook in worden ondergebracht Door het uitbreiden van het cohort van de Rotterdam Predict studie met de patieumlntenpopulatie van het LUMC kan de vraagstelling worden uitgebreid met ook die patieumlntengroepen die specifiek zijn voor het LUMC



1 Steegers EAP Embryonale gezondheid en preconceptiezorg belang voor huidige en toekomstige generaties Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2014 158 A7373

2 Steegers-Theunissen RPM Inaugural lecture New life in a changing environment Demmenie Grafimedia Alphen aan den Rijn 2010

3 Williams D Long-term complications of preeclampsia Semin Nephrol 2011 31111-122

4 Steegers-Theunissen RP Steegers EA Nutrient-gene interactions in early pregnancy a vascular hypothesis Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2003 106115-7

5 Gluckman PD Hanson MA Cooper C Thornburg KL Effect of in utero and early-life conditions on adult health and disease N Engl J Med 2008 359 61-73

6 Hammiche F Laven JS van Mil N de Cock M de Vries JH Lindemans J Steegers EAP Steegers-Theunissen RPM Tailored preconceptional dietary and lifestyle counselling in a tertiary outpatient clinic in the Netherlands Hum Reprod 2011 26 2432-41

7 Feunekes GI Van Staveren WA De Vries JH Burema J Hautvast JG Relative and biomarker-based validity of a food-frequency questionnaire estimating intake of fats and cholesterol Am J Clin Nutr 1993 58 489-96

8 Verkleij-Hagoort AC de Vries JH Stegers MP Lindemans J Ursem NT Steegers-Theunissen RP Validation of the assessment of folate and vitamin B(12) intake in women of reproductive age the method of triads Eur J Clin Nutr 2007 61 610-5

9 Verwoerd-Dikkeboom CM Koning AHJ Hop WC Rousian M van der Spek PJ Exalto N Steegers EA Reliability of early pregnancy measurements in 3D using virtual reality Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2008 32 910-16

10 Verwoerd-Dikkeboom CM Koning AH van der Spek PJ Exalto N Steegers EA Embryonic staging using a 3D virtual reality system Hum Reprod 2008 23 1479-84

11 Verwoerd-Dikkeboom CM Koning AH Hop WC van der Spek PJ Exalto N Steegers EA Innovative virtual reality measurements for embryonic growth and development Hum Reprod 2010 251404-10

12 Rousian M Koning AH Hop WC van der Spek PJ Exalto N Steegers EA Gestational sac fluid volume measurements in virtual reality Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2011 38 524-9

13 Rousian M Verwoerd-Dikkeboom CM Koning AH Hop WC van der Spek PJ Steegers EA Exalto N First trimester umbilical cord and vitelline duct measurements using virtual reality Early Hum Dev 2011 8777-82

14 Cruz-Neira C Sandin D DeFanti T Surround-screen projection-based virtual reality the design and implementation of the CAVE trade Proceedings of the 20th annual conference on computer graphics and interactive techniques 1993 135-42

15 Koning AH Rousian M Verwoerd-Dikkeboom CM Goedknegt L Steegers EA van der Spek PJ V-scope design and implementation of an immersive and desktop virtual reality volume visualization system Stud Health Technol Inform 2009 142 136-8

16 Rousian M Koning AHJ van Oppenraaij RHF Hop WC Verwoerd-Dikkeboom CM van der Spek PJ Exalto N Steegers EAP An innovative virtual reality technique for automated human embryonic volume measurements Hum Reprod 2010 25 2210-6

17 Steegers-Theunissen RPM Nieuw leven in een veranderende Omgeving Oratiereeks Erasmus MC 2010 ISBN 978-90-779-0672-9

18 Lucock MD Synergy of genes and nutrients the case of homocysteine Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care 2006 9 748-56

19 Smith AD Kim YI Refsum H Is folic acid good for everyone Am J Clin Nutr 2008 87 517-33



The Rotterdam Predict Study A periconceptional birth cohort

Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in collaboration with the Laboratory of Clinical Chemistry and departments of Bioinformatics Biostatistics Pediatrics Neonatology and

Internal Medicine Vascular Pharmacology of the Erasmus MC University Medical Center Rotterdam The Netherlands


Adverse reproductive performance pregnancy course and birth outcome largely originate in the periconceptional period a time window of 14 weeks before up to 10 weeks after conception Interactions between environmental exposures before and during pregnancy in combination with subtle genetic variations affect parental gametes and reproductive organs and (extra) embryonic- and fetal organs1 The underlying biological mechanisms however are not yet clarified Moreover most birth cohorts start with the enrolment and data collection after the first trimester of pregnancy thereby ignoring the periconceptional period (wwwbirthcohortsnetusr)

Accumulating data indicate increased risks of a range of vascular and metabolic diseases in women who experienced pregnancy complications such as preeclampsia pregnancy induced hypertension and gestational diabetes2 In this regard pregnancy can be considered as stress test of metabolic- endocrine- vascular- and psychological functions3 Furthermore especially children born with fetal growth restriction are at risk for developing cardiovascular- metabolic- endocrine- and psychiatric diseases in adulthood ie Developmental Origin Hypothesis of Health and Disease4

General aims

(i) To describe health normal and abnormal growth and development in the periconceptional period during pregnancy at birth to the first year of life

(ii) To identify in this window the parental biological nutritional lifestyle and environmental determinants of reproductive performance and pregnancy course and outcome

(iii) To relate the epigenome of DNA derived from gametes parental white blood cells (extra)embryonic and newborn white blood- and stem cells and tissues to the periconceptional health of the couple and reproductive performance pregnancy course and outcome

(iv) To provide periconceptional screening tests and intervention programs to optimize human reproduction

Study design


From 2008 onwards we initiated the Rotterdam Predict Study with a focus on the periconceptional period The study is designed as prospective birth cohort study of unselected high risk couples and a random selection of population based control couples at the Erasmus MC University Medical Center (Erasmus MC) in Rotterdam The Netherlands After a pilot phase of two years the main study embedded in routine patient care started in November 2010 and is ongoing Determinants of interest are parental health conditions eg age education (non) modifiable environmental exposures such as nutrition and lifestyle habits with a main focus in the periconceptional period in association with growth and development of gametes embryo fetus and infant to one year of age5 In future we will examine epigenetic mechanisms in human tissues underlying these associations and as early predictor of future health

Study population

The Rotterdam Predict Study has been designed as an open hospital-based and population-based prospective birth cohort study embedded in the infrastructure of the transmural Rotterdam Preconceptional Health Program In the pilot phase (2009-2010) we included 233 pregnancies before 8 weeks of gestation We adapted the protocol including the collection of validated nutritional intake data67 and began enrolling couples in the preconceptional period and before the13th week of gestation into the Predict Study from November 2010 onwards (Figure)

All couples scheduled for an appointment at the outpatient clinic of the department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology are invited to participate by means of a brochure The brochure contains information on the aims of the Predict study and is being sent along with the appointment confirmation During the appointment at the outpatient clinic the couple is being asked for willingness to participate If a couple is willing to take part eligibility is checked and an appointment for a standardized intake is scheduled Eligibility criteria are that the woman and her partner have to be at least 18 years of age are both willing to participate and are familiar with the Dutch language in speaking reading and writing In the preparation of the intake appointment the couple receives detailed information about the Predict Study informed consent forms and self-administered questionnaires to be filled out at home The


signed informed consent forms and completed questionnaires are taken to the intake appointment None of the participants is offered incentives for their contribution other than the newsletter of the study which includes information on the proceedings and research results and pictures of the serial ultrasound examinations during the first trimester of pregnancy

Approval of the study was obtained from the Central Committee on Research in The Hague and the local Medical Ethical Committee of the Erasmus MC in Rotterdam The Netherlands (2004 and 2009)

In the next Figure the periconceptionally included study population between 2010 and 2013 is depicted

Data collection

In the table details of data and material collection from periconceptional to 1 year after delivery

Preconceptional and first trimester

24 weeks of gestation 36 weeks of gestation to delivery

1 year after delivery

Mother and Father Intake questionnaire Constitutional determinants age marital status ethnicity education Health determinants diseases medicine reproduction obstetrical andrological

Mother and Fetus Follow up questionnaire Health determinants diseases medicine obstetrical psychological stress

Mother and Infant Follow up questionnaire Health determinants diseases medicine obstetrical psychological stress

Infant Follow up questionnaire Health determinants Growth development congenital malformations and


psychological stress Modifiable determinants lifestyle (smoking drugs alcohol) vitamins infections Nonpartially modifiable determinants environmental- and occupational exposures Family determinants diseases congenital malformations

Modifiable determinants lifestyle (smoking drugs alcohol) vitamins infections Nonpartially modifiable determinants environmental- and occupational exposures

Modifiable determinants lifestyle (smoking drugs alcohol) vitamins infections Nonpartially modifiable determinants environmental- and occupational exposures


Food frequency questionnaire

Venous blood sampling blood and leucocyte cell count and differentiation biomarkers (folate B12 homocysteine) biobanking

Umbilical cord blood blood and leucocyte cell count and differentiation biobanking

Measurements systolic- diastolic blood pressure height weight waist- hip circumference

Measurements Birth weight

Verification medical- pharmacy records

Verification medical- pharmacy records

Serial 2D3D ultrasound examination 7-13 weeks of gestation

Structural ultrasound scans at 20 weeks of gestation

Pregnant women participating before 8 weeks of gestation received weekly 2 and 3 dimensional (2 and 3D) ultrasound scans from 7 to 13 weeks of gestation From November 2012 this has been changed in every 2 weeks at 7 9 and 11 weeks of pregnancy The ultrasound scans are performed by experienced researchers using a 6-12 MHz transvaginal probe of the GE Voluson E8 Expert system (GE Zipf Austria) The ultrasound scans focus on the embryo including details as crown rump length embryonic volume and curvature brain structures and external Carnegie Stage characteristics8-10 and extraembryonic structures such as the gestational sac umbilical cord1112 placenta and yolk sac Uterine artery and placental flow is documented by standardized 3D Power Doppler sweeps for offline evaluation All 3D ultrasound scans are stored as Cartesian volumes using specialized 3D software (4D View version 91 GE Medical Systems) and visualized using our I-Space a so-called four-walled CAVEtrade-like13 (Automatic Virtual Environment) virtual reality system built by Barco NV (Kuurne Belgium) The V-Scope application is used to create an interactive 3D hologram of the ultrasound image that can be manipulated by means of a virtual pointer controlled by a wireless joystick14 The V-scope in our I-Space allows a more precise visualization of the embryonic crown rump length and innovative volume measurements of the embryo and brain structures1516 The V-Scope software used in the I-Space is reliable and reproducible810 4D view GE (Vocal) seems an accurate technique to measure volumetry of the cerebellum and trophoblast volume in the first 12 weeks of gestation on the ultrasound apparatus Power Doppler flow imaging is used to determine


placenta vascularization by measuring the volume of the blood vessels using the VR system in our I-Space

For the Predict Study the detailed measurements in the I-Space and on the ultrasound apparatus with 4D view are performed by researchers according to a standard protocol After introduction and a first training course the protocol to assess reproducibility of the measurements is followed A random subset of 5 patients with 6 serial datasets (30 datasets) is provided and triplo-measurements are carried out of the specific (extra)embryonic structures After achieving an inter- and intrameasurement variation of less than 5 and intraobserver and intraobserver agreement of gt090 and plt005 by calculating intraclass and interclass correlation coefficients and Bland Altman plots with a mean difference and 95 limits of agreement (mean difference lt5 en limits lt10) the researcher continues single measurements of the specific structure in the study dataset After finishing those measurements 30 datasets of the study dataset are randomly selected and the measurements are repeated and compared by calculating again intraclass correlation coefficients

At delivery always umbilical cord blood samples are obtained according to a protocol (supplementary materials) The umbilical venous cord blood is collected in 1 EDTA tube (10 mL) and 1 separator tube (10 ml) Immediately after delivery blood and leucocyte cell count and differentiation are and measurements are taken according to protocol (supplement) All blood samples are stored with barcodes in the biobank of the Predict Study situated at the laboratory of Clinical Chemistry of the Erasmus MC in Rotterdam for (epi)genetic epidemiological research

First Results The first periconceptional questionnaire and biomarker data has been obtained and stored in the database The cleaning of the data and the verification of the data based on medical records and of pharmacies has been started Serial 2D3D ultrasound scans are converted and stored We initiated the serial measurements of the different (extra) embryonic structures This data is available for first evaluations So far based on the pilot dataset of 2008-2010 we have been published 3 manuscripts with original data and 2 reviews (see page 6) and 6 manuscripts are in preparation issuing several associations between the periconceptional use of folic acid tablets IVFICSI treatment and growth trajectories of the embryo and placenta Furthermore sophisticated statistical methods are being developed by the department of Biostatistics to describe and analyse growth trajectories of the embryonic phenotype Strengths and future implications The main strength of the Rotterdam Predict Study is its unique periconceptional prospective study design embedding in clinical care high quality of unique first trimester exposure- biomarker and serial imaging data reduction of any potential bias due to changes in exposure during follow up homogenously defined phenotypes dichotomous and continuous birth outcomes (crown to rump length embryonic volume birth weight) quantitative data of c CpG methylation of genes biobanking DNA of both parents and infant at fixed study moments and the ability to study associations as well as underlying epigenetic mechanisms The multidisciplinary collaboration between recognized research groups dedicated to embryonic imaging (epi)genomics and nutrition is another strength Furthermore bioinformatics and novel statistics will be applied in order to perform the integrated analysis of imaging biochemical dietary and molecular genetic data Therefore the Predict Study will contribute to the further understanding of the epigenome of several reproductive and pregnancy outcomes the relationship with aging disease risks in current and future generations and the modification of risks using healthy dietary patterns (nutrient-gene interactions) from preconception onwards


The Rotterdam Predict Study will contribute in to the future primary and secondary prevention of the following problems (i) High perinatal mortality and morbidity rates (ii) Epidemic of aging diseases in current and next generations and (iii) Increase of poor nutrition and lifestyles Ad (i) The care and expenses for obstetrical and neonatal treatment due to the Big 4 (fetal growth restriction prematurity congenital malformations Apgar score below 7 after 5 minutes) are a burden for health care providers and givers and insurance companies as they require hospitalization during pregnancy NICU and or ECMO treatment Besides the pain and suffering of the affected infant the parents and families encounter emotional and psychological problems as well as high health care costs This severely affects their workload health and quality of life Ad (ii) Aging diseases in later life will be the epidemic of the 21st century Suffering from these diseases decreases the quality of life of the patient as well as of hisher family Moreover these diseases are accompanied with long-term medical and societal costs Considering the primary and secondary prevention of aging diseases with a healthy diet and lifestyle from preconception onwards it is important to note that the Predict Study addresses one of the best known mechanisms of being born with fetal growth restriction and having an increased risk of aging diseases Ad (iii) Poor dietary habits and their implications for pregnancy and aging diseases are being solved in several countries by food fortification programs and stimulation of the use of folic acid and multivitamin preparations However in those countries these strategies are introduced without knowing the lowest most effective and safest doses16 This emphasizes the need for a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms of possible harmful effects of folic acid fortification use and duration of high folic acid doses and one carbon-rich dietary patterns in relation to reproductive performance pregnancy course and outcome and aging disease risks1718 So far the Rotterdam Predict Study has continued with a minimum of funds thanks to the integration with patient care dedicated researchers and technical support staff Because the study is embedded in the infrastructure of transmural Rotterdam Preconceptional care it stimulates the development of innovative preconceptional care Therefore the results of the study will be easily disseminated to health care workers obstetrical care providers pediatricians and policymakers through newsletters presentations and (inter)national publications Funding

The Predict Study has been financially supported by the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Publications based on the Rotterdam Predict Study

1 Reus AD El-Harbachi H Rousian M Willemsen SP Steegers-Theunissen RP Steegers EA

Exalto N Early first trimester trophoblast volume in ongoing pregnancies and miscarriages

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2013 Aug 29 doi 101002uog13197

2 Steegers-Theunissen RPM Twigt J Pestinger V Sinclair KD The periconceptional period

reproduction and long-term health of offspring the importance of one-carbon metabolism Hum

Reprod Update 20131-16

3 van Uitert EM Exalto N Burton G Willemsen SP Koning AHJ Eilers PHC Laven JSE

Steegers EAP Steegers-Theuinissen RPM Hum embryonic growth trajectories and associations

with fetal growth and birthweight Hum Reprod 2013 Apr 7 (epub) 4 Herzog E Galvez J Roks A Stolk L Verbiest M Cornelissen J Steegers E Steegers-

Theunissen R Tissue-specific DNA methylation profiles in newborns Clin Epigenetics 2013 5(1) 8


5 van Uitert EM Steegers-Theunissen RP Influence of maternal folate status on human fetal

growth parameters Mol Nutr Food Res 2013 57(4)582-95


betrouwbaar kunnen worden vastgesteld Dit DNA kan ook worden gebruikt om testen te ontwikkelen met betrekking tot zwangerschapscomplicaties zoals foetale groeivertraging en preeumlclampsie In geval van een gediagnosticeerde foetale aangeboren structurele afwijking zal in de analyse van het foetale materiaal (zoals chorionvlokken en vruchtwater) naast conventionele karyotypering het onderzoek zich in samenwerking met de afdeling klinische genetica meer gaan richten op lsquofetal profilingrsquo gebruik makende van nieuwe (epi) genetische technieken zoals QF-PCR en array CGH waarbij onder andere de rol van microdeleties en inserties kan worden onderzocht De mogelijkheid zowel technisch als medisch ethisch van whole genome sequencing and analysis kan in het verlengde hiervan worden verkend

In 2008 is de Rotterdam Predict studie gestart (zie ook bijlage) Een periconceptioneel cohort onderzoek met als doel het bestuderen van interacties tussen maternale en paternale (epi)genetische- en omgevingsfactoren en mechanismen in de periconceptionele periode in relatie tot vruchtbaarheid embryonale- foetale en placentaire groeistoornissen en congenitale structurele afwijkingen De deelnemers worden gerekruteerd vanuit de preconceptie- voortplanting- en jonge zwangerschapspreekuren Ook de deelnemers aan de gerandomiseerde trials met lsquoSlimmer zwangerrsquo kunnen vanaf 2014 instromen in de Rotterdam Predict Studie Tussen 6 en 12 weken zwangerschap wordt wekelijks echoscopisch en virtual reality (VR I-Space) onderzoek verricht van het embryo Paren die later tijdens de zwangerschap worden gezien in verband met een foetale aangeboren structurele afwijking worden samen met het kind ook in de studie opgenomen zodat groei en ontwikkelingsafwijkingen bij aangeboren afwijkingen gerelateerd kunnen worden aan een grote controle groep Er wordt tijdens de intake gestandaardiseerd onderzoeksmateriaal verzameld dat bestaat uit (periconceptioneel) bloed en DNA van vrouw en man en vragenlijsten Bij de partus worden navelstreng navelstrengbloed (stamcellen) en placentabiopten verzameld In de toekomst zal ook resterend chorion villous materiaal vruchtwater en obductie materiaal worden verzameld Het lichaams(rest)materiaal wordt opgeslagen in een biobank Er wordt een pilotstudie gestart om dit initiatief onder te brengen in de Sophia Biobank De kinderen binnen de Rotterdam Predict studie zullen ook binnen een structureel follow-up programma worden gevolgd


Kansen binnen het thema Sophia en het Moeder en Kind Centrum in het bijzonder

Wetenschappelijk onderzoek

Embryonale en foetale groei en ontwikkeling in relatie tot postnatale zorg en de ontwikkeling van het kind met speciale aandacht voor (epi)genetische-omgevings interacties

a beschrijving van het continuuumlm van normale en pathologische groei en ontwikkeling (bijvoorbeeld wat betreft de cerebrale ontwikkeling beginnende bij het embryo met behulp van de I-Space en foetaal en neonataal met echoscopie en MRI)

b in relatie tot congenitale structurele afwijkingen (embryonale 3D en VR beeldvorming structureel echoscopisch onderzoek inclusief Doppler profielen moleculair genetisch materiaal verkregen via prenatale screening en diagnostiek foetale geneeskundige interventies stamcelonderzoek navelstrengbloed postnatale zorg zoals ECMO en follow up van postnatale ontwikkeling) Translationeel etiologisch en pathofysiologisch onderzoek vroegdiagnostiek van aangeboren structurele afwijkingen innovatieve foetale interventies antenatale predictie van postnatale uitkomst

c in relatie tot foetale groeistoornissen en vroeggeboorte (embryonale automatische volume metingen foetale echoscopische gewichtsschattingen Doppler profielen moleculair genetisch materiaal verkregen via prenatale screening en diagnostiek stamcelonderzoek navelstrengbloed studie van lichaamssamenstelling van de pasgeborene met dexametingen en follow up van postnatale groei) Translationeel etiologisch en pathofysiologisch onderzoek vroegdiagnostiek foetale groeivertraging vroeggeboorte en antenatale predictie van postnatale uitkomst

d Door de translationele benadering opgedane nieuwe kennis aanwenden voor de ontwikkeling van antenatale en postnatale therapeutische strategieeumln en follow-up

Ten behoeve van onderzoek is het wenselijk dat de reeds functionerende biobank van de Rotterdam Predict Studie wordt uitgebreid met foetaal en postnataal verkregen lichaamsmateriaal Een en ander kan ook als pilot worden opgenomen in de Sophia biobank zodat doublures worden voorkomen en eenduidigheid van opslag en gebruik geborgd zijn

Het dataware house van het Moeder en Kind Centrum moet beter toegankelijk worden gemaakt en worden aangepast aan bovengenoemde ambities



De introductie van het structureel echoscopisch onderzoek maakt dat steeds meer (ernstige) aangeboren structurele afwijkingen prenataal worden gediagnosticeerd Tussen de afdelingen Verloskunde en Prenatale Geneeskunde en Klinische Genetica en de diverse afdelingen van het Sophia kinderziekenhuis bestaat een goede samenwerking voor de begeleiding en opvang van toekomstige ouders van pasgeborenen met congenitale afwijkingen De afdeling Prenatale Geneeskunde heeft een regionale functie voor prenatale counseling diagnostiek en therapie Voor een aantal indicaties is er sprake van een landelijk verwijscentrum Prenatale counseling en diagnostiek wordt in de volle breedte uitgevoerd Door de aanwezigheid van nagenoeg alle kinder-deelspecialismen kan op elke indicatie worden verwezen en is op het gebied van aangeboren en erfelijke afwijkingen op alle orgaansystemen expertise aanwezig

Naast spreekuren voor geavanceerd ultrageluidonderzoek is er ook een speciaal 3D spreekuur waarbij gebruik wordt gemaakt van de specifieke 3D eigenschappen van de


echoscopie Meerwaarde hiervan vindt je vooral bij gelaatsafwijkingen gestoorde geslachtsontwikkeling en afwijkingen aan de ledematen

De zorg in de diverse fasen van prenatale diagnose counseling bevalling en postnatale behandeling zal toenemend worden geprotocolleerd in zorgpaden met daaraan gekoppeld een gestructureerd follow-up programma Dit geldt ook voor andere zwangerschapscomplicaties zoals foetale groeivertraging (in het bijzonder in het geval van ernstige preeclampsie) en vroeggeboorte


Vrouwen die een suboptimale zwangerschapsuitkomst hebben gehad komen in aanmerking voor algemene en gespecialiseerde preconceptiezorg (interconceptiezorg) in relatie tot een volgende zwangerschap In geval van een aangeboren structurele afwijking dient deze zorg multidisciplinair te worden gegeven Kinderen die geboren zijn met een aangeboren structurele afwijking komen ook in aanmerking voor preconceptiezorg wanneer zij de vruchtbare leeftijd bereiken

Center of excellence voor erfelijke en aangeboren afwijkingen Het Erasmus MC moet zich samen met het LUMC zowel prenataal als postnataal in Nederland en internationaal verder profileren als het Centre of excellencerdquo voor erfelijke en aangeboren afwijkingen zowel wat betreft de zorg als het wetenschappelijk onderzoek De afdeling Verloskunde en Prenatale Geneeskunde draagt daaraan bij in het gehele continuuumlm van preconceptiezorg jonge zwangerschap prenatale screening en diagnostiek tot en met de perinatale zorg De zorg moet zijn afgestemd en vastgelegd in zorgpaden met duidelijkheid over wie op welk moment hoofdbehandelaar is Naast diagnostiek moet ook de (intra-uteriene) behandeling van aangeboren afwijkingen toenemende aandacht krijgen De foetale geneeskunde zal daarmee verder worden ontwikkeld Ten aanzien van de invasieve foetale behandelingen zal intensief worden samen gewerkt met het LUMC Voor verwijzer en de patieumlnt moeten de afdelingen van het Erasmus MC en het LUMC eacuteeacuten gezicht naar buiten uitstralen zonder een verlies van eigen identiteit Het grootste deel van de invasieve interventies zal voornamelijk in het LUMC blijven plaatsvinden maar de kennis van (prenataal behandelbare) aangeboren aandoeningen moet ook in het Erasmus MC aanwezig zijn Naast het LUMC kan de samenwerking met het Leuven verder worden uitgebreid Gestructureerde follow-up programmarsquos vormen een nadrukkelijk onderdeel van de zorg Door vroegtijdige preconceptionele of prenatale inclusie te koppelen aan langdurige postnatale follow up oa van kinderen met aangeboren afwijkingen ontstaat er een continuuumlm in zorg en wetenschap

Wat betreft het wetenschappelijk onderzoek en het onderwijs zal dit centre of excellence zich ook moeten profileren zoals eerder in deze notitie aangegeven Daarin kan samenwerking worden gezocht met het LUMC en de TU Delft in het samenwerkingsverband Medical Delta De zich ontwikkelende samenwerking tussen de academische centra wat betreft de embryonale beeldvorming in de I-Space kan hier ook in worden ondergebracht Door het uitbreiden van het cohort van de Rotterdam Predict studie met de patieumlntenpopulatie van het LUMC kan de vraagstelling worden uitgebreid met ook die patieumlntengroepen die specifiek zijn voor het LUMC



1 Steegers EAP Embryonale gezondheid en preconceptiezorg belang voor huidige en toekomstige generaties Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2014 158 A7373

2 Steegers-Theunissen RPM Inaugural lecture New life in a changing environment Demmenie Grafimedia Alphen aan den Rijn 2010

3 Williams D Long-term complications of preeclampsia Semin Nephrol 2011 31111-122

4 Steegers-Theunissen RP Steegers EA Nutrient-gene interactions in early pregnancy a vascular hypothesis Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2003 106115-7

5 Gluckman PD Hanson MA Cooper C Thornburg KL Effect of in utero and early-life conditions on adult health and disease N Engl J Med 2008 359 61-73

6 Hammiche F Laven JS van Mil N de Cock M de Vries JH Lindemans J Steegers EAP Steegers-Theunissen RPM Tailored preconceptional dietary and lifestyle counselling in a tertiary outpatient clinic in the Netherlands Hum Reprod 2011 26 2432-41

7 Feunekes GI Van Staveren WA De Vries JH Burema J Hautvast JG Relative and biomarker-based validity of a food-frequency questionnaire estimating intake of fats and cholesterol Am J Clin Nutr 1993 58 489-96

8 Verkleij-Hagoort AC de Vries JH Stegers MP Lindemans J Ursem NT Steegers-Theunissen RP Validation of the assessment of folate and vitamin B(12) intake in women of reproductive age the method of triads Eur J Clin Nutr 2007 61 610-5

9 Verwoerd-Dikkeboom CM Koning AHJ Hop WC Rousian M van der Spek PJ Exalto N Steegers EA Reliability of early pregnancy measurements in 3D using virtual reality Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2008 32 910-16

10 Verwoerd-Dikkeboom CM Koning AH van der Spek PJ Exalto N Steegers EA Embryonic staging using a 3D virtual reality system Hum Reprod 2008 23 1479-84

11 Verwoerd-Dikkeboom CM Koning AH Hop WC van der Spek PJ Exalto N Steegers EA Innovative virtual reality measurements for embryonic growth and development Hum Reprod 2010 251404-10

12 Rousian M Koning AH Hop WC van der Spek PJ Exalto N Steegers EA Gestational sac fluid volume measurements in virtual reality Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2011 38 524-9

13 Rousian M Verwoerd-Dikkeboom CM Koning AH Hop WC van der Spek PJ Steegers EA Exalto N First trimester umbilical cord and vitelline duct measurements using virtual reality Early Hum Dev 2011 8777-82

14 Cruz-Neira C Sandin D DeFanti T Surround-screen projection-based virtual reality the design and implementation of the CAVE trade Proceedings of the 20th annual conference on computer graphics and interactive techniques 1993 135-42

15 Koning AH Rousian M Verwoerd-Dikkeboom CM Goedknegt L Steegers EA van der Spek PJ V-scope design and implementation of an immersive and desktop virtual reality volume visualization system Stud Health Technol Inform 2009 142 136-8

16 Rousian M Koning AHJ van Oppenraaij RHF Hop WC Verwoerd-Dikkeboom CM van der Spek PJ Exalto N Steegers EAP An innovative virtual reality technique for automated human embryonic volume measurements Hum Reprod 2010 25 2210-6

17 Steegers-Theunissen RPM Nieuw leven in een veranderende Omgeving Oratiereeks Erasmus MC 2010 ISBN 978-90-779-0672-9

18 Lucock MD Synergy of genes and nutrients the case of homocysteine Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care 2006 9 748-56

19 Smith AD Kim YI Refsum H Is folic acid good for everyone Am J Clin Nutr 2008 87 517-33



The Rotterdam Predict Study A periconceptional birth cohort

Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in collaboration with the Laboratory of Clinical Chemistry and departments of Bioinformatics Biostatistics Pediatrics Neonatology and

Internal Medicine Vascular Pharmacology of the Erasmus MC University Medical Center Rotterdam The Netherlands


Adverse reproductive performance pregnancy course and birth outcome largely originate in the periconceptional period a time window of 14 weeks before up to 10 weeks after conception Interactions between environmental exposures before and during pregnancy in combination with subtle genetic variations affect parental gametes and reproductive organs and (extra) embryonic- and fetal organs1 The underlying biological mechanisms however are not yet clarified Moreover most birth cohorts start with the enrolment and data collection after the first trimester of pregnancy thereby ignoring the periconceptional period (wwwbirthcohortsnetusr)

Accumulating data indicate increased risks of a range of vascular and metabolic diseases in women who experienced pregnancy complications such as preeclampsia pregnancy induced hypertension and gestational diabetes2 In this regard pregnancy can be considered as stress test of metabolic- endocrine- vascular- and psychological functions3 Furthermore especially children born with fetal growth restriction are at risk for developing cardiovascular- metabolic- endocrine- and psychiatric diseases in adulthood ie Developmental Origin Hypothesis of Health and Disease4

General aims

(i) To describe health normal and abnormal growth and development in the periconceptional period during pregnancy at birth to the first year of life

(ii) To identify in this window the parental biological nutritional lifestyle and environmental determinants of reproductive performance and pregnancy course and outcome

(iii) To relate the epigenome of DNA derived from gametes parental white blood cells (extra)embryonic and newborn white blood- and stem cells and tissues to the periconceptional health of the couple and reproductive performance pregnancy course and outcome

(iv) To provide periconceptional screening tests and intervention programs to optimize human reproduction

Study design


From 2008 onwards we initiated the Rotterdam Predict Study with a focus on the periconceptional period The study is designed as prospective birth cohort study of unselected high risk couples and a random selection of population based control couples at the Erasmus MC University Medical Center (Erasmus MC) in Rotterdam The Netherlands After a pilot phase of two years the main study embedded in routine patient care started in November 2010 and is ongoing Determinants of interest are parental health conditions eg age education (non) modifiable environmental exposures such as nutrition and lifestyle habits with a main focus in the periconceptional period in association with growth and development of gametes embryo fetus and infant to one year of age5 In future we will examine epigenetic mechanisms in human tissues underlying these associations and as early predictor of future health

Study population

The Rotterdam Predict Study has been designed as an open hospital-based and population-based prospective birth cohort study embedded in the infrastructure of the transmural Rotterdam Preconceptional Health Program In the pilot phase (2009-2010) we included 233 pregnancies before 8 weeks of gestation We adapted the protocol including the collection of validated nutritional intake data67 and began enrolling couples in the preconceptional period and before the13th week of gestation into the Predict Study from November 2010 onwards (Figure)

All couples scheduled for an appointment at the outpatient clinic of the department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology are invited to participate by means of a brochure The brochure contains information on the aims of the Predict study and is being sent along with the appointment confirmation During the appointment at the outpatient clinic the couple is being asked for willingness to participate If a couple is willing to take part eligibility is checked and an appointment for a standardized intake is scheduled Eligibility criteria are that the woman and her partner have to be at least 18 years of age are both willing to participate and are familiar with the Dutch language in speaking reading and writing In the preparation of the intake appointment the couple receives detailed information about the Predict Study informed consent forms and self-administered questionnaires to be filled out at home The


signed informed consent forms and completed questionnaires are taken to the intake appointment None of the participants is offered incentives for their contribution other than the newsletter of the study which includes information on the proceedings and research results and pictures of the serial ultrasound examinations during the first trimester of pregnancy

Approval of the study was obtained from the Central Committee on Research in The Hague and the local Medical Ethical Committee of the Erasmus MC in Rotterdam The Netherlands (2004 and 2009)

In the next Figure the periconceptionally included study population between 2010 and 2013 is depicted

Data collection

In the table details of data and material collection from periconceptional to 1 year after delivery

Preconceptional and first trimester

24 weeks of gestation 36 weeks of gestation to delivery

1 year after delivery

Mother and Father Intake questionnaire Constitutional determinants age marital status ethnicity education Health determinants diseases medicine reproduction obstetrical andrological

Mother and Fetus Follow up questionnaire Health determinants diseases medicine obstetrical psychological stress

Mother and Infant Follow up questionnaire Health determinants diseases medicine obstetrical psychological stress

Infant Follow up questionnaire Health determinants Growth development congenital malformations and


psychological stress Modifiable determinants lifestyle (smoking drugs alcohol) vitamins infections Nonpartially modifiable determinants environmental- and occupational exposures Family determinants diseases congenital malformations

Modifiable determinants lifestyle (smoking drugs alcohol) vitamins infections Nonpartially modifiable determinants environmental- and occupational exposures

Modifiable determinants lifestyle (smoking drugs alcohol) vitamins infections Nonpartially modifiable determinants environmental- and occupational exposures


Food frequency questionnaire

Venous blood sampling blood and leucocyte cell count and differentiation biomarkers (folate B12 homocysteine) biobanking

Umbilical cord blood blood and leucocyte cell count and differentiation biobanking

Measurements systolic- diastolic blood pressure height weight waist- hip circumference

Measurements Birth weight

Verification medical- pharmacy records

Verification medical- pharmacy records

Serial 2D3D ultrasound examination 7-13 weeks of gestation

Structural ultrasound scans at 20 weeks of gestation

Pregnant women participating before 8 weeks of gestation received weekly 2 and 3 dimensional (2 and 3D) ultrasound scans from 7 to 13 weeks of gestation From November 2012 this has been changed in every 2 weeks at 7 9 and 11 weeks of pregnancy The ultrasound scans are performed by experienced researchers using a 6-12 MHz transvaginal probe of the GE Voluson E8 Expert system (GE Zipf Austria) The ultrasound scans focus on the embryo including details as crown rump length embryonic volume and curvature brain structures and external Carnegie Stage characteristics8-10 and extraembryonic structures such as the gestational sac umbilical cord1112 placenta and yolk sac Uterine artery and placental flow is documented by standardized 3D Power Doppler sweeps for offline evaluation All 3D ultrasound scans are stored as Cartesian volumes using specialized 3D software (4D View version 91 GE Medical Systems) and visualized using our I-Space a so-called four-walled CAVEtrade-like13 (Automatic Virtual Environment) virtual reality system built by Barco NV (Kuurne Belgium) The V-Scope application is used to create an interactive 3D hologram of the ultrasound image that can be manipulated by means of a virtual pointer controlled by a wireless joystick14 The V-scope in our I-Space allows a more precise visualization of the embryonic crown rump length and innovative volume measurements of the embryo and brain structures1516 The V-Scope software used in the I-Space is reliable and reproducible810 4D view GE (Vocal) seems an accurate technique to measure volumetry of the cerebellum and trophoblast volume in the first 12 weeks of gestation on the ultrasound apparatus Power Doppler flow imaging is used to determine


placenta vascularization by measuring the volume of the blood vessels using the VR system in our I-Space

For the Predict Study the detailed measurements in the I-Space and on the ultrasound apparatus with 4D view are performed by researchers according to a standard protocol After introduction and a first training course the protocol to assess reproducibility of the measurements is followed A random subset of 5 patients with 6 serial datasets (30 datasets) is provided and triplo-measurements are carried out of the specific (extra)embryonic structures After achieving an inter- and intrameasurement variation of less than 5 and intraobserver and intraobserver agreement of gt090 and plt005 by calculating intraclass and interclass correlation coefficients and Bland Altman plots with a mean difference and 95 limits of agreement (mean difference lt5 en limits lt10) the researcher continues single measurements of the specific structure in the study dataset After finishing those measurements 30 datasets of the study dataset are randomly selected and the measurements are repeated and compared by calculating again intraclass correlation coefficients

At delivery always umbilical cord blood samples are obtained according to a protocol (supplementary materials) The umbilical venous cord blood is collected in 1 EDTA tube (10 mL) and 1 separator tube (10 ml) Immediately after delivery blood and leucocyte cell count and differentiation are and measurements are taken according to protocol (supplement) All blood samples are stored with barcodes in the biobank of the Predict Study situated at the laboratory of Clinical Chemistry of the Erasmus MC in Rotterdam for (epi)genetic epidemiological research

First Results The first periconceptional questionnaire and biomarker data has been obtained and stored in the database The cleaning of the data and the verification of the data based on medical records and of pharmacies has been started Serial 2D3D ultrasound scans are converted and stored We initiated the serial measurements of the different (extra) embryonic structures This data is available for first evaluations So far based on the pilot dataset of 2008-2010 we have been published 3 manuscripts with original data and 2 reviews (see page 6) and 6 manuscripts are in preparation issuing several associations between the periconceptional use of folic acid tablets IVFICSI treatment and growth trajectories of the embryo and placenta Furthermore sophisticated statistical methods are being developed by the department of Biostatistics to describe and analyse growth trajectories of the embryonic phenotype Strengths and future implications The main strength of the Rotterdam Predict Study is its unique periconceptional prospective study design embedding in clinical care high quality of unique first trimester exposure- biomarker and serial imaging data reduction of any potential bias due to changes in exposure during follow up homogenously defined phenotypes dichotomous and continuous birth outcomes (crown to rump length embryonic volume birth weight) quantitative data of c CpG methylation of genes biobanking DNA of both parents and infant at fixed study moments and the ability to study associations as well as underlying epigenetic mechanisms The multidisciplinary collaboration between recognized research groups dedicated to embryonic imaging (epi)genomics and nutrition is another strength Furthermore bioinformatics and novel statistics will be applied in order to perform the integrated analysis of imaging biochemical dietary and molecular genetic data Therefore the Predict Study will contribute to the further understanding of the epigenome of several reproductive and pregnancy outcomes the relationship with aging disease risks in current and future generations and the modification of risks using healthy dietary patterns (nutrient-gene interactions) from preconception onwards


The Rotterdam Predict Study will contribute in to the future primary and secondary prevention of the following problems (i) High perinatal mortality and morbidity rates (ii) Epidemic of aging diseases in current and next generations and (iii) Increase of poor nutrition and lifestyles Ad (i) The care and expenses for obstetrical and neonatal treatment due to the Big 4 (fetal growth restriction prematurity congenital malformations Apgar score below 7 after 5 minutes) are a burden for health care providers and givers and insurance companies as they require hospitalization during pregnancy NICU and or ECMO treatment Besides the pain and suffering of the affected infant the parents and families encounter emotional and psychological problems as well as high health care costs This severely affects their workload health and quality of life Ad (ii) Aging diseases in later life will be the epidemic of the 21st century Suffering from these diseases decreases the quality of life of the patient as well as of hisher family Moreover these diseases are accompanied with long-term medical and societal costs Considering the primary and secondary prevention of aging diseases with a healthy diet and lifestyle from preconception onwards it is important to note that the Predict Study addresses one of the best known mechanisms of being born with fetal growth restriction and having an increased risk of aging diseases Ad (iii) Poor dietary habits and their implications for pregnancy and aging diseases are being solved in several countries by food fortification programs and stimulation of the use of folic acid and multivitamin preparations However in those countries these strategies are introduced without knowing the lowest most effective and safest doses16 This emphasizes the need for a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms of possible harmful effects of folic acid fortification use and duration of high folic acid doses and one carbon-rich dietary patterns in relation to reproductive performance pregnancy course and outcome and aging disease risks1718 So far the Rotterdam Predict Study has continued with a minimum of funds thanks to the integration with patient care dedicated researchers and technical support staff Because the study is embedded in the infrastructure of transmural Rotterdam Preconceptional care it stimulates the development of innovative preconceptional care Therefore the results of the study will be easily disseminated to health care workers obstetrical care providers pediatricians and policymakers through newsletters presentations and (inter)national publications Funding

The Predict Study has been financially supported by the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Publications based on the Rotterdam Predict Study

1 Reus AD El-Harbachi H Rousian M Willemsen SP Steegers-Theunissen RP Steegers EA

Exalto N Early first trimester trophoblast volume in ongoing pregnancies and miscarriages

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2013 Aug 29 doi 101002uog13197

2 Steegers-Theunissen RPM Twigt J Pestinger V Sinclair KD The periconceptional period

reproduction and long-term health of offspring the importance of one-carbon metabolism Hum

Reprod Update 20131-16

3 van Uitert EM Exalto N Burton G Willemsen SP Koning AHJ Eilers PHC Laven JSE

Steegers EAP Steegers-Theuinissen RPM Hum embryonic growth trajectories and associations

with fetal growth and birthweight Hum Reprod 2013 Apr 7 (epub) 4 Herzog E Galvez J Roks A Stolk L Verbiest M Cornelissen J Steegers E Steegers-

Theunissen R Tissue-specific DNA methylation profiles in newborns Clin Epigenetics 2013 5(1) 8


5 van Uitert EM Steegers-Theunissen RP Influence of maternal folate status on human fetal

growth parameters Mol Nutr Food Res 2013 57(4)582-95


Kansen binnen het thema Sophia en het Moeder en Kind Centrum in het bijzonder

Wetenschappelijk onderzoek

Embryonale en foetale groei en ontwikkeling in relatie tot postnatale zorg en de ontwikkeling van het kind met speciale aandacht voor (epi)genetische-omgevings interacties

a beschrijving van het continuuumlm van normale en pathologische groei en ontwikkeling (bijvoorbeeld wat betreft de cerebrale ontwikkeling beginnende bij het embryo met behulp van de I-Space en foetaal en neonataal met echoscopie en MRI)

b in relatie tot congenitale structurele afwijkingen (embryonale 3D en VR beeldvorming structureel echoscopisch onderzoek inclusief Doppler profielen moleculair genetisch materiaal verkregen via prenatale screening en diagnostiek foetale geneeskundige interventies stamcelonderzoek navelstrengbloed postnatale zorg zoals ECMO en follow up van postnatale ontwikkeling) Translationeel etiologisch en pathofysiologisch onderzoek vroegdiagnostiek van aangeboren structurele afwijkingen innovatieve foetale interventies antenatale predictie van postnatale uitkomst

c in relatie tot foetale groeistoornissen en vroeggeboorte (embryonale automatische volume metingen foetale echoscopische gewichtsschattingen Doppler profielen moleculair genetisch materiaal verkregen via prenatale screening en diagnostiek stamcelonderzoek navelstrengbloed studie van lichaamssamenstelling van de pasgeborene met dexametingen en follow up van postnatale groei) Translationeel etiologisch en pathofysiologisch onderzoek vroegdiagnostiek foetale groeivertraging vroeggeboorte en antenatale predictie van postnatale uitkomst

d Door de translationele benadering opgedane nieuwe kennis aanwenden voor de ontwikkeling van antenatale en postnatale therapeutische strategieeumln en follow-up

Ten behoeve van onderzoek is het wenselijk dat de reeds functionerende biobank van de Rotterdam Predict Studie wordt uitgebreid met foetaal en postnataal verkregen lichaamsmateriaal Een en ander kan ook als pilot worden opgenomen in de Sophia biobank zodat doublures worden voorkomen en eenduidigheid van opslag en gebruik geborgd zijn

Het dataware house van het Moeder en Kind Centrum moet beter toegankelijk worden gemaakt en worden aangepast aan bovengenoemde ambities



De introductie van het structureel echoscopisch onderzoek maakt dat steeds meer (ernstige) aangeboren structurele afwijkingen prenataal worden gediagnosticeerd Tussen de afdelingen Verloskunde en Prenatale Geneeskunde en Klinische Genetica en de diverse afdelingen van het Sophia kinderziekenhuis bestaat een goede samenwerking voor de begeleiding en opvang van toekomstige ouders van pasgeborenen met congenitale afwijkingen De afdeling Prenatale Geneeskunde heeft een regionale functie voor prenatale counseling diagnostiek en therapie Voor een aantal indicaties is er sprake van een landelijk verwijscentrum Prenatale counseling en diagnostiek wordt in de volle breedte uitgevoerd Door de aanwezigheid van nagenoeg alle kinder-deelspecialismen kan op elke indicatie worden verwezen en is op het gebied van aangeboren en erfelijke afwijkingen op alle orgaansystemen expertise aanwezig

Naast spreekuren voor geavanceerd ultrageluidonderzoek is er ook een speciaal 3D spreekuur waarbij gebruik wordt gemaakt van de specifieke 3D eigenschappen van de


echoscopie Meerwaarde hiervan vindt je vooral bij gelaatsafwijkingen gestoorde geslachtsontwikkeling en afwijkingen aan de ledematen

De zorg in de diverse fasen van prenatale diagnose counseling bevalling en postnatale behandeling zal toenemend worden geprotocolleerd in zorgpaden met daaraan gekoppeld een gestructureerd follow-up programma Dit geldt ook voor andere zwangerschapscomplicaties zoals foetale groeivertraging (in het bijzonder in het geval van ernstige preeclampsie) en vroeggeboorte


Vrouwen die een suboptimale zwangerschapsuitkomst hebben gehad komen in aanmerking voor algemene en gespecialiseerde preconceptiezorg (interconceptiezorg) in relatie tot een volgende zwangerschap In geval van een aangeboren structurele afwijking dient deze zorg multidisciplinair te worden gegeven Kinderen die geboren zijn met een aangeboren structurele afwijking komen ook in aanmerking voor preconceptiezorg wanneer zij de vruchtbare leeftijd bereiken

Center of excellence voor erfelijke en aangeboren afwijkingen Het Erasmus MC moet zich samen met het LUMC zowel prenataal als postnataal in Nederland en internationaal verder profileren als het Centre of excellencerdquo voor erfelijke en aangeboren afwijkingen zowel wat betreft de zorg als het wetenschappelijk onderzoek De afdeling Verloskunde en Prenatale Geneeskunde draagt daaraan bij in het gehele continuuumlm van preconceptiezorg jonge zwangerschap prenatale screening en diagnostiek tot en met de perinatale zorg De zorg moet zijn afgestemd en vastgelegd in zorgpaden met duidelijkheid over wie op welk moment hoofdbehandelaar is Naast diagnostiek moet ook de (intra-uteriene) behandeling van aangeboren afwijkingen toenemende aandacht krijgen De foetale geneeskunde zal daarmee verder worden ontwikkeld Ten aanzien van de invasieve foetale behandelingen zal intensief worden samen gewerkt met het LUMC Voor verwijzer en de patieumlnt moeten de afdelingen van het Erasmus MC en het LUMC eacuteeacuten gezicht naar buiten uitstralen zonder een verlies van eigen identiteit Het grootste deel van de invasieve interventies zal voornamelijk in het LUMC blijven plaatsvinden maar de kennis van (prenataal behandelbare) aangeboren aandoeningen moet ook in het Erasmus MC aanwezig zijn Naast het LUMC kan de samenwerking met het Leuven verder worden uitgebreid Gestructureerde follow-up programmarsquos vormen een nadrukkelijk onderdeel van de zorg Door vroegtijdige preconceptionele of prenatale inclusie te koppelen aan langdurige postnatale follow up oa van kinderen met aangeboren afwijkingen ontstaat er een continuuumlm in zorg en wetenschap

Wat betreft het wetenschappelijk onderzoek en het onderwijs zal dit centre of excellence zich ook moeten profileren zoals eerder in deze notitie aangegeven Daarin kan samenwerking worden gezocht met het LUMC en de TU Delft in het samenwerkingsverband Medical Delta De zich ontwikkelende samenwerking tussen de academische centra wat betreft de embryonale beeldvorming in de I-Space kan hier ook in worden ondergebracht Door het uitbreiden van het cohort van de Rotterdam Predict studie met de patieumlntenpopulatie van het LUMC kan de vraagstelling worden uitgebreid met ook die patieumlntengroepen die specifiek zijn voor het LUMC



1 Steegers EAP Embryonale gezondheid en preconceptiezorg belang voor huidige en toekomstige generaties Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2014 158 A7373

2 Steegers-Theunissen RPM Inaugural lecture New life in a changing environment Demmenie Grafimedia Alphen aan den Rijn 2010

3 Williams D Long-term complications of preeclampsia Semin Nephrol 2011 31111-122

4 Steegers-Theunissen RP Steegers EA Nutrient-gene interactions in early pregnancy a vascular hypothesis Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2003 106115-7

5 Gluckman PD Hanson MA Cooper C Thornburg KL Effect of in utero and early-life conditions on adult health and disease N Engl J Med 2008 359 61-73

6 Hammiche F Laven JS van Mil N de Cock M de Vries JH Lindemans J Steegers EAP Steegers-Theunissen RPM Tailored preconceptional dietary and lifestyle counselling in a tertiary outpatient clinic in the Netherlands Hum Reprod 2011 26 2432-41

7 Feunekes GI Van Staveren WA De Vries JH Burema J Hautvast JG Relative and biomarker-based validity of a food-frequency questionnaire estimating intake of fats and cholesterol Am J Clin Nutr 1993 58 489-96

8 Verkleij-Hagoort AC de Vries JH Stegers MP Lindemans J Ursem NT Steegers-Theunissen RP Validation of the assessment of folate and vitamin B(12) intake in women of reproductive age the method of triads Eur J Clin Nutr 2007 61 610-5

9 Verwoerd-Dikkeboom CM Koning AHJ Hop WC Rousian M van der Spek PJ Exalto N Steegers EA Reliability of early pregnancy measurements in 3D using virtual reality Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2008 32 910-16

10 Verwoerd-Dikkeboom CM Koning AH van der Spek PJ Exalto N Steegers EA Embryonic staging using a 3D virtual reality system Hum Reprod 2008 23 1479-84

11 Verwoerd-Dikkeboom CM Koning AH Hop WC van der Spek PJ Exalto N Steegers EA Innovative virtual reality measurements for embryonic growth and development Hum Reprod 2010 251404-10

12 Rousian M Koning AH Hop WC van der Spek PJ Exalto N Steegers EA Gestational sac fluid volume measurements in virtual reality Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2011 38 524-9

13 Rousian M Verwoerd-Dikkeboom CM Koning AH Hop WC van der Spek PJ Steegers EA Exalto N First trimester umbilical cord and vitelline duct measurements using virtual reality Early Hum Dev 2011 8777-82

14 Cruz-Neira C Sandin D DeFanti T Surround-screen projection-based virtual reality the design and implementation of the CAVE trade Proceedings of the 20th annual conference on computer graphics and interactive techniques 1993 135-42

15 Koning AH Rousian M Verwoerd-Dikkeboom CM Goedknegt L Steegers EA van der Spek PJ V-scope design and implementation of an immersive and desktop virtual reality volume visualization system Stud Health Technol Inform 2009 142 136-8

16 Rousian M Koning AHJ van Oppenraaij RHF Hop WC Verwoerd-Dikkeboom CM van der Spek PJ Exalto N Steegers EAP An innovative virtual reality technique for automated human embryonic volume measurements Hum Reprod 2010 25 2210-6

17 Steegers-Theunissen RPM Nieuw leven in een veranderende Omgeving Oratiereeks Erasmus MC 2010 ISBN 978-90-779-0672-9

18 Lucock MD Synergy of genes and nutrients the case of homocysteine Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care 2006 9 748-56

19 Smith AD Kim YI Refsum H Is folic acid good for everyone Am J Clin Nutr 2008 87 517-33



The Rotterdam Predict Study A periconceptional birth cohort

Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in collaboration with the Laboratory of Clinical Chemistry and departments of Bioinformatics Biostatistics Pediatrics Neonatology and

Internal Medicine Vascular Pharmacology of the Erasmus MC University Medical Center Rotterdam The Netherlands


Adverse reproductive performance pregnancy course and birth outcome largely originate in the periconceptional period a time window of 14 weeks before up to 10 weeks after conception Interactions between environmental exposures before and during pregnancy in combination with subtle genetic variations affect parental gametes and reproductive organs and (extra) embryonic- and fetal organs1 The underlying biological mechanisms however are not yet clarified Moreover most birth cohorts start with the enrolment and data collection after the first trimester of pregnancy thereby ignoring the periconceptional period (wwwbirthcohortsnetusr)

Accumulating data indicate increased risks of a range of vascular and metabolic diseases in women who experienced pregnancy complications such as preeclampsia pregnancy induced hypertension and gestational diabetes2 In this regard pregnancy can be considered as stress test of metabolic- endocrine- vascular- and psychological functions3 Furthermore especially children born with fetal growth restriction are at risk for developing cardiovascular- metabolic- endocrine- and psychiatric diseases in adulthood ie Developmental Origin Hypothesis of Health and Disease4

General aims

(i) To describe health normal and abnormal growth and development in the periconceptional period during pregnancy at birth to the first year of life

(ii) To identify in this window the parental biological nutritional lifestyle and environmental determinants of reproductive performance and pregnancy course and outcome

(iii) To relate the epigenome of DNA derived from gametes parental white blood cells (extra)embryonic and newborn white blood- and stem cells and tissues to the periconceptional health of the couple and reproductive performance pregnancy course and outcome

(iv) To provide periconceptional screening tests and intervention programs to optimize human reproduction

Study design


From 2008 onwards we initiated the Rotterdam Predict Study with a focus on the periconceptional period The study is designed as prospective birth cohort study of unselected high risk couples and a random selection of population based control couples at the Erasmus MC University Medical Center (Erasmus MC) in Rotterdam The Netherlands After a pilot phase of two years the main study embedded in routine patient care started in November 2010 and is ongoing Determinants of interest are parental health conditions eg age education (non) modifiable environmental exposures such as nutrition and lifestyle habits with a main focus in the periconceptional period in association with growth and development of gametes embryo fetus and infant to one year of age5 In future we will examine epigenetic mechanisms in human tissues underlying these associations and as early predictor of future health

Study population

The Rotterdam Predict Study has been designed as an open hospital-based and population-based prospective birth cohort study embedded in the infrastructure of the transmural Rotterdam Preconceptional Health Program In the pilot phase (2009-2010) we included 233 pregnancies before 8 weeks of gestation We adapted the protocol including the collection of validated nutritional intake data67 and began enrolling couples in the preconceptional period and before the13th week of gestation into the Predict Study from November 2010 onwards (Figure)

All couples scheduled for an appointment at the outpatient clinic of the department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology are invited to participate by means of a brochure The brochure contains information on the aims of the Predict study and is being sent along with the appointment confirmation During the appointment at the outpatient clinic the couple is being asked for willingness to participate If a couple is willing to take part eligibility is checked and an appointment for a standardized intake is scheduled Eligibility criteria are that the woman and her partner have to be at least 18 years of age are both willing to participate and are familiar with the Dutch language in speaking reading and writing In the preparation of the intake appointment the couple receives detailed information about the Predict Study informed consent forms and self-administered questionnaires to be filled out at home The


signed informed consent forms and completed questionnaires are taken to the intake appointment None of the participants is offered incentives for their contribution other than the newsletter of the study which includes information on the proceedings and research results and pictures of the serial ultrasound examinations during the first trimester of pregnancy

Approval of the study was obtained from the Central Committee on Research in The Hague and the local Medical Ethical Committee of the Erasmus MC in Rotterdam The Netherlands (2004 and 2009)

In the next Figure the periconceptionally included study population between 2010 and 2013 is depicted

Data collection

In the table details of data and material collection from periconceptional to 1 year after delivery

Preconceptional and first trimester

24 weeks of gestation 36 weeks of gestation to delivery

1 year after delivery

Mother and Father Intake questionnaire Constitutional determinants age marital status ethnicity education Health determinants diseases medicine reproduction obstetrical andrological

Mother and Fetus Follow up questionnaire Health determinants diseases medicine obstetrical psychological stress

Mother and Infant Follow up questionnaire Health determinants diseases medicine obstetrical psychological stress

Infant Follow up questionnaire Health determinants Growth development congenital malformations and


psychological stress Modifiable determinants lifestyle (smoking drugs alcohol) vitamins infections Nonpartially modifiable determinants environmental- and occupational exposures Family determinants diseases congenital malformations

Modifiable determinants lifestyle (smoking drugs alcohol) vitamins infections Nonpartially modifiable determinants environmental- and occupational exposures

Modifiable determinants lifestyle (smoking drugs alcohol) vitamins infections Nonpartially modifiable determinants environmental- and occupational exposures


Food frequency questionnaire

Venous blood sampling blood and leucocyte cell count and differentiation biomarkers (folate B12 homocysteine) biobanking

Umbilical cord blood blood and leucocyte cell count and differentiation biobanking

Measurements systolic- diastolic blood pressure height weight waist- hip circumference

Measurements Birth weight

Verification medical- pharmacy records

Verification medical- pharmacy records

Serial 2D3D ultrasound examination 7-13 weeks of gestation

Structural ultrasound scans at 20 weeks of gestation

Pregnant women participating before 8 weeks of gestation received weekly 2 and 3 dimensional (2 and 3D) ultrasound scans from 7 to 13 weeks of gestation From November 2012 this has been changed in every 2 weeks at 7 9 and 11 weeks of pregnancy The ultrasound scans are performed by experienced researchers using a 6-12 MHz transvaginal probe of the GE Voluson E8 Expert system (GE Zipf Austria) The ultrasound scans focus on the embryo including details as crown rump length embryonic volume and curvature brain structures and external Carnegie Stage characteristics8-10 and extraembryonic structures such as the gestational sac umbilical cord1112 placenta and yolk sac Uterine artery and placental flow is documented by standardized 3D Power Doppler sweeps for offline evaluation All 3D ultrasound scans are stored as Cartesian volumes using specialized 3D software (4D View version 91 GE Medical Systems) and visualized using our I-Space a so-called four-walled CAVEtrade-like13 (Automatic Virtual Environment) virtual reality system built by Barco NV (Kuurne Belgium) The V-Scope application is used to create an interactive 3D hologram of the ultrasound image that can be manipulated by means of a virtual pointer controlled by a wireless joystick14 The V-scope in our I-Space allows a more precise visualization of the embryonic crown rump length and innovative volume measurements of the embryo and brain structures1516 The V-Scope software used in the I-Space is reliable and reproducible810 4D view GE (Vocal) seems an accurate technique to measure volumetry of the cerebellum and trophoblast volume in the first 12 weeks of gestation on the ultrasound apparatus Power Doppler flow imaging is used to determine


placenta vascularization by measuring the volume of the blood vessels using the VR system in our I-Space

For the Predict Study the detailed measurements in the I-Space and on the ultrasound apparatus with 4D view are performed by researchers according to a standard protocol After introduction and a first training course the protocol to assess reproducibility of the measurements is followed A random subset of 5 patients with 6 serial datasets (30 datasets) is provided and triplo-measurements are carried out of the specific (extra)embryonic structures After achieving an inter- and intrameasurement variation of less than 5 and intraobserver and intraobserver agreement of gt090 and plt005 by calculating intraclass and interclass correlation coefficients and Bland Altman plots with a mean difference and 95 limits of agreement (mean difference lt5 en limits lt10) the researcher continues single measurements of the specific structure in the study dataset After finishing those measurements 30 datasets of the study dataset are randomly selected and the measurements are repeated and compared by calculating again intraclass correlation coefficients

At delivery always umbilical cord blood samples are obtained according to a protocol (supplementary materials) The umbilical venous cord blood is collected in 1 EDTA tube (10 mL) and 1 separator tube (10 ml) Immediately after delivery blood and leucocyte cell count and differentiation are and measurements are taken according to protocol (supplement) All blood samples are stored with barcodes in the biobank of the Predict Study situated at the laboratory of Clinical Chemistry of the Erasmus MC in Rotterdam for (epi)genetic epidemiological research

First Results The first periconceptional questionnaire and biomarker data has been obtained and stored in the database The cleaning of the data and the verification of the data based on medical records and of pharmacies has been started Serial 2D3D ultrasound scans are converted and stored We initiated the serial measurements of the different (extra) embryonic structures This data is available for first evaluations So far based on the pilot dataset of 2008-2010 we have been published 3 manuscripts with original data and 2 reviews (see page 6) and 6 manuscripts are in preparation issuing several associations between the periconceptional use of folic acid tablets IVFICSI treatment and growth trajectories of the embryo and placenta Furthermore sophisticated statistical methods are being developed by the department of Biostatistics to describe and analyse growth trajectories of the embryonic phenotype Strengths and future implications The main strength of the Rotterdam Predict Study is its unique periconceptional prospective study design embedding in clinical care high quality of unique first trimester exposure- biomarker and serial imaging data reduction of any potential bias due to changes in exposure during follow up homogenously defined phenotypes dichotomous and continuous birth outcomes (crown to rump length embryonic volume birth weight) quantitative data of c CpG methylation of genes biobanking DNA of both parents and infant at fixed study moments and the ability to study associations as well as underlying epigenetic mechanisms The multidisciplinary collaboration between recognized research groups dedicated to embryonic imaging (epi)genomics and nutrition is another strength Furthermore bioinformatics and novel statistics will be applied in order to perform the integrated analysis of imaging biochemical dietary and molecular genetic data Therefore the Predict Study will contribute to the further understanding of the epigenome of several reproductive and pregnancy outcomes the relationship with aging disease risks in current and future generations and the modification of risks using healthy dietary patterns (nutrient-gene interactions) from preconception onwards


The Rotterdam Predict Study will contribute in to the future primary and secondary prevention of the following problems (i) High perinatal mortality and morbidity rates (ii) Epidemic of aging diseases in current and next generations and (iii) Increase of poor nutrition and lifestyles Ad (i) The care and expenses for obstetrical and neonatal treatment due to the Big 4 (fetal growth restriction prematurity congenital malformations Apgar score below 7 after 5 minutes) are a burden for health care providers and givers and insurance companies as they require hospitalization during pregnancy NICU and or ECMO treatment Besides the pain and suffering of the affected infant the parents and families encounter emotional and psychological problems as well as high health care costs This severely affects their workload health and quality of life Ad (ii) Aging diseases in later life will be the epidemic of the 21st century Suffering from these diseases decreases the quality of life of the patient as well as of hisher family Moreover these diseases are accompanied with long-term medical and societal costs Considering the primary and secondary prevention of aging diseases with a healthy diet and lifestyle from preconception onwards it is important to note that the Predict Study addresses one of the best known mechanisms of being born with fetal growth restriction and having an increased risk of aging diseases Ad (iii) Poor dietary habits and their implications for pregnancy and aging diseases are being solved in several countries by food fortification programs and stimulation of the use of folic acid and multivitamin preparations However in those countries these strategies are introduced without knowing the lowest most effective and safest doses16 This emphasizes the need for a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms of possible harmful effects of folic acid fortification use and duration of high folic acid doses and one carbon-rich dietary patterns in relation to reproductive performance pregnancy course and outcome and aging disease risks1718 So far the Rotterdam Predict Study has continued with a minimum of funds thanks to the integration with patient care dedicated researchers and technical support staff Because the study is embedded in the infrastructure of transmural Rotterdam Preconceptional care it stimulates the development of innovative preconceptional care Therefore the results of the study will be easily disseminated to health care workers obstetrical care providers pediatricians and policymakers through newsletters presentations and (inter)national publications Funding

The Predict Study has been financially supported by the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Publications based on the Rotterdam Predict Study

1 Reus AD El-Harbachi H Rousian M Willemsen SP Steegers-Theunissen RP Steegers EA

Exalto N Early first trimester trophoblast volume in ongoing pregnancies and miscarriages

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2013 Aug 29 doi 101002uog13197

2 Steegers-Theunissen RPM Twigt J Pestinger V Sinclair KD The periconceptional period

reproduction and long-term health of offspring the importance of one-carbon metabolism Hum

Reprod Update 20131-16

3 van Uitert EM Exalto N Burton G Willemsen SP Koning AHJ Eilers PHC Laven JSE

Steegers EAP Steegers-Theuinissen RPM Hum embryonic growth trajectories and associations

with fetal growth and birthweight Hum Reprod 2013 Apr 7 (epub) 4 Herzog E Galvez J Roks A Stolk L Verbiest M Cornelissen J Steegers E Steegers-

Theunissen R Tissue-specific DNA methylation profiles in newborns Clin Epigenetics 2013 5(1) 8


5 van Uitert EM Steegers-Theunissen RP Influence of maternal folate status on human fetal

growth parameters Mol Nutr Food Res 2013 57(4)582-95


echoscopie Meerwaarde hiervan vindt je vooral bij gelaatsafwijkingen gestoorde geslachtsontwikkeling en afwijkingen aan de ledematen

De zorg in de diverse fasen van prenatale diagnose counseling bevalling en postnatale behandeling zal toenemend worden geprotocolleerd in zorgpaden met daaraan gekoppeld een gestructureerd follow-up programma Dit geldt ook voor andere zwangerschapscomplicaties zoals foetale groeivertraging (in het bijzonder in het geval van ernstige preeclampsie) en vroeggeboorte


Vrouwen die een suboptimale zwangerschapsuitkomst hebben gehad komen in aanmerking voor algemene en gespecialiseerde preconceptiezorg (interconceptiezorg) in relatie tot een volgende zwangerschap In geval van een aangeboren structurele afwijking dient deze zorg multidisciplinair te worden gegeven Kinderen die geboren zijn met een aangeboren structurele afwijking komen ook in aanmerking voor preconceptiezorg wanneer zij de vruchtbare leeftijd bereiken

Center of excellence voor erfelijke en aangeboren afwijkingen Het Erasmus MC moet zich samen met het LUMC zowel prenataal als postnataal in Nederland en internationaal verder profileren als het Centre of excellencerdquo voor erfelijke en aangeboren afwijkingen zowel wat betreft de zorg als het wetenschappelijk onderzoek De afdeling Verloskunde en Prenatale Geneeskunde draagt daaraan bij in het gehele continuuumlm van preconceptiezorg jonge zwangerschap prenatale screening en diagnostiek tot en met de perinatale zorg De zorg moet zijn afgestemd en vastgelegd in zorgpaden met duidelijkheid over wie op welk moment hoofdbehandelaar is Naast diagnostiek moet ook de (intra-uteriene) behandeling van aangeboren afwijkingen toenemende aandacht krijgen De foetale geneeskunde zal daarmee verder worden ontwikkeld Ten aanzien van de invasieve foetale behandelingen zal intensief worden samen gewerkt met het LUMC Voor verwijzer en de patieumlnt moeten de afdelingen van het Erasmus MC en het LUMC eacuteeacuten gezicht naar buiten uitstralen zonder een verlies van eigen identiteit Het grootste deel van de invasieve interventies zal voornamelijk in het LUMC blijven plaatsvinden maar de kennis van (prenataal behandelbare) aangeboren aandoeningen moet ook in het Erasmus MC aanwezig zijn Naast het LUMC kan de samenwerking met het Leuven verder worden uitgebreid Gestructureerde follow-up programmarsquos vormen een nadrukkelijk onderdeel van de zorg Door vroegtijdige preconceptionele of prenatale inclusie te koppelen aan langdurige postnatale follow up oa van kinderen met aangeboren afwijkingen ontstaat er een continuuumlm in zorg en wetenschap

Wat betreft het wetenschappelijk onderzoek en het onderwijs zal dit centre of excellence zich ook moeten profileren zoals eerder in deze notitie aangegeven Daarin kan samenwerking worden gezocht met het LUMC en de TU Delft in het samenwerkingsverband Medical Delta De zich ontwikkelende samenwerking tussen de academische centra wat betreft de embryonale beeldvorming in de I-Space kan hier ook in worden ondergebracht Door het uitbreiden van het cohort van de Rotterdam Predict studie met de patieumlntenpopulatie van het LUMC kan de vraagstelling worden uitgebreid met ook die patieumlntengroepen die specifiek zijn voor het LUMC



1 Steegers EAP Embryonale gezondheid en preconceptiezorg belang voor huidige en toekomstige generaties Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2014 158 A7373

2 Steegers-Theunissen RPM Inaugural lecture New life in a changing environment Demmenie Grafimedia Alphen aan den Rijn 2010

3 Williams D Long-term complications of preeclampsia Semin Nephrol 2011 31111-122

4 Steegers-Theunissen RP Steegers EA Nutrient-gene interactions in early pregnancy a vascular hypothesis Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2003 106115-7

5 Gluckman PD Hanson MA Cooper C Thornburg KL Effect of in utero and early-life conditions on adult health and disease N Engl J Med 2008 359 61-73

6 Hammiche F Laven JS van Mil N de Cock M de Vries JH Lindemans J Steegers EAP Steegers-Theunissen RPM Tailored preconceptional dietary and lifestyle counselling in a tertiary outpatient clinic in the Netherlands Hum Reprod 2011 26 2432-41

7 Feunekes GI Van Staveren WA De Vries JH Burema J Hautvast JG Relative and biomarker-based validity of a food-frequency questionnaire estimating intake of fats and cholesterol Am J Clin Nutr 1993 58 489-96

8 Verkleij-Hagoort AC de Vries JH Stegers MP Lindemans J Ursem NT Steegers-Theunissen RP Validation of the assessment of folate and vitamin B(12) intake in women of reproductive age the method of triads Eur J Clin Nutr 2007 61 610-5

9 Verwoerd-Dikkeboom CM Koning AHJ Hop WC Rousian M van der Spek PJ Exalto N Steegers EA Reliability of early pregnancy measurements in 3D using virtual reality Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2008 32 910-16

10 Verwoerd-Dikkeboom CM Koning AH van der Spek PJ Exalto N Steegers EA Embryonic staging using a 3D virtual reality system Hum Reprod 2008 23 1479-84

11 Verwoerd-Dikkeboom CM Koning AH Hop WC van der Spek PJ Exalto N Steegers EA Innovative virtual reality measurements for embryonic growth and development Hum Reprod 2010 251404-10

12 Rousian M Koning AH Hop WC van der Spek PJ Exalto N Steegers EA Gestational sac fluid volume measurements in virtual reality Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2011 38 524-9

13 Rousian M Verwoerd-Dikkeboom CM Koning AH Hop WC van der Spek PJ Steegers EA Exalto N First trimester umbilical cord and vitelline duct measurements using virtual reality Early Hum Dev 2011 8777-82

14 Cruz-Neira C Sandin D DeFanti T Surround-screen projection-based virtual reality the design and implementation of the CAVE trade Proceedings of the 20th annual conference on computer graphics and interactive techniques 1993 135-42

15 Koning AH Rousian M Verwoerd-Dikkeboom CM Goedknegt L Steegers EA van der Spek PJ V-scope design and implementation of an immersive and desktop virtual reality volume visualization system Stud Health Technol Inform 2009 142 136-8

16 Rousian M Koning AHJ van Oppenraaij RHF Hop WC Verwoerd-Dikkeboom CM van der Spek PJ Exalto N Steegers EAP An innovative virtual reality technique for automated human embryonic volume measurements Hum Reprod 2010 25 2210-6

17 Steegers-Theunissen RPM Nieuw leven in een veranderende Omgeving Oratiereeks Erasmus MC 2010 ISBN 978-90-779-0672-9

18 Lucock MD Synergy of genes and nutrients the case of homocysteine Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care 2006 9 748-56

19 Smith AD Kim YI Refsum H Is folic acid good for everyone Am J Clin Nutr 2008 87 517-33



The Rotterdam Predict Study A periconceptional birth cohort

Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in collaboration with the Laboratory of Clinical Chemistry and departments of Bioinformatics Biostatistics Pediatrics Neonatology and

Internal Medicine Vascular Pharmacology of the Erasmus MC University Medical Center Rotterdam The Netherlands


Adverse reproductive performance pregnancy course and birth outcome largely originate in the periconceptional period a time window of 14 weeks before up to 10 weeks after conception Interactions between environmental exposures before and during pregnancy in combination with subtle genetic variations affect parental gametes and reproductive organs and (extra) embryonic- and fetal organs1 The underlying biological mechanisms however are not yet clarified Moreover most birth cohorts start with the enrolment and data collection after the first trimester of pregnancy thereby ignoring the periconceptional period (wwwbirthcohortsnetusr)

Accumulating data indicate increased risks of a range of vascular and metabolic diseases in women who experienced pregnancy complications such as preeclampsia pregnancy induced hypertension and gestational diabetes2 In this regard pregnancy can be considered as stress test of metabolic- endocrine- vascular- and psychological functions3 Furthermore especially children born with fetal growth restriction are at risk for developing cardiovascular- metabolic- endocrine- and psychiatric diseases in adulthood ie Developmental Origin Hypothesis of Health and Disease4

General aims

(i) To describe health normal and abnormal growth and development in the periconceptional period during pregnancy at birth to the first year of life

(ii) To identify in this window the parental biological nutritional lifestyle and environmental determinants of reproductive performance and pregnancy course and outcome

(iii) To relate the epigenome of DNA derived from gametes parental white blood cells (extra)embryonic and newborn white blood- and stem cells and tissues to the periconceptional health of the couple and reproductive performance pregnancy course and outcome

(iv) To provide periconceptional screening tests and intervention programs to optimize human reproduction

Study design


From 2008 onwards we initiated the Rotterdam Predict Study with a focus on the periconceptional period The study is designed as prospective birth cohort study of unselected high risk couples and a random selection of population based control couples at the Erasmus MC University Medical Center (Erasmus MC) in Rotterdam The Netherlands After a pilot phase of two years the main study embedded in routine patient care started in November 2010 and is ongoing Determinants of interest are parental health conditions eg age education (non) modifiable environmental exposures such as nutrition and lifestyle habits with a main focus in the periconceptional period in association with growth and development of gametes embryo fetus and infant to one year of age5 In future we will examine epigenetic mechanisms in human tissues underlying these associations and as early predictor of future health

Study population

The Rotterdam Predict Study has been designed as an open hospital-based and population-based prospective birth cohort study embedded in the infrastructure of the transmural Rotterdam Preconceptional Health Program In the pilot phase (2009-2010) we included 233 pregnancies before 8 weeks of gestation We adapted the protocol including the collection of validated nutritional intake data67 and began enrolling couples in the preconceptional period and before the13th week of gestation into the Predict Study from November 2010 onwards (Figure)

All couples scheduled for an appointment at the outpatient clinic of the department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology are invited to participate by means of a brochure The brochure contains information on the aims of the Predict study and is being sent along with the appointment confirmation During the appointment at the outpatient clinic the couple is being asked for willingness to participate If a couple is willing to take part eligibility is checked and an appointment for a standardized intake is scheduled Eligibility criteria are that the woman and her partner have to be at least 18 years of age are both willing to participate and are familiar with the Dutch language in speaking reading and writing In the preparation of the intake appointment the couple receives detailed information about the Predict Study informed consent forms and self-administered questionnaires to be filled out at home The


signed informed consent forms and completed questionnaires are taken to the intake appointment None of the participants is offered incentives for their contribution other than the newsletter of the study which includes information on the proceedings and research results and pictures of the serial ultrasound examinations during the first trimester of pregnancy

Approval of the study was obtained from the Central Committee on Research in The Hague and the local Medical Ethical Committee of the Erasmus MC in Rotterdam The Netherlands (2004 and 2009)

In the next Figure the periconceptionally included study population between 2010 and 2013 is depicted

Data collection

In the table details of data and material collection from periconceptional to 1 year after delivery

Preconceptional and first trimester

24 weeks of gestation 36 weeks of gestation to delivery

1 year after delivery

Mother and Father Intake questionnaire Constitutional determinants age marital status ethnicity education Health determinants diseases medicine reproduction obstetrical andrological

Mother and Fetus Follow up questionnaire Health determinants diseases medicine obstetrical psychological stress

Mother and Infant Follow up questionnaire Health determinants diseases medicine obstetrical psychological stress

Infant Follow up questionnaire Health determinants Growth development congenital malformations and


psychological stress Modifiable determinants lifestyle (smoking drugs alcohol) vitamins infections Nonpartially modifiable determinants environmental- and occupational exposures Family determinants diseases congenital malformations

Modifiable determinants lifestyle (smoking drugs alcohol) vitamins infections Nonpartially modifiable determinants environmental- and occupational exposures

Modifiable determinants lifestyle (smoking drugs alcohol) vitamins infections Nonpartially modifiable determinants environmental- and occupational exposures


Food frequency questionnaire

Venous blood sampling blood and leucocyte cell count and differentiation biomarkers (folate B12 homocysteine) biobanking

Umbilical cord blood blood and leucocyte cell count and differentiation biobanking

Measurements systolic- diastolic blood pressure height weight waist- hip circumference

Measurements Birth weight

Verification medical- pharmacy records

Verification medical- pharmacy records

Serial 2D3D ultrasound examination 7-13 weeks of gestation

Structural ultrasound scans at 20 weeks of gestation

Pregnant women participating before 8 weeks of gestation received weekly 2 and 3 dimensional (2 and 3D) ultrasound scans from 7 to 13 weeks of gestation From November 2012 this has been changed in every 2 weeks at 7 9 and 11 weeks of pregnancy The ultrasound scans are performed by experienced researchers using a 6-12 MHz transvaginal probe of the GE Voluson E8 Expert system (GE Zipf Austria) The ultrasound scans focus on the embryo including details as crown rump length embryonic volume and curvature brain structures and external Carnegie Stage characteristics8-10 and extraembryonic structures such as the gestational sac umbilical cord1112 placenta and yolk sac Uterine artery and placental flow is documented by standardized 3D Power Doppler sweeps for offline evaluation All 3D ultrasound scans are stored as Cartesian volumes using specialized 3D software (4D View version 91 GE Medical Systems) and visualized using our I-Space a so-called four-walled CAVEtrade-like13 (Automatic Virtual Environment) virtual reality system built by Barco NV (Kuurne Belgium) The V-Scope application is used to create an interactive 3D hologram of the ultrasound image that can be manipulated by means of a virtual pointer controlled by a wireless joystick14 The V-scope in our I-Space allows a more precise visualization of the embryonic crown rump length and innovative volume measurements of the embryo and brain structures1516 The V-Scope software used in the I-Space is reliable and reproducible810 4D view GE (Vocal) seems an accurate technique to measure volumetry of the cerebellum and trophoblast volume in the first 12 weeks of gestation on the ultrasound apparatus Power Doppler flow imaging is used to determine


placenta vascularization by measuring the volume of the blood vessels using the VR system in our I-Space

For the Predict Study the detailed measurements in the I-Space and on the ultrasound apparatus with 4D view are performed by researchers according to a standard protocol After introduction and a first training course the protocol to assess reproducibility of the measurements is followed A random subset of 5 patients with 6 serial datasets (30 datasets) is provided and triplo-measurements are carried out of the specific (extra)embryonic structures After achieving an inter- and intrameasurement variation of less than 5 and intraobserver and intraobserver agreement of gt090 and plt005 by calculating intraclass and interclass correlation coefficients and Bland Altman plots with a mean difference and 95 limits of agreement (mean difference lt5 en limits lt10) the researcher continues single measurements of the specific structure in the study dataset After finishing those measurements 30 datasets of the study dataset are randomly selected and the measurements are repeated and compared by calculating again intraclass correlation coefficients

At delivery always umbilical cord blood samples are obtained according to a protocol (supplementary materials) The umbilical venous cord blood is collected in 1 EDTA tube (10 mL) and 1 separator tube (10 ml) Immediately after delivery blood and leucocyte cell count and differentiation are and measurements are taken according to protocol (supplement) All blood samples are stored with barcodes in the biobank of the Predict Study situated at the laboratory of Clinical Chemistry of the Erasmus MC in Rotterdam for (epi)genetic epidemiological research

First Results The first periconceptional questionnaire and biomarker data has been obtained and stored in the database The cleaning of the data and the verification of the data based on medical records and of pharmacies has been started Serial 2D3D ultrasound scans are converted and stored We initiated the serial measurements of the different (extra) embryonic structures This data is available for first evaluations So far based on the pilot dataset of 2008-2010 we have been published 3 manuscripts with original data and 2 reviews (see page 6) and 6 manuscripts are in preparation issuing several associations between the periconceptional use of folic acid tablets IVFICSI treatment and growth trajectories of the embryo and placenta Furthermore sophisticated statistical methods are being developed by the department of Biostatistics to describe and analyse growth trajectories of the embryonic phenotype Strengths and future implications The main strength of the Rotterdam Predict Study is its unique periconceptional prospective study design embedding in clinical care high quality of unique first trimester exposure- biomarker and serial imaging data reduction of any potential bias due to changes in exposure during follow up homogenously defined phenotypes dichotomous and continuous birth outcomes (crown to rump length embryonic volume birth weight) quantitative data of c CpG methylation of genes biobanking DNA of both parents and infant at fixed study moments and the ability to study associations as well as underlying epigenetic mechanisms The multidisciplinary collaboration between recognized research groups dedicated to embryonic imaging (epi)genomics and nutrition is another strength Furthermore bioinformatics and novel statistics will be applied in order to perform the integrated analysis of imaging biochemical dietary and molecular genetic data Therefore the Predict Study will contribute to the further understanding of the epigenome of several reproductive and pregnancy outcomes the relationship with aging disease risks in current and future generations and the modification of risks using healthy dietary patterns (nutrient-gene interactions) from preconception onwards


The Rotterdam Predict Study will contribute in to the future primary and secondary prevention of the following problems (i) High perinatal mortality and morbidity rates (ii) Epidemic of aging diseases in current and next generations and (iii) Increase of poor nutrition and lifestyles Ad (i) The care and expenses for obstetrical and neonatal treatment due to the Big 4 (fetal growth restriction prematurity congenital malformations Apgar score below 7 after 5 minutes) are a burden for health care providers and givers and insurance companies as they require hospitalization during pregnancy NICU and or ECMO treatment Besides the pain and suffering of the affected infant the parents and families encounter emotional and psychological problems as well as high health care costs This severely affects their workload health and quality of life Ad (ii) Aging diseases in later life will be the epidemic of the 21st century Suffering from these diseases decreases the quality of life of the patient as well as of hisher family Moreover these diseases are accompanied with long-term medical and societal costs Considering the primary and secondary prevention of aging diseases with a healthy diet and lifestyle from preconception onwards it is important to note that the Predict Study addresses one of the best known mechanisms of being born with fetal growth restriction and having an increased risk of aging diseases Ad (iii) Poor dietary habits and their implications for pregnancy and aging diseases are being solved in several countries by food fortification programs and stimulation of the use of folic acid and multivitamin preparations However in those countries these strategies are introduced without knowing the lowest most effective and safest doses16 This emphasizes the need for a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms of possible harmful effects of folic acid fortification use and duration of high folic acid doses and one carbon-rich dietary patterns in relation to reproductive performance pregnancy course and outcome and aging disease risks1718 So far the Rotterdam Predict Study has continued with a minimum of funds thanks to the integration with patient care dedicated researchers and technical support staff Because the study is embedded in the infrastructure of transmural Rotterdam Preconceptional care it stimulates the development of innovative preconceptional care Therefore the results of the study will be easily disseminated to health care workers obstetrical care providers pediatricians and policymakers through newsletters presentations and (inter)national publications Funding

The Predict Study has been financially supported by the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Publications based on the Rotterdam Predict Study

1 Reus AD El-Harbachi H Rousian M Willemsen SP Steegers-Theunissen RP Steegers EA

Exalto N Early first trimester trophoblast volume in ongoing pregnancies and miscarriages

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2013 Aug 29 doi 101002uog13197

2 Steegers-Theunissen RPM Twigt J Pestinger V Sinclair KD The periconceptional period

reproduction and long-term health of offspring the importance of one-carbon metabolism Hum

Reprod Update 20131-16

3 van Uitert EM Exalto N Burton G Willemsen SP Koning AHJ Eilers PHC Laven JSE

Steegers EAP Steegers-Theuinissen RPM Hum embryonic growth trajectories and associations

with fetal growth and birthweight Hum Reprod 2013 Apr 7 (epub) 4 Herzog E Galvez J Roks A Stolk L Verbiest M Cornelissen J Steegers E Steegers-

Theunissen R Tissue-specific DNA methylation profiles in newborns Clin Epigenetics 2013 5(1) 8


5 van Uitert EM Steegers-Theunissen RP Influence of maternal folate status on human fetal

growth parameters Mol Nutr Food Res 2013 57(4)582-95



1 Steegers EAP Embryonale gezondheid en preconceptiezorg belang voor huidige en toekomstige generaties Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2014 158 A7373

2 Steegers-Theunissen RPM Inaugural lecture New life in a changing environment Demmenie Grafimedia Alphen aan den Rijn 2010

3 Williams D Long-term complications of preeclampsia Semin Nephrol 2011 31111-122

4 Steegers-Theunissen RP Steegers EA Nutrient-gene interactions in early pregnancy a vascular hypothesis Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2003 106115-7

5 Gluckman PD Hanson MA Cooper C Thornburg KL Effect of in utero and early-life conditions on adult health and disease N Engl J Med 2008 359 61-73

6 Hammiche F Laven JS van Mil N de Cock M de Vries JH Lindemans J Steegers EAP Steegers-Theunissen RPM Tailored preconceptional dietary and lifestyle counselling in a tertiary outpatient clinic in the Netherlands Hum Reprod 2011 26 2432-41

7 Feunekes GI Van Staveren WA De Vries JH Burema J Hautvast JG Relative and biomarker-based validity of a food-frequency questionnaire estimating intake of fats and cholesterol Am J Clin Nutr 1993 58 489-96

8 Verkleij-Hagoort AC de Vries JH Stegers MP Lindemans J Ursem NT Steegers-Theunissen RP Validation of the assessment of folate and vitamin B(12) intake in women of reproductive age the method of triads Eur J Clin Nutr 2007 61 610-5

9 Verwoerd-Dikkeboom CM Koning AHJ Hop WC Rousian M van der Spek PJ Exalto N Steegers EA Reliability of early pregnancy measurements in 3D using virtual reality Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2008 32 910-16

10 Verwoerd-Dikkeboom CM Koning AH van der Spek PJ Exalto N Steegers EA Embryonic staging using a 3D virtual reality system Hum Reprod 2008 23 1479-84

11 Verwoerd-Dikkeboom CM Koning AH Hop WC van der Spek PJ Exalto N Steegers EA Innovative virtual reality measurements for embryonic growth and development Hum Reprod 2010 251404-10

12 Rousian M Koning AH Hop WC van der Spek PJ Exalto N Steegers EA Gestational sac fluid volume measurements in virtual reality Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2011 38 524-9

13 Rousian M Verwoerd-Dikkeboom CM Koning AH Hop WC van der Spek PJ Steegers EA Exalto N First trimester umbilical cord and vitelline duct measurements using virtual reality Early Hum Dev 2011 8777-82

14 Cruz-Neira C Sandin D DeFanti T Surround-screen projection-based virtual reality the design and implementation of the CAVE trade Proceedings of the 20th annual conference on computer graphics and interactive techniques 1993 135-42

15 Koning AH Rousian M Verwoerd-Dikkeboom CM Goedknegt L Steegers EA van der Spek PJ V-scope design and implementation of an immersive and desktop virtual reality volume visualization system Stud Health Technol Inform 2009 142 136-8

16 Rousian M Koning AHJ van Oppenraaij RHF Hop WC Verwoerd-Dikkeboom CM van der Spek PJ Exalto N Steegers EAP An innovative virtual reality technique for automated human embryonic volume measurements Hum Reprod 2010 25 2210-6

17 Steegers-Theunissen RPM Nieuw leven in een veranderende Omgeving Oratiereeks Erasmus MC 2010 ISBN 978-90-779-0672-9

18 Lucock MD Synergy of genes and nutrients the case of homocysteine Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care 2006 9 748-56

19 Smith AD Kim YI Refsum H Is folic acid good for everyone Am J Clin Nutr 2008 87 517-33



The Rotterdam Predict Study A periconceptional birth cohort

Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in collaboration with the Laboratory of Clinical Chemistry and departments of Bioinformatics Biostatistics Pediatrics Neonatology and

Internal Medicine Vascular Pharmacology of the Erasmus MC University Medical Center Rotterdam The Netherlands


Adverse reproductive performance pregnancy course and birth outcome largely originate in the periconceptional period a time window of 14 weeks before up to 10 weeks after conception Interactions between environmental exposures before and during pregnancy in combination with subtle genetic variations affect parental gametes and reproductive organs and (extra) embryonic- and fetal organs1 The underlying biological mechanisms however are not yet clarified Moreover most birth cohorts start with the enrolment and data collection after the first trimester of pregnancy thereby ignoring the periconceptional period (wwwbirthcohortsnetusr)

Accumulating data indicate increased risks of a range of vascular and metabolic diseases in women who experienced pregnancy complications such as preeclampsia pregnancy induced hypertension and gestational diabetes2 In this regard pregnancy can be considered as stress test of metabolic- endocrine- vascular- and psychological functions3 Furthermore especially children born with fetal growth restriction are at risk for developing cardiovascular- metabolic- endocrine- and psychiatric diseases in adulthood ie Developmental Origin Hypothesis of Health and Disease4

General aims

(i) To describe health normal and abnormal growth and development in the periconceptional period during pregnancy at birth to the first year of life

(ii) To identify in this window the parental biological nutritional lifestyle and environmental determinants of reproductive performance and pregnancy course and outcome

(iii) To relate the epigenome of DNA derived from gametes parental white blood cells (extra)embryonic and newborn white blood- and stem cells and tissues to the periconceptional health of the couple and reproductive performance pregnancy course and outcome

(iv) To provide periconceptional screening tests and intervention programs to optimize human reproduction

Study design


From 2008 onwards we initiated the Rotterdam Predict Study with a focus on the periconceptional period The study is designed as prospective birth cohort study of unselected high risk couples and a random selection of population based control couples at the Erasmus MC University Medical Center (Erasmus MC) in Rotterdam The Netherlands After a pilot phase of two years the main study embedded in routine patient care started in November 2010 and is ongoing Determinants of interest are parental health conditions eg age education (non) modifiable environmental exposures such as nutrition and lifestyle habits with a main focus in the periconceptional period in association with growth and development of gametes embryo fetus and infant to one year of age5 In future we will examine epigenetic mechanisms in human tissues underlying these associations and as early predictor of future health

Study population

The Rotterdam Predict Study has been designed as an open hospital-based and population-based prospective birth cohort study embedded in the infrastructure of the transmural Rotterdam Preconceptional Health Program In the pilot phase (2009-2010) we included 233 pregnancies before 8 weeks of gestation We adapted the protocol including the collection of validated nutritional intake data67 and began enrolling couples in the preconceptional period and before the13th week of gestation into the Predict Study from November 2010 onwards (Figure)

All couples scheduled for an appointment at the outpatient clinic of the department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology are invited to participate by means of a brochure The brochure contains information on the aims of the Predict study and is being sent along with the appointment confirmation During the appointment at the outpatient clinic the couple is being asked for willingness to participate If a couple is willing to take part eligibility is checked and an appointment for a standardized intake is scheduled Eligibility criteria are that the woman and her partner have to be at least 18 years of age are both willing to participate and are familiar with the Dutch language in speaking reading and writing In the preparation of the intake appointment the couple receives detailed information about the Predict Study informed consent forms and self-administered questionnaires to be filled out at home The


signed informed consent forms and completed questionnaires are taken to the intake appointment None of the participants is offered incentives for their contribution other than the newsletter of the study which includes information on the proceedings and research results and pictures of the serial ultrasound examinations during the first trimester of pregnancy

Approval of the study was obtained from the Central Committee on Research in The Hague and the local Medical Ethical Committee of the Erasmus MC in Rotterdam The Netherlands (2004 and 2009)

In the next Figure the periconceptionally included study population between 2010 and 2013 is depicted

Data collection

In the table details of data and material collection from periconceptional to 1 year after delivery

Preconceptional and first trimester

24 weeks of gestation 36 weeks of gestation to delivery

1 year after delivery

Mother and Father Intake questionnaire Constitutional determinants age marital status ethnicity education Health determinants diseases medicine reproduction obstetrical andrological

Mother and Fetus Follow up questionnaire Health determinants diseases medicine obstetrical psychological stress

Mother and Infant Follow up questionnaire Health determinants diseases medicine obstetrical psychological stress

Infant Follow up questionnaire Health determinants Growth development congenital malformations and


psychological stress Modifiable determinants lifestyle (smoking drugs alcohol) vitamins infections Nonpartially modifiable determinants environmental- and occupational exposures Family determinants diseases congenital malformations

Modifiable determinants lifestyle (smoking drugs alcohol) vitamins infections Nonpartially modifiable determinants environmental- and occupational exposures

Modifiable determinants lifestyle (smoking drugs alcohol) vitamins infections Nonpartially modifiable determinants environmental- and occupational exposures


Food frequency questionnaire

Venous blood sampling blood and leucocyte cell count and differentiation biomarkers (folate B12 homocysteine) biobanking

Umbilical cord blood blood and leucocyte cell count and differentiation biobanking

Measurements systolic- diastolic blood pressure height weight waist- hip circumference

Measurements Birth weight

Verification medical- pharmacy records

Verification medical- pharmacy records

Serial 2D3D ultrasound examination 7-13 weeks of gestation

Structural ultrasound scans at 20 weeks of gestation

Pregnant women participating before 8 weeks of gestation received weekly 2 and 3 dimensional (2 and 3D) ultrasound scans from 7 to 13 weeks of gestation From November 2012 this has been changed in every 2 weeks at 7 9 and 11 weeks of pregnancy The ultrasound scans are performed by experienced researchers using a 6-12 MHz transvaginal probe of the GE Voluson E8 Expert system (GE Zipf Austria) The ultrasound scans focus on the embryo including details as crown rump length embryonic volume and curvature brain structures and external Carnegie Stage characteristics8-10 and extraembryonic structures such as the gestational sac umbilical cord1112 placenta and yolk sac Uterine artery and placental flow is documented by standardized 3D Power Doppler sweeps for offline evaluation All 3D ultrasound scans are stored as Cartesian volumes using specialized 3D software (4D View version 91 GE Medical Systems) and visualized using our I-Space a so-called four-walled CAVEtrade-like13 (Automatic Virtual Environment) virtual reality system built by Barco NV (Kuurne Belgium) The V-Scope application is used to create an interactive 3D hologram of the ultrasound image that can be manipulated by means of a virtual pointer controlled by a wireless joystick14 The V-scope in our I-Space allows a more precise visualization of the embryonic crown rump length and innovative volume measurements of the embryo and brain structures1516 The V-Scope software used in the I-Space is reliable and reproducible810 4D view GE (Vocal) seems an accurate technique to measure volumetry of the cerebellum and trophoblast volume in the first 12 weeks of gestation on the ultrasound apparatus Power Doppler flow imaging is used to determine


placenta vascularization by measuring the volume of the blood vessels using the VR system in our I-Space

For the Predict Study the detailed measurements in the I-Space and on the ultrasound apparatus with 4D view are performed by researchers according to a standard protocol After introduction and a first training course the protocol to assess reproducibility of the measurements is followed A random subset of 5 patients with 6 serial datasets (30 datasets) is provided and triplo-measurements are carried out of the specific (extra)embryonic structures After achieving an inter- and intrameasurement variation of less than 5 and intraobserver and intraobserver agreement of gt090 and plt005 by calculating intraclass and interclass correlation coefficients and Bland Altman plots with a mean difference and 95 limits of agreement (mean difference lt5 en limits lt10) the researcher continues single measurements of the specific structure in the study dataset After finishing those measurements 30 datasets of the study dataset are randomly selected and the measurements are repeated and compared by calculating again intraclass correlation coefficients

At delivery always umbilical cord blood samples are obtained according to a protocol (supplementary materials) The umbilical venous cord blood is collected in 1 EDTA tube (10 mL) and 1 separator tube (10 ml) Immediately after delivery blood and leucocyte cell count and differentiation are and measurements are taken according to protocol (supplement) All blood samples are stored with barcodes in the biobank of the Predict Study situated at the laboratory of Clinical Chemistry of the Erasmus MC in Rotterdam for (epi)genetic epidemiological research

First Results The first periconceptional questionnaire and biomarker data has been obtained and stored in the database The cleaning of the data and the verification of the data based on medical records and of pharmacies has been started Serial 2D3D ultrasound scans are converted and stored We initiated the serial measurements of the different (extra) embryonic structures This data is available for first evaluations So far based on the pilot dataset of 2008-2010 we have been published 3 manuscripts with original data and 2 reviews (see page 6) and 6 manuscripts are in preparation issuing several associations between the periconceptional use of folic acid tablets IVFICSI treatment and growth trajectories of the embryo and placenta Furthermore sophisticated statistical methods are being developed by the department of Biostatistics to describe and analyse growth trajectories of the embryonic phenotype Strengths and future implications The main strength of the Rotterdam Predict Study is its unique periconceptional prospective study design embedding in clinical care high quality of unique first trimester exposure- biomarker and serial imaging data reduction of any potential bias due to changes in exposure during follow up homogenously defined phenotypes dichotomous and continuous birth outcomes (crown to rump length embryonic volume birth weight) quantitative data of c CpG methylation of genes biobanking DNA of both parents and infant at fixed study moments and the ability to study associations as well as underlying epigenetic mechanisms The multidisciplinary collaboration between recognized research groups dedicated to embryonic imaging (epi)genomics and nutrition is another strength Furthermore bioinformatics and novel statistics will be applied in order to perform the integrated analysis of imaging biochemical dietary and molecular genetic data Therefore the Predict Study will contribute to the further understanding of the epigenome of several reproductive and pregnancy outcomes the relationship with aging disease risks in current and future generations and the modification of risks using healthy dietary patterns (nutrient-gene interactions) from preconception onwards


The Rotterdam Predict Study will contribute in to the future primary and secondary prevention of the following problems (i) High perinatal mortality and morbidity rates (ii) Epidemic of aging diseases in current and next generations and (iii) Increase of poor nutrition and lifestyles Ad (i) The care and expenses for obstetrical and neonatal treatment due to the Big 4 (fetal growth restriction prematurity congenital malformations Apgar score below 7 after 5 minutes) are a burden for health care providers and givers and insurance companies as they require hospitalization during pregnancy NICU and or ECMO treatment Besides the pain and suffering of the affected infant the parents and families encounter emotional and psychological problems as well as high health care costs This severely affects their workload health and quality of life Ad (ii) Aging diseases in later life will be the epidemic of the 21st century Suffering from these diseases decreases the quality of life of the patient as well as of hisher family Moreover these diseases are accompanied with long-term medical and societal costs Considering the primary and secondary prevention of aging diseases with a healthy diet and lifestyle from preconception onwards it is important to note that the Predict Study addresses one of the best known mechanisms of being born with fetal growth restriction and having an increased risk of aging diseases Ad (iii) Poor dietary habits and their implications for pregnancy and aging diseases are being solved in several countries by food fortification programs and stimulation of the use of folic acid and multivitamin preparations However in those countries these strategies are introduced without knowing the lowest most effective and safest doses16 This emphasizes the need for a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms of possible harmful effects of folic acid fortification use and duration of high folic acid doses and one carbon-rich dietary patterns in relation to reproductive performance pregnancy course and outcome and aging disease risks1718 So far the Rotterdam Predict Study has continued with a minimum of funds thanks to the integration with patient care dedicated researchers and technical support staff Because the study is embedded in the infrastructure of transmural Rotterdam Preconceptional care it stimulates the development of innovative preconceptional care Therefore the results of the study will be easily disseminated to health care workers obstetrical care providers pediatricians and policymakers through newsletters presentations and (inter)national publications Funding

The Predict Study has been financially supported by the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Publications based on the Rotterdam Predict Study

1 Reus AD El-Harbachi H Rousian M Willemsen SP Steegers-Theunissen RP Steegers EA

Exalto N Early first trimester trophoblast volume in ongoing pregnancies and miscarriages

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2013 Aug 29 doi 101002uog13197

2 Steegers-Theunissen RPM Twigt J Pestinger V Sinclair KD The periconceptional period

reproduction and long-term health of offspring the importance of one-carbon metabolism Hum

Reprod Update 20131-16

3 van Uitert EM Exalto N Burton G Willemsen SP Koning AHJ Eilers PHC Laven JSE

Steegers EAP Steegers-Theuinissen RPM Hum embryonic growth trajectories and associations

with fetal growth and birthweight Hum Reprod 2013 Apr 7 (epub) 4 Herzog E Galvez J Roks A Stolk L Verbiest M Cornelissen J Steegers E Steegers-

Theunissen R Tissue-specific DNA methylation profiles in newborns Clin Epigenetics 2013 5(1) 8


5 van Uitert EM Steegers-Theunissen RP Influence of maternal folate status on human fetal

growth parameters Mol Nutr Food Res 2013 57(4)582-95



The Rotterdam Predict Study A periconceptional birth cohort

Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in collaboration with the Laboratory of Clinical Chemistry and departments of Bioinformatics Biostatistics Pediatrics Neonatology and

Internal Medicine Vascular Pharmacology of the Erasmus MC University Medical Center Rotterdam The Netherlands


Adverse reproductive performance pregnancy course and birth outcome largely originate in the periconceptional period a time window of 14 weeks before up to 10 weeks after conception Interactions between environmental exposures before and during pregnancy in combination with subtle genetic variations affect parental gametes and reproductive organs and (extra) embryonic- and fetal organs1 The underlying biological mechanisms however are not yet clarified Moreover most birth cohorts start with the enrolment and data collection after the first trimester of pregnancy thereby ignoring the periconceptional period (wwwbirthcohortsnetusr)

Accumulating data indicate increased risks of a range of vascular and metabolic diseases in women who experienced pregnancy complications such as preeclampsia pregnancy induced hypertension and gestational diabetes2 In this regard pregnancy can be considered as stress test of metabolic- endocrine- vascular- and psychological functions3 Furthermore especially children born with fetal growth restriction are at risk for developing cardiovascular- metabolic- endocrine- and psychiatric diseases in adulthood ie Developmental Origin Hypothesis of Health and Disease4

General aims

(i) To describe health normal and abnormal growth and development in the periconceptional period during pregnancy at birth to the first year of life

(ii) To identify in this window the parental biological nutritional lifestyle and environmental determinants of reproductive performance and pregnancy course and outcome

(iii) To relate the epigenome of DNA derived from gametes parental white blood cells (extra)embryonic and newborn white blood- and stem cells and tissues to the periconceptional health of the couple and reproductive performance pregnancy course and outcome

(iv) To provide periconceptional screening tests and intervention programs to optimize human reproduction

Study design


From 2008 onwards we initiated the Rotterdam Predict Study with a focus on the periconceptional period The study is designed as prospective birth cohort study of unselected high risk couples and a random selection of population based control couples at the Erasmus MC University Medical Center (Erasmus MC) in Rotterdam The Netherlands After a pilot phase of two years the main study embedded in routine patient care started in November 2010 and is ongoing Determinants of interest are parental health conditions eg age education (non) modifiable environmental exposures such as nutrition and lifestyle habits with a main focus in the periconceptional period in association with growth and development of gametes embryo fetus and infant to one year of age5 In future we will examine epigenetic mechanisms in human tissues underlying these associations and as early predictor of future health

Study population

The Rotterdam Predict Study has been designed as an open hospital-based and population-based prospective birth cohort study embedded in the infrastructure of the transmural Rotterdam Preconceptional Health Program In the pilot phase (2009-2010) we included 233 pregnancies before 8 weeks of gestation We adapted the protocol including the collection of validated nutritional intake data67 and began enrolling couples in the preconceptional period and before the13th week of gestation into the Predict Study from November 2010 onwards (Figure)

All couples scheduled for an appointment at the outpatient clinic of the department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology are invited to participate by means of a brochure The brochure contains information on the aims of the Predict study and is being sent along with the appointment confirmation During the appointment at the outpatient clinic the couple is being asked for willingness to participate If a couple is willing to take part eligibility is checked and an appointment for a standardized intake is scheduled Eligibility criteria are that the woman and her partner have to be at least 18 years of age are both willing to participate and are familiar with the Dutch language in speaking reading and writing In the preparation of the intake appointment the couple receives detailed information about the Predict Study informed consent forms and self-administered questionnaires to be filled out at home The


signed informed consent forms and completed questionnaires are taken to the intake appointment None of the participants is offered incentives for their contribution other than the newsletter of the study which includes information on the proceedings and research results and pictures of the serial ultrasound examinations during the first trimester of pregnancy

Approval of the study was obtained from the Central Committee on Research in The Hague and the local Medical Ethical Committee of the Erasmus MC in Rotterdam The Netherlands (2004 and 2009)

In the next Figure the periconceptionally included study population between 2010 and 2013 is depicted

Data collection

In the table details of data and material collection from periconceptional to 1 year after delivery

Preconceptional and first trimester

24 weeks of gestation 36 weeks of gestation to delivery

1 year after delivery

Mother and Father Intake questionnaire Constitutional determinants age marital status ethnicity education Health determinants diseases medicine reproduction obstetrical andrological

Mother and Fetus Follow up questionnaire Health determinants diseases medicine obstetrical psychological stress

Mother and Infant Follow up questionnaire Health determinants diseases medicine obstetrical psychological stress

Infant Follow up questionnaire Health determinants Growth development congenital malformations and


psychological stress Modifiable determinants lifestyle (smoking drugs alcohol) vitamins infections Nonpartially modifiable determinants environmental- and occupational exposures Family determinants diseases congenital malformations

Modifiable determinants lifestyle (smoking drugs alcohol) vitamins infections Nonpartially modifiable determinants environmental- and occupational exposures

Modifiable determinants lifestyle (smoking drugs alcohol) vitamins infections Nonpartially modifiable determinants environmental- and occupational exposures


Food frequency questionnaire

Venous blood sampling blood and leucocyte cell count and differentiation biomarkers (folate B12 homocysteine) biobanking

Umbilical cord blood blood and leucocyte cell count and differentiation biobanking

Measurements systolic- diastolic blood pressure height weight waist- hip circumference

Measurements Birth weight

Verification medical- pharmacy records

Verification medical- pharmacy records

Serial 2D3D ultrasound examination 7-13 weeks of gestation

Structural ultrasound scans at 20 weeks of gestation

Pregnant women participating before 8 weeks of gestation received weekly 2 and 3 dimensional (2 and 3D) ultrasound scans from 7 to 13 weeks of gestation From November 2012 this has been changed in every 2 weeks at 7 9 and 11 weeks of pregnancy The ultrasound scans are performed by experienced researchers using a 6-12 MHz transvaginal probe of the GE Voluson E8 Expert system (GE Zipf Austria) The ultrasound scans focus on the embryo including details as crown rump length embryonic volume and curvature brain structures and external Carnegie Stage characteristics8-10 and extraembryonic structures such as the gestational sac umbilical cord1112 placenta and yolk sac Uterine artery and placental flow is documented by standardized 3D Power Doppler sweeps for offline evaluation All 3D ultrasound scans are stored as Cartesian volumes using specialized 3D software (4D View version 91 GE Medical Systems) and visualized using our I-Space a so-called four-walled CAVEtrade-like13 (Automatic Virtual Environment) virtual reality system built by Barco NV (Kuurne Belgium) The V-Scope application is used to create an interactive 3D hologram of the ultrasound image that can be manipulated by means of a virtual pointer controlled by a wireless joystick14 The V-scope in our I-Space allows a more precise visualization of the embryonic crown rump length and innovative volume measurements of the embryo and brain structures1516 The V-Scope software used in the I-Space is reliable and reproducible810 4D view GE (Vocal) seems an accurate technique to measure volumetry of the cerebellum and trophoblast volume in the first 12 weeks of gestation on the ultrasound apparatus Power Doppler flow imaging is used to determine


placenta vascularization by measuring the volume of the blood vessels using the VR system in our I-Space

For the Predict Study the detailed measurements in the I-Space and on the ultrasound apparatus with 4D view are performed by researchers according to a standard protocol After introduction and a first training course the protocol to assess reproducibility of the measurements is followed A random subset of 5 patients with 6 serial datasets (30 datasets) is provided and triplo-measurements are carried out of the specific (extra)embryonic structures After achieving an inter- and intrameasurement variation of less than 5 and intraobserver and intraobserver agreement of gt090 and plt005 by calculating intraclass and interclass correlation coefficients and Bland Altman plots with a mean difference and 95 limits of agreement (mean difference lt5 en limits lt10) the researcher continues single measurements of the specific structure in the study dataset After finishing those measurements 30 datasets of the study dataset are randomly selected and the measurements are repeated and compared by calculating again intraclass correlation coefficients

At delivery always umbilical cord blood samples are obtained according to a protocol (supplementary materials) The umbilical venous cord blood is collected in 1 EDTA tube (10 mL) and 1 separator tube (10 ml) Immediately after delivery blood and leucocyte cell count and differentiation are and measurements are taken according to protocol (supplement) All blood samples are stored with barcodes in the biobank of the Predict Study situated at the laboratory of Clinical Chemistry of the Erasmus MC in Rotterdam for (epi)genetic epidemiological research

First Results The first periconceptional questionnaire and biomarker data has been obtained and stored in the database The cleaning of the data and the verification of the data based on medical records and of pharmacies has been started Serial 2D3D ultrasound scans are converted and stored We initiated the serial measurements of the different (extra) embryonic structures This data is available for first evaluations So far based on the pilot dataset of 2008-2010 we have been published 3 manuscripts with original data and 2 reviews (see page 6) and 6 manuscripts are in preparation issuing several associations between the periconceptional use of folic acid tablets IVFICSI treatment and growth trajectories of the embryo and placenta Furthermore sophisticated statistical methods are being developed by the department of Biostatistics to describe and analyse growth trajectories of the embryonic phenotype Strengths and future implications The main strength of the Rotterdam Predict Study is its unique periconceptional prospective study design embedding in clinical care high quality of unique first trimester exposure- biomarker and serial imaging data reduction of any potential bias due to changes in exposure during follow up homogenously defined phenotypes dichotomous and continuous birth outcomes (crown to rump length embryonic volume birth weight) quantitative data of c CpG methylation of genes biobanking DNA of both parents and infant at fixed study moments and the ability to study associations as well as underlying epigenetic mechanisms The multidisciplinary collaboration between recognized research groups dedicated to embryonic imaging (epi)genomics and nutrition is another strength Furthermore bioinformatics and novel statistics will be applied in order to perform the integrated analysis of imaging biochemical dietary and molecular genetic data Therefore the Predict Study will contribute to the further understanding of the epigenome of several reproductive and pregnancy outcomes the relationship with aging disease risks in current and future generations and the modification of risks using healthy dietary patterns (nutrient-gene interactions) from preconception onwards


The Rotterdam Predict Study will contribute in to the future primary and secondary prevention of the following problems (i) High perinatal mortality and morbidity rates (ii) Epidemic of aging diseases in current and next generations and (iii) Increase of poor nutrition and lifestyles Ad (i) The care and expenses for obstetrical and neonatal treatment due to the Big 4 (fetal growth restriction prematurity congenital malformations Apgar score below 7 after 5 minutes) are a burden for health care providers and givers and insurance companies as they require hospitalization during pregnancy NICU and or ECMO treatment Besides the pain and suffering of the affected infant the parents and families encounter emotional and psychological problems as well as high health care costs This severely affects their workload health and quality of life Ad (ii) Aging diseases in later life will be the epidemic of the 21st century Suffering from these diseases decreases the quality of life of the patient as well as of hisher family Moreover these diseases are accompanied with long-term medical and societal costs Considering the primary and secondary prevention of aging diseases with a healthy diet and lifestyle from preconception onwards it is important to note that the Predict Study addresses one of the best known mechanisms of being born with fetal growth restriction and having an increased risk of aging diseases Ad (iii) Poor dietary habits and their implications for pregnancy and aging diseases are being solved in several countries by food fortification programs and stimulation of the use of folic acid and multivitamin preparations However in those countries these strategies are introduced without knowing the lowest most effective and safest doses16 This emphasizes the need for a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms of possible harmful effects of folic acid fortification use and duration of high folic acid doses and one carbon-rich dietary patterns in relation to reproductive performance pregnancy course and outcome and aging disease risks1718 So far the Rotterdam Predict Study has continued with a minimum of funds thanks to the integration with patient care dedicated researchers and technical support staff Because the study is embedded in the infrastructure of transmural Rotterdam Preconceptional care it stimulates the development of innovative preconceptional care Therefore the results of the study will be easily disseminated to health care workers obstetrical care providers pediatricians and policymakers through newsletters presentations and (inter)national publications Funding

The Predict Study has been financially supported by the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Publications based on the Rotterdam Predict Study

1 Reus AD El-Harbachi H Rousian M Willemsen SP Steegers-Theunissen RP Steegers EA

Exalto N Early first trimester trophoblast volume in ongoing pregnancies and miscarriages

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2013 Aug 29 doi 101002uog13197

2 Steegers-Theunissen RPM Twigt J Pestinger V Sinclair KD The periconceptional period

reproduction and long-term health of offspring the importance of one-carbon metabolism Hum

Reprod Update 20131-16

3 van Uitert EM Exalto N Burton G Willemsen SP Koning AHJ Eilers PHC Laven JSE

Steegers EAP Steegers-Theuinissen RPM Hum embryonic growth trajectories and associations

with fetal growth and birthweight Hum Reprod 2013 Apr 7 (epub) 4 Herzog E Galvez J Roks A Stolk L Verbiest M Cornelissen J Steegers E Steegers-

Theunissen R Tissue-specific DNA methylation profiles in newborns Clin Epigenetics 2013 5(1) 8


5 van Uitert EM Steegers-Theunissen RP Influence of maternal folate status on human fetal

growth parameters Mol Nutr Food Res 2013 57(4)582-95


From 2008 onwards we initiated the Rotterdam Predict Study with a focus on the periconceptional period The study is designed as prospective birth cohort study of unselected high risk couples and a random selection of population based control couples at the Erasmus MC University Medical Center (Erasmus MC) in Rotterdam The Netherlands After a pilot phase of two years the main study embedded in routine patient care started in November 2010 and is ongoing Determinants of interest are parental health conditions eg age education (non) modifiable environmental exposures such as nutrition and lifestyle habits with a main focus in the periconceptional period in association with growth and development of gametes embryo fetus and infant to one year of age5 In future we will examine epigenetic mechanisms in human tissues underlying these associations and as early predictor of future health

Study population

The Rotterdam Predict Study has been designed as an open hospital-based and population-based prospective birth cohort study embedded in the infrastructure of the transmural Rotterdam Preconceptional Health Program In the pilot phase (2009-2010) we included 233 pregnancies before 8 weeks of gestation We adapted the protocol including the collection of validated nutritional intake data67 and began enrolling couples in the preconceptional period and before the13th week of gestation into the Predict Study from November 2010 onwards (Figure)

All couples scheduled for an appointment at the outpatient clinic of the department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology are invited to participate by means of a brochure The brochure contains information on the aims of the Predict study and is being sent along with the appointment confirmation During the appointment at the outpatient clinic the couple is being asked for willingness to participate If a couple is willing to take part eligibility is checked and an appointment for a standardized intake is scheduled Eligibility criteria are that the woman and her partner have to be at least 18 years of age are both willing to participate and are familiar with the Dutch language in speaking reading and writing In the preparation of the intake appointment the couple receives detailed information about the Predict Study informed consent forms and self-administered questionnaires to be filled out at home The


signed informed consent forms and completed questionnaires are taken to the intake appointment None of the participants is offered incentives for their contribution other than the newsletter of the study which includes information on the proceedings and research results and pictures of the serial ultrasound examinations during the first trimester of pregnancy

Approval of the study was obtained from the Central Committee on Research in The Hague and the local Medical Ethical Committee of the Erasmus MC in Rotterdam The Netherlands (2004 and 2009)

In the next Figure the periconceptionally included study population between 2010 and 2013 is depicted

Data collection

In the table details of data and material collection from periconceptional to 1 year after delivery

Preconceptional and first trimester

24 weeks of gestation 36 weeks of gestation to delivery

1 year after delivery

Mother and Father Intake questionnaire Constitutional determinants age marital status ethnicity education Health determinants diseases medicine reproduction obstetrical andrological

Mother and Fetus Follow up questionnaire Health determinants diseases medicine obstetrical psychological stress

Mother and Infant Follow up questionnaire Health determinants diseases medicine obstetrical psychological stress

Infant Follow up questionnaire Health determinants Growth development congenital malformations and


psychological stress Modifiable determinants lifestyle (smoking drugs alcohol) vitamins infections Nonpartially modifiable determinants environmental- and occupational exposures Family determinants diseases congenital malformations

Modifiable determinants lifestyle (smoking drugs alcohol) vitamins infections Nonpartially modifiable determinants environmental- and occupational exposures

Modifiable determinants lifestyle (smoking drugs alcohol) vitamins infections Nonpartially modifiable determinants environmental- and occupational exposures


Food frequency questionnaire

Venous blood sampling blood and leucocyte cell count and differentiation biomarkers (folate B12 homocysteine) biobanking

Umbilical cord blood blood and leucocyte cell count and differentiation biobanking

Measurements systolic- diastolic blood pressure height weight waist- hip circumference

Measurements Birth weight

Verification medical- pharmacy records

Verification medical- pharmacy records

Serial 2D3D ultrasound examination 7-13 weeks of gestation

Structural ultrasound scans at 20 weeks of gestation

Pregnant women participating before 8 weeks of gestation received weekly 2 and 3 dimensional (2 and 3D) ultrasound scans from 7 to 13 weeks of gestation From November 2012 this has been changed in every 2 weeks at 7 9 and 11 weeks of pregnancy The ultrasound scans are performed by experienced researchers using a 6-12 MHz transvaginal probe of the GE Voluson E8 Expert system (GE Zipf Austria) The ultrasound scans focus on the embryo including details as crown rump length embryonic volume and curvature brain structures and external Carnegie Stage characteristics8-10 and extraembryonic structures such as the gestational sac umbilical cord1112 placenta and yolk sac Uterine artery and placental flow is documented by standardized 3D Power Doppler sweeps for offline evaluation All 3D ultrasound scans are stored as Cartesian volumes using specialized 3D software (4D View version 91 GE Medical Systems) and visualized using our I-Space a so-called four-walled CAVEtrade-like13 (Automatic Virtual Environment) virtual reality system built by Barco NV (Kuurne Belgium) The V-Scope application is used to create an interactive 3D hologram of the ultrasound image that can be manipulated by means of a virtual pointer controlled by a wireless joystick14 The V-scope in our I-Space allows a more precise visualization of the embryonic crown rump length and innovative volume measurements of the embryo and brain structures1516 The V-Scope software used in the I-Space is reliable and reproducible810 4D view GE (Vocal) seems an accurate technique to measure volumetry of the cerebellum and trophoblast volume in the first 12 weeks of gestation on the ultrasound apparatus Power Doppler flow imaging is used to determine


placenta vascularization by measuring the volume of the blood vessels using the VR system in our I-Space

For the Predict Study the detailed measurements in the I-Space and on the ultrasound apparatus with 4D view are performed by researchers according to a standard protocol After introduction and a first training course the protocol to assess reproducibility of the measurements is followed A random subset of 5 patients with 6 serial datasets (30 datasets) is provided and triplo-measurements are carried out of the specific (extra)embryonic structures After achieving an inter- and intrameasurement variation of less than 5 and intraobserver and intraobserver agreement of gt090 and plt005 by calculating intraclass and interclass correlation coefficients and Bland Altman plots with a mean difference and 95 limits of agreement (mean difference lt5 en limits lt10) the researcher continues single measurements of the specific structure in the study dataset After finishing those measurements 30 datasets of the study dataset are randomly selected and the measurements are repeated and compared by calculating again intraclass correlation coefficients

At delivery always umbilical cord blood samples are obtained according to a protocol (supplementary materials) The umbilical venous cord blood is collected in 1 EDTA tube (10 mL) and 1 separator tube (10 ml) Immediately after delivery blood and leucocyte cell count and differentiation are and measurements are taken according to protocol (supplement) All blood samples are stored with barcodes in the biobank of the Predict Study situated at the laboratory of Clinical Chemistry of the Erasmus MC in Rotterdam for (epi)genetic epidemiological research

First Results The first periconceptional questionnaire and biomarker data has been obtained and stored in the database The cleaning of the data and the verification of the data based on medical records and of pharmacies has been started Serial 2D3D ultrasound scans are converted and stored We initiated the serial measurements of the different (extra) embryonic structures This data is available for first evaluations So far based on the pilot dataset of 2008-2010 we have been published 3 manuscripts with original data and 2 reviews (see page 6) and 6 manuscripts are in preparation issuing several associations between the periconceptional use of folic acid tablets IVFICSI treatment and growth trajectories of the embryo and placenta Furthermore sophisticated statistical methods are being developed by the department of Biostatistics to describe and analyse growth trajectories of the embryonic phenotype Strengths and future implications The main strength of the Rotterdam Predict Study is its unique periconceptional prospective study design embedding in clinical care high quality of unique first trimester exposure- biomarker and serial imaging data reduction of any potential bias due to changes in exposure during follow up homogenously defined phenotypes dichotomous and continuous birth outcomes (crown to rump length embryonic volume birth weight) quantitative data of c CpG methylation of genes biobanking DNA of both parents and infant at fixed study moments and the ability to study associations as well as underlying epigenetic mechanisms The multidisciplinary collaboration between recognized research groups dedicated to embryonic imaging (epi)genomics and nutrition is another strength Furthermore bioinformatics and novel statistics will be applied in order to perform the integrated analysis of imaging biochemical dietary and molecular genetic data Therefore the Predict Study will contribute to the further understanding of the epigenome of several reproductive and pregnancy outcomes the relationship with aging disease risks in current and future generations and the modification of risks using healthy dietary patterns (nutrient-gene interactions) from preconception onwards


The Rotterdam Predict Study will contribute in to the future primary and secondary prevention of the following problems (i) High perinatal mortality and morbidity rates (ii) Epidemic of aging diseases in current and next generations and (iii) Increase of poor nutrition and lifestyles Ad (i) The care and expenses for obstetrical and neonatal treatment due to the Big 4 (fetal growth restriction prematurity congenital malformations Apgar score below 7 after 5 minutes) are a burden for health care providers and givers and insurance companies as they require hospitalization during pregnancy NICU and or ECMO treatment Besides the pain and suffering of the affected infant the parents and families encounter emotional and psychological problems as well as high health care costs This severely affects their workload health and quality of life Ad (ii) Aging diseases in later life will be the epidemic of the 21st century Suffering from these diseases decreases the quality of life of the patient as well as of hisher family Moreover these diseases are accompanied with long-term medical and societal costs Considering the primary and secondary prevention of aging diseases with a healthy diet and lifestyle from preconception onwards it is important to note that the Predict Study addresses one of the best known mechanisms of being born with fetal growth restriction and having an increased risk of aging diseases Ad (iii) Poor dietary habits and their implications for pregnancy and aging diseases are being solved in several countries by food fortification programs and stimulation of the use of folic acid and multivitamin preparations However in those countries these strategies are introduced without knowing the lowest most effective and safest doses16 This emphasizes the need for a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms of possible harmful effects of folic acid fortification use and duration of high folic acid doses and one carbon-rich dietary patterns in relation to reproductive performance pregnancy course and outcome and aging disease risks1718 So far the Rotterdam Predict Study has continued with a minimum of funds thanks to the integration with patient care dedicated researchers and technical support staff Because the study is embedded in the infrastructure of transmural Rotterdam Preconceptional care it stimulates the development of innovative preconceptional care Therefore the results of the study will be easily disseminated to health care workers obstetrical care providers pediatricians and policymakers through newsletters presentations and (inter)national publications Funding

The Predict Study has been financially supported by the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Publications based on the Rotterdam Predict Study

1 Reus AD El-Harbachi H Rousian M Willemsen SP Steegers-Theunissen RP Steegers EA

Exalto N Early first trimester trophoblast volume in ongoing pregnancies and miscarriages

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2013 Aug 29 doi 101002uog13197

2 Steegers-Theunissen RPM Twigt J Pestinger V Sinclair KD The periconceptional period

reproduction and long-term health of offspring the importance of one-carbon metabolism Hum

Reprod Update 20131-16

3 van Uitert EM Exalto N Burton G Willemsen SP Koning AHJ Eilers PHC Laven JSE

Steegers EAP Steegers-Theuinissen RPM Hum embryonic growth trajectories and associations

with fetal growth and birthweight Hum Reprod 2013 Apr 7 (epub) 4 Herzog E Galvez J Roks A Stolk L Verbiest M Cornelissen J Steegers E Steegers-

Theunissen R Tissue-specific DNA methylation profiles in newborns Clin Epigenetics 2013 5(1) 8


5 van Uitert EM Steegers-Theunissen RP Influence of maternal folate status on human fetal

growth parameters Mol Nutr Food Res 2013 57(4)582-95


signed informed consent forms and completed questionnaires are taken to the intake appointment None of the participants is offered incentives for their contribution other than the newsletter of the study which includes information on the proceedings and research results and pictures of the serial ultrasound examinations during the first trimester of pregnancy

Approval of the study was obtained from the Central Committee on Research in The Hague and the local Medical Ethical Committee of the Erasmus MC in Rotterdam The Netherlands (2004 and 2009)

In the next Figure the periconceptionally included study population between 2010 and 2013 is depicted

Data collection

In the table details of data and material collection from periconceptional to 1 year after delivery

Preconceptional and first trimester

24 weeks of gestation 36 weeks of gestation to delivery

1 year after delivery

Mother and Father Intake questionnaire Constitutional determinants age marital status ethnicity education Health determinants diseases medicine reproduction obstetrical andrological

Mother and Fetus Follow up questionnaire Health determinants diseases medicine obstetrical psychological stress

Mother and Infant Follow up questionnaire Health determinants diseases medicine obstetrical psychological stress

Infant Follow up questionnaire Health determinants Growth development congenital malformations and


psychological stress Modifiable determinants lifestyle (smoking drugs alcohol) vitamins infections Nonpartially modifiable determinants environmental- and occupational exposures Family determinants diseases congenital malformations

Modifiable determinants lifestyle (smoking drugs alcohol) vitamins infections Nonpartially modifiable determinants environmental- and occupational exposures

Modifiable determinants lifestyle (smoking drugs alcohol) vitamins infections Nonpartially modifiable determinants environmental- and occupational exposures


Food frequency questionnaire

Venous blood sampling blood and leucocyte cell count and differentiation biomarkers (folate B12 homocysteine) biobanking

Umbilical cord blood blood and leucocyte cell count and differentiation biobanking

Measurements systolic- diastolic blood pressure height weight waist- hip circumference

Measurements Birth weight

Verification medical- pharmacy records

Verification medical- pharmacy records

Serial 2D3D ultrasound examination 7-13 weeks of gestation

Structural ultrasound scans at 20 weeks of gestation

Pregnant women participating before 8 weeks of gestation received weekly 2 and 3 dimensional (2 and 3D) ultrasound scans from 7 to 13 weeks of gestation From November 2012 this has been changed in every 2 weeks at 7 9 and 11 weeks of pregnancy The ultrasound scans are performed by experienced researchers using a 6-12 MHz transvaginal probe of the GE Voluson E8 Expert system (GE Zipf Austria) The ultrasound scans focus on the embryo including details as crown rump length embryonic volume and curvature brain structures and external Carnegie Stage characteristics8-10 and extraembryonic structures such as the gestational sac umbilical cord1112 placenta and yolk sac Uterine artery and placental flow is documented by standardized 3D Power Doppler sweeps for offline evaluation All 3D ultrasound scans are stored as Cartesian volumes using specialized 3D software (4D View version 91 GE Medical Systems) and visualized using our I-Space a so-called four-walled CAVEtrade-like13 (Automatic Virtual Environment) virtual reality system built by Barco NV (Kuurne Belgium) The V-Scope application is used to create an interactive 3D hologram of the ultrasound image that can be manipulated by means of a virtual pointer controlled by a wireless joystick14 The V-scope in our I-Space allows a more precise visualization of the embryonic crown rump length and innovative volume measurements of the embryo and brain structures1516 The V-Scope software used in the I-Space is reliable and reproducible810 4D view GE (Vocal) seems an accurate technique to measure volumetry of the cerebellum and trophoblast volume in the first 12 weeks of gestation on the ultrasound apparatus Power Doppler flow imaging is used to determine


placenta vascularization by measuring the volume of the blood vessels using the VR system in our I-Space

For the Predict Study the detailed measurements in the I-Space and on the ultrasound apparatus with 4D view are performed by researchers according to a standard protocol After introduction and a first training course the protocol to assess reproducibility of the measurements is followed A random subset of 5 patients with 6 serial datasets (30 datasets) is provided and triplo-measurements are carried out of the specific (extra)embryonic structures After achieving an inter- and intrameasurement variation of less than 5 and intraobserver and intraobserver agreement of gt090 and plt005 by calculating intraclass and interclass correlation coefficients and Bland Altman plots with a mean difference and 95 limits of agreement (mean difference lt5 en limits lt10) the researcher continues single measurements of the specific structure in the study dataset After finishing those measurements 30 datasets of the study dataset are randomly selected and the measurements are repeated and compared by calculating again intraclass correlation coefficients

At delivery always umbilical cord blood samples are obtained according to a protocol (supplementary materials) The umbilical venous cord blood is collected in 1 EDTA tube (10 mL) and 1 separator tube (10 ml) Immediately after delivery blood and leucocyte cell count and differentiation are and measurements are taken according to protocol (supplement) All blood samples are stored with barcodes in the biobank of the Predict Study situated at the laboratory of Clinical Chemistry of the Erasmus MC in Rotterdam for (epi)genetic epidemiological research

First Results The first periconceptional questionnaire and biomarker data has been obtained and stored in the database The cleaning of the data and the verification of the data based on medical records and of pharmacies has been started Serial 2D3D ultrasound scans are converted and stored We initiated the serial measurements of the different (extra) embryonic structures This data is available for first evaluations So far based on the pilot dataset of 2008-2010 we have been published 3 manuscripts with original data and 2 reviews (see page 6) and 6 manuscripts are in preparation issuing several associations between the periconceptional use of folic acid tablets IVFICSI treatment and growth trajectories of the embryo and placenta Furthermore sophisticated statistical methods are being developed by the department of Biostatistics to describe and analyse growth trajectories of the embryonic phenotype Strengths and future implications The main strength of the Rotterdam Predict Study is its unique periconceptional prospective study design embedding in clinical care high quality of unique first trimester exposure- biomarker and serial imaging data reduction of any potential bias due to changes in exposure during follow up homogenously defined phenotypes dichotomous and continuous birth outcomes (crown to rump length embryonic volume birth weight) quantitative data of c CpG methylation of genes biobanking DNA of both parents and infant at fixed study moments and the ability to study associations as well as underlying epigenetic mechanisms The multidisciplinary collaboration between recognized research groups dedicated to embryonic imaging (epi)genomics and nutrition is another strength Furthermore bioinformatics and novel statistics will be applied in order to perform the integrated analysis of imaging biochemical dietary and molecular genetic data Therefore the Predict Study will contribute to the further understanding of the epigenome of several reproductive and pregnancy outcomes the relationship with aging disease risks in current and future generations and the modification of risks using healthy dietary patterns (nutrient-gene interactions) from preconception onwards


The Rotterdam Predict Study will contribute in to the future primary and secondary prevention of the following problems (i) High perinatal mortality and morbidity rates (ii) Epidemic of aging diseases in current and next generations and (iii) Increase of poor nutrition and lifestyles Ad (i) The care and expenses for obstetrical and neonatal treatment due to the Big 4 (fetal growth restriction prematurity congenital malformations Apgar score below 7 after 5 minutes) are a burden for health care providers and givers and insurance companies as they require hospitalization during pregnancy NICU and or ECMO treatment Besides the pain and suffering of the affected infant the parents and families encounter emotional and psychological problems as well as high health care costs This severely affects their workload health and quality of life Ad (ii) Aging diseases in later life will be the epidemic of the 21st century Suffering from these diseases decreases the quality of life of the patient as well as of hisher family Moreover these diseases are accompanied with long-term medical and societal costs Considering the primary and secondary prevention of aging diseases with a healthy diet and lifestyle from preconception onwards it is important to note that the Predict Study addresses one of the best known mechanisms of being born with fetal growth restriction and having an increased risk of aging diseases Ad (iii) Poor dietary habits and their implications for pregnancy and aging diseases are being solved in several countries by food fortification programs and stimulation of the use of folic acid and multivitamin preparations However in those countries these strategies are introduced without knowing the lowest most effective and safest doses16 This emphasizes the need for a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms of possible harmful effects of folic acid fortification use and duration of high folic acid doses and one carbon-rich dietary patterns in relation to reproductive performance pregnancy course and outcome and aging disease risks1718 So far the Rotterdam Predict Study has continued with a minimum of funds thanks to the integration with patient care dedicated researchers and technical support staff Because the study is embedded in the infrastructure of transmural Rotterdam Preconceptional care it stimulates the development of innovative preconceptional care Therefore the results of the study will be easily disseminated to health care workers obstetrical care providers pediatricians and policymakers through newsletters presentations and (inter)national publications Funding

The Predict Study has been financially supported by the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Publications based on the Rotterdam Predict Study

1 Reus AD El-Harbachi H Rousian M Willemsen SP Steegers-Theunissen RP Steegers EA

Exalto N Early first trimester trophoblast volume in ongoing pregnancies and miscarriages

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2013 Aug 29 doi 101002uog13197

2 Steegers-Theunissen RPM Twigt J Pestinger V Sinclair KD The periconceptional period

reproduction and long-term health of offspring the importance of one-carbon metabolism Hum

Reprod Update 20131-16

3 van Uitert EM Exalto N Burton G Willemsen SP Koning AHJ Eilers PHC Laven JSE

Steegers EAP Steegers-Theuinissen RPM Hum embryonic growth trajectories and associations

with fetal growth and birthweight Hum Reprod 2013 Apr 7 (epub) 4 Herzog E Galvez J Roks A Stolk L Verbiest M Cornelissen J Steegers E Steegers-

Theunissen R Tissue-specific DNA methylation profiles in newborns Clin Epigenetics 2013 5(1) 8


5 van Uitert EM Steegers-Theunissen RP Influence of maternal folate status on human fetal

growth parameters Mol Nutr Food Res 2013 57(4)582-95


psychological stress Modifiable determinants lifestyle (smoking drugs alcohol) vitamins infections Nonpartially modifiable determinants environmental- and occupational exposures Family determinants diseases congenital malformations

Modifiable determinants lifestyle (smoking drugs alcohol) vitamins infections Nonpartially modifiable determinants environmental- and occupational exposures

Modifiable determinants lifestyle (smoking drugs alcohol) vitamins infections Nonpartially modifiable determinants environmental- and occupational exposures


Food frequency questionnaire

Venous blood sampling blood and leucocyte cell count and differentiation biomarkers (folate B12 homocysteine) biobanking

Umbilical cord blood blood and leucocyte cell count and differentiation biobanking

Measurements systolic- diastolic blood pressure height weight waist- hip circumference

Measurements Birth weight

Verification medical- pharmacy records

Verification medical- pharmacy records

Serial 2D3D ultrasound examination 7-13 weeks of gestation

Structural ultrasound scans at 20 weeks of gestation

Pregnant women participating before 8 weeks of gestation received weekly 2 and 3 dimensional (2 and 3D) ultrasound scans from 7 to 13 weeks of gestation From November 2012 this has been changed in every 2 weeks at 7 9 and 11 weeks of pregnancy The ultrasound scans are performed by experienced researchers using a 6-12 MHz transvaginal probe of the GE Voluson E8 Expert system (GE Zipf Austria) The ultrasound scans focus on the embryo including details as crown rump length embryonic volume and curvature brain structures and external Carnegie Stage characteristics8-10 and extraembryonic structures such as the gestational sac umbilical cord1112 placenta and yolk sac Uterine artery and placental flow is documented by standardized 3D Power Doppler sweeps for offline evaluation All 3D ultrasound scans are stored as Cartesian volumes using specialized 3D software (4D View version 91 GE Medical Systems) and visualized using our I-Space a so-called four-walled CAVEtrade-like13 (Automatic Virtual Environment) virtual reality system built by Barco NV (Kuurne Belgium) The V-Scope application is used to create an interactive 3D hologram of the ultrasound image that can be manipulated by means of a virtual pointer controlled by a wireless joystick14 The V-scope in our I-Space allows a more precise visualization of the embryonic crown rump length and innovative volume measurements of the embryo and brain structures1516 The V-Scope software used in the I-Space is reliable and reproducible810 4D view GE (Vocal) seems an accurate technique to measure volumetry of the cerebellum and trophoblast volume in the first 12 weeks of gestation on the ultrasound apparatus Power Doppler flow imaging is used to determine


placenta vascularization by measuring the volume of the blood vessels using the VR system in our I-Space

For the Predict Study the detailed measurements in the I-Space and on the ultrasound apparatus with 4D view are performed by researchers according to a standard protocol After introduction and a first training course the protocol to assess reproducibility of the measurements is followed A random subset of 5 patients with 6 serial datasets (30 datasets) is provided and triplo-measurements are carried out of the specific (extra)embryonic structures After achieving an inter- and intrameasurement variation of less than 5 and intraobserver and intraobserver agreement of gt090 and plt005 by calculating intraclass and interclass correlation coefficients and Bland Altman plots with a mean difference and 95 limits of agreement (mean difference lt5 en limits lt10) the researcher continues single measurements of the specific structure in the study dataset After finishing those measurements 30 datasets of the study dataset are randomly selected and the measurements are repeated and compared by calculating again intraclass correlation coefficients

At delivery always umbilical cord blood samples are obtained according to a protocol (supplementary materials) The umbilical venous cord blood is collected in 1 EDTA tube (10 mL) and 1 separator tube (10 ml) Immediately after delivery blood and leucocyte cell count and differentiation are and measurements are taken according to protocol (supplement) All blood samples are stored with barcodes in the biobank of the Predict Study situated at the laboratory of Clinical Chemistry of the Erasmus MC in Rotterdam for (epi)genetic epidemiological research

First Results The first periconceptional questionnaire and biomarker data has been obtained and stored in the database The cleaning of the data and the verification of the data based on medical records and of pharmacies has been started Serial 2D3D ultrasound scans are converted and stored We initiated the serial measurements of the different (extra) embryonic structures This data is available for first evaluations So far based on the pilot dataset of 2008-2010 we have been published 3 manuscripts with original data and 2 reviews (see page 6) and 6 manuscripts are in preparation issuing several associations between the periconceptional use of folic acid tablets IVFICSI treatment and growth trajectories of the embryo and placenta Furthermore sophisticated statistical methods are being developed by the department of Biostatistics to describe and analyse growth trajectories of the embryonic phenotype Strengths and future implications The main strength of the Rotterdam Predict Study is its unique periconceptional prospective study design embedding in clinical care high quality of unique first trimester exposure- biomarker and serial imaging data reduction of any potential bias due to changes in exposure during follow up homogenously defined phenotypes dichotomous and continuous birth outcomes (crown to rump length embryonic volume birth weight) quantitative data of c CpG methylation of genes biobanking DNA of both parents and infant at fixed study moments and the ability to study associations as well as underlying epigenetic mechanisms The multidisciplinary collaboration between recognized research groups dedicated to embryonic imaging (epi)genomics and nutrition is another strength Furthermore bioinformatics and novel statistics will be applied in order to perform the integrated analysis of imaging biochemical dietary and molecular genetic data Therefore the Predict Study will contribute to the further understanding of the epigenome of several reproductive and pregnancy outcomes the relationship with aging disease risks in current and future generations and the modification of risks using healthy dietary patterns (nutrient-gene interactions) from preconception onwards


The Rotterdam Predict Study will contribute in to the future primary and secondary prevention of the following problems (i) High perinatal mortality and morbidity rates (ii) Epidemic of aging diseases in current and next generations and (iii) Increase of poor nutrition and lifestyles Ad (i) The care and expenses for obstetrical and neonatal treatment due to the Big 4 (fetal growth restriction prematurity congenital malformations Apgar score below 7 after 5 minutes) are a burden for health care providers and givers and insurance companies as they require hospitalization during pregnancy NICU and or ECMO treatment Besides the pain and suffering of the affected infant the parents and families encounter emotional and psychological problems as well as high health care costs This severely affects their workload health and quality of life Ad (ii) Aging diseases in later life will be the epidemic of the 21st century Suffering from these diseases decreases the quality of life of the patient as well as of hisher family Moreover these diseases are accompanied with long-term medical and societal costs Considering the primary and secondary prevention of aging diseases with a healthy diet and lifestyle from preconception onwards it is important to note that the Predict Study addresses one of the best known mechanisms of being born with fetal growth restriction and having an increased risk of aging diseases Ad (iii) Poor dietary habits and their implications for pregnancy and aging diseases are being solved in several countries by food fortification programs and stimulation of the use of folic acid and multivitamin preparations However in those countries these strategies are introduced without knowing the lowest most effective and safest doses16 This emphasizes the need for a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms of possible harmful effects of folic acid fortification use and duration of high folic acid doses and one carbon-rich dietary patterns in relation to reproductive performance pregnancy course and outcome and aging disease risks1718 So far the Rotterdam Predict Study has continued with a minimum of funds thanks to the integration with patient care dedicated researchers and technical support staff Because the study is embedded in the infrastructure of transmural Rotterdam Preconceptional care it stimulates the development of innovative preconceptional care Therefore the results of the study will be easily disseminated to health care workers obstetrical care providers pediatricians and policymakers through newsletters presentations and (inter)national publications Funding

The Predict Study has been financially supported by the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Publications based on the Rotterdam Predict Study

1 Reus AD El-Harbachi H Rousian M Willemsen SP Steegers-Theunissen RP Steegers EA

Exalto N Early first trimester trophoblast volume in ongoing pregnancies and miscarriages

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2013 Aug 29 doi 101002uog13197

2 Steegers-Theunissen RPM Twigt J Pestinger V Sinclair KD The periconceptional period

reproduction and long-term health of offspring the importance of one-carbon metabolism Hum

Reprod Update 20131-16

3 van Uitert EM Exalto N Burton G Willemsen SP Koning AHJ Eilers PHC Laven JSE

Steegers EAP Steegers-Theuinissen RPM Hum embryonic growth trajectories and associations

with fetal growth and birthweight Hum Reprod 2013 Apr 7 (epub) 4 Herzog E Galvez J Roks A Stolk L Verbiest M Cornelissen J Steegers E Steegers-

Theunissen R Tissue-specific DNA methylation profiles in newborns Clin Epigenetics 2013 5(1) 8


5 van Uitert EM Steegers-Theunissen RP Influence of maternal folate status on human fetal

growth parameters Mol Nutr Food Res 2013 57(4)582-95


placenta vascularization by measuring the volume of the blood vessels using the VR system in our I-Space

For the Predict Study the detailed measurements in the I-Space and on the ultrasound apparatus with 4D view are performed by researchers according to a standard protocol After introduction and a first training course the protocol to assess reproducibility of the measurements is followed A random subset of 5 patients with 6 serial datasets (30 datasets) is provided and triplo-measurements are carried out of the specific (extra)embryonic structures After achieving an inter- and intrameasurement variation of less than 5 and intraobserver and intraobserver agreement of gt090 and plt005 by calculating intraclass and interclass correlation coefficients and Bland Altman plots with a mean difference and 95 limits of agreement (mean difference lt5 en limits lt10) the researcher continues single measurements of the specific structure in the study dataset After finishing those measurements 30 datasets of the study dataset are randomly selected and the measurements are repeated and compared by calculating again intraclass correlation coefficients

At delivery always umbilical cord blood samples are obtained according to a protocol (supplementary materials) The umbilical venous cord blood is collected in 1 EDTA tube (10 mL) and 1 separator tube (10 ml) Immediately after delivery blood and leucocyte cell count and differentiation are and measurements are taken according to protocol (supplement) All blood samples are stored with barcodes in the biobank of the Predict Study situated at the laboratory of Clinical Chemistry of the Erasmus MC in Rotterdam for (epi)genetic epidemiological research

First Results The first periconceptional questionnaire and biomarker data has been obtained and stored in the database The cleaning of the data and the verification of the data based on medical records and of pharmacies has been started Serial 2D3D ultrasound scans are converted and stored We initiated the serial measurements of the different (extra) embryonic structures This data is available for first evaluations So far based on the pilot dataset of 2008-2010 we have been published 3 manuscripts with original data and 2 reviews (see page 6) and 6 manuscripts are in preparation issuing several associations between the periconceptional use of folic acid tablets IVFICSI treatment and growth trajectories of the embryo and placenta Furthermore sophisticated statistical methods are being developed by the department of Biostatistics to describe and analyse growth trajectories of the embryonic phenotype Strengths and future implications The main strength of the Rotterdam Predict Study is its unique periconceptional prospective study design embedding in clinical care high quality of unique first trimester exposure- biomarker and serial imaging data reduction of any potential bias due to changes in exposure during follow up homogenously defined phenotypes dichotomous and continuous birth outcomes (crown to rump length embryonic volume birth weight) quantitative data of c CpG methylation of genes biobanking DNA of both parents and infant at fixed study moments and the ability to study associations as well as underlying epigenetic mechanisms The multidisciplinary collaboration between recognized research groups dedicated to embryonic imaging (epi)genomics and nutrition is another strength Furthermore bioinformatics and novel statistics will be applied in order to perform the integrated analysis of imaging biochemical dietary and molecular genetic data Therefore the Predict Study will contribute to the further understanding of the epigenome of several reproductive and pregnancy outcomes the relationship with aging disease risks in current and future generations and the modification of risks using healthy dietary patterns (nutrient-gene interactions) from preconception onwards


The Rotterdam Predict Study will contribute in to the future primary and secondary prevention of the following problems (i) High perinatal mortality and morbidity rates (ii) Epidemic of aging diseases in current and next generations and (iii) Increase of poor nutrition and lifestyles Ad (i) The care and expenses for obstetrical and neonatal treatment due to the Big 4 (fetal growth restriction prematurity congenital malformations Apgar score below 7 after 5 minutes) are a burden for health care providers and givers and insurance companies as they require hospitalization during pregnancy NICU and or ECMO treatment Besides the pain and suffering of the affected infant the parents and families encounter emotional and psychological problems as well as high health care costs This severely affects their workload health and quality of life Ad (ii) Aging diseases in later life will be the epidemic of the 21st century Suffering from these diseases decreases the quality of life of the patient as well as of hisher family Moreover these diseases are accompanied with long-term medical and societal costs Considering the primary and secondary prevention of aging diseases with a healthy diet and lifestyle from preconception onwards it is important to note that the Predict Study addresses one of the best known mechanisms of being born with fetal growth restriction and having an increased risk of aging diseases Ad (iii) Poor dietary habits and their implications for pregnancy and aging diseases are being solved in several countries by food fortification programs and stimulation of the use of folic acid and multivitamin preparations However in those countries these strategies are introduced without knowing the lowest most effective and safest doses16 This emphasizes the need for a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms of possible harmful effects of folic acid fortification use and duration of high folic acid doses and one carbon-rich dietary patterns in relation to reproductive performance pregnancy course and outcome and aging disease risks1718 So far the Rotterdam Predict Study has continued with a minimum of funds thanks to the integration with patient care dedicated researchers and technical support staff Because the study is embedded in the infrastructure of transmural Rotterdam Preconceptional care it stimulates the development of innovative preconceptional care Therefore the results of the study will be easily disseminated to health care workers obstetrical care providers pediatricians and policymakers through newsletters presentations and (inter)national publications Funding

The Predict Study has been financially supported by the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Publications based on the Rotterdam Predict Study

1 Reus AD El-Harbachi H Rousian M Willemsen SP Steegers-Theunissen RP Steegers EA

Exalto N Early first trimester trophoblast volume in ongoing pregnancies and miscarriages

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2013 Aug 29 doi 101002uog13197

2 Steegers-Theunissen RPM Twigt J Pestinger V Sinclair KD The periconceptional period

reproduction and long-term health of offspring the importance of one-carbon metabolism Hum

Reprod Update 20131-16

3 van Uitert EM Exalto N Burton G Willemsen SP Koning AHJ Eilers PHC Laven JSE

Steegers EAP Steegers-Theuinissen RPM Hum embryonic growth trajectories and associations

with fetal growth and birthweight Hum Reprod 2013 Apr 7 (epub) 4 Herzog E Galvez J Roks A Stolk L Verbiest M Cornelissen J Steegers E Steegers-

Theunissen R Tissue-specific DNA methylation profiles in newborns Clin Epigenetics 2013 5(1) 8


5 van Uitert EM Steegers-Theunissen RP Influence of maternal folate status on human fetal

growth parameters Mol Nutr Food Res 2013 57(4)582-95


The Rotterdam Predict Study will contribute in to the future primary and secondary prevention of the following problems (i) High perinatal mortality and morbidity rates (ii) Epidemic of aging diseases in current and next generations and (iii) Increase of poor nutrition and lifestyles Ad (i) The care and expenses for obstetrical and neonatal treatment due to the Big 4 (fetal growth restriction prematurity congenital malformations Apgar score below 7 after 5 minutes) are a burden for health care providers and givers and insurance companies as they require hospitalization during pregnancy NICU and or ECMO treatment Besides the pain and suffering of the affected infant the parents and families encounter emotional and psychological problems as well as high health care costs This severely affects their workload health and quality of life Ad (ii) Aging diseases in later life will be the epidemic of the 21st century Suffering from these diseases decreases the quality of life of the patient as well as of hisher family Moreover these diseases are accompanied with long-term medical and societal costs Considering the primary and secondary prevention of aging diseases with a healthy diet and lifestyle from preconception onwards it is important to note that the Predict Study addresses one of the best known mechanisms of being born with fetal growth restriction and having an increased risk of aging diseases Ad (iii) Poor dietary habits and their implications for pregnancy and aging diseases are being solved in several countries by food fortification programs and stimulation of the use of folic acid and multivitamin preparations However in those countries these strategies are introduced without knowing the lowest most effective and safest doses16 This emphasizes the need for a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms of possible harmful effects of folic acid fortification use and duration of high folic acid doses and one carbon-rich dietary patterns in relation to reproductive performance pregnancy course and outcome and aging disease risks1718 So far the Rotterdam Predict Study has continued with a minimum of funds thanks to the integration with patient care dedicated researchers and technical support staff Because the study is embedded in the infrastructure of transmural Rotterdam Preconceptional care it stimulates the development of innovative preconceptional care Therefore the results of the study will be easily disseminated to health care workers obstetrical care providers pediatricians and policymakers through newsletters presentations and (inter)national publications Funding

The Predict Study has been financially supported by the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Publications based on the Rotterdam Predict Study

1 Reus AD El-Harbachi H Rousian M Willemsen SP Steegers-Theunissen RP Steegers EA

Exalto N Early first trimester trophoblast volume in ongoing pregnancies and miscarriages

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2013 Aug 29 doi 101002uog13197

2 Steegers-Theunissen RPM Twigt J Pestinger V Sinclair KD The periconceptional period

reproduction and long-term health of offspring the importance of one-carbon metabolism Hum

Reprod Update 20131-16

3 van Uitert EM Exalto N Burton G Willemsen SP Koning AHJ Eilers PHC Laven JSE

Steegers EAP Steegers-Theuinissen RPM Hum embryonic growth trajectories and associations

with fetal growth and birthweight Hum Reprod 2013 Apr 7 (epub) 4 Herzog E Galvez J Roks A Stolk L Verbiest M Cornelissen J Steegers E Steegers-

Theunissen R Tissue-specific DNA methylation profiles in newborns Clin Epigenetics 2013 5(1) 8


5 van Uitert EM Steegers-Theunissen RP Influence of maternal folate status on human fetal

growth parameters Mol Nutr Food Res 2013 57(4)582-95


5 van Uitert EM Steegers-Theunissen RP Influence of maternal folate status on human fetal

growth parameters Mol Nutr Food Res 2013 57(4)582-95

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