african civilizations

Post on 10-Nov-2015






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African Civilizations African Societies Common Language Base Bantu Religions brought to Africa Islam and Christianity Most Africans follow animistic religion Lived in Stateless Societies Weakness Delayed ability to respond to outside pressures, mobilize for war, undertake large building projects, or create stability for long distance trade Chrstianity and Islam sometimes influenced political and cultural development Common Elements Bantu Migrations Common Linguistic Base Animistic Religion Natural Forces personified as gods Deceased Ancestors were link to spiritual world Women and Men important in market life Raw goods for manufactured goods Berbers People from Sahara Desert Join Almoravid and Almohadi Launched Jihad against Spain and Savanna Kingdoms of Africa Early Christian Kingdoms developed in Northeast Africa Nubia (Along Nile River - Sudan) and Ehitopia Resisted spread of Islam Practiced Coptic Christianity Jihad Holy War Ethiopia Christian Kingdom Sahel Grassland belt at southern edge of Sahara Nubians resisted Muslim Incursions until 13th Century Axum Ethiopian Highlands Influenced by Greek and Arabian Cultural influences Ghana Territory in West Africa, Senike People 5th Century Mali State of Malinke People, Senegal and Niger River Sundiata Created unified state that became Mali Died in 1260 Mansa Ruler of Mali Mansa Musa Pilgrimage to Mecca during the 14th century and wealth distributed along the way Timbuktu Major city of Mali, Niger River port, Famous Muslim University Griots Professional oral historians who served as keepers of traditions and advisors to kings Songhay After Mali Middle reaches of the Niger Valley, Gao Capital Sunni Ali Ber Led forces to dominate at regions along Niger River, Hierarchical Bureaucracy of ministers and advisors Ibn Batuta Muslim Traveler who described African Societies Political and Social Life Islam Universal Faith Sudanic Societies Matrilineal and did not seclude women Individuals might become slaves Problems of Tribalism Tribe is more important than the nation Communication Problems Inter-Tribal Warfare Civil Wars Tribal Favorites for Government Jobs Nepotism Urbanization Breaks down Tribal Traditions, Tribal Intermingling on the Job Traditional African Religion Animism Belief in one remote Supreme Being A world of spirits (good and bad) in all things Ancestor Veneration Belief in magic, charms, and fetishes Diviner Mediator between the tribe and God Tribal Life Good of group comes ahead of the good of the individual All land is owned by the group Strong feeling of loyalty Important ceremonies at different parts of a persons life Special age and work associatios Deep respect Griot Musician Storyteller Genealogist Tribal Historian Purpose of the Epic Remember Rulers, Celebrate Mali Themes History/Legacy Destiny Heroism Piety/Religion/Magic Fickleness of Man Loyalty Music

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