african cup of nations: who should win ?

Post on 13-Jul-2015






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African Cup of Nations2008

This tournament is held every 2 years. This year, the tournament

is being held in Ghana.

Ghana is in West Africa.It was formerly called the Gold

Coast.The official language is English.

The capital city is Accra, which is where the final will be played.

Ghana is celebrating its 50th birthday this year.

The motto for the games is:“Sharing passions at the centre of

the earth.”The defending champions are


As with the World Cup, there are a number of groups, each made up of

teams who play each other.

There are 4 groups.

Here are the 4 groups.Choose a country and find out a

little more about it…Find it on the map of Africa you will

be given. What countries does it link to in its history ?

Who should win the Cup based on statistical information on

development ?

(Could use Gapminder here and identify the countries involved and

watch how they have behaved over time…

Using the spreadsheets that my colleague K. Walters has kindly

made available from here…

Will the nation with the greatest choice of players, the best facilities and the fittest population win the African Cup of Nations?

Group A

Group B

Group C

Group D

Work through the other matches

Who wins ?Now keep track as the

competition commences and continues.

Will the actual result reflect the statistics.

If not, why not ?What factors are not included in

your analysis ?

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