afternoon tea

Post on 27-May-2015






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A Picture Book in which not everyone is looking forward to Aunt Gracie's Afternon Tea.


Afternoon Tea

By Mia Braddock


Aunt Gracie was very excited. Her niece and nephews were coming over for afternoon tea and she had prepared freshly baked cookies in anticipation of their arrival.


However, not everyone was as excited as Aunt Gracie about the children’s arrival.

Cody was anxious

He was absolutely dreading the moment when the children would reach for the plate,

horrible, grimy little hands…….


searching hurriedly for the biggest

or most chocolatey cookie.

Suddenly the phone began to ring and Aunt Gracie hurried off to answer it. Cody’s eyes lit up, this was his chance.

While Aunt Gracie was on the phone, Cody jumped down off the plate,

made his way across the table

and leapt off the edge.

The drop felt made Cody feel like he was bungee jumping off the Grand Canyon without a rope. He did not like it one little bit.

Eventually he reached the ground with a bump!

Eventually he reached the ground with a bump.

Cody shook himself off and headed for the door.

ready to jump through what he thought was a large cat flap.

Cody landed on the grass safely, but there was no time to celebrate.

He needed to get away, far away.

Just as Cody reached the gate and safety…..

there came a furious barking from behind him.

Cody turned around just in time to see Rex,

mouth open and saliva flying, pounce.


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