aggragor history

Post on 06-Jul-2018






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  • 8/17/2019 Aggragor History




    One word truly describes Aggragore’s appearance more than any other,

    frigid. In fact, the very temperature in his immediate vicinity is several degrees

    colder than the environment. From the cold azure and silvered steel of his plate

    armor to the white and blue hues of his skin, even the icy sapphire haze emanating

    from his eyes, It can truly be said that the cold essence of northrend travels within

    aggragore’s veins. is movements may at !rst seem glacial and sluggish but the

    studied observer notes that his seemingly staccato and dis"ointed gait is

    reminiscent of a clockwork machine built purely for violence. #hose who assume his

    plodding motion to be the e$tent of his ability are %uickly surprised at the speed his

    calculated strikes gain under the e&ects of his hyperborean rage.


    Aggragore was once a passionate member of the world of the living. 'orn to

    the bleeding hollow clan only () years before the !rst dark portals opened, he

    missed his opportunity at the !rst war for azeroth. A young orc !lled with the

    demonic rage of his people he lusted to prove himself in battle, gaining that

    opportunity a mere * years after the !rst war. owever, the second war between

    orcs and humans proved to be a humbling e$perience for Aggragore. #he orc horde

    was fractured and dis"ointed and his e$uberant rage and skill with his twin a$es was

    not enough to stem the tide during the siege of 'lackrock spire. e lost much of his

    clan and both parents that day.

    +hortly after what remained of his tribe was captured and put into captivity

    where he languished for many years. 'y the time he was released from his

    internment camp by thrall he was embittered towards the alliance with such venom

    he re"ected thralls o&er of passage to kalimdor. e and what remained of his tribe

    instead went around the countryside surrounding ordaeron slaughtering any

    humans they could and repaying old hatreds with blood. Alas, this period of

    righteous vengeance would not last as the scourge swept through the human

    kingdom of ordaeron as well. Aggragore’s tribe -ed the sweeping advance of

    undeath wherever they could, only stopping to put the occasional human farm or

    town to the sword but eventually they were cornered by the forces of Amnennar the

    oldbringer within what is now known as the western plaguelands. Aggragore

    fought with a !re in his veins not felt since the second war for Azeroth and his twina$es cut down an uncountable number of undead soldiers that day, but the lich

    Amnennar proved to be more than his e%ual. Aggragore was slaughtered where he

    stood by a massive blast of ice magic as if he was a mere child and his very body

    was changed by the spell. is -esh became rigid and less pliable and his vibrant

    green -esh was turned a sickly white and blue color. e lay there for several years,

  • 8/17/2019 Aggragor History


    the residual ice magic left in his corpse preventing even decay from laying claim to

    his body.

    /nfortunately for Aggragore death was "ust the beginning of his torment. For

    when the ich 0ing once again set his eyes upon Azeroth Aggragore was raised from

    where he lay in the plaguelands as a death knight of the scourge. In life Aggragorewas a rancorous and prideful orc but in undeath his 1age became cold and

    determined. is a$es were replaced by twin rune blades2 ife 3nder, and Frost

    'ringer and Aggragore once again waged a war of vengeance upon the alliance.

     #housands of elves, humans, and dwarves were slaughtered by Aggragore and the

    uncountable horde of undead as they ravaged their way through the 3astern

    0ingdoms, carving a bloody swathe to +tormwind. Aggragore himself fought in the

    siege of +tormwind only being repulsed by members of the argent dawn as the

    siege came to a close. Aggragore, rewarded for his loyalty and prowess with a

    mighty undead frost wyrm, 1imetalon set a course for the ights hope hapel. e

    and 1imetalon cut down many scarlet crusaders with runeblade, frost breath, and

    ice magic alike. owever, the events that unfolded at ight’s ope hapel that day

    freed Aggragore from his servitude from the ich 0ing.

    Aggragore immediately swore to wield his runic swords for the 3bon 'lade

    and against the ich 0ing. e fought hard against the undead at Angrathar the

    4rath 5ate, 6ord’1ethar the 7eath 5ate, and even the frozen !elds outside

    Icecrown itadel itself. After the culmination of the 4ar against the ich 0ing

    Aggragore found little purpose left for him. e wandered around 8orthrend

    perfecting his swordsmanship and use of Ice magic, occasionally encountering and

    destroying a vrykul champion, scourge loyal deathknight, or some other fel horror

    inhabiting 8orthrend. e lost and found himself in the endless glacial tundra of

    8orthrend, adopting the title given to him by its fearful inhabitants, #he hampion

    of the Frozen 4astes.

    Aggragore spent many years in 8orthrend before the need to reconnect with

    his orcish people brought him to Orgrimmar. #he face of Azeroth had changed

    during the cataclysm and the shamanistic ways of his people were a far cry from the

    fel orc horde he had entered this world with. Aggragore found himself a relic of the

    past with no ties to his people or homeland anymore. #he world of the living could

    not o&er him succor.

    Aggragore travelled with the horde to pandaria mostly out of respect for the

    warmongering ways of 5arrosh ellscream. 5arrosh’s anti9alliance mentality and

    might makes right philosophy was the closest Aggragore felt to his home in many

    years and he willingly wielded his blades against the alliance in :andaria. owever,

    the nature of :andaria changed the interactions between the horde and alliance and

    Aggragore’s brief return to the glory days of the old orc horde were short lived.

    Aggragore watched in disgust as 5arrosh was hauled o& in chains and has roamed

    :andaria in a state of melancholy ever since. Aggragore wanders from con-ict to

  • 8/17/2019 Aggragor History


    con-ict in :andaria in-icting his wintry malice upon any who he !nds worth his time,

    hoping for another strong orc leader to reignite the war lust of the horde so he may

    yet again go home...

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