air pollution and water pollution

Post on 21-Jan-2017






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Prepared By:

1. Patel Mit R.

(140760109044)2. Polara Aarika

(140760109046)3. Prajapati Pravesh

(140760109047)4. Patel Mit K.


Guide By.:Prof. Miten Godhania

&Prof. Kakadiya Krishna

Water polltion & Air pollution


Pollution Water


Solid Waste

AIR POLLUTION Air pollution is defined as the presence of unwanted and undesirable foreign particles and gases in the air which may have adverse effects on human beings , plants , vegetation's and important structures. Air pollution is of public health concern and can occur as :1. Indoor air pollution Micro scale2.Outdoor air pollution Meso scale3.Air pollution at global level Macro scale


Air pollution How WhyA cloud of smoke from the exhaust of a vehicle

Increasing traffic

Industrialization Growing cities

Apathetic people

Rapid economic development

Cigarette smokeBurning leaves

water pollution

How• Toxic substances dissolve in

water or gets deposited on the bed.

• Toxic substances enter lakes, rivers, streams, etc.

• Pollutants go down into the ground.

Sources• City sewage• Industrial waste• Agricultural run-


AIR POLLUTION According to W.H.O, an increase in any of

the constituents of the atmosphere which is harmful to the living beings and their environment, is known as air pollution

The view from the space

Causes of Air Pollution Photo Chemical

Smog Photo Chemical



Burning of Fire Wood


Liberty Statue

Effect on human health Effects on vegetation. Effects on building and monuments.

Effects of Air Pollution

St. Paul Cathedral

Control of Air Pollution. Air pollution can be controlled by a

thorough understanding of its causes. Establishment of industries away from

the towns and cities. Increasing the length of the chyeysmn

in industries. Growing more plants and trees. Use of efficient engines in automobiles. Use of smokeless choola. Use of petrol without lead (Unleaded


.Vanamohotsava should be organized in the right spirit

. The UNO must stop nuclear tests

WATER POLLUTION Effluent from various industries,

Sewage containing domestic waster and pesticides from agricultural lands are finding their way into water bodies leading to water pollution.

Causes of Water Pollution: Water pollution is mainly due to the following causes.

Causes of Water Pollution: Water pollution is mainly due to the following causes.

Industrial wastes Sewage water Agricultural wastes Release of Superheated water Addition of waste and oil from


Oil Refineries Sewage water

Water Pollution

Effects of Water Pollution Industrial pollutants like mercury,

chromium, cadmium and lead are poisonous. They are also capable of entering the food chains and cause diseases in man, Mercury is known to cause a disease called Minimart.

Organ chlorine pesticides like D.D.T. in the agricultural wastes are non-degradable and move along the food chains. It may lead to bio magnification.

Some industrial effluents can cause changes in color, odor and taste of water in the natural water bodies. Contamination of water also leads to spread of water borne diseases such as cholera, amoebiasis and other diseases.

Control of Water Pollution

Sewage Treatment


• Encourage your family to walk more

• Take the school bus• Reduce the amount

of spray bottles• Do not burn leaves in

your yard- put them in a compost

• Keep your family cars in tune

• Put catalytic converters on cars

• Share your room with others when the air conditioner is on

• Take care of your trees

Water solution•Keep lakes clean•Take your used motor oil to a drop off place•Use latex paint instead of oil and rinse your brushes in the sink rather than the yard•Fill a spray bottle with soapy water instead of bug spray•Plant trees to prevent soil erosion•Keep litter, pet waste, leaves, and grass clippings out of gutters and storm drains.



Thank you

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