air quality platform problematics · kitchin, r., (2014b) big data, new epistemologies and paradigm...

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Air Quality Platform Problematics:

Illuminating the Gap Between PLATFORM Design & Applications

Kayla B. Schulte, M.S., Ph.D Candidate - School of Geography & the Environment University of Oxford 1




(Photo: bikeriderlondon/Shutterstock)


Dangerous air quality in Pakistan High rates of childhood asthma

Increasing wildfires damage across the U.S.4.2 million deaths per year due to ambient outdoor air pollution (WHO, 2018)

Research Question


Does the design of low-cost air quality sensing platforms

align with their advertised applications?


• Empirical approach – 3 case examples

Smart CitizenAir Quality EggSpeck Sensor


• Focus on the ‘architects’ – programmers, engineers, developers & designers

• Ethnography, visual analysis of device and platform displays, content/discourse analysis of open access code obtained via GitHub and transcribed interviews



Source code Website homepages (platform entry points)

Interview transcripts Interview transcripts

Hardware User Interface



Evidence (interview transcripts)


“The reason we decided to measure particle pollution, ground level ozone, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen dioxide is that those are the things that are defined by the US government as what’s called criteria pollutants... the government defines air pollution as those five things and lead.” - Interview, Subject 3

This architect went on to say that they wanted the platform to be measuring something the U.S. government cared about, so that there

was a direct connection to policy.

All three architects mentioned that they ‘hoped platform users would be able catch the attention of regulators or local policy officials with the data they collect’ - Interview, Subjects 1-3

Ontology how you understand



Hardware User Interface


Source code Website homepages (platform entry points)

Interview transcripts Interview transcripts

Hardware User Interface



• Air quality sensing devices reviewed are not designed according to their advertised applications

• Pressure to align with the dominant statutory paradigm for defining air pollution restricts infrastructural capacity to collect important social data

• Platform “identity crisis” is responsible for application misalignments, rather than being due to a lack of “users’” technical knowledge



• Greater transparency about what these devices and platforms are

• Positionality is key! Diversity is good

• Expand the infrastructural capacity of platforms to account for contextualizing data (beyond timestamp/geolocation)

• Encourage participatory practices for collective/comprehensive knowledge production • Lessons learned from: Gabrys et al 2017, Whatmore & Landstrom 2011, Jasanoff 2001, Kaufman et al 2017


Moving Forward

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WHO, 2018 retrieved electronically 13 September 2018


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