akron intergroup news...publishing since november 1954 issue 9 akron intergroup news volume 66 july...

Post on 13-Jul-2020






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Publishing Since November 1954

Akron InterGroup News

Volume 66 Issue 9

July 2020

75¢ Honesty ⬧ Purity ⬧ Unselfishness ⬧ Love

Serving Holmes, Medina, Portage, Summit, Wayne Counties

Tradition Seven

Every A.A. group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.

The Charter and Bylaws of

the General Service Board

are legal instruments,

empowering the trustees to

manage and conduct world

service affairs. The

Conference Charter is not a

legal document; it relies

upon tradition and the A.A.

purse for final


Step Seven

Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.

Concept Seven

Patience is considered a virtue What is a virtue? It is doing the next right thing

for me. I need to practice patience as taught in

the Eleventh Step and I am doing the next right

thing. How?

I am pausing and asking for the next right

thought or action. One of the saints described

patience as love, love is a beautiful thing for

me, and has an intuitive quality. I can feel and see love and it is pleasant.

Alcoholics Anonymous groups love the alcoholic until they can learn to love

themselves. For me, to love yourself is to be patient with yourself. By practicing

love I practice the Tenth Step. I am practicing this principle in my affairs.

How it Works helps me: We claim progress and not perfection.

In accumulating sobriety day by day, I learn the value of patience. It was suggested

to me, “You're right where you should be."

Realizing this I could more easily be patient with others. They are where they

should be with us getting sober, practicing the code of love and tolerance.

The program worked. I could see that by the miracles around me. In time my

miracle was to come. Time takes time.

Do not leave before the miracle happens. I said that to newcomers when we were

meeting face to face. As it was suggested to me, that is part of carrying the hopeful


I believe we have been given the power to save others (page 13) the Big Book tells

me so. I saw it happen.

In closing, I suggest to you, “don't leave before the miracle happens,” “time takes time.”

Rick N, Closed Discussion Group

From the IGNews Committee...

Akron InterGroup News Statement of Purpose

The Akron InterGroup News, as a standing committee of the Akron Intergroup Council of Alcoholics Anonymous, is bound by the Twelve Traditions and the Twelve Concepts. Our primary purpose is the same as any AA group: to carry the AA message to the still suffering alcoholic. Our secondary purpose is to keep the Akron Intergroup area of Holmes, Medina, Portage, Summit & Wayne counties informed as to events, meeting changes, Council decisions, and other news of interest to AAs in the Akron area. As a newsletter and voice of and for the AA community, we have an additional purpose. We provide a forum for the broad spectrum of views held by our members. A controversial subject, as long as it does not concern an out-side issue and involves principles and not personalities, will be considered for

publication. At times, the committee must walk a tightrope in making decisions on what is printed and what is not. As a general guideline, any letter or article that is of interest to members of AA and in good taste, is worthy of publication. However, an article or letter that advocates ignoring or violating the Traditions, Concepts or General Service Conference actions will not be considered for publication. Our Higher Power guides us through our Group conscience. “No AA group or member should ever, in such a way as to implicate AA, express any opinion on outside controversial issues particularly those of politics, alcohol reform, or sectarian religion. The Alcoholics Anonymous groups oppose no one. Concerning such matters they can express no views whatsoever.”

— Tradition Ten, Long Form

© Akron InterGroup News. We grant any AA publication permission to reprint articles

from the Akron InterGroup News with the following attribution: © Akron InterGroup News; Month, Year

Akron IGNews is a monthly newsletter of the Akron Area Intergroup Council of Alcoholics Anonymous. First publication was November, 1954. It is about, by and for the members of the Fellowship of AA. Opinions expressed herein are NOT to be attributed to AA as a whole, nor does publication of information imply any endorsement by either AA or the Akron Intergroup Council. Quotations and artwork from AA literature are reprinted with permission from AA World Service, Inc. and/or The AA Grapevine, Inc.

Contributions from our readers are encouraged! Submissions are edited for space and clarity ONLY. Contact information is required and anonymity is respected.

In keeping with our goal of being self-supporting, your subscription is appreciated.

Akron InterGroup News 775 N Main St Akron, OH 44310

330-253-8181❖ Fax: 330-253-8292 ❖Toll Free in NE Ohio: 800-897-6737

Website: www.akronaa.org ❖Email: ignews@akronaa.org

Akron InterGroup News - 2 - July, 2020

Article—Patience ..................... 3

Article—Patience ..................... 4

Article—Life ............................. 5

Virtual Founders’ Day .............. 6

Article—Covid 19 ..................... 7

Pictures by Ken B ..................... 8

Council Minutes ....................... 9

Council Minutes Cont. ............. 10

Council Minutes Cont. ............. 11

The Sober Saint ........................ 12

Social Media—Grapevine ........ 13

From the Archives .................... 14

From the Archives .................... 15

Announcements ...................... 16

Information .............................. 17

Group Donations ..................... 18

Calendar ................................... 19

Subscription Form.................... 20

Inside This Issue

We are pleased to bring you another issue of the newsletter. This month we had

some great articles submitted about patience and some other relevant topics.

We like to bring you news about what is happening around our five county area,

but there is not that much to report this month as not that many meetings are


Some things to point out is that the elections for the Executive Board will be held

in August. We urge all groups to be represented and vote. Keep checking the

website akronaa.org for updates.

The Intergroup had a virtual Founders’ Day. We included an article describing it.

We will print the actual numbers of registrations etc. next month. Everything is

still being tallied and processed. The office staff and volunteers are working on

sending out the orders that were submitted during Founders’ Day weekend.

Almost 800 orders for AA material were placed!

Thank you for taking the time to read our newsletter. Please consider subscribing

so that you can have a copy mailed to your home, or emailed so you get the full

color copy. We are always looking for submissions for the newsletter. This month

we are looking for your experience, strength and hope about Step Eight.

Akron InterGroup News - 3 - July, 2020

I wanted it all and I wanted it NOW. That is how I was when I came into the

Program. I had tried to get sober for so many years without the use of Alcoholics

Anonymous. I kept trying different things, but I did not get sober. I also tried doing

everything my way. I felt that I was so different. Also, if you had my life you would

drink too. I even found a psychologist who told me that anyone with my life would

drink like I did. He did not offer an immediate fix, except to say that I should try to put

down the booze and my life would start to get better. He must not have been a fan of

AA or he might have suggested it. I just kept jumping from one thing to another

without taking the time to let something work. I believe that is a sign that I was not

being patient.

Once I came into the Program, I wanted it to work so fast. I remember saying that I

would do everything that I was told to do for one year and show that it did not work.

Well, one year of sobriety and I was not cured. But I had learned something by that

time. I was not unique, and I could not get 20 years of sobriety in one year. I had

learned that being patient was not just a virtue, but a necessary part of working the

Program. I had to put patience into my life.

There are some things that I might have used as an excuse for drinking in the past,

that still exist, but I know that it is not me that changes everything on my time

schedule. A definition of patience is the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble,

or suffering without getting angry or upset. That is what I have learned in the

Program, it is not just about waiting for things to happen, but it also included trouble

or suffering. If there is something causing me trouble and I cannot do anything about

it, I must be patient and maintain a good attitude. Something that helped me when I

was new in the Program and struggling with this issue was the Serenity Prayer. I used

to slow down and be patient by writing the Serenity Prayer over and over.

I learned to mean it when I said, “Thy will not mine be done.” I had many problems

before I stopped drinking, and gradually I was able to either fix, or accept each thing

except one. Twenty years later, the stress causing problem still exists, but I can accept

it now and I still pray about it all the time. I believe that in God’s time things will

straighten themselves out. In the meantime, I can show patience and love the best I


Judy K, Hudson Tuesday Clockwatchers

Akron InterGroup News - 4 - July, 2020

PATIENCE Jeff A, Keep the Focus

I don’t know how many times I’ve prayed “Lord. Give me patience. And give it to me now. Because if you

give me power, I’m going to punch this guy in the face.” Patience

is a tough thing for most of us. I’ve heard it described as forgoing

current satisfaction for a future reward but our society demands

satisfaction now. Yet patience is a learned skill. My children

taught me patience. I think most of us have had to have patience

about one thing or another on almost a daily basis. Standing in

line at a store, waiting for a stop light to change, standing as that

guy in front of you lines up his putt FOR THE THIRD TIME. Every

time we go out the door we should grab a big bag of patience as

we leave. But if you are not a patient person, be patient with yourself. It takes a lot of patience to

develop patience. But it can become the virtue it’s meant to be.

Now there will be many people who require your patience. I know some people who consume twice

their body weight of patience each day. But why is that? I mean if you really believe the Serenity

Prayer, patience should not be a problem. You can either do something about a situation or

relationship or you can’t. If you can, there’s no need for patience. Just do it. If you can’t you need to

accept that. No need for current satisfaction or future rewards there. It’s called accepting life on life’s

terms. The problem of other people trying your patience goes away. Of course you may have to repeat

the serenity prayer a lot but it’s easy to memorize and quick to say. Become quicker to believe it.

And it’s easy to be impatient with the AA Program. Yeah, yeah, moral inventory. I’m not that bad. I

haven’t killed anybody. But that’s an easy way to miss the many benefits of the Program. Having the

patience to really examine the steps in great detail is the way to reap the rewards that your higher

power is offering to you. If you haven’t taken the time to write a several page essay on each step, it’s

an exercise well worth the time. Like in High School. You remember High School don’t you? Only this

time you get a lot more out of it than a good grade. This time it just might save your life. It will at least

make it better if you have the patience to follow the Steps in detail and in order.

Don’t forget yourself. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself and go placidly among

the haste of everyday life. The only people who have a right to be impatient with themselves are the

people who are perfect and they know who they are; just ask them. So be patient with your progress.

It’s a process not an event. Sure. It’s good to take inventory at times but grade on the curve not the

perfection you want for yourself. This is perhaps the hardest patience to develop. We expect so much

from ourselves and other people expect even more from us. My wife for instance often says, “You’re

smarter than that.” I worry about her cognitive abilities. Obviously, I’m NOT smarter than that. I keep

telling her “I have no potential,” but it doesn’t sink in.

(Continued on page 5)

Akron InterGroup News - 5 - July, 2020

Life on Life’s Terms

I was in Alaska when the salmon

were running a few years ago. I marveled at

the perseverance, the pure willpower, the strength,

and the evidence of bear interaction and thought,

“There has to be a better way.” But there isn’t.

Nature has determined that this is the best way for

salmon to propagate and continue the species. We

may not have to swim up streams dodging bears and hoping we’re faster than the other guy but we’re

faced with the same types of challenges. My mother used to say, “Sometimes you get the bear and

sometimes the bear gets you and some days it doesn’t even pay to go into the woods.” She would also

say, “Some days you win and some days you lose but you suit up for every game.” She would also get

confused and say, “Some days you win and some days you lose but the bear suits up for every game.”

The point is we continue to live our life and act and react to the people and situations we encounter.

We can either accept that or fight against it. But the smart money is on life.

So does that mean we just drift through life with an attitude of whatever will be will be? No. We have

been given this wondrous thing called a brain. We can use it and the power given us by our higher

power to make the most of life. Still on life’s terms, in other words life’s and our limitations, but with

an ability to maximize the good that is our gift for right thoughts and actions. But in order to have

those right thoughts and actions we have to be sober. That again is living life on life’s terms. One of the

terms is that life can be good and worth living to the extent that we live it sober. If we forget that,

pretty soon the terms become rather harsh.

So let me get this straight. If I stay sober and work the AA program life will be wonderful? No. But if we

don’t stay sober and work the AA program, life will be a nightmare.

(Continued from page 4)

“Some days you win and

some days you lose but

you suit up for every


Akron InterGroup News - 6 - July, 2020

Virtual Founders’ Day Like no Other


Since 1935, the Founders’ Day Committee has

collaborated to assemble Founders’ Day in

Akron, Ohio. Alcoholics from all over the

world travel to take part in the event. This

year, 2020, was in the works to be another

exciting celebration for all alcoholics in

recovery. Then the pandemic hit and a

shutdown order was enacted. We did not know the potential timeframe of the shutdown. We

continued preparations in hopes the shutdown would be temporary. Then, we received word that the International

Convention in Detroit for July was cancelled. The Founders’ Day Committee was faced with a difficult situation without

precedence. For the health and safety of AA’s everywhere, Founders’ Day in Akron would have to be cancelled.

However, not all was lost. Due to the statewide shutdown, AA groups had begun meeting on virtual video platforms,

such as Zoom.com. With this in mind, an idea was presented from the committee members. Could AA have a virtual

Founders’ Day on Zoom? On face value, this appeared to be more than AA would be able to handle. The majority

opinion was this just would not be a possibility. The Committee, with respect to Concept V (see below), heard the

minority opinion and with further conversations with fellow committees, a virtual Founders’ Day began to appear as a

viable option. The Akron Intergroup Information Technology Committee (IT), joined to create the possibility for this

virtual Founders’ Day. They had less than eight weeks to make it happen. A website was set up to handle reservations

for the event. The speakers and panel members, who were originally invited to speak at Founders’ Day 2020, agreed to

push their commitment to the year 2021. New speakers and panel members had to be found for the virtual Founders’

Day, but the response was astronomical.

Nearing completion, something just did not feel right. How would AA’s acquire the usual commemorative materials for

2020? With discussion from the collaborating committees, a suggestion was made, why not set up an online store for

the weekend? Once again, the response was astronomical! The intergroup office quickly became a bustling shipping

center. As a fellow committee, we could not be more grateful to see the overwhelming support from fellow AAs. Please

keep in mind, with respects to ‘social distancing’, the Akron Intergroup Office can only hold a few volunteers at a time,

therefore shipping of commemorative material may be delayed. As of publication, the office is still in the process of

completing all orders.

All in all, the weekend was a great success and created the opportunity for new ideas. Who knows what the future

could hold for Founders’ Day? One thing we know for sure is we plan to have the 86th Founders’ Day event on June

11, 12 and 13, 2021 at the Akron Campus in Akron, Ohio. So mark your calendars now and be ready to pick up right

where we left off. This will be an exciting time for those who have only attended the Virtual Founders’ Day. Nothing

compares to thousands of alcoholics doing the sobriety count down then praying in unison. Virtual cannot replace that.

We look forward to seeing you next year.

Concept V: Throughout our structure, a traditional “Right of Appeal” ought to prevail, so that minority opinion will be

heard and personal grievances receive careful consideration.

Article by: Miranda W, Language of the Heart

Behind the scenes at the 2020 Virtual One more Founders’ Day

Photos from Peter M, St. Thomas Panel

Akron InterGroup News - 7 - July, 2020

This morning at my men’s phone-in discussion

meeting, Paul A brought up the subject of the Twelve

Promises. He asked that we share which Promise

meant the most to each of us. Joe D each week puts

the names of participants on small slips of paper and

draws out a name. After we began with the Serenity

Prayer, each person who commented shared what

Promise meant the most.

It is interesting that almost all the Promises were

mentioned during the hour-long phone meeting. Further, the Big Book states just prior to the listing of

the Promises on pages 83 and 84, “If we are painstaking about this phase of our development, we will

be amazed before we are halfway through.” Note also that the promises are listed after we have

worked the first Nine Steps! So, if we have made an honest effort at working the first Nine Steps, the

promises will start to happen in our lives.

In my case, I felt that Promise Eleven: “We will intuitively know how to handle situations which used to

baffle us.,” had come true many times in my nearly 28 years of continuous sobriety. Before I admitted I

was an alcoholic, I used to drink to numb the pain of situations I did not want to face. But since coming

into AA, I have found that when faced with a difficult situation, I could talk to my sponsor as well as the

men in my home group. Inevitably, there was always someone who had faced a similar situation and

worked through it. Most often it was my sponsor who suggested a course of action. For example, when

at age 54, my company went through a severe reorganization, I was faced with having to interview for

a temporary position. I was filled with fear because I felt that I could lose my job, lose any pension, lose

health care, etc. My first thought was to call my sponsor. When I called Pat W and shared with him

what was going on, he made several suggestions. First, he asked me to call him every day to let him

know how I was doing. Secondly, Pat suggested I ramp up my meetings (I was going to five or six a

week) preferably every day. Next, he suggested I let the men in my home group know what was going

on. Lastly, Pat suggested I pray about it and ask God to direct my life and accept the outcome. This is

just one example of how I have been able to use the program and my sponsor to deal with life issues.

The upshot was that our entire corporation was acquired by a much bigger company and I ended up

with a permanent position. Further, after nearly two years, the new company offered an early out

package for which I qualified. I took an early retirement at age 56. But that was just the beginning. My

elderly parents were in poor health and living 500 miles away. My father was stricken with macular

degeneration and was legally blind. My mother had broken her hip. Both were some 10 miles from the

nearest small town. As a result of my retirement, I was able to be of service to them. I relocated them

to Ohio in a retirement community. I handled the sale of their home, moved all their belongings, and

paid their bills. I visited them every day. In 2004, my father passed away in their independent living

apartment with most of the family present. He died very peacefully. My mother ended up in a nursing

home for nearly three years, but I was able to visit practically every day and spent several hours with

(Continued on page 8)

Promises in Covid 19 Jack M, North Hill Men's Discussion

Akron InterGroup News - 8 - July, 2020

from Jerome D, Powell River BC

P a t i e n c e i s E s s e n t i a l

her making sure she received good care. My mother passed away in 2007 with family present as well

and she also died peacefully. I am ever so grateful that God saw to it that things worked out according

to His Will and not mine.

Many of the Promises have occurred in my life. The above is just one. I am a firm believer that AA

offers alcoholics a new lease on life. It has changed my life for the better and I am grateful for it. Even

though we are all unable at this time to enjoy the fellowship of going to meetings due to the

Coronavirus pandemic, rest assured that better days are ahead. We will eventually be able to get

together in person. Life will go on. As the last paragraph of “A Vision For You” states on page 164:

“Abandon yourself to God as you understand God. Admit your faults to Him and to your fellows. Clear

away the wreckage of your past. We shall be with you in the Fellowship of the Spirit, and you will

surely meet some of us as you trudge the Road of Happy Destiny. May God bless you and keep you---

until then.”

(Continued from page 7)

Submitted by Ken B.

Well…Life Has Now Gone to The Birds…!!!

Akron InterGroup News - 9 - July, 2020

June 7, 2020 –Akron Intergroup Council Meeting These minutes will be presented at the July Council Meeting for approval

This virtual zoom meeting was opened at 1:00 pm by Chairman Nick B. with the responsibility statement, Serenity Prayer, and the reading of the Twelve Traditions. Roll call was taken. A quorum was present. Groups in Attendance: (27) Afternoon Alkies, Akron Men’s Big Book Study Group, A New Freedom Group, Beaten into a State of Reasonableness, Briarpatch, Carry this Message, Copley Saturday Night Group, East Akron, Fairlawn, Faith and Hope, Golden Link, Hudson Terex,, King School Group #1, Mogadore Thursday Morning Discussion, North Hills Men’s Group, PPG, Peninsula 12&12, Rebos, Sober Men and Women United, Steps and Beyond, Sunday Night 12&12, The Turning Point, Thursday Closed Women’s, Thursday Night Men’s Non-smoking, Trusted Servants, Wednesday Night Mixed Discussion Secretary’s Report: Karen K. –Two motions were made to waive the reading of the April secretary’s report. Reading of report was waived and accepted as written. Two motions were made to waive the reading of the May secretary’s report. Reading of report was waived and accepted as written. Executive Board Report: Nick B. – No report Old Business: None New Business: Nick B.- Treasurer’s Report: Tim Q. – In April, we ended with negative $46,000 + However, $41,000 was refunds for Founder’s Day. May numbers look good. Even without meetings now, individual donations are up $3,000 and group donations are about double from last year. Motion was made to accept the treasurer’s report. Report was accepted as written. May numbers – groups $2,200 more than last year, Individual donations up $2,400 Will end with $25,000 surplus. Back on track. Founders’ Day: Jeff C. Planning is going very well. There are currently > 12,000 people who have pre-registered. We have received $42, 612 in donations. Chair and committee feel optimistic we will meet budget of $70,000. All speakers are confirmed. There will be a meeting tonight with all speakers for a trial run. IT committee has been working really hard to set everything up. We now have a zoom capacity of 20,000. The email and password to access Founder’s Day will be available at Foundersday.org on Friday Nominating Committee Dan F. Committee met and recommended sending an email to each group rep with a reminder of upcoming elections. Scanned nomination forms to be sent to office. List of nominees would be emailed back to reps to share at their zoom meetings. In July, those nominated would speak at the July council meeting via zoom (if necessary). Discussion around possibly postponing elections/asking members to stay on an additional year ensued. Council voiced concern if that was the decision, bylaws/constitution would have to be amended. Council encouraged to get word out and nominations in. Will possibly be able to secure an outdoor venue for voting.

(Continued on page 10)

Council Minutes

Akron InterGroup News - 10 - July, 2020

Archives: Jim B.- not present. Gene M: Archives started back in office on Tues. and Wed. only. Are staying in the back. No interference with the back office. Per Charles, the Governor announced museums will be reopening. Per Gene, would be best to have folks register to come in initially. General Service: Val D. – At the meeting, the LGBTQ group made a motion to change the preamble to “We are a fellowship of people” to be more inclusive. Motion passed with a majority vote. Council members discussed requirement that these types of issues need to come before the council before than can go any further. Recommendation was made to check with NY. Intergroup News: Judy K. – The June issue was prepared and mailed on time. The committee got together in a park to proof the newsletter. The topic for July is Patience and the deadline for articles is June 12, 2020. We continue to urge anyone who is not already subscribing to consider doing so. Information Tech: Judy K. The IT committee met on May 12, 2020 via Zoom. Members of the IT Committee are working with the Founders’ Day committee to produce the Virtual Founders’ Day. With Founder’s Day requiring increased zoom capacity, we needed to upgrade the Blue Host server. It was estimated that if 1% of folks purchased $10, it will pay for itself. Cost is increasing from $40 to $119/month. Not much more to report this month. Next meeting is June 9, 6:30

Bill M. questioned whether increased zoom capacity would be available after Founder’s Day. Judy will check whether subscription is month to month. Intergroup Anniversary: Laura N. – No report Public Info/CPC: Laura N. –-No report New Year’s Eve Dance: Jesse J. – Not present. No report Office Committee: Charles S. 1. Akron Intergroup Office will continue to be open and function for business and 2 volunteers, but going to the next phase. The govt will open museums June 10th. We ask visitors to wear a face mask while on premises and social distancing. No complaints from anyone visiting. There are no restroom facilities available to visitors. 2. In anticipation of a large increased workload due to Founder’s Day materials ordered, our Office Manager will assemble a volunteer team and use the Conference Room as a workstation. It will be arranged to observe COVID guidelines of distancing etc... 3. The option of Treatment Committee has been added to the Donation link on the Akron Intergroup Office website. Answering Service: Dan F. – The answering service had 26 calls for meetings and 106 calls for other reasons. 4 about Founder’s Day. 2 male and 1 female 12 step calls. 12 Step Fund Drive: Jessie J. – Not present. Mike B. reported: Trustees and Volunteers met twice this month to discuss a solution to 12 step fund drive and have decided to start with an informative flyer highlighting the intergroup office and its functions. Will be sent out each month. The purpose is to promote transparency, inform the majority, and reach out for funding. Treatment Facilities: Jerry C. –

(Continued from page 9)

(Continued on page 11)

Akron InterGroup News - 11 - July, 2020

1. Horizon House Women’s facility in Ravenna has an up and running Zoom meeting that is going very well thanks to Jerry and Melissa C. They are conducting a Big Book study. 2. Touchstones women’s facility, Akron, has a new Zoom meeting which is currently up and running. Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. Facilitated by Sandi C. who has many years of experience in Treatment work in our Akron area and recently joined our committee. Much thanks to Sandi for her diligence in working through the communication and technical issues encountered in attempting to get this set up. 3. C.A.T.S. men’s facility in Wadsworth has returned to in-person meetings on Wednesdays and Sundays. Their patient load is currently reduced from 18 to 10. Only 1 A.A. volunteer at a time will facilitate until we get back to normal. 4. We currently need volunteers at Root House men’s facility in Ravenna. They wish to re-start their Sat 10:00 a.m. in-person A.A. meeting. If you know someone in that area that would be interested, please have them call our office. They are temporarily reduced to 10 patients from 18. 5. The Grapevine magazine campaign continues. During the current crisis, with no meetings, no Zoom meetings and no A.A. visitors our little magazines in the facilities were more necessary that ever. Please subscribe to print copy and bring your stack to the Office once a year. 6. Please contact our Treatment Cmte. through the Office for questions or volunteer to help. Group Services: Lynette J. –No report because there are no meetings. Need to add passwords on website for zoom meetings. Greg is working on it. Intergroup Picnic: Lynette J. – Not sure if picnic will still be held in 2020. Discussion around possible Fall options. Deposit was already made. Literature Committee: Vance S. – No report: Corrections: Michael B. – No Report Good and welfare:

Joyce B.: Afternoon Alkies is opening their doors on Tues. at 12:30

Jerry C. Celebrating 12 years of marriage

Brenda W. Celebrating 7 years in her chair

Edd B. Celebrating 17 years of sobriety on 5/30

The Council meeting was adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer at 3:20 p.m.

(Continued from page 10)

Akron InterGroup News - 12 - July, 2020

The Sober Saint We are not saints, but the message of sobriety we give and receive is a sacred one

What is the definition of a saint? According to Merriam-Webster, a saint is a person who is very good,

kind and patient, a person recognized as being holy because of the way he or she lived. A saint is valued

and deserving of great respect.

In the Big Book, Bill W. writes: "We are not saints. The point is, that we are willing to grow along

spiritual lines...we claim spiritual progress rather than spiritual perfection." Bill knew it was important

to stay humble in our work, with others and with ourselves.

It is obvious we are not saints, like Saint Jude, the holy patron of lost causes (my favorite saint!). Yet we

do pray the 11th Step Prayer: "Lord, make me a channel of thy peace, that where there is hatred, I may

bring love…” This is the prayer of St. Francis, a saint Bill and so many others, even those who are non-

religious, have admired for the humility and wisdom of his message. The knowledge, experience,

strength and hope that the program works if we work it becomes a gift we get to share with

newcomers and old-timers alike. This message, too, is holy and it is sacred.

I can still remember when I knew nothing of AA and took a leap of faith into the unknown as I sat with

the sponsor for the first time. I was so lost and so hungover, and what helped me get those first 30

days sober was her compassion, her patience, her love and the attention she paid to this lost soul.

When we met once a week, what she shared with me was sacred, so much so that I still carry it with

me today, almost 10 years later—the sacred importance of her sobriety. I give this same sacred gift

away to new women in program, to sponsees and when I share at meetings. My sobriety will always be

influenced by that first sponsor's patience and humility.

I love and believe in saints. I pray to St. Anthony when I can't find something. I pray to St. Jude when I

am totally helpless and alone. And I recently discovered a cool dude named St. Martin de Porres,

patron saint of the poor and needy, a very useful saint at all times, the world being what it is.

I know I have an allergy and there is no solution in alcohol for me anymore. But understanding that it is

“spiritual progress, rather than spiritual perfection” is something we can practice on a daily basis,

whether you believe in saints or not. I may not be able to change the world, or become St. Brenda, but

I can certainly change myself, and let me tell you, this is good for everyone all around.

In Love and Service, Brenda M.

Source URL: https://www.aagrapevine.org/magazine/2020/jun/sober-saint reprinted with permission

Akron InterGroup News - 13 - July, 2020

When I first came into AA, I avoided reading the Traditions at the beginning of meetings, since I always felt this

was used as a measuring device, to determine how new the reader was to AA, based on how much the reader

struggled with the word “anonymity.”

At the time, I had no idea what anonymity meant at the group level or the personal level. I did what many new

AA’s did: I posted all about AA and the meetings I was going to on social media. It was not until got more

deeply involved in Alcoholics Anonymous that I was able to begin to understand the idea of anonymity. After a

time, I accepted the position as G.S.R. in my home group and began attending the monthly district meetings. In

these meetings, they also read the Traditions, which did not make much sense to me, since everyone (except

for myself) had over a year of sobriety.

After a district meeting, I was invited to come participate in Georgia’s Young Peoples conference. When I

showed up, again they read the Traditions. Still baffled, I asked someone why we read the Traditions

everywhere. And this person said: “Because they are the glue that holds our Fellowship together.”

As I continued to serve with G.C.Y.P.A.A. and in general service, I began to understand the concept of

anonymity more and more. I saw how my posting on social media was breaking not just my own anonymity,

but also that of others in the Fellowship. The change in my thinking did not take place overnight, but over a

span of a few months. I would private message my Alternate D.C.M. about questions about district, and she

would quickly fuss at me for not respecting her anonymity. After a through fussing, she directed me to the AA

guidelines on the Internet and to the pamphlet Understanding Anonymity.

While the word anonymity is hard for many newcomers to pronounce, it can be equally as hard to fathom its

true meaning. I am grateful today for the alcoholics who came before me, and took my hand and showed me

what our tradition of anonymity means. Today, I continue to serve in general service, as well as at my group. I

have found it helpful to take the hand of the newcomers at my home group and gently explain the dangers on

posting about one’s sobriety on social media, just as another alcoholic did for me. I also now know today the

true meaning of why we read the traditions at every meeting, and it is not just to pick on the newcomers!

Newcomers And Social Media At first he didn’t see what the big deal was about celebrating his sobriety on social media, until someone explained the real meaning of anonymity

Source URL: https://www.aagrapevine.org/magazine/2017/oct/newcomers-and-social-media reprinted with permission

Akron InterGroup News - 14 - July, 2020

From the Archives To preserve the experience, history & memorabilia of the Fel-

Hello Friends,

Gene, John, Mary, Chris and

I are very happy to return to

work here at the Akron AA

Archives (your Archives).

Gene and Chris were able to

make it in one day last week

to resume scanning of the

file boxes but today we

restarted in earnest.

The newly recovered display

boards ‘J, K and L’ are being

finalized and the legend clip

boards reworded for easier


Very soon after opening an

Akron old-timers box this

Alcohol Purchase Customer

ID card from 1943 and 1944

with the name redacted was

found. Also in the box was a

very cute and poignant story

that some of you or possibly,

ALL can identify with.

Jim B, Archivist

June 3, 2020

Akron InterGroup News - 15 - July, 2020

I had twelve jugs of hard cider in my cellar and was

told by my wife to empty the contents down the sink,

or else! So I said I would.

I pulled the cork from the first jug and poured the

contents down the sink, with the exception of one

glass, which I drank. I pulled the cork from the

second jug and did likewise, with the exception of

one glass, which I drank. I then pulled the cork

from the third jug and poured the cider down the

sink, with the exception of the one glass, which I


I pulled the cork from the fourth sink and poured

the jug down the glass, which I drank. I pulled the

cork from the next jug and drank all but one sink

of it, throwing the rest down the glass. I pulled

the sink from the next glass and poured the cork

from the jug. Then I corked the sink with the

glass, jugged the drink and drank the pour.

When I had everything emptied I steadied the house

with one hand, counted the jugs, corks and glasses

and sinks with the other, which were twenty-nine,

and as the house came by, I counted them again, and

finally had all houses in one jug which I drank.

I am not under alcofluence of incohol as some

thinkle peep I am, nor are I half so think as they

drunk I am, but I fool so feelish I don’t know who is

me, and the drunker I stand here the longer I get.

Found in the Archives while going through boxes of material sent in by old-timers.

Akron InterGroup News - 16 - July, 2020

Akron Founders’ Day June 11, 12 & 13, 2021

Akron Intergroup Memorial Golf

Outing is scheduled for October 10,

2020 at Mayfair Country Club.

Details will be in future newsletters,

watch for flyers in the

Group Mailings.

Did you know you can find the

Akron meeting Directory Update your Group’s

Information Order literature

Make your contribution Download the Apple and

Android Meeting Guide App Subscribe to this newsletter

And much more ... ON OUR WEB SITE? www.akronaa.org

July Anniversaries

Kevin M , London July 7—37 years

Harmon V, N.U.T.S. July 10—33 years

Jim B, Kenmore Grp, July 11—30 years

Mark S, Ann Arbor, July 13—30 years


Bill D, AA # 3 July 4, 1935

King School Meeting

Akron InterGroup News - 17 - July, 2020

Fellowship After The First 164 Pages

Committee Meetings at Intergroup Office

Information Technology Second Tuesday—6:30 PM

Literature Committee

Third Wednesday—6:00 PM

Corrections Committee Third Saturday—10:00 AM

Treatment Committee Fourth Wednesday— 7:00 PM

Check Website akronaa.org for meetings not listed here as more

are always being scheduled


Area 54 Area Assembly

July 19, 2020—2:00 PM 12 Step Recovery Club

1480 Pearl Rd., Brunswick OH 44212

Akron Multi-District Meets Third Saturday of

Every Month—1 PM Pilgrim UCC

130 Broad Blvd., Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44221

District 10 Meets Second Monday of

Every Month—6:30 PM Trinity UCC

150 North Street, Wooster, OH 44691

Intergroup Council meetings are held the first Sunday of the month at St. Thomas Auditorium at 1:00 PM. All

Intergroup Representatives are encouraged to attend every meeting. If

your group does not have a Group Representative who is attending the

meetings, you don’t have a voice in the activities of the Intergroup. Many

important decisions are made and this is the time to voice concerns, or get the

latest news.



Deadline for Articles: July 10, 2020—Midnight

Proofreading: July 18, 2020—9 AM

Mailing July 25, 2020—10 AM

Ex. Board Meeting July 30, 2020—7 PM

Ex. Board Meeting September 10, 2020—7 PM

Above are Located at InterGroup Office

Council Meeting August 2, 2020—1 PM

Council Meeting September13, 2020—1 PM

Above Located at St. Thomas Auditorium

Due to Covid-19 these events may be cancelled or changed to online meetings.

Akron InterGroup News - 18 - July, 2020

The following is a suggested guideline of how to divide your group’s contributions

and where to send them:

50% Akron Intergroup Office

775 North Main Street; Akron, OH 44310

Make checks payable to

Akron Intergroup Office

25% The General Service Office

PO Box 459; Grand Central Station

New York, NY 10163-0459

Make checks payable to the

General Service Office

15% NE Ohio General Service, Area 54 PO Box 91384 Cleveland, OH 44101-3384 Make checks payable to NE Ohio General Service

10% To your Local District: Akron Area Multi District

Christen B, Treasurer PO Box 67163 Cuyahoga Falls OH 44222 Checks payable to Akron Multi District

District 10 Wayne/Holmes Co. Rea R Treasurer 640 E. Henry St. Wooster, OH 44691 Checks Payable to District 10

District 11 (Medina) Dave D, Treasurer 8581 Chippewa Rd Lodi, OH 44254 Checks Payable to District 11

District 5A (Portage County) Dustin S, Treasurer 2203 Ranfield Rd Mogadore, OH 44260 Checks payable to district 5

Where to Send Contributions



Note: This is not the official financial report. That can be obtained from the Intergroup Office.


Your contributions keep the Intergroup Office running

Thank You!


During this time expenses will continue at

the Intergroup, and we expect the 7th

Traditions donations to drop off because

meetings are not being held where the

basket can be passed.

Please consider making your 7th Tradition

donations if you are able.

You can send in a check, or make your

donation by phone or on-line using this





We urge groups with an outstanding balance at the Intergroup from

past literature purchases to pay the balance on your account. If you are

not sure if you have a balance, you can call the Akron Intergroup Office

to find out.

Akron InterGroup News - 19 - July, 2020

Ju ly 2020

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2

Carry This Message

Anniversary https://




Office Closed


5 6 7 8 9 10 11


IGNews Deadline

13 14 15 16 17 18

IGNews Proofing 9 AM

Corrections Committee

10 AM

19 20 21 22 23 24 25

IGNews Mailing 9 AM

26 27 28 29

Women’s Toolbox

Sobriety Party https://




Executive Board 7:00 PM


To be listed on the calendar and on the events page call the office

or email: info@akronaa.org

Moving? - Don’t miss an issue of The InterGroup News Call the Office or fill out this form.

Want to become an Akron IGNews Subscriber?

Akron IGNews can be received by mail or email (pdf file)

Mail this form and a check or money order to:

Akron InterGroup News 775 North Main Street, Akron, OH 44310

Or call the Office at 330-253-8181 and use your credit or debit card.

Or order on our website: akronaa.org

New Renewal

One Year Mail: $9 Email: $3 Mail & Email: $11

Two Years Mail: $16 Email: $5 Mail & Email: $19

This subscription is:

Canadian mail subscribers please add $12 per year / Overseas mail subscribers add $24 per year for postage

Name Phone No.

Address City State Zip

Email Address

Write for the InterGroup Newsletter!

Choose your own topic or the suggested Topic:

August—Step Eight How do you form your list?

What questions do you ask yourself? How important is this step?

submit your article to IGNews@akronaa.org Deadline for August Articles is July 10, 2020

Mail, Email or bring submissions into Office:

775 North Main Street, Akron, OH 44310

Email to: ignews@akronaa.org — Or fax to: (330) 253-8292

Proofing is July 18, 2020 at 9:00 AM

Mailing is July 25, 2020 at 9:00 AM

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