al-farooq: the life of omar the great

Post on 09-Jul-2015






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Al-Farooq: The Life of Omar The Great By Professor Shibli Numani Publisher's Note: This book is the result of the lifelong study of Mawlana Shibli, the great Indian scholar and Orientalist of modern times. It is a well known fact that the Mawlana had to do an intensive research work which led him to ransack the libraries of Constantinople, Beirut, Alexandria, Paris, Berlin and London. Its publication took the Muslim world by storm and was considered as a great literary even in the history of Islamic literature. By extensive study of the subject, Allamah Shibli collected and collated facts which were lying buried in unpublished manuscripts in the great libraries of the East and West. The book created an unparalleled enthusiasm and ran into several editions in a very short period. The merits of the book elicited applause even from countries other than India. It was translated into Turkish by Omar Raza and was published by him from Istanbul in 1928. Another translation was made by the sister of the late King Nadir Shah into Persian and was published at Kabul.


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