alba carolina15

Post on 15-Jul-2015






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Alba Carolina was once one of the most powerful citadels in southeastern Europe, and served in the line of defense meant to keep out Turkish invaders from Central Europe. But in the same stroll can be viewed fragments of the three cities built in succession in Alba Iulia: Roman fort, medieval city and Vauban bastion fortress Alba Carolina. Trei cetăţi au fost construite succesiv la Alba Iulia: Castrul Roman, Cetatea Medievală şi Cetatea Bastionară de tip Vauban Alba Carolina

Medieval Hotel is located in the historic monument-building, 300-year-old, what keeps the architectural features of the 17th century

The Second Gate

The Orthodox Cathedral (built

as the Coronation Cathedral)

The bell tower of The Orthodox Cathedral and the Roman-Catholic Cathedral

The city, extended 70 hectares, was built in the VAUBAN style, between the years 1715-1738 after plans of the architect Giovanni Morando Visconti, the Emperor Charles VI of HABSBURG in 1714, the King approved the construction of the fortress ' Alba Carolina ', which takes place under the command of the Austrian Eugene of Savoy

The Orthodox cathedral (built as the Coronation Cathedral) and the Roman-Catholic cathedral

The Orthodox cathedral The Fourth gate

The wooden church

The obeliscFirst gate

Bisericuţa memorială "Mihai Viteazul“Eighteenth century wooden church

The Fortress ditch - between the 7-8 meter high walls

The obelisc

Third gate

The wooden church

Medieval hotel

A deep, broad ditch dug around the fortress, often filled with water, for protection against invasion

The Unirii Hall

The Museum

The St. Michael Roman Catholic Cathedral is just as old as Notre-Dame de Paris (built between 1247 and 1291)

Third Gate, the statue of Emperor Carol VI on the horse

Biblioteca Batthyaneum

The Orthodox Cathedral

The city was once surrounded by a wide ditch filled with water

Piaţa Cetăţii, Monumentul Custozza, Sala Unirii

palatul episcopal

Palatul Principilor

The Roman-Catholic cathedral

Biblioteca Batthyaneum

Palatul Apor

Alba Iulia is the town of Coronation, at the Mihai

Viteazul to King Ferdinand and Queen Marie, where each

has left its mark through its imposing monuments and

emblematic places of history.

Monumentul-rotor (sculptor Ioan Bolborea), simbol al eroilor revolu iei de la 1784-ț1785, Horea şi Cloşca, care au fost executaţi în 28 februarie pe Dealul Furcilor din Alba Iulia, a fost reamplasat pe an ul de nord ș țal Cetă ii Alba Carolina, în țfaţa Catedralei Reîntregirii Neamului

Obelisc Horea, Clo ca i Cri an (I. Fekete)ș ș ș

The Obelisc

First gate

Second gate

Third gate

Statuia lui Mihai Viteazul (Oscar Han, 1968)

First Gate

Public Art: Statue by Ştefan Binţinţan

The Obelisc

The Coronation CathedralAnd the Roman Catholic Cathedral

The Coronation Cathedral

Palatul Episcopal

Palatul Principilor

The fortress is a fort stellar shape with thick walls, with 7 bastions and more monumental gate, built in the Baroque style

Great Union Day (Romanian: Ziua Marii Uniri, also called Unification Day) occurring on December 1, is the national holiday of Romania

Text: Internet

Pictures: Internet & Emanuel NechitaCopyright: All the images belong to their authors

Presentation: Sanda Foiş

Sound: Tudor Gheorghe - Ardealul; In limba ta

Mircea Dorin Istrate„ i-nŞ neamul meu un singur legãmânt

Pânã astãzi este în putere

Aceastã patrie, acest pãmânt

Sã-l pregãtim încet de Înviere” (Ioan Alexandru, „Identitate”)


„Ardealul e ranã mereu neînchisã,

Sãmân aţ iubirii de arã ţ nestinsã.

În soartã îs puse durere iş miere,

iŞ moartea pe brazdã, iş cea re-nviere.

Noi suntem aicea din vremi, i-om ş rãmâne

Puterea rãbdãrii s-o ungem pe pâine,

Lãsatã-i rãsplatã, poruncã-i divinã

Ardealul sã-l facem a Maicii grãdinã”

„Din ce-am fost odatã, azi suntem ru ineş

Iude ce ne vindem pe argin iţ pu ini,ţ

Moartã ni-i dorin a ţ facerii de bine

i Ş de-o bunã vreme, slugi pe la strãini.

Voi pleca din lume ne-mpãcat în toate

Cã îmi doarme ara ţ iş se-afundã-n tinã,

Mãcar tu de-acuma fã ceva, nepoate,

Cu a tale fapte, spalã-i a sa vinã”.

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