alice media presentation

Post on 28-Jul-2015






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Within my own first impressions, Kerrang! gave off a very loud, overpowering dominantly masculine aura. This is reinforced through the way the graphology is mixed and matched with a variety of texts in alternative subculture which can potentially escape the norms of mainstream.

The magazine's name is onomatopoeic and refers to the sound when playing a power chord on an electric guitar. A power chord is a chord or combination of notes used in rock music and typically selected to sound good at high volume and high levels of distortion. Power chords make extensive use of intervals.

The website’s layout design is very themed within emo, nu metal and post-punk affiliation. The material within the print and online base is an easily identifiable market that denotes the target audience is within a niche market (where the market subset is relatively small and specialized, yet is large enough to be profitable). The market niche defines the specific product features aimed at satisfying specific market needs, as well as the price range, production quality and the demographics that is intended to impact.

On the print-base magazine, the messy clash in layering of vibrant, bold colors could connote the layering noise in mainstream rock music. (i.e a guitar as the first layer, bass as the second following layer, with the drums and keyboards following in rhythmic pattern).

The typography for the header has a smashed-glass visual which could connote a high-pitched shattering effect (presumably caused by the amplitude of an electric guitar). The same effect is featured on both online and print base format, occasionally switching colors between black, red, golden yellow and white if contrasted with black. These vibrant colors connote to being loud and prominent.

Looking at the images and graphology of the homepage, what kind of audience do you think this web-based magazine is aimed

at? What else leads you to this conclusion?

• The market is aimed to appeal at

The web-base of Kerrang offers exclusive previews and interviews of musicians

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