all about shiah

Post on 25-Jan-2017






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SHIITE Definition of


Factors of


The Doctrine

s of Shiite



DEFINITION OF SHIITE The word of Shiite comes from the verb (شيع) means supporting. The verb also means 'help

and join'.

Imam Al-Azhari said: Shiite is a helper group and followers. Shiite word used to indicate the meaning of human groups interconnected in following or supporting each other.

Imam Muhaddith Al-Zabidi said: "Every nation gathered for one purpose and they are Shia. Therefore everyone who helped someone and then he called Shiite favour. “

Al-Quran al-Karim also used the word of Shiite to show the meaning of the followers and helper. Allah mention:

قوه وأقيموا الصالة وال تكونوا من منيبين إليه واتقوا دينهم وكانوا شيعا ۳١المشركين) ذين فر ( من ال

(۳٢كل حزب بما لديهم فرحون )“ Turning in repentance to Him, and fear Him and establish prayer and do not be of those who

associate others with Allah[Or] of those who have divided their religion and become sects, every faction rejoicing in what it has “ (Al-Ruum)

Imam Abdul Qaher bin Tahir al-Baghdadi defined as a group of Shiite is opposition to the Caliphروافض))

Kyai Haji Sirajuddin Abbas and Al-Imam Al-Syahrastani defined Shiite as those who believe that Sayyidina Ali is a replacement of the Prophet through his permission.

The definition is generally explained that the Shiite is a group people who claim to be followers and supporters of Sayyidina Ali.


SHIITEImam Malik: “….because they hate Sahabah of Prophet

Muhammad, they are considered kafir “This opinion was agreed by some scholars such as Imam Qurtubi, he said: “Malik's speech was true and his explanation also true, who despise the Sahabah, he was against God's law “

Imam Bukhari: “ For me, situation is same if I pray at back of the Imam Rafidhah and Jews. Muslims can not give them ‘salam’, visit them when sick, make them witnesses “


• The emergence of shiite is close related to the political instability at the end of the third caliph,uthman

• Demise of prophet : there are some people who argue that Ali more deserve to be khalifah and this opinion is also held by the majority shiites with their own special interpretation.

• Some of the scholars said that Abdullah Bin Saba’, a jew from Yemen who is founder of syiah and founder of shiite al-sabaiyah which is shiite extremists. He became a muslim at the time of Uthman r.a, and venture into the cities Islam in its attempts to mislead Muslims.

• Shiite spread widely after death of Hussin Bin Ali in Karbala and also known as one of agenda and sect that discuss about faith

GROUPS OF SHIITEE1.Syiah ghulah (extremist) Those who exceed the limits in matters of faith. They assume that Imam Ali is the noble and worthy compared to others sahabah

in the question of the caliphate even better than the prophet. Said that the prophet had facial features are almost the same with Ali and

because of that, they assume Gabriel wrongly in delivered revelation Believe in the concept of displacement of spirits( tanasukh al-arwah) from one

body to another body They said that Ali and their imam as God

2. Syiah zaidiyyah Followers of Zaid Bin Ali Zainal Abidin Bin Husin Bin Ali Bin Abi Thalib. Scholars classify that zaidiyyah followers among those who Mu'tadil as closest to

the sunnah wal jammah in matters of worship His opinion is not to deify Ali and not to insult companions and just say that Ali is

more qualified to be the caliph after the death of the prophet Mostly in Yaman

3. Syiah kaisaniyyah The founder is Mukhtar Bin Ubai Al- Thaqafi who are servant of Muhammad Bin Ali Bin

Abu Talib. (Ali’s child with hie wife, Haulah From Bani Hanifah).

Vigorously in defenses of Hassan and Hussein in gaining the caliphate

4. Syiah imamiyyahMakes the question of imami (appoint and believe in them) as a main matter of

religious to reliable.

Called as al- rafidah also because of insubordination and refuse the entitlement of Abu Bakar, Umar and Uthman as a caliph

Also known as Isna ‘Asyariah because they are assumed that their imam was infallible

5. Syiah ismailiyyahThe second largest sect within shia after syiah imamiyyah

Called as Ismailiyyah because they choose to follow ismail bin jaafar as their seventh imam



Declaration of Faith

Principle towards Imams

Principle of Taqiyyah


Marriage (Mut’ah)


“ There is no God but Allah (swt), Mohammad (saws) is the Apostle of Allah, Ali (RA) is the friend of Allah, Khomeini is words of Allah.”

PRINCIPLE TOWARDS IMAMSThe twelve (12) Infallible (Ma'sum) are as follows:

Name of Imam Called as:Imam Ali Ibn Abu Talib Al-Murtaza (the Satisfied one (600-661)

Imam Hasan ibn Ali Al-Mujtabah The Chosen One (625–669)

Imam Husain Ibn Ali Sayyid al-Shuhudah

The Chief of  Martyrs (626–680)

Imam Ali Ibn Husain Zayn Al-Abidin

The  Jewel of the Believers -(658–713)

Imam Muhammad al-Baqir The Spreader of Knowledge (676–743)

Imam Ja'far  Al-Sadiq The Truthful One (703–765)

Imam Musa al-Kazim The Patient One (745–799)

Imam Ali  Al-Ridha The Accepted One (765–818)

Imam Muhammad al-Taqi The Pious One (810–835)

Imam  Ali  Al-Naqi The Pure One (827–868)

Imam Hasan al-Askari The One with an Army (846–874)Imam Muhammad al-Mahdi The Rightly-Guided One -


Taqiyyah is an obligation. Taqiyyah is a Shiite practice of concealing the truth for the purposes of misleading unsuspecting people into the Shiite fold.

They believed taqiyyah as one of the pillar of faith.


• According to Shi’as this is not only lawful but also recommended that a man can marry a woman with the intention of divorcing her after a period of time which could even be a couple of days. According to the Sunnis, this is totally unacceptable.

Tabatabai(scholar in Shia): “even people in permanent marriages sometimes fall into illegitimate sexual relations. So for this reason the way out is that we make this legal for him by making the contract marriage permissible.”

• People may ask, what is the difference between this and prostitution?

• From the statement we come to know that this is permissible according to Shi’as so that one can satisfy his desires for a short time whereas Allah (SWT) states in the Qur’an after mentioning those women who are not allowed to be married by a man, that apart from these women you are allowed to marry with the condition that you seek them with your wealth in honest wedlock, not debauchery.  From this we come to know that temporary marriage is strictly disliked because there is no intention of honest wedlock.  Instead, it is only temporary satisfaction.


1. The success of the Iranian Revolution in 1979 caused many activists and Muslim organizations make Iran as a model in their struggle. This led some of them to send their children to study in Iran thus affected by the Shiites there.

2. Sponsoring or encouraging Malaysian students to further their studies or receive training in Iran.

3. Published an article in the newspapers and magazines, and they also distributing pamphlets and books Shiite propaganda in public areas.

4. Reaching and influencing the writers of novels or history, especially novelists and writers in the history of Islam.

5. Married with youths Ahlu Sunnah

6. Establish classes of religious and teaching classes of the Quran. Also bringing in the reciter of Iran to recite the Quran in mosques around the country.

7. Infiltrate and actively in the congregation of Muslims, including political parties.

8. Active in radio and TV either as speaker or the caller. Shia also actively preaching in cyberspace and debate on forums Sunnis.

9. School textbooks and references in the university met with the head of the distortion is the main backup Shiites in an attempt to influence the public that the Sahabah is unjust, greedy, dishonest and so on.

10. Provide financial assistance and other facilities to individuals and needy families.

CONCLUSIONShiite is a manifestation of thought that opposite to the beliefs of Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jamaah. The Shiite should aware and repent for what they did. They should return back to the truth in the context of obedience to Allah, the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W, Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jamaah and faith leader. Last but not least, we as a muslims in Malaysia must realize that we adhere to the teaching of Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jamaah. In akidah, we had adhered to Imam Abu Hassan Al Asyari and we used approach of Mazhab Al Shafee in the determination of fiqh and consider other mazhab.

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