amorc worth while books are lifetime friends 1940 pdf

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720 Pure Sufi presents rare AMORC Worth While Books Are Lifetime Friends 1940


  • Rosicrucian Library

    cW o rth ,rWhile Boolp


  • fe-----------------FO REW O RD


    IT IS the policy of the Rosicru- cian Supply Bureau to present only such books as are really vvorthy of bcing in the library of a thinker. Thousands of books tO' day appeal to the imagination. They are sensational in nature, but perhaps shallow in worth to the reader. W h at a satisfaction it is to read a book with a realisation that every paragraph means something and carries a real message in lan' guage simple and understandable. Is it not a relief to find a book that after the first reading still has suffi' cient interest in it to frequently draw you to it again?

    The books herein presented are helpful and constructive. They will be a means of aiding you in solv' ing the complex problems of your every'day life. Every worth while book makes a friend of its reader. W e hope through these books to make a friend of you and to bring you the real joy of knowledge. A ll orders are to be sent to the ame and address below. Checks and money orders are to be made pay' able to the Rosicrucian Supply Bureau.


    Roslcruclan Supply Bureau( A M O R C )

    Rosicrucian Park San Jos, California, V. S. A.


    By H. SPENCER LEW IS, Ph. D.

    T V T

    Tliis book is entirely different from any ever issued in America dealing with the secret period3 in the life of each man and woman.

    The book reveis how we may take advantage o f certain periods to bring success, happiness, health, and pros- perity into our lives, and it likewise points out those periods which are not favorable for many of the things we try lo accomplish. It does not deal with astrology or any system of fortune telling, but presents a system long used by the Master Mystics in Oriental lands and which is strlctly scientiflc and demonstrable. One reading o f the book with its charts and tables w ill enable the reader to see the course of his life at a glance. It helps everyone to elimnate "chance" and luck, to cast aside "fa te " and replace these with Self Mastery.

    A DAILY GUIDEHere is a book you w ill use weekly

    to guide your affairs throughout the years. There is no magic In its system.

    W ell printed, bound in silk cloth, and stamped in gold. Price, postage paid, $2.25.

    Rosicrucian Supply Bureau( A M O R C )

    Rosicrucian Park San Jos, California, U. S. A.

  • TheProblema






    This volume contains such principies of practical Rosicrucian teachings as are applicable to the solution o the every-day problems of life in business and in the aftairs of the home. It deais exhaustively with the prevention o f ilt health. the curing o f many of the com- mon ailmenta, and the attainment of peace and happiness as well as the building up of the affairs o f life that deal with flnancial conditions. The book is fllled with hundreds o f practical points dealing especially with the problema of the average business man or person in business employ. It points out the wrong and right way for the use of metaphysical and mystical principies in attracting business, increas- ing one's Income, promoting business propositions, 3tarting and b r in g in g into realization new plans and ideas, and the attainment of the highest ambitions in life.

    It is not theoretical. It has been en- dorsed by business organizations and business authorities.

    The book is well printed. bound in silk cloth, and stamped Ln gold. Price, postage prepaid, $2.25.

    Rosicrucian Supply Bureau( A M O R C )

    Roslcrurian Park San Jos, California, U. S. A.

    The VVorlds Most Disputed Doctrine


    R E IN C A R N A T IO N ! The worid a most disputed doctrine. R inging through the minds and hearts of students, mystic3, and thinkers, have always been the words: W hy Are We H ere? Rein- carnation has been criticized by some as conflicting with sacred literature and without verication. This book reveis, however, in an astounding manner, the many facts to support reincarnation. Quotation3 from eminent authorities, from Biblical and Sacred works sub- stantiate reincarnation. This volume PROVES reincarnation. Look at some of these fascinating, intriguing sub- jects:

    The Cosmic Conception.Does Personality Survive Transition?Heredity and Inheritance.Karma and Personal Evolution.Religin and Biblical View-points.Christian References.Between Incarnation3.Souis of Animis and the "Unborn."Recoilections of the Past.

    The book contains over three hun- dred pages, beautifully printed, neatiy bound, stamped in gold; economically priced. Price per copy, postage prepaid, only $2.35.

    Rosicrucian Supply Bureau( A M O R C )

    Kosicrucian Park San Jos, California, U. S. A.

  • > r % s

    "U N TO THEE I G RA N T "The Ancient Tibotan Writings


    This is one o f the rarest, Oriental, mystery books known. It is translated by special permission of the Grand Lama and Disciples o the Sacred Col- lege in the Grand Temple in Tibet.

    Here is a book that was written two thou3and years ago, and was hidden in manuscript form from the eyes of the world and giren o.nly to the initi- ates of the temples of T ibet to study privately.

    This antique book contains the rarest writings and teachings known to man with the exception o f the Bible. Hun- dreds o f books have been written about the teachings and practices of the Mas- ters o f the Far East, but none of them has ever contained the secret teachings found in this book.

    The book deais with man's passions, loves, desires. weaknesses, sins, forti- tudes, strengths, ambitions, and hopes. AI1 are treated in detail with illumin- ating simplicity. The book is beauti- fu lly printed and bound with hard cover. and contains also the strange mystic 3tory o f the expedition into T ibet to secure this marvelous manuscript.

    Price, per copy, postage prepaid, only $1.25.

    Rosicrucian Supply Bureau( A M O R C )

    Rosicrucian Iark San Jos, California, IJ. S. A.

    $ r


    The book thousands have been wait-

    ing for the real Je3us revealed at last! I t was in preparation for a number o f years and required a visit to Pales- tine and Egypt to secure a verification o f the strange facts contained in the ancient Rosicrucian and Essene Records.


    It is a full account of the birth, youth, early manhood, and later periods o f Jess life, containing the story of H is activities in the time not men- tioned in the Gospel accounts. The facts relating to the immaculate conception, the birth, crucifixin, resurrection, and ascensin w ill astound and inspire you. The book contains mystical 3ymbols. fully explained, original photographs, and a new portrait o f Jess.

    There are over three hundred pages, beautifully printed, bound in purple silk, and stamped in gold.

    Here is a book that w ill guide every student o f mysticism and religin.

    Sent by mail, postpaid, for $2.50.

    Rosicrucian Supply Bureau( A M O R C )

    Rosicrucian Park San Jos, California, V. S. A.

  • Oriental, Sufi, Persian, Hebrew, and Cbristian Mystics liave all contributed

    tlieir writings.


    Y T V

    The Prayers o f the Mystics with their key to infinite power. The first complete compilation o f the famous prayers o f the renowned mystics and adepta of all ages. By Many Cihlar, F. R. C., Austrian Philo3'ipher and Mystic.

    The book, "Mystics at P rayer, ex- plains in simple language the reason for prayer, how to pray, a.nd the Cosmic aws involved. You come to learn the real efficacy o f prayer and its full beauty dawns upon you. Whatever your religious beliefs, this book makes your prayers the application not of words. but of helpful, divine principies. Prayer is man's rightful heritage. It is the direct means of mans communion with the infinite forc of divinity.

    "Mystics at P rayer" is well bound, embossed in gol d, printed on art paper in two colors, with deckled edge and tipped pages, and sent anywhere, post- paid, for $1.10.

    Rosicrucian Supply Bureau< A M O R C )

    Rosicrucian Park San Jos, California, U. S. A.



    This practical book contains a complete outline and explanation o f all of the customs, habits, and terminology of the Rosicrucians, w ith diagrama and explanations of the symbols used in the teachings, an outline o f the subjects taught, a dictionary o f the terms, a complete presentation o f the principies o f Cosmic Consciousness, and biograph- ical sketches of important characters connected w ith the work. There are also special articles on the Great White Lodge and its existence, how to attain psychic illumination, the Rosicrucian Code of L ife w ith th irty laws and reg- ulation3, and a number o f portraits of prominent mystics, including Master K. H., the Illustrious.


    The technical matter contained in the text and in the hundred or more diagrams makes this book a real Rosicrucian encyclopedia.

    The Rosicrucian Manual" is of large size, well printed, beautifully bound in red silk cloth, and stamped in gold. Price, postage prepaid, $2.35.

    Rosicrucian Supply Bureau( A M O R C )

    Rosicrucian Park San Jos, California, U. S. A.



    By H. SPENCER LEW IS, Ph. D.

    T T

    Here i3 a book that will tell you about the real facts of reincarnation. It is a story o f the soul. and explains in detail how the soul entera the body and how it leaves. where it goes and when it comes back to the earth again and why. You may learn o f the past o f the soul.

    The story is not merely a piece o f fiction, but a revelation o the mystic laws and principies known to the Mas- ters o f the Far East and the Orient for many centuries. and never put into book form as a story before this book was printed. You w ill marvel at the manner in which these principies are brought out.

    This book is economically priced at $1.00, postage prepaid.


    Rosicrucian Supply Bureau( A M O R C >

    Rosicrucian Park San Jos, California, U. S. A.

    M :


    Y 7

    This vol.ilme contains the first complete, authentic hi3tory o f the Rosicrucian Order from ancient times to the present day. The history is divided into two sections, dealing with the tra- ditional facts and the established his- torical facts. and is replete with in- teresting stories of romance, mystery, and fascinating incidents.

    Questions that arise in your mind re- garding many mystical and occult sub- jects are answered in this volume.


    For many centuries the strange. mys- terious records of the Rosicrucians were closed against any eyes but the high initiates'. Now the whole story is outlined and it reads like a story from the land of tile Arabian Nights."

    The book also outlines answers to hundreds of questions dealing with the history. work, teachings. benets. and purposes o f the Rosicrucian fraternity.It is printed on ine paper. bound in silk cloth, and stamped in gold. Price. postage prepaid. $2.00.

    Rosicrucian Supply Bureau( A M O R C )

    Rosicrucian Park San -Jos, California, U. S. A.

    >:____________________________________________ 3

  • LEM URIA The Lost Continent of the Pacific


    T T

    Beneath the rolling, restless seas lie the mysteries of forgotten civilizations. Swept by the tides, half buried in the sands, worn away by terriflc pressure are the remnants of a culture little known to our age o f today. Where the mighty Pacific now rolls in a majestic sweep of thousands of miles, there was once a vast continent. This land was known as Lemuria, and its people as Lemurians.

    Science has gradually pieced together the evidences of this lost race, and in this book you will find the inost as- tounding. enthralling chapters you have ever read. How these people carne to be swept from the face of the earth is explained. Illustrations and explana- tions of their mystic symbols, maps o the continent. are contained in this un- usual book.

    I f you are a lover of mystery, o f the unknown. the weirdread this book. It is not flction, but based on facts. the result of extensive research. Does civ- ilization reach a certain height. and then retrograde? Are the culture and progress of mankind in cycles, reaching certain peaks, and then returning to start over again? These question3 and many more are answered in this in- triguing volume. Read of the living descendants of these people.

    The book g beautifuiy bound, well printed, and contains many. many il- lustrations. It is economically priced at $2.30 postpaid.

    Rosicrucian Supply Bureau ( A M O R C )

    Rosicrucian Park San Jos, California, U. S. A.


    K W


    The W ay to Cosmic PreparationBy RAYM UND ANDREA, F. R. C.

    Grand Master o f the Rosicrucian Order for Great Britain

    The Master Directs the Bewildered Uisciple

    T Y T

    A guide to inner unfoldment! The newest and simplest explanation for at- taining the state o f Cosmic Conscious- ness. To those who have felt the throb of a vital power within, and whose inner visin has at times glimpsed infinite peace and happines3. this book is offered. It converts the intangible whispers o f self into forcefui actions that bring real joys and accomplish- mentg in life. I t is a masterful work on psychic unfoldment. It is well bound in cloth, with deckled and tinted edged paper. Secure this treasure for your- self. Economically priced. postage paid, at $2.00.

    Rosicrucian Supply Bureau( A M O R C )

    Rosicrucian Park San .lose. California, U. S. A.


    By DR. H. SPENCER LE W IS, Ph. D.

    t v v

    The world 's greatest mystery and flrst wonder is the Great Pyramid. It stands as a monument to the learning and achievements of the anciants. For centuries its secrets were closeted in stone now they stand revealed.

    Never before in a book priced within the reach of evei y reader have the history, vast wisdom, and prophecies of the Great Pyramid been given. You will be amazed at the Pyram id's scientiflc construction and at the tremendous knowledge of its mysterious builders.

    Who built the Great Pyram id? W liy were its builders inspired to reveal to posterity the events o the future? What is the path that the Great Pyramid indicates lies before mankind? Within the pages of this enlightening book there are the answers to many enthralling questions. It prophesied the W orld W ar and the great economic upheaval. Learn what it presages for the future. You must not deprive your- self o f this book.

    The book is well bound with a hard cover, and contains all necessary charts and illustrations. Price only $2.25 with postage paid.

    T T Y

    Rosicrucian Supply Bureau( A M O R C )

    Rosicrucian Park San Jos, California, U. S. A.


    "THE BOO K O F JA S H E R " Y Y

    By what right has man been denied the words o f the prophets? Who has dared expurge from the Holy Bible one o f its inspired messages? For centuries man has labored under the Ilusin that there have been preserved for him the collected books of the great teachers and disciples yet one had been withheld The Book of Jasher."

    Within the hallowed pages of the great Bible itself are references to this lost book which have puzzled the de- vout and students for centuries. As if by Divine decree. the Bible appears to cry out to mankind that its sanctity had been violated, its truth veiled, for we find these two passages exclaiming: Is not this written in the 'Book of Jasher'Joshua 10:13 ; "Behold, it is written in the 'Book of Jasher'2 Samuel 1:18.

    BROUGHT TO LIGHTAlcuin discovered this great lost book

    of the Bible written by Jasher. He translated it into English in 800 A. D. Later it was suppressed and then re- discovered in 1829 and once again suppressed.

    But now we bring to you AN ACTU A L PH O TO G RAPH IC REPRODUC- T IO N of this magnificent wrork, page for page, line for line, unexpurgated. This enlightening work, bound in its original style, is priced at only $2.00 per copy, postage paid.

    Rosicrucian Supply Bureau( A M O R C )

    Rosicrucian Park San Jos, California, U. S. A.

    P .3

  • Are liad Memory and Faulty Concentra- tion Wasting Years of Your U fe?


    M EM O R IZ IN G


    Have you a motion picture mind? Are your thoughts a jumble of fleet- ing mental pictures when you attempt to concntrate on an important prob- lem of home or business? I f you mu3t read a paragraph two or three times to reglster its contents in your conscious- ness, you have faulty concentration. Do you go through life lamenting, I f only I could remember ?

    Saralden, Ph. D., of the Rose-Croix University of Belgium, has prepared two marvelous treatises entitled, "The K ey to the Art of Concentration and Memorizing. Their practical help can- not be denied, and they are o f inestimable valu. These two books may be had for the small sum of 60 cents. You may order either book separatey for 35 cent3. These books are ones you w ill refer to and use many times.



    T T

    Membership can mean 30 much more to the student if he or ahe is thor- oughly acquainted with his or her rights and limitations under the Constitution. Innumerable questiona could be avoided in connection with your membership activities if you had a copy for refer- ence. The Constitution and Statutes may be had for the small sum of 10 cents. This includes postage paid. (Do not send remittance in stamps.)

    T T


    Within t he depths o f your inner being. there is a vast, Creative power. I t is the G REAT PH Y- SIC IAN. Each per- son can direct this subtle forc him-sel or herself, if he or she onlyknows how. Thesecret. rational Rosicrucian principies Of SELF H E ALIN G make this possible. T h e Roaicrucian principies o f absent

    ihealing, in addition to the many otlier

    ayatema of therapeutics, are extremely beneflcial. These principies are given only to membera o f the organization, but aa an advance summary of thia knowledge, we offer to membera a brochure entitled, The Art of Absent H ealing. You will find it extremely helpful. The price per copy is only 20c cents. (Do not send remittance in postage atam p3.)



    Rosicrucian Grand Master of Great Britain


    A modern description of the ancient, esoterie path to sprituaJ illumination trod by the masters and avatars of yore. It has long been said that Christ left as a great heritage to members of His seeret council, a private method for guidance in life. which method has been preserved until today, in the secret, occult mystery schools. Ray- mund Andrea, the author, reveis the method for attaining a greater life, taught in these mystery schools, which perhaps parallels the secret instructions of Christ to members of His council. The book is enlightening, inspiring and splendidly written. It is hand- somely printed, bound with a stiff board cover, and the cloth of the cover is woven of silk thread, and stamped in gold. Postage is paid on shipment to you. Priced at $2.15 per copy.


    Rosicrucian Supply Bureau( A M O R C )

    Rosicrucian Tark San Jos, California, U. S. A.




    Y Y

    We are pleased to announce that

    all of the volumes of the Rosicru

    cian Library are now available in Spanish. The books have been

    translated from English into the

    best literary Spanish, are well printed, and well bound. Those who prefer reading in their native

    Spanish, or who are studying Spanish, or who would like to make a g ift of a book to Spanish friends

    or acquaintances, will find these

    books very appropriate. Merely re- fer to the books listed in the pre- vious pages, select the one you wish, and write in asking for that book in Spanish. These books may be had at the economical price of $1.60 per copy, postage prepaid.

    (Except the Rosicrucian Manual which is $1.80 per copy.)

    Rosicrucian Supply Bureau

    ( A M O R C )

    Rosicrucian Park

    San Jos, California, . S. A.

  • 35 " '0.


    Does the Bible actually contain the unadulterated w o rd s o f Jess the Christ? Do you know that from 328 A. D. until 1870 A. D., twenty eccles- iastic or church council meetings were held in which man alone decided upon the context o f the Bible what it staould contain? Self-appointed judges in the four Lateran Councils between 1123 and 1215 A. D. decided to exprgate from t]^e Bible those sacred writings which did not please them. But Christ's secret teachings were privately preserved in heretofore unknown archives.


    Slowly they have been brought to light as The Secret Doctrines of Jess. They contain formulas for con- veying the Christ spiritunknown laws for tlie development of self truths which would have made man a true image of his Maker. Dr. H. Spencer Lewis, after years o f extensive research and journeys to Europe, the Far East, the H oly Land and Egypt, has fear- lessly disclosed in this 'book these hidden doctrines of Jess. Beautifully bound and illustrated, stamped in gold. the book is priced at only $2.50 a copy, which includes mailing it to you.


    Rosicrucian Supply Bureau ( A M O R C )

    Bosicrucian Park San Jos, California, U. S. A.

    MENTAL PO ISO N IN G !Thoughts That Enslave Minds


    Tortured souls. Human beings, whose

    self-confidence and peace of mind liave been toril to shreds by invisible darts the evil thoughts of others. Can envy. late, and jealousy be projected through space from the mind of another? Do poisoned thoughts like mysterious rays reach through the ethereal realm to claim innocent victims? W ill wishes and commands born i.n bate gather momentum and like an avalanche de- scend upon a helpless man or woman in a series of calamities? Must human- ity remain at the mercy of evil in- fluences created in the minds of the vicious? Millions each year are mental- ly poisoned are you safe from this scourge? Mental Poisoning" is the title o f a new book just written by Dr. H. Spencer Lewis, which fearlessly discloses this psychological problem. It is sensational in its revelations. Read it and be prepared.

    AN EXtJEPTIONAL o f f k r

    This neatly bound, well printed book w ill be sent to you for the nominal price of only $1.25. It has been eco- nomically produced so it can be in the hands of thousands be- cause of the benefit it will afford readers.

    Order yours today.

    Price includes postage.



    Bosicrucian Park

    San Jos, California

    U. S. A.

    M 12 ]

  • ' THE D A W N O F C O N SC IEN C E *

    Tracing Back to 6000 B. C. the Birth of God In Man!

    Smouldering in the breast o f man, no one knows how long after an outer fire liad been warming his body, was the flame of moral vales. Man was not man until the birth o f conscience. until he was able to realize the .need of a happy mdium between every deficient and excessive act. Inscribed on the walls of tombs, graven on the pre- cipitous face o f cliffs in word pictures is a story of mans awakening to the God within himself. Side by side with the advance of civilization was the de- velopment of human character. Mystic illumination and knowledge of self were not projected into man but .slowly aroused from their lethargy within his own being. Ages before Cliristianity, man had learned of justice, honesty, and all the cardinal virtues.

    EMINENTAUTHOKProfessor James Breasted, famous ar-

    cheologist, in this remarkable book, "The Dawn of Conscience, containing 425 pages, traces back for centuries the evolution of mans personality and his spiritual self. You will feel. as you read its pages, mans primeval struggle w ith the conques! of his own nature. which was far greater than any struggle with beast or man. The book also contains marvelous photographic plates and a complete index. An excellent book for the student and the lover of histnry and mystery.

    Price including postage $3.00.(For particular facts about the Great

    Pyramid and its prophecies, see page eight.)

    Rosicrucian Supply Bureau( A M O R C )

    Rosicrucian Park San Jos, California, U. S. A.


    Part Two




    The articles described in the fol- lowing pages have been provided because of necessity. They were created to meet the demands of the Rosicrucian students for articles and objects which would assist them in their studies and help them to better conduct various ex- periments, or would beautify and sanctify their home sanctums. Each article, therefore, has been made with the needs of Rosicrucian students in mind. These articles are serviceable, unique and artistic, yet priced so that the purchase will not work a hardship on any student, and are consequently within the reach o f all.

    W e welcome from time to time your suggestions as to other com- modities that we can present, which will be of practical and artistic valu, and which you feel the Rosicrucian Supply Bureau, a Service department, should offer.


    Rosicrucian Supply Bureau( A M O R C )

    Kosierucian Park San Jos, California, C. S. A.




    It is to the advantage o f every student and member of the Rosicrucian Brotherhood to have a distinctive, as well as conservative, emblem which will identify his association with the organ- ization. These emblem3 are unusually attractive. They are inade of gold, beautifully inlaid with enamel: they are neat in size, and consist o f the tri- angle surmounted by the Egyptian cross. There are two styles: the raen* style consista o f the emblem with screw back, $1.85. The women's style consists o f a patent safety catch pin. $2.00 You will be proud o f these attractive membership emblems.

    T V


    The s p o k e n word! There is nothing m o r e potent, more v ital and inspir- ing than the human voice. The Imperator comes to you via the mdium of these records. He ex- plains the proper pronunciation of

    the vowel sound3. He conducts for you your Cathedral contact period. He opens and closes your sanctum sessions and gives you O RAL INSTRU CTIO N.

    Each record is the latest wax type, full ten-inch, double-sided, 3tandard record.

    RECORD 1Sanctum Invocation.Preparation for Cathedral Contacta.

    RECORD 2Exercises in Vowel Sounds.Mystical Breathing with Vowel Sounds.

    Two records (4 sides) postpaid, $2.45. Single records (2 sides) postpaid. $1.35.

    Rosicrucian Supply Bureau( A M O R C )

    Bosicrucian Park San Jos, California, U. S. A.



    W e have prepared an attractive emblem that members may attach to the ra- diators of their cars to serve the same purpose as other fraternity emblems. This beautiful Rosicrucian emblem is in the orm of a triangle surmounted by an Egyptian cross. It is made of hand hammered art brass; the cross and triangle are finished in gold, the rose

    Actual Si/.e in red, and the stems and leaves in green. It has a special ar- rangement, permitting it to be fasiened to the radiator o f a car. It is in-tended solely for U3e on automobiles and is economically priced at $1.30,postage prepaid.

    One Sixth


    W e are pleased to bring to the Rosicrucian student a Iow pnced. specially m a d e , serviceable, a n d attractive lesson binder. Why let your lessons be- come lost and dis- arranged? T h i s special binder will acD om m odate a

    year's monographs. It is very attractive, stamped in gold with the symbol and ame of the Order. It contains an index form for indexing the subjects o f your monographs for easy reference and is made of durable material. This w ill be sent postpaid POR O NLY $1.00. (In lots o f 3, price $2.50.)

    & S3L[14 ]


    These candlesticks are beautifully de- signed as replicas of the Egyptian columns used in the Supreme Temple, which in turn, are duplicates o f those found in Karnak Temple, Egypt. They are flnished in dark red mahogany, and mounted on a double triangle base, representing the symbol o f the interlaced triangles. The candlesticks are seven inches in height. They are not only practical but keep before you the design of the coIumn3 of the interior of the Supreme Temple. The candlesticks are economically priced at $2.50 a pair, delivered, postage paid.

    SANCTUM CRO SS(Egyptian Crux Ansata)

    This is the beautiful Egyptian Crux Ansata (the looped cross) mounted on a double triangle, representing the Egyptian interlaced triangles; to our members this carries a beautiful sig- nificance: surmounted on the face o f the cross is a red rose. The cross is flnished in red mahogany to match the candlesticks, and is the same size as the candlesticks. It is economically priced at $2.00, delivered to you with postage prepaid. (See page 16 for special Set offer.)

    Rosicrucian Supply Bureau( A M O R C )

    Bosicrucian Park San Jos, California, U. S. A.

    m____________________________________________ :

  • C O M PLEfE SANCTUM SETRuy the Set and Save $1.45

    Rosicrucian Candlesticks as described on page 15.

    Egyptian Crux Ansata (the looped cross with rose) to match candlesticks.

    Sanctum Incense (India Moss Rose scent).

    Neophytes Ritual Apron (as described above). Carriage prepaid by us, either expressage or postage. price $5.00. See preceding illustrations of items. In purchasing this complete Sanctum Set the student saves $1.45. The price is less than purchasing the items separately.

    (See page 20 about symbolic incense burner.)

    Rosicrucian Supply Bureau( A M O R C )

    Rosicrucian Park San Jos, California, U. S. A.

    M EM BERSH IP R IN GFraternal Insignia Invite Comradeship

    A membership emblem is a mag- net that draws out o f the daily pass- ing throng. the indifferent world, the p e o p le you should know and make your friends.

    The ring is made o f sterling silver, w ith b ea u t i f u l enamel finish, and

    has an embossed Egyptian design con- sisting of the sphinx and pyramids. The Rosicrucian insignia is impressive- ly set off. It is a ring every Rosicrucianman or womanwill be proud to wear. The mens ring o f the same design has a massiveness which is a de- sired feature o f all masculine jewelry. The women's ring is sturdy, yet dainty and rnate.

    Obtain your size by cutting a hole in a card to accommodate your ring fln- ger, and send the card with your order and remittance to the address below. These rings w ill give years o f constant wear.

    For Men, $5.00; For Women, $4.50; postage included.

    Prices on gold rings quoted on re- quest.

    (See page 22 about Egyptian rings.)


    At the request of many we have pre- pared a very attractive replica of a famous hand carved Oriental box, which is known to all our members as the "L ittle Brown Casket. This replica of the antique original is carved in California redwood, because o f its la3t- ing quality. The casket is ornamented with the emblems of the Order and makes a mysterious and fascinating container for the very personal pos- sessions of every Rosicrucian. It is twelve inche3 long, nine inches wide, and eight inches deep. It is economic- ally priced at $6.50, including shipping charges to you. Send order with re- mittance to Rosicrucian Supply Bureau, San Jos, California.


    To those who have never had the opportunity o f visiting the Rosicrucian National Headquarters, here is an opportunity o f securing, at an economical price, actual photographic view cards of the various structures at Rosicrucian Park. The Egyptian Temple, Egyptian Shrine, Planetarium, auditorium, ad- ministration buildings, grounds, and various offices. These view cards are very handsome and you may mail them to your friends. You may have an as- sortment o f N IN E different views for 45 cents, postpaid, additional cards 5 cents each. These views are true re- productions of the structures at Rosicrucian Park. No sale less than N INE.


    Jewelry W ith a SignificanceAn exquisitely designed, dainty Rosy

    Cross emblem, only one incli in length, made of heavy, long-lasting, grain-filled gold, surmounted with an attractive synthetic ruby. Not only is it a beauti- ful piece o f jewelry, but it also is the official emblem o f the Order. The women's type including a gold-filled chain, 18 inches in length, is only $2.75. Filled-gold cross for men, same small size, with safety-pin clasp, price $2.25.


    M O N O G R A PH INDEXESNo knowledge is so useless as that

    just beyo.nd recall. W hy trust to mem- ory the important principies and laws of the Rosicrucian teachings? In time of emergency when you need these helpful teachings most, lcate their full explanation quickly and casily in the monographs use these monograph in- dexes. A fter days of research, we have prepared thorough indexes which place every subject title o f the Rosicrucian teachings at your fingertips.Neophyte Index (lst, 2nd, and 3rd

    Degrees) ......... ......... - ................. - .25Temple Index (To and including

    4th Degree) ........................................50Temple Index (5th and revised Gth

    Degrees) ............................................. 50Temple Index (7th, 8th, and 9th

    Degrees) ........................................ 1.00

    Rosicrucian Supply Bureau( A M O R C )

    Rosicrucian Park San Jos, California, U. S. A.

  • 24 M YSTICAL ART PRINTS For only $1.00

    The a r t of e a c h century^ represents t h e culture, thought and advancement o the people. It depicts their religious, political, and social ideis. These fascinating art prints are of mystical s u b j e c t s photographic p r i n t s o paintings by od masters, actual photographs o f an- cient temples, m y s t i c shrines, which are loved by the student o f mysti- cism and occultism. These a r t i s t i c photographic prints are especially prepared for fram- ing. They are reproduced on dove- finished enamel paper, known as Silkote with a wde margiri which enhances their appearance, separately contained in a folder. What a treasure these make when framed, each with its printed titlealso, what a wonder- ful g ift they make! This is the best offer ever made o mystical art prints take advantage of it. Each art print is printed on a 10% x 14-inch sheet. The entire lot of 24, postpaid. is only $1.00.

    Rosicrucian Supply Bureau( A M O R C )

    ttosicrucian Park San Jos, California, U. S. A.

    Lar^e 84 x li-inch



    The Shortest Line letween You anl Your Correspondent is By Way

    Of This Tablet

    Special stationery to fit a 3pecial need saves the student much un- necessary loss of time and assures that personal attention which makes the pursuit o knowledge an enjoy- able venture. This es

    pecially designed student tablet has been prepared with your need3 in mind. The cover of the tablet is a useful blotter and upon it are printed all es- sential instructions as TO WHOM, W HERE, and W H EN TO W RITE . This tablet contains 50 la rge x 11- inch business size sheets o strong, light bond paper. A t the top of each sheet is printed information or the proper direction o f your letters. The tablets are priced very low at 45 cents each, postage paid. I f a lot of three is purchased, the cost of the three is only $1.00.

    (For AMORC-addressed envelopes, see page 20.)

    Rosicrucian Supply Bureau( A M O R C )

    Bosicrucian Park San Jos, California, U. S. A.

    [ IS ]

  • RO SICRUC IA N SEALSThese Rosicrucian

    seis are about the size of a twenty-flve cent piece, beauti- fully printed in red, and embossed gold; they have the Symbol of the cross and rose, and the words "AMORC, Rosicrucian O r d e r, San Jos, California." on the face. These seis

    can be used by members on letter to friends or business acquaintances. I f you would Iike to spread the ame of the organization to your friends, and at the same time have an attractive little seal for your stationery, we would suggest that you secure them. They m ay be had at the rate of flfty cents per hundred. practically what they cost, postage prepaid.

    Y Y

    A beautiful replica of the large oil painting of the Master Jess which hangs in the initiation chamber o f the Supreme Temple may now be had. W e have had an art photographer make a very fine photograph of the painting, that registers the beautiful expression and the mystic, Aryan character of the Great Master.

    To those who wish copies o f this pie- ture, we are able to fumish photo- graphic prints in black and white on heavy paper, size 8 x 10, for $1.00 each. You may secure these portraits, hand painted in oils, for $1.50 each. These w ill make beautiful pictures for your sanctums or homes. Postage prepaid. &

    To the Rosicrucian, because of his understanding of the true significance o f the sanctum altar, we offer a beautifu l white silk broadcloth altar scarf. It is 38 inches long and 11% inehes wide, and is lined with cambric and has an attractive lace edging. Its de- sign is handsomely embroidered in mystic symbols in five colors: red, yellow. pal pink, rose, and black. A limited number has been e.^pecially made and we offer them ai the low price of $2.50 each. This scarf will make a splendid addition to your sanctum.

    (Fo r complete Sanctum Set 3ee page 16.)

    Rosicrucian Supply Bureau ( A M O R C )

    Rosicrucian Park San Josc, California, U. S. A.

    'y-* V-:


  • SANCTUM INCENSE BURNEREspecially Designed For Rosicrncians

    Now, the Rosicrucian Supply Bureau has designed an incense burner which embodies the beautiful spiritual signifl- cance o f Amenhotep's salutation to the dawn so Jo ved by ail members o AMORC. The face is an exact copy o f the sculptured head of Amenhotep IV found in the ruins o f his great, temple at Tel-El-Amama. The front of the altar is inscribed with the sun disk, sacred symbol o f the ever-living God. On each side can be seen the Crux Ansata (the looped cross). More im- portant still is the position o f the handsforming the Rosicrucian sign o f supplication. The incense rises from the miniature censer resting on ton of the Shekinah. Designed by a Rosicrucian officer and executed by an in- ternatiooally known sculptor, size six inches in height and length, and made of Egyptian clay, the censer is a beautiful piece o f art. It 3hould be in the sanctum of every Rosicrucian. Fnshed in antique bronze, it sells for only $2.00, postage paid.


    A M O R C - Addressed Envelopes

    Size, nine inches long, four inches wide (large). These addressed envelopes are made o f durable, white bond. printed neatly with the ame and address of AMORC. The price is only 85 cents for a package of one hundred less than one cent each.

    RO SIC R U C IA N M USICComposed For Rosicrucians


    The aricients proclaimed that the per- fect mathematical ammgemerit of the planets produced magnificently en- rapturing vibrations which became known as The Musie of the Sphercs.

    The great composers of the centuries have sought to capture, emotionally, this music of the spheres and reduce it to .notes. In fact, the beautiful com- positions o f many o f the masters are evidence of the Divine Influx. Many of the Rosicrucian compositions, sucli as Sweet Rosae Crueis have also had a touch of this afflatus.

    Sweet Rosae Crueis was dedicated at the flrst Rosicrucian New Year Cere- mony to be held in this jurisdiction. A ll lovers of music who have heard it at Rosicrucian Lodges or Chapters, have requested copies. We havo produced this beautiful Rosicrucian selec- tion in sheet music form at a nominal price. Members will find by playing or singing it in their homes, that it produces a very soothing, peacefu! effect. It is artistically arranged and well printed. priced at 35 cents per copy. Send order and remittanee to

    Rosicrucian Supply Bureau( A M O R C )

    Rosicrucian Park San Jos, California, U. S. A.



    Caravans, heavily laden, seemlng to rise out of the desert sand dunes, slowly move forward, ever westward and toward the sea. For centurias the cleft hoofs o f the Ship3 o f the Desert have churned the trackless wastes of the Sahara, bringing their strange wares to the ports o f the Mediterranean. In quaint marts the raucous voices of the camel drivers intermingle with those o f shrewd merchants as the treasures o f the cargo are offered to the highest bidder. To the ports of the world are shipped the exotie perfumes, exquisite tapes- tries, and the handiwork of these mysterious people o f the East, the world s first great craftsmen.

    Today, in modera times, there is still an enchanting fascination felt by men and women the world over for rare articles o f Egyptian origin. Today we have a great number of requests for these rare articles because o f their beauty and mystical and symbolical import- ance. It is a pleasure to announce, therefore, in the follow ing pages, genuine Egyptian articles direct from Cairo, Egypt, at a price ex- tremely low for imported merchandise. These prices are possible only because of the Order's connection in Egypt.

    T T


    Bosicrucian Park San Jos, California, U. S. A.

  • & &

    EGYPTIAN SCARABSThe Worlds First JeweJxy

    Why not own an Egyptian scarab (scarabaetus)those mysterious, little engraved amulets which had such great signiflcance to the ancient pharaohs? Out o f the past have come legends of their mysterious influence. The legends we may disregard, but the beauty and rarity of these scarabs, we cannot. Di- rect from Cairo, Egypt, we have re- ceived an unusual collection o f scarabs of different design and inscribed with strange hieroglyphics. They are ex- cellent for mounting o.n rings, brooches, bracelet3, or as watch fobs. They have been carefully collected, and we offer them to you at the extremely low price o f 75 cents each.


    EGYPTIAN R INGSI f you w ill give us your ring size,

    we will mount these scarabs in an an- tique silver mounting o f an exact Egyptian design patterned after ancient rings on display in our Egyptian museum. The design consists of en- twined cobra and the scarab is mounted on a swivel so the hieroglyphics underneath may be easily seen. (See illustration above.)

    Silver Hing with scarab, complete, postage paid, $3.75.

    Gold Ring with scarab, complete, postage paid, $4.75.

    Silver Necklace with scarab mounted. (17-inch chain) priced at only $2.75 in gold, $4.00.

    Obtain your ring size by cutting a hole in a piece of cardboard to flt your flnger. Send the cardboard with your order.

    (For membership rings see page 16.)



    W e have obtained an excellent as- sortment of Egyptian tapestries of very mystical and symbolical designs. The tapestries reveal scenes o f the Pyra- mid and the Sphinx, o f an oasis, of camel caravans, or o f the picturesque tents of the desert nomads. These tapestries are genuinely Egyptian, not only in design but in make, and are so stamped. The prices of these tapestries are exceptionally reasonable for an imported article, and these prices include the payment of all postage or delivery charges. Besides these tapes- tries listed we have many others. Send for Egyptian Catalogue.

    WOVEN TAPESTRY CENTERPIECESGenuine woven tapestry with Pyra-

    mid and Sphinx background; will give lifetime wear; large size, 4 feet 5 inches in length and 19 inches wide; twelve colors. Price only $5.00. Article No. 165.

    W A LL TAPESTRYEgyptian linen applique (cut work)

    Oriental scene with camels, desert background, Egyptian lo- tus flower; eight brilliant colors; 52 inches Iong and 18J/k inche3 wide. Price $5.50. Article No. 1650.




    They are applique (cut work) in many colors; very symbolic, revealing ancient figures, erra ansata, etc.; an at- tractive article for any home. They can be used as small centerpieces or wall tapestries. Size 17 x 18 inches. Each, $2.75. Article No. 500.

    E G YPT IA N CUSIIION COVERS This is an exceptional, reasonable

    offer. These cushion covers are of Egyptian Unen done in applique form of various colors. Some are circular, others square. Size 17 x 17 inches. They are priced extremely low at $2.00. Article No. 175.

    TABEE COVER An unusually artistic Egyptian print

    lable cover, ideal for luncheons and teas, very symbolical design and in various color3, artistically irregular in workmanship, size 4 feet 2 inches long, by 4 feet 1 inch wide, price $4.00. Article No. 36.

    WOVEN TAPE STR Y The beautiful colors are in the

    thread, woven into the design. The design is composed of the sphinx, oasis, pyramid, natives and animals, ideal for small table or crner o f room, size 19 inches by 20 inches, price $2.75. A rticle No. 55.

    A PPL IQ U E TAPE STB Y For centuries Egypt has been lcnown

    for her linen, which is mainly made by hand. These tapestries consist of brightly colored materials cut into various Oriental and 3ymboIic designs and sewed on the native linen. They are the crudest and perhaps most pic- turesque of all tapestries. Their size is large, being 3 feet by 1 foot 5 inches, and in several colors. They also make excellent table throws. Price $2.75. Article No. 350.

    Write for Egyptian Catalogue about incense burners, brass Egyptian trays, wallets, etc.


    Od legenda 3ay the mystic temple lampa o f Egypt brought the fulflllment of a wish to whomever was touched by the rays o f light they shed. This we may disbelieve, but we must admire the splen- did workmanship of these Temple and sanc- tum lamps o f Egypt. W e have obtained an assortment o f t h e s e strange lamps direct f r o m Cairo, Egypt. They are made o f solid brass, elaborately de- signed, containing sym

    bolic and Arabic figures. They are similar to the lamps used in Egypt for centuries and can easily be wired for electricity. They will lend a superb, mystic charm to your sanctum, den, li- brary, or study room. These genuine Egyptian lamps, crudely artiatic in their workmanship, are available in three different styles, each style similar to the illustraUon shown on this page. The over-all size of the lamp3 vares from 8 to 13 Inches in height. (This does not include chain length.) The numbers and prices of the designs in- cluding chain are:

    No. 18. $5.00.No. 20. $5.50 (the largest).No. 25. $5.00.

    Rosicrucian Supply Bureau( A M O R C )

    Bosicrucian Park San Jos, California, U. S. A.

  • Fascinating as Fiction Helpful as a Textbook


    T T

    This is the title o f the official monthly magazine, issued by tbe Ro3icrucian Order o f North and South America, and recognized as the International publica- tion o f the International Rosicrucian Order. Each issue o f the magazine is filled with instructive, practical, helpful articles, expressing the Rosicrucian view-point on the various principies presented in the teaching3 as practiced in the different foreign and American jurisdictions o f the Order. The magazine is beautifully printed and carries no outside advertising and is mailed each month to sub- scribers. Discourses on subject3 of psychology, metaphysics, occultism, the ap- plication o f healing principies, and those phases of psychology for adoption in home and business are treated thoroughly. You w ill indeed enjoy this unusual publicaton. Subscription price is $1.50 fo r 6 months, or $3.00 for 1 year. Single copies 25 cents each. Send subscription to the address below.


    Rosicrucian Park San Jos, California, U. S. A.

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