an eagle is

Post on 21-Nov-2015






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Dan Cheatham tells how a successful, faith-filled person has traits that are similar to traits that eagles have. And he gives the reasons and comparisons, along with Bible principles.


Eagles come to what Eagle Experts have coined "The Gathering" to feed together

Dr. Jim Strickhausen: I will not quit. I will not give up. I will not relent. God will do it!

We MUST preach Jesus to Muslims with signs and wonders and miracles. Our government's job is to fight the symptoms of Islamic Error which is Islamic Terror. But only the Church can fight the root of terror which is religious error. Only the Church can bind the demonic strongman of Islam that tries to rule in the heavenlies, and only the Church can demonstrate a LIVING Jesus to Muslims. The Muslims' Allah is a great big demon posing as God and their prophet Muhammed is dead and gone forever. Deep inside every Muslim knows he is a sinner just like everyone else. Deep inside the Muslim longs for a living relationship with the loving God. But the Muslim's indoctrination and peer pressure holds him captive and hell-bound. The ONE THING, however, that will open the eyes of a Muslim is a MIRACULOUS JESUS. Jesus must be DEMONSTRATED to Muslims. His miraculous power and love must be visibly demonstrated with healing miracles, and supernatural happenings.

Father God, today I receive Your promised Supernatural Protection, Supernatural Direction, and Supernatural Provision, in Jesus' name! (Psalm 91, John 16:13, Philippians 4:19)

Often people will accuse you of not being loving because you have confronted them with truth. But true love actually loves another enough to tell them the truth. You are not loving another when you fail to tell them the truth out of fear of offending them. Sometimes love must bear the burden of being misunderstood and misinterpreted. You are thinking of the their long term well-being. But they may be thinking only of the immediate discomfort your concern causes them. Ephesians 4:15 KJV - But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ.

Mike Murdock: There are only 4 kinds of people in your life - Those who add to you. Those who subtract from you. Those who multiply you. And those who divide you.

Some abusers endeavor to actively control you; others try to passively control you. But regardless of whether it's active or passive, control is still abusive.

Some people are addicted to controlling others. Some have become so good at it, it has become deeply ingrained into their personalities. They can no longer identify the tendency within themselves, and are thus unable to repent and change because they cannot even see it. Control has now become too much a part of their own character. Now it colors their every decision and their every relationship, and leaves a trail of devastation.

Run from your greatest fear and you will be running for the rest of your life. Face it head on, however, and you will surely conquer it, despite the messy fallout.

2 Samuel 23:20-22 And Benaiah the son of Jehoiada, the son of a valiant man, of Kabzeel, who had done many acts, he slew two lionlike men of Moab [my notes: BY FACING THEM]: he went down also and slew a lion in the midst of a pit in time of snow [BY FACING IT]: And he slew an Egyptian, a goodly man: and the Egyptian had a spear in his hand; but he went down to him with a staff, and plucked the spear out of the Egyptian's hand, and slew him with his own spear [BY FACING HIM]. These things did Benaiah the son of Jehoiada, and had the name among three mighty men.

FACE YOUR FEAR in the name of Jesus! Get it over with!

The Christian sometimes feels like a split personality... on the one hand, he or she passionately wants to please Jesus... on the other, his or her flesh wants to go astray. This is the war between one's spirit and one's flesh. Jesus said that the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. Paul taught that the believer's spirit-man and flesh are in in a tug of war. Your inner man is born again, a brand new creation, remade in the image of God. So your spirit is saved. But your outer man, or what the New Testament coins as your "flesh," is not yet saved. Your mind didn't get saved; it has to be renewed over time. Your emotions still have contact with your surroundings. Your body is not yet resurrected, so it is still inclined to lead you astray. SO WHEN YOU FEEL LIKE YOU ARE TWO DIFFERENT PEOPLE, REJOICE! It is a good sign that your inner man is struggling to gain the ascendency over your outer man. FEELING THIS STRUGGLE INSIDE ONE'S SELF IS PERFECTLY NORMAL! Even Paul the Apostle, in the last verses of Romans Chapter Seven, was very candid about this war he often felt within himself.

God ALWAYS rewards a lifetime of faithfulness and obedience.

You CAN if you believe you can!

You CAN'T if you believe you can't!

JOY THROWS A PARTY! (Dr. Bob Hellmann)

God's Word... The Breakfast Of Champions!

The Local Church is the Support Group for Bibleholics and Word-Addicts!

Perhaps they exist, but I have never seen a Tithing Backslider and I have never seen a Backslidden Tither.

Why is it that the annual giving record of all those Christians that argue AGAINST Tithing under the New Testament is always less than 10%? If tithing is not required during this present age of GRACE, as they so adamantly contend, then why are their tangible expressions of gratitude towards God LESS than those who were under the LAW? If GRACE is a BETTER COVENANT than the LAW (and it is), then why were Old Testament believers more generous towards God than these Anti-Prosperity Cult Christians are today? Those who argue AGAINST Tithing invariably give less than 10%. Those who argue FOR Tithing end up giving more than 10%. Even if I were undecided (and I'm not), I think I'd rather Tithe than to risk being wrong. Besides, Tithing is so fun and makes my conscience feel so clean! This is not even mentioning the Rebound Blessings I have experienced for the last 25 years from Tithing. No doubt about it, Tithing is NOT a requirement for Salvation any more than Speaking in Tongues is. However, although Tithing and Tongues are NOT Salvation issues, they most definitely ARE Victorious Christian Living issues!

T2, T-Squared: "Tithing & Tongues"... the Two Big Controversial Issues between Christians. Why? Because both issues are POWER issues. PRESENT PERFECT POWER hinges on which side of these two Bible Doctrines that the believer stands. ETERNAL RESULTS hinge on T-Squared! T2 comes down to the fulfillment of the GOLD & GLORY prophesied by Haggai in his book. (By the way, when it comes to controversy within the body of Christ, understand that there is no controversy in God... He KNOWS what He believes and He KNOWS what is right! The questions for every believer is, "Do I KNOW what is right? What saith the Bible? What saith merely human tradition?)

The believer is NOT part of Bibleholics Anonymous. Rather the Believer is a part of Bibleholics Onymous! Stand up and be counted! The Bible says your name is written in Heaven in the Lamb's Book of Life. Roll Call occurs every Sunday morning and Wednesday night at your Local Church. Are you answering Roll Call? Are you attending the Assembly? Or are you AWOL? (Absent WithOut Leave) More important than when "The Roll Is Called Up Yonder, I'll Be There," is this question: When the the roll is called down here, am I present and accounted for? Better practice Roll Call down here first, than to presume I'll make Roll Call up yonder.

The War On Terrorism is actually more than a war on terrorism. Every current event on earth is merely a reflection of a current event in the heavenlies... the unseen spirit realm where God lives. Presently, God is battling enemy numero uno of the Gospel... Islam. Jesus died for all the millions of precious people taken captive by the Muslim cult. Islam is a cruel harsh religion of rules with its roots in bitterness and violence. The Father wants Muslims to be evangelized like any other people or culture. Islam is not a FAITH; it is a Person... a Demon... a Spiritual Alien Entity... a Wicked Spirit in the heavenlies (See Ephesians 6:12) that holds people captive and seduces them into eternal damnation by false religion. Stopping terrorists is the NATURAL RESULT of The War On Terrorism, and that in itself is important. BUT... masses of Arab people coming to Christ is the long range ETERNAL RESULT that God intends. To God, the War On Terrorism is both an END and a MEANS to another END. LAST YEAR'S PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION then, was more than just a presidential election. From God's perspective, that election was an ETERNAL BATTLE FOR SOULS! God is so concerned over the eternal destiny of the middle eastern people. He loves them so. They need Jesus like everybody else. So Islam and militant terrorism must be conquered so that the Gospel can be safely preached to the hungry multitudes. If God has to slowly and methodically dismantle every fanatical Islamic nation, one at a time, in order for those people to hear the Good News, He is committed to doing just that.

There is no such thing as The Passover Meal any more. Jesus changed the Passover Meal into the Lord's Supper, or Communion. It is UNSCRIPTURAL even for a Finished Jew, a born again Jew, to continue receiving the Passover in addition to Communion. Jesus Christ Himself is our Passover and He instituted the Lord's Supper for New Testament believers, Jew and Gentile alike. (Now if someone wants to demonstrate the historical passover meal in order to teach the types and shadows of Christ contained therein, that is another story. But to try to WORSHIP the Lord through the ceremony of the Passover, as if it is still a sanctioned sacrament of God, is fruitless, as it is no longer authorized under the New Covenant.) Trying to keep the Passover Meal alive after the period of the Old Testament is already over, is no less than an exercise in futility, and those Jewish Christians that try to do so attempt to set themselves above or distinct from Gentile Christians by holding on to a remnant of the Law and their Jewish pride. But the New Testament teaches that there is no longer Jew nor Gentile, but one New Creation in Christ. None of us, not even Jews, can claim a SPECIAL background or culture that makes us better or less than any other believer. All Scripture is Applicable to All Christians! Colossians 16-17 NLT - "So don't let anyone condemn you for what you eat or drink, or for not celebrating certain holy days or new-moon ceremonies or Sabbaths. For these rules were only shadows of the real thing, Christ himself."

HOPE is the ROPE that causes you to FLOAT. Lose your hope and down your emotions go, drowned in depression. Recover hope and up your emotions come, rescued by God. What is hope? Hope is the anticipation of favorable changes. Hope is a joyful looking forward. Hope is a certainty about one's future. See Psalm 42.

Never stop dreaming of harvesting the nations. Never stop dreaming of being financially independent. Never stop doing what God has called you to do. Never stop dreaming of standing before Jesus and hearing Him say, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of the Lord; as thou hast been faithful in a few things I will make thee ruler over much!"

The Size of Your Vision determines the Size of your Provision!

A great dream creates great needs. Great needs create great crises. Great crises create great opportunities for God to show Himself strong. And God showing Himself strong makes great men and women!

Someone has noted that the words God, Goals, Good, and Go, all begin with the letters G-O.

What God incites, God underwrites!

What God favors, God finances!

After you've prayed, REST and simply believe that God is working everything out "Behind The S.E.E.N.S."

The call to Preach is a holy calling and divine office, not to be intruded by Wanna-Be's.

There are "Wanna-Be's" and then there are "Called-To-Be's." The acid test is the presence of the Anointing! A "Touched Mouth" is still the divine signet of approval, letting God's people know that His call to preach and lead rests upon a certain person. Jeremiah 1:9 - "Then the LORD put forth his hand, and touched my mouth. And the LORD said unto me, Behold, I have put my words in thy mouth." Indeed there is ministry and giftings in EVERY BELIEVER, and "body ministry" is a biblical truth. But there is still a separation, a holy calling, and a divine mandate that CALLS ONE TO THE PREACHING MINISTRY and places him or her into one of the "Five-Fold Ministry" offices of Ephesians Chapter 4 as either an apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor or teacher.

Some that claim to be Prophetic are really Pathetic. The true call to New Testament Prophethood has nothing to do with flaky, fly-by-night, superspiritual, spooky saints.

Wanna-Be's rarely claim to be Pastors; usually they claim to be Prophets. That's because their character could never endure years of living before the people like a Pastor, and they know it. So by claiming to be a Prophet, they try to impress those around them just long enough to be heard, and to receive the recognition they so desperately crave. (Please don't misunderstand me; according to Ephesians 4:11 there are genuine New Testament apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers! Today! Functioning in the church world... right now! But there are also a lot of Christians that ASPIRE to become something they were never called to be.)

God-given VISITATIONS such as DREAMS, VISIONS, and TRANCES happen TODAY just like they did in the Book of Acts, the Gospels, and in the Old Testament. Be receptive and open to God granting you these special visitations from time to time. But beware if you think you are having these special visitations daily or weekly, even more than the spiritual leaders of your city, and even more often than various leaders as recorded in the Bible. You may have slipped into religious fanaticism and a realm of forcing continuous dreams and visions which are really proceeding out of your soul, not from God. You now may be manufacturing them in your soul because the few genuine ones you once had were so exciting to you that you must now have them continuously to feel that you are spiritual. All believers who are used often in the prophetic realm, sometimes labeled as "SEERS" by some Bible teachers, desperately need the accountability of a SEER kind of PASTOR who has himself or herself seen the abuses, extremes, hazards, pitfalls, and mistakes that can go along with this kind of gifting.

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