an evaluated metaphor in modern english media-discourse

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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An evaluated metaphor in modern English media-






The Topicality

The Object

The Aim

From Latin discursus, meaning "running to and from"

"written or spoken communication"

Six criteria which must be executed to apply on any writing or verbal text as discourse were offered by Robert de Bogrand. To them belong:

• solidarity is grammatical relations between parts of suggestion, necessary for his interpretation;• intention is a report which must be passed intentionally and consciously;• acceptability means that a communicative product must be satisfactory, as it is asserted in an audience;• informing is some new information, that must be plugged in discourse;• situation is circumstances which the done remarks are important at;• intertextuality is reference to the world beyond text or translators’ diagrams.

We researched the structural classification of metaphors. This external structure of metaphor is presented by two elements:

by the term of comparison (metaphor’s component of combination of words, word in a portable meaning);

by the word-argument or supporting word (metaphor’s component of words combination, questioner the theme of portable meaning).

Material analysis indicates the national-cultural specificity of evaluated English metaphors when

compared with the Ukrainian language:

1. Metaphors are characteristic for both the English and Ukrainian languages : wolf, ram, viper, dog-fish, peacock, cock, sheep, magpie, tiger, lamb, chicken

2. Metaphors are more typical for the Ukrainian language: otter, seal, hippo, elephant, crocodile, lice, gopher, and others.

3. Metaphors are more characteristic for English: velvet, profit; starch, stiffness; frost, failure; gull, a fool; rake, thin man; beaver; butterfly; raccoon; stoat, weasel; whale; canary

According to Artyunova N.D. there are 10 kinds of evaluative metaphors and they have both negative and positive orientation. Comparison with:1) household items (dishes, tools, household items): Barrel (barrel - a complete man), Rag (rag - spineless person); 2) mechanisms: Robot (robot - a man without emotions); 3) subject: Puppet (puppet - dependent person); 4) literary: Witch (witch - evil woman);5) mythology: Apollo (Apollo - a good man) 6) profession, occupation: Preacher (preacher - man, constantly reading notation); 7) natural phenomena: Lightning (lightning - inflammatory person); 8) flora: Bulbouse nose (nose potatoes - big nose); 9) fauna: Sheep (sheep - gentle creature); 10) food: Rotten (rotten - unpleasant, boring people).

The main types of substantive structural metaphor

Proposal metaphor

Metaphor-combination of words

Іsolated metaphor

The idea is blowing through this state like a storm wind. (neutral estimation)

She was a good cook but worked in a perpetual lather of bad temper (negative estimation)

Pompous old ass! (negative)

He said: “This is Hilary Robartss personnel file. …it merely gives the background information; age, places of education, degrees, career… The dry bones of a life.

New age hanging in front of my eyes like two of those Mylar balloons that never come down - новий час висить в мене перед очима, як ті дві фольгові повітряні кульки, котрі ніколи не здуються (time, forever remembered in history час)

Comparison with the subject

We have identified the most frequency comparison.

Comparisons with people

Musical references like Whitney Houston and Cyndi Lauper - musical message, like Whitney Houston and Cindy Lauper have (love song)We bicker like married people – we argue as marriage people (argue, as if it was a habit)

Comparison with the place

Sounds like that'sAngela Merkel and the euro: the new iron chancellor of Germany

Comparison of the profession

Now he’s like a puppeteer in theater - right up my alley – sounds like it's really my lane (man goes his own, free way). Now he is a puppeteer in the theater (he is main and submits nobody).

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