an introduction to invasive non native species bullies in nature

Post on 23-Feb-2016






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An Introduction to Invasive Non Native Species Bullies in nature. An Introduction to Invasive Species Bullies in nature. What are Invasive Non Native Species? Invasive species are bullies in nature Non Native species would not be here naturally - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


An Introduction to Invasive Non Native Species

Bullies in nature

An Introduction to Invasive SpeciesBullies in nature

What are Invasive Non Native Species?

Invasive species are bullies in nature Non Native species would not be here naturally They chase out our native plants, animals and fish

Invasive Non Native Species include animals, fish, plants and micro-organisms that are introduced by human action but which out-compete species which occur naturally in the region.

An Introduction to Invasive SpeciesBullies in nature

How to identify Invasive Non Native Species

Invasive species take over an entire area and eliminate biodiversity

They can grow out of control They chase out our native species The result is a monoculture They have no natural predator

An Introduction to Invasive SpeciesBullies in nature

How do Invasive Non Native Species get here

Introduced deliberately AccidentalOrnamental gardens Ballasts of shipsGame animals Unprocessed woodDomestic animal Food shipmentsPlants for agriculture EscapeesFashion statements On your shoe……..

An Introduction to Invasive SpeciesBullies in nature

What are the negative effects of Invasive Non Native Species Invasive Non Native Species do not provide food They out-compete our native species for limited resources

such as food and habitat. They explode in population because they do not have a

natural predator They are a threat to our ecosystems, economy or society.

An Introduction to Invasive SpeciesBullies in nature

What can we do to help?

Do not release your aquatic pets or plants into the natural environment

Learn to identify invasive species Report any sightings of Invasive Non Native

Species. Remove any debris that has hitchhiked onto

your boots from a natural area.

An Introduction to Invasive SpeciesBullies in nature


Not everyone thinks all INNS are bad.

Beekeepers like Himalayan Balsam American Signal Crayfish are served in restaurants Mink look cute and cuddly (but are they?) American Skunk Cabbage looks pretty

An Introduction to Invasive SpeciesBullies in nature


Are these reasons justification to ignore the damage these species might do to our Native Species and the environment?


Forth Invasive Non Native Species Programme

What do we do?

Tell people about Invasive Non Native Species and why they are important

Train local communities to identify Invasive Species Help people to report sightings Train volunteers to treat Invasive Species Advise on biosecurity measures Coordinate the works strategically on our rivers.

Sub-catchment areas:• Biel Water• Tyne• Esk• Water of Leith• Almond• Avon• Carron• Forth• Teith• Allan Water• Devon• Black Devon• Leven• Fife Coastal• Forth Coastal• East Lothian Coastal• Falkirk Coastal

Forth Invasive Non Native Species Programme

Forth Invasive Non Native Species Programme

RAFT Invasive Species database and reporting website

FINNS has joined a number of other Trusts as part of the RAFTS Invasive Species Programme and uses the new website which has been developed.

The site allows • FINNS staff to enter information directly using a handheld PDA and • Public to enter their own sightings.

With site we can also provide information on areas that have been treated.

Forth Invasive Non Native Species Programme

RAFT Invasive Species database and reporting website

Forth Invasive Non Native Species Programme

RAFT Invasive Species database and reporting website

Forth Invasive Non Native Species Programme

Core funders

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