an introductory guide to mobile marketing

Post on 09-May-2015






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Mobile marketing is quickly becoming one of the most essential elements of a successful marketing strategy. Join other forward-thinking businesses and learn how you can effectively use mobile marketing to grow your business. Topics covered include: - Mobile social networking - Location-based marketing - Creating responsive websites - Mobile email marketing - How-to use mobile applications - And much more! You do not have to be a genius to make mobile work for your business. This ebook is designed to get you up and running with the basics of mobile marketing and teach you how to use it to create new opportunities for your business.


An Introductory Guide To



How to find, convert and keep mobile customers for your business.





Introductory mobile marketing is for anyone who is new to the subject. This is a great place to learn about mobile and how you can use it to add value to your business.

Intermediate mobile marketing is for those with some familiarity with the topic. This content will focus more on the details and best practices.

Advanced mobile marketing is for those who want to learn in-depth tactics on effectively using mobile marketing to grow your business and become an expert.

An Introductory Guide To Mobile Marketing


The world of mobile marketing can be intimidating because it is still relatively new but at the same time, growing exponentially. !

First, I want you to stop trying to “go mobile” and simply start “thinking mobile.” !I say this because you can start using the tools in this ebook for free and you do not have to drastically alter your marketing or sales strategies.

!In this ebook you will learn about and discover great tools that will help you reach and engage your mobile audience! !- Brian Downard | Co-Founder, Pocket Your Shop


An Introductory Guide To Mobile Marketing

Thanks for joining me! In this ebook I am going to help you understand the basics of mobile marketing and how you can use it to find, convert and keep mobile customers. !Our world has been overtaken by mobile devices. From education, healthcare, hospitality, retail and everything in between. Mobile devices are creating new opportunities and challenges for businesses everywhere. !How does your business successfully take advantage of mobile devices? Where should you even start? !Pocket Your Shop created this ebook to help navigate you through the complexities of mobile marketing and highlight crucial areas your business should focus on. Once you have completed this ebook, you will be able to apply new techniques and you’ll be “thinking mobile” in no time.


An Introductory Guide To Mobile Marketing

Instead of trying to direct sell and use expensive, outdated methods of advertising that are difficult to measure, instead your business should start providing useful, interesting content and then share that content in the appropriate places and make it accessible. Just because you build it, does not mean they will come. The combination of right content, right place/time will help you compete in the world of mobile marketing and when done correctly, will help you grow your business. !Ready to learn how-to find, convert and keep mobile customers? Let’s get started!


Marketing has forever changed with the rapid growth and adoption of mobile technology. Marketers need to stay open minded and keep up with trends or risk getting left behind. Consumers are now in control of the content they consume. After decades of continuous and annoying advertisements, today’s consumers do an excellent job of tuning those out. !Through mobile devices, consumers can now view anything they want, anytime, anywhere. You need to start giving customers what they want, or your competitors will.


An Introductory Guide To Mobile Marketing

Mobile Marketing Visualized

To better understand the different areas of mobile marketing we created this simple visual to show how a visitor turns into a lead, then into a customer and ultimately a fan that helps you promote your brand. These will be covered in more depth later in this ebook.

An Introductory Guide To Mobile Marketing

By the end of 2013, there will be more mobile devices on Earth than people.

Mobile marketing is marketing on or through a mobile device, like a smartphone or tablet. These devices have opened many new channels for businesses to connect with their customers anytime, anywhere. !Before we dive into the individual areas of mobile marketing, it is important that you understand what mobile marketing is, what your customer’s needs are and what that means for mobile users’ expectations. !These devices have grown tremendously in a very short amount of time. They’ve gone from simple voice and text phones the size of a brick, to highly engaging, social, connected devices that people can carry in their pockets.

So what areas of mobile marketing should you focus on and how can they be used to grow your business?

Source: Cisco, 2013


An Introductory Guide To Mobile Marketing

The features and potential of social networks has expanded greatly in the past few years. Facebook is considered by most to be a “standard social network” while others like Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Pinterest have put their own spin on the concept of social networking and what businesses can accomplish by using them.

!Pros: • Completely free to share and interact • Hundreds of millions of people use social media daily • Ability to create hyper-targeted ads • Find strangers and turn them into leads and customers • Get people from these networks to your website • Promote and share content you’ve created • Turn loyal customers into brand promoters !Cons: • Very crowded with information • Can be difficult to stand out • There are no secrets, be careful what you share • Can become very time consuming • Measuring ROI in dollars can be difficult

Types Of Mobile Marketing

Social Networks

An Introductory Guide To Mobile Marketing

Many forms of mobile marketing are closely connected and location-based marketing is no exception. However, it relies on other channels of mobile marketing to function properly. Signing up for services like Google, Yelp and using keywords (ex: Los Angeles Sushi, Manhattan Suit Shop) on your website and social networks will help people find your business in local searches. Location-based marketing can even send targeted ads or messages to customers when they enter a certain area with their mobile device. !

Pros: • There are some great, free tools you can use • Local customers can find you when they search online • Give people incentives for coming into your business • Many businesses are not taking advantage of this yet !Cons: • Some services are expensive and confusing • Not every customer has fully adopted location-based marketing • Can become time consuming to manage

Types Of Mobile Marketing Cont.

Location-Based Marketing

An Introductory Guide To Mobile Marketing

Surprisingly, half of all American businesses still do not have a website! That being said, they might be in luck because when they finally create their first website, they will likely add mobile functionality as it has become a standard. !If you already have a website, it is time that you start asking how mobile visitors are viewing and interacting with your website? !

Pros: • Help people discover your business • Extends reach and online visibility • Enhances your online search rankings • Opportunities to convert your audience into customers • A place where it’s okay to “sell” your brand • Use analytics to learn more about your audience • Take advantage of blogging and create traffic !!

Cons: • Can sometimes be expensive • Usually need to hire outside help to build and maintain • A poorly built site can be worse than not having one • Most people expect mobile functionality today

Types Of Mobile Marketing Cont.

Mobile Websites

An Introductory Guide To Mobile Marketing

Email Marketing

Email is one of the oldest and still most popular forms of online communication. A few years ago, having a “smartphone” meant that you could do some form of email and web browsing. While smartphones’ abilities have grown, email remains a crucial function of these devices. !As we’ve become more dependent on these devices, more people will use them to quickly manage their email. The emails you send should not only grab people’s attention, they need to be viewable on mobile devices to ensure you are not loosing potential leads and customers. !

Pros: • You can build a database of qualified leads • Segment leads based off their demographic, interests, etc. • Nurturing leads can create new and repeat customers • Bring customer back to your business • Keeps customers in all stages of the buying process thinking

about your business !Cons: • Learning curve to nurture leads effectively • Requires some creativity and content to capture leads • Can be time consuming to manage

Types Of Mobile Marketing Cont.

An Introductory Guide To Mobile Marketing

Mobile apps are bite-sized pieces of software that are downloaded and used on mobile devices which run independent of your website. !Businesses use these to do everything from sell merchandise to share useful content. But, at their core, businesses use apps to build brand loyalty and keep customers coming back. !

Pros: • Help customer make buying decisions • Share your content anytime, anywhere • Reward your most valuable customers • Use analytics for insights on your mobile audience • Creates lasting value for your customers !

Cons: • Can sometimes be expensive • Usually need professional to build and maintain • Is managed separately from mobile website

Types Of Mobile Marketing Cont.

Mobile Applications

An Introductory Guide To Mobile Marketing

While some still might not have a smartphone, everyone who has a phone can receive SMS or “text” messages. !Unfortunately it is difficult to get customer phone numbers and text messaging can be an annoying and intrusive way to advertise. We want to focus on creating mobile marketing that customers are attracted to and actually want to interact with, not methods that drive them away. !While this can sometimes be an effective form of mobile marketing we chose not to delve too far into this topic. !

Pros: • Almost all texts are opened and read • All mobile phones have this feature • Quickly communicate with short messages !

Cons: • Difficult to get customer phone numbers • Is sometimes viewed as “spam” • Can be expensive to implement • Difficult to measure your return on investment

Types Of Mobile Marketing Cont.

Text Messaging

An Introductory Guide To Mobile Marketing

Understand What Your Customers WantYou probably already have a good idea of what your customers are interested in and who your target audience is. If not, you need to define these things so you can define your marketing strategy in order to translate your audience’s needs and desires to the small screen. !Do your customers require a lot of educating before making a purchase? Maybe your audience is influenced by social networks and always wants to stay updated with the latest industry trends? Maybe they like internet memes and feel good messages? !STEPS FOR ANALYZING YOUR AUDIENCE !• Think about who makes up your target audience • What are your audience’s desires, goals and problems • Think about which pain points you help them solve • Create multiple customer personas • Decide what kind of content are looking for online • What content does your competitors provide • Build a list of ideas you can refer back to !!

You likely already have a plan similar to this in place. Remember, you need to provide useful, interesting content and then share that content in places your audience will find it.

An Introductory Guide To Mobile Marketing

Understanding Mobile UsersIt’s incredible how quickly humans can change their habits. For better or worse, mobile devices have changed human behavior forever. !These devices have conditioned us to believe that all information should be at our fingertips and instantaneous. Patience is low and the demand for new content is never ending. To help you understand what mobile users demand from modern businesses, we listed a few tips below.

!MOBILE USERS LOVE !• Simple, straightforward, uncluttered design • Large, eye-catching visuals over plain text • Content to be optimized for mobile and load quickly • To scan over pages instead of reading them • Easy access to fresh content from the favorite sources

!MOBILE USERS HATE !• “Pinching & Zooming” to view websites • Too many options or calls-to-action • Confusing or broken navigation • Endless words with no visual content • Sub-par user interface design

An Introductory Guide To Mobile Marketing

Now that you have learned some mobile marketing basics we will move onto social networks, the easiest and most popular form of mobile marketing. !Why is it the easiest? This is already the place your customers and potential customers are spending the majority of their time online. Also, it doesn’t hurt that all the social networks are all free to join and use! !Utilizing social media can help build an audience of people who are interested in what your company products, services, and most importantly, what your brand represents. !When used correctly, you can drive your social networks’ followers through social networks to your website or landing pages and then convert them into leads. !Even if you are already using social media, you still need to understand how-to engage your mobile audience.


56% of Americans have a profile on a social network.

Source: Convince & Convert, 2012

An Introductory Guide To Mobile Marketing

Social Networks With Mobile UsersThe rapidly growing adoption of mobile has more and more people using their smartphones and tablets to access their favorite social networks. !The largest and most popular social networks are Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google+ and FourSquare. !

While the basic idea is the same ( you connect with other people ) each social network has their own differences and functions that entire books have been written on.

!Instead of covering each network in depth, this section will outline the most popular networks then teach you some social marketing best practices, complimented by examples for you to learn from.

An Introductory Guide To Mobile Marketing

!Facebook This social network is a great place to build an audience of people who are interested in your business. This is by far the most popular social network and can help you create a strong fan base that you can untimely convert into leads. Learn More: 6 Ways To Optimize Your Facebook Marketing For Mobile !!!Twitter This network allows people to share a continuous stream of information and allows you to interact with anyone without being “friends”. Your posts are all archived and can be searched and discovered by other Twitter users. Building relationships and generating “followers” on Twitter is key to your success on this social network. Learn More: 11 Guaranteed Ways to Get Others to Retweet Your Content !!!LinkedIn Much like Facebook, you use LinkedIn to build personal relationships with individual people. LinkedIn focuses on your professional life and business networking. Learn More: How to Use LinkedIn Emails to Generate Loads of Leads

An Introductory Guide To Mobile Marketing

!Pinterest This social network allow you to share photos and videos of anything that relates to your business, products, services, team, etc. These photos and videos are called “Pins” and you create different “Boards” that the “Pins” can be viewed from. Just like an old fashioned pin board! This can be a incredibly useful network to drive inbound traffic for your website. Learn More: How-To Inspire Customers Using Pinterest !!!FourSquare This is a location-based social network where users can digitally “check-in” to local businesses and attractions they are close to. While this is a social network, because it is based solely on location we will discuss it more in the next section. Learn More: How-To Use Foursquare To Find Local Customers !!!Google+ Like Facebook, this has your personal and business accounts connected. This network is great for your SEO, link building, local search and getting online reviews. Learn More: 5 Reasons to Use Google+ for Business

An Introductory Guide To Mobile Marketing

!• Include keywords in your profiles descriptions • Use plenty of visual content (photos, videos, etc.) • Use under 160 characters in your posts • Recognize and interact with loyal followers • Use re-occurring themes in your posts • Include calls-to-action to encourage a reaction, response • Include links to your content to drive traffic • If you purchase an ad, target mobile users • Use analytic tools to measure your efforts



!• Don’t use multiple calls-to action in one post • Don’t lack consistency in how often you post • Don’t try and hard sell your products and services • Don’t post the same things over and over again • Don’t bring up sensitive topics (politics, religion, etc.) • Don’t be afraid to be different and stand out!

An Introductory Guide To Mobile Marketing

Mobile Only Social NetworksSome social networks were built specifically for mobile devices. These social networks are relatively new but the businesses who start to invest in building a presence will benefit the most. (Be an early adopter!) The two most popular mobile only social networks are Instagram and Vine. !You’ll want to use these to build a mobile audience for your business. You can even share the content you’ve created to other social networks. Facebook users love Instagram photos and Twitter users love Vine videos!

!Instagram This social network lets you post and share photos and videos. It uses a simple editing tool that allows anyone to make creative and engaging content from their mobile device. Learn More: How-To Use Instagram To Market Your Business !!Vine This app lets you create looping video clips through either one clip or merging different ones. There are no do-overs, everything is in the moment which makes the videos natural, fun and sometimes a little weird. Learn More: How 15 Real Businesses Are Getting Creative With Vine

An Introductory Guide To Mobile Marketing

!• Use hashtags (example: #mobilemarketing #ebook) to make your posts

searchable and reach a larger audience • Be creative and showcase what makes your brand unique • Show “behind the scenes” at your business • Share the content you create to your other social networks • Showcase your staff and customers • Share photo/videos of your products and services in action • Give your followers a unique coupon or special • Post photos/ videos you create to other social networks • Post often and respond to your social audience

!!• Posting too many photos/videos of the same thing • Confusing or irrelevant photos/videos • Insensitive or offensive photos/videos • Ignore your audience’s comments


An Introductory Guide To Mobile Marketing


Best Practices

The first thing to consider when creating or refreshing your social networks is the design. What is the first thing you want your audience to see or do when they land on your page? !Get creative and make use of your social profile picture and profile header. Is your header appealing? Does it stand out? Does it represent your brand? !

Be sure all descriptions are short and concise. Try to convey the value in following your profile. Be sure links to your website and other social networks are in the appropriate places so they can learn more about your business and explore what you have to offer.

!Also, like a website, ensure address, phone number, emails, other contact info is easy to find. Each social network has it’s own place for this information. Be sure to include relevant keywords in your profile description based on what you do and where you’re located.

First Impressions & Design

An Introductory Guide To Mobile Marketing

Examples Of Great Design

1)  Etsy  Facebook 2)  Red  Bull  Facebook 3)  Nike  Twi:er

1) Etsy’s logo is easily distinguished and the header is a a clean, interesting image of a featured product. !2) Red Bull’s header represents their brand, is eye-catching and instantly prompts interest in their profile. !3) Nike regularly updates their headers with new products and lifestyle images that showcase additions to their brand.

An Introductory Guide To Mobile Marketing

Content That Works

On Facebook photos generate 53% more likes than the average post. Videos on Facebook are shared 12 times more than links and text posts combined. !Visual content should be your main focus. Sharing relevant content others have created is a great start, but ultimately you should create your own original content. Luckily, your smartphone has countless photo and video editing apps where the only limit is our own creativity. !Think about who your target customers are. What inspires, motivates and interests them? Start there and try new pieces of content to see which works best!

When To Post

!Users are much more engaged later in the afternoon and on weekends. With peak times around 3:00PM – 9:00PM.

An Introductory Guide To Mobile Marketing

1)  Sharpie  Instagram 2)  General  Electric  Vine 3)  HubSpot  Pinterest

1) Sharpie uses their Instagram to share unique pictures drawn by their customers using Sharpie pens. !2) GE creates fun, quick Vine videos that successfully turns a usually boring industry into one that is fun and interesting. !3) HubSpot’s Pinterest account is loaded with insightful marketing ebooks that drives a ton of traffic to their website.

Examples Of Great Content

An Introductory Guide To Mobile Marketing

Visual content is an important part of your social network strategy, but even more important, is how you are using that content to engage your audience. !Is your audience seeing or interacting with your posts? Are you responding to comments and recognizing your loyal fans and customers? !

When posting to a social network, always ask your self what action you’d like your audience take. By using calls-to-action similar to “Like this if…” “What do you think about…” “Tap the link to…” you can prompt more engagement for your audience by simply telling them what to do.

!Make sure that you are responding to all customer comments and questions. Doing so shows your audience they are being recognized by your business and that there are real people behind your social networks, not robots.

Engaging Your Social Audience

An Introductory Guide To Mobile Marketing

With your social networks, the ultimate goal is to convert strangers into followers then into qualified leads. While every post doesn’t need to be used to drive traffic, you still need to send people from your social networks to your website and/or landing pages if you want any chance of converting them. !While retailers and restaurants might find success in offering specials and promotions, hotels would benefit from sharing useful travel tips and advice from their blog or website. !You should continuously try new and unique offers to see which kind resonates with your audience. !Here are some other great ways to drive traffic: !

• Create contests for your audience • Useful and interesting blog posts or content offers • Use social network only specials and deals • Upcoming events your business is hosting • Use relevant hashtags in posts to find new people • Use Pinterest and link images you post to your website • Be a real person from time to time, don’t overdo the links • Like in selling, focus on value not features

Drive Traffic From Social Networks

An Introductory Guide To Mobile Marketing

1)  Houzz  Facebook 2)  Four  Seasons  Twi:er 3)  SEOmoz  Twi:er

1) Houzz has regular posts like “Design Dilemma” which keep users coming back to share their thoughts and drives traffic. !2) The Four Seasons uses Twitter to speak directly with guests around the world and recognize loyal ones. !3) SEOmoz addresses customer concerns and even handles some of their tech support using Twitter!

Examples Of Great Engagement

An Introductory Guide To Mobile Marketing

Arguably the most important aspect of social networking, is to turn your customers into online promoters for your business.

!There is nothing like free word of mouth advertising. Now with social media, the reach of a single person’s profile can be immense. !When customers share, review or interact with your business online, you can guarantee it will pique the interest of their family and friends who have similar interests.

!You need to start taking advantage of your audience’s social reach and modern word-of-mouth advertising. !Here are some ways you can start: !• Start collecting reviews for your business on Google Places, Facebook,

LinkedIn, Yelp, TripAdvisor and other relevant websites • Use “thank you” emails for recent customers asking for a review • Tag customers in posts, photos and videos when appropriate • Respond to every comment and spark conversations/debates • Recognize most engaged fans and interact with them often • Identify online influencers in your industry and interact with them

Turn Customers Into Fans & Promoters

An Introductory Guide To Mobile Marketing

Key Takeaways: Social Networks

We’ve covered…

!• Facebook is the most downloaded app in the world so make sure you

have an active presence • Ensure your profile pictures and headers look good on both desktop

and mobile devices • Keep posts under 160 characters • Use calls-to-actions: “Like this…” “Share this…” “Tap this…” • Include links in posts so users tap through and take the next step • Use to shorten and track links you share • Ask questions and respond to every comment possible • Keep fresh content coming • Use re-occurring themes in your posts • Write blog posts and share them with your audience • Try mobile-only social networks like Vine & Instagram to build new

audiences • Include keywords in your social network descriptions and posts to

help find new customers who are searching for those keywords

An Introductory Guide To Mobile Marketing

It would be impossible to discuss mobile marketing without mentioning location-based marketing. This type of marketing is unique because it requires that you use other forms of mobile marketing like social networks and mobile applications to properly take advantage of location-based marketing. !For example, a person out and about in a shopping district can go to Google on their smartphone and enter something like “local ice cream.” Based on their location their search results will list all of the local ice cream parlors with reviews, directions, hours and contact information. !!!!!With more advanced forms of location-based marketing, you can send target ads to customers in a certain area and even send push notifications (like a text message) through a mobile app when someone enters your business. !Location-based marketing is a new and exiting area in mobile, read on to learn more!

52% of all local searches are done from a mobile device.


Source: Microsoft, 2012

An Introductory Guide To Mobile Marketing

As previously mentioned, there are countless people who make local searches. In fact 95% of mobile users use their devices for local search. (Source: Nielsen) !If you want to compete and successfully market your business, you need to have an online presence in all the places your customers are making local searches. Below is a list to get you started. !

• Google Places • Yahoo Local • Bing Local • Yelp • MerchantCircle • Zagat • YellowPages

!Another great way to build links and optimize local searches is to put relevant keywords in all your social network descriptions, website, landing pages, blog, etc. !Use Google Keyword Tool to help decide which keywords get the most traffic and which are appropriate for your business.

Local Search & Keywords

An Introductory Guide To Mobile Marketing

Some of your favorite social networks like Facebook already have location enabled features. For example, when a customers is in your store they can digitally “Check-In” and let their friends know where they are via Facebook. They can also “Tag” a location in a photo or post they share. !

Make sure your business address is properly listed on your social networks and encourage customers to “check-in” or “tag” your business on their profiles. When they do this, you take advantage of their social reach which leads to new prospects for your business.

!FourSquare is another popular social network that relies solely on a users location. In the same way Facebook allows users to check-in, FourSquare is very similar. However, FourSquare allows you to offer incentives inside the app to bring new and curious shoppers into your business. !Further Reading: !How-To Run A Successful Check-In Campaign !7 Simple Ways Businesses Use Location-Based Marketing

Location-Based Marketing & Social Media

An Introductory Guide To Mobile Marketing

Key Takeaways: Location-Based Marketing

Location-based marketing is not the easiest or most affordable form of mobile marketing, but when used correctly it can yield fantastic results. !• Sign up on all major search engines to get found by customers • Search for websites and mobile apps your target audience frequents,

then ensure your business is a part of those networks • Encourage online reviews to get higher search rankings • Ensure your location is clearly listed on your website and social

networks for local searches • Include keywords relevant to your business on your website and social

network for customers making local searches • Encourage customers to “check-in” to your business to take

advantage of their online reach • Sign up for Foursquare and create “check-in” specials if appropriate

for your business

An Introductory Guide To Mobile Marketing

Now that you understand how to engage your mobile audience with social media, the next place they will likely end up is your website or a landing page. !You need to ensure the mobile experience doesn’t end at your social networks. When a potential customer taps through to your website, if that page is not mobile-friendly, you will more than likely loose them. !!!!!Think mobile web development is expensive? In some cases it can be. But there is good news! There are great tools and strategies you can start using that only cost a little time and creativity. !But first you need to make sure your potential customers are actually taking the next step on your website and that they are not abandoning your site for a competitor’s.


By 2014, mobile internet usage will overtake desktop internet usage.

Source: Nielson, 2012

An Introductory Guide To Mobile Marketing

One of the first questions that usually arises is, “What is the difference between a mobile website and a responsive website?” !MOBILE WEBSITES !These are bite-sized version of your website with similar design but most of the normal functionality is gone. It is built separately but usually hosted from the same location. !This is usually the best option for a business who wants some simple information like phone numbers, directions, specials, photos and maybe some video. This is usually the first choice for local businesses. !RESPONSIVE WEBSITES !Unlike a mobile website which is separate from the original, a responsive website is a single website. It will determine the size of the screen a user has, then the website will scale and rearrange content to fit that users’s phone, tablet or computer. This kind of web development can be more expensive but it is undoubtedly the most efficient and effective.

Mobile Vs. Responsive Websites

An Introductory Guide To Mobile Marketing

If you decide to go with a mobile website, ensure your website already looks good on a tablet and understand you will need to create this mobile website separate from your original. !

Include all crucial information upfront and focus on driving visitors to take the next step and perform what ever action you would like them to.

!It does not matter if that action is to download an ebook, enter a contest, get a special deal, join an email list, or even just learn more about your products and services. !Ensure your focus is on converting those mobile visitors into potential leads for your business. It’s likely they won’t stay on your site for long, give them something they can leave with which ultimately gets them to come back. !Be sure to ask for their email and name in exchange for the content you provided. By doing this you can add them to your email list and nurture them as a lead.

Mobile Websites

An Introductory Guide To Mobile Marketing

1)  The  Cosmopolitan 2)  Nike 3)  Social  Media  Examiner

1) With clear call-to-actions and all of the important information immediately displayed, their site is both useful and convenient. !2) Nike also uses a clear enticing call-to-action with simple, clear navigation and search capabilities to explore their site. !3) This blog makes every article easy to navigate with clear buttons to read more or share on Twitter.

Examples Of Mobile Websites

An Introductory Guide To Mobile Marketing

A newer form of web development, responsive websites can scale to any device or screen size. In some cases responsive websites can be more expensive, but if your budget allows it, this should definitely be your first choice. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!These websites increase your reach to all kinds of mobile devices, they save time and money on site management and they also allow you to consolidate your website analytics.

Responsive Websites

An Introductory Guide To Mobile Marketing

Starbucks Coffee !The website has a ton of great visual content in clean, eye-catching squares that look good on all devices. As the device screen gets smaller, words and less important content begin to disappear so only crucial information and large visuals are displayed on smaller screens.

Example of a Responsive Website

An Introductory Guide To Mobile Marketing

Not interested or able to spending a ton of money to build an entire website? With some time and creativity you can create awesome mobile websites. Here is a list of our favorites. !!MOBILE WEBSITES !• DuDa Mobile • Google’s GoMo • Onbile • M Dot App • Instapage !RESPONSIVE WEBSITES !• / • Theme Forest • Webflow • HTML5 Up • Fit Text • JotForm (Lead Capture Forms) • MailChimp (Landing Pages) • Google Analytics

Mobile & Responsive Website Tools

An Introductory Guide To Mobile Marketing

When someone visits your website they will not always make a purchase or stop by, but you still want to turn that visitor into a lead and one day a paying customer. !Using different landing pages and various calls-to-action will encourage visitors to browse and stay on your site longer. !

Place relevant calls-to-action in various parts of your website to drive action. For example, if they are on your Products or Services page, give them the clear option to contact, purchase, or get a demo. Or if you have weekly exclusives for email subscribers, provide a place for visitors to join.

!Once a visitor taps through the call-to-action they will end up on a “landing page.” !Landing pages usually requires a person to enter some basic contact information in exchange for what ever you are offering them. (You filled out a landing page to get this ebook) !This will allow you to collect leads and emails. You will learn what to do with those emails in the next section.

How-To Generate Leads With Your Website

An Introductory Guide To Mobile Marketing

Ideally, you want to create content for leads in every part of the buying process, then provide relevant offers to keep them moving through your marketing/sales funnel. !Purchases that do not require a lot of thought like food or commodities might use specials or deals to entice customers. While B2B businesses will likely need ebooks and whitepapers for their audience who need to make decisions based on numbers and case studies. !

You’ve likely heard the saying “content is king.” When creating your content, consider your mobile audience and don’t leave them out of the equation! If you want to generate leads with your website create original, targeted content that is interesting and helpful then make that content easy for your visitors to find.

How-To Generate Leads With Your Website

52% of smartphone users prefer receiving offers on their mobile device.

Source: eConsultancy, 2012

An Introductory Guide To Mobile Marketing

1) The first call-to-action at the top of this site says “Special Offers.” This pushes people through the buying process. !2) Folksy does a great job of highlighting the area to sign up and receive their “Weekly Guide” to their website. !3) No matter which Hubspot ebook you want, their landing pages always capture a good amount of lead information.

1)  Skinny  Ties 2)  Folksy 3)  Hubspot

Examples Of Lead Capturing

An Introductory Guide To Mobile Marketing

Key Takeaways: Mobile Websites

!• Keep your core website content the same • Use inviting, easy-to-understand images • Choose a nice font and emphasize important areas • Think bold, contrasting colors that are visually appealing • Clearly include your logo and contact information • Think simple navigation, nothing fancy • Ensure website pages load quickly • Have a clear call-to-action to take your visitors to the next step • Focus your website on the content you offer • Always convey the value in downloading your content • Generate leads by utilizing landing pages • Understand people want insight and help before products or services • Use Google Analytics to better understand your audience

An Introductory Guide To Mobile Marketing

So you’ve learned how to build a mobile audience, convert them into potential leads, but how do you close the deal and keep them coming back? !Email marketing is still one of the best ways to nurture and convert leads. But let’s be clear, email etiquette is very important. Emails should be helpful, interesting and only sent to people who have signed up to receive them. Spamming people won’t win you any customers. !!!!!Many times people will check their emails from their phone and delete everything they don’t want. Once on their desktop computer, they read and/or respond to the important ones. !This means you only have a couple of seconds to capture your audience’s attention. So how do you do it? !Provide something useful and make it mobile-friendly.


41% of all US mobile internet time is spent on email.

Source: Return Path, 2012

An Introductory Guide To Mobile Marketing

Building on top of the last section, once you capture leads from your landing page, use their emails to create lists and send targeted messages.

!Using email marketing tools (there is a list later in this section) you can segment your leads based on the content they download and/or their stage in the buying process.

!To nurture leads, there are two types of content you want to focus on offering. Content that is similar to the content they previously downloaded and content that push them further through the sales funnel. !You can use email marketing to re-convert old leads and bring them back to your business again and again. !You’ll want to create template emails you can re-use. A few examples include: newsletters, content offers, thank you emails, weekly blog re-caps, monthly specials for email subscribers, etc.

Nurture Leads With Targeted Messages

An Introductory Guide To Mobile Marketing

Ever hear about copywriting? Basically it is a form of persuasive writing that online marketers use. By using these four simple steps below you can create great emails. !1) Attention Grabbing Headline 2) Problem / Solution 3) Desire 4) Action

!Attention Grabbing Headline: The headline can be tricky, but it can make or break countless views. It needs to convey value, stand out and use relevant keywords. !Problem/Solution: Address an issue or interest your audience has and then provide them with a solution. This can be as complex as an ebook or simple as providing reliable information. !Desire: Always give email subscribers some kind of desire to take an action and show them the value in doing so. !Action: Finally, ensure they can clearly see how to take the next step and ultimately take the action you want.

How-To Create A Great Email

An Introductory Guide To Mobile Marketing

Simple text emails that you create for personal communication will scale to any screen size. However, if you are creating an email campaign and need more visuals then you need to ensure it also scales to any screen size. !!

!1) Clearly display your logo 2) Use contrasting colors 3) Contact information 4) Emphasize different parts of the email 5) Always include calls-to-action 6) Reduce image size for fast loading !

!!Now you will need a responsive email template, much like a responsive website that can scale to any screen size. These can be found by simply searching online. !Doing this will ensure you aren’t losing the interest of your audience when they open your email on their mobile devices.

How-To Build A Mobile Email

An Introductory Guide To Mobile Marketing

1)  Nike 2)  Gamestop 3)  LinkedIn

1) This Nike’s is eye-catching and easy to understand. It also makes it easy for readers to find a store or shop online quickly. !2) Gamestop’s weekly newsletter always has great deals and offers unique, personalized deals for their subscribers. !3) LinkedIn emails are clean, strait forward, encourage readers to take an action and are easy to read on mobile devices.

Examples Of Great Email Marketing

An Introductory Guide To Mobile Marketing

Key Takeaways: Email Marketing

We’ve covered… !

• Provide something useful to entice them • Be helpful, useful and interesting • Hard-selling doesn’t work • Let them know what to expect in the subject (you only have a second

or two to capture their attention with your subject) • Keep the design similar to your website and brand • Make sure it’s scannable, and easy to read. Edit, edit, edit! • Include your name and company name for the “From Address” • Have an action for them to take to move them through the marketing

funnel • Make subscribing and unsubscribing simple • Use responsive templates to fit any device screen size • Create a email marketing calendar with re-occurring themes • Look into “email workflows” for example, when you get a lead they

get a series of 3 emails over a period of 14 days that keeps your business on their mind

An Introductory Guide To Mobile Marketing

Your loyal customers shouldn’t miss out on all of the mobile fun! While they likely interact with you on social networks and browse your website occasionally, there is another, more rewarding and interactive way for them to interact with your business on their mobile devices. !By using mobile applications your business can: !• Convert old and new customers • Build brand loyalty with your audience • Keep customers coming back to your business • Get more insight on your customers’ behaviors • Share content anytime, anywhere Mobile apps are powerful tools in your marketing toolkit when used correctly. There is a huge audience of people who regularly use mobile apps to shop, interact and explore. Make sure your business doesn’t get left out of the conversation.


Mobile websites are for finding new customers. Mobile apps are for building brand loyalty.

An Introductory Guide To Mobile Marketing

There are countless lifestyle apps for everything from travel, technology, electronics, home & garden, dining and everything in between. !Many of these services encourage businesses to sign up for free or at a nominal cost so their audience can find their business.

!Many online services like Yelp!, Yellow Pages, etc. have mobile apps and are widely used. Be sure to know which are relevant to your industry and target audience then sign up!

Hospitality Retailers• TripAdvisor • Hotels Tonight • KAYAK • • JetSetter

• Merchant Circle • RetailMeNot • Amazon Local • Living Social • Swirl

The Usual Suspects

• Google Places • Yelp!

• Yahoo Local • Yellow Pages

• Bing Local • Super Pages

Relevant Industry Apps Your Audience Uses

An Introductory Guide To Mobile Marketing

At the center of your mobile marketing is your branded mobile app. It is the center because it acts as an all-in-one tool your customers can take anywhere, anytime.

!This is arguably the closest you can get to customers. It enables you to build brand loyalty and provide lasting value simply by making your business convenient, useful and accessible.

!Think of your app as a tiny piece of software that runs only on mobile operating systems like iOS and Android. Your mobile app should be free to download and use, after all it’s a tool for your customers. !Features like interactive maps, one tap calling, e-commerce, social integration, promotions/specials and content like videos, ebooks, podcasts, etc. provide lasting value so customers want to come back to again and again. !You want to use your mobile app to keep customers thinking about your business, add value to your business, products/services and re-convert customers.

Your Own Branded Mobile App

An Introductory Guide To Mobile Marketing

Just like when building a website, you need to actually create something people want to use. Now that your customers have downloaded your app, you need to keep them using the app and keep them thinking about your business. !By regularly updating and offering new content, you can keep users coming back to see what’s new, giving you more chances to convert leads. !!!!For example, Jax Bicycle Center uses their mobile app to provide professional cycling tips from bike purchasing basics to advanced skills and questions. !By helping customers make more informed buying decisions and then over time adding value to your products and services you can help customers justify the money they spend at your business. !When customers have access to a convenient place where they can be recognized and rewarded for being a customer, it creates a memorable experience, it’s something worth sharing and talking about.

Provide Lasting Value That Creates Loyalty

An Introductory Guide To Mobile Marketing

Like with other forms of modern marketing it can sometimes be difficult to measure the amount of money being generated by your mobile app unless you have a big budget and team. !Here are some of our ideas on how you can generate more revenue using your mobile app.

!Direct: !• Sell products and services in your app • Offer regular mobile-only promotions and deals • Make product and service inquiries simple • Sell advertising in your app to business partners • Showcase in-store specials and events • Create enticing reasons to come visit your business !Indirect: !• Capture leads inside your mobile app • Create content that helps people make buying decisions • Create content that adds value to your products & services

How To Make Money With Your App

An Introductory Guide To Mobile Marketing

1)  Residence  Inn  Marrio: 2)  Apple  Store 3)  Jax  Bicycle  Center

1) With so many places to visit, this Southern California this Marriott focuses on location information for their guests. !2) Apple’s own app makes it easy to make appointments and find interesting classes which drives people into their stores. !3) With monthly deals and a library full of professional cycling tips and advice, Jax keeps their customers coming back.

Examples Of Great Mobile Apps

An Introductory Guide To Mobile Marketing

Key Takeaways: Mobile Apps

!• Focus on providing useful content and ask, what will keep your

customers coming back? • Build relationships with customers through mobile only specials or

rewards for app users; give incentives • Add value to your business by offering useful content on the go • Generate leads and re-convert customers with your app • Have a place for product and service information and inquires • Allow customers to leave feedback on the app and your business • Have a clear place for them to contact you or get directions • Regularly update the app with new content • Use high-resolution images • Your app icon and description must be unique and enticing • Promote your mobile app online and in-store • Measure everything with analytics so you can adjust your strategy

An Introductory Guide To Mobile Marketing

Like with any project or goal, without a plan, you’ll never be able to finish what you started. Without a goal, you can’t score. !Mobile marketing will continue to grow and change overtime, but you need to remember that no matter what form of marketing you are using, it will always about people; people equals customers equals business. !If you are going to invest your time, energy and in some cases money you want to ensure you’re using best practices and continuously learning how-to successfully use mobile marketing in your business. !Using the techniques and tools in this ebook you can start interacting and building lasting relationships with your customers where they are actually spending their time. !Thank you for reading! !Be sure to check out for more great content on mobile marketing.


An Introductory Guide To Mobile Marketing

Further Reading

The mobile industry is evolving. !Marketers are beginning to realize that this recent explosion of mobile is not just a fad. That is why we wanted to share these stats to show you the effect that mobile has had on modern marketing. !Continue reading →

Does your business use mobile marketing? Through your social networks and email marketing, you likely already are. But are you effectively reaching and engaging your mobile audience? !Continue reading →

Prove the return on investment of your mobile app. We’ve put together 5 of the most important mobile metrics to help you see what you’re doing right and where you need help. !Continue reading →

An Introductory Guide To Mobile Marketing

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