an odd day unit question: what values are worth fighting for? and...unit question: what values are...

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Unit question: What values are worth fighting for?

Wednesday 11/25/19 Today is

an ODD day


Clean out your binder!Current Events Group 2 presenting Wednesday!

Plan ahead:

Vocab quiz Thursday 12/5Causes of the Revolution test 12/11

Very often our behavior, what we

say and do, is influenced by our


So, what is a value? We may say:

the ideas that we believe are

important, the things that we rate

highly are our values.

Some values are: justice,

liberty and being honest.

Values play an important part in our lives. They

help us decide what we expect of ourselves and

of others. Our values help us to make decisions.

Add some more values:





respect kindness

French and Indian War

Ummmm….it’s the war between the

French and British

(the French had Indian allies!)

Unit question: What values are worth fighting for?

(1) European


that claimed

land in


America in


(2) Between 1689 and 1748, France and

Britain had fought for power in Europe and

North America. In 1754, fighting broke out

for a fourth time. The struggle that followed

lasted until 1760. British settlers called the

conflict the French and Indian War because

the French and its Native American allies

fought together against the British.

(3) Scuffles between France and Britain in the

Ohio River valley triggered the opening shots

of the French and Indian War.

Mississippi River

Ohio River




played a

major role in

this early

phase of the


(4) Delegates from seven

colonies gathered in Albany,

New York. They wanted to

plan a united colonial

defense. The delegates in

Albany knew that the

colonists had to work

together to defeat the French.

Benjamin Franklin proposed

the Albany Plan of Union.

The plan was an attempt to

create one general

government for the 13


(5) Based on the political cartoon, the

values of unity and cooperation were

important to Benjamin Franklin.

(6) When the plan was submitted

to the colonial assemblies,

however, not one approved it.

None of the colonies wanted to

give up any of its powers to a

central council.

(7) At the start of the French and Indian War,

the French had several advantages over the

British. The French had the support of many

more Indian allies than the British did.

Algonquin Indians Huron Indians

(8) Britain, however, also had strengths. The

English colonies were clustered along the coast,

so they were easier to defend than the widely

scattered French settlements.

French settlement

(9) Finally, in 1763, Britain and France

signed the Treaty of Paris, officially

bringing the long conflict to an end.

The Treaty of Paris marked

the end of French power in North


(10) Under the treaty, Britain gained Canada

and all French lands east of the Mississippi River.

After years of fighting, peace

returned to North America. Yet, in

a few short years, a new conflict

would break out. This time, the

struggle would have Britain fighting

against its own 13 colonies.

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