analysis of double page articles for tv shows

Post on 24-May-2015






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Analysis of Double Page Articles for TV Shows


Analysis of Double Page Spread Articles For TV Shows

Gregory McLaney - A2 Media: Unit G324

Gregory McLaney - A2 Media: Unit G324

Main Heading/Headline – The main headline for the double page spread is ‘A diary of courage’ this largely placed text over the main image is eye catching and draws the viewers attention towards the lower text.

Caption – The caption for the double page spread is ‘Behind the scenes’ this is positioned in smaller text than the main body text but acts as a title. The views eye is guided from the main text to the main image then to this caption to develop and understanding of the article.

The Main Image – The main image used for this double page spread article is of a main lying down on a bed. The image is intriguing and the mise-en-scene links with the diary as he is hold it in his hand. Overall, this image works well in provoking the viewers attention.

Body Text/Copy Text – Quote Line – There is the use of a quote line in a larger font than the body text to introduce the text to the reader and hopefully attract them in to reading the full body text.

Page Number, date and publisher – Positioned at the bottom of the page is all of the generic conventions of a double page spread and these are illustrated here in a small font.

Body Text/Copy Text – In this text there is the main body text explaining the show which is being advertised. This body text is the final convention in which leads the viewer in to watching the show. So, it is vital that it attracts the viewer. Plus, with this piece due to the topic of the show they have used a timed sequence structure to divide their article. This is used with red clock times and this stylistic feature is unique compared to generic articles.

Secondary Imagery – This page has been designed with secondary imagery to appeal to the viewer to watch the TV show, plus this is developed with text over the images and in doing this it develops further information which has the possibility to persuade viewers to watch the TV show.

Side Bar – There is the use of a sidebar on this article to develop alternative TV show options for viewers to watch. This has images and text to attract the eye of the viewer.

Gregory McLaney - A2 Media: Unit G324

Main Heading/Headline – The main heading for this artic le page is ‘Class Warrior’ it is placed larger in the top left of the page above the body of the text. It develops and insight in to the ideas of the TV show/

Show Name, Channel and Time – In this article there is the use of a small section where it develops the show name, channel and time so the viewer can gain the essential information to watch the show. This is a typical convention of a double page spread article which is advertising a TV show.

The Main Image – The main image used on this article double page spread is a large image of a medium close up of a woman, this links to the TV Show and fills the whole of the right hand page. In dong this, it makes the image stand out more than every other feature, they for making it very eye catching to the viewer.

Body Text/Copy Text – Quote Line – In this double page spread article, there is the use of a quote line to initiate the viewers reading of the article. It develops a rhetorical question here drawing the viewer in to the text. Plus it is a common convention to use quote lines in article such as this one.

Page Number - In this double page spread there is the use of page number. This is very typical from double page spread articles and is a consistent generic convention

Body Text/Copy Text – This articles body text uses a standard text format with 3 columns but it uses three drop caps to start certain paragraphs. It is a good method and works well in dividing the text. Plus, the image and quote emerged in the text works well in drawing the viewers eye.

Secondary Imagery – The use of a secondary image in this article has been used, it is wrapped around the body text and develops and alternative view to the main imagery. Plus, this is illustrated with text over it to offer a further insight in to the TV Show drawing the viewers attention.

Side Quote – In this double page spread, there is a small side quote in the top right hand blind spot which develops an insight in to the TV show. This is only placed here to lead the eye from the main image.

Gregory McLaney - A2 Media: Unit G324

Analysis Conclusion – ‘Alex: a Passion for Life’

Overall, this double page spread advertising a TV show called ‘Alex: a Passion for Life’ uses a lot of the common conventions of articles such as the channel listing, main header, images, secondary images and more. Through the analysis of this I will develop stylistic choice used in this to influence my work. Such as, the framed channel listing, text positioned at the bottom in various columns and large text over images.

Gregory McLaney - A2 Media: Unit G324

Analysis Conclusion – ‘Criminal Justice’To conclude, this double page spread, is seemingly plain, however it is effective. The use of the main image is eye catching and strong. The use of this with the secondary image catches the viewers eye and leads them to read the main body text. Overall, the page develops common elements of an article and through this I will take inspiration and use the stylistic choices of drop caps on paragraphs, a large title and using images to lead the eye to text.

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