analysis of short films - task 3

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  • 7/31/2019 Analysis of short films - Task 3


    Analysis of short films Task 3

    Film 1

    Losers by Everynone. This short film is edited in montage. It starts off by showing many people

    getting bullied, loosing at football, or doing a hobby etc. Throughout the film you see hateful

    messages being sent to these people, it then cuts to an extreme close up of a girl crying, this shot

    lasts for ages until you see a message being sent saying Dont be a bully. LOSER. This is a good

    example of a beginning, middle and end; watching the people get bullied at the start, at their lowest

    point in the middle, and they pull through at the end.

    The first shot is an extreme close up of someone typing Losers into what looks like a facebook

    comment. This same shot is used throughout the film and is probably used to stress the hate of what

    the bullies are saying, and to feel how much of an effect this has on the victims. The next shot is an

    obese person eating his lunch, the shot lasts for around 9 seconds and it shows a piece of broccoli

    accidentally falling off his fork twice; although it sounds like nothing, he seems to be embarrassed

    and looks around the room to see if anyone is looking at him. Because he is placed in the middle of

    the frame and the shot lasts for a while, its like the bullies are watching his every move, or thats

    what he is feeling anyway.

    Another shot is a boy trying but failing to lift some heavy weights, he is very skinny, has one sock

    higher than the other and is wearing bright yellow shorts; the stereotypical school nerd. Hes lifting

    the weights in a messy and dirty room; this probably means his parents are poor. The long shot of

    him in the centre of the frame stresses his failure to lift the weights. The frame is kept tight on the

    head and feet.

    Another shot demonstrates the rule of thirds. Its of two friends failing to jump a cone whilst

    skateboarding. We are looking on a side view and we can see the cone to the right of the frame,

    there is a house in the middle and after the friends fail to jump over the cone they end up on the left

    side of the frame. The depth of field is also shown with the house in the background and the two

    friends in the foreground.

    Another shot shows a gay or camp man dancing around in his house by himself, because he is doing

    this we get the feeling that he is embarrassed about what he enjoys to do. Immediately after this

    shot there are 4 stereotypical muscular and loud American football students shouting at the top of

  • 7/31/2019 Analysis of short films - Task 3


    their voices in celebration of something. This shows the extreme differences in personality one after

    the other. Towards the end of the film we see close-ups of the victims and we hear offensive words

    being said to them, these words and the speed of the shot keep on speeding up simultaneously to

    get across the extent of the bullying.

    There is no non-diegetic sound at the start and the end of the film; this is so we can concentrate on

    the emotion that is going through the victims. The volume and intensity of the music builds up and

    reaches a climax at the end where the music suddenly drops out and all we hear and see is a girl

    crying. This creates an emotional ending because weve seen what these people are going through.

    Film 2

    The Black Hole by Phil & Olly

    This film starts of with a man in an office by himself. He looks depressed until he prints out a bit of

    paper with a black circle on it and finds out that he can use this Black Hole to steal chocolates from

    the vending machine and open doors he shouldnt be opening. He goes the safe and starts to steal

    money; he wants to get every last bit out and ends up putting his whole body through the black

    hole, he ends up locked in the safe by himself.

    The beginning is where he is depressed with his life and job; the middle is where he gets his hands

    on The Black Hole, and the end is where he suffers the consequences of his greed. The name of the

    film rather sums up what happens. This is a good example of a beginning, middle and end.

    The first shot is brought in with a black, circular transition that looks like it has a connection with a

    black hole. We then have a slow tracking shot, where we get to a medium shot of the man in the

    office. He is wearing a shirt and tie, with his tie being slack and his top button down. He is working in

    a dingy office with little light and full of printers, desks and computers. The expression on his face

    shows the audience that he is fed up with his life and job. They use a close up of his foot kicking the

    printer because it isnt working properly.

    Up to this point all the sound has been Diegetic; when the black hole is printed out we start to hear

    some weird non-diegetic synths to get across to the audience that the piece of paper is not what we

    think it is. When the man finds out what he can do with the piece of paper, a low angle close up on

    his face shows his smug expression and gets across to the audience that he can do powerful things

    with it. A jump cut is used to pass some time after he steals a snickers bar out of the vending

    machine; the whole film is shot in continuity editing. An eye line match is used when he spots the

  • 7/31/2019 Analysis of short films - Task 3


    room where they keep the safe, shot reverse shot is used from his eyes to the door and the

    expression on his face shows that he really wants the money, at this point the audience see that he

    is desperate and pathetic. A low angle is used to show his power. The synth noises keep on building

    up until they suddenly stop when he is locked inside the safe, this brings us back to reality where we

    see that his hopes of having lots of money are suddenly gone. We see a straight on shot of the

    outside of the safe after he is locked in there; the next two shots are cuts moving further away from

    the safe; we hear him knocking on the safe as this is happening, this is effective as it shows he has

    gone from having lots of power to having none, and that he has suffered the consequences for his


    Film 3

    Bitch by Dir. Dom Bridges. This film is about a bloke who goes the supermarket to buy a tin of tuna.

    He gets to the tills and he meets an old woman, she explains to him that she had a son that died and

    looked just like him; the old woman wants the bloke to say bye mum to her as she leaves the till.

    The bloke does what the old woman says and then she leaves. The bloke realises shortly after that

    she has left him a 247 bill for her shopping. He is not happy about this and he ends by saying she is

    a f**g Bitch hence the name of the film.

    This short film has a clear beginning, middle and end. The beginning is when the bloke goes to buy

    some tuna from the supermarket, the middle is when he meets the old lady and feels sorry for her

    because she has lost her son, and the end is where she leaves him the large sum of money to pay


    Right from the first shot there is non-diegetic sound going on, the sort of music you would hear in a

    lift, its relaxing and fits in with the normal daily shopping atmosphere.

    The camera they are using has a very thin line of focus, everything that is behind or in front of the

    focus line is very blurred, so you cant tell what else is in the frame sometimes; however it may be

    what the director wanted.

    The bloke seems to be your average guy, he is unshaven, going bald, wearing a brown jacket, jeans

    and looks in his late 30s to early 40s, the stereotypical white British male.

    The opening title sequence is inventive; they place the camera looking straight onto the treadmill

    device that you put your shopping on. And all the items come straight towards you; the focus line is

    very clear and you can only properly see what these items say as they come close to the focus point.

  • 7/31/2019 Analysis of short films - Task 3


    They have put some of the opening credits on some of these items.

    Mid shots are used on the bloke and the old woman as they wait at the till. Shot reverse shot is used

    frequently to show that the old woman is interested in him and the bloke is feeling awkward about

    the situation. Eventually when the old woman approaches the bloke, the shots change to close ups;

    this is so we can feel involved in the conversation and be able to tell what their emotions are. The

    old woman is black and has a very strong African type accent. She is wearing big glasses, pink coat,

    and a farmers hat; a stereotypical old African woman. When the interaction between both of them

    starts, the music fades to a very low volume; like it has changed from non-diegetic sound to diegetic

    sound of it playing in the supermarket.

    This film uses continuity editing throughout. Shot reverse shot is used between the check out girl

    and the bloke. When he finds out what has happened, a mid shot of him lasts for about 8 seconds

    that stresses his anger in the situation. As soon as the credits start the music suddenly gets louder.

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