and the rock cycle

Post on 18-Mar-2022






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Structure of the Earth

Compositional (Chemical) Layers Crust: Low density High in __________

and ____________ _______: Density

boundary between crust and mantle

Mantle: Higher density High in __________

_____ and _______ Core: High in ______ __________________

Heat Flow in the Earth Heat sources:

_________ heat from the ___________ of the Earth _________________in the core and mantle

Temperature in the core: 3000-5000° C

Cooling processes: ______________: in outer core and asthenosphere transport heat to the surface _____________releases heat through the crust (volcanoes)

Mechanical (Physical) Layers of the Earth

Lithosphere: Crust and upper, __________of the mantle; “plates” in plate tectonics

Asthenosphere: _______ _______ part of mantle; location of convection current that drive plates

Outer core: ________

Inner core: _________ Greatest temperatures, solid due to intense pressure

What is a Rock? A group of minerals bound together Three major groups:

1) Igneous: Solidified Molten Magma

2) Sedimentary: formed by cementing of sediments. Sediments come from the erosion of other rocks.

3) Metamorphic: Heat and pressure change a rock into something new, without melting.

Rock Types Igneous: Solidified molten magma

2 types of Igneous: 1) Extrusive (________) = erupted

________ Cools more quickly, so only

_______ crystals form. 2) Intrusive (________) = never

erupted __________ Cools more slowly within the

earth, so ________ crystals can form.

1) Silica is __________: a) High silica volcanoes are _________,

due to build-up of pressure within volcano. Viscous lava won’t flow far, so volcanoes are ______________ (stratovolcanoes).

b) Low silica volcanoes are _________ ________. Lava is runny, so volcanoes are _________________(shield shape)

_____ content (SiO2 = quartz in pure form) determines many things about volcanoes

2) Silica is ________ in color. a) High silica rocks are _________ in color (pale grey to pink) b) Low silica rocks are _________(due to more dark

minerals containing ______ and _____) Low Silica Medium Silica High Silica

Silica content (SiO2 = quartz in pure form) determines many things about igneous rocks

Basalt Andesite Rhyolite

Gabbro Dacite




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Igneous Rock Summary

Low in silica High in Silica

Rock color = Black Rock color = pale grey, pink

Extrusive rock = basalt Intrusive rock = gabbro

Extrusive rock = rhyolite Intrusive rock = granite

non-viscous (runny) lava

Viscous lava

Non-explosive eruptions

Explosive eruptions

Shield volcanoes (low, wide)

Stratovolcanoes (tall, pointy)

How to identify an igneous rock Large ____________ crystals ______________ in

a uniform matrix (porphyritic)

_______ or no visible crystals ___________

Obsidian Basalt Scoria Geode

Sedimentary Rock Sedimentum = “___________”

in Latin, in reference to solid material settling out of a fluid.

Two major types: 1) _______: formed by

___________ and _____________ of sediments.

2) _________: formed from __________ of dissolved substances from fluids.

Sedimentary Rock Sedimentary rock: formed by ____________

and __________ of sediments. Classified by _____________.



Sedimentary Rock Almost all _________ found

in sedimentary rock Almost all __________ (coal, oil, gas) found in sedimentary rock.

Often, sedimentary rocks are _________ because they form underwater

How to identify a sedimentary rock Layered

Made up of _________ (not interlocking crystals)

Contains Fossils

_____ and/or crumbly

Metamorphic Rock Metamorphic rock is rock

that has been changed by heat and/or pressure (without ___________).

Two types: 1) Contact or Thermal:

caused by proximity to ____________ areas.

2) Regional: caused by ______________(often during mountain building) , which results in high pressures and temperatures

How to identify a Metamorphic Rock Layers are wavy/streaky/folded Rock is _________

Rock is pretty Rock looks messed up

Rock Cycle: any rock can become any other rock


melting weathering

Rock Cycle: any rock can become any other rock


melting weathering

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