animal models in type 2 diabetes research: an overview · animal models in type 2 diabetes...

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Animal models in type 2 diabetes research: An overview

K. Srinivasan & P. Ramarao

Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology, National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education &Research (NIPER), Mohali, India

Received February 13, 2007

Type 2 diabetes is a complex and heterogeneous disorder presently affecting more than 100 millionpeople worldwide and causing serious socio-economic problems. Appropriate experimental modelsare essential tools for understanding the pathogenesis, complications, and genetic or environmentalinfluences that increase the risks of type 2 diabetes and testing of various therapeutic agents. Theanimal models of type 2 diabetes can be obtained either spontaneously or induced by chemicals ordietary or surgical manipulations and/or by combination thereof. In recent years, large number ofnew genetically modified animal models including transgenic, generalized knock-out and tissue-specific knockout mice have been engineered for the study of diabetes. This review gives an overviewon the animal models of type 2 diabetes with reference to their origin/source, characteristic features,underlying causes/mechanism(s), advantages and disadvantages to the investigators in diabetesresearch. In addition, it especially describes the appropriate selection and usefulness of differentanimal models in preclinical testing of various new chemical entities (NCEs) for the treatment oftype 2 diabetes.

Key words Animal models - new chemical entities - preclinical testing - type 2 diabetes

The pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes is complexinvolving progressive development of insulinresistance in liver and peripheral tissues accompaniedby a defective insulin secretion from pancreatic betacells leading to overt hyperglycaemia (an abnormallyhigh amount of glucose levels in blood)1. Despitegenetic predisposition, the risk of developing type 2diabetes in humans increases with age, obesity,cardiovascular disease (hypertension, dyslipidaemia)and a lack of physical activity1,2. Generally, currenttherapeutic strategies for type 2 diabetes are limited

and involve insulin and four main classes of oralantidiabetic agents that stimulate pancreatic insulinsecretion (sulphonylureas and rapid-actingsecretagogues/insulinotropics e.g., glibenclamide,glipizide, rapaglinide), reduce hepatic glucoseproduction (biguanides e.g., metformin), delaydigestion and absorption of intestinal carbohydrate(�-glucosidase inhibitors e.g., acarbose) or improveinsulin action [thiazolidinediones (TZDs) e.g.,pioglitazone, rosiglitazone]. Each of above agentssuffers from generally inadequate efficacy and


Indian J Med Res 125, March 2007, pp 451-472

number of serious adverse effects. Thus, there arewide variety of newer therapeutic agents/strategiesbeing examined for the treatment of type 2 diabetes,most of all currently under preclinical and earlyclinical stages of drug development2,3.

Due to complex interaction among multiplesusceptibility genes and between genetic andenvironmental factors, genetic analysis of diabetes isdifficult and poorly understood in humans. Moreover,diabetes research in humans is impeded by obviousethical considerations, because provocation of diseaseis strictly impermissible in man. Animal models ofdiabetes are therefore greatly useful and advantageousin biomedical studies because they offer promise ofnew insights into human diabetes. Inbred animalmodels, in which the genetic background ishomogeneous and environmental factors can becontrolled, are therefore valuable in genetic dissectionof multifactorial diseases. Most of the availablemodels are based on rodents because of their smallsize, short generation interval, easy availability andeconomic considerations; however, nonrodent modelsof diabetes are urgently needed as a valuablesupplement to rodents for both practical andphysiological reasons with respect to humans. Thelarge number of different models developed fordifferent traits and insufficient characterization ofsome models make it difficult to choose the rightmodel for a given study (including pharmacologicalscreening) and at times leading to misinterpretationof data or even to the wrong conclusions. Though thereare some reviews4,5, book chapters6,7 and books8-10

available on the animal models of diabetes mellitus,the aim of this review, however, is to give an apparentoverview on the currently available animalmodels of type 2 diabetes with respect totheir origin/source, characteristic features,aetiopathogenesis, advantages, and disadvantages inthe study of human type 2 diabetes. Further, itespecially deals with the appropriate selection andusefulness of different animal models in testingvarious classes of new chemical entities (NCEs) andother therapeutic modalities for the treatment of type2 diabetes.

Animal models of type 2 diabetes and theirclassification

Animals exhibiting a syndrome of insulinresistance and type 2 diabetes, with characteristicssimilar to humans, comprise a wide range of specieswith genetic, experimental or nutritional causation.Some animals with inherent diabetes have pancreaswith ‘sturdy’ beta cells capable of maintainingrobust, l ife long insulin secreting capacitycharacterized by severe hyperinsulinaemia withonly mild to moderate hyperglycaemia throughoutthe life e.g., Zucker fatty rats (ZFR), ob/ob (obese),KK mouse and (corpulent) cp rat group. At the otherend of spectrum, some species possess ‘brittle orlabile’ pancreatic beta cells allowing only fortransient insulin hypersecretion with short-termobesity. Subsequently, as a result of geneticpredisposition and affluent nutrit ion/otherenvironmental causes, it induces secretion pressureon beta cell which ultimately leads to degranulation,apoptosis and overt hyperglycaemic state. At thispoint, the animals rapidly lose their previouslyaccumulated adipose tissue, become ketotic andrequire insulin to survive. e.g., db/db (diabetic)mouse, Zucker diabetic fatty (ZDF) rat, sand rat(Psammomys obesus) and obese rhesus monkeys11.The animals with ‘brittle’ pancreas closely simulatethe disease evolution from insulin resistance toprogressive beta cell failure/frank hyperglycaemiaas in human type 2 diabetes, than the animals withsturdy pancreas. Some of these animals with relatedphenotype of obesity and insulin resistance such asZFR, ZDF rats and ob/ob, db/db, KK and KK-Ay

mice would be greatly helpful in identifying factorsinvolved in obesity-induced diabetes (diabesity).Nevertheless, certain non obese diabetic models arealso used in the investigation of type 2 diabetes inhumans that occur in the absence of obesity whichallows the dissociation of confounding obesityfactors such as leptin deficiency and/or leptinresistance and other associated hypothalamic factorsfrom diabetes genes and factors [e.g., GK (Goto-Kakizaki) rats, Akita mouse]6.


Table I. Classification of type 2 diabetes in animals

Model category Type 2 diabetic models

Obese Non obese

I. Spontaneous or genetically ob/ob mouse Cohen diabetic ratderived diabetic animals db/db mouse GK rat

KK mouse Torri rat Non obese C57BL/6KK/Ay mouse (Akita) mutant mouseNZO mouseNONcNZO10 mouse ALS/Lt mouseTSOD mouseM16 mouse

Zucker fatty ratZDF ratSHR/N-cp ratJCR/LA-cp ratOLETF ratObese rhesus monkey

II. Diet/nutrition induced Sand rat ---diabetic animals C57/BL 6J mouse

Spiny mouse

III. Chemically induced GTG treated obese mice Low dose ALX or STZ adultdiabetic animals rats, mice, etc.

Neonatal STZ rat

IV. Surgical diabetic VMH lesioned dietary obese Partial pancreatectomized animalsanimals diabetic rat e.g. dog, primate, pig & rats

V. Transgenic/knock-out �3 receptor knockout mouse Transgenic or knock out mice involvingdiabetic animals genes of insulin and insulin receptor

Uncoupling protein (UCP1) and its components of downstreamknock-out mouse insulin signaling e.g. IRS-1, IRS-2,

GLUT-4, PTP-1B and others

PPAR-� tissue specific knockoutmouse

Glucokinase or GLUT 2 gene knockoutmice

Human islet amyloid polypeptideoverexpressed rat (HIP rat)

KK, Kuo Kondo; KK/Ay, yellow KK obese; VMH, ventromedial hypothalamus; ZDF, Zucker diabetic fatty; NZO, New Zealandobese; TSOD, Tsumara Suzuki obese diabetes; SHR/N-cp, spontaneously hypertensive rat/NIH-corpulent; JCR, James C Russel;OLETF, Otuska Long Evans Tokushima fatty; GTG, gold thioglucose; ALX, alloxan; STZ, streptozotocin; GLUT-, glucose transporter;IRS, insulin receptor substrate; GK, Goto-Kakizaki; PPAR, Peroxisome proliferator activated receptor, PTP, phosphotyrosinephosphotase; ALS, alloxan sensitive


Table II. Advantages and disadvantages of different categories of type 2 diabetic animal models

Model Category Advantages Disadvantages

I. Spontaneous Development of type 2 diabetes is of Highly inbred, homogenous and mostlydiabetic animals spontaneous origin involving genetic monogenic inheritance and development of

factors and the animals develop diabetes is highly genetically determinedcharacteristic features resembling unlike heterogeneity seen in humanshuman type 2 diabetes

Mostly of inbred animal models in Limited availability and expensive for thewhich the genetic background is diabetes studyhomogeneous and environmentalfactors can be controlled, allow Mortality due to ketosis problem is highgenetic dissection of this multifactorial in case of animals with brittle pancreasdisease easy (db/db, ZDF rat P. obesus, etc.) and require

insulin treatment in later stage for survivalVariability of results perhaps minimum andrequire small sample size Require sophisticated maintenance

II. Diet/Nutrition Develop diabetes associated with obesity Mostly require long period of dietaryinduced diabetic as a result of overnutrition as in diabesity treatmentanimals syndrome of human population No frank hyperglycaemia develops upon

simple dietary treatment in geneticallyToxicity of chemicals on other body normal animals and hence become notvital organs can be avoided suitable for screening antidiabetic agents

on circulating glucose parameter

III. Chemical induced Selective loss of pancreatic beta cells Hyperglycaemia develops primarily bydiabetic animals (alloxan/STZ) leaving other pancreatic direct cytotoxic action on the beta cells

alpha and delta cells intact and insulin deficiency rather thanconsequence of insulin resistance

Residual insulin secretion makes the Diabetes induced by chemicals is mostlyanimals live long without insulin less stable and at times reversible becausetreatment of the spontaneous regeneration of beta

cells. Hence, care must be taken to assessKetosis and resulting mortality is the pancreatic beta cell function duringrelatively less long-term experiments

Comparatively cheaper, easier to Chemical produce toxic actions on other bodydevelop and maintain organs as well besides its cytotoxic action on

beta cells

Variability of results on development ofhyperglycaemia is perhaps high

IV. Surgical diabetic Avoids cytotoxic effects of chemical Involvement of cumbersome technical andanimals diabetogens on other body organs post operative procedures

Resembles human type 2 diabetes due Occurrence of some other digestive


Model Category Advantages Disadvantages

to reduced islet beta cell mass problems (as a result of part of excision of exocrineportion (deficiency of amylase enzyme)

Dissection of alpha islets (glucagonsecreting cells) too along with beta cellsleading to problems in counter regulatoryresponse to hypoglycaemia

Mortality is comparatively higher

V. Transgenic/knock Effect of single gene or mutation on Highly sophisticated and costly procedureout diabetic animals diabetes can be investigated in vivo for the production and maintenance

Dissection of complex genetics of Expensive for regular screeningtype 2 diabetes become easier experiments

Various types of animal models of type 2 diabetesderived either spontaneously or induced by treatingwith chemicals, or dietary or surgical manipulationsand combinations there of are summarized in theTable I. Further, category of large number of newanimal models developed in the recent years bygenetic engineering/molecular biological techniquesincluding transgenic and knock-out mice has initiateda new era in diabetes research. In each category, theanimals are further subdivided into models with orwithout obesity. The models obtained from abovecategories differ significantly from each other andhave their own advantages and disadvantages (TableII), and are useful for the investigation ofaetiopathogenesis of diabetes and for testing variousNCEs for the treatment of diabetes. Further, theexpression and severity of metabolic, hormonal andpathologic abnormalities of diabetes perhaps variesin different animals according to the geneticbackground, nutrition, age, sex, species and evenstrain. Generally, the animal models of diabetesexhibit similar characteristic features such aschronic hyperglycaemia, hyper- or normo- orhypoinsulinaemia while the symptoms of clinicaldiabetes viz., polyuria, polydypsia, polyphagia,lethargy may also appear in several models ofdiabetes. Apart from the defects in glucosemetabolism, the altered lipid metabolism associatedwith increase in plasma lipid levels is commonlyobserved in many animal models as in human diabeticpatients. In addition, they exhibit various diabetic

complications such as neuropathy, nephropathy,cardiomyopathy, atherosclerosis, hypertension andvarious others7,9,12. Though some models could beuseful for investigation of diabetic complications,the description on the same is beyond the scope ofthis review.

Spontaneous type 2 diabetic models

Spontaneously diabetic animals of type 2diabetes may be obtained from the animals with oneor several genetic mutations transmitted fromgeneration to generation (e.g., ob/ob, db/db mice)or by selected from non-diabetic outbred animals byrepeated breeding over several generation [e.g.,(GK) rat, Tsumara Suzuki Obese Diabetes (TSOD)mouse]. These animals generally inherited diabeteseither as single or multigene defects. The metabolicpeculiarities result from single gene defect(monogenic) which may be due to dominant gene(e.g., Yellow obese or KK/Ay mouse) or recessivegene (diabetic or db/db mouse, Zucker fatty rat) orit can be of polygenic origin [e.g., Kuo Kondo (KK)mouse, New Zealand obese (NZO) mouse]13. Type 2diabetes occurring in majority of human being is aresult of interaction between environmental andmultiple gene defects though certain subtype ofdiabetes do also exist with well defined cause [i.e.,maturity onset diabetes of youth (MODY) due todefect in glucokinase gene] and this single genedefects may cause type 2 diabetes only in few cases.


Therefore, polygenic animals represent the humancondition more closely when compared to monogenicanimals6.

Spontaneous type 2 diabetic obese models

ob/ob mouse: ob/ob mouse (obese mouse) (nowrelabeled as Lepob) is inherited as (monogenic)autosomal recessive mutation on chromosome 6(obese) in C57BL/6J mouse strain, originating fromthe Bar Harbor, Jackson laboratory7. The mutation inob/ob mice is now identified in leptin gene, whichencodes for leptin. Homozygous mutant mice exhibitrapid gain in body weight and may reach the threetimes of the normal weight of wild type control. Thereis impaired thermogenesis detectable very early at 10days. In addition, there is marked hyperphagia anddecreased energy expenditure resulting in increasedcarcass lipid with obvious obesity by approximately4 wk. In addition to obesity (pear shaped body), it ischaracterized by diabetes like syndrome ofhyperglycaemia, mild impaired glucose tolerance,severe hyperinsulinaemia, sub fertility and impairedwound healing. Hyperglycaemia is only transient(subsiding around 14 to 16 wk) on the C57BL/6Jbackground. However, when ob gene is expressed onC57BL/KS background, mice become severelydiabetic with regression of islets and early death4,7.The obesity is characterized by both hypertrophy and

hyperplasia of pancreatic islets12. Hyperinsulinaemiadoes not develop until after the increase in body weightand probably the result of it. Insulin resistance isassociated with hepatic glucose overproduction,increased activity of gluconeogenic enzymes,decreased activity of glycolytic and glycogen synthesisenzymes and increased lipogenesis in the liver. Thecirculating glucose concentration is almost maintainednormally in adult C57BL/6J (ob/ob) mouse due tosustained hyperinsulinaemia. At molecular level,insulin resistance in ob/ob mice appears to be due todiminished insulin binding to receptors, impairedinsulin receptor (IR) autophosphorylation, and reducedsignal transduction9.

Leptin, a 16 kDa protein expressedpredominantly in adipose tissue of normal mice,is missing from these mice homozygous for themutation ‘obese’. Leptin functions as a hormonekeeping the brain apprised about the amount ofbody fat and act ivat ing centers involved inregulating feed intake and energy expenditure.Hence the major deficiency of satiety factor leptinin these mice s ignif icant ly al ters feedingbehaviour, metabolism, and endocrine function,resul t ing in hyperphagia, decreased energyexpenditure and obesity. Levels of neuropeptideY (NPY), a potent appetite stimulant (orexigenic)peptide are high in these mice, possibly a result of

Table III. The doses of various chemical diabetogens in different species

Chemicals Species Dose (s) (in mg/kg) References

Alloxan Rat 40-200 (iv or ip) 9, 25, 74, 75Mice 50-200 (iv or ip) 9, 74, 76Rabbit 100-150 (iv) 9, 25, 77Dog 50-75 (iv) 25, 74

Streptozotocin Rat 35-65 (iv or ip) 9, 80, 74, 81, 84, 85

Mice 100-200 (iv or ip) 9, 80, 74, 77, 81Hamster 50 (ip) 86Dog 20-30 (iv) 74, 77Pig 100-150 (iv) 77, 87, 88Primates 50-150 (iv) 77, 88, 89

iv, intravenous; ip, intraperitoneal


leptin deficiency. The lack of leptin leads toincreased circulat ing cort isol levels(hypercorticosteronism) which may contribute toa s tate of muscle insul in resis tance andadrenalectomy of ob/ob mouse lowers bloodglucose and partially restores insulin sensitivity9.Though severe obesity due to leptin deficiency hasbeen documented in humans, the incidence isextremely low. Cloning of lep gene has madepossible the production of recombinant leptin.Injection of leptin into obese mice was shown toreduce body weight gain, decrease food intake,increase energy expenditure and improves insulinsensitivity14. Since this model is severely obese,hyperinsulinaemic and insulin resistant throughoutits life, the agents that decrease the body weightand improves peripheral insulin sensitivity likeinsulin sensitizers, antiobesity and some otherantihyperglycaemic agents have been largely testedand shown to produce antidiabetic activity2,15-19.

db/db mouse: The db/db (diabetic) mouse (nowrelabeled as leprdb) is originally derived from anautosomal recessive mutation on chromosome 4 inmice of C57BL/KsJ strain originating from BarHarbor, Maine7. The mutation in this diabetic animalwas traced to db gene, which encodes for the leptinreceptors. These mice are spontaneously hyperphagicinsulin oversecretors becoming obese,hyperglycaemic, hyperinsulinaemic and insulinresistant within first month of age and develophypoinsulinaemia, hyperglycaemia later with a peakbetween 3-4 months of age. Animals then exhibitketosis, progressive body weight loss and do notsurvive longer than 8-10 months. In db/db mice, lackof leptin receptors result in similar hypothalamicdisturbances and NPY abnormalities as in ob/obmice, but the leptin is still produced and NPY inducedhyperinsulinaemia plus hypercorticosteronism resultin ob gene hyperexpression and hyperleptinaemia.Unlike ob/ob mice, exogenous administration ofleptin fails to elicit effect on food intake and bodyweight as there is defect in leptin receptor9. db/dbmice have been commonly and extensively used forthe investigation of type 2 diabetes/diabetic

dyslipidaemia and screening variety of agents suchas insulin mimetic and insulin sensitizers2,15,18-23.

KK mouse: KK (Kuo Kondo) mouse is polygenicmodel of obesity and type 2 diabetes produced byselective inbreeding for the large body size in Japan,also named as Japanese KK mouse6,12. These animalsare hyperphagic, hyperinsulinaemic, insulin resistantand show moderate obesity by 2 months of age, whichattains maximum at 4-5 months. Insulin resistanceprecedes the onset of obesity. The increase inpancreatic insulin content is associated with increasein number and size of pancreatic islets buthistologically degranulation of beta cells andhypertrophy of islets are found24,25. There is selectivefailure of insulin to suppress gluconeogenic pathway,while exerting its inductive effect on glycolysis andlipogenesis as seen in hepatic insulin resistance ofdb/db mouse.

KK/Ay mouse: KK/Ay mouse (also known as YellowKK obese mouse) carries both lethal yellow obese(Ay) and diabetic gene unlike KK mouse where itcarries only diabetic gene. Mice homozygous for theyellow spontaneous mutation (Ay) die beforeimplantation or shortly thereafter. KK/Ay mouse isheterozygous which shows severe obesity,hyperglycaemia, hyperinsulinaemia and glucoseintolerance by 8 wk of age. The strain KK/Ay micemaintained at Upjohn colony (KK/Upj-Ay/J) are nowavailable from Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor,USA, and serve as a good model for obesity and type2 diabetes and for screening various classes ofantidiabetic agents2,18,19,26,27. Hyperphagia and obesityin young is more pronounced in males than infemales. It is not clear whether hyperphagia foundin these mice is associated with reducedhypothalamic (glucagon like peptide) GLP-1content6. Studies using isolated adipocytes indicatethat tissue responsiveness to insulin is decreasedprogressively from 5 wk of age. Histo- andimmunochemical studies show that pancreatic isletsare hypertrophied and beta cells are degranulated25.These findings suggest that principal cause ofdiabetes in these mice is insulin resistance which may


be due to defects in both insulin receptor and postreceptor signaling systems, including glucose uptake,pentose pathways, and impaired insulin sensitivephosphodiesterase in fat cells9.

New Zealand Obese (NZO) mouse: The NZO strainis a polygenic model of obesity and diabetes obtainedby selective inbreeding over several generation withthe parents selected for their agouti coat color. Itexhibits a polygenic syndrome of hyperphagia,obesity, mild hyperglycaemia, hyperinsulinaemia,impaired glucose tolerance and insulin resistance.Body weight rises rapidly during first 2 months oflife, due to hyperphagia. Hyperleptinaemia and leptinresistance which may account for hyperphagia, havebeen reported in NZO mice9. Hyperglycaemia andimpaired glucose tolerance increase continuouslywith advancing age of animals. There is a markedhyperplasia and hypertrophy with islets composedof up to 90 per cent of beta cells4. Reduced glycogensynthase activity in liver has been considered as aprimary early defect in causation of diabetes28. Themice is shown to have hepatic insulin resistance froman early age and have increased gluconeogenesis andhepatic glucose production associated with theabnormality in the regulation of gluconeogenicenzyme fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase29,30. These micehave high prevalence of autoimmune disorder andbecome a useful model for studying relationshipbetween autoimmunity, obesity and diabetes25.

NONcNZO10 mouse: It is a recombinant congenicnew mouse strain model of type 2 diabetes developedby introgressing 5 genomic intervals containingNZO/H1Lt (NZO) diabetogenic quantitative trait locionto the non obese non diabetic (NON/Lt or NON)genetic background at Jackson laboratory, Maine31.Whereas parental NZO males exhibit the unwantedphenotypes of hyperphagia, morbid obesity, poorfertility, and a variable frequency of hyperglycaemia,NONcNZO10 males are not hyperphagic, developmore moderate level of obesity, and reproducenormally. They weigh more than NON males, butsignificantly less than the NZO males. Despite thereduced rate of weight gain compared to NZO, all

NONcNZO10 males develop chronic hyperglycaemiaby 12-20 wk. Pancreatic islets show the similaratrophic changes as seen in diabetic NZO males.Increased serum triglycerides and liver steatosis areobserved. Females are diabetes resistant and canserve as normoglycaemic control. Unlike ob/ob anddb/db mice which are monogenic and exhibit amorbid obesity, these mice are polygenic, nothyperphagic, have a normal leptin/leptin receptoraxis, do not exhibit hypercorticism, and show noobvious thermoregulatory defects as seen in humanswith obesity/diabetes syndrome31. Unlike parentalNZO mouse, this model has gained lot of attentionin the recent days for the investigation of diabesityas well as in drug testing for the treatment of type 2diabetes32.

TSOD mouse: By selective breeding of obese malemice of ddY strain, Tsumara and Suzuki describedthe two inbred strains, one with obesity with increasein urinary glucose named TSOD (Tsumara SuzukiObese Diabetes) and other without them (TSNO,Tsumara Suzuki Non Obese). TSOD mouse is ofpolygenic origin and characterized by polydipsia andpolyuria at about 2 months old only in male micefollowed by hyperglycaemia and hyperinsulinaemia.Following these symptoms, obesity graduallydevelops until about 12 months. Pancreatic islets ofTSOD male mice are found hypertrophic without anysigns of insulitis or fibrous formation33,34. It has beenshown that the reduced insulin sensitivity in diabeticTSOD mice is due, at least in part, to the impairedglucose transporter (GLUT4) translocation by insulinin both skeletal muscle and adipocytes35.

M16 mouse: M16 mouse is a new model for obesityand type 2 diabetes which results from long-termselection for 3 to 6 wk weight gain from an Instituteof Cancer Research, London, UK (ICR) basepopulation. M16 mice exhibit early onset of obesityand are larger at all ages characterized by increasedbody fat percentage, fat cell size, fat cell numbers,and organ weights. These mice also exhibithyperphagia, accompanied by moderate obesity, andare hyperinsulinaemic, hyperleptinaemic and


hypercholesterolaemic relative to ICR. Both M16males and females are hyperglycaemic relative toICR, with 56 and 22 per cent higher fasted bloodglucose levels at 8 wk of age. M16 mice representan outbred animal model to facilitate gene discoveryand pathway regulation controlling early onsetpolygenic obesity and type 2 diabetic phenotypes.Phenotypes prevalent in the M16 model, with obesityand diabesity exhibited at a young age, closely mirrorcurrent trends in human populations36.

Zucker fatty rat: The spontaneous mutation ‘obese’(fatty) was found in the rat stock of Sherman andMerck, by Zucker, Harriet Bird MemorialLaboratory, Stow, Manssachusetts, USA in 1961. TheZucker (fa/fa) fatty or obese rat (now labeled asLeprfa) results from the simple autosomal recessive(fa) gene on chromosome 5. It is characterized byhyperphagia and early onset of obesity which appearat 4 wk of age along with increased growth ofsubcutaneous fat depot. It is also associated with mildhyperglycaemia, insulin resistance, mild glucoseintolerance, hyperlipidaemia, hyperinsulinaemia andmoderate hypertension7,37. The hyperphagia seen inthis rat has been attributed to hypothalamic defect inleptin receptor signalling9. The other hormonalchanges in Zucker rats include hypersomatostatinaemiadespite hyperglycaemia, particularly in olderanimals. There are decreased growth hormone andprolactin levels7.

It is reported that abnormal glucose tolerancefound in these rats is due to the metabolic defects inhepatic organ, as glucose clearance in obese rat isnormal6. It is useful as a model for human obesity,type 2 diabetes associated with type IVhyperlipidaemia (increased VLDL and triglyceridelevels in the circulating blood) and hypertension. Thismodel has been mostly used for screening the effectsof different insulin sensitizing and antiobesity agentsand in few cases for the testing the potentiators ofinsulin secretion or incretin mimetic agents2,18,19,38,39.

Zucker diabetic fatty rat: It is a substrain of ZFRselectively inbred for hyperglycaemia and is highly

useful for the investigation of mechanism of type 2diabetes. Unlike ZFR, male Zucker diabetic fatty(ZDF) rat progresses to frank diabetes due to failureto compensate adequately for insulin resistance. It isless obese but more insulin resistant than ZFR5. Malesare more prone to the development of diabetesusually at 7-10 wk after birth. This model is presentlyavailable with Charles River laboratories,Indianapolis, IN, USA. However, female littermatesare obese, insulin resistant but do not developdiabetes and serve as control. In contrast to fa/fa rats,the ability to over secrete insulin to compensateperipheral insulin resistance is limited, and the betacells are brittle, easily succumbs to over secretionpressure. Studies on cell turnover in these animalssuggest that the primary defect lies not in an abilityof beta cells to proliferate but rather in an enhancedrate of apoptosis40. It exhibits impaired insulinsecretory beta cell response to glucose while itremains intact to non glucose secretogogues likearginine (ARG), a phenomenon similarto human type 2 diabetic patients. Downregulationof beta cell GLUT-2 transporters coupled withimpaired insulin synthesis has been reported to beresponsible for hyperglycaemia in ZDF rats.Decreased glucose transport activity associated withdecreased GLUT-4 levels is observed in adiposetissue and skeletal muscles of ZDF rats. The previousstudy demonstrated the deleterious phenomenon oflipotoxicity of high plasma free fatty acid (FFA) andbeta cell triglyceride levels on beta cell function inZDF rats41. This ZDF rat has been most commonlyused for investigating the mechanisms associatedwith insulin resistance and beta cell dysfunction intype 2 diabetes, as well as for testing insulinsensitizers insulinotropic and various otheragents2,19,38,39.

SHR/N- cp rat : SHR/N-cp rat (spontaneouslyhypertensive rat/NIH-corpulent) is derived byinbreeding of SHR/N strains, at the National Instituteof Health (NIH), Bathesda, Maryland, USA, a geneticmodel of obesity, type 2 diabetes with hypertension.SHR/N-cp rats if homozygous for corpulent gene(cp), males exhibit hyperphagia and early onset of


obesity, normal or slight hyperglycaemia,dyslipidaemia, profound hyperinsulinaemia,hyperleptinaemia, insulin resistance, impairedglucose tolerance and essential hypertension42. ThisSHR/N-cp rats is highly useful for investigatingobesity associated type 2 diabetes and also forstudying the influence of dietary carbohydrate on thedevelopment of diabetes in certain geneticallypredisposed carbohydrate sensitive individuals.

JCR/LA -cp rat: Backcrosses of LA/N-cp males withhooded rat species produced an outbred substrain JCR(James C Russel):LA-cp with only 3 per centcontribution of the SHR gene but the presence of faallele. The homozygous dominant (+/+) andheterozygous (+/cp) rats are metabolicallyunaffected. The animals which are recessive for thegene (cp/cp) exhibit extreme metabolic profileincluding insulin resistance, hyperinsulinaemia,pancreatic beta cell hyperplasia, obesity, glucoseintolerance and severe hyperlipidaemia. The cp geneencodes a stop codon in the leptin receptor producingnon functional receptor protein. Leptin receptordeficient states along with hypothalamicdysregulation of peptides contribute to hyperphagiaand other metabolic abnormalities in these corpulentrats. The major drawback of this rat as pure modelof diabetes is that it is normoglycaemic when fasted.However, the principal attraction of JCR/LA-cp ratas research model is its development ofatherosclerotic and myocardial lesions in associationwith the Syndrome-X metabolic profile43. The distinctfeature of this animal is the vasculopathy progressesinherently without any dietary cholesterol and highfat diet interventions. This model is extensivelystudied for the pharmacological and dietaryintervention prior to the onset of cardiovascularlesions or hyperinsulinaemia to determine theefficacy for preventing or slowing the occurrence ofcardiovascular lesions.

OLETF rat: OLETF (Otsuka Long Evans TokushimaFatty) rat with mild obesity was obtained from theselective breeding of the spontaneous diabetic ratsfrom the outbred colony of Long Evans rats

maintained in Otsuka pharmaceuticals, Tokushima,Japan. This polygenic rat develops diabetes later inlife at around 18-25 wk old and inherited mostly inmales. OLETF rats exhibit innate polyphagia, mildobesity, hyperinsulinaemia, hypertriglyceridaemia,hypercholesterolaemia, chronic coursehyperglycaemia and impaired glucose tolerance atabout 16 wk of life44. Evidences suggest that defectsin the beta cell proliferation per se is responsible forthe development of diabetes in OLETF rats since 70per cent pancreatectomized animals exhibit sustainedhyperglycaemia due to poor capacity of pancreaticislet regeneration after surgery and the treatment withnicotinamide (NAD) corrects hyperglycaemia byincreasing beta cell proliferation45. In the recentyears, OLETF rat model has been extremely used inpharmacological research while testing for a numberof antidiabetic and antihypertensive drugs46-48.

Obese rhesus monkey (Macaca mullata): Obese rhesusmonkey, an excellent non rodent model developsobesity, hyperinsulinaemia and insulin resistance whenmaintained on ad libitum laboratory diet, whichgradually progresses to necrosis of beta cells, severefall in insulin levels and overt hyperglycaemia over aperiod of several years49. Unlike conventional rodentmodels, the final secretion loss is interestinglyassociated with deposition of amylin/amyloid in betacells and the development of diabetic complicationssimilar to human type 2 diabetes4,9,49. Pioglitazone hasbeen demonstrated to improve insulin resistance inobese rhesus monkeys50.

Spontaneous type 2 diabetic non obese models

Cohen diabetic rat: The Cohen diabetic rat is anexceptional genetically derived experimental modelof diet induced type 2 diabetes that reproduces manyfeatures of the disease in humans. Its most outstandingand distinctive feature is that it expresses geneticsusceptibility (sensitivity and resistance) to acarbohydrate-rich diet, a central feature of type 2diabetes51. Recently, the Cohen rat strain was newlyinbred and metabolic phenotypes of this rebred colonyof CDs (Cohen diabetic sensitive) and CDr (Cohen


diabetic resistant) rats and their genetic makeup renderthe Cohen diabetic rat a useful experimental modelthat is highly suitable for studying the interactionbetween nutritional-metabolic environmental factorsand genetic susceptibility for the development of type2 diabetes and also distinctively useful forinvestigating the effect of sex on the expression ofthe diabetic phenotype51.

GK rat: The GK (Goto-Kakizaki) rat, a polygenicmodel of type 2 diabetes was established by Gotoand his collaborators through selective inbreeding ofWistar rats with abnormal glucose tolerance repeatedover several generations in Japan in 1973.It is characterized by non obesity, moderate but stablefasting hyperglycaemia, hypoinsulinaemia,normolipidaemia, impaired glucose tolerance whichappears at 2 wk of age in all animals and an earlyonset of diabetic complications52,53. In the adult GKrats, total pancreatic beta cell mass is decreased by60% along with same degree of decrease in pancreaticinsulin stores. The defective beta cell mass andfunction in the GK rat model may also result frominadequacy of pancreatic growth factors necessaryfor the growth and development of fetal pancreaticcells during gestation and secondary (acquired) lossof beta-cell differentiation due to chronic exposureto hyperglycaemia (glucotoxicity) indicating thattype 2 diabetes is not simply dependant on geneticfactors, but probably involve transgenerationalepigenetic responses54,55. In addition to the defectsin beta cells, impaired insulin sensitivity in the liver,skeletal muscle and adipose tissues has also beenreported. Impaired insulin secretion and hepaticglucose overproduction (hepatic insulin resistance)are early events in diabetic GK ratsmostly contributing to development ofhyperglycaemia rather than the peripheral (muscleand adipose tissue) insulin resistance56. GK rat is oneof the best characterized animal models used forstudying the relation of changes in beta cell massand occurrence of type 2 diabetes and diabeticcomplications (particularly diabetic nephropathy).However, only very few studies on drug testing usingthis model have been reported in the literature57.

Torri rat: This is a new spontaneously diabetic nonobese rat from the Sprague-Dawley rat strainestablished recently in 1997 at Torri PharmaceuticalCo, Japan58. It is characterized by glucose intolerance,hyperglycaemia, hypoinsulinaemia andhypertriglyceridaemia. Histologically, hemosiderindeposition and marked fibrosis of pancreatic isletsare observed in diabetic rats. Torri rats are able tosurvive for longer duration without insulin treatmentand hence more useful for studies on diabeticcomplications. The distinct characteristics are ocularcomplications, cataract and retinopathy withfractional, retinal detachment, fibrous proliferationand massive haemorrhage at 70-77 wk of age58. Thegenetic analysis for diabetes in Torri rat identified(Quantitative trait loci) three distinctive QTLs forglucose intolerance which is highly associated withdevelopment of diabetes59.

Non obese mutant C57 BL/6 (Akita) mouse: The nonobese mutant mouse (Akita mouse) has been derivedfrom the colony of C57 BL/6 (B6) in Akita (Japan)and now commercially available for research atJackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor. The Ins2 gene is themouse homologue of human preproinsulin gene. Micepossess another active insulin gene, Ins1, which lacksan intron present in the C-polypeptide-encodingregion. The Akita (Ins2Akita) spontaneous mutation(commonly referred as Mody) is an autosomaldominant mutation in the insulin II gene (Ins2)60.Ins2Akita mutation disrupts normal insulin processingand causes a failure in secretion of mature insulin,which results in early development of hyperglycaemia.It is characterized by hyperglycaemia,hypoinsulinaemia, polydipsia and polyuria, beginningaround 3-4 wk of age. Obesity or insulitis does notaccompany diabetes. Histologically, at 4-35 wk of age,there is a reduction in active pancreatic beta celldensity without insulitis and islets release very littlemature insulin. These mutant mice respond well toexogenously administered insulin. The mice withreduced beta cell mass and absence of beta cellautoimmunity serve as an excellent substitute for micemade diabetic by treatment with certain chemicaldiabetogens for islet transplantation studies61.


ALS/Lt mouse: Alloxan susceptible (ALS) new mousemodel is produced by inbreeding outbred CD-1 mice(a commercial stock of ICR mice from which inbredNSY and NON mouse are developed), with selectionfor susceptibility to alloxan (ALX), a generator ofhighly reactive oxygen free radicals and a potent beta-cell toxin. Initially, the type 2 diabetes predispositionof ALS mouse was recognized by congenic analysisof the yellow mutation (Ay) at the agouti locus onchromosome 2. Indeed, in ALS/Lt (a substrainmaintained at Jackson Laboratory, Bar Habor) mice,hyperinsulinaemia and impaired glucose tolerancedevelop spontaneously between 6 and 8 wk of age inalloxan-untreated males. This mouse model withreduced ability to diffuse free radical stress is ofobvious interest because free radical-mediated damageis implicated in the pathogenesis and complicationsof both type 1 and type 2 diabetes62.

Dietary or nutrition induced type 2 diabeticmodels

Some of the animal models exist in whichdiabetes is induced neither by chemicals nor bygenetic defect. Sand rat, Tuco-Tuco and Spiny mouseare important models of nutritionally induced obesityand type 2 diabetes7.

Sand rat: Psammomys obesus (P. obesus; Sand rat)remains normal in its natural habitat but developobesity and diabetes in captivity when fed on standardlaboratory chow (high energy diet) instead of its usuallow energy vegetable diet (mainly of Atriplex)11,41.Initially, the sand rats develop hyperphagia, obesity,hyperinsulinaemia, glucose intolerance withpancreatic islet cells remain intact followed by betacell degeneration and necrosis resulting in profoundinsulin deficiency and overt diabetes and ketosisultimately leading to death of animal63. In this animalmodel insulin, even at remarkably high levels, is notsufficient to overcome muscle insulin resistance asnoted by decreased 2 deoxyglucose uptake anddiminished GLUT-4 protein and restrain hepaticgluconeogenesis as evidenced by elevated phospho-enolpyruvate caboxykinase (PEPCK) activity. Part

of the insulin inefficiency is also due to increasedproinsulin: insulin ratio in pancreatic beta cells asobserved in human type 2 diabetic patients andresulting in elevated proinsulin and relativehypoinsulinaemia in circulation64. In later stages ofdevelopment, these animals show decrease in adiposetissue, depletion of beta cell granules, apoptosis anddevelop ketoacidosis. Then, they require insulinsupport for survival41.

Sand rats are used extensively in the drug testingsuch as protein tyrosine phosphatase inhibitor65 andglucogan like peptide-1 (GLP-1) analogues66. A novelgene that encodes for a small protein named ‘beacon’has been discovered in the hypothalamus of P. obesusby Collier and co-workers67. Overexpression ofbeacon mRNA gene is positively correlated withpercentage of body fat67. Further, a novel proteinnamed ‘Tanis’ expressed in the liver of P. obesushas been shown to have mechanistic link among type2 diabetes, inflammation, and cardiovasculardisease68. Very recently, a new candidate gene, themitochondrial rhomboid protease, presenilins-associated rhomboid-like protein (PSARL) in skeletalmuscle is found to be associated with insulinresistance and type 2 diabetes. Expression of PSARLhas been reduced in skeletal muscle of diabetic P.obesus, and restored after exercise training tosuccessfully treat the diabetes69. Thus, sand rats arestudied extensively and serve as an excellentpolygenic model for the study of diabesitysyndrome41,64.

C57BL/6J mouse: Type 2 diabetic model by simplyfeeding high fat feed to non obese, non diabeticC57BL/6J mouse strain was initially developed inJapan and is now available at Jackson laboratory, BarHarbor. It is characterized by marked obesity,hyperinsulinaemia, insulin resistance and glucoseintolerance70. In addition, they exhibit marked fastingas well as basal hyperglycaemia in contrast to normalbasal glucose level seen in C57BL/6J (ob/ob) mice.These mice are demonstrated to develop peripheralleptin resistance. They manifest most of thecharacteristic features of the patients with genetic


predisposition to develop type 2 diabetes when theybecome obese. This animal model represents bothgenetic and environmental risk factors in contrast toC57BL/6J (ob/ob) mouse in which onset of symptomsis highly genetically determined. Further, itsusefulness for drug testing has been reported in theliterature as these mice treated with orally activeinhibitor of dipeptidyl peptidase-IV (LAF237) areshown to have normalized glucose tolerance inassociation with augmented insulin secretion71.

In addition, Acomys calirinus (spiny mouse), asmall rodent living in semi desert areas of easternMediterranean, in fact are low insulin secretors.However, when they are placed in captivity on highenergy rodent lab chow, they gain weight and exhibitmarked pancreatic beta cell hyperplasia, hypertrophyand increased pancreatic insulin content incomparison to other animal models yet, the plasmainsulin response to glucose as well as to othersecretogogues is impaired suggesting a impairmentin hormone release mechanisms12. They are reportedto accumulate insulin in beta cells, which maydisintegrate and produce insulin-deficiency. Theseanimals develop frank hyperglycemia with glucosurialeading to fatal ketosis11,25. Ctenomis talarum (Tuco-tuco) is another species found in natural environmentwhich exhibit similar characteristic features of sandrat as well as spiny mice when fed on high energyrodent diet25.

Chemically induced type 2 diabetic models

Chemically induced models of diabetes arecommon in elucidating the possible role ofenvironmental factors involved in the endocrinepancreatic destructive processes and subsequentdevelopment of diabetes.

Goldthioglucose obese diabetic mouse: Type 2diabetes with obesity is induced in mice bygoldthioglucose (GTG) (150-350 or 200 mg/kg, ip)injection. Mice gradually develop obesity,hyperinsulinaemia, hyperglycaemia, insulinresistance over a period of 16- 20 wk after GTG

injection72. The GTG is transported in particular tothe cells of ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH) andcauses necrotic lesions, which subsequently isresponsible for the development of hyperphagia andobesity. It also shows increased body lipid andhepatic lipogenesis and triglyceride secretion,increased adipose tissue lipogenesis and decreasedglucose metabolism in muscle, abnormalities that arequalitatively similar to genetically obese mice (ob/ob). In addition, it exhibits many molecular defectsin relation to insulin signaling pathways73. However,it is disadvantageous as it takes very long time todevelop obesity/diabetes and the number of mortalityfollowing GTG injection is extremely high whichlimits its use in diabetes research.

Chemical type 2 diabetic non obese models

Alloxan and streptozotocin- induced adult diabeticanimals: Since the initial findings in 1943 of alloxan(ALX) induced beta cell necrosis in rabbits, thiscompound has long been used for inducingexperimental diabetes. Alloxan is a uric acidderivative and is highly unstable in water at neutralpH, but reasonably stable at pH 3. ALX acts byselectively destroying the pancreatic beta isletsleading to insulin deficiency, hyperglycaemia andketosis74. ALX causes diabetes in many rodent andnon rodent animals and is most preferably used incase of rabbit because of the relative ineffectivenessof streptozotocin (STZ) in rabbits for induction ofdiabetes and development of well characterizeddiabetic complications74-77. However, guineapig andrecently musk shrew have been reported to beresistant to the action of ALX due to certain unclearmechanisms4,74,78. Because of its low stability,relatively very shorter half-life (less than 1 min) andacidic nature of solution, intravenous route ofadministration of ALX is preferred. Thehypoglycaemic phase may be quite severe andtherefore ALX should not be given to fasted animals.The ALX treated animals exhibit severehyperglycaemia, glucosuria, hyperlipidaemia,polyphagia, polydypsia and other symptoms ofuncontrolled diabetes and do also develop various


complications such as neuropathy, cardiomyopathy,well marked retinopathy and others. ALX isdisadvantageous as the percentage incidence ofdiabetes is quite variable and is not proportionatelyrelated to increasing doses of ALX77. Further, theincidence of ketosis and resulting mortality is high.The reversal of hyperglycaemia due to pancreaticregeneration is early and common in case of ALXtreated animals. Because of these limitations, ALXis now almost replaced by STZ for induction ofdiabetes in laboratory animals.

Streptozotocin is an antibiotic derived fromStreptomyces achromogenes and structurally is aglucosamine derivative of nitrosourea. Rakieten andhis associates79 first demonstrated the diabetogenicproperty of STZ in dogs and rats in 1963. Like ALX,it causes hyperglycaemia mainly by its directcytotoxic action on the pancreatic beta cells80,81. Theevidences are accumulating on the mechanismsassociated with diabetogenecity of STZ. Itsnitrosourea moiety is responsible for beta celltoxicity, while deoxyglucose moiety facilitatestransport across the cell membrane. Like ALX, theinvolvement of free radicals generation and resultingalteration of endogenous scavengers of these reactivespecies have been reported in STZ diabetogenecity.Further, STZ causing alkylation or breakage of DNAstrands and a consequent increase in the activity ofpoly-ADP-ribose synthetase, an enzyme depletingNAD in beta cells finally leading to energydeprivation and death of beta cells is reported. Thesehypotheses have been confirmed by different studiesin which the administrations of various chemicalssuch as antioxidants (superoxide dismutase; SOD),free radical scavenger (alpha-phenyl-tert-butylnitrone), NAD and poly ADP-ribosyl synthaseinhibitors, concomitantly or before STZ injectionhave been shown to either prevent or lessen theseverity of the induction of diabetes, respectively80,82.

There are wide variety of reports available inthe li teratures on doses and development ofhyperglycaemia with STZ since the susceptibilityof animals to STZ appear to depend on age, species

and even within strain83 (Table III). STZ is apreferred agent to induce experimental diabetessince it has some advantages over ALX such as,relatively longer half-life (15 min), sustainedhyperglycaemia for longer duration and thedevelopment of well characterized diabeticcomplications with fewer incidences of ketosis aswell as mortality80. ALX and STZ diabetic animalsare most widely used for screening the compoundsincluding natural products for their insulinomimetic,insulinotropic and other hypoglycaemic/antihyperglycaemic activities18,20,38,84-85,90-93.

Recently, a new animal model of type 2 diabeteshas been produced by combination of STZ and NADadministration in adult rats94. The rats administeredNAD (230 mg/kg, ip) 15 min before STZ (65 mg/kg,iv) has been shown to develop moderate and stablenon-fasting hyperglycaemia without any significantchange in plasma insulin level. As NAD is anantioxidant which exerts protective effect on thecytotoxic action of STZ by scavenging free radicalsand causes only minor damage to pancreatic beta cellmass producing type 2 diabetes. Therefore, thismodel is found to be an advantageous tool forinvestigation of insulinotropic agents in the treatmentof type 2 diabetes94. Recently, moderate insulindeficiency and type 2 diabetes was developed in anonrodent model of Gottingen pig by combinationof STZ and NAD, which provides good opportunityto investigate diabetes in much closely similarpathophysiological situation as in human95.

Neonatal streptozotocin diabetic rats: Unlike theinjection of single high dose of STZ, which canproduce type 1 diabetes in adult rats, STZ wheninjected neonatally or immediately after birth, ratsdevelop type 2 diabetes in the adult age. Singleinjection of STZ at the dose range of 80-100 mg /kgof STZ (iv or ip or sc) to one or two or five day oldWistar or Sprague-Dawley neonatal rats has beenreported to produce type 2 diabetic conditions96,97.The neonatal STZ rats are considered to be bettertools for the elucidation of the mechanismsassociated with regeneration of the beta cells, the


functional exhaustion of the beta cells and theemergence of defects in insulin action96,97,98. Someinvestigators have also developed neonatal type 2diabetic models by injecting ALX (200 mg/kg, ip)to male neonatal rats at age of 2, 4 or 6 day afterbirth99 and found to be much useful for theinvestigation of long term complication of type 2diabetes.

Thus diabetes produced by the injection of ALX/ST2 to animals (adult or neonatal) result mainly fromreduction in beta cell mass and consequent insulindeficiency. However, some investigators haveattempted to replicate the disease process thatnaturally occurs in human beings from theprogression of insulin resistance to type 2 diabetesin outbred animals. It has been achieved either byinjecting chemicals (STZ) into animals which aregenetically insulin resistant in its background (e.g.,SHR, ZFR)100 or by combination of diet [high fat(HFD) or high fructose diet] plus STZ treatment.Feeding of above special diets produceshyperinsulinaemia and insulin resistance initiallyfollowed by treatment with STZ that causes the betacell damage and frank hyperglycaemia in thepresence of almost absolute normal insulincirculating concentrations in nongenetic, outbredanimals such as rats101,102 and mice103,104. Recently,we developed a novel type 2 diabetic rat model inour laboratory by combination of short term HFDfeeding followed by low dose of STZ (35 mg/kg,ip) treatment105. It is unique and different from othercombination rat models since the dose of STZselected causes diabetes only in HFD-fed insulinresistant rats where as it fails to induce the same innormal control rats resembling the situation inhumans with risk factors of obesity and insulinresistance to be more prone to develop type 2diabetes than others without them. These rats arenot insulinopenic and further responsive to theactions of both insulin sensitizing (pioglitazone) aswell as insulinotropic (glipizide) agents. The betacell responsiveness to insulinotropic agents and theglucose lowering effects of insulin sensitizers isdistinctly different and advantageous from neonatal-

STZ and high dose STZ treated adult diabetic ratsand could be exploited for screening the above typeof agents. In addition, these HFD-fed, low doseSTZ-treated rat model interestingly exhibits stable,long lasting hyperglycaemia and the symptoms oftype 2 diabetes like polyuria, polydipsia, andpolyphagia and diabetic complications such ashypertension. These nongenetic type 2 diabetic ratsmay be good alternative and cost-effective ascompared to genetic models for the investigationas well as regular screening experiments.

Surgical type 2 diabetic models

This method consists of complete or partialpancreatectomy in animals used for the induction oftype 1 or type 2 diabetes, respectively. Historically,the diabetic dog model discovered by OskarMinkowski through surgical completepancreatectomy has been considered to be the firstanimal model of diabetes and is rarely now used forthe investigation80. However, partial pancreatectomyand/or combination methods on animals particularlynon rodents are at times utilized in the diabetesinvestigation for some specific studies as describedbelow.

Non obese partial pancreatectomized diabeticanimals : Partial pancreatectomy in animalsperformed as 70 or 90 per cent (usually 90%)dissection of pancreas has been reported in variousanimal species mostly in dogs, pigs, rabbit and alsorats9,106,107. It does not cause severe form of diabetesand is characterized by moderate hyperglycaemiawith neither reduction in body weight nor reductionin plasma insulin levels. The 90 per cent partiallypancreatectomized rats also show defect or selectiveimpairment to glucose stimulated insulin release butremain intact to other insulin secretogogues viz.,ARG, isoproterenol like neonatal STZ rats. Thisfinding from these partial pancreatectomizedanimals supports the notion that simply reductionin pancreatic beta cell mass itself may not beresponsible for the glucose intolerance as seenin neonatal STZ rats 108. These partial


pancreatectomized animals are reported to develophyperglycaemia and insulin resistance.Improvement of hyperglycaemia and insulinresistance is observed by administration of insulinor phlorizin, an inhibitor of renal glucosereabsorption97. However, better degree of glycaemiaor stable form of diabetes for long duration can beachieved by the combination of partialpancreatectomy with chemicals viz., ALX and STZinjection in animals such as dog, pig, monkey andothers77,109. Recently, yet another model on stableform of type 2 diabetes has been produced bycombination of 50 per cent partial pancreatectomyalong with NAD (350-mg/kg) and STZ (200 mg/kg) treatment in BALB/c mice110. There are someadvantages in combination procedure as i tminimizes the risk of unnecessary adverse effect ofchemicals on body following its single high doseas well as reduces post-operative interventionsfollowing pancreatectomy. Pancreatic regenerationfollowing pancreatectomy has been demonstratedin many animal models including humans111. Thesepartially pancreatectomized models alone or incombination are highly useful in the investigationof transplantation of pancreatic grafts or islets.Further this helps in identification of factorsinvolved in islet regeneration (such as “reg” gene)and thus eventual treatment of diabetes111.

In addition, VMH dietary obese diabetic rat hasbeen developed by experimental surgicalmanipulation of genetically normal animals withoutthe reduction in pancreatic beta cell mass resemblingtype 2 diabetes by combining bilateral electrolytelesion of VMH and feeding of high fat and highsucrose diets termed as VMH dietary obeserats112. It is characterized by marked obesity,hyperinsulinaemia, hypertriglyceridaemia, insulinresistance, impaired glucose tolerance, moderate tosevere fasting hyperglycaemia and defectiveregulation of insulin secretory response despiteextremely high insulin secretory capacity. It isinteresting that significant hyperphagia is observeddespite increased leptin levels (leptin resistance) inthese VMH lesioned rats.

Transgenic and knockout type 2 diabetic models

The nature of marked heterogeneity withmultifactorial genetic and environmental backgroundof diabetes poses challenges to identify exactmolecular mechanisms involved in treatment ofdiabetes. Recently, transgenic technique is gainingmomentum as it provides excellent opportunity forinvestigation of role of specific gene products andits mechanisms probably involved in diseaseconditions under its own physiological (as opposedto in vitro) environmental conditions. Transgenicanimals are generally helpful in giving insights intogene regulation and development, pathogenesis andfinding new targets and the treatment of disease. Ingeneral, transgenic animals particularly mice areusually created by transferring and altering the siteor level of expression of functional gene (transgene)or by deleting specific endogenous genes (knockout)or placing them under the control of alternatepromoter regions113.

There are some good reviews available in theliteratures describing the transgenic/knockout animalmodels of type 2 diabetes114-118. The transgenic andknockout models are developed for studying the roleof genes and their effects on peripheral insulin actionsuch as insulin receptor, IRS-1, IRS-2, glucosetransporter (GLUT 4), peroxisome proliferatoractivated receptor-� (PPAR-�) and tumour necrosisfactor-��(TNF-�) as well as in insulin secretion suchas GLUT-2, glucokinase (GK), islet amyloidpolypeptide (IAPP) and GLP-1 and in hepatic glucoseproduction (expression of PEPCK) associated withdevelopment of type 2 diabetes. Further, combinationor double knockout mouse models including defectin insulin action and insulin secretion (e.g., IRS-1+/-/GK+/- double knockout) have been producedwhich clearly illustrate the mechanisms associatedwith development of insulin resistance and beta celldysfunction leading to overt hyperglycaemic state inhuman type 2 diabetes. These above geneticallymodified animals exhibit various phenotypic featuresof type 2 diabetes varying from mild tosevere hyperglycaemia, insulin resistance,


hyperinsulinaemia, impaired glucose tolerance andothers as explained in detail elsewhere6,9,114-118. Veryrecently, tissue specific knockout mouse models havebeen achieved, allowing further insight into theinsulin action with respect to particular target tissues(muscle, adipose tissue and liver) associated withinsulin resistance and type 2 diabetes115,117,118. Thetransgenic/knockout animals are currently usedmostly for the mechanistic study in diabetes researchand not usually recommended for screeningprogramme as they are more complicated and costly.


Many of the animal models described apparentlyshare similar characteristic features of type 2 diabetesand have allowed experimentation that would beimpossible in humans. None of the known singlespecies is exactly equivalent to human diabetes, buteach model act as essential tool for investigatinggenetic, endocrine, metabolic, morphologic changesand underlying aetiopathogenic mechanisms thatcould also operate during the evolution of type 2diabetes in humans. Hence, care must be taken ininterpretation and extrapolation of the resultsobtained from these animal models to humans. In thescreening programme of anti-diabetic compounds, itis particularly important to note that some animalmodels are better suited to screen particular class ofanti-diabetic compounds. Since initial medicinalchemistry campaigns and screening, generallyrequire the testing of many compounds in theindustrial research environment, use of smalleranimal models such as mice, will reduce the expenseof producing test materials while some advancedefficacy studies or toxicological examinations whichrequire invasive procedures and large blood andtissue samples, may be facilitated by using animalswith large body size such as rat or other non rodents.Further, the selection of particular animal model isparticularly depending on the investigator’s choicewhether to use inbred or outbred, availability ofparticular strain, aim of scientific strategy, type ofdrug being sought, institutional financial and facilityresources in the type 2 diabetes research and

pharmaceutical drug discovery and developmentprogramme. Though there are some limitations likeexpensiveness, practical difficulties, extreme careand ethical considerations associated with the use oflarge/non rodent animal species (viz., pigs, dogs andnon human primates), the detailed investigations inthese diabetic animal species are urgently requiredfor better understanding of the disease mechanismsin much closely similar human situation as well asfor discovering newer targets and drugs for thetreatment of type 2 diabetes and its complications.


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