animal rights

Post on 08-May-2015






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Animal Rights

By Wesley Henkel


The following slideshow contains grotesque and graphical images of severely disfigured animals.

Warnings will be provided.

Viewer discretion is advised.

Animal rights is the principle that animals deserve to live according to their own natures, free from harm, abuse, and exploitation.

People often cut corners and don’t spend enough time or money to keep their pets happy and able to live properly. WARNING.

Some people take out their anger on animals and abuse them. Others find pleasure in hurting animals and kill or injure them.

Angeredman stabbedhis dog

Animals have a basic right to be treated fairly and humanely and should be given the basic interests that humans also have.

This dog suffers from severe malnutrition.

The animal rights movement conducts marches and other demonstrations to spread the knowledge of animal rights and fairness. Elephant abuse at the

Ringling Brothers Circus

The animal rights movement opposes the use of animals for any practice in which they are subjected to pain or suffering.


Cosmetics and product testing on animals is a very serious problem.

This can brutally disfigure animals and cause them much suffering.

Clorox testing


The animal rights movement first started with the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) in 1866.

Even the Nazis had animal testing restrictions!

In the U.S., the Animal Welfare Act of 1966 is the primary Federal Law which regulates cruelty to animals and has been amended six times in its existence. It is the only law which regulates the treatment of animals.

ASPCA’s website lists opportunities for people to join demonstrations against such things as puppy mills. The site also lists adoption centers for people to adopt needy animals.

There are plenty of ways to promote animal rights and to oppose animal testing and the exploitation of animals. April is Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month. One of the simplest ways to help out animals is to treat your pets humanely!


ASPCA, We Are Their Voice. (2012). Fight Animal Cruelty – Field Investigations and Response Team. Retrieved April 18, 2012 from

Naik, A. (2011) Buzzle, Intelligent Life on the Web. Animal Rights – Facts. Retrieved April 18, 2012 from

PETA, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. (2012). The Issues. Retrieved April 18, 2012 from

The Humane Society of the United States. (2012). Animal Abuse and Neglect. Retrieved April 17, 2012 from

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