anna's project draft

Post on 08-Jul-2015






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The World is in YOUR Hands

Lets talk truth here for a second…. Who here really loves pollution?

Now what about clean, fresh water. You guys love that right?

I mean you kind of have to, you cant live without it.

You without water =

And it can’t live without your help.

The world really is in your hands…

You don’t have to do anything drastic to help… I promise

Baby steps…

Watch what you throw down the sink. Do not throw paints, oils or other forms of litter down the sink

Turn of the water when you brush your teeth

Use environmentally friendly household cleaning products, they cost the same and you can buy them anywhere.

Invest in a reusable water bottle

Turn it off!

Use environmentally friendly household cleaning products, they cost the same and you can buy them anywhere.

Invest in a reusable water bottle

Watch what you throw down the sink. Do not throw paints, oils or other forms of litter down the sink

Now its up to you… Would you rather live in a world dominated

By this???? Or by this….

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