anne couteux - audiovisual archiving at ina

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Audiovisual archiving at Ina  Globo/IFTA seminar, Brazil, may 2016

Anne Couteux - Ina

The French National Audiovisual Institute,

missions and audiovisual collections

Audiovisual archiving at InaGlobo/IFTA seminar, Brazil, may 2016

Ina’s missions

1975 : creation of Ina, french National Audiovisual Institute

Missions• Preservation of the audiovisual heritage of ORTF (French radio

and television French Broadcasting Authority, 1964-1974)

• Training, R&D• Production, audiovisual creation

127 million euros budget in 2016972 employees (2015)14 700 000 hours of TV and radio documents1 200 000 preserved photographs123 television channels and radio stations picked up under legal deposit1 232 096 hours of online archives available on inamediapro.com3 000 professionals trained each year156,7 millions views on

Bry sur Marne






Audiovisual archiving at InaGlobo/IFTA seminar, Brazil, may 2016

1986 - Ina is entitled to sell archives for new audiovisual productions :

Ina’s collections

• Public TV programs (from 1949) • Public Radio programs (from 1902)

Target audience : directors, journalists, institutions… needing footage

Use : commercial

Access :

Inamediapro (selection of media free of rights)

The audiovisual heritage of ORTF (Office de radio et télévision française)

Professional archives database1,2 M hours of radio and TV


Ina’s collections

1995 : application of a 1992 act relative to the legal deposit of french TV and radio programs (public and private)• 7 TV channels in 1995 > 100 channels in 2016• 6 radio channels in 1995 > 20 channels in 2016

(soon 64)

Target audience : educational,

academic population Use : patrimonial, scientific

(researches, studies) Access : Ina THEQUE

Legal deposit

database1 M hours of radio and TV programs/year

Ina’s collections

2000 : Ina started archiving private audiovisual resources

Centre Georges Pompidou

Ariana films(Afghanistan)

NewspaperIOC – Olympic games

From :• producers• cultural institutions…• individuals (directors, artists…)• private companies

Uses : commercial and/or patrimonialLegal

deposit database

Professional archives database


Access :• Inamediapro• Ina THEQUE

Workflows and descriptive metadata

Audiovisual archiving at InaGlobo/IFTA seminar, Brazil, may 2016

Metadata generated through different activities :

- 1/ Management of the daily inflow (metadata concerning TV and radio programs from 120 channels) : 2 sources of metadata

external : • from private content providers (Plurimedia,

Mediametrie, Kantar Media…)• from broadcasters (France Television, Radio-France….)

internal : segmentation and content description of informative programs (news, magazines, documentaries…) by Ina’s archivists

Cataloguing and descriptive metadata

Audiovisual archiving at InaGlobo/IFTA seminar, Brazil, may 2016

Cataloguing and descriptive metadata

Data import before broadcast : data about programs, contents, broadcast time forecast

Data import after broadcast(real programmation)

Quality control, alignment, enrichment and validation of the cataloguing data synchronisatio

nby cataloguers

Day - 1

Day +1

Link to media file

Content description, segmentation and indexation by archivists

Automatic creation of

records in the Legal deposit

databaseRecords of public TV and radio programs transferred to the «  professionnal archives » database

2/ valorization activities Structuration of the collections

Multimedia sets of archives about personnalities or thematic issues

Contextualisation, editorialisation• Preparation of content to be put

online on the occasion of special events




- selection, annotation, indexation of integral archives

- creation of clips- media file segmentation

• Creation of thematic frescoes…

3/ quality control operationsAudiovisual archiving at Ina

Globo/IFTA seminar, Brazil, may 2016


+Thematic description

Issues, people, places, historical periods, events…


Issues, people, places

Different uses, different content descriptions


Thematic descriptionIssues, people, places, ,

historical periods, events…+

Analytic description Shotlists, sounds,



Issues, people, places,

footage, sounds



27 364 000* records 8 547 000* records

* TV and radioAudiovisual archiving at Ina

Globo/IFTA seminar, Brazil, may 2016

Applications and resources used for documentary tasks

Audiovisual archiving at InaGlobo/IFTA seminar, Brazil, may 2016

Segmentation and annotation application

Mediascope archiving at Ina

Globo/IFTA seminar, Brazil, may 2016

Thesaurus in french, english, spanish

Concepts : 11 639Persons : 81 003Organizations : 7 715Places : 45 467

Multilingual Thesaurus

Audiovisual archiving at InaGlobo/IFTA seminar, Brazil, may 2016


Online help application

Audiovisual archiving at InaGlobo/IFTA seminar, Brazil, may 2016

Project of a new information system

Audiovisual archiving at InaGlobo/IFTA seminar, Brazil, may 2016

Professionnal archivesLegal Deposit


[documentary and material data]

Importing of external

metadata(Plurimédia, Mediametrie, Kantar, Edison, Lisa, Gilda,

Sierra, TF1/LCI)


(Gestion Document 4D)

Technical applications(ARPP, CAPTN, etc.)

Consultation databases(exports)

Customer manageme

nt applications

(Workflow Radio & TV,

Gescom, InaMédiapro,


s(Adaje, Aida)

Technical applications(Batchnum, Scandir, File Registration,Infos fichiers HSM, Info fichiers Radio)


[documentary and material data]



Flowchart showing the current system : main data streams(non-exhaustive schematic diagram)

Data use

Data creation / updating

Customer management applications

and databases (Workflow Radio & TV, Gescom, InaMédiapro,

Technical applications(Batchnum, Scandir, File

Registration, Infos fichiers HSM, Info fichiers Radio, Autres fonds,

ARPP, CAPTN, Ossean, etc.)

Data use

Data creation / updating

Importing of external


Mediametrie, Kantar, Edison, Lisa, Gilda,

Sierra, TF1/LCI) Data lake

Access environments

(InaThèque, PCM)

Consultation and documentary and material metadata

processing applications =


Legal applications

and databases(Adaje, Aida)

Main data streams of the target information system(non-exhaustive schematic diagram)

Technical applications(Batchnum, Scandir, File

Registration, Infos fichiers HSM, Info fichiers Radio, Autres fonds,

ARPP, CAPTN, Ossean, etc.)

Importing of external


Mediametrie, Kantar, Edison, Lisa, Gilda,

Sierra, TF1/LCI) Data lake

Access environments

(InaThèque, PCM)

Consultation and documentary and material metadata

processing applications

= Notilus

Customer management applications

and databases (Workflow Radio & TV, Gescom, InaMédiapro,

Legal applications

and databases(Adaje, Aida)

Main data streams of the target information system(non-exhaustive schematic diagram)

Data use

Data creation / updating

Legal applications

and databases(Adaje, Aida)

Access environments

(InaThèque, PCM)

Technical applications(Batchnum, Scandir, File

Registration, Infos fichiers HSM, Info fichiers Radio, Autres fonds,

ARPP, CAPTN, Ossean, etc.)

Importing of external


Mediametrie, Kantar, Edison, Lisa, Gilda,

Sierra, TF1/LCI)

Consultation and documentary and material metadata

processing applications =


Data lake

Customer management applications

and databases (Workflow Radio & TV, Gescom, InaMédiapro,

Main data streams of the target information system(non-exhaustive schematic diagram)

Data use

Data creation / updating

- To answer the respective needs of both documentary activities in the same production and retrieve tool

- To allow a better interoperability with others sources or collections

- To import and describe non broadcast audiovisual resources

- To be able to adapt our documentary practices to new audiovisual objects


The new model is currently elaborated by the project team and IT architects.

A new data model

Audiovisual archiving at InaGlobo/IFTA seminar, Brazil, may 2016



draft - draft -

draft - draft -d

raft - draft -

draft -

draft - draft


A new information system with services developped by the R&D department

- Speech to text with - name entity extraction - detection of quotations- alignment text/time codes

- Connexion to external sources (artistic works, regular events)

- Footage and sounds analysis (detection of faces, monuments, works of art, voices…)

- New multimedia player

Audiovisual archiving at InaGlobo/IFTA seminar, Brazil, may 2016

In the respect of legal constraints, new uses of our data could emerge :

- elaboration of a policy of open data (on data generated at Ina) to develop secondary uses by media specialists

New information system, new prospects

- linked data : audiovisual works on Victor Hugo linked to Victor Hugo’s literary works archived at the Bibliothèque nationale de France (French national Library) ?

Audiovisual archiving at InaGlobo/IFTA seminar, Brazil, may 2016

The changing role of archivists

At Ina, the integration of external metadata caused many changes in documentary procedures during the last 10 years.New challenges to come with the big data policy and the development of semi automatic description :

guarantee the quality of the metadata ensure consistency of data in relation with uses use the very good knowledge of the collections :

• to structure even more than before massive amount of data

• to work at developping new enhancement practices

• to accompany the audience in its researches among more and more data

Audiovisual archiving at InaGlobo/IFTA seminar, Brazil, may 2016

More information about Ina

Audiovisual archiving at InaGlobo/IFTA seminar, Brazil, may 2016Anne Couteux

Audiovisual archiving at InaGlobo/IFTA seminar, Brazil, may 2016

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