annual repor t 2015/16 - kirklees citizens advice … citizens advice and law centre annual repor t...

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Kirklees Citizens Advice and Law Centre

Annual Repor t 2015/16

Delivering quality advice for

the people of Kirklees

Kirklees Citizens Advice & Law Centre


CHANGE has been the theme at Kirklees Citizens Advice and Law Centre for the last few years.

We have merged the CAB with the Law Centre, had sizable budget reductions, moved

offices and changed the ways we provide advice. It has challenged us all - staff and volunteers, including my colleagues on the Trustee Board. For our clients - the reason we are here in the first place - we have reduced queuing and we are able to see a greater

number than we were seeing previously. Early indications are that clients are well satisfied with our service.

It is a tribute to staff and our volunteers that we have well integrated teams ready to play their part in bringing quality advice services to Kirklees people. On behalf of my fellow Trustees, THANK YOU. For the future, we will continue to improve what we do, working

collaboratively with fellow organisations in supporting clients to deal with their problems in difficult times.

Theresa McDonagh Chair of Trustees

During 2015/16 the following people acted as trustees:

Chair: Trustees:

Theresa McDonagh Gulnaz Akhtar Adrian Cruden Vice-Chair Joanna Gadsby (from 15/05/16)

Anne Pendlebury Judith Priestley Linda Summers Treasurer: Stacey Duke (to 15/09/15)

Laurence Campbell Alison Guest (to 17/11/15 )




The Board of Trustees have set the following strategic objectives for KCALC:

Operational Objectives To refine, improve and further develop the new model of service delivery

To maintain a viable and sustainable organisation in a difficult funding environment To maintain and increase service delivery levels including the provision of specialist

advice To continue the integration of all staff into one way of working, using the same

policies, procedures and processes across the organisation To develop and implement a volunteering strategy aimed at doubling the number of

volunteers within twelve months

To enhance quality systems and procedures to meet all required quality standards

To develop campaigning work locally

Strategic Objectives

To develop effective governance arrangements for a responsive and inclusive


To develop a regional and national reputation as an effective and innovative advice

delivery organisation

Our Objectives


KCALC staff and volunteers offer

assistance to members of the public via our contact centres in Dewsbury and Huddersfield.

They are open from 9.30 to 4.00 every weekday and operate on a drop-in basis. Everyone calling in has the opportunity to

access information to help them to resolve their issue.

Staff are available to help and guide people through their options. If more advice is needed then a range of options

are available including a face to face appointment with an adviser, a telephone call back or a referral to another service.

The number of people coming into our centres has increased by 65% over the last

year but we have made our service more efficient and rarely have a queue.

In April 2015 we designed and introduced

our new contact centre in Empire House, Dewsbury. In October 2015 our Huddersfield teams moved into new

premises in Brook Street. These have been fully refurbished and are a much more visible presence in the town.

We have worked closely during the year with our partners in Kirklees Council and Looking Local on the development of a

new website tool, ‘Better Off Kirklees’.

This is designed to help clients do more to

help themselves when they need to understand their entitlement to benefits, apply for benefits and look for work.

It is helping to take some pressure off advice services and we support clients to

use it either in our contact centres or through web-chat.

Advice and information for all

Contact Centres

Services Our


The demand for our Telephone Advice

Line has grown significantly and the number of calls we answered in the last year was more than double that

of the year before.

The advice line is answered from 9.30am to 4.00pm every weekday and is part of a

national network of Citizens Advice telephone advice lines which means that callers also have the opportunity to listen

to pre-recorded information about some issues. We answer over 65% of all calls and are aiming for over 80% next year.

Our staff and volunteers assist callers in finding information to help with their

queries and they can also offer face to face appointments, call backs and referrals to specialist advice teams where


Our website has provision for clients to contact us and

ask for advice. We usually call back clients who contact us via the website by telephone, although we are happy to

respond electronically where this is the best way for the client.

The staff working in our contact centres, on our telephone advice line

and at outreach locations are:

Ferhat Bano

Fatema Dudha Maxine Hunter Janet Jowitt

Suhra Kalabic Asia Majid Angela Metcalfe

Emsuda Selman Sharon Smith Linnet Thornton

Other Frontline Advisers are employed by Kirklees Council.

We also offer a service in a number of

outreach locations located in the premises of other organisations.

The majority of these are Surestart Children’s Centres but they also include libraries and other community venues.

Staff employed at these locations will help connect potential clients to our service and an adviser can arrange a call back and/or

face to face advice at the outreach.

We are pleased to work in partnership with

other local agencies to deliver this service.

Telephone Advice Line

Exceptional! Simply couldn’t have expected any more.

Case Study A woman called our Telephone Advice Line and

an advisor called her back to undertake a benefits check.

We discovered she was entitled to Working Tax Credits so helped her to make

a claim.

Although the amount she will

receive is relatively small, as she was struggling financially she feels it will make a big difference to her life.

Outreach Centres


We were pleased in 2015 to obtain a contract with the Legal Aid Agency in Public Law.

Where clients who are eligible for Legal Aid need to address issues with a public body and have exhausted all other avenues they

can apply for a Judicial Review through the courts.

Many of these cases are very complex and it is important that we can provide this service.

We assist clients who need help to access social or care services. Clients can receive Legal Aid to resolve

issues if they meet eligibility criteria.

We can handle their case up to and including representation in court


Clients using this service are usually

among the most vulnerable that we assist and we have built up considerable expertise over many years in dealing with

their specific needs. Staff dealing with NHS Complaints, Public

Law and Community Care are Nina Stansfield and Ginny Woolfenden.

Public Law

Specialist Advice

Community Care


We deliver the NHS Complaints

Advocacy service in Kirklees where we assist clients who wish to make a complaint about their medical services

or care.

We help them to put their case so that the NHS addresses issues of concern to their

service users. We aim to get an acknowledgement from NHS services that there has been an issue, an apology for

patients and a change in practice so that problems do not recur.

We support clients at local resolution meetings and, where necessary, assist clients to refer matters to NHS England or

the Parliamentary & Health Service Ombudsman.

We are pleased that we have secured this contract for a further three years.

Case Study A client approached our NHS complaints and advocacy

service about the treatment of her son who died after an overdose of opiates.

She felt that insufficient medical opinion had been

sought when decisions were made about his care and that no support had been

provided when he returned home.

We helped her to obtain the

information she needed to make a complaint and provided advocacy when she

attended meetings with agencies about the issue.

We also assisted her with her contribution to the inquest into her son’s death. This

included helping her draft statements and submissions, and informing her about the

legal situation and processes. As a result of our support

changes have been made to policies, procedures and the referral pathway for those

with similar issues. All the agencies involved have reviewed their practice in

line with the recommendations of the inquest and internal reviews

have been conducted.

Advocacy Service NHS Complaints


We are one of 50 local Citizens Advice

who have been delivering the

government’s Pension Wise service for

over a year.

Launched in April 2015, Pension Wise was a

new guidance service set up to help people

understand their options under the pension

freedoms. We deliver face to face Pension

Wise appointments to people aged 50 and

over with a defined contribution pension.

For 2015/16, Pension Wise has delivered

61,200 appointments across the service in

England, Wales, Scotland and Northern


People visiting Pension Wise are pleased with

the guidance they are receiving with

satisfaction ratings remaining consistently

high. In April 2016, Pension Wise achieved a

satisfaction score of 88.5%.

We have been successful in obtaining

funding from various sources to carry

out financial capability work with our

clients to enable them to handle their

financial affairs better.

This has included work to help people

change their energy supplier to obtain the

cheapest possible deal. We have recently

been successful in obtaining funding to run a

regular financial capability forum for advisers

in the Yorkshire and Humber region. We also

offer budgeting advice to clients who are

being moved on to Universal Credit.

Our Financial Information Team, which

includes Pension Wise, is Craig Eastwood Sue Howard and Peter Sales.

Pension Wise

Excellent impartial advice clearly explained and no sales pressure. ”

Case Study A client had a pension plan worth about £55,000 and

wanted to know about his options.

During our discussion it was discovered that he had debts of £23,000 and was hoping to use

his pension fund to pay it off. He also had various health issues and was in receipt of

some benefits. The worry and stress of his debts were not helping his situation.

We explained his pension options, including the potential impact on his benefits if he

took a large cash sum or additional income. We then referred him to our Debt Team

for further help the same day.

As a result of our advice he

was able to use some of his lump sum to make an arrangement to pay off his

debts in full, which greatly alleviated his worry and stress.

The information he had been

given by our Pension Wise worker meant he could ensure that this did not impact on his

benefit income. It’s also enabled him to leave the rest of the fund in his plan to make

additional income.

Financial Capability


Clients who wish to claim asylum in

the UK can be helped by our Legal Aid contract.

We deliver this service across Kirklees and also have a base in Wakefield. We can prepare the case and represent at tribunal on behalf of our clients.

Our asylum team consists of Feddus Ali Raashida Daud and Matthew Middleton.


Case Study Our client was a young girl who was trafficked into the

UK. She was forced into prostitution and was severely abused. Her perpetrators

then left her on the streets.

The traffickers had provided

her with an identity which stated she was older than she actually was. When she

approached the Home Office with the help of a Church, they did not accept her age

or identity and she was refused asylum. That is when she was referred to us.

We worked hard to liaise with various organisations and an independent age

assessment was completed. We gathered evidence that she was a minor, that she

had been trafficked and faced a real risk of being re-trafficked if returned.

After battling with the Home Office, we went on to

represent the client at the tribunal. We succeeded in getting her leave to remain

as a refugee with her correct name and details.

If we had not been involved

she would have been returned to Uganda where she would be homeless,

destitute and facing the prospect of being trafficked all over again.

Case Study Our client arrived in the UK as a spouse. As her husband did

not apply for her stay to be regularised, she became an over-stayer for 2½ years.

Her husband subjected her to domestic abuse and

eventually, following a severe assault, she fled to a refuge and was referred to us for


We gathered evidence to prove she was a victim of

domestic violence and got her a concessionary visa so she could access benefits to cover

the cost of her stay at the refuge.

We successfully got her exemption from paying the Home Office fees of £1875

on the grounds of destitution, and ensured she was granted Indefinite Leave to Remain.


We can assist clients with completion

of complex forms such as those for Employment Support Allowance and Personal Independence Payment.

This is usually done by trained volunteers, and we have received additional assistance with this from students seconded to us

from the Huddersfield University Law Clinic.

Where clients are refused benefits we can assist them to request mandatory reconsideration and then in making an

appeal if required. This support is provided by our Advice Kirklees team in partnership with Kirklees Council.

For clients whose case has been refused at tribunal we provide a specialist service for

appeals to the Upper Tribunal funded by Legal Aid.

The Upper Tribunal Appeal service is

delivered by Joe Power and Ginny Woolfenden.

Welfare Benefits

Case Study A disabled client dropped in to our Contact Centre to

enquire about any possible effects on his benefits if he worked more hours as his

health was improving.

We arranged for him to have

a telephone call back to discuss his situation and to undertake a benefits check.

Our adviser discovered that he was unaware that he was entitled to the Severe

Disability Premium on his Employment Support Allowance (ESA).

We were able to give him the support he needed to

make a claim which added £61.35 to his weekly income and over £2,000 was paid in


The adviser was also able to inform him that if he did

work more hours and lost his entitlement to ESA, that the premium could be

applied to his Housing Benefit to reduce the rent he would have to pay.

This new knowledge means that he feels more

financially secure in searching for more hours of work.


The Money Advice Service fund our

debt advice work with clients who

have financial issues.

Staff work with clients to help them

manage their affairs and deal with their

creditors. We have been successful in

having debts written off and we often get

payments reduced or suspended.

We assist clients with Debt Management

Plans, Individual Voluntary Arrangements,

Debt Relief Orders and Bankruptcy.

Kirklees Council also fund us to deliver

debt advice to those who have tenancies

with them.

Our Debt Team are: Karen Bentley, Graham Fearnley, Wendy Forrest, Steve Frain, Charlie Frielick, Charles Greaves,

Katie Hellawell, Shereen Rebbla, Richard Taylor, Martin Whitaker and Cheryl Williamson.


Case Study Our client had an unpaid magistrates court fine of £100

for a driving offence. This had now been passed to a collection agency and with

additional fees the sum owed had grown to £410.

He had been sanctioned when applying for benefits because he had not attended a medical

appointment and now had no income. He was living with his mother who was threatening

to evict him because of the stress caused by attempts to recover the money he owed.

We informed the collection agency that he was vulnerable because of mental health

issues, confirmed by a doctor’s letter. We got the fine transferred back to the court

and the additional charges removed.

A relative gave him £50 towards the debt and the court allowed a period before

the remaining £50 needed to be paid. We also referred him to other members of our advice service for assistance

with making claims for benefits.

With the collection agency no longer making attempts to recover the money, his mother

was happy to allow him to remain living at home.

Due to my husband’s accident, losing the business and finding myself in debt, I was in a very dark place.

You were the light at the end of the tunnel that helped me and I can never thank you enough for what you have done.


We are able to provide a specialist

telephone advice service for people in Kirklees with employment issues.

This is a well used service with over 1000 clients in 2015/16. The issues with the most enquiries were

unlawful deduction of wages and unfair dismissal but all other employment issues were handled.

Following government cuts to Legal Aid we are limited in the casework support we can

offer to clients but our advice can assist them to prepare their own cases or to make the decision that it is not appropriate

to proceed further.

Our employment helpline is staffed by

Steve Collins and volunteers.

I was immediately given valuable information and within an hour, my enquiry had resulted in a huge amount of support for my case. ”


Case Study A client called our employment advice line to

discuss his situation.

He had passed retirement age

and had an agreement with his employer that he would (after turning 65) continue to

work for one day per week.

This continued when the company was taken over but

the new employer decided they only wanted people who were prepared to work a five

day week.

As our client did not wish to

return to full time, he was eventually told by a manager that he “would no longer

work there”.

We provided the client with advice about his legal

position and ways to proceed. The case was finally settled in his favour.


Although we usually work with

individual clients, on occasion our staff become aware of problems which are affecting more than one

person and causing a detriment.

Often these are as a result of national policy decisions but they can also be more

local issues.

Where it is possible we contribute statistics

and information to national campaigns which are coordinated by organisations such as Citizens Advice or Law Centres’

Federation. They use this to build up a picture of how

situations affect individuals and of the severity of the problem which is evidence to challenge national decision makers.

Where local issues arise that affect many people we hope to be able to challenge the decision makers ourselves. We find that it

is often as a result of how local public bodies interpret and implement guidance or local systems that are created.

Sometimes they involve access issues.

Our research and campaigns work is

headed up by Kirsty Dickinson assisted by volunteers.

Case Study A staff member complained to the Courts and Tribunal Service

in West Yorkshire that they would not speak to KCALC staff members about individuals

even when they had authorisation from our clients to do so.

This made it especially difficult for our debt workers when

speaking to the magistrates’ courts and the collection services about payments owed

and trying to negotiate payment schedules for our clients.

Following the letter sent to them, the Courts and Tribunal

Service have agreed to change their policy and to correspond directly with KCALC when they

have a client’s written authorisation to do so. This change will make a

difference to our current and future clients who owe money to the court.

The negotiations and discussions with the court can

now be carried out by a debt professional which will improve the clients’ situation

and lessen their stress and anxiety.

Research and Campaigns


in the Kirklees area received our help during 2015/16.

25,348 people

95% were happy or very happy with the service they received.

91% said their query

was resolved at their first contact with us.

received our service via


11,773 people

accessed our website.

4,976 people

received our service face

to face.

13,575 people

Services Our


£8.1m of debt


£13.8m secured in benefits

47 clients represented at tribunal

£ £

Issues dealt with in 2015/16 (by % of total):


Debt 25.3%

Employment 7%

Financial 4.8%

Utilities 4.4%





Other 7.9%






42% of our clients have a disability or long term health condition


We provided advice in 26 languages:





British Sign Language





Kurdish Sorani

Kurdish Badhini

Kurdish Kumanji















Client ethnicity

White British

Asian/Asian British 17.5%

Black/Black British

Mixed Heritage

Other ethnicity





Client gender

44% female

56% male

Client age

Under 24

25-65 yrs

+65 yrs





Volunteers play a vital part in

delivering our services and are involved at all levels of our organisation.

Volunteers act as Advice Guiders in our contact centres and on our Telephone

Advice Line helping people to find information to resolve their issues. They give advice in appointments with clients,

help with administration, work on campaigns and research, and some volunteers are specialist advisers in

specific areas of law.

Our Board of Trustees which governs the organisation and is legally responsible for

its direction is also made up of people who volunteer their time.

KCALC would not be able to help as many clients and offer so many different services without our volunteers, some of whom

have been with us for many years. We offer them training and experience in the advice field and help them to develop skills

that many can use in future employment.

Our volunteers come from many different backgrounds and bring a wealth of life

experience to KCALC. We are always recruiting for new volunteers and information about how to apply can be

found on the Advice Kirklees website.

Our Training Supervisor is Julie Ashton.

Case Study “After retiring from a career working in industry in a

management and financial capacity, I decided that I would like to do something

different where my experience may prove useful.

The CAB training exposed how little I knew in detail about subjects such as the benefits

system and the actual experience of dealing with clients proved to be an eye

opener, revealing the complex and difficult problems some people encounter and the

struggles they face on a day to day basis.

The job can be both exasperating and occasionally upsetting but satisfying as well

and I’ve met some genuinely nice people along the way. Time well spent as far as I’m

concerned and maybe I’ve become a bit more tolerant in the process.”

The support provided by members of staff is second to none. You always feel like one of the team.

Volunteers Our


Rachel Ackroyd

Azra Ali Aleksandra Bartoszelwska

Terri Bell Julie Burgin Naseem Butt

Leon Chu Ruth Davies Anne Douglas

Robert Dransfield Patricia England Michael Evans

Lydia Furman Kierraleigh Gardner-Robson Sue Guppy

Rachel Grogan

Faruk Hajat

Leila Hanson Peter Hart Diane Hornsey

Alina Hussain Samina Hussain Sohaib Hussain

Zonia Iqbal Clare James Saima Kauser

Samina Kauser Aysha Kayat Stacey Knight

David Lawrence Jolene Lee Vera Mackin Thomas Martin

Peter McKenzie

Peter Millen

Avis Nunn Simon Oakley Kulsum Pandor

Rumanah Patel Shanaz Patel Shabana Pathan

Brenda Robson Faizan Saeed Paul Sands

Marion Simmers Tracy Sugden Elizabeth Stevens

Andrew Stock Ann Strain Laiba Tanvir Christine Thorburn

Sharon Weed

List correct at September 2016.

Volunteers 2015/16



The organisation has faced significant cuts (50%) to core funding implemented

in two equal stages over the period 2015-17. This financial year has seen the initial impact of that and we have planned for further

savings during 2016-17. There is also a need to secure additional sources of funding in order to maintain the viability of the organisation in the longer term.

We have a Development Manager in post and we have specifically planned to expend management and staff resources in order to identify and tender for new funding.

There has been considerable change during 2015-16, including the introduction of a new service delivery model which succeeded in maintaining support for the same number of clients despite the reduction in funding, a move in premises in Huddersfield, and an

overhaul of IT and telecommunications systems. As part of our collaborative work with Kirklees Council, we have integrated staff from Kirklees Benefits Advice Service into our Advice Kirklees model. Some consolidation will be

required during 2016-17 as these dramatic changes settle.



Council and Community £1,306,624

Money Advice Service £256,285

Big Lottery (Transforming Advice Services ) £71,003

Big Lottery (Pathways to Integration) £8,740

Investment income £2,454

Income TOTAL £1,645,106


Staffing (Salaries, NI & pensions) £1,004,424

Premises £122,135

Office overheads £129,802

Training & travel £17,294

IT £17,192

Information Subscriptions £10,376

Interpretation £1,705

Support Costs £22,814

Lead body payments (Fusion Housing) £253,159

Depreciation £66,900

Loss on sale of tangible fixed assets £14,401

Expenditure TOTAL. £1,660,202

Our Unrestricted Reserves at 31st March 2016 were £575,807.

A full copy of our audited Accounts for 2015/16 is available on request.

Financial Statement


Transformation of the Service This Annual Report would not be complete without setting it in the

context of the huge transformation of the service that has taken place over the past two years.

This transformation has come from a confluence of our own long term strategic

thinking, influences from various partners and, increasingly, of funding pressures.

For some years the idea of merging our Citizens Advice and Law Centre organisations had been discussed.

Our vision was of a single advice service which could support clients across the

breadth of social welfare law issues and with the expertise to provide that support from initial information through to representation at tribunals and to the

highest courts if required. In April 2014 we completed our merger to

form Kirklees Citizens Advice & Law Centre.

The vision of a single advice service also chimed with Kirklees Council and we have worked with them to integrate their

Benefits Advice Service, while also maintaining our close partnership with Fusion Housing, to create a single point of

entry for advice under the banner of Advice Kirklees.

We are all well aware of ‘austerity’ and the resulting cuts to public funding. Across the country, the advice sector has been hit

disproportionately hard at a time when there is increasing need for our services.

Specialist advice in areas of social welfare law has been removed or significantly

restricted by Government slashing of Legal Aid in 2013.

Funding pressures on our local authority are severe and required 50% cuts to the advice budget in Kirklees in the past year.

In looking at the external environment, we have understood the need, mirrored by

thinking in our local authority, to support and empower clients to do more themselves and to engage with increasing

requirements to use telephone and digital technologies. We have embraced these technologies

ourselves to improve access to and efficiency of our services. The service we provide now looks very different.

We have two Contact Centres that clients can attend without appointment and get

immediate access to information or, where required, access to telephone or face to face assistance.

We have an enhanced telephone call centre, and we have worked closely with

Kirklees Council in the development of an online tool to support benefits advice.

We have maintained specialist services as far as possible and clients can be passed seamlessly through to specialists where




This transformation has allowed us to

support twice the volume of clients in 2016 than we were able to a year ago.

Waiting times for clients ‘dropping in’ have gone. More clients are able to get through on the phone and we are answering them

more quickly. Waiting and delay has always been the

biggest complaint of clients, and an important outcome of these changes is a significant improvement in client

satisfaction with our service. As well as changes to the service, the past

year has seen significant changes to our infrastructure: a move in premises of our Huddersfield


changes to our Dewsbury premises to incorporate the new look Contact Centre,

the development of an automated system to book in clients arriving for pre-booked appointments,

a new single telephone system for the organisation,

and a re-vamp and upgrade of our

computer network. The major transformation is complete, but

we are mindful of the need for continual improvement, adjustment, and development of services to meet the

challenges of technological advance and ongoing funding pressure.

Above all, transformation of this magnitude involves changes of mindset – for trustees, managers, staff, volunteers and clients –

and we all need to keep working on that. In achieving the above I would like to note

my particular thanks to Mark Lacey, my predecessor as Chief Executive, who was a

driving force behind much of this, and to

Steve Bird at Kirklees Council who has been a valuable and supportive partner.

My thanks also to our Trustees, who have understood the context and have had to make some difficult decisions and trust us

to carry them out. Also to my Executive Management Team,

who have led on and delivered this, and most of all to our staff and volunteers who have supported the transition and made it

work so well.

Nick Whittingham Chief Executive

Chief Executive Nick Whittingham

Compliance Manager Darren Grosvenor

Operations Manager Lesley Kaye

Finance Manager Ian Parkin

HR, Data and Campaigns Manager Kirsty Dickinson

Development Manager Anne Hudson

Management Team Our Executive


Big Lottery Fund

Citizens Advice Money Advice Services Pension Wise

Calderdale Council Community Spirit Crossroads Centre

Cuckoos Nest

Kirklees Council Department of Energy and Climate Change

Legal Education Foundation Legal Aid Agency

Our Thanks

Photo credits Photos licensed under Creative Commons (CC 2.0):

“Barclays Bank and Empire House” - Humprey Bolton

“Dewsbury Market” - Mtaylor848

“Dewsbury Minster” - SMJ

“Huddersfield from Castle Hill” - Techiedog

“Kingsgate Shopping Centre” - Steve Jaikens

Additional photos provided by KCALC.

Fusion Housing

Kirklees Council Looking Local Healthwatch Kirklees

Cloverleaf Advocacy

Money Advice Services

North East Regional Law Centre St Augustine’s Centre Halifax Wakefield CAB

Calderdale CAB

We are supported by Citizens Advice and Law Centres’ Network.

We wish to thank all our funders:

Our partners during 2015/16:

Tel : 0344 848 7970


Registered address:

Units 11/12, Empire House, Wakefield Old Road, Dewsbury WF12 8DJ

Also at:

1 & 3 Brook Street, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire HD1 1EB

Contact Us

Citizens Advice and Law Centre is a Company Limited by Guarantee and a Charity. Company number 4259550 and Charity Number 1088651 Kirklees Law Centre is a wholly owned subsidiary of KCALC. Company number 5470398 and Charity Number 1112885

Kirklees Citizens Advice & Law Centre

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