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Annual ReporAnnual ReporAnnual ReporAnnual ReporAnnual Reporttttt 2008 1

2 Annual Repor Annual Repor Annual Repor Annual Repor Annual Reporttttt 2008

Our Cover



Cover design and Layout: IRIS ALEGRO-IGROBAY

LGA HRMD 42-43

Financial Report 44

LGA in 2009 46

····· LGA Reorganization · · · · · Barangay NEO Program· · · · · International Research Forum · · · · · LGA Tracer Study····· Project CURE · · · · · LGA’s 20th Anniversary

Significant Events 8-19

Messages 4-6

Performance Highlights 20-40i. New Programsii. Continuing Programsiii. Scholarship for LGUsiv. IEC Programsv. DILG HRMD

Twenty years as a milestone would mark astage when one should be quite matureand already shaping their destiny. For anorganization, however, twenty years is avery young age. Yet the learning curvewith which we are faced and the issueswhich confront us as a governmentorganization challenge us to grow and tomature at a pace unheard of in the past.

Indeed, it has been argued that we faceinherent adversities in pursuit of our visionand aspirations. Despite this, the LGAcontinues to pursue the ideals ofexcellence, commitment and integritytowards good governance, recognizing aswe do so that such is unachievable if nottempered by responsibility and unity.

Nothing better encapsulates this sentimentthan this Annual Report’s cover. Perhapsthe greatest challenge which we confrontnow is our mindset; what we consider tobe important, our priorities, our responseto adversity. As an organization we acceptthat we should continue to strive to begenuinely accountable to the people, holdourselves responsible for our actions, andcommit to bringing about only the best wecan possibly imagine.

As we mark the LGA’s 20th year of existence,we reflect on all these things, resolve toovercome in the face of adversity,challenge ourselves to be innovative, tothink outside the box, and to find solutionsto meet the ultimate dream of making areal difference in the lives of the Filipinopeople.

ISSN 1655-7336

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Thelma T. VecinaAssistant Director& Chief, International Partnerships Unit

Patrick John D. MegiaAssistant Chief, InternationalPartnerships Unit

Genedine A. EvangelistaChief, Administrative Division


ANNUAL REPORTANNUAL REPORTANNUAL REPORTANNUAL REPORTANNUAL REPORTCOMMITTEECOMMITTEECOMMITTEECOMMITTEECOMMITTEELeah Marie C. SanchezSilvestre Z. BarramedaAubrey Joy D. BrampioKriszia Lorrain M. EnriquezJackie Bernardt R. ViernesIris Alegro-IgrobayDavid Joy S. SemillaApolinar A. DianaNilda Y. Torres

Marciana C. ObispoAssistant. Chief, Administrative Division

Alfonso A. Maralli Jr.Chief, Education & Training Division

Angelina T. LayuganAssistant Chief, Education & Training Division

Esmeralda Daphne N. PurnellChief, Research & Publications Division

Leah Marie C. SanchezAssistant Chief, Research & Publications Division

Leovigildo C. ResolChief , Local Governance National Resource Center

Jose Gonzalo P. Ablay IIIAssistant Chief, Local GovernanceNational Resource Center

Secretary Ronaldo V. PunoAtty. Jose D. Lina Jr.Mr. Aniceto M. SobrepeñaDr. Milwida M. GuevaraMs. Rustica C. PalacolDir. Marivel C. Sacendoncillo

4 Annual Repor Annual Repor Annual Repor Annual Repor Annual Reporttttt 2008

THE DEPARTMENT of theInterior and Local Governmenthas always worked for localautonomy to flourish. At thispoint in time, we have beenvictorious to a certain extentas local governments havebecome self-reliant in bringingprogress into theircommunities. Many of ourlocal leaders are becomingmore innovative in translatinggenuine local governance intoa government that is run bythe people.

We cannot disregard the factthat the Local GovernmentAcademy is very instrumentalin enhancing LGU capacities toenable them to effectively andefficiently deliver services totheir constituents. It has onceagain proven its commitment

to bring about transformation inthe local governments asmeaningful programs wereundertaken this year that made adifference in the lives of theFilipino people.

I congratulate the officers andstaff of the Local GovernmentAcademy for a job well done. I amcertain that you will continue toserve with utmost passion anddedication as you havedemonstrated in the past years.


message from the secretary

HON. RONALDO V. PUNOSecretary, DILG and Chairperson,LGA Board of Trustees

Channel ofTransformation

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THE LOCAL GovernmentAcademy has always beenpresent in training, capacitybuilding and other forms ofassistance that local governmentunits need. Aside from the basicservices they offer, they alsoengage in partnerships with localand international agencies.

2008 is a year of success for theAcademy. I, for one, would liketo congratulate the LGA forextending its service deliverythroughout the country. Themuch-needed support given bythe Department of the Interiorand Local Government to theLGUs is well reflected in theundertakings of the LGA.

The ability to adapt to changesis an essential part of the LGAmandate. I have a high regardfor the strong leadership thatthe Academy has shownthroughout the years. Everythingwould not be possible if not for

the dedication that the LGAstaff brings to their work.

Truly, public service is not aneasy task. It is more of apassion and duty rather thanan obligation. Theaccomplishments written inthis report are a reflection ofthe kind of progress we arelooking forward to for ourLGUs to practice and achieve.We hope that more supportwill be given to the LGA as weunfold our plans for thesucceeding year.


message from the undersecretary

Reflection ofProgress

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SINCE ITS INCEPTION 20 yearsago, the Local GovernmentAcademy has envisioned stronglocal governments that wouldhelp build our nation. Thisvision is progressively becominga reality as more and more localgovernments are proving to bemore effective in deliveringservices, and more localofficials are striving to beexemplars in various fields oflocal governance.


message from the executive director

functionaries. We are in the processof continuously shifting from being atraining provider to being a knowledgemanager and market maker. It hasbeen our conscious effort tostrengthen other local resourceinstitutions in the belief that they canbe potent partners in developmentrather than competitors.

This year’s accomplishments wouldnot have been possible without thesupport of our partners and clientswho believed that the LGA iscontributing much towards improvinglocal governance in the country.

To all of you, we extend our heartfeltgratitude and we look forward to amore challenging and productive 2009.

Realization ofa Vision

This year the LGA, through the DILG officesnationwide, focused on the barangay officials bymaking them more aware of their roles andresponsibilities as frontliners in delivering basicservices to their constituents. We offered new andinteresting courses that respond to the needs of thetimes. We continue to serve local officials from themunicipal, city and provincial level as our mandatedictates.

But we strongly believe that our mandate goesbeyond training local government officials and

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@ 2


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R eorganize, repackageand upgrade. Thesethree words resonatedin the Local


Government Academy at thestart of 2008. All these leadingto further strengthening theLGA’s role as trendsetter incapacity development.

Reorganize. The growingdemand for capacitydevelopment necessitates amore responsive and flexible LGAthat would provide the neededservices of local governments.The Local Governance NationalResource Center (LGNRC) startedoperating in the LGA TrainingCenter in Los Banos, reinforcingthe training programs beingoffered by its main office inPasig City.

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An International Partnerships Unitwas also established to keep upwith the increasing support fromlocal and international partnerswho believe that the LGA is

in Los Baños provides clientswith computers with internetconnection. A physicallibrary as well as anIntegrated LibraryManagement System is alsoavailable.

Accommodation and diningfacilities are also beingcontinuously upgraded to suitthe training requirements ofclients. The LGA is lookingforward to a teleconferencingfacility to be available in theLGNRC soon.

help motivate each and everyemployee to look forward toanother day of work.

Upgrade. With the birth of theLocal Governance NationalResource Center, the LGA iscontinuously adapting to theneeds and requirements of alearning organization. Knowledgesharing facilities and equipmentare readily available in the LosBaños and Pasig offices. A multi-media room located in the LGNRC

instrumental in improving localgovernance in the country.Various international and localprojects were managed by thisunit.

Repackage. The LGA, throughthe Local Governance NationalResource Center (LGNRC) team,started offering training programsthat are responsive to thechallenges of urban developmentand management as well asclimate change. These challenges,if not well understood andsystematically addressed, couldput a strain on local leadership.

The LGA office in Ortigas also gota boost as part of the repackagingof the whole LGA system. A freshoffice environment was providedto all employees, including newfurnishings for workstations and a4-day set of uniforms that would

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R ecognizing the significant role ofbarangays in the development ofthe country and as the basic

political unit, the Barangay Newly-Elected Officials (BNEO) Program wasstarted in January 2008. It is a continuingcapacity development program for newlyelected barangay officials who assumedoffice in 2007. It seeks to help them performtheir mandated tasks and responsibilities andto equip them with the necessary tools andpractices in running the day-to-day affairsof their respective barangays.

It is made up of three components: Part I:General Orientation on Barangay Governanceand Administration; Part II: Strengthening theBarangay-Based Institutions (BBIs); and PartIII: Special Skills Training. To provide a poolof coaches and managers to aid in theimplementation of the BNEO at the locallevel, the National and Regional Coaches’Orientations were conducted. The Coachesthen managed the components of theprogram.

Part I: General Orientation on BarangayGovernance and Administration. Newly electedbarangay officials were informed of their powers,duties and functions as mandated by law. Theofficials were also oriented on developmentplanning, legislation and financial management.Here, the participating barangay must able toformulate its own Barangay Development Agenda,including the 3-year action plan of the barangay,its financial management schemes and identifiedpriority sectors. A total of 280,170 barangayofficials in 39,371 barangays all over the countryparticipated in the Orientation.

Part II: Strengthening the Barangay-BasedInstitutions (BBIs), on the other hand, providedinterventions to make barangay-based institutionsfunctional and productive, making them effectivepartners of the barangay government in mobilizingthe community. Also, as advisory bodies tomainstream sectoral concerns to barangaygovernance towards achieving barangay goals.

Among the select BBIs are:

o Barangay Development Council (BDC)o Barangay Peace and Order Council (BPOC)o Barangay Disaster Coordinating Counicil (BDCC)o Barangay Council for the Protection of Children

(BCPC)o Barangay Ecological and Solid Waste Management

Committee (BESWMC)o Lupong Tagapamayapao Barangay Human Rights Action Centers

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A total of 93,612 barangayofficials in 9,714 barangays werecovered for this part.

Part III: Special Skills Training isa package of technicalassistance in the form oftraining, coaching, mentoringand networking available ondemand basis. The focus of thetechnical assistance is onstrengthening bothorganizational and individualcompetencies in policy making,program planning andmanagement, and providingbasic services and facilities inthe areas of BarangayDevelopment Planning, BarangayLegislation, Barangay Finance,Community Mobilization,Leadership, Creating VibrantGrassroots Economy, PromotingPeace and Development, WasteManagement, KatarungangPambarangay, Advanced Skills inLegislation, Finance, CommunityMobilization, Leadership andLocal Economic Development.

Special skills trainings wereundertaken through partnershipswith national governmentagencies, local resourceinstitutions and other traininginstitutions. Under this Part,some 40,235 barangay officialsin 5,304 barangays werecovered.

THE BUSINESS OF RESEARCHay 15, 2008 markedLoGoTRI-Philnet’sfirst attempt inbringing together

Carrying the theme “MakingResearch Work for EffectiveLocal Governance,” the forumintroduced the role of research inlocal government policy makingand promoted partnership betweenLGUs and the academe toward goodlocal governance. The theme ofthe forum underscores the factthat research is an importantcontribution to good policy makingand decision making. TheInternational Research Forum wassupported by the CanadianInternational Development Agency(CIDA) through the Institute ofPublic Administration of Canada(IPAC) and the Network of LocalGovernment Training and ResearchInstitutes in Asia and the Pacific(LOGOTRI-ASPAC).

Mlocal governance stakeholders inone venue to discuss researchinitiatives that would greatlybenefit local governments.LoGoTRI-PhilNet (Local GovernanceTraining and Research Institutes-Philippine Network) is an associationof local resource institutions withthe LGA serving as President andSecretariat. Incidentally, thenetwork’s new set of officers waselected towards the end of 2008 anda new strategic plan is ready forimplementation next year.

12 Annual Repor Annual Repor Annual Repor Annual Repor Annual Reporttttt 2008

1) Governance and


2) Social Services

3) Economic Development

4) Environmental Management

5) Conflict Management

6) Gender and Development

Highlighting the event were presentations of various research initiatives and accomplishments of academicpartners, both local and international, that influenced policy making decisions at the local government level.Representatives from India, Nepal and Canada shared their experiences on the value of research and howresearch can be practiced with good results in local governments. The Philippine experience were shared bylocal resource institutions, mostly LoGoTRI-PhilNet members, on the following thematic areas:

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Nature of Research and its Role inDeveloping Good Policies: TheCanadian ExperienceMs. Dimple RoyInternational Institute of SustainableDevelopment, Canada

Planning and ManagingSustainable Cities: From Researchto PracticeDr. Vinay LallSociety for Development Studies,India

Making Research Work forEffective Governance: TheChallenges and SDS ApproachDr. Stuti LallSociety for Development Studies,India

Local Poverty Reduction Strategy:A Tool for Integrated LocalDevelopment and LocalGovernanceMs. Babina KharelMunicipal Association of Nepal-Nepal

Canadian Experience in Research/Information-based Policy Makingand Administration in LocalGovernmentsMr. Robert RoeGovernment of Manitoba-Institute ofPublic Administration of Canada

Challenges and RoadblocksEncountered in TransferringResearch Outputs to PracticeMr. Babu Ram ShresthaLocal Development Training Academy-Nepal

Improving the Delivery of AgriExtension in the PhilippinesDr. Alex BrillantesUP-NCPAG

Listening to the Voice of theGoverned: The Bohol PollMs. Josephine CemineHoly Name University

Participation of the GovernmentAgencies, Academic Institutionsand Non-GovernmentOrganizations in CommunityPrograms and its Effect on theServices Rendered to the RiverBarangays of Cagayan de Oro City:A Basis for Intervention ProgramMs. Rose HuerbanaSafer River Life saver Foundation Inc.

Re-structuring Local GovernmentBoundaries, Contrasting Directionsunder Decentralization: the Caseof the Philippines and JapanDir. Sammy IlagoUP-Center for Local and RegionalGovernance

The Substitute Effect of the InternalRevenue Allotment (IRA) Shares forLocal Development: Basis forProposed Revenue EnhancementMeasures for General Santos CityMs. Anabelle AmosinNotre Dame of Dadiangas University

Analyzing the Effect ofDecentralization on EconomicDevelopmentProf. Joel MangahasUP-National College of PublicAdministration and Governance

The Links Between FiscalEqualization and National UnityRaphael MontesUP-Center for Local and RegionalGovernance

The Role of Women in Conflict andPost-Conflict Situations: Keepingthe Family WholeDr. Alma EleazarFather Saturnino Urios University

Making Governance GenderResponsiveMs. Connie Gestopa

Towards a Citizen-Driven JusticeSystem-An Institutional Assessmentof the Philippine Barangay JusticeSystemDir. Marivel C. SacendoncilloLocal Government Academy

Reinventing the Naga City SchoolBoard: Improving EducationOutcomesDr. Malu BarcillanoAteneo De Naga University

Assessment of the Magat ReservoirFishery and Environment: CurrentIssues and ConcernsDr. Eufronio OrtizNueva Vizcaya State University

Institute of EnvironmentalGovernance: Its Implication in theFormulation of Environmental Policyat the BarangayMr Milo PlacinoSouthern Luzon State University

Capacity Building and Integrationof Environmental Management inLocal Governance: The BSUExperience in the Province ofBukidnonDr. Joy MirasolBukidnon State University

From BOMBS to BONDS forPEACE: The PDCs of BarangaysIlian and Bual and the Role of theLocal Government UnitsDr. Alma EleazarFather Saturnino Urios University

Regional Center for Human RightsEducation: Multi-Sectoral Rights-Based Planning for CapacityBuildingDr. Estelita TucayNueva Vizcaya State University

Capability Building Needs ofConflict-Afflicted Mindanao LGUsDr. Lina MondejarNotre Dame of Marbel University

LoGoTRI-PhilNet Officers 2008-2009

President : Local Government AcademyVice President for Luzon : Catanduanes State CollegesVice President for Visayas : Gerry Roxas FoundationVice President for Mindanao : Fr. Saturnino Urios UniversityVice President for NCR : Tanggol Kalikasan, Inc.Secretary : Notre Dame of Marbel UniversityTreasurer : Gentwofifteen Development Foundation Inc.Auditor : Mindanao University of Science and Technology

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14 Annual Repor Annual Repor Annual Repor Annual Repor Annual Reporttttt 2008

Tracer Study on LGA LearningMaterials was conducted toassess the usefulness of thematerials in the overall

program implementation of the NewlyElected Officials (NEO) and Barangay NewlyElected Officials (BNEO) Programs. Thestudy is designed to establish a baselinedata of the value and effects of thelearning materials and to validate if theseresources were actually received and usedby the recipients. Information collected inthe Study will serve as basis forimprovement of the materials beingproduced and assessment of theeffectiveness of material delivery schemesadopted by LGA.

The study was done through (1)administration of questionnaires and (2)monitoring and validation activity to asample of respondents who are actualparticipants in the NEO and BNEO GeneralOrientation Program conducted by LGA.Questionnaires designed by the Monitoringand Evaluation Team from LGA were sentto the appropriate provincial, city,municipal and barangay levels throughpostal and electronic mail.

The monitoring and validation activities,on the other hand, were done throughinterviews to select actual participants ofBNEO and NEO Programs in nine (9) regionsfrom November 25 to December 3, 2008using the same questionnaire.


A total of four hundred two (402) retrievedquestionnaires from sixty-two (62) localchief executives (governors, city/municipalmayors) and three hundred forty (340)Punong Barangays as respondents to theStudy. Initial findings, recommendationsand observations are made available in themonitoring report while retrieval is stillongoing.


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O n November 18, 2008,Project CURE(Comprehensiveand Unified

Response to Eliminate RedTape in LGUs) was launchedtogether with the Civil ServiceCommission, the Office of theOmbudsman, PAGC, DAP, ULAP,Local Research Institute (LRIs) andCorruption Watchdogs at theBayview Park Hotel. The eventwas attended by 163 officials andstaff from the different LocalGovernment Units, DILG Main andRegional Offices.

The Launch was highlighted by thesigning of the Memorandum ofAgreement by the partneragencies and the Pledge ofSupport by the agencies, localgovernment representatives andother associates in implementingRA9485 or the Anti-Red Tape Actof 2007.

LGA Executive Director MarivelSacendoncillo welcomed theguests with a brief introductionabout the Project. PartnerAgencies also showed theirenthusiasm and support withspeeches through their respectiverepresentatives, while thekeynote address was made byUndersecretary Austere Panaderoof the DILG. A Press Conferencewas held afterwards.

This is the start of a nationwidecampaign that ran from Novemberto December 2008 for ComponentI or the General Advocacy/Orientation Program. The othertwo (2) components are targetedto finish by 2009.

1. What is Project CURE? CURE isshort for Comprehensive andUnified Response to EliminateRed Tape in Local GovernmentUnits. The idea is to educate,capacitate and bring togethercitizens to curb Red Tape inLGUs.

2. What are the objectives ofProject CURE? The project aimsto improve the efficiency andeffectiveness of localgovernment units in theirdelivery of basic public goodsand services to the peoplethrough anti-red tape practices,thus preventing graft andcorruption in their respectivejurisdiction.

3. How are we going to bring thisabout? There are three (3)program components namely,the General Advocacy/Orientation Program, CapacityBuilding and Citizens Feedback.All components have specificprograms and actions that willbe done throughout the country.

4. Who can avail of the Program?Participants would come fromthe executive, legislative andadministrative domain.

5. What are the expectedoutputs?-Draft Citizen’s Charter-Systems and proceduresinventory and reforms proposal-Legislative proposal to supportthe reforms.

6. How many LGUs haveparticipated in thenationwide GeneralOrientation and AdvocacyWorkshop?146 LGUs composed of cities andcapital towns, totaling 325participants, have attended theworkshop.

PPPPProject CUREroject CUREroject CUREroject CUREroject CUREin a Nutshell

16 Annual Repor Annual Repor Annual Repor Annual Repor Annual Reporttttt 2008

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For 19 years, our employees

have proved that they are the

greatest assets of the LGA.

Each year, our

employees strive to deliver

programs, projects and

activities the

best way they can,

continuously trying to

surpass the

previous year’s efforts.

It was time to give the

gratitude back to our dear

staff and, of course, their

families. Because here in LGA,

we believe that strong

families and inspiring work

relationships are the key to

well-rounded personnel.

Thus this year’s theme

‘LGA as a Family’with the twist of a

Hollywood setting.LG




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“Compassion Award” – Dinn Evangelista,“Employee Ableto Work under Pressure Award”- Patricia de la Masa,“Most Hard at Work Employee” – Richard Esponilla,“Most Cheerful Employee” - Patricia de la Masa,“Most Promising Environmental Sanitation Officer” –Minda Peralta, “Most Promising Environmental SanitationOfficer” (LGATC) – Alvin Atienza, “Most Promising SecurityOfficer” – Basano Taon, “Most Promising SecurityOfficer”(LGATC) – Rolando Lontoc, and “Jack of All TradesEmployee” – Edward Selorio

What: LGA 20th AnniversaryAwards Night which dazzledwith the red carpet entrance ofLGA people, some entertainingsong and dance numbers fromselect employees, plus themuch-anticipated awarding ofcream-of-the-crop employeeswhose dedication to servicenever wavered through time.

B e h i n d - t h e -Scenes: Held August 1,2008 at the Magsaysay Hall atLGATC and hosted by our veryown Lizeth and Dave. Theawarding was led by DirectorMarivel Sacendoncillo and theExecutive Committee.


People’s Choice Awards

Director’s Awards

“Outstanding Execom Member” – Dinn Evangelista“Oustanding Technical Staff” – Elmo Dimaano“Outstanding Support Staff” – Lito Miranda“Outstanding Driver” – Edward Selorio

FHM Awards – Nilda TorresMay Asim Pa Award- Pat OledanHikab Award- Rey MapulaMy Big Love Award-Lina CabanaSagala Award-Virgie RiveraIbong Tiririt- Elmo DimaanoLoro Award – Rey MapulaDighay Award – Donna Jean Yarcia andCute Ng Lola Mo Award – Myra Gabito

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What: Continuation of thetwo-day LGA 20th AnniversaryCelebration, this time bringingto the spotlight the Family Day,with games and activities boththe employees and their familiesenjoyed.

B e h i n d - t h e -Scenes: A Thanksgiving Mass was held inthe morning while an exhibit ofLGA memorabilia was started inthe afternoon. Usec. AusterePanadero was the guest of honorat the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

The Experience:Exhilarating and nerve-wracking.The contestants were reallycompetitive. From the AmazingRace-LGA Edition to the eggrelay to the sack race, everyonewas clapping and shouting. It wasreally a contest of shirt colors.

games, e e e e exhibit,xhibit,xhibit,xhibit,xhibit,family dayfamily dayfamily dayfamily dayfamily day

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Endeavors asknowledge manager

and market maker

We at the LGA do not box public servicein mere 8 hours everyday. We do it 24/7.



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With its Local Governance NationalResource Center fully operational, theLGA offered new programs at theLocal Government Academy in LosBaños. Many local officials enrolledin the programs that focused onLeadership of Women, ClimateChange, Solid Waste Management andWater and Sanitation.

Held in two batches, the programenhanced the competencies of localwomen executives on leadership,development of an agenda on prioritygender concerns, gender-responsiveplanning and decision-making.


GOVERNANCE ONCLIMATE CHANGE:CHALLENGES FORLOCAL GOVERNMENTSThe three (3)-day course, developedtogether with the Ateneo-basedICLEI, an international organizationbased in Canada with offices aroundthe world including the Philippines-strengthened local governments andcommunities in addressing thecritical issues and threats broughtabout by climate change.

New ProgramOfferings

March 31-April 1June 4-5

Profile of participants: 41 mayors, 3Sanggunian members and 1 technicalstaff from 41 municipalities

August 26-28September 23-25October 14-16November 11-13

Profile of participants: 10mayors, 2 vice mayors, 25Sanggunian members and 90technical staff from 20municipalities and 5 cities

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GOVERNANCE FORWATER AND SANITATION(GO-WATSAN)This course is aimed at givingLGUs a better understanding ofthe pressing development issueson water and sanitation. It alsoaims to provide them the basis forworkable reforms in many areasof water and sanitation foreffective water resourcemanagement.

Participants of the Go-WATSANcourse had a field trip to the eco-san toilets in Caingin, Santa RosaCity and the Los Banos controlledfacility where plastic wastes areturned into roofing materials,bricks and even table tops.

TRAINING ON SOCIALTRANSFORMATIONTHROUGHENVIRONMENTALPROGRAM (STEP) FOREFFECTIVE WASTEMANAGEMENTThis training focuses on thegovernance aspect of effectivewaste management that leansheavily towards socialtransformation throughenvironmental programs, thusthe acronym STEP Program forEffective SWM.

The two-day training taughtlocal government officials newand effective ways to addressthe problem of solid wastemanagement.

July 15-16July 29-30September 2-3September 16-17November 4-5

Profile of participants: 7mayors, 60 Sanggunianmembers, 1 PunongBarangay and 222technical staff from4 cities and 54municipalities

November 11-14November 25-28

Profile of Participants: 3 municipalmayors, 1 municipal vice mayor, 7Sanggunian members and 52technical staff

New Program Offerings

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New Projects40 boys and girls aged0-17 from 15 citiesbenefited from theproject: Pasay,Santiago, Mandaluyong,Bago, Bais, Tuguegarao,Surigao, Samal,Dipolog, Ligao, Candon,Muñoz, Roxas, Pagadianand Maasin

First Business Meeting cumProject Launching and

MOA Signing - May 29-302nd BM – Sept. 18-19

Legend Villas,Mandaluyong City

3rd BM - Dec. 15, TradersRoyal Hotel, Pasay City

DonorUnited Nations Development Programme(UNDP)

PartnersUnited Nations Human SettlementsProgramme (UN-HABITAT),League of Cities of the Philippines (LCP),Philippine Business for Social Progress(PBSP). Housing and Urban DevelopmentCoordinating Council (HUDCC) and CityGovernments of beneficiary communities

What we have accomplished· 607 children were given access

to basic services (food,education, health and sanitation,potable water, and securetenure)

· 647 mothers/women/fathers arenow actively involved in trackingthe Family MDG targets in 15cities

· 607 Families have completedFamily MDG Covenants and werecapacitated to track familytargets on health, education,food and environment met at thehousehold level

· 56 effective quick responsemechanisms were developed andtested in 15 FACES cities

· 607 quick action guidesprovided at the household level

· 5 MDG FACES sessions with localbusiness/chambers conductedcreating business committee onhuman settlements at thenational level

· 31 effective child-focused MDGmodels/demonstration projectswere developed and tested in 15cities

Long-term goals· 15 cities will replicate the

project in other barangays, but13 LGUs reported to haveconcrete plans in replicatingMDG FACES in slum communitiesin 86 Barangays

· Revival of Barangay Council forthe Protection of Children (BCPC)and Local Council for theProtection of Children (LCPC)

· Revised the National UrbanDevelopment HousingFramework (NUDHF) andreviewed the MDG Framework asone of the documents evaluatedin assessing the effectiveness andlimitation of the past NUDHF

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PANIBAGONG PARAANSA PAGPAPALAKAS NGPANLOKAL NAPAMAHALAAN (5PS)The LGA launched a grantcompetition for all DILGProvincial Offices in developingcreative and innovative capacitydevelopment programs towardsbetter provision of basic servicesand local governance.

This year’s awards system aimsto:

• Empower localgovernments toidentifytheir capacity needsand competencies ,plan and implementtheir own capacitydevelopment activities

• Build alliances andstrengthen partnerships

• Revive the spirit ofsolidarity and sense ofownership in thedevelopmentand implementation ofcapacity developmentprogramsintended for localgovernments

• Promote programs thatcontribute solutions toproblems at the locallevel

New Projects

DILG RizalDILG BiliranDILG CagayanDILG Ilocos NorteDILG Surigao Del SurDILG CaviteDILG BatangasDILG QuezonDILG LagunaDILG BoholDILG Antique

After a series of evaluation by aNational Search Committee, 11 DILGProvincial Offices emerged victoriousfor their innovative ideas in bringingquality capacity developmentprograms to their LGUs. The winnersare:

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DonorSpanish Agency for InternationalDevelopment Cooperation (AECID)

PartnersDILG, LGUs in Regions V and XIII, LRIs,Leagues of Local Governments, ODACommunity

What is SLGP?

Launched in July 3, 2008, this one-yearprogram grant from the SpanishGovernment aims to carry out capabilityprograms for local government units ofRegions V and XIII. With this, it furtheraims to enable these LGUs to create abusiness-friendly environment that fosterssustainable climate for financing andinvestment; and professionalize publicduties which will support theimplementation of capacity-buildingcourses and training interventionsspecialized in different aspects of localgovernance.

· By providingtechnicalassistance for theimplementation ofmunicipalcommunicationand informationprograms (i.e.publications)

· By conductingtraining workshopsthat would helpthe authorities toimprove theirmanagement ofmunicipalfinances

· By providing traininginterventions on howlocal government unitscan effectivelymanage existing localeconomic enterprisesthus translating thepotential benefits ofthe said enterprisesinto tangible income

How will SLGP do these?

· By forming andestablishing a ProjectManagement Office

· By conducting trainingworkshops formunicipal authoritiesand civil servants

· By conductingactivities whichpromote involvementand participation ofboth men and women

· By conductingactivities for theimprovement oforganizational,administrative andmunicipal planningsystems

What have we done?

· Project Launching andSigning of protocol offund managementCoaches’ Training toenhance the State ofLocal Governance Report(SLGR) of 100 target LGUs

· Trained DILG FieldOfficers in Bicol andCaraga on LGPMS -SCALOG complementationand CapDev AgendaFormulation

· Trained and assisted 100LGUs on SCALOGAdministration

· Assisted 100 LGUs in theformulation of theirCapDev Agenda

· Reviewed 92 draftCapDev Agenda fromBicol & Caraga

· Conducted SLGP-LGRRCConsultative Conference

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Continuing programs with partners and providing technical assistance toLGUs and other institutions are always on the LGA’s to-do list. Theseprograms have been going on for years now and are still working to assistlocal governments in their effort to excel even more.

Keeping ourCommitment


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LAYING THEFOUNDATION FORPEACE ANDDEVELOPMENTPartner: Provincial Governmentof Sulu and Basilan

The program is deemed to initiatea process that would fostercooperation on specificdevelopment initiatives involvingthe provincial and municipalgovernments as well as keystakeholders, such as the businesssector, civil society groups andlocal communities.

Two meetings were held: January16-17 in Patikul, Sulu andJanuary 24-25, Zamboanga City


CAPACITYDEVELOPMENT AGENDAFORMULATIONIn line with the recently passedMemorandum Circular of the DILGdirecting LGUs to harmonizedevelopment and implementationof training programs, LGUs areenjoined to formulate theirCAPDEV Agenda. The formulationof the CAPDEV Agenda aims toeffectively and efficiently identifyappropriate capacity-developmentundertakings like trainings,seminars and other mechanisms.Presently, there are 430 localgovernment units all over thecountry which have alreadyformulated their capacity-development agenda. This impliesthe willingness of these LGUs tostrengthen their internal capacitiestowards development andcompetitiveness.

Started in 2007, theAccess to Justice for thePoor Project (AJPP) stillmaintains its commitmentin ensuring a morestrengthened, gender-and-child-sensitive,pro-poor KatarungangPambarangay. This year,the LGA as the trainingarm of the DILGconducted the followingactivities as part ofAJPP’s Component 2:Community Developmentand Empowerment ofWomen and Children:

Rapid Field Appraisal of LGUs’Readiness to Establish anAccess to Justice Network(AJN). This focus groupdiscussion was held January 16 toFebruary 6, 2008. One hundredfifty-three (153) municipal levelofficials and other key informantsin 10 municipalities in CamarinesSur, Oriental Mindoro, Lanao delNorte, Sultan Kudarat and Capizassessed LGU readiness inestablishing an Access to JusticeNetwork.

Provincial Planning andLaunching of the AJN.Conducted July 15-17 for key AJNmembers in the Province ofOriental Mindoro, the PlanningWorkshop was meant to defineprovincial programs for the Accessto Justice Network; consolidatemunicipal action plans andprioritize programs, projects andactivities of the Access to Justice

Network. As a result, a provincialplan of the target pilot provinceson how they will make the AJNfunctional in their respectiveprovinces was formulated.

Orientation Program forLupong Tagapamayapa. Theorientation was attended by 1406barangay officials from 36 LGUs inOriental Mindoro, Camarines Sur,Capiz, Lanao del Norte and SultanKudarat.

DILG-Supreme CourtMemorandum of Agreementon the Participation of theMCIOs in the Access to JusticeNetwork. A Memorandum ofAgreement (MOA) was signedbetween the Department of theInterior and Local Government(DILG) and the Supreme Court (SC)to enable Municipal CourtInformation Officers (MCIOs, whoare Clerks of Court) to performtheir additional function ofparticipating in the activities of

Partner: Supreme Court,Department of Justice,Department of Social Welfare andDevelopment and Alternative LawGroup

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the Access to Justice Network and serve as its Legal Information Focal Persons. It was held on December 4,2008 attended by partners of the AJPP namely: SC, DILG, Department of Social Welfare and Development(DSWD), Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Alternative Law Group (ALG).


INTEGRATED PRO-POORWATER ANDWASTEWATERMANAGEMENT IN SMALLTOWNSPartner: United NationsEconomic and Social Commissionin Asia and the Pacific

The project primarily envisions anintegrated and sustainable waterand sanitation system thatcreates a healthy community andpromotes economic prosperity inthe Municipality of Villareal,Samar as the pilot LGU.

The project came up with anIntegrated Municipal WaterSupply, Sanitation and SeweragePlan which is the first of its kindcrafted for a specific municipalityin the Philippines. Theparticipating LGU also completeda self-assessment on the actualand existing water and sanitationconditions in the communities,which was inputted to thestrategies it identified.

Though this, awareness has beenraised and priorities fordevelopment investments of thelocal government have beenrevisited and reviewed.This alsoresulted to a sudden change inthe mindset of the localleadership and other stakeholderson the prioritization of immediateLGU need on sanitation.

LGU Orientation and PlanningWorkshop on WATSANDevelopmentMarch 17-18Villareal, Samar

Planning Workshop for thePreparation of Integrated Waterand Sanitation Framework PlanMay 27-29Mernan’s Pensione and BeachResort, Tacloban City

Strategy Formulation andPreparation of IntegratedWATSAN PlanJuly 21-24LGNRC, Los Banos, Laguna

Workshop on Finalization ofMunicipal Water Supply,Sewerage and SanitationSector PlanDecember 10-11VICMAR Resort, Tacloban City

Keeping our Commitment

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GGGGGreat things are not donereat things are not donereat things are not donereat things are not donereat things are not doneby impulse,by impulse,by impulse,by impulse,by impulse,

but by a series ofbut by a series ofbut by a series ofbut by a series ofbut by a series ofsmall thingssmall thingssmall thingssmall thingssmall things


...Vincent Van Gogh


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Keeping our Commitment

CONSOLIDATINGPHILIPPINE LOCALGOVERNMENTASSOCIATIONS(COPLOGA)Partners: Swedish Association ofLocal Authorities-InternationalDevelopment Agency (SALA-IDA)Union of Local Authorities in thePhilippines (ULAP)


Through the COPLOGA, the STEPmanual was developed and isnow being used in the STEPtraining being offered in the LGATraining Center. Two (2) pilottesting activities wereconducted prior to thefinalization of the Manual. 326local government officials,functionaries, NGAs and businesssector representatives attendedthe activities.


Component II of the COPLOGAproject: Capacity Strengtheningof Local Government Leaguesfeatures the Study Visit toSweden to learn and adopt goodpractices of some municipalitiesas well as to participate inseminars on solid wastemanagement. The study tourwas held October 25 -November 1, 2008. Highlights ofthe 10-day activity include:study visit to the municipalityof Sigtuna, mini seminars withpolitical organizations, ULAPbusiness plan and lobbyingstrategy and the signing of theSigtuna Strategy. There was alsoa 2-day programme for trainersand SWM experts to furthermainstream solid wastemanagement. The delegationwas fortunate to havePhilippine Ambassador toSweden Maria Zeneida Angara-Collinson as guest in one of theactivities.

Participants to the internationalbenchmarking in Swedenare top officials of variouslocal government leagues inthe Philippines; Asec. BobGutierrez representing theDILG; and training managersfrom LGA: Exec Dir. MarivelSacendoncillo and ETD Chief,Alfonso Maralli, Jr.

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1st School SMC Training Center, Tagaytay CityJuly 30-31, 2008 (44 participants)

2nd School LGATC, Los Baños, LagunaAugust 28-30, 2008 (28 participants)

3rd School Bohol Bee Farm Dao, Dauis, PanglawIsland, BoholOctober 15-16, 2008 (21 participants)

The program focused on thepresent state of governance ofthe barangays, roles of keyactors for effective barangaygovernance, importance oflinking planning, budgeting andlegislation in enhancingbarangay operations, andidentifying specific strategies onhow to maximize the potentialsof the barangays to becomeself-sufficient and dynamicpartners for development.

Participants include the PunongBarangay, the SangguniangBarangay Members, BarangayTreasurer, Barangay Secretary,Sangguniang KabataanChairman, LupongTagapamayapa and an NGOrepresentative.


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Continuing the second phaseentitled “Expanding the Seeds forCapacity Building,” the LPRATmembers and local chiefexecutives of Lanao del Surtogether with its eight (8)municipalities were providedtraining courses on projectdevelopment and management,fesibility study and resourcemobilization as well as Leaders’Exposure and Development(LEAD).

At the end of the training, projectproposals were developed thatinclude six (6) livelihood projects,two (2) water supply systems andone (1) farm-to-market road.

The provinces of Bohol and Cebushowcased their successful andaward-winning poverty reductionprograms as part of the LearningStudy Tour of the LPRATs, whilelocal chief executives had aseparate activity.

Success Stories to be FeaturedA publication by the LPRAT projectimplementers - the LocalGovernment Academy and the UPCenter for Local and RegionalGovernance - is on its way. It willfeature stories that relate to thesuccesses, and continuingstruggles of five local governmentunits in ARMM which receivedgrants and funding throughdifferent international andnational means to supply theirbasic and economic needs whichwill eventually lead to povertyalleviation.

Keeping our Commitment

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LGA successfully implementedComponent 2 of the program GoodPractices in Local GovernanceFacility for Adaptation andReplication – Promoting LocalEnvironmental Planning andManagement (GO-FAR LEPM)started in 2005.

Significant outputs of the projectwere: development of 15 modulesin Environmental Planning andManagement; documentation ofthree (3) Good Solid WasteManagement Practices; and adirectory of institutions that offersprograms for LGUs onenvironmental management. TheLGA tapped the expertise of theDILG Regional Office Region VI,Kasanyangan Foundation Inc., andUrios University in Butuan todocument these good practices.

The outputs contributed toaccomplishing the objective of theproject, in being a resource facilityfor the other stakeholders in localgovernance, as it intends todisseminate and make use of thelessons generated from theprogram for effective local policy,program and project development.


26 council members of the UvaProvince of Sri Lanka participatedin the program. The partcipantsgained additional insights from thefield observations and interactivediscussions on local governancemodels, agriculture and ruralenterprises developmentinterventions in the Philippines.

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One of the highlights of the LADPis the International BenchmarkingStudy in Malaysia which enabledparticipants to appreciate (1) therole and function of Malaysianlocal authorities in promotinggood governance anddevelopment; (2) actualexperiences in adopting goodpractices in various aspects inlocal governance, and (3) thefederal government’s long termvision to establish a governmentcenter to ensure the efficiencyand effectiveness of governmentservices.

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Building Citizens and LocalGovernments through ParticipatoryPlanning: Municipality of San Luis,AuroraPhilippine Sisterhood and TwinningAssociation (PHISTA) StrategicPlanning

Mid-Term Assessment and Review ofthe Medium Term Development Planfor Children of the City Governmentof Makati


The LGA alsooffered technicalassistance to thefollowing localgovernment unitsand institutions

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Scholarshipfor LGUs

Danilo C. MadoAsst. Solid WasteManagement Officer,Calbayog CityConstruction and Designingfor Sound Material CycleSociety for Asian CountriesFebruary 17 – March 15, 2008Japan/ JICA

Rhea Phenna H.AgripoCity Councilor, ValenciaCity, BukidnonGroup Training Course onGovernance,Democratization and PublicPolicyApril 16 – June 27, 2008Netherlands

Alberto C. Villafuerte IIILocal Assessment OperationsOfficer II, Office of the CityAssessor,Naga CityInternational Certificate Courseon Valuation of SpecialPropertiesApril 8 – May 7, 2008Malaysia

Pierre AnthonyDingding JovenPlanning Officer II, ProvincialAgriculture Office,Agusan del NorteMasters Degree Program in thefield of Industrial DevelopmentTwo years starting 2008JDS-JICA

Jennifer A. LindoAgriculturist I, ProvincialVeterinarian Office,Quezon ProvinceInternational Diploma onPig HusbandryAugust 25 – February 27, 2009Netherlands

Amalia C. SantosAssistant City Treasurer,City Treasurer Department,Malabon CityTax AdministrationJune 19 – July 4, 2008Korea/ KOIKA

Gerardo A. CarilloCity Councilor and ChairmanDisaster Coordinating Council,Cebu CityInternational DisasterManagement CourseSeptember 8-19, 2008Singapore

Dr. Jenny C. FernandoSection Chief of Rescue 161,Marikina Disaster CoordinatingCouncil, Marikina CityInternational DisasterManagement CourseSeptember 8-19, 2008Singapore

Cristine C. MansinaresTourism Operations Officer II,Sipalay City,Negros OccidentalTourism Promotionand MarketingSeptember 28 – October 30, 2008Japan

Local officials and functionarieswho were accepted to differentscholarship and training programsoffered by international donorinstitutions

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Arnel D. BilibliProject Development OfficerI, Province of IfugaoProject Identification,Development andManagement: Towards anEffective Project Cycle (PDM)September 19 – October 12, 2008Netherlands

Edwin I. AguilarRescue Worker, MakatiRescue Team, Makati CityUrban Search and Rescuefor ASEAN CountriesDecember 10-23, 2008Singapore CooperationProgramme TrainingAwards

Efren M. De LeonAssistant City Engineer,San Fernando City,Pampanga Flood HazardMapping for Asian CountriesOctober 26 – November 29, 2008Japan

36 Annual Repor Annual Repor Annual Repor Annual Repor Annual Reporttttt 2008

Brochure on SLGPThe material explains the nature ofthe project ‘Strengthening LocalGovernments in the Philippines’. Itprovides a bird’s eye view of theproject rationale, components andproject selection criteria with anattached enrolment form forprospective LGUs which want toparticipate in the project.

MDG FACES BrochureA material which providesintroduction on the program Family-Based Actions for Children and theirEnvirons in the Slums (FACES) Project.It enumerates the programobjectives, conduct of the program,and project beneficiaries

5PsA call for project proposal materialswhich introduces the grantcompetition, Panibagong Paraan saPagpapalakas ng Panlokal naPamahalaan (5Ps), presents theobjectives of the program andmechanics of the competition


LGNRC BrochurePresents general information aboutthe LGNRC, its course offerings, focalpersons and contact information onLGRRCs.

LGU CompetitivenessBrochure “CapacitatingLGUs to BecomeGlobally Competitive”Material which provides informationon the LGU Competitiveness Programinitiated by the NationalCompetitiveness Council (NCC). Partof the material contains a listing ofLGU competitiveness indicators andan enrolment form for those LGUsaspiring to join the program and beassessed using the NCC-identifiedcriteria.

Brochure on Project CUREThis serves as an information drivematerial providing an introduction toProject CURE, a training program forLGUs intended to curb red tapepractices, introduce feedbackmechanisms and awards system formodel LGUs. Enclosed are objectives ofthe training program, projectcomponents and beneficiaries.

LGA MarketingMaterialA material which introducesthe LGA, its offerings oftrainings and services forlocal governments. Itfeatures the LocalGovernance NationalResource Center (LGNRC)and its regular courseofferings.

Guide for PunongBarangay andSangguniangBarangay Officials(45,000 copies)A practical and reader-friendlyreference material that will help thebarangays chart their developmentdirections. It is a very good sourceof information especially for a newlyelected barangay official on theintricacies of effective barangaygovernance. It serves as a guidefrom laying the groundwork,executing the plans to sustaininginitiatives and evaluatingperformance.

Inside LGAMonthly newsletter featuringupdates on LGA HRMD, latestbuzz and news and anything youneed to know about the day-to-day activities of the LGA

LGA ChroniclerA quarterly newsletter intended forLGUs, LGA partner-organizations andDILG functionaries showcasingupdates on ongoing LGA-conductedprograms, events, trainings andintroduction of new undertakings.

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Radyo Aralan:Ang Barangay atPamamahalaParticipant’sWorkbook(164,621 copies)A module, also published indifferent languages, coveringbasic lessons on the barangaygovernment structure, barangaypowers and services, duties andresponsibilities of barangayofficials, barangay planning,finance and legislation.Published in an interactivevisually-catchy format intendedfor barangay officials’ use.

Primer on RA 9485:The Anti-Red Tape Actof 2007(2,500 copies)This Q&A Primer delves into theprovisions of Republic Act No. 9485 -from the coverage of the law to thestandards in obtaining permits orlicenses to penalties available tofixers. An easy read intended for theuse by government employees ofagencies and offices offering frontlineservices. Included in the primer is afull-text copy of the Law and as wellits Implementing Rules and Regula-tions.

Social Transformationthrough EnvironmentalProgram (STEP) forEffective WasteManagement Manual(1,331 copies) A Training Manual which comes in 5modules: 1) A Situationer 2) Solid WasteManagement Framework3) Building Alliances towards EffectiveSolid Waste Management 4) Advocacyand Governance 5) Planning a Courseof Action. This material was made forthe STEP Program which was acollaborative effort of the LGA, SwedishInternational Development Agency(SIDA) and Swedish Association of LocalAuthorities and Regions (SALAR) andphilippine local government leagues.

Kartilya ng Barangay/Barangay Primer(87,295 copies)A Q & A material published as part ofthe implemention of Barangay Newly-Elected Officials Program. It ispublished in different languages –English, Filipino, Cebuano, Bicolano,Waray, Ilocano and Hiligaynon - and isintended to be used as referencematerial of our barangay officials. Itgives an introduction to the basicfunctions and duties of barangayofficials, advisory bodies and overallbarangay governance.

Local GovernanceJournal(2,000 copies)This second edition of the LocalGovernance Journal zeroes in on thevarious presentations made duringthe recently concluded InternationalResearch Forum (IRF) last May 2008.Carrying the theme “Making ResearchWork for Effective LocalGovernance,” the IRF came up withan apt message to describe thesynergized effort of different localgovernance stakeholders, nationalgovernment agencies, academicinstitutions, private organizations andlocal government units to intensifyresearch studies aimed at improvinglocal governance in the country.

The Journal includes a compilation ofcountry presentations from LoGoTRIAsia and the Pacific representativesfrom India and Nepal as well aspresentations of local researchinstitute representatives of severalresearch and case studies on thedifferent aspects of local governance,such as administration, economicdevelopment, local justice system,environmental management andconflict management.

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To gather representatives of the Action for ConflictTransformation (ACT) for Peace Programme, theacademe, and DILG Mindanao ROs in a roundtablediscussion with the end-goal of formulating a CapDevagenda for conflict-afflicted Mindanao LGUs. Thediscussion also led to the conduct of a research studyon the Capability-Building Needs of Conflict-AfflictedMindanao LGUs.

July 25, LGA Conference Room

UGNAY TALAKAY:FGD ON FOOD SECURITY,ENERGY CRISIS AND DISASTERPREPAREDNESSRepresentatives from the Energy RegulatoryCommission, Department of Energy,Agricultural Training Institute, Office of CivilDefense and the City Governments of QuezonCity and Taguig exchanged information onwhat the national and local governments aredoing to respond to the most pressing issueswhich will later be the bases for devisingrelevant governance programs.

March 10, Koronadal CityMarch 28, Butuan City

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YOUTH FORUM:THE ROLE OF THEYOUTH ANDSANGGUNIANGKABATAAN IN LOCALGOVERNANCEA Knowledge-Sharing activityheld during the PanibagongParaan 2008 at SM MegamallMega Trade Hall.Vice Mayor Isko Moreno wasguest Speaker.

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As part of its continuing effort toenhance the capacities of DILGofficials and employees, the LGA

spearheaded the development of a Human ResourceManagement and Development (HRMD) Plan for the DILG.The HRMD system aims to analyze and forecast neededtalent to proactively execute organizational goals,objectives and strategies. With the HRMD system inplace, workforce skills are developed and sustained tosuccessfully accomplish organizational goals whilebalancing individual career and lifestyle goals.

A Technical Working Group hasbeen organized to assist theLGA in the fulfillment of theplan.

While the system is still in theplanning phase, the LGAprovided the followinginterventions that respond tothe needs of the DILG officersas front liners in DILGprogram implementation:

! Leadership andManagement Course forDILG Senior Managers

! Development ManagementExecutive TrainingProgram: A Course inGovernance and StrategicArrangement for DILGMiddle Managers

! 45th Induction Training forLGOOs

! FGD on Roles Descriptionand CompetencyRequirements for LGOOVIII

! LGA and Local GovernanceRegional Resource CenterCoordinators Conference

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continuing educationfor LGA Officers

and StaffSally S. JumalonTraining and Development –Specialization: M and EJanuary 2, 2008 – January 31, 2009Brisbane, Australia

Flordeliza M. PacioStrengthening HRMD Capacity forLGA Re-engineering, Master inHuman ResourceJanuary 2, 2008 – January 31, 2009Brisbane, Australia

Esmeralda Daphne N. PurnellEleventh Capacity-BuildingProgramme on Need Assessment,Monitoring, Evaluation &Information Generation Techniquesfor Decentralized GovernanceSeptember 1- October 11, 2008India

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Genedine A. EvangelistaEsmeralda Daphne N. PurnellNilda Y. TorresPAHRDF Mentoring WorkshopMay 25-28, 2008

Patrick John D. MegiaAnnual PIEP National ConventionOctober 16-17, 2008Legend Villas, Mandaluyong City

Esmeralda Daphne N. PurnellEuly Q. EnriquePAHRDF Re-Entry Action PlanConferenceNovember 20-21, 2008Davao City

Rowena T. Villareal1st Philippine Sports Stakeholder’sConferenceDec. 10, 2008Pasig City

Patrick John D. MegiaJose Gonzalo P. Ablay IIIElmo A. DimaanoAlbert S. UalUNDP-UNESCAP RegionalWorkshop on Introduction andAdaptation of Capacity Assess-ment Tools and Methodologiesfor Public-Private PartnershipsCapacity Development of LocalGovernments in AsiaOctober 14-17, 2008Ascott Hotel, Makati City

Silvestre Z. Barrameda2nd WASH Practitioner'sMarketplace and Fair in Cox BazaarNovember 11-13,2008Bangladesh

Dir. Marivel C. SacendoncilloPre-Conference Workshop &IPAC Annual ConferenceAugust 22-27, 2008Quebec City, Canada

Euly Q. EnriquePost Graduate Diploma in Commerce(Information Systems)June 24, 2007 - July 23, 2008Curtin University of TechnologyPerth, Western Australia

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financialreport750,000.00 13,003.916













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To accomplish great things,we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan,but also believe... Anatole France


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LGA in2009

he Local Government Academy’s task in 2009 will focus on assistance if notsolutions to the problems brought about by the global crises. The LGA will helpLGUs cope with this through various capacity-building programs which willlessen the impact of the trying times.



in theFace of


TThe LGA’s flagship project in 2009, Comprehensive and Unified Response to EliminateRed Tape in LGUs, or Project CURE, will improve the efficiency and effectiveness oflocal government units in their delivery of basic public goods and services to the peopleand also enhance the image of our country. Another priority project that is national inscope is the rollout of the Access to Justice for the Poor Project (AJPP) that will buildand strengthen the capabilities of key players of the barangay justice system toultimately enable the poor, particularly women and children, to pursue justice therebyenhancing human rights in local governance.

Moreover, the impact of climate change is apparent and is here to stay. Governance onClimate Change: Challenges for Local Governments is one of the major programs beingoffered in the Local Governance National Resource Center (LGNRC) based in UP LosBanos as the LGA’s contribution to address this problem. The LGA will also strengthenits programs on solid waste management, water and sanitation and disaster and riskmanagement. .

The LGA will continue to expand its partnership programs to bring the institution to theSoutheast Asia and the Pacific landscape. As an initial step, the LGA will serve as theKnowledge Hub for Urban Environmental Management in the Pacific in partnership withthe Asian Institute of Technology in Bangkok, Thailand.

Part of the continuing agenda is strengthening the foundations of the institution toenhance its oversight role in local government capacity building and institutionalizeknowledge management as a core LGA function. This will be done through a redefinedbusiness strategy and continuous education of its human resources.Other demand-driven programs will be delivered and new programs will be developed inpreparation for the upcoming change of management in 2010.


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