annual report 2018 - human concern · holy month of ramadan. hci partnered with this organization...

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Annual Report2018

HCI Annual Report 3

Assalamu Eleikum, everyone.

On behalf of the Board of Directors of Human Concern International, I thank you all for all your support.

The journey of HCI began 39 years ago with three Muslim brothers in the basement of Ottawa Mosque, after the Russian invasion of Afghanistan by getting together to collect clothes, food and medicine to help Afghan widows and children and those injured in the war. The organisation was named the Afghan Relief Fund, providing help to the displaced persons in Afghanistan and refugees camped in Pakistan.

Later the Afghan Relief Fund expanded its work to other needy countries and its name was changed to Human Concern International to reflect the true scope of its work. Today, HCI is helping the needy and the poor in more than 45 countries and collected over 150 million dollars.

HCI’s success and steady growth has been the results of the hard work and dedication of HCI staff, volunteers and committed Board of Directors. They bring impressive skills and valuable experience from across the world and I thank them for their outstanding efforts.

The Board joins me in paying tribute to our Executive Director, Ms. Mahmuda Khan and all local and international staff. They carry out their essential work with skill, creativity, compassion, energy and enthusiasm in often risky and demanding environment.

Most of all, HCI owes a debt of gratitude to all donors who have supported our work here in Canada and worldwide over the past four decades

All our projects are monitored and inspected by our team/directors to ensure the good outcome. The processes, and policies and guidelines are met properly.

We owe our donors and supporters a debt of gratitude for supporting our work for now almost forty years. I wish to acknowledge their generous contributions that were utilizing to undertake relief programs and implement development projects with the utmost efficiency. Thank you for entrusting us with such noble task. We will strive to continue to deliver good results and worthy of your trust.


Syed Mumtaz Akhtar HCI Chairperson

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Dear Friends,

The journey of Human Concern International (HCI) over the past 39 years have been incredible.

It is my great honour to be a part of this Organization which serves the work of God and help to make positive impact in the lives of millions of people in need across the globe.

I joined HCI as a volunteer in 2010 and since then every moment spent with HCI has been immensely blessed. To have the opportunity to see the work of this Organization as an observer since my childhood then as a young donor, then as a volunteer and now as a team member, what makes me the most content that HCI is honest, sincere, modest, dedicated and well-intended Organization from inside and outside.

Human Concern International has been delivering very meaningful and impactful programs in over 40 countries with efficiency, effectiveness and transparency.

We will continue to make sure that we give our best to keep your trust and utilize your generous donations to serve as many orphans, widows, and seniors in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Gaza, India, Iraq, Lebanon, Pakistan, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and many more tragedy-stricken regions.

At times it gets very difficult for HCI team when we are overcome by emotions to witness innocent lives especially our young children and seniors suffering in ways no human should experience. But each time we face these difficult moments we are overwhelmed by the amount of support and prayers we receive from our donors, volunteers and all the friends of HCI.

Your support gives us the strength to move on and keep working harder to serve the humanity.

2018 has been another fulfilling year for HCI and we are happy to share this Annual Report which will accredit our work.

2019 has also been a very fruitful period thus far and we feel whole-heartedly confident that with your continued support we will build many more water wells to quench the thirst, fund schools to provide education to underprivileged children, build orphanages to give a bright future to orphans, support hospitals to heal the hurting, build shelters and livelihood programs to help families live a life of dignity and self-sufficiency.

While HCI contributes to Emergency Relief programs in disastrous and war-torn zones, we will keep our focus on “hands up” as opposed to “hand outs” values of our Organization.

I would like to conclude with a message I was given from a mother I met at Rohingya Refugee camp,

“…my daughter, I will always remember you and make prayers for your donors. When you go back home, tell your people not to forget us.”

I will always remember this message which drives our team work day and night throughout the weeks and weekends to help send relief to these people in need.

Together you and HCI will transform the lives of many people worldwide.

On behalf of the entire team of HCI and most importantly our beneficiaries, I’d like to express our most heartfelt gratitude for all your support.

Thank you and we look forward to sharing another successful yearly report with you in 2020

Mahmuda Khan Acting Executive Director

HCI QuarterlyActivities ReportPERIOD COVERED

April to June 2018

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Sustainable Projects

AfghanistanWater well Construction ProjectThis project is implemented in Afghanistan by Sadat Charity Organization for Human Community. The goal is to provide clean and safe drinking water to those in dire need. The immediate impact is to provide essential needs for families. The wells were dug in two mosques in Kunduz province where Sadat is located. One was in the county of Ali Abad Kunduz Province with 1,200 beneficiaries. Second, was in masjid Salman Fars at Sari Daura city province of Kunduz with 2,500 beneficiaries.

Ramadan 2018 Sadat SCOHCThis project provides essential food for families during the holy month. Over 100 families were supported.

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BangladeshEssential Items Ramadan ProjectDuring Ramadan, this project met essential needs during Ramadan. Ramadan 2018 project aimed to deliver aid to the Rohingya refugee camps in Bangladesh and Rohingya villages in Myanmar. The areas where the project is being implemented are Kutupalong, Balukhali and Tenkhali refugee camps, Bangladesh Buthidaung, Rathedaung, and Maungdaw villages in Myanmar. An estimated 150-200 families should benefit from this project.

Essential Items Ramadan ProjectMyanmar is blockaded from food and supplies by the military. The main objective of the project is to deliver funds for food, clothing, medication, etc. for people in Rakhine. The project delivered supplies to families that are cut off from food and essentials in Myanmar. The refugee camps in Bangladesh are also areas of extreme poverty especially when there is a calamity like rain or flood.

The Development Project for Orphans The main objective of the project is to improve the dwelling condition of orphans, continue education and protect them from water born diseases, malnutrition and severe cold, early marriage, child labour, and from being unproductive citizens. The project aims to educate grade 5 students and help them attend an equivalent of Bangladeshi school district grade 5 competency assessment.

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BosniaRamadan Packages Program HCI worked with Merhamet to alleviate poverty. The main goal of humanitarian work is to provide people with a warm meal for iftar and Ramadan packages. Ramadan packages were distributed on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo.

This project aims to provide food, clothes, and decent hygienic conditions for 705 refugees from Syria, Pakistan, and Algeria.

More than 298 men, 304 women and 103 children are receiving these packages.

PZ GLODJANKA PO GLODI ZVORNIK Project This project aims to provide food, clothes, and implement hygienic conditions for refugees from Syria, Pakistan, and Algeria.

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BurundiEducation Support Program This project is distributing scholarship Assistance to vulnerable people from different areas in the Bujumbura township and in the country in general. Each student receives school fees. This assistance pays for tuition, school materials, equipment and school furniture, such as uniforms, shoes, and school bags. Items were provided to players of Beach Soccer Football Team. The goal is to help students including boys and girls join international championships.

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EthiopiaRainwater Harvesting ProgramThe project of Rainwater harvesting in Afar Pastoralist Community is in two pastoralist communities, Afar Region in Ethiopia. Pastoralists of two settlements are Durunguta and Eddeysa in Geega, Dubteworeda, Afar Region. 550 households were involved. Beneficiaries are affected by drought and constantly under stress and vulnerability of thirst and lack of water.

APDA will establish for each cistern an exacting bill of quantity; purchase the needed construction material and undertake the rehabilitation using

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trucked water for cement work. The community will strengthen the existing fence; collect sand and rocks for the rehabilitation work and guard all material during the construction period. The Project objective is to help 102 households of the poorest members of the community to participate in Ramadan and Eid of Al Fitr.

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GazaHope provided essential items to Ramadan Food Packages to Syrians, Palestinians and Jordanians.

Educational ProjectHCI worked with UNRWA USA to provide educational scholarship to students, medical relief and financial help to widows of the community. The Scholarship is awarded on the need and merits of

each awardees and is withdrawn if the good grades are not maintained. Our Area Representatives recommend financial assistance patients who are marginalized and are diagnosed with certain serious illnesses. They do not have the means to pay for medicines or hospital bills for their treatment. Over 800 widows have registered with us. We provide food grains and financial assistance.

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IndonesiaRamadan Package Program Yayasan Rumah Zakat implemented Ramadan Project 2018 in 10 provinces. To create more smiles and happiness in Ramadhan 1439 H, Rumah Zakat invited all partners to

contribute in Senyum Ramadhan. Senyum Ramadhan programs, namely - Berbagi Buka Puasa (BBP) essential food packages for Iftar. Which is distributed in Desa Berdaya Rumah Zakat.

Yasrib School (PP Yasrib Watansoppeng) Ramadan 2018 and School Construction ProjectThrough this project, Yasrib School is exercising its capability, capacity and care to improve the quality of education. The objective of this project is to construct a new boarding school for girls. Target beneficiaries are 350 girl students who live in the boarding school.

Life for Relief and Development USA Ramadan ProjectThe main objective of this project is to feed the poor and needy families of 5-7 people during the holy month of Ramadan. HCI partnered with this organization to implement Ramadan project in several countries including Iraq, Ghana, Palestine, Sierra Leone and Haiti. 1,820 people in Ghana, Palestine, Sierra Leone and Haiti will attend Iftar or receive food baskets to feed their families for the entire month of Ramadan.

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JordanCDS-NDev Iftar Package Program This project provided essential items to Syrians refugees in Jordan during the holy month of Ramadan, as well as Palestinian refugees in Jordan and Local Jordanian families.

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KenyaMASOMO FOUNDATION Ramandan Essentials Program This project provided essential needs during Ramadan to people with disabilities, orphans and most deserving families.

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Lebanon Ramadan Packages ProgramHCI delivered food packages to Sudanese, IDP South Sudan and Eritrean families.

The project’s objectives are to deliver food packages among Syrian refugee families in Lebanon and deliver food packages among Palestinian refugee families in Lebanon.

Food packages were delivered to 355 Lebanese families, or 1775 people.

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MoroccoAssociation culturel de la Chaouia Ramadan ProjectThe projects that undergo during Ramadan contribute to maintaining sustainable relationships with our partners, volunteers and staff.

The objective of this project is to lighten expenses for families living in severe economic condition during Ramadan.

Food packages were distributed to families.

Al Rayane Association Food Basket ProgramThe objective of this project is to provide orphans and their guardians with necessities for Ramadan as well as Fitrah. Clothing, food baskets and Eid Fitra were distributed to them. The Fitrah will help them support themselves for the next 4 months.

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PakistanHealth Oriented Preventive Education (HOPE) Iftar Care Package Program This project implemented by HOPE provides; ration, iftar boxes, biryani boxes and Eid clothes. The activity is carried in; Pakistan; Sindh, Punjab, AJK (Bilal Colony, Mujahid Colony, Manzoor Colony, Zia Colony, Sachal Goth and in Rural Areas like Ghaggar (Karachi), Thatta, Badin, Muzaffargarh and Muzaffarabad (AJK).

The children were given Eid gifts consisting of clothes, shoes and Iftaar boxes on a weekly basis. The iftar and ration were given to widows, women residing in poor areas as well as children.

Family Educational Services Foundation (FESF) FESF implemented this project to provide school uniform for Deaf Reach students. This project aims to benefit 270 children attending the Deaf Reach School and Training Centre Karachi and Hyderabad. The project will provide uniforms to these children. The School is in Gulistan-e-Jahaur in Karachi city and Qasimabad in Hyderabad city, both of which are located in the Sindh province of Pakistan.

LEPROSY PATIENTS WELFARE TRUST (LPWT) Water Well Construction ProgramLPWT with the help of HCI Canada dug water wells in Gadap Town karachi, Sujawal, Golarchi, Badin and Tharparker.

Ramadan and Fitra 2018The project provided rice, sugar, wheat, cooking oil, flour, tea, basin, various dal and spices for 2,700 leprosy patients on the week of May 2018.

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SudanSudanese Food Program The project objectives are to support vulnerable and underprivileged Sudanese, South Sudanese and Eritreans. Food parcels were distributed to orphans, sick persons and families in Sudan and South Sudan as well as to Eritrean refugees in Sudan.

It is expected that the project benefited 12,000 Sudanese, South Sudanese and Eritreans in Sudan. HCI supported people in KHARTOUM and adjacent area where vulnerable Sudanese (including orphans, widowed women and displaced), displaced South Sudanese and poor Eritrean refugees reside.

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YemenThe Project is an urgent humanitarian relief intervention for the IDPs and for the most affected families.

The Project provided basic humanitarian assistance to the families of (IDPs-Affected) and poor families who have suffered due to the consequences of war, chaos, absence of the state, economic deterioration and profound increase of foodstuffs prices, jointly with the lack of fuel, domestic gas and the absence of electricity and water services.

The Project aims to provide food assistance through food baskets that include essential food needs to family members.

Child Sponsorship Program

Afghanistan HCI supported the program in Afghanistan to reducing illiteracy in developing communities through support packages and outreach.

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Guyana Through reconciliation with surplus funds from last period, the Guyanese Organization received additional support to benefit sponsorship projects.

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IndiaOFFER’s Child Sponsorship Program in Kerala facilitates access to basic education, improving the overall health of sponsored children, providing extracurricular activities and bettering the livelihoods of orphan children and their families.

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Kashmir Funding the CSP for orphans and poor children to enable schooling and providing daily necessities in the areas of Muzaffarabad and Ghari Dupatta in Azad Kashmir.

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PakistanAiming to establish proper schooling for orphans and children in dire financial situations, HCI operates the CSP in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, Peshawar, Nowshera, Charsadda, Chitral, Swat and areas in the Punjab.

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Tunisia Monitored by Attaawen Charity, sponsored orphans in Tunisia get healthcare, education and training that develop vital social skills.

Emergency Food Relief

HCI QuarterlyActivities ReportPERIOD COVERED

July to September 2018

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Sustainable Projects

AfghanistanWater well Construction ProjectThis project is implemented in Afghanistan by Sadat SCOHC (Saadat Charity Organization for Human Community). The project is to provide essential needs for families and children. The wells dug were dug in two mosques in Kunduz province where Sadat is located.

Zabiha 2018 ProjectThe project was held in three provinces of Afghanistan namely Kunduz, Kabul and Mazari Sharif. Slaughtered meat was prepared in the first day of Eid and distributed.

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BangladeshZabiha 2018 Project This project provided meat during Eid Al-Adha. This project aimed to serve the people residing in Rakhine and people residing in the refugee camps of Bangladesh during Eid ul Adha 2018.

The Development Project for School/Orphans The project improved the dwelling condition, educated and protected orphans from water borne diseases, malnutrition and severe cold, early marriage, and child labour. The project

aims to educate children up to grade 5 and help them attend Bangladeshi school district grade 5 competency assessment.

The project funded Amir Hasan School – Tenkhali Refugee Camp, Chittagong district, Bangladesh and École Tunis – Nayapara Refugee Camp, Chittagong district, Bangladesh.

Zabiha ProjectThis project provided meat during Eid Al-Adha. For Zabiha Project, SUROVI helped people living in the urban slums.

The project aimed to provide meat to 350 families on Eid-ul-Adha.

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BosniaZabiha Project This project distributed meat to 200 returning families who are residents in Zvornik, Srebrenica, Vlasenica and Milici.

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MerhametHCI and Merhamet worked together to alleviate pain and suffering of elder people.

The project was implemented in City of Sarajevo, in Public kitchen Merhamet.

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BurundiZabiha ProjectThe project distributed meat to vulnerable people from different areas in the Bujumbura Township during the holy day of Eid El’Adhaa 2018.

The meat was distributed to orphans, street children, widows, disasters. The location was in BUJUMBURA Capital of Burundi.

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EgyptZabiha ProjectThis project aims to provided meat to poor Syrian refugee families living in Maadi and Giza areas in Egypt who cannot afford the high price of meat at this season.

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The project helped 100 Syrian refugee families to meet their protein needs during the holy days of Eid Al-Adha.

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GazaZabiha ProjectThis project provided meat to the poor families living in Gaza.

Meat was distributed to 900 families to meet their protein needs during the holy days of Eid Al-Adha.

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HaitiZaibiha ProjectThis project provided meat to the families who cannot afford celebrating Eid-ul-Adha due to extreme poverty.

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OFFER CSP Child Sponsorship Program, (CSP) is donor-linked project that assist orphans, impoverished children and the members of their families by promising education materials, tuition fees, school uniform/casual dress, and necessary medical support.

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IndiaAll India Women Project This project provided meat to families who cannot afford to celebrate Eid-ul-Adha due to extreme poverty. All India Confederation for Women’s

Empowerment provided meat to the Rohingya refugees. The project targeted Rohingya refugees of Delhi, Shaheen bagh, Shram Vihar camp, Kalindi Kunj camp.

Jamia Islamia Ishaatul Uloom Meat Project The main activity of the project was to provide and distribute fresh and sufficient Qurbani meat kits during Eid ul adha among vulnerable people, families, orphan children, poor students and rural families who are suffering from poverty. Most was distributed in Jamia Akkalkuwa campus, Mithapahli, Makraniphali & Baderajmohi, Taluka Akkalkuwa, District Nandurbr, and State Maharashtra, India.

The Kathor Medical Trust Project This project distributed fresh and sufficient Qurbani meat kits on the occasion of Eid ul adha among vulnerable people, families, orphan children, poor students and rural families who are suffering from poverty, and food insecurity.

OFFER Project This project provided meat to the handicapped, children, pregnant or lactating women, aged and below poverty line. Kerala and West Bengal are the 2 states where Zabiha 2018 was implemented.

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IndonesiaZabiha Project with PP Yasrib WatansoppengThis project provided meat during Eid Al-Adha. The major objective of Zabiha 2018 was to provide one kilogram of meat to 700 individuals to celebrate Eid-ul-Azha to help foster a joyful environment for the 700 taking part in the event. Yasrib Boarding School plans to provide support to 700 people.

School construction Project This project created opportunity for students and teachers in Yasrib Boarding School. Through this project, Yasrib School is exercising its capability, capacity and care on the improvement of the quality of education.

The objective of this project is to construct a new building of the boarding school, especially for girls’ students, and to support classrooms operations. 350 girl students live in the boarding school.

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Iraq HCI worked with Life for Relief and Development. The project was carried in; Iraq, Ghana, Palestine and Sierra Leone.

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The meat was distributed in the neediest regions of Iraq, Ghana, Palestine and Sierra Leone. This includes the following groups of people living below the poverty line, needy families consisting of 5-10 people, desolate widows, handicapped and invalids, orphans as well as displaced families.

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JordanJordan Meat ProjectWith an increase demand of meat during the holy days of Eid Al-Adha, meat was distributed among poor and needy Iraqi and Syrian refugees, as well as women headed families from Jordan.

The project enabled 100 Syrian families, 75 Palestinian families and 75 Jordanian families (250 women, 1,250 children and 150 men) meet their protein needs.

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LebanonADHA Fest Project Zabiha project aims at supporting vulnerable Syrian refugees, Palestinian refugee families and poor Lebanese families during the ADHA feast.

Human Concern Lebanon bought 78 lambs for the occasion of the ADHA 2018; and 546 shares of meat were distributed among extremely poor groups of refugees and communities.

The project aims at helping Syrian and Palestinian refugees as well as Lebanese families celebrate the ADHA feast. The ZABIHA 2018 in Lebanon targets Syrian refugees in Lebanon, Palestine refugees in refugee camps in Lebanon, and Lebanese families in disadvantaged host communities.

The project this year will be conducted in local communities in north Lebanon, Akkar, Bekaa valley and Beirut.

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MoroccoAssociation pour la Vie des Orpheline Meat ProjectThe project delivered meat to 56 families, 112 orphans and their widow mothers in Rabat, Morocco. Al Rayane Association delivered the sheep to the needy families. The activity includes providing Food Baskets to 56 families of orphans. School supplies for 112 orphans and rent for two families with no income for 8 months.

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NepalNepal Meat ProjectThe project delivers meat as orphans, vulnerable children and widows and neediest families. HRO Nepal. This Project not only provided meat but also improved the health and nutrition condition of deserving families.

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PakistanAkora ProjectThe target areas for this project are refugee’s camp in Akora Khattak and urban areas in Peshawar.

According to the available funds Zabiha animals were purchased by staff members from animals’ markets, animals were transported to the Akora

Khattak, and meats are packed in the camps, for the people living in urban area.

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LPWT - Leprosy Care Project Leprosy Patients Welfare Trust (LPWT) provided free treatment and social rehabilitation services to leprosy patients and their families. They provided quality education for their children and orphans through its school (Tanvir High School) at Manghopir, Karachi. They also provide free treatment for 37,000 patients through its Health Centre at Manghopir, Karachi.

Over 50,000 leprosy patients have been registered in various Centres in Pakistan and yearly 500 patients newly to be registered every year.

9,000 families of leprosy patients are residing at the surrounding area of our Rehabilitation Centre at Manghopir Karachi. Ramadan Ration Food and Qurabani (Zabiha) meat were distributed to the leprosy patients. Free medicines were provided to the 37,000 leprosy patients.

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SyriaWATAN Meat Project The project aimed to restore love and brotherhood among the residents in Syria & Turkey.

WATAN Foundation processed more than 100 sheep for sacrifice and distributed them to Syrians.

The project goal was to distribute 600 freshly prepared sheep meats to beneficiaries of more than 600 families (4 kg of meat per family) and 3,000 beneficiaries with an average of five family

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members during Eid AL Adha.

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Tunisia Tunisia Meat ProjectThis project distributed meat to families in many disadvantaged areas in Tunisia. Meat packages were distributed to families, mainly children and orphans, which allowed them to share the joy of Eid with all Muslims.

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West BankZabiha WEST BANK ProjectZabiha project targeted orphans, disabled widows and elderly people. The project aimed at assisting 230 households living in extreme poverty in Bethlehem and Jerusalem governorate in Eid Al adha, by providing them with meat baskets.

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SomaliaOrphan care Project This ongoing project consists of caring for 210 orphans and poor children from poor families, paying the school fees of 803 students (orphans and children from poor families and IDPs), paying university fees for 3 students and salary for 7 workers in Bandiradlay Hospital.

The purpose of the project is to give better survival and education opportunities to orphans and children from underprivileged families.

IHDO has been assisting poor families in IDPs

camps across Banadir region, Somalia. IHDO Cash Transfer Program for Orphans Children delivers cash to families, which they can use to pay for food, clothes, and services such as education and health.

Zabiha Project The Zabiha is an aid package we provide to IDPs who live in Djibouti.

This year we reached IDPs who need assistance. They targeted about 1350 including women, men and children. Meat was provide to Yemeni refugees in Markazicamp(Obock, Djibouti).

Tamkin Foundation for Social Services ProjectThis project helped poor families especially those who are most vulnerable in community and are not able to purchase udhiya Meat.

The project estimated beneficiaries are 450 families (2,700 persons). This Project located on IDP Camps, Benadir Region, Somalia.

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Sri LankaAl Muslimaath Meat ProjectThis project will provide meat during Eid Al-Adha.

This project supported mostly matriarchial families, with many affected by floods and others who are zakat eligible.

Emergency Relief

YemenZabiha project provided meat packages to 175 families.

The Project is a humanitarian relief intervention for the IDPs and for the most affected families by the erupted conflict as well as poverty.

Emergency Relief Project Food Basket for Refugees The project targeted refugees’ families from AL-Hudaydah, especially the poorest and most of those who fled the horrors of war.

The Project is an urgent humanitarian relief intervention for the IDPs families from Al-Hudaydah for the most affected families by the erupted conflict as well as poverty.

The project provides basic humanitarian urgently needed requirements for the families of (IDPs-Affected). The project aims to provide food assistance through food basket distribution that include the most essential basic food needs for family members.

The direct beneficiaries are refugees and displaced families from Al-Hudaydah war-affected families from Al-Hudaydah.

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Child Sponsorship Program

LebanonHCI Middle East utilized funds to support CSPs in Lebanon and Syria – allowing many children to continue their education and enjoy a proper childhood.

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MoroccoOrphans under the care of Association Culturel de la Chaouia, Association pour la Vie des Orpheline Errachidia and Al Rayane received an education package, as well as supplies for medical and household needs.

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Our Child Sponsorship Program is implemented in the following countries:

AsiaAfghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Kashmir, Somailia, Sudan, Pakistan, Rohingya

MIddle EastEgypt, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Tunisia, Yemen

HCI QuarterlyActivities ReportPERIOD COVERED

October to December 2018

HCI Annual Report 31HCI Annual Report30

HaitiFood Basket ProjectAssociation des Communautes Musulmane Haitienne (ACMH) received the financial support from HCI via the organization ORDEPROGREASIA to distribute foods baskets to families, orphans and vulnerable children, and people with disabilities.

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IndiaHealth care ProjectKharod Charitable and Welfare TrustThe project assisted with providing health care to low income communities. The Kharod provided medical services to the ones in need.

Darul Uloom Arabiyya Islamiya KanthariaThe project provided locally produced food to the institute. Food, clothes and cash stipends were given by Darul Uloom Kantharia to people.

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MoroccoHousing and Orphan ProjectHCI granted funding to Al Rayane Association in Morocco for the Housing and Orphan Project.

The project took care hundreds of families of orphans, providing them with monthly food baskets, educational support, medical assistance, and housing.

PakistanMeat Project Every year with the help of HCI Canada, cows and goats are sacrificed on Eid ul Adha for the leprosy patients, and orphans and people who are residing at the surrounding area of the Centre.

Deaf School ProjectHCI provided funding to Family Educational Services Foundation for school transportation and meals project benefiting deaf children at Deaf Children School Pakistan.

The project benefited children from low income households. Family Educational Services Foundation provided opportunities to the Deaf, regardless of their gender or socio-economic background, with over 1000 students who currently attended Deaf Reach Schools in Pakistan.

55 students from Deaf Reach school will be provided daily transport to and from the school.

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SomaliaOrphan Care ProjectHuman Concern International provided financial support towards orphan care project. The support included items such as food, school uniforms, textbooks, and cooking oil. The beneficiaries felt that those receiving cash subsidies should ensure that school-aged children in the household attend school, have birth certificates, and that the children’s health and nutritional status improves.

Water Well Construction ProjectHuman Concern International supported Tamkin

Sustainable Projects

AfghanistanWater well Construction ProjectThis project is implemented in Afghanistan by Sadat SCOHC (Sadat Charity Organization for Human Community). The goal was to provide clean and safe drinking water to families.

Two wells were dug near two mosques in Kunduz province where Sadat is located.

BangladeshThe Development Project for School The project improved the conditions of orphan children, continued education and protected them from water borne diseases, malnutrition and severe cold, early marriage, child labour exploitation.

The project aims to educate children up to grade 5 and make them capable for appearing for an equivalent of Bangladeshi school district grade 5 competency assessments.

The disbursement of funds for education was funded to Amir Hasan School – Tenkhali Refugee Camp, Chittagong district, Bangladesh and École Tunis – Nayapara Refugee Camp, Chittagong district, Bangladesh.

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HCI Annual Report 33HCI Annual Report32

Foundation for Social Services in Somalia toward water well project. The implementation of the project benefited five villages in Beledweyne District, Hiran Region of Somalia.

The project has benefited 500 family’s members by giving them access to clean and portable water.

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KenyaWater Well Construction Project HCI supported ZamZam Foundation to build shallow wells with hand pump in Mombasa County, in Kenya.

The shallow wells have improved access to water availability of the area and its surrounding villages that face severe water shortages during winter and summer. The outcomes of this project were as follows: access to clean and potable water, time saved in fetching water from different places, as well reducing the rate of infection of water-borne

disease like cholera, diarrhea and typhoid.

The project results were as follows; reduction in child mortality rate; improved Water and Sanitation Hygiene (WASH); Alleviation of human suffering and starvation; and better access to water. The livelihoods of farmer and their livestock improved.

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YemenFood Basket Project HCI worked with Social Health Care Association Food Survival for School Kits, Food Basket for the Most Vulnerable Families, Food package distribution in Sana’a as well as Food package distribution in Al-Hudaydah.

The organization has distributed food baskets to refugees and internal displaced people and families from Al-Hudaydah war-affected families from Al-Hudaydah.

Emergency Relief

BangladeshAl Ihsan Social Development Center The Zabiha funds covered the constructions of two water wells that was completed by the end of RAMADAN 2018. Al ihsan hired a computer trainer and established a computer lab to full-fill training requirements.

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IndiaOFFER (Organization Functioning for Eytham’s Respect) is based in Kerala province of Ponnani, Calicut, Malappuram & Alleppey District of India benefited from HCI financial assistance Emergency Relief project.

The project was successful in reaching out to the neediest beneficiaries at their time of urgent need. The financial contribution from HCI strongly assisted OFFER to reach out to the effected communities that was severely hit in Kerala due to heavy rainfall, which has caused landslides and heavy flooding in almost all districts.

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IndonesiaHuman Concern International Emergency Aid for Palu, Sulawesi, Indonesia as well towards post Earthquake Recovery for Lombok, Indonesia to

HCI Annual Report 35HCI Annual Report34

Yayasan Rumah Zakat Indonesia. An earthquake of 7 scale Richter hit Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia.

HCI supported Yayasan Yasrib School in South Sulawesi, Indonesia for the renovation of the school.

Indonesia Rumah ZakatHCI contributed towards Emergency AID Relief for Earthquake Victims in Sulawesi, Indonesia. The organization provided basic needs.

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PakistanHCI provided financial assistance to Leprosy Patients Welfare Trust towards relief project due to drought, and low average of rainfalls that hit Pakistan. This project supported the patients with food, clothing and drinking water.

TunisiaHCI worked towards Tunisia Flood Relief 2018 to Attaawen Charity Tunisia.

The organization provided humanitarian assistance to families affected by floods, which are living in the Bank of the “Miliane River”, located in M’hamdia region of Ben Arous Governorate.

The Torrential rains caused the rise of water level in this river which further increased the damage in M’hamdia. The organization has provided the essential, appropriate and timely humanitarian assistance to those affected by floods, based on an initial rapid assessment of needs.

Human Concern International provided financial assistance to Association de l’ entraide et de la solidarite sociale toward flood relief in Tunisia.

Child Sponsorship Program

BangladeshSuroviHCI provided financial support to SUROVI for Rohingya Children, and salary for Rohingya schoolteachers, Honorarium of CSP Profile Data Collection Volunteer, Child Sponsorship Program, as water well construction. Classroom Construction was done at Makbol High School.

HCI Annual Report 37HCI Annual Report36

Financial Report

Financial Report



Disbursement by Program Area

Total Revenue and Disbursement

HCI Annual Report38

Financial ReportDisbursement by Region


(613) 742-7733

877 Shefford Road, Unit 4, Ottawa, ON K1J 8H9

PO Box 3984, Station C Ottawa, ON K1Y 4P2


humanconcern.orgOur charitable number: 107497125RR0001

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