annual report for steuben county industrial development ......annual report for steuben county...

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Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

Page 1 of 73

Governance Information (Authority-Related)Question Response URL(If Applicable)1. Has the Authority prepared its annual report on operations and accomplishments for the reporting period

as required by section 2800 of PAL?Yes

2. As required by section 2800(9) of PAL, did the Authority prepare an assessment of the effectiveness of its internal controls?


3. Has the lead audit partner for the independent audit firm changed in the last five years in accordance with section 2802(4) of PAL?

Yes N/A

4. Does the independent auditor provide non-audit services to the Authority? No N/A5. Does the Authority have an organization chart? Yes www.steubencountyida.com6. Are any Authority staff also employed by another government agency? No7. Does the Authority have Claw Back agreements? Yes N/A8. Has the Authority posted their mission statement to their website? Yes www.steubencountyida.com9. Has the Authority's mission statement been revised and adopted during the reporting period? Yes N/A10. Attach the Authority's measurement report, as required by section 2824-a of PAL and provide the URL?

Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

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Governance Information (Board-Related)Question Response URL(If Applicable)1. Has the Board established a Governance Committee in accordance with Section 2824(7) of PAL? Yes N/A

2. Has the Board established an Audit Committee in accordance with Section 2824(4) of PAL? Yes N/A

3. Has the Board established a Finance Committee in accordance with Section 2824(8) of PAL? Yes N/A

4. Provide a URL link where a list of Board committees can be found (including the name of the committee and the date established):

5. Does the majority of the Board meet the independence requirements of Section 2825(2) of PAL? Yes N/A

6. Provide a URL link to the minutes of the Board and committee meetings held during the covered fiscal year

7. Has the Board adopted bylaws and made them available to Board members and staff? Yes

8. Has the Board adopted a code of ethics for Board members and staff? Yes

9. Does the Board review and monitor the Authority's implementation of financial and management controls? Yes N/A

10. Does the Board execute direct oversight of the CEO and management in accordance with Section 2824(1)of PAL?

Yes N/A

11. Has the Board adopted policies for the following in accordance with Section 2824(1) of PAL?

Salary and Compensation Yes N/A

Time and Attendance Yes N/A

Whistleblower Protection Yes N/A

Defense and Indemnification of Board Members Yes N/A

12. Has the Board adopted a policy prohibiting the extension of credit to Board members and staff in accordance with Section 2824(5) of PAL?

Yes N/A

13. Are the Authority's Board members, officers, and staff required to submit financial disclosure forms in accordance with Section 2825(3) of PAL?

Yes N/A

14. Was a performance evaluation of the board completed? Yes N/A

15. Was compensation paid by the Authority made in accordance with employee or union contracts? Yes N/A

16. Has the board adopted a conditional/additional compensation policy governing all employees? Yes

17. Has the board adopted a Uniform Tax Exemption Policy(UTEP) according to Section 874(4) of GML? Yes


Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

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Board of Directors Listing

Name Alger, Mark Nominated By Local

Chair of the Board No Appointed By Local

If yes, Chair Designated by Confirmed by Senate? N/A

Term Start Date 1/1/2018 Has the Board Member/Designee Signed the Acknowledgement of Fiduciary Duty?


Term Expiration Date 12/31/2021 Complied with Training Requirement of Section 2824?


Title Does the Board Member/Designee also Hold an Elected or Appointed State Government Position?


Has the Board Member Appointed a Designee?

Does the Board Member/Designee also Hold an Elected or Appointed Municipal Government Position?


Designee Name Ex-Officio

Name Doyle, Michael J Nominated By Local

Chair of the Board No Appointed By Local

If yes, Chair Designated by Confirmed by Senate? N/A

Term Start Date 1/1/2009 Has the Board Member/Designee Signed the Acknowledgement of Fiduciary Duty?


Term Expiration Date 12/31/2020 Complied with Training Requirement of Section 2824?


Title Does the Board Member/Designee also Hold an Elected or Appointed State Government Position?


Has the Board Member Appointed a Designee?

Does the Board Member/Designee also Hold an Elected or Appointed Municipal Government Position?


Designee Name Ex-Officio

Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

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Name Hauryski, Joseph Nominated By Local

Chair of the Board No Appointed By Local

If yes, Chair Designated by Confirmed by Senate? N/A

Term Start Date 1/1/2011 Has the Board Member/Designee Signed the Acknowledgement of Fiduciary Duty?


Term Expiration Date 12/31/2019 Complied with Training Requirement of Section 2824?


Title Does the Board Member/Designee also Hold an Elected or Appointed State Government Position?


Has the Board Member Appointed a Designee?

Does the Board Member/Designee also Hold an Elected or Appointed Municipal Government Position?


Designee Name Ex-Officio

Name Nisbet, Michael L Nominated By Local

Chair of the Board Yes Appointed By Local

If yes, Chair Designated by Elected by Board Confirmed by Senate? N/A

Term Start Date 1/1/2008 Has the Board Member/Designee Signed the Acknowledgement of Fiduciary Duty?


Term Expiration Date 12/31/2019 Complied with Training Requirement of Section 2824?


Title Does the Board Member/Designee also Hold an Elected or Appointed State Government Position?


Has the Board Member Appointed a Designee?

Does the Board Member/Designee also Hold an Elected or Appointed Municipal Government Position?


Designee Name Ex-Officio

Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

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Name Russo, Anthony Nominated By Local

Chair of the Board No Appointed By Local

If yes, Chair Designated by Confirmed by Senate? N/A

Term Start Date 1/1/2017 Has the Board Member/Designee Signed the Acknowledgement of Fiduciary Duty?


Term Expiration Date 12/31/2019 Complied with Training Requirement of Section 2824?


Title Does the Board Member/Designee also Hold an Elected or Appointed State Government Position?


Has the Board Member Appointed a Designee?

Does the Board Member/Designee also Hold an Elected or Appointed Municipal Government Position?


Designee Name Ex-Officio

Name Sharkey, Christine G Nominated By Local

Chair of the Board No Appointed By Local

If yes, Chair Designated by Confirmed by Senate? N/A

Term Start Date 1/1/2009 Has the Board Member/Designee Signed the Acknowledgement of Fiduciary Duty?


Term Expiration Date 12/31/2020 Complied with Training Requirement of Section 2824?


Title Does the Board Member/Designee also Hold an Elected or Appointed State Government Position?


Has the Board Member Appointed a Designee?

Does the Board Member/Designee also Hold an Elected or Appointed Municipal Government Position?


Designee Name Ex-Officio

Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

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Name Strobel, Dean Nominated By Local

Chair of the Board No Appointed By Local

If yes, Chair Designated by Confirmed by Senate? N/A

Term Start Date 6/27/2019 Has the Board Member/Designee Signed the Acknowledgement of Fiduciary Duty?


Term Expiration Date 12/31/2021 Complied with Training Requirement of Section 2824?


Title Does the Board Member/Designee also Hold an Elected or Appointed State Government Position?


Has the Board Member Appointed a Designee?

Does the Board Member/Designee also Hold an Elected or Appointed Municipal Government Position?


Designee Name Ex-Officio

Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

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Staff Listing

Name Title Group Department/Subsidiary

Union Name

Bargaining Unit

Full Time/Part Time

Exempt Base AnnualizedSalary

Actual salary paid to the Individual

Overtimepaid byAuthority


Extra Pay Other Compensation/Allowances/Adjustments

Total Compensation

Individual also paid by another entityto perform the work of the authority

If yes Is paymentmade by state or local government

Forester, Kathryn J

Administrative Assistant

Administrative and Clerical

FT No $59,584.72 $59,584.72 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $59,584.72No

Johnson, JamesC

Executive Director

Executive FT No $144,382.85 $144,382.85 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $144,382.85No

Smith, James C Infrastructure Specialist

Professional PT No $29,999.84 $29,999.84 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $29,999.84No

Staats, Jill A Director of Business Development

Professional FT No $64,590.92 $64,590.92 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $64,590.92No


Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

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Benefit InformationDuring the fiscal year, did the authority continue to pay for any of the above mentioned benefits for former staff or individuals affiliated with the authority after those individuals left the authority? No

Board MembersName Title Severance

PackagePayment For Unused Leave

Club Memberships

Use of Corporate Credit Cards

Personal Loans

Auto Transportation HousingAllowance

Spousal / Dependent Life Insurance

Tuition Assistance

Multi-Year Employment

None of these benefits


Alger, Mark Board of Directors


Doyle, Michael J Board of Directors


Hauryski, Joseph Board of Directors


Nisbet, Michael L Board of Directors


Russo, Anthony Board of Directors


Sharkey, Christine G Board of Directors


Strobel, Dean Board of Directors


  StaffName Title Severance

PackagePayment For Unused Leave

Club Memberships

Use of Corporate Credit Cards

Personal Loans

Auto Transportation HousingAllowance

Spousal / Dependent Life Insurance

Tuition Assistance

Multi-Year Employment

None of thesebenefits


Johnson, James C Executive Director


Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

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Subsidiary/Component Unit Verification

Is the list of subsidiaries, as assembled by the Office of the State Comptroller, correct? Yes

Are there other subsidiaries or component units of the Authority that are active, not included in the PARIS reports submitted by this Authority and not independently filing reports in PARIS?


Name of Subsidiary/Component Unit Status

Request Subsidiary/Component Unit Change

Name of Subsidiary/Component Unit Status Requested Changes

Request Add Subsidiaries/Component Units

Name of Subsidiary/Component Unit Establishment Date Purpose of Subsidiary/Component Unit

Request Delete Subsidiaries/Component Units

Name of Subsidiary/Component Unit Termination Date Reason for Termination Proof of Termination Document Name


Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

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Summary Financial Information



Current Assets

Cash and cash equivalents $861,187.00

Investments $976,839.00

Receivables, net $0.00

Other assets $62,317.00

Total Current Assets $1,900,343.00

Noncurrent Assets

Restricted cash and investments $845,509.00

Long-term receivables, net $157,871.00

Other assets $10,000.00

Capital Assets

Land and other nondepreciable property $973,302.00

Buildings and equipment $1,567,773.00

Infrastructure $0.00

Accumulated depreciation $826,512.00

Net Capital Assets $1,714,563.00

Total Noncurrent Assets $2,727,943.00

Total Assets $4,628,286.00


Current Liabilities

Accounts payable $3,688.00

Pension contribution payable $0.00

Other post-employment benefits $0.00

Accrued liabilities $1,519.00

Deferred revenues $0.00

Bonds and notes payable $0.00

Other long-term obligations due within one year


Total Current Liabilities $59,996.00

Noncurrent Liabilities

Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

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Pension contribution payable $62,772.00

Other post-employment benefits $0.00

Bonds and notes payable $0.00

Long Term Leases $0.00

Other long-term obligations $0.00

Total Noncurrent Liabilities $62,772.00

Total Liabilities $122,768.00

Net Asset (Deficit)

Net Assets

Invested in capital assets, net of related debt


Restricted $649,833.00

Unrestricted $2,164,347.00

Total Net Assets $4,505,518.00



Operating Revenues

Charges for services $926,157.00

Rental & financing income $0.00

Other operating revenues $86,846.00

Total Operating Revenue $1,013,003.00

Operating Expenses

Salaries and wages $331,228.00

Other employee benefits $36,507.00

Professional services contracts $21,550.00

Supplies and materials $0.00

Depreciation & amortization $71,078.00

Other operating expenses $194,322.00

Total Operating Expenses $654,685.00

Operating Income (Loss) $358,318.00

Nonoperating Revenues

Investment earnings $0.00

State subsidies/grants $0.00

Federal subsidies/grants $0.00

Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

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Municipal subsidies/grants $0.00

Public authority subsidies $0.00

Other nonoperating revenues $46,658.00

Total Nonoperating Revenue $46,658.00

Nonoperating Expenses

Interest and other financing charges $0.00

Subsidies to other public authorities $0.00

Grants and donations $0.00

Other nonoperating expenses $0.00

Total Nonoperating Expenses $0.00

Income (Loss) Before Contributions $404,976.00

Capital Contributions $0.00

Change in net assets $404,976.00

Net assets (deficit) beginning of year $4,100,542.00

Other net assets changes $0.00

Net assets (deficit) at end of year $4,505,518.00

Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

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Current Debt

Question Response 1. Did the Authority have any outstanding debt, including conduit debt, at any point during the reporting period? No

2. If yes, has the Authority issued any debt during the reporting period?

New Debt Issuances

Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

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Schedule of Authority Debt

Type of Debt Statutory Authorization($) Outstanding Start of Fiscal Year($)

New Debt Issuances($) Debt Retired ($) Outstanding End of Fiscal Year($)

State Obligation State Guaranteed State Obligation State Supported State Obligation State Contingent Obligation State Obligation State Moral Obligation Other State-Funded Other State-Funded Authority Debt - General Obligation

Authority Debt - General Obligation

Authority Debt - Revenue Authority Debt - Revenue Authority Debt - Other Authority Debt - Other Conduit Conduit Debt Conduit Conduit Debt - Pilot

Increment Financing


Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

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Real Property Acquisition/Disposal List 1.Address Line1 7310 State Route 54

Address Line2


State NY

Postal Code 14810

Property Description Vacant Lot/Undeveloped Land

Fair Market Description Appraisal

Transaction Date 9/13/2019

Purchaser Organization Erie Enterprises LLC

Market Rate($/square foot)

Lease Rate($/square foot)

Seller/Purchaser/Tenant Data

Address Line1 Seller 2737 Erie Drive

State Seller NY

Plus4 Seller

Property Type Code REAL

Address Line2:

State NY

Country United States

Estimated Fair Market Value 56513


Purchase Sale Price $56,513.00

Relation with Authority Ind No


Postal code seller 13166

Country Seller USA

Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

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Personal Property

1. Property Description Railroad Locomotive

Estimated Fair Market Value $18,000.00

How was Fair Market Value Determined? Other

Transaction Date 3/22/2019

Sale Price $18,000.00

Purchaser Organization B & H Rail Corp.

Last Name

First NamePurchaser Address

Address Line1 5769 Sweeteners Plus

Address Line2 PO Box 190-B


State NY

Postal Code 14480



Country United States

Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

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 Property Documents

Question Response URL (If Applicable)1. In accordance with Section 2896(3) of PAL, the Authority is required to prepare a report at least annually of all real property of

the Authority. Has this report been prepared?Yes

2. Has the Authority prepared policies, procedures, or guidelines regarding the use, awarding, monitoring, and reporting of contracts for the acquisition and disposal of property?


3. In accordance with Section 2896(1) of PAL, has the Authority named a contracting officer who shall be responsible for the Authority's compliance with and enforcement of such guidelines?

Yes N/A

Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

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IDA Projects  General Project Information Project Tax Exemptions & PILOT Payment Information

Project Code 4603 19 10Project Type Lease State Sales Tax Exemption $800.00

Project Name 2-4 Market Street Corning, LLC Local Sales Tax Exemption $800.00County Real Property Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Part of Another Phase or Multi Phase No Local Property Tax Exemption $0.00Original Project Code School Property Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Purpose Category Retail Trade Mortgage Recording Tax Exemption $9,375.00Total Project Amount $1,390,000.00 Total Exemptions $10,975.00

Benefited Project Amount $1,382,000.00 Total Exemptions Net of RPTL Section 485-b $0.00Bond/Note Amount Pilot payment Information

Annual Lease Payment $1.00 Actual Payment Made Payment Due Per AgreementFederal Tax Status of Bonds County PILOT $0.00 $0.00

Not For Profit No Local PILOT $0.00 $0.00Date Project approved 10/24/2019 School District PILOT $0.00 $0.00

Did IDA took Title to Property Yes Total PILOT $0.00 $0.00 Date IDA Took Title to Property 10/1/2019 Net Exemptions $10,975.00

Year Financial Assistance is Planned to End 2030 Project Employment InformationNotes

Location of Project # of FTEs before IDA Status 0.00Address Line1 2-4 Market Street Original Estimate of Jobs to be Created 18.00Address Line2 Average Estimated Annual Salary of Jobs to be

Created(at Current Market rates)34,980.00

City CORNING Annualized Salary Range of Jobs to be Created 24,960.00 To: 45,000.00State NY Original Estimate of Jobs to be Retained 0.00

Zip - Plus4 14830 Estimated Average Annual Salary of Jobs to beRetained(at Current Market rates)


Province/Region Current # of FTEs 0.00Country United States # of FTE Construction Jobs during Fiscal Year 0.00

Applicant Information Net Employment Change 0.00Applicant Name 2-4 Market Street Corning, LLC

Address Line1 PO Box 331 Project StatusAddress Line2

City ARKPORT Current Year Is Last Year for ReportingState NY There is no Debt Outstanding for this Project

Zip - Plus4 14807 IDA Does Not Hold Title to the PropertyProvince/Region The Project Receives No Tax Exemptions

Country USA

Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

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General Project Information Project Tax Exemptions & PILOT Payment InformationProject Code 4603 13 07AProject Type Lease State Sales Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Name 26-32 Bridge Street, LLC Local Sales Tax Exemption $0.00County Real Property Tax Exemption $14,752.00

Project Part of Another Phase or Multi Phase No Local Property Tax Exemption $20,650.00Original Project Code School Property Tax Exemption $42,962.00

Project Purpose Category Services Mortgage Recording Tax Exemption $0.00Total Project Amount $2,945,000.00 Total Exemptions $78,364.00

Benefited Project Amount $2,908,400.00 Total Exemptions Net of RPTL Section 485-b $30,990.00Bond/Note Amount Pilot payment Information

Annual Lease Payment $1.00 Actual Payment Made Payment Due Per AgreementFederal Tax Status of Bonds County PILOT $6,448.60 $6,448.60

Not For Profit No Local PILOT $8,824.40 $8,824.40Date Project approved 6/20/2013 School District PILOT $18,667.00 $18,667.00

Did IDA took Title to Property Yes Total PILOT $33,940.00 $33,940.00 Date IDA Took Title to Property 7/1/2013 Net Exemptions $44,424.00

Year Financial Assistance is Planned to End 2024 Project Employment InformationNotes

Location of Project # of FTEs before IDA Status 92.50Address Line1 26-32 Bridge Street Original Estimate of Jobs to be Created 8.00Address Line2 Average Estimated Annual Salary of Jobs to be

Created(at Current Market rates)35,306.00

City CORNING Annualized Salary Range of Jobs to be Created 30,000.00 To: 35,306.00State NY Original Estimate of Jobs to be Retained 92.50

Zip - Plus4 14830 Estimated Average Annual Salary of Jobs to beRetained(at Current Market rates)


Province/Region Current # of FTEs 120.00Country United States # of FTE Construction Jobs during Fiscal Year 2.00

Applicant Information Net Employment Change 27.50Applicant Name 26-32 Bridge Street LLC

Address Line1 16 W. William Street Project StatusAddress Line2

City BATH Current Year Is Last Year for ReportingState NY There is no Debt Outstanding for this Project

Zip - Plus4 14810 IDA Does Not Hold Title to the PropertyProvince/Region The Project Receives No Tax Exemptions

Country USA

Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

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General Project Information Project Tax Exemptions & PILOT Payment InformationProject Code 4603 19 07Project Type Lease State Sales Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Name 54 W Market Street LLC Local Sales Tax Exemption $0.00County Real Property Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Part of Another Phase or Multi Phase No Local Property Tax Exemption $0.00Original Project Code School Property Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Purpose Category Finance, Insurance and Real Estate Mortgage Recording Tax Exemption $0.00Total Project Amount $2,264,175.00 Total Exemptions $0.00

Benefited Project Amount $2,244,993.00 Total Exemptions Net of RPTL Section 485-b $0.00Bond/Note Amount Pilot payment Information

Annual Lease Payment $1.00 Actual Payment Made Payment Due Per AgreementFederal Tax Status of Bonds County PILOT $0.00 $0.00

Not For Profit No Local PILOT $0.00 $0.00Date Project approved 10/24/2019 School District PILOT $0.00 $0.00

Did IDA took Title to Property Yes Total PILOT $0.00 $0.00 Date IDA Took Title to Property 11/15/2019 Net Exemptions $0.00

Year Financial Assistance is Planned to End 2043 Project Employment InformationNotes

Location of Project # of FTEs before IDA Status 0.00Address Line1 54 W Market Street Original Estimate of Jobs to be Created 0.00Address Line2 Average Estimated Annual Salary of Jobs to be

Created(at Current Market rates)0.00

City CORNING Annualized Salary Range of Jobs to be Created 0.00 To: 0.00State NY Original Estimate of Jobs to be Retained 0.00

Zip - Plus4 14830 Estimated Average Annual Salary of Jobs to beRetained(at Current Market rates)


Province/Region Current # of FTEs 0.00Country United States # of FTE Construction Jobs during Fiscal Year 0.00

Applicant Information Net Employment Change 0.00Applicant Name 54 W Market LLC

Address Line1 330 East 14th Street Project StatusAddress Line2

City ELMIRA HEIGHTS Current Year Is Last Year for ReportingState NY There is no Debt Outstanding for this Project

Zip - Plus4 14903 IDA Does Not Hold Title to the PropertyProvince/Region The Project Receives No Tax Exemptions

Country USA

Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

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General Project Information Project Tax Exemptions & PILOT Payment InformationProject Code 4603 17 05Project Type Lease State Sales Tax Exemption $4,270.98

Project Name 7100 Route 70A LLC Local Sales Tax Exemption $4,270.98County Real Property Tax Exemption $55,008.00

Project Part of Another Phase or Multi Phase No Local Property Tax Exemption $37,080.00Original Project Code School Property Tax Exemption $131,328.00

Project Purpose Category Services Mortgage Recording Tax Exemption $0.00Total Project Amount $8,934,206.00 Total Exemptions $231,957.96

Benefited Project Amount $8,916,706.00 Total Exemptions Net of RPTL Section 485-b $24,691.00Bond/Note Amount Pilot payment Information

Annual Lease Payment $1.00 Actual Payment Made Payment Due Per AgreementFederal Tax Status of Bonds County PILOT $24,644.00 $24,644.00

Not For Profit No Local PILOT $16,757.92 $16,757.92Date Project approved 9/28/2017 School District PILOT $57,174.08 $57,174.08

Did IDA took Title to Property Yes Total PILOT $98,576.00 $98,576.00 Date IDA Took Title to Property 1/1/2018 Net Exemptions $133,381.96

Year Financial Assistance is Planned to End 2038 Project Employment InformationNotes

Location of Project # of FTEs before IDA Status 24.00Address Line1 7100 County Route 70A & State Route 36 Original Estimate of Jobs to be Created 5.00Address Line2 Average Estimated Annual Salary of Jobs to be

Created(at Current Market rates)93,250.00

City HORNELL Annualized Salary Range of Jobs to be Created 45,000.00 To: 250,000.00State NY Original Estimate of Jobs to be Retained 24.00

Zip - Plus4 14843 Estimated Average Annual Salary of Jobs to beRetained(at Current Market rates)


Province/Region Current # of FTEs 301.15Country United States # of FTE Construction Jobs during Fiscal Year 0.00

Applicant Information Net Employment Change 277.15Applicant Name 7100 Route 70A LLC

Address Line1 1080 Pittsford Victor Road Project StatusAddress Line2

City PITTSFORD Current Year Is Last Year for ReportingState NY There is no Debt Outstanding for this Project

Zip - Plus4 14534 IDA Does Not Hold Title to the PropertyProvince/Region The Project Receives No Tax Exemptions

Country USA

Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

Page 22 of 73

General Project Information Project Tax Exemptions & PILOT Payment InformationProject Code 4603 05 04AProject Type Lease State Sales Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Name 736 Addison Road LLC Local Sales Tax Exemption $0.00County Real Property Tax Exemption $53,965.00

Project Part of Another Phase or Multi Phase No Local Property Tax Exemption $51,072.00Original Project Code School Property Tax Exemption $244,886.00

Project Purpose Category Transportation, Communication, Electric, Gas and Sanitary Services

Mortgage Recording Tax Exemption $0.00

Total Project Amount $11,852,000.00 Total Exemptions $349,923.00Benefited Project Amount $11,836,000.00 Total Exemptions Net of RPTL Section 485-b $0.00

Bond/Note Amount Pilot payment InformationAnnual Lease Payment $1.00 Actual Payment Made Payment Due Per Agreement

Federal Tax Status of Bonds County PILOT $47,590.13 $47,590.13Not For Profit No Local PILOT $45,159.31 $45,159.31

Date Project approved 10/27/2005 School District PILOT $216,247.75 $216,247.75Did IDA took Title to Property Yes Total PILOT $308,997.19 $308,997.19

Date IDA Took Title to Property 11/1/2005 Net Exemptions $40,925.81Year Financial Assistance is Planned to End 2026 Project Employment Information

Notes Acquire, construct and equip 400,000 600,000 sq.ft. warehouse, light manufacturing Location of Project # of FTEs before IDA Status 0.00

Address Line1 736 Addison Road Original Estimate of Jobs to be Created 45.00Address Line2 Average Estimated Annual Salary of Jobs to be

Created(at Current Market rates)0.00

City PAINTED POST Annualized Salary Range of Jobs to be Created 0.00 To: 0.00State NY Original Estimate of Jobs to be Retained 0.00

Zip - Plus4 14870 Estimated Average Annual Salary of Jobs to beRetained(at Current Market rates)


Province/Region Current # of FTEs 98.00Country United States # of FTE Construction Jobs during Fiscal Year 0.00

Applicant Information Net Employment Change 98.00Applicant Name The Krog Corp.

Address Line1 4 Centre Drive Project StatusAddress Line2

City ORCHARD PARK Current Year Is Last Year for ReportingState NY There is no Debt Outstanding for this Project

Zip - Plus4 14127 IDA Does Not Hold Title to the PropertyProvince/Region The Project Receives No Tax Exemptions

Country USA

Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

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General Project Information Project Tax Exemptions & PILOT Payment InformationProject Code 4603 19 12Project Type Lease State Sales Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Name Abundant Solar Power (Troupsburg) LLC Local Sales Tax Exemption $0.00County Real Property Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Part of Another Phase or Multi Phase No Local Property Tax Exemption $0.00Original Project Code School Property Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Purpose Category Transportation, Communication, Electric, Gas and Sanitary Services

Mortgage Recording Tax Exemption $0.00

Total Project Amount $7,892,050.00 Total Exemptions $0.00Benefited Project Amount $7,858,050.00 Total Exemptions Net of RPTL Section 485-b $0.00

Bond/Note Amount Pilot payment InformationAnnual Lease Payment $1.00 Actual Payment Made Payment Due Per Agreement

Federal Tax Status of Bonds County PILOT $0.00 $0.00Not For Profit No Local PILOT $0.00 $0.00

Date Project approved 12/11/2019 School District PILOT $0.00 $0.00Did IDA took Title to Property Yes Total PILOT $0.00 $0.00

Date IDA Took Title to Property 12/13/2019 Net Exemptions $0.00Year Financial Assistance is Planned to End 2040 Project Employment Information

Notes Location of Project # of FTEs before IDA Status 0.00

Address Line1 2985 Co Rd 84 Original Estimate of Jobs to be Created 0.00Address Line2 Average Estimated Annual Salary of Jobs to be

Created(at Current Market rates)0.00

City TROUPSBURG Annualized Salary Range of Jobs to be Created 0.00 To: 0.00State NY Original Estimate of Jobs to be Retained 0.00

Zip - Plus4 14885 Estimated Average Annual Salary of Jobs to beRetained(at Current Market rates)


Province/Region Current # of FTEs 0.00Country United States # of FTE Construction Jobs during Fiscal Year 24.00

Applicant Information Net Employment Change 0.00Applicant Name Abundant Solar Power (Troupsburg) LLC

Address Line1 700 W Metro Park Project StatusAddress Line2

City ROCHESTER Current Year Is Last Year for ReportingState NY There is no Debt Outstanding for this Project

Zip - Plus4 14623 IDA Does Not Hold Title to the PropertyProvince/Region The Project Receives No Tax Exemptions

Country USA

Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

Page 24 of 73

General Project Information Project Tax Exemptions & PILOT Payment InformationProject Code 4603 08 05AProject Type Lease State Sales Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Name Arlington Storage Company, LLC Local Sales Tax Exemption $0.00County Real Property Tax Exemption $345,303.00

Project Part of Another Phase or Multi Phase No Local Property Tax Exemption $196,665.00Original Project Code School Property Tax Exemption $636,977.00

Project Purpose Category Transportation, Communication, Electric, Gas and Sanitary Services

Mortgage Recording Tax Exemption $0.00

Total Project Amount $66,925,000.00 Total Exemptions $1,178,945.00Benefited Project Amount $66,913,500.00 Total Exemptions Net of RPTL Section 485-b $0.00

Bond/Note Amount Pilot payment InformationAnnual Lease Payment $1.00 Actual Payment Made Payment Due Per Agreement

Federal Tax Status of Bonds County PILOT $239,976.12 $239,976.12Not For Profit No Local PILOT $136,375.87 $136,375.87

Date Project approved 7/30/2008 School District PILOT $443,385.65 $443,385.65Did IDA took Title to Property No Total PILOT $819,737.64 $819,737.64

Date IDA Took Title to Property Net Exemptions $359,207.36Year Financial Assistance is Planned to End 2030 Project Employment Information

Notes Underground natural gas storageIDA has not taken title to the property as the closing has not yet taken place. Location of Project # of FTEs before IDA Status 0.00

Address Line1 5050 Coss Corners Road Original Estimate of Jobs to be Created 3.00Address Line2 Average Estimated Annual Salary of Jobs to be

Created(at Current Market rates)62,000.00

City BATH Annualized Salary Range of Jobs to be Created 55,000.00 To: 65,000.00State NY Original Estimate of Jobs to be Retained 0.00

Zip - Plus4 14810 Estimated Average Annual Salary of Jobs to beRetained(at Current Market rates)


Province/Region Current # of FTEs 5.00Country United States # of FTE Construction Jobs during Fiscal Year 0.00

Applicant Information Net Employment Change 5.00Applicant Name Arlington Storage Company LLC

Address Line1 Two Bruch Creek Blvd. Project StatusAddress Line2

City KANSAS CITY Current Year Is Last Year for ReportingState MO There is no Debt Outstanding for this Project

Zip - Plus4 64112 IDA Does Not Hold Title to the PropertyProvince/Region The Project Receives No Tax Exemptions

Country USA

Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

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General Project Information Project Tax Exemptions & PILOT Payment InformationProject Code 4603 19 04Project Type Lease State Sales Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Name Automated Cells & Equipment Acquisition, LLC

Local Sales Tax Exemption $0.00

County Real Property Tax Exemption $0.00Project Part of Another Phase or Multi Phase No Local Property Tax Exemption $0.00

Original Project Code School Property Tax Exemption $0.00Project Purpose Category Manufacturing Mortgage Recording Tax Exemption $18,750.00

Total Project Amount $12,000,000.00 Total Exemptions $18,750.00Benefited Project Amount $11,992,000.00 Total Exemptions Net of RPTL Section 485-b $0.00

Bond/Note Amount Pilot payment InformationAnnual Lease Payment $1.00 Actual Payment Made Payment Due Per Agreement

Federal Tax Status of Bonds County PILOT $0.00 $0.00Not For Profit No Local PILOT $0.00 $0.00

Date Project approved 4/25/2019 School District PILOT $0.00 $0.00Did IDA took Title to Property Yes Total PILOT $0.00 $0.00

Date IDA Took Title to Property 4/25/2019 Net Exemptions $18,750.00Year Financial Assistance is Planned to End 2028 Project Employment Information

Notes Location of Project # of FTEs before IDA Status 60.00

Address Line1 9699 Enterprise Drive Original Estimate of Jobs to be Created 0.00Address Line2 Average Estimated Annual Salary of Jobs to be

Created(at Current Market rates)0.00

City PAINTED POST Annualized Salary Range of Jobs to be Created 0.00 To: 0.00State NY Original Estimate of Jobs to be Retained 60.00

Zip - Plus4 14870 Estimated Average Annual Salary of Jobs to beRetained(at Current Market rates)


Province/Region Current # of FTEs 58.00Country United States # of FTE Construction Jobs during Fiscal Year 0.00

Applicant Information Net Employment Change -2.00Applicant Name Automated Cells & Equipment Acquisition,

LLCAddress Line1 9699 Enterprise Drive Project Status

Address Line2 City PAINTED POST Current Year Is Last Year for Reporting

State NY There is no Debt Outstanding for this ProjectZip - Plus4 14870 IDA Does Not Hold Title to the Property

Province/Region The Project Receives No Tax ExemptionsCountry USA

Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

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General Project Information Project Tax Exemptions & PILOT Payment InformationProject Code 4603 98 03AProject Type Lease State Sales Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Name Automated Cells & Equipment, Inc. Local Sales Tax Exemption $0.00County Real Property Tax Exemption $3,011.00

Project Part of Another Phase or Multi Phase No Local Property Tax Exemption $2,850.00Original Project Code School Property Tax Exemption $13,665.00

Project Purpose Category Manufacturing Mortgage Recording Tax Exemption $0.00Total Project Amount $1,710,000.00 Total Exemptions $19,526.00

Benefited Project Amount $1,699,117.00 Total Exemptions Net of RPTL Section 485-b $0.00Bond/Note Amount Pilot payment Information

Annual Lease Payment $1.00 Actual Payment Made Payment Due Per AgreementFederal Tax Status of Bonds County PILOT $1,573.51 $1,573.51

Not For Profit No Local PILOT $1,567.39 $1,567.39Date Project approved 2/25/1998 School District PILOT $7,402.22 $7,402.22

Did IDA took Title to Property Yes Total PILOT $10,543.12 $10,543.12 Date IDA Took Title to Property 7/1/1998 Net Exemptions $8,982.88

Year Financial Assistance is Planned to End 2018 Project Employment InformationNotes Construction of office & manufacturing facility addition on building

Location of Project # of FTEs before IDA Status 10.00Address Line1 3435 Enterprise Drive Original Estimate of Jobs to be Created 10.00Address Line2 Average Estimated Annual Salary of Jobs to be

Created(at Current Market rates)59,000.00

City PAINTED POST Annualized Salary Range of Jobs to be Created 45,000.00 To: 50,000.00State NY Original Estimate of Jobs to be Retained 10.00

Zip - Plus4 14870 Estimated Average Annual Salary of Jobs to beRetained(at Current Market rates)


Province/Region Current # of FTEs 0.00Country United States # of FTE Construction Jobs during Fiscal Year 0.00

Applicant Information Net Employment Change -10.00Applicant Name Automated Cells & Equipment, Inc.

Address Line1 3435 Enterprise Drive Project StatusAddress Line2

City PAINTED POST Current Year Is Last Year for Reporting YesState NY There is no Debt Outstanding for this Project Yes

Zip - Plus4 14870 IDA Does Not Hold Title to the Property YesProvince/Region The Project Receives No Tax Exemptions Yes

Country USA

Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

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General Project Information Project Tax Exemptions & PILOT Payment InformationProject Code 4603 01 07aProject Type Lease State Sales Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Name B & H Railroad Corp. Local Sales Tax Exemption $0.00County Real Property Tax Exemption $14,549.00

Project Part of Another Phase or Multi Phase No Local Property Tax Exemption $10,131.00Original Project Code School Property Tax Exemption $39,141.00

Project Purpose Category Transportation, Communication, Electric, Gas and Sanitary Services

Mortgage Recording Tax Exemption $0.00

Total Project Amount $2,163,087.00 Total Exemptions $63,821.00Benefited Project Amount $2,151,087.00 Total Exemptions Net of RPTL Section 485-b $0.00

Bond/Note Amount Pilot payment InformationAnnual Lease Payment $1.00 Actual Payment Made Payment Due Per Agreement

Federal Tax Status of Bonds County PILOT $11,638.09 $11,638.09Not For Profit No Local PILOT $8,105.01 $8,105.01

Date Project approved 9/27/2001 School District PILOT $31,313.40 $31,313.40Did IDA took Title to Property Yes Total PILOT $51,056.50 $51,056.50

Date IDA Took Title to Property 12/13/2001 Net Exemptions $12,764.50Year Financial Assistance is Planned to End 2022 Project Employment Information

Notes Expansion of Cohocton engine house to accommodate rail power and various site upgrades Location of Project # of FTEs before IDA Status 7.00

Address Line1 5769 Sweetners Blvd. Original Estimate of Jobs to be Created 0.00Address Line2 Average Estimated Annual Salary of Jobs to be

Created(at Current Market rates)0.00

City LAKEVILLE Annualized Salary Range of Jobs to be Created 40,000.00 To: 45,000.00State NY Original Estimate of Jobs to be Retained 7.00

Zip - Plus4 14480 Estimated Average Annual Salary of Jobs to beRetained(at Current Market rates)


Province/Region Current # of FTEs 15.00Country United States # of FTE Construction Jobs during Fiscal Year 0.00

Applicant Information Net Employment Change 8.00Applicant Name Conhocton Valley Railroad Corp.

Address Line1 PO Box 190-B Project StatusAddress Line2

City LAKEVILLE Current Year Is Last Year for ReportingState NY There is no Debt Outstanding for this Project

Zip - Plus4 14480 IDA Does Not Hold Title to the PropertyProvince/Region The Project Receives No Tax Exemptions

Country USA

Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

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General Project Information Project Tax Exemptions & PILOT Payment InformationProject Code 4603 17 04Project Type Lease State Sales Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Name BD Realty Holdings LLC Local Sales Tax Exemption $0.00County Real Property Tax Exemption $5,950.00

Project Part of Another Phase or Multi Phase No Local Property Tax Exemption $2,898.00Original Project Code School Property Tax Exemption $10,689.00

Project Purpose Category Services Mortgage Recording Tax Exemption $0.00Total Project Amount $1,666,000.00 Total Exemptions $19,537.00

Benefited Project Amount $1,654,000.00 Total Exemptions Net of RPTL Section 485-b $1,119.00Bond/Note Amount Pilot payment Information

Annual Lease Payment $1.00 Actual Payment Made Payment Due Per AgreementFederal Tax Status of Bonds County PILOT $340.85 $340.85

Not For Profit No Local PILOT $166.01 $166.01Date Project approved 9/28/2017 School District PILOT $612.23 $612.23

Did IDA took Title to Property Yes Total PILOT $1,119.09 $1,119.09 Date IDA Took Title to Property 10/23/2017 Net Exemptions $18,417.91

Year Financial Assistance is Planned to End 2028 Project Employment InformationNotes

Location of Project # of FTEs before IDA Status 6.00Address Line1 County Route 116 Original Estimate of Jobs to be Created 7.00Address Line2 Average Estimated Annual Salary of Jobs to be

Created(at Current Market rates)63,395.00

City BATH Annualized Salary Range of Jobs to be Created 23,400.00 To: 69,284.00State NY Original Estimate of Jobs to be Retained 6.00

Zip - Plus4 14810 Estimated Average Annual Salary of Jobs to beRetained(at Current Market rates)


Province/Region Current # of FTEs 25.00Country United States # of FTE Construction Jobs during Fiscal Year 0.00

Applicant Information Net Employment Change 19.00Applicant Name Bath/Dansville Dental Professionals

Address Line1 113 E. Steuben Street Project StatusAddress Line2

City BATH Current Year Is Last Year for ReportingState NY There is no Debt Outstanding for this Project

Zip - Plus4 14810 IDA Does Not Hold Title to the PropertyProvince/Region The Project Receives No Tax Exemptions

Country USA

Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

Page 29 of 73

General Project Information Project Tax Exemptions & PILOT Payment InformationProject Code 4603 05 01AProject Type Lease State Sales Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Name BLW Properties, LLC Local Sales Tax Exemption $0.00County Real Property Tax Exemption $22,100.00

Project Part of Another Phase or Multi Phase No Local Property Tax Exemption $10,764.00Original Project Code School Property Tax Exemption $39,702.00

Project Purpose Category Other Categories Mortgage Recording Tax Exemption $0.00Total Project Amount $5,250,000.00 Total Exemptions $72,566.00

Benefited Project Amount $5,226,500.00 Total Exemptions Net of RPTL Section 485-b $0.00Bond/Note Amount Pilot payment Information

Annual Lease Payment $1.00 Actual Payment Made Payment Due Per AgreementFederal Tax Status of Bonds County PILOT $18,052.47 $18,052.47

Not For Profit No Local PILOT $8,792.61 $8,792.61Date Project approved 5/19/2005 School District PILOT $32,430.73 $32,430.73

Did IDA took Title to Property Yes Total PILOT $59,275.81 $59,275.81 Date IDA Took Title to Property 7/1/2005 Net Exemptions $13,290.19

Year Financial Assistance is Planned to End 2026 Project Employment InformationNotes Construction of RV Sales and Service Center

Location of Project # of FTEs before IDA Status 42.00Address Line1 7520 State Route 415 Original Estimate of Jobs to be Created 30.00Address Line2 Average Estimated Annual Salary of Jobs to be

Created(at Current Market rates)0.00

City BATH Annualized Salary Range of Jobs to be Created 30,000.00 To: 32,000.00State NY Original Estimate of Jobs to be Retained 42.00

Zip - Plus4 14810 Estimated Average Annual Salary of Jobs to beRetained(at Current Market rates)


Province/Region Current # of FTEs 73.00Country United States # of FTE Construction Jobs during Fiscal Year 0.00

Applicant Information Net Employment Change 31.00Applicant Name Wilkins Recreational Vehicles, Inc.

Address Line1 7520 State Route 415 Project StatusAddress Line2

City BATH Current Year Is Last Year for ReportingState NY There is no Debt Outstanding for this Project

Zip - Plus4 14810 IDA Does Not Hold Title to the PropertyProvince/Region The Project Receives No Tax Exemptions

Country USA

Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

Page 30 of 73

General Project Information Project Tax Exemptions & PILOT Payment InformationProject Code 4603 14 03Project Type Lease State Sales Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Name CFA Apartments, LLC Local Sales Tax Exemption $0.00County Real Property Tax Exemption $42,782.00

Project Part of Another Phase or Multi Phase No Local Property Tax Exemption $59,885.00Original Project Code School Property Tax Exemption $124,591.00

Project Purpose Category Finance, Insurance and Real Estate Mortgage Recording Tax Exemption $0.00Total Project Amount $13,330,936.00 Total Exemptions $227,258.00

Benefited Project Amount $13,305,936.00 Total Exemptions Net of RPTL Section 485-b $0.00Bond/Note Amount Pilot payment Information

Annual Lease Payment $1.00 Actual Payment Made Payment Due Per AgreementFederal Tax Status of Bonds County PILOT $5,386.31 $5,386.31

Not For Profit No Local PILOT $7,370.74 $7,370.74Date Project approved 6/19/2014 School District PILOT $15,591.95 $15,591.95

Did IDA took Title to Property Yes Total PILOT $28,349.00 $28,349.00 Date IDA Took Title to Property 8/28/2014 Net Exemptions $198,909.00

Year Financial Assistance is Planned to End 2035 Project Employment InformationNotes

Location of Project # of FTEs before IDA Status 0.00Address Line1 11 West Third Street Original Estimate of Jobs to be Created 2.00Address Line2 Average Estimated Annual Salary of Jobs to be

Created(at Current Market rates)40,000.00

City CORNING Annualized Salary Range of Jobs to be Created 30,000.00 To: 60,000.00State NY Original Estimate of Jobs to be Retained 0.00

Zip - Plus4 14830 Estimated Average Annual Salary of Jobs to beRetained(at Current Market rates)


Province/Region Current # of FTEs 2.00Country United States # of FTE Construction Jobs during Fiscal Year 0.00

Applicant Information Net Employment Change 2.00Applicant Name CFA Apartments, LLC

Address Line1 566 Coffeen Street Project StatusAddress Line2

City WATERTOWN Current Year Is Last Year for ReportingState NY There is no Debt Outstanding for this Project

Zip - Plus4 13601 IDA Does Not Hold Title to the PropertyProvince/Region The Project Receives No Tax Exemptions

Country USA

Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

Page 31 of 73

General Project Information Project Tax Exemptions & PILOT Payment InformationProject Code 4603 19 08Project Type Lease State Sales Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Name Canandaigua Power Partners 2019 Local Sales Tax Exemption $0.00County Real Property Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Part of Another Phase or Multi Phase No Local Property Tax Exemption $0.00Original Project Code School Property Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Purpose Category Transportation, Communication, Electric, Gas and Sanitary Services

Mortgage Recording Tax Exemption $0.00

Total Project Amount $71,000,000.00 Total Exemptions $0.00Benefited Project Amount $70,831,700.00 Total Exemptions Net of RPTL Section 485-b $0.00

Bond/Note Amount Pilot payment InformationAnnual Lease Payment $1.00 Actual Payment Made Payment Due Per Agreement

Federal Tax Status of Bonds County PILOT $0.00 $0.00Not For Profit No Local PILOT $0.00 $0.00

Date Project approved 10/24/2019 School District PILOT $0.00 $0.00Did IDA took Title to Property Yes Total PILOT $0.00 $0.00

Date IDA Took Title to Property 12/6/2019 Net Exemptions $0.00Year Financial Assistance is Planned to End 2041 Project Employment Information

Notes Location of Project # of FTEs before IDA Status 7.00

Address Line1 Lent Hill Road Original Estimate of Jobs to be Created 0.00Address Line2 Average Estimated Annual Salary of Jobs to be

Created(at Current Market rates)82,500.00

City COHOCTON Annualized Salary Range of Jobs to be Created 65,000.00 To: 100,000.00State NY Original Estimate of Jobs to be Retained 7.00

Zip - Plus4 14826 Estimated Average Annual Salary of Jobs to beRetained(at Current Market rates)


Province/Region Current # of FTEs 9.00Country United States # of FTE Construction Jobs during Fiscal Year 0.00

Applicant Information Net Employment Change 2.00Applicant Name Canandaigua Power Partners, LLC

Address Line1 10535 Rynders Road Project StatusAddress Line2

City COHOCTON Current Year Is Last Year for ReportingState NY There is no Debt Outstanding for this Project

Zip - Plus4 14826 IDA Does Not Hold Title to the PropertyProvince/Region The Project Receives No Tax Exemptions

Country USA

Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

Page 32 of 73

General Project Information Project Tax Exemptions & PILOT Payment InformationProject Code 4603 19 09Project Type Lease State Sales Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Name Canandaigua Power Partners II 2019 Local Sales Tax Exemption $0.00County Real Property Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Part of Another Phase or Multi Phase No Local Property Tax Exemption $0.00Original Project Code School Property Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Purpose Category Transportation, Communication, Electric, Gas and Sanitary Services

Mortgage Recording Tax Exemption $0.00

Total Project Amount $31,000,000.00 Total Exemptions $0.00Benefited Project Amount $30,831,700.00 Total Exemptions Net of RPTL Section 485-b $0.00

Bond/Note Amount Pilot payment InformationAnnual Lease Payment $1.00 Actual Payment Made Payment Due Per Agreement

Federal Tax Status of Bonds County PILOT $0.00 $0.00Not For Profit No Local PILOT $0.00 $0.00

Date Project approved 10/24/2019 School District PILOT $0.00 $0.00Did IDA took Title to Property Yes Total PILOT $0.00 $0.00

Date IDA Took Title to Property 12/6/2019 Net Exemptions $0.00Year Financial Assistance is Planned to End 2041 Project Employment Information

Notes Location of Project # of FTEs before IDA Status 0.00

Address Line1 Dutch Hill Road Original Estimate of Jobs to be Created 0.00Address Line2 Average Estimated Annual Salary of Jobs to be

Created(at Current Market rates)0.00

City COHOCTON Annualized Salary Range of Jobs to be Created 0.00 To: 0.00State NY Original Estimate of Jobs to be Retained 0.00

Zip - Plus4 14826 Estimated Average Annual Salary of Jobs to beRetained(at Current Market rates)


Province/Region Current # of FTEs 0.00Country United States # of FTE Construction Jobs during Fiscal Year 0.00

Applicant Information Net Employment Change 0.00Applicant Name Canandaigua Power Partners, LLC

Address Line1 10535 Rynders Road Project StatusAddress Line2

City COHOCTON Current Year Is Last Year for ReportingState NY There is no Debt Outstanding for this Project

Zip - Plus4 14826 IDA Does Not Hold Title to the PropertyProvince/Region The Project Receives No Tax Exemptions

Country USA

Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

Page 33 of 73

General Project Information Project Tax Exemptions & PILOT Payment InformationProject Code 4603 08 02AProject Type Lease State Sales Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Name Canandaigua Power Partners II, LLC Local Sales Tax Exemption $0.00County Real Property Tax Exemption $363,000.00

Project Part of Another Phase or Multi Phase No Local Property Tax Exemption $243,000.00Original Project Code School Property Tax Exemption $718,125.00

Project Purpose Category Transportation, Communication, Electric, Gas and Sanitary Services

Mortgage Recording Tax Exemption $0.00

Total Project Amount $74,800,000.00 Total Exemptions $1,324,125.00Benefited Project Amount $74,739,000.00 Total Exemptions Net of RPTL Section 485-b $0.00

Bond/Note Amount Pilot payment InformationAnnual Lease Payment $1.00 Actual Payment Made Payment Due Per Agreement

Federal Tax Status of Bonds County PILOT $65,047.87 $65,047.87Not For Profit No Local PILOT $43,576.69 $43,576.69

Date Project approved 1/24/2008 School District PILOT $128,713.44 $128,713.44Did IDA took Title to Property Yes Total PILOT $237,338.00 $237,338.00

Date IDA Took Title to Property 2/1/2008 Net Exemptions $1,086,787.00Year Financial Assistance is Planned to End 2028 Project Employment Information

Notes Construction of up to 16 Clipper Liberty 2.5 mw wind turbines and associated infrastructure including foundations, roads and underground and overground interconnection lines. Applicant had name change in middle of project to First Wind

Location of Project # of FTEs before IDA Status 0.00Address Line1 Dutch Hill Road Original Estimate of Jobs to be Created 3.00Address Line2 Average Estimated Annual Salary of Jobs to be

Created(at Current Market rates)73,500.00

City COHOCTON Annualized Salary Range of Jobs to be Created 43,750.00 To: 97,500.00State NY Original Estimate of Jobs to be Retained 0.00

Zip - Plus4 14826 Estimated Average Annual Salary of Jobs to beRetained(at Current Market rates)


Province/Region Current # of FTEs 0.00Country United States # of FTE Construction Jobs during Fiscal Year 0.00

Applicant Information Net Employment Change 0.00Applicant Name UPC Wind Management LLC

Address Line1 100 Wells Avenue, Suite 201 Project StatusAddress Line2

City NEWTON Current Year Is Last Year for Reporting YesState MA There is no Debt Outstanding for this Project Yes

Zip - Plus4 02459 IDA Does Not Hold Title to the Property YesProvince/Region The Project Receives No Tax Exemptions Yes

Country USA

Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

Page 34 of 73

General Project Information Project Tax Exemptions & PILOT Payment InformationProject Code 4603 08 01AProject Type Lease State Sales Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Name Canandaigua Power Partners LLC Local Sales Tax Exemption $0.00County Real Property Tax Exemption $884,510.00

Project Part of Another Phase or Multi Phase No Local Property Tax Exemption $592,110.00Original Project Code School Property Tax Exemption $1,723,795.00

Project Purpose Category Transportation, Communication, Electric, Gas and Sanitary Services

Mortgage Recording Tax Exemption $0.00

Total Project Amount $145,200,000.00 Total Exemptions $3,200,415.00Benefited Project Amount $145,129,000.00 Total Exemptions Net of RPTL Section 485-b $0.00

Bond/Note Amount Pilot payment InformationAnnual Lease Payment $1.00 Actual Payment Made Payment Due Per Agreement

Federal Tax Status of Bonds County PILOT $153,212.39 $153,212.39Not For Profit No Local PILOT $102,689.17 $102,689.17

Date Project approved 1/24/2008 School District PILOT $297,886.44 $297,886.44Did IDA took Title to Property Yes Total PILOT $553,788.00 $553,788.00

Date IDA Took Title to Property 2/1/2008 Net Exemptions $2,646,627.00Year Financial Assistance is Planned to End 2028 Project Employment Information

Notes Constructin of up to 36 Clipper Liberty 2.5 mw wind turbines and associated infrastructure including foundations, roads and underground and overground interconnections lines.

Location of Project # of FTEs before IDA Status 0.00Address Line1 Lent Hill Road Original Estimate of Jobs to be Created 7.00Address Line2 Average Estimated Annual Salary of Jobs to be

Created(at Current Market rates)73,500.00

City COHOCTON Annualized Salary Range of Jobs to be Created 43,750.00 To: 97,500.00State NY Original Estimate of Jobs to be Retained 0.00

Zip - Plus4 14826 Estimated Average Annual Salary of Jobs to beRetained(at Current Market rates)


Province/Region Current # of FTEs 0.00Country United States # of FTE Construction Jobs during Fiscal Year 0.00

Applicant Information Net Employment Change 0.00Applicant Name UPC Wind Management

Address Line1 100 Wells Avenue, Suite 201 Project StatusAddress Line2

City NEWTON Current Year Is Last Year for Reporting YesState MA There is no Debt Outstanding for this Project Yes

Zip - Plus4 02459 IDA Does Not Hold Title to the Property YesProvince/Region The Project Receives No Tax Exemptions Yes

Country USA

Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

Page 35 of 73

General Project Information Project Tax Exemptions & PILOT Payment InformationProject Code 4603 08 04AProject Type Lease State Sales Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Name Corning Children's Center Local Sales Tax Exemption $0.00County Real Property Tax Exemption $25,290.00

Project Part of Another Phase or Multi Phase No Local Property Tax Exemption $35,400.00Original Project Code School Property Tax Exemption $73,650.00

Project Purpose Category Services Mortgage Recording Tax Exemption $0.00Total Project Amount $7,500,000.00 Total Exemptions $134,340.00

Benefited Project Amount $7,500,000.00 Total Exemptions Net of RPTL Section 485-b $40,318.00Bond/Note Amount Pilot payment Information

Annual Lease Payment $1.00 Actual Payment Made Payment Due Per AgreementFederal Tax Status of Bonds County PILOT $16,501.73 $16,501.73

Not For Profit No Local PILOT $22,746.15 $22,746.15Date Project approved 5/15/2008 School District PILOT $48,056.63 $48,056.63

Did IDA took Title to Property Yes Total PILOT $87,304.51 $87,304.51 Date IDA Took Title to Property 6/1/2008 Net Exemptions $47,035.49

Year Financial Assistance is Planned to End 2029 Project Employment InformationNotes New building will be constructed to replace the existing Corning Children's Center and modular annex. The modular annex will be removed and the existing building will

be razed. Location of Project # of FTEs before IDA Status 46.00

Address Line1 107 Arthur Street Original Estimate of Jobs to be Created 0.00Address Line2 Average Estimated Annual Salary of Jobs to be

Created(at Current Market rates)0.00

City CORNING Annualized Salary Range of Jobs to be Created 0.00 To: 0.00State NY Original Estimate of Jobs to be Retained 46.00

Zip - Plus4 14830 Estimated Average Annual Salary of Jobs to beRetained(at Current Market rates)


Province/Region Current # of FTEs 46.00Country United States # of FTE Construction Jobs during Fiscal Year 0.00

Applicant Information Net Employment Change 0.00Applicant Name Corning Property Management Corporation

Address Line1 One Riverfront Plaza Project StatusAddress Line2

City CORNING Current Year Is Last Year for ReportingState NY There is no Debt Outstanding for this Project

Zip - Plus4 14831 IDA Does Not Hold Title to the PropertyProvince/Region The Project Receives No Tax Exemptions

Country USA

Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

Page 36 of 73

General Project Information Project Tax Exemptions & PILOT Payment InformationProject Code 4603 01 01AProject Type Lease State Sales Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Name Corning Inc. Decker Parking Garage Local Sales Tax Exemption $0.00County Real Property Tax Exemption $44,932.00

Project Part of Another Phase or Multi Phase No Local Property Tax Exemption $62,894.00Original Project Code School Property Tax Exemption $130,851.00

Project Purpose Category Construction Mortgage Recording Tax Exemption $0.00Total Project Amount $9,800,000.00 Total Exemptions $238,677.00

Benefited Project Amount $9,788,523.00 Total Exemptions Net of RPTL Section 485-b $0.00Bond/Note Amount Pilot payment Information

Annual Lease Payment $1.00 Actual Payment Made Payment Due Per AgreementFederal Tax Status of Bonds County PILOT $40,438.71 $40,438.71

Not For Profit No Local PILOT $55,741.14 $55,741.14Date Project approved 3/29/2001 School District PILOT $117,766.35 $117,766.35

Did IDA took Title to Property Yes Total PILOT $213,946.20 $213,946.20 Date IDA Took Title to Property 3/1/2001 Net Exemptions $24,730.80

Year Financial Assistance is Planned to End 2022 Project Employment InformationNotes Construct a multistory 700 space parking garage across the street from WC Decker Building

Location of Project # of FTEs before IDA Status 54.00Address Line1 Pulteney Street Original Estimate of Jobs to be Created 350.00Address Line2 Average Estimated Annual Salary of Jobs to be

Created(at Current Market rates)84,742.00

City CORNING Annualized Salary Range of Jobs to be Created 0.00 To: 0.00State NY Original Estimate of Jobs to be Retained 54.00

Zip - Plus4 14830 Estimated Average Annual Salary of Jobs to beRetained(at Current Market rates)


Province/Region Current # of FTEs 656.00Country United States # of FTE Construction Jobs during Fiscal Year 0.00

Applicant Information Net Employment Change 602.00Applicant Name Corning Incorporated

Address Line1 One Riverfront Plaza Project StatusAddress Line2

City CORNING Current Year Is Last Year for ReportingState NY There is no Debt Outstanding for this Project

Zip - Plus4 14831 IDA Does Not Hold Title to the PropertyProvince/Region The Project Receives No Tax Exemptions

Country USA

Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

Page 37 of 73

General Project Information Project Tax Exemptions & PILOT Payment InformationProject Code 4603 13 04AProject Type Lease State Sales Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Name Corning Inc. Diesel Plant Expansion Local Sales Tax Exemption $0.00County Real Property Tax Exemption $174,222.00

Project Part of Another Phase or Multi Phase No Local Property Tax Exemption $164,883.00Original Project Code School Property Tax Exemption $790,601.00

Project Purpose Category Manufacturing Mortgage Recording Tax Exemption $0.00Total Project Amount $250,000,000.00 Total Exemptions $1,129,706.00

Benefited Project Amount $249,829,650.00 Total Exemptions Net of RPTL Section 485-b $0.00Bond/Note Amount Pilot payment Information

Annual Lease Payment $1.00 Actual Payment Made Payment Due Per AgreementFederal Tax Status of Bonds County PILOT $90,934.38 $90,934.38

Not For Profit No Local PILOT $86,148.36 $86,148.36Date Project approved 6/20/2013 School District PILOT $301,519.26 $301,519.26

Did IDA took Title to Property Yes Total PILOT $478,602.00 $478,602.00 Date IDA Took Title to Property 6/1/2013 Net Exemptions $651,104.00

Year Financial Assistance is Planned to End 2034 Project Employment InformationNotes Please see Corning Diesel Plant project. Diesel closed as of 2013 per ABO office.

Location of Project # of FTEs before IDA Status 500.00Address Line1 890 Addison Road Original Estimate of Jobs to be Created 250.00Address Line2 Average Estimated Annual Salary of Jobs to be

Created(at Current Market rates)66,925.00

City PAINTED POST Annualized Salary Range of Jobs to be Created 35,000.00 To: 83,225.00State NY Original Estimate of Jobs to be Retained 500.00

Zip - Plus4 14870 Estimated Average Annual Salary of Jobs to beRetained(at Current Market rates)


Province/Region Current # of FTEs 888.00Country United States # of FTE Construction Jobs during Fiscal Year 0.00

Applicant Information Net Employment Change 388.00Applicant Name Corning Incorporated

Address Line1 One Riverfront Plaza Project StatusAddress Line2

City CORNING Current Year Is Last Year for ReportingState NY There is no Debt Outstanding for this Project

Zip - Plus4 14830 IDA Does Not Hold Title to the PropertyProvince/Region The Project Receives No Tax Exemptions

Country USA

Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

Page 38 of 73

General Project Information Project Tax Exemptions & PILOT Payment InformationProject Code 4603 10 04AProject Type Lease State Sales Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Name Corning Inc. Expansion of Glass Research Local Sales Tax Exemption $0.00County Real Property Tax Exemption $7,304.00

Project Part of Another Phase or Multi Phase No Local Property Tax Exemption $6,912.00Original Project Code School Property Tax Exemption $33,143.00

Project Purpose Category Manufacturing Mortgage Recording Tax Exemption $0.00Total Project Amount $9,200,000.00 Total Exemptions $47,359.00

Benefited Project Amount $9,200,000.00 Total Exemptions Net of RPTL Section 485-b $8,999.00Bond/Note Amount Pilot payment Information

Annual Lease Payment $1.00 Actual Payment Made Payment Due Per AgreementFederal Tax Status of Bonds County PILOT $4,455.14 $4,455.14

Not For Profit No Local PILOT $4,216.32 $4,216.32Date Project approved 8/26/2010 School District PILOT $20,216.93 $20,216.93

Did IDA took Title to Property Yes Total PILOT $28,888.39 $28,888.39 Date IDA Took Title to Property 10/1/2010 Net Exemptions $18,470.61

Year Financial Assistance is Planned to End 2031 Project Employment InformationNotes Upgrade of existing Glass Research capabilities by adding approx. 36,000 sf building space to existing PRC building

Location of Project # of FTEs before IDA Status 0.00Address Line1 1 Science Center Drive Original Estimate of Jobs to be Created 20.00Address Line2 Average Estimated Annual Salary of Jobs to be

Created(at Current Market rates)60,000.00

City PAINTED POST Annualized Salary Range of Jobs to be Created 50,000.00 To: 60,000.00State NY Original Estimate of Jobs to be Retained 0.00

Zip - Plus4 14870 Estimated Average Annual Salary of Jobs to beRetained(at Current Market rates)


Province/Region Current # of FTEs 179.00Country United States # of FTE Construction Jobs during Fiscal Year 0.00

Applicant Information Net Employment Change 179.00Applicant Name Corning Property Management Corporation

Address Line1 1 Riverfront Plaza Project StatusAddress Line2

City CORNING Current Year Is Last Year for ReportingState NY There is no Debt Outstanding for this Project

Zip - Plus4 14831 IDA Does Not Hold Title to the PropertyProvince/Region The Project Receives No Tax Exemptions

Country USA

Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

Page 39 of 73

General Project Information Project Tax Exemptions & PILOT Payment InformationProject Code AR008Project Type Lease State Sales Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Name Corning Inc. Photonics Facility Local Sales Tax Exemption $0.00County Real Property Tax Exemption $34,738.00

Project Part of Another Phase or Multi Phase No Local Property Tax Exemption $32,876.00Original Project Code School Property Tax Exemption $157,638.00

Project Purpose Category Manufacturing Mortgage Recording Tax Exemption $0.00Total Project Amount $7,650,000.00 Total Exemptions $225,252.00

Benefited Project Amount $7,625,627.00 Total Exemptions Net of RPTL Section 485-b $0.00Bond/Note Amount Pilot payment Information

Annual Lease Payment $1.00 Actual Payment Made Payment Due Per AgreementFederal Tax Status of Bonds County PILOT $35,246.85 $35,246.85

Not For Profit No Local PILOT $33,357.46 $33,357.46Date Project approved 6/26/1997 School District PILOT $159,946.41 $159,946.41

Did IDA took Title to Property Yes Total PILOT $228,550.72 $228,550.72 Date IDA Took Title to Property 7/1/1997 Net Exemptions -$3,298.72

Year Financial Assistance is Planned to End 2022 Project Employment InformationNotes Additional production capacity for its fiber optic related component products

Location of Project # of FTEs before IDA Status 0.00Address Line1 Canada Road Original Estimate of Jobs to be Created 1,000.00Address Line2 Average Estimated Annual Salary of Jobs to be

Created(at Current Market rates)0.00

City PAINTED POST Annualized Salary Range of Jobs to be Created 0.00 To: 0.00State NY Original Estimate of Jobs to be Retained 0.00

Zip - Plus4 14870 Estimated Average Annual Salary of Jobs to beRetained(at Current Market rates)


Province/Region Current # of FTEs 257.00Country United States # of FTE Construction Jobs during Fiscal Year 0.00

Applicant Information Net Employment Change 257.00Applicant Name Corning Incorporated

Address Line1 One Riverfront Plaza Project StatusAddress Line2

City CORNING Current Year Is Last Year for ReportingState NY There is no Debt Outstanding for this Project

Zip - Plus4 14831 IDA Does Not Hold Title to the PropertyProvince/Region The Project Receives No Tax Exemptions

Country USA

Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

Page 40 of 73

General Project Information Project Tax Exemptions & PILOT Payment InformationProject Code 4603 00 05AProject Type Lease State Sales Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Name Corning Inc. Photonics Plant Expansion Local Sales Tax Exemption $0.00County Real Property Tax Exemption $7,663.00

Project Part of Another Phase or Multi Phase Yes Local Property Tax Exemption $7,252.00Original Project Code AR008 School Property Tax Exemption $34,773.00

Project Purpose Category Manufacturing Mortgage Recording Tax Exemption $0.00Total Project Amount $27,800,000.00 Total Exemptions $49,688.00

Benefited Project Amount $27,784,900.00 Total Exemptions Net of RPTL Section 485-b $0.00Bond/Note Amount Pilot payment Information

Annual Lease Payment $1.00 Actual Payment Made Payment Due Per AgreementFederal Tax Status of Bonds County PILOT $7,088.10 $7,088.10

Not For Profit No Local PILOT $6,708.15 $6,708.15Date Project approved 9/28/2000 School District PILOT $32,165.04 $32,165.04

Did IDA took Title to Property Yes Total PILOT $45,961.29 $45,961.29 Date IDA Took Title to Property 10/1/2000 Net Exemptions $3,726.71

Year Financial Assistance is Planned to End 2022 Project Employment InformationNotes Expand facility

Location of Project # of FTEs before IDA Status 0.00Address Line1 21 Lynn Morse Drive Original Estimate of Jobs to be Created 0.00Address Line2 Average Estimated Annual Salary of Jobs to be

Created(at Current Market rates)0.00

City PAINTED POST Annualized Salary Range of Jobs to be Created 0.00 To: 0.00State NY Original Estimate of Jobs to be Retained 0.00

Zip - Plus4 14870 Estimated Average Annual Salary of Jobs to beRetained(at Current Market rates)


Province/Region Current # of FTEs 0.00Country United States # of FTE Construction Jobs during Fiscal Year 0.00

Applicant Information Net Employment Change 0.00Applicant Name Corning Incorporated

Address Line1 One Riverfront Plaza Project StatusAddress Line2

City CORNING Current Year Is Last Year for ReportingState NY There is no Debt Outstanding for this Project

Zip - Plus4 14831 IDA Does Not Hold Title to the PropertyProvince/Region The Project Receives No Tax Exemptions

Country USA

Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

Page 41 of 73

General Project Information Project Tax Exemptions & PILOT Payment InformationProject Code 4603 10 06AProject Type Lease State Sales Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Name Corning Inc. Upgrade of Integrated Die Manufacturing

Local Sales Tax Exemption $0.00

County Real Property Tax Exemption $10,441.00Project Part of Another Phase or Multi Phase No Local Property Tax Exemption $9,882.00

Original Project Code School Property Tax Exemption $34,045.00Project Purpose Category Manufacturing Mortgage Recording Tax Exemption $0.00

Total Project Amount $11,500,000.00 Total Exemptions $54,368.00Benefited Project Amount $11,500,000.00 Total Exemptions Net of RPTL Section 485-b $16,945.00

Bond/Note Amount Pilot payment InformationAnnual Lease Payment $1.00 Actual Payment Made Payment Due Per Agreement

Federal Tax Status of Bonds County PILOT $6,369.19 $6,369.19Not For Profit Local PILOT $6,027.78 $6,027.78

Date Project approved 10/21/2010 School District PILOT $20,767.57 $20,767.57Did IDA took Title to Property Yes Total PILOT $33,164.54 $33,164.54

Date IDA Took Title to Property 10/21/2010 Net Exemptions $21,203.46Year Financial Assistance is Planned to End 2031 Project Employment Information

Notes Upgrade to existing Die Manufacturing Capabilities by adding approximately 38,000 sf of building space to existing IDM building Location of Project # of FTEs before IDA Status 105.00

Address Line1 905-907 Addison Road Original Estimate of Jobs to be Created 52.00Address Line2 Average Estimated Annual Salary of Jobs to be

Created(at Current Market rates)43,094.00

City PAINTED POST Annualized Salary Range of Jobs to be Created 40,000.00 To: 45,000.00State NY Original Estimate of Jobs to be Retained 102.00

Zip - Plus4 14870 Estimated Average Annual Salary of Jobs to beRetained(at Current Market rates)


Province/Region Current # of FTEs 155.00Country United States # of FTE Construction Jobs during Fiscal Year 0.00

Applicant Information Net Employment Change 50.00Applicant Name Corning Property Management Corporation

Address Line1 One Riverfront Plaza Project StatusAddress Line2

City CORNING Current Year Is Last Year for ReportingState NY There is no Debt Outstanding for this Project

Zip - Plus4 14831 IDA Does Not Hold Title to the PropertyProvince/Region The Project Receives No Tax Exemptions

Country USA

Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

Page 42 of 73

General Project Information Project Tax Exemptions & PILOT Payment InformationProject Code 4603 12 01Project Type Lease State Sales Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Name Corning Museum of Glass Renovation & Expansion

Local Sales Tax Exemption $0.00

County Real Property Tax Exemption $226,430.00Project Part of Another Phase or Multi Phase No Local Property Tax Exemption $316,948.00

Original Project Code School Property Tax Exemption $659,413.00Project Purpose Category Other Categories Mortgage Recording Tax Exemption $0.00

Total Project Amount $64,000,000.00 Total Exemptions $1,202,791.00Benefited Project Amount $63,955,186.00 Total Exemptions Net of RPTL Section 485-b $363,391.00

Bond/Note Amount Pilot payment InformationAnnual Lease Payment $1.00 Actual Payment Made Payment Due Per Agreement

Federal Tax Status of Bonds County PILOT $140,090.23 $140,090.23Not For Profit No Local PILOT $191,702.42 $191,702.42

Date Project approved 2/23/2012 School District PILOT $405,524.35 $405,524.35Did IDA took Title to Property Yes Total PILOT $737,317.00 $737,317.00

Date IDA Took Title to Property 6/1/2012 Net Exemptions $465,474.00Year Financial Assistance is Planned to End 2033 Project Employment Information

Notes Location of Project # of FTEs before IDA Status 110.00

Address Line1 Museum Way Original Estimate of Jobs to be Created 13.00Address Line2 Average Estimated Annual Salary of Jobs to be

Created(at Current Market rates)59,000.00

City CORNING Annualized Salary Range of Jobs to be Created 55,000.00 To: 59,000.00State NY Original Estimate of Jobs to be Retained 110.00

Zip - Plus4 14830 Estimated Average Annual Salary of Jobs to beRetained(at Current Market rates)


Province/Region Current # of FTEs 165.00Country United States # of FTE Construction Jobs during Fiscal Year 0.00

Applicant Information Net Employment Change 55.00Applicant Name Corning Property Management Corporation

Address Line1 1 Riverfront Plaza Project StatusAddress Line2

City CORNING Current Year Is Last Year for ReportingState NY There is no Debt Outstanding for this Project

Zip - Plus4 14831 IDA Does Not Hold Title to the PropertyProvince/Region The Project Receives No Tax Exemptions

Country USA

Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

Page 43 of 73

General Project Information Project Tax Exemptions & PILOT Payment InformationProject Code 4603 15 05Project Type Lease State Sales Tax Exemption $21,735.93

Project Name Corning Properties inc. Local Sales Tax Exemption $21,735.93County Real Property Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Part of Another Phase or Multi Phase No Local Property Tax Exemption $0.00Original Project Code School Property Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Purpose Category Construction Mortgage Recording Tax Exemption $0.00Total Project Amount $10,250,000.00 Total Exemptions $43,471.86

Benefited Project Amount $10,245,000.00 Total Exemptions Net of RPTL Section 485-b $0.00Bond/Note Amount Pilot payment Information

Annual Lease Payment $1.00 Actual Payment Made Payment Due Per AgreementFederal Tax Status of Bonds County PILOT $0.00 $0.00

Not For Profit No Local PILOT $0.00 $0.00Date Project approved 12/3/2015 School District PILOT $0.00 $0.00

Did IDA took Title to Property Yes Total PILOT $0.00 $0.00 Date IDA Took Title to Property 2/1/2016 Net Exemptions $43,471.86

Year Financial Assistance is Planned to End 2018 Project Employment InformationNotes

Location of Project # of FTEs before IDA Status 0.00Address Line1 176 Denison Parkway Original Estimate of Jobs to be Created 0.00Address Line2 Average Estimated Annual Salary of Jobs to be

Created(at Current Market rates)0.00

City CORNING Annualized Salary Range of Jobs to be Created 0.00 To: 0.00State NY Original Estimate of Jobs to be Retained 0.00

Zip - Plus4 14830 Estimated Average Annual Salary of Jobs to beRetained(at Current Market rates)


Province/Region Current # of FTEs 0.00Country United States # of FTE Construction Jobs during Fiscal Year 15.00

Applicant Information Net Employment Change 0.00Applicant Name Corning Properties Inc.

Address Line1 1 Guthrie Drive Project StatusAddress Line2

City CORNING Current Year Is Last Year for Reporting YesState NY There is no Debt Outstanding for this Project Yes

Zip - Plus4 14830 IDA Does Not Hold Title to the Property YesProvince/Region The Project Receives No Tax Exemptions Yes

Country USA

Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

Page 44 of 73

General Project Information Project Tax Exemptions & PILOT Payment InformationProject Code 4603 17 06Project Type Lease State Sales Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Name Corning Property Management Corp. Local Sales Tax Exemption $0.00County Real Property Tax Exemption $504,094.00

Project Part of Another Phase or Multi Phase No Local Property Tax Exemption $634,802.00Original Project Code School Property Tax Exemption $1,721,945.00

Project Purpose Category Manufacturing Mortgage Recording Tax Exemption $0.00Total Project Amount $66,900,000.00 Total Exemptions $2,860,841.00

Benefited Project Amount $66,860,000.00 Total Exemptions Net of RPTL Section 485-b $226,124.00Bond/Note Amount Pilot payment Information

Annual Lease Payment $1.00 Actual Payment Made Payment Due Per AgreementFederal Tax Status of Bonds County PILOT $454,640.45 $454,640.45

Not For Profit No Local PILOT $573,142.75 $573,142.75Date Project approved 11/16/2017 School District PILOT $551,715.80 $551,715.80

Did IDA took Title to Property Yes Total PILOT $1,579,499.00 $1,579,499.00 Date IDA Took Title to Property 12/1/2017 Net Exemptions $1,281,342.00

Year Financial Assistance is Planned to End 2029 Project Employment InformationNotes This project is a retention project that restates several Corning Inc. projects into a single benefit.

Location of Project # of FTEs before IDA Status 2,836.00Address Line1 1 Science Center Rd/103 Canada Rd Original Estimate of Jobs to be Created 0.00Address Line2 Average Estimated Annual Salary of Jobs to be

Created(at Current Market rates)172,250.00

City CORNING Annualized Salary Range of Jobs to be Created 117,000.00 To: 273,000.00State NY Original Estimate of Jobs to be Retained 2,836.00

Zip - Plus4 14830 Estimated Average Annual Salary of Jobs to beRetained(at Current Market rates)


Province/Region Current # of FTEs 2,963.00Country United States # of FTE Construction Jobs during Fiscal Year 0.00

Applicant Information Net Employment Change 127.00Applicant Name Corning Property Management Corp.

Address Line1 1 Riverfront Plaza Project StatusAddress Line2

City CORNING Current Year Is Last Year for ReportingState NY There is no Debt Outstanding for this Project

Zip - Plus4 14831 IDA Does Not Hold Title to the PropertyProvince/Region The Project Receives No Tax Exemptions

Country USA

Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

Page 45 of 73

General Project Information Project Tax Exemptions & PILOT Payment InformationProject Code 4603 18 05Project Type Tax Exemptions State Sales Tax Exemption $550,977.50

Project Name Corning Property Management Corporation -C Building Renovation

Local Sales Tax Exemption $550,977.50

County Real Property Tax ExemptionProject Part of Another Phase or Multi Phase No Local Property Tax Exemption

Original Project Code School Property Tax ExemptionProject Purpose Category Other Categories Mortgage Recording Tax Exemption

Total Project Amount $25,000,000.00 Total Exemptions $1,101,955.00Benefited Project Amount $24,980,000.00 Total Exemptions Net of RPTL Section 485-b

Bond/Note Amount Pilot payment InformationAnnual Lease Payment Actual Payment Made Payment Due Per Agreement

Federal Tax Status of Bonds County PILOT Not For Profit Local PILOT

Date Project approved 12/13/2018 School District PILOT Did IDA took Title to Property Yes Total PILOT $0.00 $0.00

Date IDA Took Title to Property 12/13/2018 Net Exemptions $1,101,955.00Year Financial Assistance is Planned to End 2020 Project Employment Information

Notes Location of Project # of FTEs before IDA Status 300.00

Address Line1 100 E. Pulteney St. Original Estimate of Jobs to be Created 0.00Address Line2 Average Estimated Annual Salary of Jobs to be

Created(at Current Market rates)0.00

City CORNING Annualized Salary Range of Jobs to be Created 0.00 To: 0.00State NY Original Estimate of Jobs to be Retained 300.00

Zip - Plus4 14830 Estimated Average Annual Salary of Jobs to beRetained(at Current Market rates)


Province/Region Current # of FTEs 300.00Country United States # of FTE Construction Jobs during Fiscal Year 0.00

Applicant Information Net Employment Change 0.00Applicant Name Corning Property Management Corporation

Address Line1 1 Riverfront Plaza Project StatusAddress Line2

City CORNING Current Year Is Last Year for ReportingState NY There is no Debt Outstanding for this Project

Zip - Plus4 14830 IDA Does Not Hold Title to the PropertyProvince/Region The Project Receives No Tax Exemptions

Country USA

Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

Page 46 of 73

General Project Information Project Tax Exemptions & PILOT Payment InformationProject Code 4603 067Project Type Lease State Sales Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Name Corning War Memorial Apartments Local Sales Tax Exemption $0.00County Real Property Tax Exemption $6,744.00

Project Part of Another Phase or Multi Phase No Local Property Tax Exemption $9,440.00Original Project Code School Property Tax Exemption $19,640.00

Project Purpose Category Other Categories Mortgage Recording Tax Exemption $0.00Total Project Amount $1,596,000.00 Total Exemptions $35,824.00

Benefited Project Amount $1,568,500.00 Total Exemptions Net of RPTL Section 485-b $2,456.00Bond/Note Amount Pilot payment Information

Annual Lease Payment $1.00 Actual Payment Made Payment Due Per AgreementFederal Tax Status of Bonds County PILOT $3,906.59 $3,906.59

Not For Profit No Local PILOT $5,345.86 $5,345.86Date Project approved 12/6/2012 School District PILOT $11,308.55 $11,308.55

Did IDA took Title to Property Yes Total PILOT $20,561.00 $20,561.00 Date IDA Took Title to Property 2/1/2013 Net Exemptions $15,263.00

Year Financial Assistance is Planned to End 2025 Project Employment InformationNotes

Location of Project # of FTEs before IDA Status 0.00Address Line1 147 Pine Street Original Estimate of Jobs to be Created 1.00Address Line2 Average Estimated Annual Salary of Jobs to be

Created(at Current Market rates)26,235.00

City CORNING Annualized Salary Range of Jobs to be Created 24,000.00 To: 29,000.00State NY Original Estimate of Jobs to be Retained 0.00

Zip - Plus4 14830 Estimated Average Annual Salary of Jobs to beRetained(at Current Market rates)


Province/Region Current # of FTEs 0.00Country United States # of FTE Construction Jobs during Fiscal Year 0.00

Applicant Information Net Employment Change 0.00Applicant Name Corning War Memorial Apartments LLC

Address Line1 8299 Lewis Road Project StatusAddress Line2

City HOLLAND Current Year Is Last Year for ReportingState NY There is no Debt Outstanding for this Project

Zip - Plus4 14080 IDA Does Not Hold Title to the PropertyProvince/Region The Project Receives No Tax Exemptions

Country USA

Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

Page 47 of 73

General Project Information Project Tax Exemptions & PILOT Payment InformationProject Code 4603 14 02Project Type Lease State Sales Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Name East Lake Holdings LLC Local Sales Tax Exemption $0.00County Real Property Tax Exemption $10,799.00

Project Part of Another Phase or Multi Phase No Local Property Tax Exemption $12,254.00Original Project Code School Property Tax Exemption $20,675.00

Project Purpose Category Retail Trade Mortgage Recording Tax Exemption $0.00Total Project Amount $3,880,000.00 Total Exemptions $43,728.00

Benefited Project Amount $3,860,000.00 Total Exemptions Net of RPTL Section 485-b $12,933.00Bond/Note Amount Pilot payment Information

Annual Lease Payment $1.00 Actual Payment Made Payment Due Per AgreementFederal Tax Status of Bonds County PILOT $3,498.33 $3,498.33

Not For Profit No Local PILOT $3,969.64 $3,969.64Date Project approved 3/27/2014 School District PILOT $6,697.94 $6,697.94

Did IDA took Title to Property Yes Total PILOT $14,165.91 $14,165.91 Date IDA Took Title to Property 3/1/2015 Net Exemptions $29,562.09

Year Financial Assistance is Planned to End 2027 Project Employment InformationNotes

Location of Project # of FTEs before IDA Status 0.00Address Line1 8440 State Route 54 Original Estimate of Jobs to be Created 15.00Address Line2 Average Estimated Annual Salary of Jobs to be

Created(at Current Market rates)25,000.00

City HAMMONDSPORT Annualized Salary Range of Jobs to be Created 20,000.00 To: 30,000.00State NY Original Estimate of Jobs to be Retained 0.00

Zip - Plus4 14840 Estimated Average Annual Salary of Jobs to beRetained(at Current Market rates)


Province/Region Current # of FTEs 14.00Country United States # of FTE Construction Jobs during Fiscal Year 0.00

Applicant Information Net Employment Change 14.00Applicant Name East Lake Holdings LLC

Address Line1 8805 State Route 415 Project StatusAddress Line2

City CAMPBELL Current Year Is Last Year for ReportingState NY There is no Debt Outstanding for this Project

Zip - Plus4 14821 IDA Does Not Hold Title to the PropertyProvince/Region The Project Receives No Tax Exemptions

Country USA

Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

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General Project Information Project Tax Exemptions & PILOT Payment InformationProject Code 4603 07 01AProject Type Lease State Sales Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Name Empire Pipeline Inc. Local Sales Tax Exemption $0.00County Real Property Tax Exemption $15,536.00

Project Part of Another Phase or Multi Phase No Local Property Tax Exemption $9,871.00Original Project Code School Property Tax Exemption $59,690.00

Project Purpose Category Transportation, Communication, Electric, Gas and Sanitary Services

Mortgage Recording Tax Exemption $0.00

Total Project Amount $3,200,000.00 Total Exemptions $85,097.00Benefited Project Amount $3,170,000.00 Total Exemptions Net of RPTL Section 485-b $0.00

Bond/Note Amount Pilot payment InformationAnnual Lease Payment $1.00 Actual Payment Made Payment Due Per Agreement

Federal Tax Status of Bonds County PILOT $10,845.18 $10,845.18Not For Profit No Local PILOT $7,230.12 $7,230.12

Date Project approved 4/26/2007 School District PILOT $42,175.70 $42,175.70Did IDA took Title to Property Yes Total PILOT $60,251.00 $60,251.00

Date IDA Took Title to Property 7/1/2007 Net Exemptions $24,846.00Year Financial Assistance is Planned to End 2024 Project Employment Information

Notes Acquisition, construction & equipping 78.3 miles 24" natural gas pipeline from Victor, NY to Corning, NY Location of Project # of FTEs before IDA Status 0.00

Address Line1 Route 414 Original Estimate of Jobs to be Created 0.00Address Line2 Average Estimated Annual Salary of Jobs to be

Created(at Current Market rates)0.00

City CORNING Annualized Salary Range of Jobs to be Created 50,000.00 To: 60,000.00State NY Original Estimate of Jobs to be Retained 0.00

Zip - Plus4 14830 Estimated Average Annual Salary of Jobs to beRetained(at Current Market rates)


Province/Region Current # of FTEs 0.00Country United States # of FTE Construction Jobs during Fiscal Year 0.00

Applicant Information Net Employment Change 0.00Applicant Name Empire State Pipeline & Empire Pipeline Inc.

Address Line1 6363 Main Street Project StatusAddress Line2

City WILLIAMSON Current Year Is Last Year for ReportingState NY There is no Debt Outstanding for this Project

Zip - Plus4 14589 IDA Does Not Hold Title to the PropertyProvince/Region The Project Receives No Tax Exemptions

Country USA

Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

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General Project Information Project Tax Exemptions & PILOT Payment InformationProject Code 4603 19 02Project Type Lease State Sales Tax Exemption $4,229.86

Project Name Empire Telephone Corporation Local Sales Tax Exemption $4,229.86County Real Property Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Part of Another Phase or Multi Phase No Local Property Tax Exemption $0.00Original Project Code School Property Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Purpose Category Transportation, Communication, Electric, Gas and Sanitary Services

Mortgage Recording Tax Exemption $0.00

Total Project Amount $1,385,000.00 Total Exemptions $8,459.72Benefited Project Amount $1,377,500.00 Total Exemptions Net of RPTL Section 485-b $0.00

Bond/Note Amount Pilot payment InformationAnnual Lease Payment $1.00 Actual Payment Made Payment Due Per Agreement

Federal Tax Status of Bonds County PILOT $0.00 $0.00Not For Profit No Local PILOT $0.00 $0.00

Date Project approved 2/28/2019 School District PILOT $0.00 $0.00Did IDA took Title to Property Yes Total PILOT $0.00 $0.00

Date IDA Took Title to Property 4/3/2019 Net Exemptions $8,459.72Year Financial Assistance is Planned to End 2030 Project Employment Information

Notes Location of Project # of FTEs before IDA Status 24.00

Address Line1 34 and 26 Main Street Original Estimate of Jobs to be Created 6.00Address Line2 Average Estimated Annual Salary of Jobs to be

Created(at Current Market rates)54,000.00

City PRATTSBURGH Annualized Salary Range of Jobs to be Created 34,000.00 To: 74,000.00State NY Original Estimate of Jobs to be Retained 24.00

Zip - Plus4 14873 Estimated Average Annual Salary of Jobs to beRetained(at Current Market rates)


Province/Region Current # of FTEs 27.00Country United States # of FTE Construction Jobs during Fiscal Year 3.00

Applicant Information Net Employment Change 3.00Applicant Name Empire Telephone Corporation

Address Line1 34 Main Street Project StatusAddress Line2

City PRATTSBURGH Current Year Is Last Year for ReportingState NY There is no Debt Outstanding for this Project

Zip - Plus4 14873 IDA Does Not Hold Title to the PropertyProvince/Region The Project Receives No Tax Exemptions

Country USA

Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

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General Project Information Project Tax Exemptions & PILOT Payment InformationProject Code 4603 19 01Project Type Lease State Sales Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Name FHFCU HQ LLC and FHFCU LOT LLC Local Sales Tax Exemption $0.00County Real Property Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Part of Another Phase or Multi Phase No Local Property Tax Exemption $0.00Original Project Code School Property Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Purpose Category Finance, Insurance and Real Estate Mortgage Recording Tax Exemption $0.00Total Project Amount $10,300,000.00 Total Exemptions $0.00

Benefited Project Amount $10,275,000.00 Total Exemptions Net of RPTL Section 485-b $0.00Bond/Note Amount Pilot payment Information

Annual Lease Payment $1.00 Actual Payment Made Payment Due Per AgreementFederal Tax Status of Bonds County PILOT $0.00 $0.00

Not For Profit No Local PILOT $0.00 $0.00Date Project approved 4/25/2019 School District PILOT $0.00 $0.00

Did IDA took Title to Property Yes Total PILOT $0.00 $0.00 Date IDA Took Title to Property 7/17/2019 Net Exemptions $0.00

Year Financial Assistance is Planned to End 2030 Project Employment InformationNotes

Location of Project # of FTEs before IDA Status 73.00Address Line1 210 East Denison Original Estimate of Jobs to be Created 20.00Address Line2 Average Estimated Annual Salary of Jobs to be

Created(at Current Market rates)61,950.00

City CORNING Annualized Salary Range of Jobs to be Created 31,100.00 To: 104,250.00State NY Original Estimate of Jobs to be Retained 73.00

Zip - Plus4 14830 Estimated Average Annual Salary of Jobs to beRetained(at Current Market rates)


Province/Region Current # of FTEs 73.00Country United States # of FTE Construction Jobs during Fiscal Year 12.00

Applicant Information Net Employment Change 0.00Applicant Name FHFCU HQ LLC and FHFCU LOT LLC

Address Line1 110 Village Square Project StatusAddress Line2

City PAINTED POST Current Year Is Last Year for ReportingState NY There is no Debt Outstanding for this Project

Zip - Plus4 14870 IDA Does Not Hold Title to the PropertyProvince/Region The Project Receives No Tax Exemptions

Country USA

Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

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General Project Information Project Tax Exemptions & PILOT Payment InformationProject Code 4603 13 01AProject Type Lease State Sales Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Name Hampton Inn Hotel Project Local Sales Tax Exemption $0.00County Real Property Tax Exemption $24,886.00

Project Part of Another Phase or Multi Phase No Local Property Tax Exemption $23,552.00Original Project Code School Property Tax Exemption $112,930.00

Project Purpose Category Retail Trade Mortgage Recording Tax Exemption $0.00Total Project Amount $7,130,000.00 Total Exemptions $161,368.00

Benefited Project Amount $7,053,700.00 Total Exemptions Net of RPTL Section 485-b $25,258.00Bond/Note Amount Pilot payment Information

Annual Lease Payment $1.00 Actual Payment Made Payment Due Per AgreementFederal Tax Status of Bonds County PILOT $15,148.00 $15,148.00

Not For Profit No Local PILOT $14,336.00 $14,336.00Date Project approved 2/28/2013 School District PILOT $68,740.00 $68,740.00

Did IDA took Title to Property Yes Total PILOT $98,224.00 $98,224.00 Date IDA Took Title to Property 3/1/2013 Net Exemptions $63,144.00

Year Financial Assistance is Planned to End 2023 Project Employment InformationNotes

Location of Project # of FTEs before IDA Status 0.00Address Line1 248 Town Center Road Original Estimate of Jobs to be Created 12.00Address Line2 Average Estimated Annual Salary of Jobs to be

Created(at Current Market rates)25,000.00

City PAINTED POST Annualized Salary Range of Jobs to be Created 20,000.00 To: 25,000.00State NY Original Estimate of Jobs to be Retained 0.00

Zip - Plus4 14870 Estimated Average Annual Salary of Jobs to beRetained(at Current Market rates)


Province/Region Current # of FTEs 14.00Country United States # of FTE Construction Jobs during Fiscal Year 0.00

Applicant Information Net Employment Change 14.00Applicant Name Erwin Hospitality Associates LLC

Address Line1 382 East Second Street Project StatusAddress Line2

City CORNING Current Year Is Last Year for ReportingState NY There is no Debt Outstanding for this Project

Zip - Plus4 14830 IDA Does Not Hold Title to the PropertyProvince/Region The Project Receives No Tax Exemptions

Country USA

Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

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General Project Information Project Tax Exemptions & PILOT Payment InformationProject Code 4603 14 05Project Type Lease State Sales Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Name Hawkes, LLC Local Sales Tax Exemption $0.00County Real Property Tax Exemption $9,273.00

Project Part of Another Phase or Multi Phase No Local Property Tax Exemption $12,980.00Original Project Code School Property Tax Exemption $27,005.00

Project Purpose Category Finance, Insurance and Real Estate Mortgage Recording Tax Exemption $0.00Total Project Amount $1,500,000.00 Total Exemptions $49,258.00

Benefited Project Amount $1,484,500.00 Total Exemptions Net of RPTL Section 485-b $7,517.00Bond/Note Amount Pilot payment Information

Annual Lease Payment $1.00 Actual Payment Made Payment Due Per AgreementFederal Tax Status of Bonds County PILOT $6,027.45 $6,027.45

Not For Profit No Local PILOT $8,308.30 $8,308.30Date Project approved 1/15/2015 School District PILOT $17,553.25 $17,553.25

Did IDA took Title to Property No Total PILOT $31,889.00 $31,889.00 Date IDA Took Title to Property Net Exemptions $17,369.00

Year Financial Assistance is Planned to End 2027 Project Employment InformationNotes

Location of Project # of FTEs before IDA Status 9.00Address Line1 77 West Market Street Original Estimate of Jobs to be Created 0.00Address Line2 Average Estimated Annual Salary of Jobs to be

Created(at Current Market rates)0.00

City CORNING Annualized Salary Range of Jobs to be Created 0.00 To: 0.00State NY Original Estimate of Jobs to be Retained 9.00

Zip - Plus4 14830 Estimated Average Annual Salary of Jobs to beRetained(at Current Market rates)


Province/Region Current # of FTEs 6.00Country United States # of FTE Construction Jobs during Fiscal Year 0.00

Applicant Information Net Employment Change -3.00Applicant Name Hawkes, LLC

Address Line1 330 East 14th Street Project StatusAddress Line2

City ELMIRA HEIGHTS Current Year Is Last Year for ReportingState NY There is no Debt Outstanding for this Project

Zip - Plus4 14903 IDA Does Not Hold Title to the PropertyProvince/Region The Project Receives No Tax Exemptions

Country USA

Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

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General Project Information Project Tax Exemptions & PILOT Payment InformationProject Code 4603 14 04Project Type Lease State Sales Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Name Hilton Garden Inn Local Sales Tax Exemption $0.00County Real Property Tax Exemption $69,041.00

Project Part of Another Phase or Multi Phase No Local Property Tax Exemption $96,642.00Original Project Code School Property Tax Exemption $201,065.00

Project Purpose Category Retail Trade Mortgage Recording Tax Exemption $0.00Total Project Amount $13,650,000.00 Total Exemptions $366,748.00

Benefited Project Amount $13,627,000.00 Total Exemptions Net of RPTL Section 485-b $281,501.00Bond/Note Amount Pilot payment Information

Annual Lease Payment $1.00 Actual Payment Made Payment Due Per AgreementFederal Tax Status of Bonds County PILOT $16,196.36 $16,196.36

Not For Profit No Local PILOT $22,163.44 $22,163.44Date Project approved 8/13/2014 School District PILOT $46,884.20 $46,884.20

Did IDA took Title to Property Yes Total PILOT $85,244.00 $85,244.00 Date IDA Took Title to Property 11/1/2016 Net Exemptions $281,504.00

Year Financial Assistance is Planned to End 2030 Project Employment InformationNotes Sales tax benefit in 2015 was $36,836.69. Project received sales tax benefit before project closed.

Location of Project # of FTEs before IDA Status 0.00Address Line1 27 Riverside Drive Original Estimate of Jobs to be Created 40.00Address Line2 Average Estimated Annual Salary of Jobs to be

Created(at Current Market rates)26,000.00

City CORNING Annualized Salary Range of Jobs to be Created 26,000.00 To: 30,000.00State NY Original Estimate of Jobs to be Retained 0.00

Zip - Plus4 14830 Estimated Average Annual Salary of Jobs to beRetained(at Current Market rates)


Province/Region Current # of FTEs 36.00Country United States # of FTE Construction Jobs during Fiscal Year 0.00

Applicant Information Net Employment Change 36.00Applicant Name Fitzpatrick Holdings LLC

Address Line1 37 Pyrex Drive Project StatusAddress Line2

City CORNING Current Year Is Last Year for ReportingState NY There is no Debt Outstanding for this Project

Zip - Plus4 14830 IDA Does Not Hold Title to the PropertyProvince/Region The Project Receives No Tax Exemptions

Country USA

Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

Page 54 of 73

General Project Information Project Tax Exemptions & PILOT Payment InformationProject Code 4603 10 03AProject Type Lease State Sales Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Name Howard Wind LLC Local Sales Tax Exemption $0.00County Real Property Tax Exemption $569,700.00

Project Part of Another Phase or Multi Phase No Local Property Tax Exemption $279,000.00Original Project Code School Property Tax Exemption $1,156,500.00

Project Purpose Category Transportation, Communication, Electric, Gas and Sanitary Services

Mortgage Recording Tax Exemption $0.00

Total Project Amount $90,000,000.00 Total Exemptions $2,005,200.00Benefited Project Amount $90,000,000.00 Total Exemptions Net of RPTL Section 485-b

Bond/Note Amount Pilot payment InformationAnnual Lease Payment $1.00 Actual Payment Made Payment Due Per Agreement

Federal Tax Status of Bonds County PILOT $83,806.77 $83,806.77Not For Profit No Local PILOT $261,579.68 $261,579.68

Date Project approved 3/11/2011 School District PILOT $162,534.33 $162,534.33Did IDA took Title to Property Yes Total PILOT $507,920.78 $507,920.78

Date IDA Took Title to Property 11/1/2010 Net Exemptions $1,497,279.22Year Financial Assistance is Planned to End 2032 Project Employment Information

Notes 60 mw windfarm in the Town of Howard Location of Project # of FTEs before IDA Status 0.00

Address Line1 Town of Howard Original Estimate of Jobs to be Created 5.00Address Line2 Average Estimated Annual Salary of Jobs to be

Created(at Current Market rates)0.00

City AVOCA Annualized Salary Range of Jobs to be Created 0.00 To: 0.00State NY Original Estimate of Jobs to be Retained 0.00

Zip - Plus4 14809 Estimated Average Annual Salary of Jobs to beRetained(at Current Market rates)


Province/Region Current # of FTEs 6.00Country United States # of FTE Construction Jobs during Fiscal Year 0.00

Applicant Information Net Employment Change 6.00Applicant Name Howard Wind LLC

Address Line1 75 Ninth Avenue, suite 3G Project StatusAddress Line2

City NEW YORK Current Year Is Last Year for ReportingState NY There is no Debt Outstanding for this Project

Zip - Plus4 10011 IDA Does Not Hold Title to the PropertyProvince/Region The Project Receives No Tax Exemptions

Country USA

Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

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General Project Information Project Tax Exemptions & PILOT Payment InformationProject Code 4603 12 02Project Type Lease State Sales Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Name Howard Wind LLC - 2 Turbine Expansion Local Sales Tax Exemption $0.00County Real Property Tax Exemption $63,300.00

Project Part of Another Phase or Multi Phase Yes Local Property Tax Exemption $33,000.00Original Project Code 4603 10 01A School Property Tax Exemption $134,100.00

Project Purpose Category Transportation, Communication, Electric, Gas and Sanitary Services

Mortgage Recording Tax Exemption $0.00

Total Project Amount $6,800,000.00 Total Exemptions $230,400.00Benefited Project Amount $6,759,592.50 Total Exemptions Net of RPTL Section 485-b $0.00

Bond/Note Amount Pilot payment InformationAnnual Lease Payment $1.00 Actual Payment Made Payment Due Per Agreement

Federal Tax Status of Bonds County PILOT $7,053.49 $7,053.49Not For Profit No Local PILOT $3,778.65 $3,778.65

Date Project approved 8/12/2011 School District PILOT $14,358.88 $14,358.88Did IDA took Title to Property Yes Total PILOT $25,191.02 $25,191.02

Date IDA Took Title to Property 10/1/2011 Net Exemptions $205,208.98Year Financial Assistance is Planned to End 2033 Project Employment Information

Notes Location of Project # of FTEs before IDA Status 0.00

Address Line1 Town of Howard Original Estimate of Jobs to be Created 0.00Address Line2 Average Estimated Annual Salary of Jobs to be

Created(at Current Market rates)0.00

City AVOCA Annualized Salary Range of Jobs to be Created 0.00 To: 0.00State NY Original Estimate of Jobs to be Retained 0.00

Zip - Plus4 14809 Estimated Average Annual Salary of Jobs to beRetained(at Current Market rates)


Province/Region Current # of FTEs 0.00Country United States # of FTE Construction Jobs during Fiscal Year 0.00

Applicant Information Net Employment Change 0.00Applicant Name Howard Wind LLC

Address Line1 24 West 40th Street, 12th Floor Project StatusAddress Line2

City NEW YORK Current Year Is Last Year for ReportingState NY There is no Debt Outstanding for this Project

Zip - Plus4 10018 IDA Does Not Hold Title to the PropertyProvince/Region The Project Receives No Tax Exemptions

Country USA

Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

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General Project Information Project Tax Exemptions & PILOT Payment InformationProject Code 4603 13 02Project Type Lease State Sales Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Name Marsh Hill Energy LLC Local Sales Tax Exemption $0.00County Real Property Tax Exemption $139,525.00

Project Part of Another Phase or Multi Phase No Local Property Tax Exemption $201,140.00Original Project Code School Property Tax Exemption $373,011.00

Project Purpose Category Transportation, Communication, Electric, Gas and Sanitary Services

Mortgage Recording Tax Exemption $0.00

Total Project Amount $31,800,000.00 Total Exemptions $713,676.00Benefited Project Amount $31,772,000.00 Total Exemptions Net of RPTL Section 485-b $0.00

Bond/Note Amount Pilot payment InformationAnnual Lease Payment $1.00 Actual Payment Made Payment Due Per Agreement

Federal Tax Status of Bonds County PILOT $17,172.00 $17,172.00Not For Profit No Local PILOT $24,040.80 $24,040.80

Date Project approved 6/20/2013 School District PILOT $44,647.20 $44,647.20Did IDA took Title to Property Yes Total PILOT $85,860.00 $85,860.00

Date IDA Took Title to Property 3/1/2014 Net Exemptions $627,816.00Year Financial Assistance is Planned to End 2035 Project Employment Information

Notes Location of Project # of FTEs before IDA Status 0.00

Address Line1 Marsh Hill Road Original Estimate of Jobs to be Created 0.50Address Line2 Average Estimated Annual Salary of Jobs to be

Created(at Current Market rates)65,000.00

City JASPER Annualized Salary Range of Jobs to be Created 30,000.00 To: 120,000.00State NY Original Estimate of Jobs to be Retained 0.00

Zip - Plus4 14855 Estimated Average Annual Salary of Jobs to beRetained(at Current Market rates)


Province/Region Current # of FTEs 4.00Country United States # of FTE Construction Jobs during Fiscal Year 0.00

Applicant Information Net Employment Change 4.00Applicant Name Marsh Hill Energy LLC

Address Line1 One S. Wacker Drive Project StatusAddress Line2

City CHICAGO Current Year Is Last Year for ReportingState IL There is no Debt Outstanding for this Project

Zip - Plus4 60606 IDA Does Not Hold Title to the PropertyProvince/Region The Project Receives No Tax Exemptions

Country USA

Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

Page 57 of 73

General Project Information Project Tax Exemptions & PILOT Payment InformationProject Code 4603 18 01Project Type Lease State Sales Tax Exemption $234.37

Project Name Marzo Brown LLC Local Sales Tax Exemption $234.37County Real Property Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Part of Another Phase or Multi Phase No Local Property Tax Exemption $0.00Original Project Code School Property Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Purpose Category Services Mortgage Recording Tax Exemption $0.00Total Project Amount $1,863,000.00 Total Exemptions $468.74

Benefited Project Amount $1,855,000.00 Total Exemptions Net of RPTL Section 485-b $0.00Bond/Note Amount Pilot payment Information

Annual Lease Payment $1.00 Actual Payment Made Payment Due Per AgreementFederal Tax Status of Bonds County PILOT $0.00 $0.00

Not For Profit No Local PILOT $0.00 $0.00Date Project approved 2/22/2018 School District PILOT $0.00 $0.00

Did IDA took Title to Property Yes Total PILOT $0.00 $0.00 Date IDA Took Title to Property 4/1/2018 Net Exemptions $468.74

Year Financial Assistance is Planned to End 2029 Project Employment InformationNotes

Location of Project # of FTEs before IDA Status 12.24Address Line1 275 S. Hamilton Street Original Estimate of Jobs to be Created 10.00Address Line2 Average Estimated Annual Salary of Jobs to be

Created(at Current Market rates)80,500.00

City PAINTED POST Annualized Salary Range of Jobs to be Created 25,000.00 To: 250,000.00State NY Original Estimate of Jobs to be Retained 12.00

Zip - Plus4 14870 Estimated Average Annual Salary of Jobs to beRetained(at Current Market rates)


Province/Region Current # of FTEs 16.00Country United States # of FTE Construction Jobs during Fiscal Year 0.00

Applicant Information Net Employment Change 3.76Applicant Name Maria E. Marzo, DDS, P.C.

Address Line1 326 N. Hamilton Street Project StatusAddress Line2

City PAINTED POST Current Year Is Last Year for ReportingState NY There is no Debt Outstanding for this Project

Zip - Plus4 14870 IDA Does Not Hold Title to the PropertyProvince/Region The Project Receives No Tax Exemptions

Country USA

Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

Page 58 of 73

General Project Information Project Tax Exemptions & PILOT Payment InformationProject Code 4603 08 06AProject Type Lease State Sales Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Name Millennium Pipeline LLC Local Sales Tax Exemption $0.00County Real Property Tax Exemption $250,734.00

Project Part of Another Phase or Multi Phase No Local Property Tax Exemption $163,496.00Original Project Code School Property Tax Exemption $960,655.00

Project Purpose Category Transportation, Communication, Electric, Gas and Sanitary Services

Mortgage Recording Tax Exemption $0.00

Total Project Amount $27,400,000.00 Total Exemptions $1,374,885.00Benefited Project Amount $27,348,250.00 Total Exemptions Net of RPTL Section 485-b $0.00

Bond/Note Amount Pilot payment InformationAnnual Lease Payment $1.00 Actual Payment Made Payment Due Per Agreement

Federal Tax Status of Bonds County PILOT $66,481.57 $66,481.57Not For Profit No Local PILOT $46,417.94 $46,417.94

Date Project approved 7/30/2008 School District PILOT $257,141.49 $257,141.49Did IDA took Title to Property Yes Total PILOT $370,041.00 $370,041.00

Date IDA Took Title to Property 11/1/2008 Net Exemptions $1,004,844.00Year Financial Assistance is Planned to End 2025 Project Employment Information

Notes Installation of a 15,000 hp compressor station and 0.8 / miles of 30" pipe Location of Project # of FTEs before IDA Status 13.00

Address Line1 State Route 414 Original Estimate of Jobs to be Created 0.00Address Line2 Average Estimated Annual Salary of Jobs to be

Created(at Current Market rates)100,000.00

City CORNING Annualized Salary Range of Jobs to be Created 100,000.00 To: 105,000.00State NY Original Estimate of Jobs to be Retained 13.00

Zip - Plus4 14830 Estimated Average Annual Salary of Jobs to beRetained(at Current Market rates)


Province/Region Current # of FTEs 0.00Country United States # of FTE Construction Jobs during Fiscal Year 0.00

Applicant Information Net Employment Change -13.00Applicant Name Millennium Pipeline Compahy, LLC

Address Line1 One Blue Hill Plaza, 7th Floor Project StatusAddress Line2

City PEARL RIVER Current Year Is Last Year for ReportingState NY There is no Debt Outstanding for this Project

Zip - Plus4 10965 IDA Does Not Hold Title to the PropertyProvince/Region The Project Receives No Tax Exemptions

Country USA

Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

Page 59 of 73

General Project Information Project Tax Exemptions & PILOT Payment InformationProject Code 4603 10 01AProject Type Lease State Sales Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Name New York State Electric & Gas Corporation Corning Valley Transmission Project

Local Sales Tax Exemption $0.00

County Real Property Tax Exemption $228,769.00Project Part of Another Phase or Multi Phase No Local Property Tax Exemption $134,875.00

Original Project Code School Property Tax Exemption $613,737.00Project Purpose Category Services Mortgage Recording Tax Exemption $0.00

Total Project Amount $53,000,000.00 Total Exemptions $977,381.00Benefited Project Amount $53,000,000.00 Total Exemptions Net of RPTL Section 485-b $0.00

Bond/Note Amount Pilot payment InformationAnnual Lease Payment $1.00 Actual Payment Made Payment Due Per Agreement

Federal Tax Status of Bonds County PILOT $226,080.81 $226,080.81Not For Profit No Local PILOT $376,695.82 $376,695.82

Date Project approved 4/29/2010 School District PILOT $507,410.37 $507,410.37Did IDA took Title to Property Yes Total PILOT $1,110,187.00 $1,110,187.00

Date IDA Took Title to Property 2/23/2011 Net Exemptions -$132,806.00Year Financial Assistance is Planned to End 2032 Project Employment Information

Notes new 230115 Kv substationnew 11512.5 kv substationnew 9.2 mile 115 kv line Location of Project # of FTEs before IDA Status 0.00

Address Line1 Town of Campbell Original Estimate of Jobs to be Created 0.00Address Line2 Average Estimated Annual Salary of Jobs to be

Created(at Current Market rates)0.00

City PAINTED POST Annualized Salary Range of Jobs to be Created 0.00 To: 0.00State NY Original Estimate of Jobs to be Retained 0.00

Zip - Plus4 14870 Estimated Average Annual Salary of Jobs to beRetained(at Current Market rates)


Province/Region Current # of FTEs 0.00Country United States # of FTE Construction Jobs during Fiscal Year 0.00

Applicant Information Net Employment Change 0.00Applicant Name New York State Electric & Gas Corporation

Address Line1 PO Box 5224 Project StatusAddress Line2

City BINGHAMTON Current Year Is Last Year for ReportingState NY There is no Debt Outstanding for this Project

Zip - Plus4 13902 IDA Does Not Hold Title to the PropertyProvince/Region The Project Receives No Tax Exemptions

Country USA

Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

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General Project Information Project Tax Exemptions & PILOT Payment InformationProject Code 4603 13 03AProject Type Lease State Sales Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Name Pulteney Plaza Renovation Project Local Sales Tax Exemption $0.00County Real Property Tax Exemption $23,963.00

Project Part of Another Phase or Multi Phase No Local Property Tax Exemption $11,911.00Original Project Code School Property Tax Exemption $69,619.00

Project Purpose Category Retail Trade Mortgage Recording Tax Exemption $0.00Total Project Amount $4,500,000.00 Total Exemptions $105,493.00

Benefited Project Amount $4,452,595.00 Total Exemptions Net of RPTL Section 485-b $4,700.00Bond/Note Amount Pilot payment Information

Annual Lease Payment $1.00 Actual Payment Made Payment Due Per AgreementFederal Tax Status of Bonds County PILOT $19,693.57 $19,693.57

Not For Profit No Local PILOT $9,788.52 $9,788.52Date Project approved 6/20/2013 School District PILOT $57,216.23 $57,216.23

Did IDA took Title to Property Yes Total PILOT $86,698.32 $86,698.32 Date IDA Took Title to Property 11/1/2013 Net Exemptions $18,794.68

Year Financial Assistance is Planned to End 2034 Project Employment InformationNotes

Location of Project # of FTEs before IDA Status 0.00Address Line1 364 - 372 Pulteney Street Original Estimate of Jobs to be Created 80.00Address Line2 Average Estimated Annual Salary of Jobs to be

Created(at Current Market rates)21,886.00

City CORNING Annualized Salary Range of Jobs to be Created 20,000.00 To: 25,000.00State NY Original Estimate of Jobs to be Retained 0.00

Zip - Plus4 14830 Estimated Average Annual Salary of Jobs to beRetained(at Current Market rates)


Province/Region Current # of FTEs 62.00Country United States # of FTE Construction Jobs during Fiscal Year 0.00

Applicant Information Net Employment Change 62.00Applicant Name Pulteney Plaza Inc. & Pulteney Plaza II Inc.

Address Line1 111 N. Main Street Project StatusAddress Line2

City ELMIRA Current Year Is Last Year for ReportingState NY There is no Debt Outstanding for this Project

Zip - Plus4 14901 IDA Does Not Hold Title to the PropertyProvince/Region The Project Receives No Tax Exemptions

Country USA

Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

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General Project Information Project Tax Exemptions & PILOT Payment InformationProject Code 4603 11 01AProject Type Lease State Sales Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Name RM14 Holdings, LLC Local Sales Tax Exemption $0.00County Real Property Tax Exemption $54,100.00

Project Part of Another Phase or Multi Phase No Local Property Tax Exemption $51,200.00Original Project Code School Property Tax Exemption $245,500.00

Project Purpose Category Other Categories Mortgage Recording Tax Exemption $0.00Total Project Amount $9,108,163.00 Total Exemptions $350,800.00

Benefited Project Amount $9,108,163.00 Total Exemptions Net of RPTL Section 485-b $141,092.00Bond/Note Amount Pilot payment Information

Annual Lease Payment $1.00 Actual Payment Made Payment Due Per AgreementFederal Tax Status of Bonds County PILOT $20,932.20 $20,932.20

Not For Profit No Local PILOT $20,932.20 $20,932.20Date Project approved 6/23/2011 School District PILOT $97,683.60 $97,683.60

Did IDA took Title to Property Yes Total PILOT $139,548.00 $139,548.00 Date IDA Took Title to Property 7/1/2001 Net Exemptions $211,252.00

Year Financial Assistance is Planned to End 2032 Project Employment InformationNotes

Location of Project # of FTEs before IDA Status 0.00Address Line1 100 Creekside Drive Original Estimate of Jobs to be Created 2.00Address Line2 Average Estimated Annual Salary of Jobs to be

Created(at Current Market rates)35,000.00

City PAINTED POST Annualized Salary Range of Jobs to be Created 30,000.00 To: 35,000.00State NY Original Estimate of Jobs to be Retained 0.00

Zip - Plus4 14870 Estimated Average Annual Salary of Jobs to beRetained(at Current Market rates)


Province/Region Current # of FTEs 2.00Country United States # of FTE Construction Jobs during Fiscal Year 0.00

Applicant Information Net Employment Change 2.00Applicant Name RM14 Holdings, LLC

Address Line1 3949 Forest Parkway, Suite 100 Project StatusAddress Line2

City NORTH TONAWANDA Current Year Is Last Year for ReportingState NY There is no Debt Outstanding for this Project

Zip - Plus4 14120 IDA Does Not Hold Title to the PropertyProvince/Region The Project Receives No Tax Exemptions

Country USA

Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

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General Project Information Project Tax Exemptions & PILOT Payment InformationProject Code 4603 19 06Project Type Lease State Sales Tax Exemption $2,907.00

Project Name Red Lilac Properties LLC - Phase II Local Sales Tax Exemption $2,907.00County Real Property Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Part of Another Phase or Multi Phase Yes Local Property Tax Exemption $0.00Original Project Code 4603 17 02 School Property Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Purpose Category Manufacturing Mortgage Recording Tax Exemption $0.00Total Project Amount $5,865,000.00 Total Exemptions $5,814.00

Benefited Project Amount $5,861,250.00 Total Exemptions Net of RPTL Section 485-b $0.00Bond/Note Amount Pilot payment Information

Annual Lease Payment $1.00 Actual Payment Made Payment Due Per AgreementFederal Tax Status of Bonds County PILOT $0.00 $0.00

Not For Profit No Local PILOT $0.00 $0.00Date Project approved 8/22/2019 School District PILOT $0.00 $0.00

Did IDA took Title to Property No Total PILOT $0.00 $0.00 Date IDA Took Title to Property Net Exemptions $5,814.00

Year Financial Assistance is Planned to End 2033 Project Employment InformationNotes

Location of Project # of FTEs before IDA Status 17.00Address Line1 9183 Presho School Road Original Estimate of Jobs to be Created 14.00Address Line2 Average Estimated Annual Salary of Jobs to be

Created(at Current Market rates)47,750.00

City PAINTED POST Annualized Salary Range of Jobs to be Created 30,000.00 To: 65,000.00State NY Original Estimate of Jobs to be Retained 17.00

Zip - Plus4 14870 Estimated Average Annual Salary of Jobs to beRetained(at Current Market rates)


Province/Region Current # of FTEs 18.00Country United States # of FTE Construction Jobs during Fiscal Year 0.00

Applicant Information Net Employment Change 1.00Applicant Name Manufacturing Automation Systems, LLC

Address Line1 9183 Presho School Road Project StatusAddress Line2

City PAINTED POST Current Year Is Last Year for ReportingState NY There is no Debt Outstanding for this Project

Zip - Plus4 14870 IDA Does Not Hold Title to the PropertyProvince/Region The Project Receives No Tax Exemptions

Country USA

Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

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General Project Information Project Tax Exemptions & PILOT Payment InformationProject Code 4603 17 02Project Type Lease State Sales Tax Exemption $3,669.00

Project Name Red Lilac Properties, LLC Local Sales Tax Exemption $3,669.00County Real Property Tax Exemption $2,634.00

Project Part of Another Phase or Multi Phase No Local Property Tax Exemption $2,215.00Original Project Code School Property Tax Exemption $12,666.00

Project Purpose Category Manufacturing Mortgage Recording Tax Exemption $0.00Total Project Amount $300,000.00 Total Exemptions $24,853.00

Benefited Project Amount $294,500.00 Total Exemptions Net of RPTL Section 485-b $5,500.00Bond/Note Amount Pilot payment Information

Annual Lease Payment $1.00 Actual Payment Made Payment Due Per AgreementFederal Tax Status of Bonds County PILOT $173.26 $173.26

Not For Profit No Local PILOT $159.21 $159.21Date Project approved 7/21/2016 School District PILOT $790.16 $790.16

Did IDA took Title to Property Yes Total PILOT $1,122.63 $1,122.63 Date IDA Took Title to Property 4/6/2018 Net Exemptions $23,730.37

Year Financial Assistance is Planned to End 2028 Project Employment InformationNotes

Location of Project # of FTEs before IDA Status 8.00Address Line1 1727 Glendenning Creek Road Original Estimate of Jobs to be Created 5.00Address Line2 Average Estimated Annual Salary of Jobs to be

Created(at Current Market rates)61,484.00

City LINDLEY Annualized Salary Range of Jobs to be Created 30,000.00 To: 60,000.00State NY Original Estimate of Jobs to be Retained 8.00

Zip - Plus4 14858 Estimated Average Annual Salary of Jobs to beRetained(at Current Market rates)


Province/Region Current # of FTEs 0.00Country United States # of FTE Construction Jobs during Fiscal Year 0.00

Applicant Information Net Employment Change -8.00Applicant Name Manufacturing Automation Systems, LLC

Address Line1 9183 Presho School Road Project StatusAddress Line2

City PAINTED POST Current Year Is Last Year for Reporting YesState NY There is no Debt Outstanding for this Project Yes

Zip - Plus4 14870 IDA Does Not Hold Title to the Property YesProvince/Region The Project Receives No Tax Exemptions Yes

Country USA

Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

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General Project Information Project Tax Exemptions & PILOT Payment InformationProject Code 4603 16 01Project Type Lease State Sales Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Name Riedman Purcel CH I LLC Local Sales Tax Exemption $0.00County Real Property Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Part of Another Phase or Multi Phase No Local Property Tax Exemption $0.00Original Project Code School Property Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Purpose Category Other Categories Mortgage Recording Tax Exemption $0.00Total Project Amount $6,250,000.00 Total Exemptions $0.00

Benefited Project Amount $6,240,000.00 Total Exemptions Net of RPTL Section 485-b $0.00Bond/Note Amount Pilot payment Information

Annual Lease Payment $1.00 Actual Payment Made Payment Due Per AgreementFederal Tax Status of Bonds County PILOT $0.00 $0.00

Not For Profit No Local PILOT $0.00 $0.00Date Project approved 8/25/2016 School District PILOT $0.00 $0.00

Did IDA took Title to Property Yes Total PILOT $0.00 $0.00 Date IDA Took Title to Property 9/1/2016 Net Exemptions $0.00

Year Financial Assistance is Planned to End 2029 Project Employment InformationNotes Project supports the development of Corning Community College Nursing School

Location of Project # of FTEs before IDA Status 0.00Address Line1 132 Denison Parkway Original Estimate of Jobs to be Created 0.00Address Line2 Average Estimated Annual Salary of Jobs to be

Created(at Current Market rates)0.00

City CORNING Annualized Salary Range of Jobs to be Created 0.00 To: 0.00State NY Original Estimate of Jobs to be Retained 0.00

Zip - Plus4 14830 Estimated Average Annual Salary of Jobs to beRetained(at Current Market rates)


Province/Region Current # of FTEs 0.00Country United States # of FTE Construction Jobs during Fiscal Year 0.00

Applicant Information Net Employment Change 0.00Applicant Name Riedman Purcel CH I LLC

Address Line1 45 East Avenue Project StatusAddress Line2

City ROCHESTER Current Year Is Last Year for Reporting YesState NY There is no Debt Outstanding for this Project Yes

Zip - Plus4 14604 IDA Does Not Hold Title to the Property YesProvince/Region The Project Receives No Tax Exemptions Yes

Country USA

Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

Page 65 of 73

General Project Information Project Tax Exemptions & PILOT Payment InformationProject Code 4603 18 02Project Type Lease State Sales Tax Exemption $104,473.26

Project Name Riedman-Purcell CH II, LLC Local Sales Tax Exemption $104,473.25County Real Property Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Part of Another Phase or Multi Phase Yes Local Property Tax Exemption $0.00Original Project Code 4603 16 01 School Property Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Purpose Category Other Categories Mortgage Recording Tax Exemption $0.00Total Project Amount $15,220,000.00 Total Exemptions $208,946.51

Benefited Project Amount $15,210,000.00 Total Exemptions Net of RPTL Section 485-b $0.00Bond/Note Amount Pilot payment Information

Annual Lease Payment $1.00 Actual Payment Made Payment Due Per AgreementFederal Tax Status of Bonds County PILOT $0.00 $0.00

Not For Profit No Local PILOT $0.00 $0.00Date Project approved 4/26/2018 School District PILOT $0.00 $0.00

Did IDA took Title to Property Yes Total PILOT $0.00 $0.00 Date IDA Took Title to Property 9/7/2018 Net Exemptions $208,946.51

Year Financial Assistance is Planned to End 2038 Project Employment InformationNotes

Location of Project # of FTEs before IDA Status 0.00Address Line1 176 E Dennison St. Original Estimate of Jobs to be Created 3.00Address Line2 Average Estimated Annual Salary of Jobs to be

Created(at Current Market rates)30,766.00

City CORNING Annualized Salary Range of Jobs to be Created 27,300.00 To: 40,000.00State NY Original Estimate of Jobs to be Retained 0.00

Zip - Plus4 14830 Estimated Average Annual Salary of Jobs to beRetained(at Current Market rates)


Province/Region Current # of FTEs 1.00Country United States # of FTE Construction Jobs during Fiscal Year 1.00

Applicant Information Net Employment Change 1.00Applicant Name Riedman-Purcell CH II, LLC

Address Line1 45 East Ave Project StatusAddress Line2

City ROCHESTER Current Year Is Last Year for ReportingState NY There is no Debt Outstanding for this Project

Zip - Plus4 14614 IDA Does Not Hold Title to the PropertyProvince/Region The Project Receives No Tax Exemptions

Country USA

Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

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General Project Information Project Tax Exemptions & PILOT Payment InformationProject Code 4603 02 05AProject Type Lease State Sales Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Name SWP Environmental LLC Local Sales Tax Exemption $0.00County Real Property Tax Exemption $4,130.74

Project Part of Another Phase or Multi Phase No Local Property Tax Exemption $3,235.38Original Project Code School Property Tax Exemption $9,261.20

Project Purpose Category Manufacturing Mortgage Recording Tax Exemption $0.00Total Project Amount $450,000.00 Total Exemptions $16,627.32

Benefited Project Amount $435,500.00 Total Exemptions Net of RPTL Section 485-b $0.00Bond/Note Amount Pilot payment Information

Annual Lease Payment $1.00 Actual Payment Made Payment Due Per AgreementFederal Tax Status of Bonds County PILOT $3,695.52 $3,695.52

Not For Profit No Local PILOT $2,894.49 $2,894.49Date Project approved 10/24/2002 School District PILOT $8,285.43 $8,285.43

Did IDA took Title to Property Yes Total PILOT $14,875.44 $14,875.44 Date IDA Took Title to Property 10/1/2002 Net Exemptions $1,751.88

Year Financial Assistance is Planned to End 2023 Project Employment InformationNotes Construct steel manufacturing facility with cement walls & 3 bays for manufacturing of bagging and storage of treated, pailed, bagged & water softener salts

Location of Project # of FTEs before IDA Status 2.00Address Line1 11399 State Route 21 Original Estimate of Jobs to be Created 2.00Address Line2 Average Estimated Annual Salary of Jobs to be

Created(at Current Market rates)0.00

City WAYLAND Annualized Salary Range of Jobs to be Created 29,000.00 To: 35,000.00State NY Original Estimate of Jobs to be Retained 2.00

Zip - Plus4 14572 Estimated Average Annual Salary of Jobs to beRetained(at Current Market rates)


Province/Region Current # of FTEs 0.00Country United States # of FTE Construction Jobs during Fiscal Year 0.00

Applicant Information Net Employment Change -2.00Applicant Name SWP Environmental LLC

Address Line1 11399 State Route 21 Project StatusAddress Line2

City WAYLAND Current Year Is Last Year for Reporting YesState NY There is no Debt Outstanding for this Project Yes

Zip - Plus4 14572 IDA Does Not Hold Title to the Property YesProvince/Region The Project Receives No Tax Exemptions Yes

Country USA

Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

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General Project Information Project Tax Exemptions & PILOT Payment InformationProject Code 4603 06 06AProject Type Lease State Sales Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Name T & K Realty LLC Local Sales Tax Exemption $0.00County Real Property Tax Exemption $7,071.00

Project Part of Another Phase or Multi Phase No Local Property Tax Exemption $6,692.00Original Project Code School Property Tax Exemption $32,087.00

Project Purpose Category Services Mortgage Recording Tax Exemption $0.00Total Project Amount $1,500,000.00 Total Exemptions $45,850.00

Benefited Project Amount $1,485,000.00 Total Exemptions Net of RPTL Section 485-b $0.00Bond/Note Amount Pilot payment Information

Annual Lease Payment $1.00 Actual Payment Made Payment Due Per AgreementFederal Tax Status of Bonds County PILOT $6,146.98 $6,146.98

Not For Profit No Local PILOT $5,817.47 $5,817.47Date Project approved 2/26/2006 School District PILOT $27,894.32 $27,894.32

Did IDA took Title to Property Yes Total PILOT $39,858.77 $39,858.77 Date IDA Took Title to Property 6/1/2006 Net Exemptions $5,991.23

Year Financial Assistance is Planned to End 2027 Project Employment InformationNotes Purchase property & existing vacant bldg. Renovation, rehabilitation & upgrade for use by Birnie Transporation Services as part of its school bus maintenance, repair

and related business. Location of Project # of FTEs before IDA Status 12.00

Address Line1 124 Victory Highway Original Estimate of Jobs to be Created 0.00Address Line2 Average Estimated Annual Salary of Jobs to be

Created(at Current Market rates)0.00

City PAINTED POST Annualized Salary Range of Jobs to be Created 38,000.00 To: 40,000.00State NY Original Estimate of Jobs to be Retained 12.00

Zip - Plus4 14870 Estimated Average Annual Salary of Jobs to beRetained(at Current Market rates)


Province/Region Current # of FTEs 12.00Country United States # of FTE Construction Jobs during Fiscal Year 0.00

Applicant Information Net Employment Change 0.00Applicant Name T & K Realty

Address Line1 248 Otis Street Project StatusAddress Line2

City ROME Current Year Is Last Year for ReportingState NY There is no Debt Outstanding for this Project

Zip - Plus4 13442 IDA Does Not Hold Title to the PropertyProvince/Region The Project Receives No Tax Exemptions

Country USA

Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

Page 68 of 73

General Project Information Project Tax Exemptions & PILOT Payment InformationProject Code 4603 00 08AProject Type Lease State Sales Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Name TMS Properties, LLC Local Sales Tax Exemption $0.00County Real Property Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Part of Another Phase or Multi Phase No Local Property Tax Exemption $0.00Original Project Code School Property Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Purpose Category Services Mortgage Recording Tax Exemption $0.00Total Project Amount $561,000.00 Total Exemptions $0.00

Benefited Project Amount $548,900.00 Total Exemptions Net of RPTL Section 485-b $0.00Bond/Note Amount Pilot payment Information

Annual Lease Payment $1.00 Actual Payment Made Payment Due Per AgreementFederal Tax Status of Bonds County PILOT $0.00 $0.00

Not For Profit No Local PILOT $0.00 $0.00Date Project approved 11/13/2000 School District PILOT $0.00 $0.00

Did IDA took Title to Property Yes Total PILOT $0.00 $0.00 Date IDA Took Title to Property 11/1/2000 Net Exemptions $0.00

Year Financial Assistance is Planned to End 2022 Project Employment InformationNotes Acquire, construct & equip 3,600 sf new office building & engineering facility

Location of Project # of FTEs before IDA Status 12.00Address Line1 9703 Enterprise Drice Original Estimate of Jobs to be Created 5.00Address Line2 Average Estimated Annual Salary of Jobs to be

Created(at Current Market rates)0.00

City PAINTED POST Annualized Salary Range of Jobs to be Created 43,000.00 To: 46,000.00State NY Original Estimate of Jobs to be Retained 12.00

Zip - Plus4 14870 Estimated Average Annual Salary of Jobs to beRetained(at Current Market rates)


Province/Region Current # of FTEs 0.00Country United States # of FTE Construction Jobs during Fiscal Year 0.00

Applicant Information Net Employment Change -12.00Applicant Name TMS Properties LLC

Address Line1 9703 Enterprise Drive Project StatusAddress Line2

City PAINTED POST Current Year Is Last Year for Reporting YesState NY There is no Debt Outstanding for this Project Yes

Zip - Plus4 14870 IDA Does Not Hold Title to the Property YesProvince/Region The Project Receives No Tax Exemptions Yes

Country USA

Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

Page 69 of 73

General Project Information Project Tax Exemptions & PILOT Payment InformationProject Code 4603 17 01Project Type Lease State Sales Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Name The Gunlocke Company Local Sales Tax Exemption $0.00County Real Property Tax Exemption $122,125.00

Project Part of Another Phase or Multi Phase No Local Property Tax Exemption $95,920.00Original Project Code School Property Tax Exemption $273,699.00

Project Purpose Category Manufacturing Mortgage Recording Tax Exemption $0.00Total Project Amount $2,977,170.00 Total Exemptions $491,744.00

Benefited Project Amount $2,950,170.00 Total Exemptions Net of RPTL Section 485-b $0.00Bond/Note Amount Pilot payment Information

Annual Lease Payment $1.00 Actual Payment Made Payment Due Per AgreementFederal Tax Status of Bonds County PILOT $81,034.50 $81,034.50

Not For Profit No Local PILOT $61,586.22 $61,586.22Date Project approved 3/17/2017 School District PILOT $181,517.28 $181,517.28

Did IDA took Title to Property Yes Total PILOT $324,138.00 $324,138.00 Date IDA Took Title to Property 6/5/2017 Net Exemptions $167,606.00

Year Financial Assistance is Planned to End 2028 Project Employment InformationNotes This is a restructure of an existing benefit to support the creation of 150 new jobs at the company.

Location of Project # of FTEs before IDA Status 601.00Address Line1 One Gunlocke Drive Original Estimate of Jobs to be Created 150.00Address Line2 Average Estimated Annual Salary of Jobs to be

Created(at Current Market rates)50,400.00

City WAYLAND Annualized Salary Range of Jobs to be Created 40,400.00 To: 60,400.00State NY Original Estimate of Jobs to be Retained 601.00

Zip - Plus4 14572 Estimated Average Annual Salary of Jobs to beRetained(at Current Market rates)


Province/Region Current # of FTEs 340.00Country United States # of FTE Construction Jobs during Fiscal Year 0.00

Applicant Information Net Employment Change -261.00Applicant Name The Gunlocke Company

Address Line1 One Gunlocke Drive Project StatusAddress Line2

City WAYLAND Current Year Is Last Year for ReportingState NY There is no Debt Outstanding for this Project

Zip - Plus4 14572 IDA Does Not Hold Title to the PropertyProvince/Region The Project Receives No Tax Exemptions

Country USA

Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

Page 70 of 73

General Project Information Project Tax Exemptions & PILOT Payment InformationProject Code 4603 17 03Project Type Lease State Sales Tax Exemption $19,683.87

Project Name UNC Real Estate I, LLC Local Sales Tax Exemption $19,683.87County Real Property Tax Exemption $60,450.00

Project Part of Another Phase or Multi Phase No Local Property Tax Exemption $28,205.00Original Project Code School Property Tax Exemption $123,025.00

Project Purpose Category Manufacturing Mortgage Recording Tax Exemption $0.00Total Project Amount $10,200,000.00 Total Exemptions $251,047.74

Benefited Project Amount $10,168,000.00 Total Exemptions Net of RPTL Section 485-b $84,138.00Bond/Note Amount Pilot payment Information

Annual Lease Payment $1.00 Actual Payment Made Payment Due Per AgreementFederal Tax Status of Bonds County PILOT $6,293.58 $6,293.58

Not For Profit No Local PILOT $2,821.26 $2,821.26Date Project approved 7/28/2017 School District PILOT $12,587.16 $12,587.16

Did IDA took Title to Property Yes Total PILOT $21,702.00 $21,702.00 Date IDA Took Title to Property 8/11/2017 Net Exemptions $229,345.74

Year Financial Assistance is Planned to End 2030 Project Employment InformationNotes

Location of Project # of FTEs before IDA Status 0.00Address Line1 8600 Main Street Original Estimate of Jobs to be Created 150.00Address Line2 Average Estimated Annual Salary of Jobs to be

Created(at Current Market rates)47,700.00

City CAMPBELL Annualized Salary Range of Jobs to be Created 45,000.00 To: 50,000.00State NY Original Estimate of Jobs to be Retained 0.00

Zip - Plus4 14821 Estimated Average Annual Salary of Jobs to beRetained(at Current Market rates)


Province/Region Current # of FTEs 186.00Country United States # of FTE Construction Jobs during Fiscal Year 0.00

Applicant Information Net Employment Change 186.00Applicant Name Upstate Niagara Cooperative, Inc.

Address Line1 25 Anderson Road Project StatusAddress Line2

City CHEEKTOWAGA Current Year Is Last Year for ReportingState NY There is no Debt Outstanding for this Project

Zip - Plus4 14225 IDA Does Not Hold Title to the PropertyProvince/Region The Project Receives No Tax Exemptions

Country USA

Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

Page 71 of 73

General Project Information Project Tax Exemptions & PILOT Payment InformationProject Code 4603 09 01AProject Type Lease State Sales Tax Exemption $0.00

Project Name Wyckoff Gas Storage Company, L.L.C. Local Sales Tax Exemption $0.00County Real Property Tax Exemption $167,670.00

Project Part of Another Phase or Multi Phase No Local Property Tax Exemption $241,711.00Original Project Code School Property Tax Exemption $448,256.00

Project Purpose Category Transportation, Communication, Electric, Gas and Sanitary Services

Mortgage Recording Tax Exemption $0.00

Total Project Amount $50,000,000.00 Total Exemptions $857,637.00Benefited Project Amount $49,985,500.00 Total Exemptions Net of RPTL Section 485-b $0.00

Bond/Note Amount Pilot payment InformationAnnual Lease Payment $1.00 Actual Payment Made Payment Due Per Agreement

Federal Tax Status of Bonds County PILOT $41,235.80 $41,235.80Not For Profit No Local PILOT $57,730.12 $57,730.12

Date Project approved 6/22/2006 School District PILOT $107,213.08 $107,213.08Did IDA took Title to Property Yes Total PILOT $206,179.00 $206,179.00

Date IDA Took Title to Property 2/1/2009 Net Exemptions $651,458.00Year Financial Assistance is Planned to End 2029 Project Employment Information

Notes Location of Project # of FTEs before IDA Status 0.00

Address Line1 Timmerman Road Original Estimate of Jobs to be Created 6.00Address Line2 Average Estimated Annual Salary of Jobs to be

Created(at Current Market rates)50,000.00

City JASPER Annualized Salary Range of Jobs to be Created 50,000.00 To: 55,000.00State NY Original Estimate of Jobs to be Retained 0.00

Zip - Plus4 14855 Estimated Average Annual Salary of Jobs to beRetained(at Current Market rates)


Province/Region Current # of FTEs 5.00Country United States # of FTE Construction Jobs during Fiscal Year 0.00

Applicant Information Net Employment Change 5.00Applicant Name Wyckoff Gas Storage Company L.L.C.

Address Line1 6733 S. Yale Avenue Project StatusAddress Line2

City TULSA Current Year Is Last Year for ReportingState OK There is no Debt Outstanding for this Project

Zip - Plus4 74136 IDA Does Not Hold Title to the PropertyProvince/Region The Project Receives No Tax Exemptions

Country USA

Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

Page 72 of 73

IDA Projects Summary Information:

Total Number of Projects Total Exemptions Total PILOT Paid Net Exemptions Net Employment Change

54 $22,295,917.85 $8,879,610.87 $13,416,306.98 2154

Annual Report for Steuben County Industrial Development Agency Run Date: 03/27/2020

Fiscal Year Ending: 12/31/2019Status: CERTIFIEDCertified Date: 03/27/2020

Page 73 of 73

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