annual report of hurec nepal...

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Annual Report of HUREC Nepal-2014

Human Rights and Rural Environment Protection Center (HUREC Nepal)

Birendranagar-13, Surkhet

Phone/Fax 00977-083-525572, 9858052572





January 2015

Annual Report of HUREC Nepal-2014


The Annual Report of HUREC Nepal-2014 is prepared under the consideration of all the activities that

have been accomplished in the year of 2014 considering thematic areas such as Human Rights, Social Inclusion, Peace and Harmony and Youth Empowerment.

HUREC Nepal would like to express its sincere gratitude to all its well-wishers, general and executive

members, staffs, volunteers, development partners, supporters, beneficiaries and all the persons wishing for its entire progress.

In the mean time, this report is prepared under the joint cooperation of all the HUREC members, staffs, partners and supporters who wished to see the constellation of activities that HUREC carried out especially during the year 2014. Hence, HUREC Nepal would like to express its heartfelt thanks to all

who have contributed their efforts in order to make this report publishable. January 2015

Annual Report of HUREC Nepal-2014

Message from Chairperson

First of all, I would like to express my pleasure on the publication of annual report encompassing

activities, achievements, challenges and learning within a year by Human Rights and Rural

Environment Protection Center (HUREC Nepal). I hope this process goes better in the coming days.

Due to long time contribution in the field of human rights, we are fascinated towards the realm of

human rights, social justice and peace. Though there are so many organizations working in the field of

human rights in Nepal, HUREC Nepal is a pioneer in the Mid-western Region and worth doing it.

HUREC Nepal also works on youth related issues to promote social harmony and peace. As a decade

long armed conflict took place in the region, HUREC Nepal contributed to play the role of mediator

between conflict groups and community people mobilizing youths, social entrepreneurs and other

change agent to establish peace, harmony and brotherhood at local level. HUREC Nepal is an

innovative youth-led organization objectively focusing to protect, promote and ensure all human rights

for all and particularly advocates on the economic rights of youth, which helps youth in engaging some

transformative works rather than filled with frustration and make some bad things happened.

In its beginning years, HUREC Nepal conducted several programs for the protection and promotion of

human rights, peace and democracy. It also conducted programs and trainings on alleviating domestic

violence, lessening sexual violence and abuse of children and adult education. With the view to

empower youth through dialogue and discussion, HUREC Nepal has conducted more discussion and

interaction on contemporary global issues. On the other hand, it has organized various training

programs in order to develop capacity and empower youth through entrepreneurship. In a very short

span of time of its establishment, HUREC Nepal has become popular among youth and community,

which can be regarded as great achievement.

Finally, I would like to thank all those who have actively participated and supported all programs conducted by the organization. I am indebted to Ministry of Youth and Sports, Nepal, District Development Committee, District Education Office, and Village Development Committees of Surkhet and Dailekh for effective coordination, technical and financial assistance to mainstream unreached groups of people i.e. youths, women, other subalterns. I am very grateful to all general members, Executive Committee members and staffs of HUREC Nepal for their valuable efforts, supports and contribution to lead the organization in today’s position. I am hopeful that HUREC Nepal will be receiving supports from all sectors and it will be contributing for protection and promotion of human rights and democracy through youth initiation and collaboration with civil society.

Thank you.

Ganesh Oli


Annual Report of HUREC Nepal-2014


AD: Anno Domini

AYON: Association of Youth Organization Nepal

BS: Bikram Samvat

CBO: Community Based Organization

CMDRR: Community Managed Disaster Risk Reduction

DAO: District Administration Office

DDC: District Development Committee

DEO: District Education Office

DPO: District Police Office

EC: Executive Committee

GA: General Assembly

HRTMCC: Human Rights Treaty Monitoring Coordination Committee

HUREC: Human Rights and Rural Environment Protection Center

IRD: Inland Revenue Department

MoYS: Ministry of Youth and Sports

NGO: Non-Governmental Organization

SAFE: Social Awareness for Empowerment

SWC: Social Welfare Council

VDC: Village Development Committee

Annual Report of HUREC Nepal-2014

Table of Content

Acknowledgement ............................................................................................................................................ 2

Message from Chairperson ................................................................................................................................ 3

Acronyms .......................................................................................................................................................... 4

Table of Content ................................................................................................................................................ 5

CHAPTER ONE: Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 6

1.1 Background of the Organization ............................................................................................................... 6

1.2 Vision ....................................................................................................................................................... 6

1.3 Mission .................................................................................................................................................... 6

1.4 Objectives ................................................................................................................................................ 6

1.5 Thematic Areas ........................................................................................................................................ 7

1.6 Working principles ................................................................................................................................... 7

1.7 Affiliation ................................................................................................................................................. 7

1.8 Formed Policies of the Organization ......................................................................................................... 7

1.9 Organizational Structure .......................................................................................................................... 8

CHAPTER TWO: Completed Activities ............................................................................................................. 9

2.1 Awareness Training for Youth on Human Trafficking. ............................................................................... 9

2.2 Public Hearing Program: .......................................................................................................................... 9

2.3 Workshop on Role of Youth in Promoting Social Harmony: .................................................................... 10

2.4 Awareness Program on Climate Change: ................................................................................................ 10

2.5 Program on adult education: ................................................................................................................. 10

2.6 Social Awareness for Empowerment (SAFE) Training: ............................................................................. 11

2.7 Radio Program (Hami Yuba) on Youth and Human Rights: ...................................................................... 11

2.8 Training on Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse:........................................................................................ 11

2.9 Awareness Training on Domestic Violence: ............................................................................................ 11

2.10 Days Celebration .................................................................................................................................. 12

CHAPTER THREE: Conclusion ........................................................................................................................... 13

Challenges ................................................................................................................................................... 13

Opportunities .............................................................................................................................................. 13

Lesson learned ............................................................................................................................................ 13

Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................... 13

Annexes .......................................................................................................................................................... 14

Annual Report of HUREC Nepal-2014

CHAPTER ONE: Introduction

1.1 Background of the Organization

Human Rights and Rural Environment Protection Center (HUREC Nepal) is a pioneer ‘youth led and

for youth’ not for profit and a non-governmental organization admire for passionate commitment

addressing urgent social problems through inventive approaches. The field of human rights is under a

serious threat due to human rights violation and absence of rule of law. In the context of Nepal the

burning challenges are to eliminate social discrimination, child labor, untouchability, different youth

issues and human trafficking.

Environmental degradation due to pollution and deforestation are major challenges. HUREC-Nepal

was established in 2006 AD at Ratu VDC of Surkhet as a Community Based Organization (CBO),

which was officially registered in District Administration office Surkhet and Social Welfare Council

Kathmandu Nepal in 2009 AD as a Non- Governmental Organization.

The four working issues are: Human Rights and Social Justice, Peace and Social Harmony,

Democracy, Environment Conservation. The organization promotes volunteerism that is essential to

enhance youth engagement in community development; partnership for sustainable development; duty

culture for the development of professionalism; and finally, Youth participation for the holistic

development as more than 40% of the national population comprises youth.

Moreover, the organization also participates in policy advocacy on contemporary social issues, which

are largely linked with the daily lives of youth. The direct actors of this organization are the youths

aged between 16 to 40 years indicate the national youth policy 2066. The intensity of expansion of

HUREC has been broad in the present context because, HUREC is able to establish two district

offices: Surkhet and Dailekh. The existing Executive Committee (elected every three years of its

tenure), 50 general members, almost 5 staffs and more than 10 regular volunteers are the base of

HUREC's progress. The success of the programs implemented by HUREC has demonstrated increased

demand for further programs to address social cross-cutting issues in more spatial units.

1.2 Vision

To make sustainable, healthy and prosperous life through the conservation of rural resources,

environment and protection of human rights.

1.3 Mission

Engage and empower youths in nation building process by making them responsible at all levels to

contribute to conserve and preserve environment, to protect and promote human rights, social

harmony and peace.

1.4 Objectives

To spread human right education so that the public can raise voices against the absence of law,

injustice and violation of human rights.

To make the citizens responsible for the conservation of the forests and heritages by organizing

awareness program.

To organize discussions and interaction programs and advocacy to stand against existing

inequality, racial and sexual discrimination, untouchability and so on.

Annual Report of HUREC Nepal-2014

To reduce poverty in the rural areas by introducing modern tools and techniques in agriculture

and entrepreneurship.

To make youths alert against various social evils and drug addiction.

1.5 Thematic Areas

Youth mobilization for promoting social harmony and peace

Human Rights and Social Justice


Climate Change


1.6 Working principles



Youth Participation

1.7 Affiliation

District Administration Office, Surkhet

Social Welfare Council (SWC), Nepal

Inland Revenue Department (IRD), Nepal

NGO Federation of Nepal

Association of Youth Organization Nepal (AYON)

Human Rights Treaty Monitoring Coordination Committee (HRTMCC), Nepal

Community Managed Disaster Risk Reduction (CMDRR Forum), Nepal

Narcotic Drug Control Office, Ministry of Home Affairs, Nepal

Human Rights Alliance, Nepal

1.8 Formed Policies of the Organization

Child Protection Policy 2069 BS (3, June 2012)

Gender and Social Inclusion Policy 2069 (3, June 2012)

Human Resource Management and Employment Policy 2069 (3, June 2012)

Financial and Administration Policy 2069 (3, June 2012)

Information and Communication Policy 2069 (3, June 2012)

Annual Report of HUREC Nepal-2014

1.9 Organizational Structure

Human Rights and Rural Environment Protection Center (HUREC Nepal)

General Assembly

Executive Committee


Executive Director

Administration and

Finance Section

Research and

Development Section

-Project Coordinators


- Staffs

Community/User Groups/Beneficiaries

Advisory Board

HUREC Nepal is a youth led organization and works for youth in Mid-western region. The

Executive Committee (EC) consists of youths aged 16-29 years. General Assembly (GA) takes

place every year. Members of EC and Advisory Board are elected by GA in every three year. GA

is the supreme body of the organization and it passes the policies as per required based on the

governing law of the organization.

Annual Report of HUREC Nepal-2014

CHAPTER TWO: Completed Activities

2.1 Awareness Training for Youth on Human Trafficking.

HUREC Nepal organized three episodes of training for youths on human trafficking in Surkhet and

Dailekh districts. Two episodes of training

were conducted in Surkhet on 20-22 and on

26-28 April 2014. One episode of training

on human trafficking was conducted in

Dailekh on 4-6 May 2014. The main motto

of the training was to aware youths

regarding human trafficking and its impact

in their communities. Many young girls

from Surkhet and Dailekh districts have

been sold in nearby Indian cities as sexual

worker. 133 youths were directly benefitted

from three trainings and spread messages

in their communities.


To aware youths regarding human trafficking and its impact on communities.

To make youths sensitive as well as responsive on this issue.

Outcomes: Participants of the training were found committed in ceasing human trafficking in their

respective districts.

They helped in relaying massages against human trafficking throughout their communities.

According to District Police Office, Surkhet the cases of human trafficking in the district have

been reported less than the previous years.

2.2 Public Hearing Program:

HUREC Nepal jointly organized a Public Hearing program with Ratu Village Development Committee

(VDC) on 2nd

August 2014. Local level

leaders of political parties, VDC office staffs,

and public officials from other offices,

Teachers, Journalists and community

members attended the program. All total 73

participants took part in the program. VDC

Secretary Mr. Tilak Ram Acharya tried to satisfy audiences by addressing questions

from them. Local people expressed their

concerns regarding public services delivery

with authorities.

Objective: The main objective of the public hearing program was to sensitize local people with

information regarding public services the government has been delivering.

Outcomes: Government offices have started disseminating public information regularly in Ratu VDC

following the public hearing program.

Annual Report of HUREC Nepal-2014

The program helped in sensitizing local people about public services as they were unknown

about them before.

2.3 Workshop on Role of Youth in Promoting Social Harmony:

The workshop on role of youth in promoting social harmony was conducted by HUREC Nepal on June

4, 2014 in Surkhet. 27 youths took part in the program and helped in designing strategies of youth

engagement. The program was funded by Ministry of Youth and Sports, Nepal.

Objective: The main objective of the one day workshop was to design strategies of youth engagement to

promote social harmony and peace in communities.


The program helped in building strategies of youth engagement and that are employed by

various youth related organizations in the district.

The program also helped in building leadership skills of youths.

2.4 Awareness Program on Climate Change:

One day awareness program on climate change has been organized in Surkhet and Dailekh districts on

29 June 2014 and 8 July 2014

respectively. The program was

accompanied with various activities i.e.

miking, tree plantation and interaction on

climate change adaptation. 37

participants in Surkhet and 44

participants in Dailekh took active part in

order to make the program a grand


Objective: The program aimed at sensitizing local people about climate change and its impact in daily



Local people learnt how to adopt climate change in their respective environment and ecology

after attending the program.

2.5 Program on adult education:

HUREC Nepal in coordination with District Education Office, Surkhet conducted the Adult Education

program in Satakhani VDC from 1st February to 30

th May 2014. For this purpose 45 classes have been

conducted and 1,050 adults were benefitted directly from the organization.

Objective: The main objective of the program was to provide literacy class to the adults of Satakhani VDC

of Surkhet.


1,050 adults have learnt basic reading and writing and that helped government in declaring Absolute Literate Area.

Annual Report of HUREC Nepal-2014

2.6 Social Awareness for Empowerment (SAFE) Training:

SAFE training was conducted by HUREC Nepal particularly for children in order to minimize sexual

abuse and child rights violations.

The program was financed by

District Development Committee

and aimed at disseminating

knowledge and encourage

children in activism against child

labor and human trafficking in

Surkhet. Two day SAFE training

was organized in Ratu and

Latikoili VDCs of Surkhet on

29-30 September 2014 where 31

children took active part and

later formed child clubs in their

respective VDCs.

Objective: The main objective of SAFE training was to unite children and mobilize them against all kinds

of inhumane treatments such as child labor, sexual abuse, trafficking, and exploitation.


Participants of SAFE training have been able to unite children as child clubs in their respective VDCs

and started campaigns against all kinds of abuse of children.

2.7 Radio Program (Hami Yuba) on Youth and Human Rights:

HUREC Nepal in coordination with Ministry of Youth and Sports and District Development

Committee, Surkhet produced and broadcasted a radio program named Hami Yuba meaning We Youth

via four different FM radio stations in Surkhet. The program continued three months from 30th

February 2014. Issues of youths in the Mid-western region and plight of human rights were discussed

in the program. The coverage of the radio program was seven districts (Surkhet, Dailekh, Banke,

Bardiya, Dang, Jajarkot and Salyan) of the region. Resides of those districts were benefitted directly

from the program as radio program contained informative messages pertinent to youths.

2.8 Training on Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse:

The training on prevention of child sexual abuse was a joint effort of District Development Committee

and HUREC Nepal. The training aimed at alleviating child sexual abuse in Surkhet district as it has

been reported high according to the record of District Police Office in the year of 2013. The training

held on 1-3 July 2014 and 32 community members including journalists and teachers had been


2.9 Awareness Training on Domestic Violence:

Training on minimizing domestic violence was organized jointly with District Development

Committee, Surkhet and HUREC Nepal on 20-22nd

of June 2014. The training aimed at aware

community people regarding domestic violence and its impact on communities. 27 participants took

part in the training and made their strong commitment over stopping domestic violence in the days to


Annual Report of HUREC Nepal-2014

2.10 Days Celebration

HUREC Nepal has been regularly organizing programs to celebrate international days. Particularly it

celebrates International Youth Day on 12th

August, International Day of Peace on 21st September,

World Environment Day on 5th

of June and Universal Children’s Day on 20th

November each year.

The organization celebrates days in coordination with other relevant governmental and non-

governmental organizations at local level. The day celebration programs have been effective in

sensitizing local people with the global issues and perspectives.

Annual Report of HUREC Nepal-2014



HUREC Nepal faced so many challenges during designing and implementing projects in the field.

Mid-western region is prone to conflict as unemployment, poverty and structural violence is rampant.

The literacy rate as well as other human development index rates are less in the region compared those

to others. Consumption of alcohol is high and most of the youths are engaged in it. Geographic

constraints are also some challenges for the organizations in order to achieve targets in some activities.


HUREC Nepal is seeking opportunities in the above mentioned challenges. As we all know the region

is less developed and suffered from armed conflict we have ample opportunities to work with different

partners in different issues of youth, human rights and education in order to engage youth and mobilize

them in nation building process.

Lesson learned

HUREC Nepal has realized that unless and until youths of nations are empowered and mobilized the

process of nation building halts. Youths need to be engaged in income generating activities via

developing entrepreneurship and promoting social harmony making them responsible member of a



The effort to produce this report is praiseworthy and will continue in the days to come. As HUREC

Nepal is a pioneer and young organization in the field of human rights, youth mobilization, social

harmony and peace it possesses passion to do things innovatively and productively in the region. This

report has tried to depict a small picture of the activities of HUREC Nepal in the year of 2014 and this

will not be the end of course.

Annual Report of HUREC Nepal-2014


Annex 1: Photograph of different activities of HUREC Nepal :

Participants of awareness training of domestic violence supported by DDC surkhet

and organized by HUREC Nepal in Surkhet district.

Participants of rally of International youth day august 12 2014 organized by HUREC


Annual Report of HUREC Nepal-2014

Street drama showed by local youth club in Badi Community in Sukrhet .

Participants of two days awareness training on domestic violence supported

by DDC and VDCs and Organized by HUREC Nepal in Ratu VDC Surkeht.

Annual Report of HUREC Nepal-2014

Annex 2: Media clippings (Links images) published by Different media:

Kankrebihar daily and Lokemanch daily, local news paper of surkhet has published

data about human trafficking in Surkhet. The data is presented by HUREC Nepal

Local paper Hamro Akhaber published the news about adult education class in

Satakhani VDC conducted by HUREC Nepal.

Annual Report of HUREC Nepal-2014

Local paper Surkhet Pahichan Surkhet published the news of SAFE training in Latikili and Jarbuta

VDC Supported by Ministry of Youth and Sport and Organized by HUREC Nepal.

Rally jointly organized by FNJ Surkhet and HUREC Nepal on the occasion of 22nd


day of the Federation of Nepalese Journalist (FNJ), Sukrhet Branch.

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