annunciation of the lord catholic church ...2019/06/02  · annunciation of the lord catholic church...

Post on 13-Aug-2020






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3910 Spring Avenue SW, Decatur, AL 35603 Main: 256-353-2667 Fax: 256-353-8994 Emergency: 256-306-9811

Web: E-mail:



MASS SCHEDULE / HORARIO DE MISAS English Bilingual Spanish Confessions/Confesiones Saturday/Sábado: 5:00 PM 7:00 PM 4:00-4:45 PM 6:00-6:45 PM

Sunday/Domingo: 7:30 AM 8:30 AM

11:30 AM 1:30 PM 10:30-11:15 AM 12:30-1:15 PM

Monday/Lunes: 7:00 PM 6:00-6:45 PM

Tuesday/Martes: 7:30 AM 12:00 PM 11:00-11:45 AM

Wednesday/Miércoles: 7:30 AM 7:00 PM 6:00-6:45 PM 8:00-9:00 PM

Thursday/Jueves: 12:00 PM 11:00-11:45 AM

Friday/Viernes: 9:00 AM 12:00 PM* 11:00-11:45 AM

*No noon mass on 1st Fridays/*Los primeros viernes no hay misa a la 12:00 PM

Special Masses/Misas especiales (bilingual)

First Friday/Primer Viernes: 7:00 PM & midnight/medianoche Alliance of the Two Hearts Devotion

Alianza de la Devoción de los Dos Corazones

First Saturday/Primer Sábado: 8:00 AM

For those in need of food or financial help Society of St. Vincent de Paul answers calls to 256-479-8250 on Wednesdays from 10 am to 12 noon. Emergency Food Pantry Thursdays from 10 - 11 AM

Annunciation of the Lord Parish Office 256-353-2667


Contact a priest or deacon for baptismal preparation then call the

Church Office to set a date for the baptism of your child.

MARRIAGE Arrangements must be made 6 months in

advance. Call Parish Office.

RECONCILIATION See hours on front of bulletin.


To schedule, please call the Parish Office including

if a family member is in the hospital.


Please contact the Parish Office before making

funeral home arrangements.


Sundays, 9:45 - 11:00 AM September - May

Father Charles Merrill, Pastor; x 120 Office Hours Tuesdays & Thursdays 2:00-6:00 PM

Father Wyman Vintson, Associate Pastor; x 131 Office Hours Mondays & Wednesdays 2:00-6:00 PM

Javier Ramirez, Deacon 256-345-1721

Patrick Lappert, Deacon 256-351-7061

Bob Catanach, Deacon 256-604-6865

Lou Sciaroni, Deacon 256-355-3363

Patrice Lappert, DRE x 108 r eligion@saintanndecatur .org

Alma Uriostegui, Coordinator of Hispanic Ministry x 107

Anne Palmer, Secretary x 101 par

Nancy Carlisle, Financial Manager x 121

Annette Monahan, Financial Ass’t

Jan Gile, Operations Coordinator x 103

Arvel Childers, Facilities Manager x 109

Debbie Bailie, Music Director 256-353-9603

Donna Akers, Organist 256-654-7737

Kris Staudt, Wedding Coordinator 256-509-1442

Parish Office open: M—Th: 8:00 AM—4:30 PM Friday: 8:00 AM—noon


(256) 536-0073

Catholic Family Services offers quality Individual, Marriage, and Family Therapy to all ages and all faiths in a Christian setting. Sliding scale, affordable rates without insurance filing. Free pregnancy counseling. Licensed, Catholic therapists with 30 years’ experience. Please pray for the repose of the souls of all the

faithful departed. May they rest in peace.


Monday: Acts 19:1-8 Jn 16:29-33

Tuesday: Acts 20:17-27 Jn 17:1-11a

Wednesday: Acts 20:28-38 Jn 17:11b-19

Thursday: Acts 22:30; 23:6-11 Jn 17:20-26

Friday: Acts 25:13b-21 Jn 21:15-19

Saturday: Acts 28:16-20;, 30-31 Jn 21:20-25

Sunday: Acts 2:1-11 1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13

Jn 20:19-23

Additions to our Prayer List Ian Pagani

The online bulletin has the complete list.

Sanctuary Jun 6-12 Elaine Crowe & Jann Thomas

Altar Linens June Judy Irish

Hospital June 1-3 Bill Green

June 4-6 John Kilgro

June 7-9 Jane Pintar

6/8/2019 5:00 PM

Read: L1 Rosie Catanach L2 Sub Needed

EM H3 Fr. Merrill/Wyman H2 Deacon Bob Catanach

C1 Teresa Edwards C4 Jim Tipler

C3 Terrie Tipler C6 Anne Werling

HM 1 TJ Finley 2 Tom DiGiulian

3 Sub Needed 4 Sub Needed

AS ϯ Aidan Densmore

A1 Sub Needed A2 Peyton Saxton

Sac S Richard Vernetti

Music Margarita de Quesada Larry L., Debbie B.

6/9/2019 7:30 AM

Read: L1 Maureen Redler L2 Marilyn Henningsen

EM H3 Fr. Merrill/Wyman H2 Deacon Lou Sciaroni

C1 Marjorie Cosper C4 Charles Urban

C3 Sub Needed C6 Don Hutchings

HM 1 Charles Urban 2 Arvel Childers

3 Sub Needed 4 Sub Needed

AS ϯ Jimmy Schomburg

A1 Liam Smith A2 Sub Needed

Sac S Kim Sciaroni

6/9/2019 11:30 AM

Read L1 Dan Doud L2 Sub Needed

EM H3 Fr. Merrill/Wyman H2 Deacon Lappert

C1 Sub Needed C4 Liz Doud

C3 Dale Borths C6 Maura Trainor

HM 1 Gene Basham 2 Angelica Espitia

3 Sub Needed 4 Sub Needed

AS ϯ Yaretzi Ramirez

A1 Joey Fortune A2 Jorge Ramirez

Sac S Angelica Espitia

Music Formal Chior

Información para la Parroquia

Ministerios Grupo de Oración viernes: 7:00 - 9:00 pm (iglesia) Infórmese con Benito Jiménez (256) 345-5563 Francisco Pascual Ramírez (256) 227-5937 Misioneros Guadalupanos miércoles: 7:00 - 9:00 pm (guardería) Infórmese con José Orta (256) 822-2545 Grupo de Jóvenes viernes: 7:00 – 9:00 pm (cafetería) Infórmese con Félix Avilés (256) 227-9567

o Pedro Silverio Pedro Juan (256) 945-2414

Ultreya Parroquial: viernes 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm infórmese con; Luis Romero (256) 227-9148 Francisca Saavedra (256) 345-0118 Escuela de Dirigentes cuarto sábado de cada mes, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Próxima reunión: 22 de junio Infórmese con Luis Romero (256) 227-9148 Francisca Saavedra (256) 345-0118

Horas de oficina Padre Carlos martes y jueves: 2:00 - 6:00 pm Padre Wyman lunes y miércoles 2:00 - 6:00 pm

Servicios/Consejería Para Familias Católicas 1010 Church Street, Huntsville Tel. 256-665-8788 Doctora Isabel Oliveras

Pláticas Pre- Bautismales El cuarto domingo de cada mes. Excepto el mes de Noviembre y Diciembre La próxima platica Bautismal será junio 23.

Requisitos: Ser puntuales Asistir padres y padrinos

Traer copia del Certificado de Nacimiento del niño(a)

Para ser Padrinos Tienen que haber recibido los sacramentos de bautismo, confirmación y primera comunión. Y si son pareja deben estar casados por la Iglesia Católica, papás y padrinos deben venir a Misa los domingos.

En caso de Emergencia Llame a la Oficina Parroquial (256) 353-2667 ext 131

Próximos Eventos

Habrá misa en español en la Resurrection Chapel en Moulton (Hillsboro), domingo, el 9 de junio, a la 1:30 de la tarde. Dirección: 4826 County Road 217, Decatur, AL 35601. Website:



En preparación para el Congreso Eucarístico, ofreceremos sesione para discutir Llamado, Formado, Enviado el jueves, 6 de junio, 6- 9 PM, en la escuela.

Una nueva forma de evangelización

Un taller que te transformara y te devolverá la paz y la alegría de vivir

Inician: Hora: 6/13/2019 6:00-8:00 PM

Decatur Alabama Iglesia Catolica De La Anunciación Del Señor

3910 Spring Avenue SW, Decatur AL 35603 (En el Salón C)

Para mayor información Rogelio Arriaga & María Arriaga

256-682-8608 256-583-6202

15 sesíones que cambíarán tu Vida

La escuela de Santa Ana desea invitar a todas nuestras familias a unirse a nosotros el próximo domingo, 9 de junio, después de la misa en la cafetería, ya que tenemos un foro de información abierto que discute lo que St. Ana tiene para ofrecer a nuestros hijos y a la parroquia. Por favor, venga y aprenda cómo puede fortalecer la fe católica de sus hijos inscribiéndolos en una escuela donde se esforzarán espiritual y académicamente y aprenderán a profundizar su comunión con Cristo. Toda la familia es bienvenida a asistir. Comida y bebida serán


Calendar of Events

Sunday June 2, 2019 7:30 am Mass Bud Hollman (RIP) Lynn Strohm 8:30 am Misa 9:45 am RCIA (Emmaus Room) 10:30 am Confessions 11:30 am Mass The Parish (SI) 12:30 pm Confessions 1:30 pm Misa 3:00 pm Cub Scout Meeting (Cafeteria) 4:00 pm Rosary

Monday June 3, 2019 Noon Adoration begins 5:30 pm MCA (Room A) 6:00 pm Taller de Oración (Room C) 6:00 pm Confessions 7:00 pm Mass Betty Rocha (RIP) Deacon Bob & Becky Laremore 7:00 pm Scout Meeting (Cafeteria) 8:00 pm Neocatechumenate Catechesis (Emmaus Room) Tuesday June 4, 2019 7:30 am Mass Richard Lyons (RIP) Betty Goettler 11:00 am Confessions Noon Misa 6:45 pm Formal Choir Practice (Church) 7:00 pm Hispanic Bible Class (Room A) Wednesday June 5, 2019 7:30 am Mass Diane Hammons (RIP) John & Cassandra Poole 2:00 pm Adoration moves to Church 4:30 pm SVdP (Fatima Room) 6:00 pm Confessions 7:00 pm Memorial Mass 7:00 pm Misioneros Guadalupanos (Fatima Room) 7:00 pm Neocatechumenal Liturgy of the Word (Emmaus Room) Thursday June 6, 2019 10:00 am SVdP Food Pantry (Main Hall) 11:00 am Confessions Noon Mass 1:00 pm OLG (Youth Room) 6:00 pm Llamados, Formados, Enviados (escuela) 8:00 pm Neocatechumenate Catechesis (Emmaus Room) Friday June 7, 2019 9:00 am Mass George Joseph (RIP) Shirley Reid 7:00 pm Devotion of 2 Hearts Cursillo Ultreyas (Youth Room) Saturday June 8, 2019 7:00 am St. Joseph’s Men’s Group (Chapel & Youth Room) 4:00 pm Confessions 5:00 pm Mass Joyce Ceci (RIP) Steve & Joan Sowell 6:00 pm Neocatechumenate (Emmaus Room) 6:00 pm Confessions 7:00 pm Misa

Sunday June 9, 2019 Pentecost 7:30 am Mass The Parish (SI) 8:30 am Misa Fr. Edward Markley O.S.B. (RIP) 8:30 am Called, Formed, Sent Session 2 (Youth Room) 9:30 am St. Ann School presentation en español (cafeteria) 10:30 am Confessions 11:30 am Mass Betty Sellars (RIP) Jon & Lisa Spurlock 12:30 pm St. Ann School presentation en español (cafeteria) 12:30 pm Confessions 1:30 pm Misa 2:30 pm St. Ann School presentation en español (cafeteria) 4:00 pm Rosary

?? Mass Confusion ??

The Tabernacle of His Presence

Tabernacle derives from the Latin word for tent. At the time of the exodus God chose to dwell in the midst of his pilgrim people in a tent. “The glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle” (Exodus 40:34). Saint John describes the incarnation of the Word as the pitching of his tent among us (cf. John 1:14). With time, the word tabernacle came to designate the locked cupboard or receptacle wherein the Blessed Sacrament is reserved for the communion of the dying, the sick, and those unable to be present at Mass.

The saints through the ages have experienced the presence of Christ in the tabernacle as “a kind of magnetic pole” (John Paul II, Mane nobiscum, Domine, art. 18). Moved by the Holy Spirit, Catholics are drawn to the tabernacle as Moses was drawn to the “tent of meeting” (cf. Exodus 33:7-10). There the Lord spoke to him “face to face, as a man speaks to his friend” (Exodus 33:11).

The tabernacle may be located either in the sanctuary or in another part of the church that is “truly noble, prominent, readily visible, beautifully decorated, and suitable for prayer” (GIRM, art. 314). A special lamp, burning oil or wax, remains lighted at all times to signify Christ’s Eucharistic presence.

Archdiocese of Philadelphia

There will be a Mass in Spanish at Resurrection Chapel in Moulton (Hillsboro) on Sunday, June 9th, at 1:30 PM. Address: 4826 County Road 217, Decatur, AL 35601. Website:

“We do not tell or impose our will on God; in silence like Mary, we await an Annunciation.”

Venerable Fulton J. Sheen

The Saturday Vigil Mass at 5:00 PM and 7:00 PM on

June 29th

will be cancelled due to the Eucharistic Congress per Bishop

Baker’s request.


It is with great pride that I announce that the last payment for the parish building fund debt was made in May. The payment retires the final balance of an $8.4 million project for the church and school campus that opened in 2003. Congratulations to our current and former parishioners who have helped us accomplish this feat almost eight years ahead of the original payment schedule. We will have a special celebration of this event after Masses on July 13-14.

As we began mentioning in the fall of 2018, we have several pressing maintenance issues that need attention: the chiller for the A/C system, roof repairs and replacements, and several other capital items that could total $2 million. Therefore, the Finance Council and I request that you continue to contribute those funds previously allocated for the Building Fund to the Maintenance Fund. The Building Fund second collection envelopes have been replaced with a new, blue Maintenance Fund envelope. For those of you who utilize our auto-payment, electronic giving system, ParishSOFT/ConnectNow, please go into your account and re-direct your Building Fund donation toward Maintenance.

Look for a letter with more details from me this week. We are grateful for your contributions and sacrifices. We ask for your continued support of the Maintenance fund to allow us to complete these projects and prepare for future capital expenses. May God continue to bless us and our parish.

With Blessings of Peace, Finance Council Scott Brown, Chair; Shane Nobbley, Secretary

Fr. Charles Merrill, Pastor Joe Podlesny, Jim Tipler, and Ralph Werling


Con gran orgullo anuncio que el último pago de la deuda del fondo de construcción de la parroquia se realizó en mayo. El pago retira el saldo final de un proyecto de $8.4 millones para el campus de la iglesia y la escuela que se inauguró en 2003. Felicitaciones a nuestros feligreses actuales y anteriores que nos han ayudado a lograr este cumplimiento casi ocho años antes del calendario de pagos original. Tendremos una celebración especial de este evento después de las Misas del 13 al 14 de julio.

Como comenzamos a mencionar en el otoño de 2018, tenemos varios problemas urgentes de mantenimiento que requieren atención: la enfriadora del sistema de A / C, reparaciones y reemplazos de techos y otros elementos que podrían sumar $ 2 millones. Por lo tanto, el Consejo de Finanzas y yo les solicitamos que continúen aportando los fondos para el Fondo de Construcción al Fondo de Mantenimiento. Los segundos sobres del Fondo de construcción se reemplazaron por un nuevo sobre azul del Fondo de mantenimiento. Para aquellos de ustedes que utilizan nuestro sistema de pago electrónico y de donaciones, ParishSOFT / ConnectNow, accedan a su cuenta y redirijan su donación del Fondo de Construcción hacia el Fondo de Mantenimiento.

Busquen una carta con más detalles de mi parte esta semana. Agradecemos sus contribuciones y sacrificios. Solicitamos su apoyo continuo del fondo de mantenimiento para permitirnos completar estos proyectos y prepararnos para futuros gastos de capital. Que Dios continúe bendiciéndonos a nosotros ya nuestra parroquia.

Con bendiciones de la paz, Consejo de Finanzas. Scott Brown, Chair; Shane Nobbley, Secretary Fr. Charles Merrill, Pastor Joe Podlesny, Jim Tipler, and Ralph Werling

Saint Ann Catholic School Presents The 31st Annual Seafood Fiesta Pre-Sale

We are taking orders for the upcoming 31st Annual Seafood Fiesta. Receive a DISCOUNT by pre-ordering. All orders will be packaged and ready to pick up during one of the following times (please check your preferred pick-up time):

_____Saturday, June 22nd after 2:00 pm _____Sunday, June 23rd immediately following the 7:30 am & 11:30 am Masses (items will be frozen) _____ or by appointment.

Orders MUST be PRE-PAID and ordered by Tuesday, June 18th

Annunciation of the Lord Catholic Church office 8:00 am - 4:00 pm St. Ann School office between 8:00 am - 3:00 pm or mailed with a check to Annunciation of the Lord Church

3910 Spring Avenue SW; Decatur, AL 35603

*Please make checks payable to: St. Ann’s Educational Foundation. **Please attach your payment to this order form.

Name: ___________________________________________________________ Email Address: (Please Print Clearly) ________________________________________ Daytime Number: ________________________________________ Evening Number: ________________________________________ Preferred Method of Contact: _____Email _____Daytime Number _____Evening Number For more information please contact the Church Office, at 256-353-2667 x 101 or email OFFICE USE ONLY Method of Payment: PAID_________ Cash______ Check #___________________

Item Price Qty. Price

Seafood Gumbo $40.00 per gallon

Red Beans with Cajun

Andouille Sausage $9.00 per quart


Order forms may be dropped off at

In preparation for the Eucharistic Congress we will offer sessions to discuss Called, Formed, Sent :

Sunday: Part 2: Sun. 6/9: 8:30 - 10:00 AM (Youth Room)


in 3 parts on the first 3 Saturdays in June (6/1, 6/8, 6/15) after the 5:00 PM Mass in the Youth Room.

en español: jueves 6/6: 6:00 - 9:00 PM en la escuela



Saint Ann School Annual Appeal 2019

To date we have received after receiving this past week toward our Goal of .

Thank you to all who have contributed to get us to this point. Let’s continue to pull together once again to help our children. Whatever amount you choose to give will be a blessing to the school. Your gift to St. Ann Catholic School is tax deductible. Please make all checks payable to St. Ann’s Educational Foundation.






Heavenly Father, You call us by our Baptism and Confirmation to be Your faithful disciples, united with You and with one another through a faithful and worthy reception of Your Divine Son in the Holy Eucharist.

Guide us with Your Holy Spirit so that our words and actions witness to and build up the loving union that You desire.

We ask this in the holy name of Jesus, who is our Lord, forever and ever. Amen.

Padre celestial, Tú nos llamas por medio del Bautismo y Confirmación para ser Tús discípulos fieles, unidos contigo y con los demás a través de una recepción fiel y digna de tu Divino Hijo en la Sagrada Eucaristía.

Guíanos con tu Espíritu Santo para que nuestras palabras y acciones sean testigos y construyan la unión amorosa que Tú deseas.

Pedimos esto en el nombre santo de Jesús, nuestro Señor, por los siglos de los siglos. Amén.

Knights of Columbus NEWS

Knights of Columbus Council 3986

Columbian Club Hall, 1609 Wolverine Dr. SE

Bingo every Friday night at 6:30 PM. Over $2500 in prizes every Friday. Doors open at 4:30 and sales start at 5:30 PM.

Council 3986 3rd Degree Meeting Thurs. Jun. 6th and every 1st Thursday of the month. Communion Service starts at 6:30 PM Meeting immediately follows at 7:00 PM.


RETIREMENT ANNOUNCEMENT Donna Akers, our accomplished organist for over

twelve years, will retire on 7/31/19. We have enjoyed her talent and appreciate all of the years she has shared her gifts with us enriching our liturgical experiences. Thank you, Donna!

We are looking for a new, part time organist. The position is a five hour a week position and requires attendance at a weekend Mass and weekly formal choir practice. Anyone interested in applying should come by the parish office for an application.


7:00 PM Mass - Sacred Heart of Jesus 7:00 PM Misa - Sagrado Corazón 8:00 PM Meditated Rosary & Confession 8:00 PM Rosario, Consagración y Confesiones 10:00 PM Holy Hours of ADORATION 10:00 PM Horas Santas de ADORACIÓN 12:00 AM Mass - Immaculate Heart of Mary 12:00 AM Misa - Inmaculado Corazón de María

1st Friday/1st Saturday Vigil - Vigilia de Primer Viernes/Primer Sábado Alliance of the Two Hearts Vigil - June 7th / Vigilia de los Dos Corazones - 7 de junio

The Parish Book Club meets on the 2nd Thursday of the month, at Java Jaays at 10:30 AM.

Read a good book and share it with us on June 13th

at 10:30 AM at Java Jaays. See you then!

MARRIED COUPLES: Stop and Think About How You Spend Your Time! How much time do you spend just for the two of you as a couple? Make time to rediscover

your hopes and dreams together. Spend time enriching your relationship by attending a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend. The next weekend in the diocese is scheduled in Huntsville, July 19-21,

2019 at the Doubletree Hotel-South.

You can get more information or register online at or by calling Barney &

Kathy Bellard at 205-530-3607.

A Family of Faith is our religious education program for children between the ages of 6 - 17, if they are not enrolled in a Catholic school. If you would like your

child(ren) to receive the Sacraments of First Holy Communion or Confirmation, your family must be enrolled in A Family of Faith for two years.

Registration forms are available at the Parish Office.

Deadline for returning registration forms is July 31st



Our 2019 Seafood Fiesta occurs in three short weeks on June 22nd! We need your help to make it a success: Pre-ordered T-shirts advertising our Fiesta

can be picked up in the Gathering Space after all Masses. There are a few YL, AL, and AXL remaining for purchase for $15.

Pick up a yard sign in the Gathering Space to display and let everyone know the date of this year’s Fiesta.

Please sign up to work a two hour shift at the Fiesta. You will get to know fellow parishioners and help a worthy cause—our beloved St. Ann School!!

Plan to attend and/or pre-order some gumbo and red beans.

Thanks for helping make this year’s Seafood Fiesta a success!

OUTSTANDING DEBT Deuda pendiente $0 LOAN PAYOFF DATE Fecha de Pago de Prestamo

MAY 2019 Mayo 2019

Pre-K - 8th grade 256-353-6543 Ben Leach, Principal

FINANCIAL REPORT: May 26, 2019 La Ofrenda de la Semana 26 mayo 2019

Remember the Parish and/or School

in your will!


Jesus ascended into heaven, blessing His disciples and promising that they would soon receive the power of the Holy Spirit. We who have also received that promised gift of the Spirit are now empowered to be His witnesses to the ends of the earth — to use our time and talents to spread the good news of salvation.

Check out the App: ConnectNow Giving Our E-giving provider is ConnectNow Giving and our

link is:


ACTUAL ofrenda


VARIANCE diferencia

WEEKLY la semana

$9,079 $16,111 ($7,033)

FYTD 2019 Hasta hoy

$359,345 $338,331 $21,014

Special Collections: Maintenance Fund YTD $37,261 St. Ann School Annual Appeal This week $3,267 YTD $27,277


Scrip is our ongoing gift card fundraiser for Saint Ann School. You pay face value, you get face value, and the school makes a percentage to support our students.

See us in the Gathering Space (usually) after the 5:00 PM and 7:30 AM Masses or weekdays in the Parish Office.

Registration is open for all grades

for the 2019-2020 school year.

Please stop by our school office or call 256 353-6543 for an appointment with Mr. Leach, our principal. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to share in this opportunity for a Catholic education.


Fondos de Construcción /Informacion de Pago y Prestamos

ACTUAL ofrenda


VARIANCE diferencia

WEEKLY la semana

$2,936 $6,971 ($4,035)

FYTD 2019 Hasta hoy

$96,725 $146,696 ($49,696)

Job Openings at St. Ann School:

Part-time elementary school teacher Full-time elementary school teacher

Applicants must be qualified for these positions. Certification and practicing Catholics preferred.

If interested, please send resumes to Mr. Leach at or contact the school at 256-353-6543 for more information.

St. Ann School would like to invite all our families to join us next Sunday, June 9th after Mass in the cafeteria as we have an open information forum discussing what St. Ann has to offer our children and parish. Please learn how you can strengthen your children's Catholic faith by enrolling them in a school where they will strive spiritually and academically, and learn to deepen their communion with Christ. The whole family is welcome to attend. Food and drinks will be provided.

Please Pray for our Men and Women Serving in the Military

Jack Bissell James Bissell Michael Bissell Nick Simon Sergio Mungia

Nick Anderson Ray W. Canafax Chuck Bell Harrison Green Jason Haynes

Kara Bumbarger Todd Eaves Alex Shelton Chris J. Russell McKenna Green

Sarah Furey Johnny Govarts Rob Green Sean MacKinnon Richard Dean Zubeck

Oliver Pascua Royce Gent Will Green Valerie Mascho Johnie J. Ogden

Jeff Holm Scott Allen Dan Wallace Joseph Reisz Emil Casciano

Sam Stalons Jamie Ciciora Devon Stewart Tom Juric Adam Holzer

Steven Ciciora Adam Childers Joshua Raynor Nathan Banishes Xavier Quinn Cortez

Jack Sims Heath Garrison John Paul Lappert Jodi Marie Williams Ashley Hollingsworth

A.J. D’Antonio Matt Tortorano Matthew Rogers Michael Sanders Jonathan D. Spurlock

Connor Hancock Tony Shelton Tyler Torres Paul Schartung Robert Remke

Joseph Criscione Timothy A. Thomas Jr.

Your Love and Prayers go out to: Joe Acosta, Jackie Agee, Donna Akers, Madeline Allen, Bever ly Amoroso,

Andy Andazola, Daryl Anderson, Dan Angel, Mattie Ashford, Raoul Avila, John Baade, Tom Baade, Byron Bailey,

Frank Baltes, Kevin Baltes, Gary Barnett, Britney Bash, Gene, Jean & David Bazzel, Christina Beck, Binky Bridges

Bell, Beth, Logan, & Julia Bello, Louis Birchmeier, Evelyn Biskey, Loretta Boyle, Ted Bradshaw, Steve Brannon, Eric

Brennaman, Scott Brown, Bonnie Bullen, Ralph Butler, Brayden Burgett, Christopher & Tammy Burgett, Matt Burley,

Calleigh Rose Campbell, Eva Campbell, Don Cantrell, Pedro & Paulette Carulo, Wendy Carrier, Sharon Christophe,

George & Debbie Choulas, Peter Clarke & Clarke Families, Paren Clarke, Billy Click, Donnie Coe, Frances Collins,

Marie Coleman, Hunter Cooper, Horace & Glynnis Crawley, Jan Crosby, Robert Cunningham, Rick de Sloover, Emilia

Delamoora, Catherine Doss, Darren Drain, Conrad Dudziec, Nancy Duncan, Cuthbert & John Eastmond, Cameron

Edwards & family, John Edwards, James Elliott, Jaye Ellis, Kenny Etheridge, Faye Eubanks, Eva Feyerherm, Harlow

Fikes, Connie Gilbert Finley, Lisa Firestine, Joey Fortune, Roy Frias, David Fries, Furey Family, Mucio Garcia-

Morales, Martha Garret, Lief Garrison, Robbie Gilchrist, Loretta Gilliam, Anna Giordano, Vikki Glanschneg, Clay &

Mary Kay Goodwin, Gretchen Green, Theodore Tobias Green & family, Joseph Guido, Lynn Hagen, Teresa Ann

Hairrell, Ciera & James Hale, Billy Hancock, Judith Hardin, Tommy Hardin, Joshua & Kristin Harmon, Julie Harrison,

Michael Hart, Janice Harris, Amerlia Harrison, George Jr. & Jo Ann Harvey, Debbie Hayes, Linda Hayes, Barbara

Henderson, Bernice Henderson & family, Pipper Curley Hickman, Jim Hilmerson, Shamalita Hines, Thomas Howard,

Alfred Howery, Donna Hunter, Don & Marie Jackson, Romilda Jacobs, Sarah James, Wayne James, Angie Jefferson,

Jeannie Jefferson, Michael Jefferson, Alicia Jimenez, Ronald Johnson, Will Johnson, Carolyn Jones, Tim Joseph,

Margret Kane, Barbara Kanuck & family, Kleier Families, Janice Knighten, Dianne Kornowski, John Kuhn, The Kyle

Family, Joe Lappert, Bob Laremore, Matthew David Laremore, Doris Larson, Marie Levy, Meg Lipsey, Suzanne

Littleton, Britton Lobo, Janice Long, Jerry Long, Kyle Long, Cesar Lozano, Jesus Lozano, Jr., Amy Luckett, Gregory

M., Brendan MacDonald, Sean Macfarlane, Catie Madison, Sheila Marr, Kara Marsac, Nell Marsh, Terri Marsh,

Michael & Therese Martin, Ron Martini, Raymond Massey, Richard McEntire, Bob McKenzie, Elise Means, Heather &

Susan Mechler, Aiden Melia, Jennifer Merriman & Family, Brent Miller, Trish Miller, Ray Mitchell, Robbi Migacz,

Mooney Family, Cecil Morgan, Robin Moore, R. Jane Morton, Amanda Murphy, Jo Dee Musselman, Troy Neeley,

Barbie Nelligan, Caroline & Davis Nelson, Yvesnick Nicholson, Don Niederpruem, Jane O’Connell, Terry & Faye

O’Reilly, Carol Overcamp, John Overmeyer, Ian Pagani, Carol Parker, Woodrow Prewitt, Russ, Colleen, & Sam

Prickett, Thomas Ptak, Amanda Pugh, Dennis Quintavalle, Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Radtke, Donna Ragland, Thomas Raines,

Jamie Ramirez, Ron Redler & family, Rende Family, Mimi Retter, Riely Family, Joel Rivera, Jamie Roberts, Sharon

Robinson, Guffey Ross, Aida Ruiz Marinez, Juan Ruiz, Bobby Russel, Joleen Ruth, Edna Rutsey, Anita Ryan, Rick

Sautter, David Schacht, Tony Sciaroni, Liz Schick, Rita Schick, Robert Schick, Cheryl Scott, James & Janet Scott, Larah

Shelton, Julie Sledd, Del Smith, Joan Sowell, Steve Sowell, Bob Sperl, Curtis Slaten, Lori Slaten, Lincoln Smith, Tim

Summers, Anita Kay Stewart, Dana Stewart, Judy Stidger, Maurice T., Robert T., Catherine Taylor, Ford Taylor,

Catherine Teague, Joyce Terry, Siobhán Trainor, Ray Tennyson, Teresa Tennyson, Remi Tessier, Robert Tetzlaff, Bill

Thornton, Maria Thornton, Tut Thublin, Brenda Tinger, Lorraine Tomlinson, Charlotte Tsareff, Tommie Tuido, Carla

Turner, Wells Turner, Robert Tweedy, Gay Ulrich, Sherry Vickery, Donna Waddle, James Wahoski, Michael Wahoski,

Lindsey Walden, Walker Families, Dan Walsh, Kate Waples, Pamela Weems, Paul Werling, Hayden White, Sylvia

White, Gus Whitt, Winnie & Dick Widner, Maggi Wiesneth, Bob Williams, Jr. Jodi Williams, Larry Wilson, Nick,

Glorie & Lee Winnike, Ron Woyan, Darlene Wuesthoff, Eric Yarabrough, Myra Yates

Our Complete Prayer Lists (usually only available online)

Please contact Jan Gile at or 256-353-2667 ext 103 to add a name or when we can

remove a name.

4/27/2019 5:00 PM 5/4/2019 5:00 PM

Read: L1 Joanne Zink L2 Rita Vernetti Read: L1 Jean Paradise L2 John Overcamp

EM H3 Fr. Merrill/Wyman H2 Deacon Bob Catanach EM H3 Deacon Bob Catanach H2 Fr. Merrill/Wyman

C1 Jim Tipler C4 Jon Spurlock C1 Rosie Catanach C4 Gregg Cauthen

C3 Terrie Tipler C6 Michelle Jordan C3 Lynne Cauthen C6 Anne Werling

HM 1 Tom DiGiulian 2 TJ Finley HM 1 Rita Vernetti 2 Tim Joseph

3 Mike Sosnowich 4 Sub Needed 3 Sub Needed 4 Sub Needed

AS ϯ Aidan Densmore AS ϯ Hope Harrell

A1 Sub Needed A2 Lauren Jordan A1 Sub Needed A2 Peyton Saxton

Sac S Richard Vernetti Sac S Jan Gile

Music Children’s Choir Music Formal Choir

4/28/2019 7:30 AM 5/5/2019 7:30 AM

Read: L1 Marilyn Henningsen L2 Maureen Redler Read: L1 Elizabeth Hutchings L2 Bob Barron

EM H3 Fr. Merrill/Wyman H2 Deacon Lou Sciaroni EM H3 Deacon Lou Sciaroni H2 Fr. Merrill/Wyman

C1 Marjorie Cosper C4 Don Hutchings C1 Sub Needed C4 Frank Adamsky

C3 Sub Needed C6 Charles Urban C3 Bonnie Cunningham C6 Laura Adamsky

HM 1 Arvel Childers 2 Charles Urban HM 1 Bob Forton 2 John Hughes

3 Sub Needed 4 Sub Needed 3 Sub Needed 4 Sub Needed

AS ϯ Jimmy Schomburg AS ϯ Emilio Martinez

A1 Liam Smith A2 Sub Needed A1 Diego Martinez A2 Sub Needed

Sac S Jan Gile Sac S Kim Sciaroni

4/28/2019 11:30 AM 5/5/2019 11:30 AM

Read L1 Marc Subido L2 Dan Doud Read: L1 Ludy Cerda L2 Peter Gonzalez

EM H3 Fr. Merrill/Wyman H2 Deacon Lappert EM H3 Deacon Lappert H2 Fr. Merrill/Wyman

C1 Sub Needed C4 Liz Doud C1 Sub Needed C4 Craig Williamson

C3 Dale Borths C6 Maura Trainor C3 Cyndi Williamson C6 John Kilgro

HM 1 Angelica Espitia 2 Gene Basham HM 1 Shawnie Subido 2 Dan Doud

3 Sub Needed 4 Sub Needed 3 Sub Needed 4 Sub Needed

AS ϯ Caitlin Nicholson AS ϯ Adrian Cortes

A1 Yaretzi Ramirez A2 Jorge Ramirez A1 Saray Cortes A2 Joey Fortune

Sac S Angelica Espitia Sac S Shawnie Subido

Music Formal Choir Music Margarita de Quesada Larry L., Debbie B.

Monaguillos: Monaguillos:

7:00 PM 7:00 PM

Eric Valdez Eric Valdez

8:30 AM 8:30 AM

Gabriel Iniguez Gabriel Iniguez

Martin Gutierrez Martin Gutierrez

Nayeli Ramirez Nayeli Ramirez

1:30 PM 1:30 PM

Edgar Domínguez Esteban Rendón

Sherlyn Domínguez Jorge Ramírez

Melissa Navarrete Yaretzi Ramírez

5/11/2019 5:00 PM 5/18/2019 5:00 PM

Read: L1 Rosie Catanach L2 Randy Tisor Read: L1 Betsy DiGiulian L2 Barbara Davis

EM H3 Fr. Merrill/Wyman H2 Deacon Bob Catanach EM H3 Deacon Bob Catanach H2 Fr. Merrill/Wyman

C1 Bill Green C4 Michelle Jordan C1 Jon Spurlock C4 Terrie Tipler

C3 Debbie Cantrell C6 Teresa Edwards C3 Jim Tipler C6 Richard Vernetti

HM 1 TJ Finley 2 Tom DiGiulian HM 1 Mike Sosnowich 2 Rita Vernetti

3 Sub Needed 4 Sub Needed 3 Sub Needed 4 Sub Needed

AS ϯ Jan Luna-Flores AS ϯ Lauren Jordan

A1 Sub Needed A2 Amberly Luna-Flores A1 Sub Needed A2 Aidan Densmore

Sac S Richard Vernetti Sac S Jan Gile

Music Julia Davenport Music Debra Davenport

5/12/2019 7:30 AM 5/19/2019 7:30 AM

Read: L1 Maureen Redler L2 Marilyn Henningsen Read: L1 Bob Barron L2 Elizabeth Hutchings

EM H3 Fr. Merrill/Wyman H2 Deacon Lou Sciaroni EM H3 Deacon Lou Sciaroni H2 Fr. Merrill/Wyman

C1 Marjorie Cosper C4 Charles Urban C1 Sub Needed C4 Bonnie Cunningham

C3 Sub Needed C6 Don Hutchings C3 Laura Adamsky C6 Frank Adamsky

HM 1 Charles Urban 2 Arvel Childers HM 1 John Hughes 2 Bob Forton

3 Sub Needed 4 Sub Needed 3 Sub Needed 4 Sub Needed

AS ϯ Veronica Gonzalez AS ϯ Jimmy Schomburg

A1 Jimmy Schomburg A2 Sub Needed A1 Liam Smith A2 Sub Needed

Sac S Jan Gile Sac S Jan Gile

5/12/2019 11:30 AM 5/19/2019 11:30 AM

Read L1 Dan Doud L2 Marc Subido Read: L1 Peter Gonzalez L2 Ludy Cerda

EM H3 Fr. Merrill/Wyman H2 Deacon Lappert EM H3 Deacon Lappert H2 Fr. Merrill/Wyman

C1 Sub Needed C4 Dale Borths C1 Sub Needed C4 John Kilgro

C3 Maura Trainor C6 Liz Doud C3 Craig Williamson C6 Cyndi Williamson

HM 1 Gene Basham 2 Angelica Espitia HM 1 Dan Doud 2 Shawnie Subido

3 Sub Needed 4 Sub Needed 3 Sub Needed 4 Sub Needed

AS ϯ Paul William Ogle AS ϯ Saray Cortes

A1 Yaretzi Ramirez A2 Jorge Ramirez A1 Caitlin Nicholson A2 Adrian Cortes

Sac S Judy Angel Sac S Angelica Espitia

Music Doug Mach Lorena Hassler Music Formal Choir Children’s Choir

Monaguillos: Monaguillos:

7:00 PM 7:00 PM

Eric Valdez Eric Valdez

8:30 AM 8:30 AM

Gabriel Iniguez Gabriel Iniguez

Martin Gutierrez Martin Gutierrez

Nayeli Ramirez Nayeli Ramirez

1:30 PM 1:30 PM

Wenceslao Arroyo Abraham Esquivel

Edgar Domínguez Kevin Esquivel

Manuel Juárez Alan Avilés

5/25/2019 5:00 PM 6/1/2019 5:00 PM

Read: L1 Joanne Zink L2 Rita Vernetti Read: L1 Jean Paradise L2 John Overcamp

EM H3 Fr. Merrill/Wyman H2 Deacon Bob Catanach EM H3 Deacon Bob Catanach H2 Fr. Merrill/Wyman

C1 Gregg Cauthen C4 Lynne Cauthen C1 Debbie Cantrell C4 Jon Spurlock

C3 Rosie Catanach C6 Jan Gile C3 Michelle Jordan C6 Bill Green

HM 1 Tom DiGiulian 2 TJ Finley HM 1 Rita Vernetti 2 Mike Sosnowich

3 Tim Joseph 4 Sub Needed 3 Sub Needed 4 Sub Needed

AS ϯ Hope Harrell AS ϯ Amberly Luna-Flores

A1 Sub Needed A2 Peyton Saxton A1 Sub Needed A2 Jan Luna-Flores

Sac S Richard Vernetti Sac S Jan Gile

Music Doug Mach Music Debra Davenport

5/26/2019 7:30 AM 6/2/2019 7:30 AM

Read: L1 Marilyn Henningsen L2 Maureen Redler Read: L1 Elizabeth Hutchings L2 Bob Barron

EM H3 Fr. Merrill/Wyman H2 Deacon Lou Sciaroni EM H3 Deacon Lou Sciaroni H2 Fr. Merrill/Wyman

C1 Marjorie Cosper C4 Don Hutchings C1 Sub Needed C4 Frank Adamsky

C3 Sub Needed C6 Charles Urban C3 Laura Adamsky C6 Bonnie Cunningham

HM 1 Arvel Childers 2 Charles Urban HM 1 Bob Forton 2 John Hughes

3 Sub Needed 4 Sub Needed 3 Sub Needed 4 Sub Needed

AS ϯ Emilio Martinez AS ϯ Veronica Gonzalez

A1 Diego Martinez A2 Sub Needed A1 Jimmy Schomburg A2 Sub Needed

Sac S Kim Sciaroni Sac S Jan Gile

5/26/2019 11:30 AM 6/2/2019 11:30 AM

L1 Marc Subido L2 Dan Doud Read: L1 Ludy Cerda L2 Peter Gonzalez

EM H3 Fr. Merrill/Wyman H2 Deacon Lappert EM H3 Deacon Lappert H2 Fr. Merrill/Wyman

C1 Sub Needed C4 Maura Trainor C1 Sub Needed C4 Cyndi Williamson

C3 Liz Doud C6 Dale Borths C3 John Kilgro C6 Craig Williamson

HM 1 Angelica Espitia 2 Gene Basham HM 1 Shawnie Subido 2 Dan Doud

3 Sub Needed 4 Sub Needed 3 Sub Needed 4 Sub Needed

AS ϯ Paul William Ogle AS ϯ Adrian Cortes

A1 Sub Needed A2 Joey Fortune A1 Saray Cortes A2 Sub Needed

Sac S Shawnie Subido Sac S Judy Angel

Music Formal Choir Music Formal Choir

Monaguillos: Monaguillos:

7:00 PM 7:00 PM

Eric Valdez Eric Valdez

8:30 AM 8:30 AM

Gabriel Iniguez Gabriel Iniguez

Martin Gutierrez Martin Gutierrez

Nayeli Ramirez Nayeli Ramirez

1:30 PM 1:30 PM

Edgar Domínguez Esteban Rendón

Sherlyn Domínguez Jorge Ramírez

Melissa Navarrete Yaretzi Ramírez

6/8/2019 5:00 PM 6/15/2019 5:00 PM

Read: L1 Rosie Catanach L2 Randy Tisor Read: L1 Betsy DiGiulian L2 Barbara Davis

EM H3 Fr. Merrill/Wyman H2 Deacon Bob Catanach EM H3 Deacon Bob Catanach H2 Fr. Merrill/Wyman

C1 Teresa Edwards C4 Jim Tipler C1 Gregg Cauthen C4 Richard Vernetti

C3 Terrie Tipler C6 Anne Werling C3 Lynne Cauthen C6 Rosie Catanach

HM 1 TJ Finley 2 Tom DiGiulian HM 1 Mike Sosnowich 2 Rita Vernetti

3 Sub Needed 4 Sub Needed 3 Tim Joseph 4 Sub Needed

AS ϯ Aidan Densmore AS ϯ Lauren Jordan

A1 Sub Needed A2 Peyton Saxton A1 Sub Needed A2 Hope Harrell

Sac S Richard Vernetti Sac S Jan Gile

Music Margarita de Quesada Larry L., Debbie B. Music Formal Choir

6/9/2019 7:30 AM 6/16/2019 7:30 AM

Read: L1 Maureen Redler L2 Marilyn Henningsen Read: L1 Bob Barron L2 Elizabeth Hutchings

EM H3 Fr. Merrill/Wyman H2 Deacon Lou Sciaroni EM H3 Deacon Lou Sciaroni H2 Fr. Merrill/Wyman

C1 Marjorie Cosper C4 Charles Urban C1 Sub Needed C4 Bonnie Cunningham

C3 Sub Needed C6 Don Hutchings C3 Laura Adamsky C6 Frank Adamsky

HM 1 Charles Urban 2 Arvel Childers HM 1 Bob Forton 2 John Hughes

3 Sub Needed 4 Sub Needed 3 Sub Needed 4 Sub Needed

AS ϯ Jimmy Schomburg AS ϯ Emilio Martinez

A1 Liam Smith A2 Sub Needed A1 Diego Martinez A2 Sub Needed

Sac S Kim Sciaroni Sac S Jan Gile

6/9/2019 11:30 AM 6/16/2019 11:30 AM

Read L1 Dan Doud L2 Marc Subido Read: L1 Peter Gonzalez L2 Ludy Cerda

EM H3 Fr. Merrill/Wyman H2 Deacon Lappert EM H3 Deacon Lappert H2 Fr. Merrill/Wyman

C1 Sub Needed C4 Liz Doud C1 Sub Needed C4 Craig Williamson

C3 Dale Borths C6 Maura Trainor C3 Cyndi Williamson C6 John Kilgro

HM 1 Gene Basham 2 Angelica Espitia HM 1 Dan Doud 2 Shawnie Subido

3 Sub Needed 4 Sub Needed 3 Sub Needed 4 Sub Needed

AS ϯ Yaretzi Ramirez AS ϯ Caitlin Nicholson

A1 Joey Fortune A2 Jorge Ramirez A1 Sub Needed A2 Paul William Ogle

Sac S Angelica Espitia Sac S Shawnie Subido

Music Formal Choir Music Debbie B. Patsy B.

Monaguillos: Monaguillos:

7:00 PM 7:00 PM

Eric Valdez Eric Valdez

8:30 AM 8:30 AM

Gabriel Iniguez Gabriel Iniguez

Martin Gutierrez Martin Gutierrez

Nayeli Ramirez Nayeli Ramirez

1:30 PM 1:30 PM

Wenceslao Arroyo Abraham Esquivel

Edgar Román Kevin Esquivel

Manuel Juárez Alan Avilés

Mass Intentions

Mon. June 3 7:00 pm Betty Rocha (RIP) Deacon Bob & Becky Laremore Tue. June 4 7:30 am Richard Lyons (RIP) Betty Goettler Noon Wed. June 5 7:30 am Diane Hammons (RIP) John & Cassandra Poole 7:00 pm Memorial Mass Thu. June 6 Noon Fri. June 7 9:00 am George Joseph (RP) Shirley Reid Noon --No Mass - 1st Friday Sat. June 8 5:00 pm Joyce Ceci (RIP) Steve & Joan Sowell 7:00 pm Sun. June 9 7:30 am The Parish (SI) 8:30 am Fr. Edward Markley O.S.B. (RIP) 11:30 am Betty Sellars (RIP) Jon & Lisa Spurlock 1:30 pm

Mass Intentions

Mon. June 3 7:00 pm Betty Rocha (RIP) Deacon Bob & Becky Laremore Tue. June 4 7:30 am Richard Lyons (RIP) Betty Goettler Noon Wed. June 5 7:30 am Diane Hammons (RIP) John & Cassandra Poole 7:00 pm Memorial Mass Thu. June 6 Noon Fri. June 7 9:00 am George Joseph (RP) Shirley Reid Noon --No Mass - 1st Friday Sat. June 8 5:00 pm Joyce Ceci (RIP) Steve & Joan Sowell 7:00 pm Sun. June 9 7:30 am The Parish (SI) 8:30 am Fr. Edward Markley O.S.B. (RIP) 11:30 am Betty Sellars (RIP) Jon & Lisa Spurlock 1:30 pm

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